Savage World Adventure Ed. Star Wars setting
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= CHARACTER CREATION = :'''Traits''' – 5 points for Attributes and 15 for Skills. :'''Bonus Edge''': All Heroic character start with the '''Elan''' Edge for free. :'''Bonus Advance''': as it were. All characters start with one of the following... :: * 6 points for Attributes :: + 17 points for Skills :: * a free Novice Edge so long as you quality with the rest. :'''Hindrances''': one Major and two Minor Hindrances. Spend them as explained on SWAD pg. 9. :'''Starting Gear''': Characters start with a set of Civilian Garb, one basic weapon and any one other piece of equipment, both must be of 'moderate' value (Wealth value of no less then -1) but nothing greater than licensed or uncommon availability. You also start with up to six 'cheap' (+1 and +2) items and two more 'moderate' (-1) items. Aristocrat and Rich can purchase one 'expensive' (down to -3) item and the Very Rich can start with two. Characters with the Poor Hindrance start with either a Weapon or one other piece of equipment that is of moderate value (-1) only. Then gains 2 cheap items but no other purchases are allowed. == SPECIES == The galaxy is an unimaginably vast place, and few people can claim to have seen more than a handful of the intelligent species out there. Thanks to parallel evolution, most species are fairly humanoid in appearance, although the specifics tend to get fuzzy. All have been created using those found in SWAE pg. 18-20 but are built with +4 Positive Racial Abilities instead of the base +2 from the core rules. Instead of creating the dozens seen in just the movies I am creating only a few an allowing players to create their own species (subject to GM approval of course). :ADDITIONAL RACIAL QUALITIES :'''Spatial Awareness (4)''': as Awareness Power (SPC pg. 44). Each level elimiates one penalty to attacking foes within a short range. :'''''Modifiers''''': Area Effect (MBT) +1, Limited (Cannot wear a helm etc.) -1 :ADDITIONAL NEGATIVE RACIAL QUALITIES :'''Limited Speech''' (-1): The character can only speak their 'Native' languages. They can still understand and read/write other languages. When they try to speak other languages they suffer a -4 to their skill check to be understood. [[File:StarWars.Warror.jpg | 200px | right]] '''Humans''': The most common and populous of the various species of the galaxy, humans are as unique and varied as the many worlds they inhabit. : '''Adaptable''': One free Edge of choice, must still meet requirements : '''Versatile''': increase starting Attribute Traits by one (6 trait attribute points at character creation) : '''Homeworld''': Unknown (possibly multiple worlds) : '''Native Language''': Basic plus with one other of choice. '''Duros''': One of the oldest species of the Republic, they were also one of the first to develop hyper-space drives systems (it is not really known if it was Humans, Duros, or Zabraks or some other species that first developed space flight). Having almost completely abandoned their worn out and polluted home-world in favor of traveling the stars, the Duros live in a uniquely mobile culture comparative to most races. : '''Agile''': base Agility of a d6 and max starting of a d12+1 : '''Cautious''': as Minor Hindrances. Duros rarely act impulsively. : '''Low-Light Vision''': ignores penalties for Dim or Dark illumination. : '''Spacers''': base skills in Piloting d4 and Repair d4. : '''Homeworld''': Unknown : '''Native Languages''': Durese and Basic '''Gamorrean''': derogatorily known as "pigs," were a sentient species of green-skinned pig-like humanoids that hailed from the Outer Rim planet of Gamorr. They grouped themselves in clans, each of which was led by a warlord and a Clan Matron. A number of Gamorreans were employed by the Hutts to act as guards throughout their career. :'''Hardy''': as Positive Racial Quality. :'''Natural Fighters''': base Fighting skill of a d6 with a maximum starting of a d12+1 :'''Limited Language''': can only really speak their own tongue. :'''Primitive''': as Hindrance 'Low-Tech (Major)'. Gamorrean are extremely traditional and reject most adventured tech. They might enjoy its use but don’t develop themselves. :'''Size +1''': and so an increase of Toughness by one. :'''Strong''': base Strength of d6 instead of d4 and a maximum starting of a d12+1 :'''Homeworld''': Gamorr. :'''Native Languages''': can speak Gamorrean and understand Basic. Note that Gamorreans cannot speak other languages, they can learn to understand them though. '''Gran''': The Gran are easily distinguished by their triple eyestalks, small horns, and jutting jaw lines. Normally peaceful and diplomatic, they are long-standing members of the Republic, and maintain a largely excellent interstellar reputation. Excepting those on Malastare, Gran believe in a strictly controlled society in which individuals work for the betterment of the whole. : '''Keen Senses''': +2 to Vision based Notice checks : '''Loyal''': as Minor Hindrance, to society and friends : '''Outgoing''': base Persuasion skill d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1. : '''Triple Eyes''': as the Marksman Edge : '''Homeworld''': Kinyen : '''Native Language''': Gran and Basic '''Miraluka''': a Near-Human species that differed from Humans in that they lacked eyes, only retaining vestigial eye sockets, and perceived the environment around them through Force sight instead of regular vision. The strength of a Miraluka's connection to the Force varied by individual. :'''Force Sensitive''': start automatically with Arcane Background (Gifted) and start with the Focus skill at a d4. :'''Force Sight''': ignore darkness penalties and from non-force Invisibility penalties. Anything that can suppress the Force can also cause them blindness. They can also use ether their Focus or Notice skills when making a perception checks. :'''Pacifism''': as Minor Hindrance. :'''Homeworld''': Alpheridies :'''Native Languages'': you can speak, read and write Basic and Miralukes.' '''Mon Calamari''': Hailing from the watery world of the Mon Cala, which they share with another sentient species, the Quarren, the Mon Cals tend to be rather idealistic in nature, but have nonetheless developed a highly evolved technological society. Despite initial conflict, they worked to civilize the more primitive deep-dwelling Quarren, eventually reaching a symbiotic state with them, in which the Quarren provide most of the raw materials from deep ocean mines, and the Mon Cals produce finished goods. : '''Aquatic''': cannot drown in oxygenated water and moves at full Pace when swimming. : '''Bright''': base Smarts of a d6 and max starting of d12+1 : '''Dependency''': Mon Calamari must immerse themselves in water one hour out of every 24 or become automatically Fatigued each day until they are Incapacitated. The day after Incapacitation from dehydration, they perish. Each hour spent in water restores one level of Fatigue. : '''Scholar''': as the edge with any one Knowledge bases skill of chose. : '''Homeworld''': Mon Cala : '''Native Language''': Mon Calamarian and Basic '''Togruta''': The Togruta are a humanoid race the developed from pack hunters on the high grass plains of Shili. Their distinctive horns and ‘head-tails’ allow them to detect movement at a short distance. : '''Hunters''': base Survival of d4 : '''Loyal''': as Minor Hindrance, to friends and family (pack) : '''Spatial Awareness''': as Awareness Power (SPC pg. 44; Cancels 4 points of penalties impossed by target; MBT; Limited- Cannot wear a helmet, vacc suit, etc.) : '''Homeworld''': Shili : '''Native Language''': Togruti and Basic [[File:StarWars.Scoundrel.jpg | 200px | right]] '''Twi’lek''': Ryloth is the only known source for the powerfully addictive spice Ryll, which means that although the Twi’leks’ industrial culture never achieved space travel on its own, there is no shortage of beings throughout the galaxy willing to bring them up to speed. The Twi’leks response to the high level of criminal attention their world receives is, unfortunately, to sell their own people into slavery in order to maintain control of the mines. Twi’leks are by nature highly adaptable, which aids their diplomatic relations with nearby worlds and trading partners. : '''Charmers''': gain the Charisma Edge. : '''Low-Light Vision''': no penalties in Dim and Dark illumination. : '''Outsiders''' (Minor): not seen as barbarians so much as a criminals or slaves and servants. : '''Natural Talkers''': start with the skill of Persuasion at a d6 instead of a d4 (and maximum starting level of d12+1). : '''Resistant to Disease and Poisons''' (Toxics): Twi'leks add +2 to any checks to resist diseases and toxics that they might encounter. : '''Homeworld''': Ryloth : '''Native Languages''': Ryl and Lekku (only Twi’lik can 'speak' it; sort of a secret hail-tail sign languages) and Basic '''Wookiee''': Shaggy giants from arboreal Kashyyk, these tree dwellers make a startling sight for any unsuspecting space traveler. Despite their savage appearance, Wookiee society honors loyalty and bravery above all else. In addition, Wookies are infamous for their tempers, and can fly into berserker rages when angered. Their home world is enveloped in immense and ancient forests so vast that a layered ecosystem has evolved, growing more dangerous the closer one gets to the bottom. Wookies dwell primarily near the top, although they venture lower to hunt. : '''Big''': armor and clothing not made for their size imposes a -2 penalty for most skills. Armor and clothing (and protective gear) increase cost by one further step (i.e. if a Wealth check of -1 for the armor now would cost the Wookie -2). : '''Climbing Claws''': can re-roll Athletic checks for climbing so long as it was not a Critical Fumble. : '''Limited Speech''' (Minor): cannot speak Basic (understand only). Others cannot normally learn to speak their language either, only understand it. : '''Mean''': as Minor Hindrance. : '''Size +1 plus extra Toughness''': base Toughness +1 from Size and additional +1 to Toughness (base +2) : '''Very Strong''': base Strength d8 and max starting is d12+2 : '''Homeworld''': Kashyyk : '''Native Language''': Shyriiwook and Basic (understand only) == DROIDS == (SPECIES; base Positive Racial Qualities +2) Droid characters represent the highest level of artificial intelligence. Use the following rules when creating a Droid character. : '''Chassis''' (Minor): Droids cannot wear external armor. : '''Construct''': +2 shaken rolls, suffer no addition damage from called shots, do not suffer fatigue penalty, ignores one wound penalty, immunity to disease and poisons; cannot heal/must be repaired, subject to shut down and control, see below. : '''Force Blind''': see new Minor Hindrance : '''Ion Vulnerability''': full damage from Ion weapons, but no damage from weapon set to ‘Stun’. : '''Maintenance''': requires one hour recharge (hocked up to a power source; inactive) every 3 days. Otherwise suffer one level of Fatigue each day without energy source until Incapacitated. Each hour hooked up to an energy source removes one level of this source of Fatigue. This cannot kill it. Also cannot Heal damage naturally. Instead requires one hour of parts and a Repair skill check (minus the Droid's wounds to the check). However this can happen at any time and they do not suffer the 'Golden Hour' for larger repair checks. : '''Outsider''': as Major Hindrance. Suffer -2 with Persuasion with non-Droids and are considered property with no civil rights. : '''Vow''': as Major Hindrance. Droids are designed with a particular purpose. Player characters have a broad directive such as servicing a particular role within a group or government agency. :'''Languages''': Basic (at least understands) and Binary [[File:SWD5.droid3.jpg | 300px | right]] Then add Droid’s '''DEGREE''' type (Choice one of the following)…</br> '''1st DEGREE''' Technical and Medical droids : ''Skills bonus'': Academics d6 (and maximum starting of a d12+1) plus one of the following skills at d6 (and max starting of d12+1 with that skill) – Battle, Drive, Electronics, Hacking, Healing, Piloting, Repair, Research or Science. : ''Attribute Penalty'': suffer a -1 to Agility based tests (not linked skills). '''2nd DEGREE''' Mechanic or Astromech droids : ''Bonus Edge & Skill'': Mr. Fix It edge and base skill Repair d6 (maximum starting of d12+1); or Navigation Databank Droid edge and base skill Science d6 (maximum starting of d12+1). : ''No Vocabulator'' (Minor): Soeaks in Binary. Cannot speak other languages, only understand them. : ''Wheeled Movement'' (Minor): see droid Hindrances below. '''3rd DEGREE''' Protocol and Entertainment droids : ''Bonus Edge & Skill'': Charisma edge plus either a Translator Unit Droid edge or Entertainer (see new edge). Also either Performace d4 or Persuasion d6 (chosen skill can start at d12+1) : ''Attribute Penalty'': suffer a -1 to Agility based tests (not linked skills). : ''Behavioral Inhibitor'' (Minor) as Pacifist Hindrance. '''4th DEGREE''' Combat and Enforcer droids : ''Armor Points'' +4 positive racial ability : ''Bonus Skills'': Fighting d4 and Shooting d4. : ''Ruthless'' (Major): as Hindrances '''5th DEGREE''' Labor and Hauler droids. : ''Base Strength'' d8 (and a maximum starting of d12+2) : ''Size'' +2 (and thus Toughness +2). : ''Attribute Penalty'': suffering a -1 to Agility based tests (not linked skills). '''DROID ONLY HINDRANCES''' : '''Behavioral Inhibitor''' (Pacifism) [Minor/Major]: Behavior Inhibitor act as the Pacifist Major Hindrance but is restricted to living beings. :'''Behavioral Inhibitor''' (Vow) [Minor/Major: This droid is programmed to follow orders given to it by its legal owner. Most droids have at least the Minor version of this Hindrance but some independent droids do not worry about such things (especially Assassin droids) : '''No Hands''' [Minor]: The droid has claws, pincers or something similar, making it harder to handle tools and weapons made for normal hands. It applies a -2 penalty to using such items. : '''No Vocabulator''' [Minor]: As with the Limited Speech Negative Racial Quility but for droids they can only speak in Binary. They can understand and read/write other language but cannot attempt to speak in non-Binary. NOTE that non-Droids can't normally speak in Binary, only understand it. : '''Weak Battery''' [Minor]: the droid has a faulty battery that last less than normal ones. It needs to recharge every day for one hour instead of every three days. : '''Wheeled Locomotion''' [Minor]: the droid as a wheeled system of transport, making it harder to climb stairs or cover rough terrain. In these situations halves its pace and applies a -4 penalty when climbing. '''DROID ONLY EDGES''' : '''Armor Plating''': reinforced chassis grants +3 Armor Points. Can be taken twice. : '''Backup Batteries''': The droid has a second battery set that allows it to run twice as long as normal before recharging. Can be taken a second time allowing it to remain active for 12 days before requiring recharge. : '''Built-In Weapon''': the droid has a weapon built into its body. This weapon cannot be disarmed nor lost unless the body part that houses it is destroyed or droid is incapacitated. Only one-handed weapons can be built in, and they require a Notice -4 check to see them when not being used. : '''Built-In Equipment''': the droid possess a set of tools within its body. It has +2 Repair rolls, and the following basic equipment: Electric arc welder, Circular saw, Fire extinguisher, Holorecorder and projector, 50 yards of syntherope, comlink, diagnosis tools. : '''Built In Jet Pack''': the droid has a mini-jetpack installed within them (see Equipment on Jet-Packs, works just the same). : '''Darkvision''': upgrade allows the droid to see in total darkness. : '''Fearlessness''': the droid is immune to fear and intimidation. : '''Hardy''': the droid has a reinforced chassis making it so only strong well placed blows can take it down. If the droid is Shaken, further shaken results have no effect. They do not cause wounds. : '''Hidden Restrictor''': by rewiring its internal systems, the droid has become immune to the effects of Restraining Bolts and the droid callers. The droid can still feel when it is being used and can fake it if it wish to try and trick a user. :'''Increased Pace''': increase the base Pace and Run by +2. This edge maybe taken more then once. : '''Locked Access''': the droid has its shutdown switch secured or located internally, preventing opponents from shutting it down. The droid must be disabled or helpless before it can be shut down. : '''Memory Backup''': The droid possess a ‘black-box’ allowing its memory to be recovered automatically if its body is destroyed. Anyone looking for it finds it without a roll. : '''Navigation Databank''': this droid’s built in databank adds +2 to Science skill checks to plot a course through hyperspace. It also gets to halve the time automatically to plotting a course (see Hyperdrive) :'''Repulserlift''': Grants the Droid a Fly Pace of 6 (run d6) and can float. No limit to how long this can be maintained but reduces its normal Ground Pace to 3 (run d3). Can be taken a second time, increases the Fly Pace to 12 (run d12) but reducing Ground Pace to 0. : '''Size +1''': Increasing the Droids Toughness by +1 and can carry as if one step of Strength stronger. Can be taken twice, with second level also add +1 step to Stregth score (max d12+1). : '''Translator Unit''': the droid has a Translator Unit that allows it to understand and speak (if it possess a Vocabulator) most of the galaxy’s languages. In addition if an unknown language is found it can make a Smarts traits check at -2 to recognize its dialect of another known language in order to translate and speak it (in affect gaining a d6 in the language/d8 with a Raise). : '''Wall Walker''': the droid has a system that allows it to cling to walls and ceilings with ease. It may move its pace while climbing and only need to make climb rolls in adverse or extreme situations. == NEW HINDRANCES == '''Failed Force User''' [Minor/Major] (must have the Force Arcane Background/Gifted edge): This character has access to the Force but it is weak and they failed in the basic training and understanding of it. At either level they cann't take the Force Adapt or Jedi Trainee Edges. As a minor Hindrance the character suffers a -1 to their Focus skill rolls and they may only take one Power Edge per Rank. As a major Hindrance the character suffers a -2 on the Focus skill checks, powers cost one additional power point to use and maintain, and the they may not take any Power Edges ever. (GMs can allow you to buy this Hindrance off with advances). '''Force Blind''' [Minor]: While you are never affected by mind-controlling powers of the Force (puppet, mind reading, suggestion) you also can never benefit from any Force power (boost, heal, etc.). Your character can still be affected by damaging powers of the Force (bolt, burst, etc.). You may not take Arcane Background, Arcane Resistance or any Power edges. '''Tainted''' [Major] (must have the Force Arcane Background/Gifted edge): The Dark Side has more than a foothold in this character’s soul. You start with one Dark Side Point and you suffer a -2 against Fear effects unless you give into your fear and anger (thus gaining a Dark Side Point). == MODIFIED AND NEW EDGES == '''Forbidden Edges''' – Artificer, Chi, Gadgeteer, Liquid Courage, Wizard '''MODIFIED BACKGROUND EDGES'''</br> '''Linguistic''' as base Edge you can speak and understand half your Smarts die at d6. You can also understand a number of additional languages equal to your Smarts die. You can understand and read/write these language at a d6 but ONLY to understand. When trying to speak these languages you suffer a -4 to your Skill roll to be understood by a native speaker. '''MODIFIED LEADERSHIP EDGES'''</br> '''Team Leader''' (from Superhero Companion) also, any allies in your command area count as one addition adjacent ally for the purpose of Gang Up bonuses. This can’t exceed the normal max Gang Up bonus of +4. '''MODIFIED POWER EDGES'''</br> '''Holy/Unholy Warrior''' (renamed ''Light/Dark-Side Legate''; Prerequisite: change Arcane Background (Miracles) to (Gifted), and Faith to Focus d6+).</br> '''Mentalist''' (renamed ''Force Persuasion''; Prerequisite: change Arcane Background (Miracles) to (Gifted), and Psionics to Focus d6+). '''MODIFIED WEIRD EDGES'''</br> '''Champion''': bonuses for Light siders apply to anyone ‘Tainted by the Darkside’ (i.e. Dark Side Points equal to ½ Spirits die). Bonuses for Dark siders apply to anyone with Arcane Background (Gifted) and no Dark Side Points. '''NEW BACKGROUND EDGES'''</br> '''Cyber Tolerance''' [Novice]: The characters Strain level increases by 3 points over the characters basic level. </br> '''Cybernetics Implants''' [Novice]: this edge grants the being 4 Strain worth of cybernetic systems (see Gear, and Strain in SFC pg. 29). Minor cybernetics (replacement heart or hand) do not require this edge nor does it cause any Strain. Note that you suffer a penalty to your Persuasion skills (as people are uncomfortable around you) and to any Focus skill checks equal to ½ your total Strain score (round up). Each level of Dark Side Point that you have negates one penalty to Focus skill.</br> '''Own your Own Ship''' [Novice]: the hero owns his own ship, either a used light Stock Freighter or light obsolete Starfighter. GM should approve of choice. When piloting your own ship, the character gains a +1 to Piloting skills with it. [[File:StarWars.Gunslinger.jpg | 250px | left]] '''NEW COMBAT EDGES'''</br> ''''Combat Ace''' [Seasoned, Ace, Piloting d8+]: You are a starfighter pilot who know how to avoid getting hit in space battles. The target number to hit a starfighter you are piloting is 2 + ½ your Piloting skill.</br> '''Quick Draw''' [Novice, Agility d8+, Shooting d6+]: When on Hold the hero adds +2 to Agility checks to interrupt an opponent’s actions if drawing a weapon and when rolling for Surprise may check Agility instead of Notice to act first in the Round. If the hero has the Danger Sense edge can also substitute Agility for Notice roll with the listed bonus.</br> '''Rocket Jock''' [Season, Ace, Boating or Drive or Pilot d8+, Shooting d8+]: The vehicle operator can fire one weapon system and make normal vehicle control checks once per action without incurring a multi-action penalty while Boating, Piloting or Driving a vehicle, aircraft, or spacecraft.</br> '''Spring Attack''' [Seasoned, Extraction, Fighting d8+]: You can move both before and after your attack, and as long as you end your movement not adjacent to any opponents, you do not suffering a free attack from any attacker. You may not move more than your Pace (cannot Run as part of this maneuver) in this round. You also cannot ignore First Strike or someone on ‘Hold’. '''NEW POWER EDGES'''</br> '''Lightsaber Deflect''' [Novice, Arcane Background (Gifted), Jedi Trainee]: If you have an active lightsaber and are aware of an attack, a Ranged energy attack roll that misses you (below your Parry), you can try and deflect it back at the attacker as a free action. Make a Focus skill check (minus any normal attack penalty like darkness or range). If successful it does the normal weapons damage to the target (a Raise does not increase this damage). You can attempt to deflect additional ranged energy attacks in a round but each additional attack counts as an Action (see Multiple Action penalty). : '''Improved Lightsaber Deflect''' [Seasoned, Arcane Background (Gifted), Jedi Trainee, Lightsaber Defense]: You no longer suffer Multi-Action penalties when deflecting multiple attacks in the same round. '''NEW PROFESSIONAL EDGES'''</br> '''Bodyguard''' [Novice, Vigor d8+, Notice d8+]: Trained to protect important people from taking harm. Often, this means that you throw yourself into the line of fire. Once per round, a bodyguard within 2” of a target that he wants to protect, can make a Notice check to throw himself into the line of fire, should the target be attacked. On a successful roll, move the bodyguard into the line of fire and apply any damage to him instead of the original target (toughness +1 vs. this damage and to any Soak rolls, but only from this attack). This does not count as an action.</br> '''Bounty Hunter''' [Novice, Smarts d6+, Notice d6+, Research d6+]: Bounty hunters devote their lives to hunting down and capturing or killing targets; as a result, they get very good at it. You gain a +2 to Networking checks to follow up on anything related to bounties (SWA pg. 133) and you gain a +1 to Intimidate checks. : '''Elite Bounty Hunter''' [Seasoned, Bounty Hunter, Marksmen, Shooting d8+]: The elite bounty hunter is adept at shooting to incapacitate instead of killing. The bounty hunter does not suffer a -2 penalty for attacks to the limbs. If they player wishes, he can limit the maximum level of damage on the knockout table to 3 (i.e. the target will not bleed out). '''Enforcer''' [Novice, Spirits d6+, Intimidate d6+, Research d4+]: The task of law enforcement takes many forms throughout the galaxy – backwater constable, sector rangers, corporate security to name just a few. Enforcers gain a +2 to Intimidate skill. You also get +2 Networking check checks to recognizing someone with a criminal record or searching for records (SWA pg. 133).</br> '''Entertainer''' [Novice, Performance d8+]: Master performers who specialize in one field, such as music, acting, or dancing. Grants a +2 bonus to any Performance checks and can re-roll a failed check so long as it was not a Critical Failure. After a successful performance (resisted by Spirits if an indifferent audience), the entertainer also gains a +2 to Persuasion with his audience. This requires a willing audience.</br> '''Force Adapt''' [Novice, Arcane Background (Gifted), Spirit d6+, Focus d6+, Occultism d6+]: Adapts have studied the Force under non-traditional ways and have a natural understand of its full potential. Force Adapts gain a +2 to all Trait rolls to resisting Force powers and gain +2 to their Toughness scores against Force Power with the Dark Side descriptor to it. Finally you can ‘enchant’ a normal item to create a ‘force talisman’ that while being worn grants you a +1 to Focus skill checks. This takes about an hour of meditation and thereafter only works for you. They may only posse one such talisman at a time and often have sentimental value to the Adapt.</br> '''Gambler''' [Novice, Gambling d8+]: Gamblers are half swindler, half psychologist who makes their living playing games of chance. Gambles gains a +2 to their Gambling skill and can re-roll a failed skill check so long as it was not a Critical Failure.</br> '''Gunner''' [Seasoned, Shooting d8+]: You are highly skilled at vehicle and starship guns. You gain a +1 to your Shooting skill and deal an additional +1d die type of damage with any heavy weapons fired from a vehicle or starship that you are not driving, piloting or controlling.</br> '''Infiltrator''' [Seasoned, Stealth d10+]: Infiltrators specialize at entering enemy strongholds. When failing a Stealth roll against foes, you can re-roll your result so long as it was not a Critical Failure.</br> [[File:StarWars.Jedi3.jpg | 200px | right]] '''Jedi Trainee''' [Novice, Arcane Background (Gifted), Spirit d6+, Fighting d6+, Focus d6+, Occultism d6+; cannot start more than 2 Dark Side Points]: You have begun your training in the Force and start with a lightsaber for free. With an activated lightsaber you may use your Parry defense against ranged attacks that you are aware of. : '''Jedi Knight''' [Veteran, Arcane Background (Gifted), Jedi Trainee or Force Adapt, Arcane Background (Gifted), Spirit d8+, Fighting d6+, Focus d8+, Occultism d8+; cannot start more than 2 Dark Side Points]: This dedicated character has been judged worthy by one of the Jedi Councils to bear the title of Jedi Knight. This requires having demonstrated both sufficient command of the Force, and a firm understanding of and belief in Jedi principles. Their training and confidence grants you a +1 to Persuasion and Intimidate checks. The Jedi gains a +1 to his Parry and in addition is granted access to Order funding and supplies to aid in the completion of missions, in addition to receiving a reasonable stipend to live on. On the downside, they must also take orders from the Jedi Councils. You can take the Edge Sidekick (gaining a Jedi Padawan) before gaining Legendary rank. The Knight has crafted her own lightsaber as part of her trails to becoming a knight and gains +1 to Fighting skills when using it (this stacks with Trade-Mark Weapon and Improved Trade-Mark Weapon). : '''Jedi Master''' [Legendary, Wild Card, Arcane Background (Gifted), Jedi Trainee or Force Adapt, Jedi Knight, Professional (Focus), Spirit d10+, Fighting d8+, Focus d10+, Occultism d10+; cannot start more than 2 Dark Side Points]: A true master of the Force, who is greatly respected by the Republic and those who respect the Force. Jedi Masters gain a Padawan Jedi Learner follower (free Edge Sidekick) and +1 to Persuasion and +1 to Intimidate checks (these stack with the bonuses from Jedi Knight). Finally it have the equivalent of Arcane Resistance to resist all Force Power with the Dark Side descriptors and from Temptation tests (a Sith Masters ability). '''Privateer''' [Seasoned, Boating, Driving or Pilot d8+, Shooting d8+]: You are a skilled pirate or privateer who specialize in capturing vehicles. When firing vehicle mounted Ion weapons add +1 to Shooting skill and +1d extra dice of weapon damage and also add +2 to their Electronic skill when making a 'Grab' checks with a Tractor Beams.</br> '''Slicer''' [Novice, Smarts d8+, Hacking d8+]: You are good with computers. Slicers gain a +2 to Hacking skill checks and a +2 to Repair skill checks when repairing computers. You also gain any +2 Research and Common Knowledge checks when using a computer to do searches.</br> '''Smuggler''' [Notice, Smarts d8+, Stealth d8+]: Smugglers ply the interstellar trade routes, smuggling illegal goods from one world to another. You gain a +2 to Stealth rolls to hiding items on your person or within a vehicle or base. As you often make modifications to ships and also gain a +2 to Repair checks when working with starships or vehicles that you own or are a partial owner of.
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