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=== CYBERNETICS === In Shadowrun, cybernetic implant enhancement is a reality and extremely common. In fact many civilians have internal comlinks and datajacks as a matter of course and for their work. A living creatures can only handle so much ‘ware within their bodies before it starts having an inverse effect on them. Each piece or level of ‘ware has a Strain level. Add all implants together to get one’s total Strain. Creatures can have a maximum amount of strain equal to the ''lower'' of their Constitution or Charisma score. For every 2 points of Strain over (round up) the creature suffers 1 level of ''persistent'' Exhaustions. They cannot recover from this exhaustion until ‘ware is removed or Constitution/Charisma increases. [[File:SR.D5.Cyborg.jpg | 400px | left]] The ''Awaken'' and certain citizens often reject cybernetic implants out of hand as it has a negative affect on the magical abilities. For those that lose limbs or suffer permenant injury clone-replacement' parts of their own DNA is prefered. A cloned replacement hand or foot or minor organ (a kidney) cost 2,500¥ and takes about a week to grow and surgically implant into the user. A replacement arm or leg or major organ (a lung or heart) is 6,000¥, takes about one month to grow and surgically reattach or implant to the user. These have no in game affects (Strain or otherwise) and these prices include surgery cost. A simple cybernetic prosthetic replacement hand or foot or minor internal organ costs 750¥ and takes an hour surgical operation. A complex cybernetic prosthetic replacement for an arm or leg or replacing the bones of the skull or the skeletal frame of the chest costs 2,500¥ and four hour surgical operation. Basic cybernetic prosthetics count as 1 Strain add +2 to the characters maximum HP each, while complex replacements count as 2 Strain add +5 to the characters maximum HP each. These extra hit points can’t heal naturally however, instead requiring the use of a '''DC15''' Wisdom (Medicine) check with a Surgery kit. During a short rest this restores 1d6 + the medics Wisdom modifier back in these extra HP, or 2d6 + the medics’ Wisdom modifier back during a long rest. The Medics feat does not aid here. A Mechanics check with Repair kit can work in an emergency but only restores 1d4 + the users’ Intelligence modifier back during a short rest or 2d4 + the users’ Intelligence modifier during a long rest (and 10¥ worth of supplies). All implants listed below require one hour of surgery per Strain to install and cause the subject three levels of Exhaustion. Most surgeons charge 500¥ per hour at a hospital grade location. A street doc might give you a break (10%-30% off) but they have a greater chance of not being able to do as much if something goes wrong. IMPLANTS'''</br> '''Adrenal Pump''' (1 level): this vat-grown organ is implanted into the base of the subject’s spine and replaces part of their adrenal gland. It takes a bonus action to active this gland. Once activated, for 10 rounds (1 minute), the subject can take one extra action, bonus action and reaction a round. At the end of the duration the subject gains one level of Exhaustion. The subject must complete a short or long rest to regain (‘recharge’) the gland to use it again. Cost 15,000¥, Strain 4 (Restricted).</br> '''Aquatic Gill Grafts''' (1 level): these genetic grafts are added to each side of the subject’s neck and allow it to breathe underwater as if they were a fish. The subject cannot drowned in oxygenated water and gains advantage on Strength (Athletic) checks to swim. Cost 750¥, Strain 1.</br> '''Bone Density Augmentation''' (3 levels): Advanced biofibers are graphed to the subject’s skeleton structure and an increased calcium growth through gene-injections that greatly increase the bones durability and the subject's ability to absorb damage. Level I grants the subject a base 2 Hardness rating against all damage and adds +2 to the subject’s unarmed attack damage; Cost 10,000¥, Strain 2. Level II grants the subject a base Hardness to rating of 3 and adds +3 to the subject’s u</br>narmed damage; Cost 25,000¥, Strain 3. Level III grants the subject a base Hardness to a rating of 4 and adds +5 to the subject’s unarmed damage. Cost 65,000, Strain 5 (Restricted).</br> '''Boosted Reflexes''' (3 levels): this combat sensor systems are implanted into the subjects’ frontal lobe region of the brain and greatly enhance its combat awareness abilities. Each level gains the subject a +1 insight bonus to its Armor Class. Cost 10,000¥ and Strain 3 per level (Restricted).</br> '''Cerebral Boost''' (2 levels): this is extremely advanced bio and genetic modifications to the subject’s brain greatly increase its rationality and thinking abilities. Level I implants grants the subject +2 Intelligence up to a maximum score of 21; Cost 40,000¥ and Strain 3. Level II implants grant the subject instead +4 Intelligence up to a maximum of 23; Cost 100,000¥ and Strain 6 (Restricted).</br> '''ChipJack''' (4 levels): a dedicated datajack port is implanted into the subject’s brain. This allows the subject to gain proficiency with certain skills that it might otherwise not have when she places a skill-clip into the jack. There are three basic forms of chips that the jack can access – Active-Soft, Know-Soft and Language-Soft. It takes a full round action to place or remove a chip into a willing subject’s chipjack. On the following round the subject gains access to the information on the chip and can apply the chip’s proficiency bonus. If this is lower than the subject’s bonus it offers no additional benefits. If the subject has more than one Chipjack port she can access more than one subject or skill at a time. Cost 750¥ and 1 Strain each level. :Clip Types and cost :Language-Soft allow the subject to speak and read one language and cost 500¥ each. :Basic Know-Soft chips have an attribute modifier bonus and a proficiency bonus total of +4 for the following subjects – Arcana, History, Life Science, Physical Science and Technology. Each skill chip cost 500¥. Enhanced versions grant a +6 and cost 1,500¥ each, while Advanced version grant +8 and cost 5,000¥ each. :Basic Active-Soft chips grant a skill bonus total of +4 for the following subjects – Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Computer Use, Insight, Investigation, Medicine and Survival. Each skill chip costs 2,000¥ each. Enhanced version grant a +6 bonus and cost 8,000¥ each, Advanced version grant a +8 total and cost 20,000¥ each (see SkillWires below for other skills). '''Comlink, internal''': as a standard comlink but implanted behind one of the subject’s eyes and along the skull. The system automatically includes the effects of a subvocal microphone. Base rating includes Broadcast 1 (300 feet) and Firewall 1 rating with Base A.I. Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Proficiency bonus +2; Skills: Computer Use, History, Investigation, Perception and Technology. Cost 500¥, Stain 1. All of the normal comlink upgrades allowed for a standard comlink can be added for the same cost, except for Satellite Uplink. The subject can carry the necessary equipment to gain a signal uplink but it cannot be implanted into the body.</br> '''Cybernetic Ear Replacements''' (1 level+): The subjects’ ears have been replaced with cybernetic ones. This Cost 500¥ each but only 1 Strain total. These cybernetic replacements can hold up to 3 Strain worth of cybernetic-audio enhancements without costing the subject any additional Strain. Modifiers over 3 Strain count towards the subject’s total Strain. Note that all of the following enhancers, except Spatial Sound Locator, can be added to a subject without cybernetic ears (as simple cybernetic upgrades) but the subject then counts all Strain in full. :o '''Audio Amplifier''' (3 levels): +500¥ and +1 Stain per level. Allows the user to make a listen based Wisdom (Perception) check out to 60ft as normal. With a second level can make a base listen check out to 120ft as normal. With three levels can make base listen checks out to 200ft. Normally a basic Wisdom (Perception) checks past 30 feet are at disadvantage. :o '''Audio Enhancer''' (1 level): +500¥, Strain 1. Adds a +2 equipment bonus to the users Wisdom (Perception) checks (including Passive Perception) but only for listening. :o '''Dampener''' (1 level): +250¥. Advantage on any saving throws against sonic effects or damage. Resistances to Sonic damage types. :o '''High/Low Freq Hearing''' (1 level): +500¥. Grants the user High and Low Frequenting Hearing. :o '''Spatial Sound Locator''' (1 level): +2,000¥, Strain 3. Allows the subject to ignore light and heavy concealment and darkness penalties out to 80 feet. Can be detected with Low Freq Hearing. '''Cybernetic Eye Replacements''' (1 level+): the subjects’ eyes have been replaced with cybernetic ones. This Cost 600¥ each but only 1 Strain total, but can hold up to 3 Strain worth of cybernetic-visual enhancements without costing the subject any additional Strain. Modifiers over 3 Strain count towards the subject’s total Strain. Note that all of the following enhancers can be added to any subject without cybernetic ears (as simple cybernetic upgrades) but the subject then pays the full Strain cost. All metahumans who have cybernetic eye replacements lose any natural Low-Light or Darkvision, unless they take the cybernetic version. :o '''Low-Light Vision''' (1 level): +400¥, Strain 1. As species sense Low-Light Vision. :o '''Flare Compensation''' (1 level): +400¥, Strain 1. Advantage on any saving throws that involved sudden flashes, light attacks, etc. that could blind the users. :o '''Dark Vision''' (1 level): +750¥, Strain 1. Darkvision out to 60 feet. :o '''Vision Enhancement''' (1 level): +600¥, Strain 1. Adds a +2 equipment bonus to the users Wisdom (Perception) checks (including Passive Perception) but only for sight. :o '''Vision Magnification''' (3 levels): +500¥ and +1 Strain per level. Allows the user to make a sight based Wisdom (Perception) check out to 60ft as normal. With a second level can make a base sight check out to 120ft as normal. At level 3 can make normal checks out to 200ft. Normally a basic Wisdom (Perception) checks past 30 feet are at disadvantage. '''Cyber-Arm Enhancements''' (2 level): require that at least one arm has is a cybernetic replacement. Increase all melee attack damage by +2. Cost 4,000¥ per arm, 0 Stain (paid already with cybernetic arm replacement)</br> '''Cyber-Leg Enhancements''' (7 levels): these implants require both legs to have been cybernetic replaced. Note that the legs can hold up to 3 levels of Strain automatically and the subject only needs to pay for any Strain that exceeds that. Each level grants one of the following: +10ft to Move Speed (can be taken 3 times), +5ft to base Leaping distance (can be taken 3 times), Boosted kick (change unarmed damage to 1d6/1d8 for a large sized creature, bludgeoning damage. The Brawler and Martials Arts feats can increase this damage, see FEATS). Cost 1,000¥ and Strain 1 per level.</br> '''Damage Compensators''' (2 levels): This advanced gene-therapy allows the subject to better shrug off damage and pain. Grants the subject advantage with any saving throw verses weapon damage of Stun and to recover from the '''''Reeling''''' condition. Also ignores weapon property effect of Painful (i.e. do not double the damage for imposing reeling). Each level also grants the subject 10 temporary Hit Points. These Hit Points return after a long rest and do not require repair. Cost 10,000¥ and Strain 3 per level (Restricted).</br> '''Datajack''' (1 level): a simple brain implant that allows the subject to use either a fiber-optic cable to directly interface with any type of electronic devices and computers or wirelessly if using a comlink with a wireless interface modifier. Cost 500¥, Stravn 1.</br> '''Dermal Plating''' (3 levels): advanced bio-Kevlar strands are implanted into the outer layers of the subject’s skin providing enhanced protection from damage. Each level the subject’s a Hardness rating of 1. Cost 2,500¥ and Strain 1 per level (Restricted).</br> '''Drone Hand Mount''' (1 level): this implant requires that the subject have at least one cybernetic hand replacement. When not in use it acts as a normal cybernetic hand and any attempt to detect the drone is at Fisadvantage. When deployed the subject cannot use that hand for any other activity. 1,000¥, no Strain (already paid for with the replacement hand). See Drones 9n GEAR AND EQUIPMENT) for stats.</br> '''Filter Upgrade''' (1 level): these advanced toxic filtration system are implanted into the subjects’ nasal cavities and grant +4 equipment bonus to saves vs. inhaled toxins or gases. Cost 1,000¥, Strain 1.</br> '''Flesh Pockets''' (1-5 levels): specialized voids are opened within the subject’s body cavities allowing small (4-5 lbs.) items to hidden within. Items placed within are hard to detect (impossible to detect without some special senses, then generally imposs disadvantage to the check). Cost 500¥, Strain 1 each. A medium sized creature can hold up to 3 such pockets while a large sized creature can hold 5.</br> '''Frame Reinforcement''' (1 level): cybernetic skeleton structure modification greatly increase the subject’s ability to carry weight. Treat the subject’s size by one higher for determine encumbrance, pushing, pulling weights. Cost 1,000¥, Strain 1.</br> '''Hand Razor''' (2 or 4 levels): these are cybernetic fingernail replacements that are razor sharp. Level 2 are retractable and others attempting to detect them as weapons are at disadvantage. Add 1d4 piercing or slashing (attacker’s choice) to unarmed damage. Have finesse and light weapon properties. Cost for one hand implants is 1,000¥, Strain 1, retractable ads +500¥, Stain +1 (Restricted).</br> '''Hand Spur''' (2 levels pr 4): these are bio-metal spurs implanted into the back of the subject’s wrist and forearms. Level 2 these spurs are retractable and others attempting to detect them as weapons are at disadvantage to do so. Add 1d8 slashing to unarmed damage. Have finesse and light weapon properties. Cost for one arm imp;lant is 3,000¥, Strain 1, retractable ads +500¥, Stain +1 (Restricted).</br> '''Internal Organ Implant/Replacements''' (2 levels): the subject’s internal organs are either replaced or strengthened with cybernetic ones. Level I implants grants the subject +2 Constitution up to a maximum score of 21; Cost 10,000¥ and Strain 3. Level II grant the subject instead +4 Constitution up to a maximum of 23. Cost 30,000¥ and Strain 6 (Restricted). This Con bonus does not affect total strain that a subject may have.</br> '''Internal Air Tanks''' (3 level): replacing part of the subject’s lungs with small air biotanks they allow the subject to ‘hold its breath’ for one hour per level. The subject is immune to any inhaled gases during this but is not immune to contact toxic, etc. Require a long rest to regain usage of the tanks. Cost 5,000¥ and Strain 1 per level.</br> '''Move-By Wire Reflex''' (1 level): this system not only enhances the subjects’ reaction but also greatly increases its coordination and responsive reaction time. The subject gains a +2 bonus to AC and equipment bonus with Acrobatics, Athletics, Initiative and Stealth skill checks, gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws. Finally gains an additional action on each of its turns. This action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, Recover from Reeling or Use an Object action. Note that this cannot be combined with any other similar boosts provided by drugs, magic, talents, or cybernetics. Cost 50,000¥, Strain 9 (Restricted).</br> '''Muscle Implants''' (2 levels): cybernetic muscle implants are injected into the subject’s body that graphed themselves to the overall muscle structure to enhance the user’s overall strength. Level I implants grants the subject +2 Strength up to a maximum score of 21; Cost 10,000¥ and Strain 3. Level II implants grant the subject instead +4 Strength up to a maximum of 23; Cost 30,000¥ and Strain 6 (Restricted).</br> '''Ocular Drone''' (level 1): this eye mount requires that the subject have at least one cybernetic eye replacements. It allows the subject to store an ocular drone within the eye socket. Others have disadvantage at detecting the drone when mounted, but the subject is blind in one eye when the drone is in use (Disadvantage on ranged attack rolls and perception checks past 10ft). Cost 1,000¥, Strain 0 (already paid for with the replacement cybernetic eye). See Drones for stats.</br> '''Orthoskin''' (3 levels): this advanced gene-therapy enhances the layers of the subject skin but also strengthens the internal organs and vital area in such a way as to provide it naturally resistant to damage. There are three basic enhancements available, each grants the subject ''Resistance'' to one type of weapon damage – bludgeoning, piercing (and ballistic) or slashing. Each level costs 10,000¥ and has a Strain of 3 (Restricted).</br> '''Radar Scan Implant''' (1 level): a short range radar system that is implanted at the base on subject’s skull. It grants the subject blindsight in a 60ft radius area. Radar waves are automatically detected by Hi/Low frequency hearing and various sensors. Cost 30,000¥, Strain 4.</br> [[File:SR.D5.Cyborg2.jpg | right]] '''Reflex Implants''' (2 levels): special bio-electric implanted along the subject’s spinal cord that greatly enhance the user’s hand-eye-coordination and dexterity. Level I implants grants the subject +2 Dexterity up to a maximum score of 21; Cost 20,000¥ and Strain 3. Level II implants grant the subject instead +4 Dexterity up to a maximum of 23. Cost 50,000¥ and Strain 6 (Restricted).</br> '''Skillwires''' (level 1): bio-electric wires are implanted throughout the subject’s nervous system and along its spin. These upgrades allows the subject to benefit from muscle memory skills. Each system must be installed into the subject at a time and this includes a dedicated chipjack (the 'chip' is not removeable). These bonuses do not stack with natural levels. Cost 10,000¥, Strain 6. Basic Skillwire chip grant a skill proficiency bonus of +4 for one of the following – Acrobatics, Athletics, Boating, Drive, Initiative, Pilot, Stealth or Thievery and cost 5,000¥ each. Advanced version grant +6 proficiency bonus, cost 15,000¥ each.</br> '''Sleep Regulator''' (1 level): genetic bio-engineering allows for the subject’s brain waves to be changed in such a way that it only needs 3 hours of sleep for the benefits of a long rest. It still requires that the subject be inactive for 8 hours but they can be performing basic physical activity and are fully alert doing this time. Cost 5,000¥, Strain 1.</br> '''Smartgun Implant''' (1 level): skill wires are implanted within the subject’s eyes and the subject’s hands that greatly enhance its ability to hit with firearms. The link, which can be combine with a laser sight (see GEAR AND EQUIPMENT) adds +2 equipment bonus to the subject ranged weapon attack rolls and allows the attacker to re-roll 1s and 2s on any damage dice rolled, but only with weapons that the Smartgun link upgrade. Costs 2,000¥, Strain 2.</br> '''Taser Hand''' (1 level): a melee taster is implanted into one of the subject’s hand. With a successful touch melee attack (+2 to roll) the target must make a '''DC15''' Constitution save. Failure results in it gaining the '''''Stunned''''' condition and suffering 2d6 electrical damage. Success suffer ½ damage and do not gain the condition. Includes weapon properties finesse. light and touch. At the end of each of the target’s rounds it can make a new Constitution save against the same '''DC'''. Success removes the condition. Cost 5,000¥, Stain 3.</br> '''Vehicle Rigger Control''' (VRC) (1 level): Requires a Datajack implant. A complex neural pathway implant that allows the subject to control vehicles, drones and internal systems with its mental commands. This is done via a comlink and either AR interaction or wireless interface and emersion. The vehicle or system must have a Rigger upgrade (drones automatically include this). The ‘rigger’ can control up to its Intelligence modifier in systems at a time and gains one additional Action on each of its turns. This action can only be used with one of the systems that is under its control and it must be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, Recover from Reeling or Use an Object action. This cannot be combined with any other similar boosts provided by drugs, magic, talents, or cybernetics but see Tech talents for exceptions (see Drone Rigger and Riggers under HEROIC CLASSES). Cost 20,000¥, Strain 6.</br> '''Weapon Implant''' (2 levels): a small, hand-held firearm is implanted into the subject’s cybernetic arm replacement. Something the size of a light pistol (up to a Hammerli 620S) Costs 2,000¥ plus the weapon’s cost and Strain 1. Any other light firearm costs 5,000¥ plus the weapon’s cost with Strain of 2. A shotgun or two-handed SMG costs 8,000¥ plus the weapons cost and Strain 4. These weapons are totally hidden within the subject’s limb when not in use and are ‘drawn’ as a normal weapon would be drawn and readied for use. The weapon must be ‘out’ in order to reload.</br> '''Wired Reflexes''' (1 level): this advanced system is implanted along the subject spin to greatly enhance their reaction time. The subject gains a +2 bonus to AC and equipment bonus Initiative skill checks, gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and gains an additional action on each of its turns. This action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, Recover from Reeling or Use an Object action. This cannot be combined with any other similar boosts provided by drugs, magic, talents, or cybernetics. Cost 25,000¥, Strain 6 (Restricted).</br> ''Special Note – Bone Density Augmentation, Dermal Plating and Orthoskin implants cannot be combined. Adrenal Pump, Boosted Reflexes, Move-By Wire Reflexes, Vehicle Rigger Control and Wired Reflexes implants cannot be combined.''
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