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==== Others and Natives ==== Sort of a catch all for non-group types. [[File:SWD5.Pilot.jpg | right]] '''COMBAT PILOT''', ''Medium sized humanoid nonheroic 3/Scoundrel 4''</br> '''Destiny Points''' 4 (1d4+1); '''Dark Side''' 0 or 1d10</br> '''Armor Class''' 18 (unarmored)</br> '''Hit Points''' 34 (HD 3d4/4d6; Second Wind 1d10+5), '''Damage Threshold''' 19 (recover +1)</br> '''Speed''' 30 feet</br> STR 11, DEX 16 (+3), CON 12 (+1), INT 12 (+1), WIS 11, CHA 13 (+1)</br> '''Saving Throws''' Dexterity +6</br> '''Proficiencies''' Pistol, Simple</br> '''Skills''' Athletics +3, Computer Use +4, Initiative +6, Perception +3, Pilot +9</br> '''Feats''' Dogfighter (add +3 AC to vehicle operating), Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit and damage within base range), Sidestep (reaction ranged attack by 1d10+7), Skill Expertise (Pilot), Skill Training (Computer Use), Vehicle Combat (reaction to take Β½ damage from last attack against vehicle you pilot), Weapon Focus (Heavy weapons +1 with Starfighter weapons)</br> '''Talents''' Spacehound (+2 insight to all non-attacks in space & spaceships, proficiency with all starship weapons), Starship Raider (+2 insight with attacks in space & spaceships)</br> '''Senses''' ''passive'' perception 13; '''Languages''' Basic, plus native</br> '''ACTIONS'''</br> '''''Blaster Pistol''''' (50 pc). Range Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, one target; Hit: 3d6+5 energy; Range 50/300</br> '''Extra Gear''': Flight Suit (+4 save vs. pressure and radiation, 10 hour vacuum space suit, Disadvantage with stealth), Utility belt.</br> This sentient is an experience combat starfighter pilot, working either for the military or as a mercenary.</br> </br> '''HEAVY WEAPONS EXPERT''', ''Medium sized humanoid, Nonheroic 3/Soldier 6''</br> '''Destiny Points''' 4 (1d4+1), '''Dark Side''' 0 or 1d12</br> '''Armor Class''' 21 (battle armor ACR 18; +4 threshold)</br> '''Hit Points''' 68 (HD 3d4/6d10; Second Wind 2d10+8), '''Damage Threshold''' 25 (recovery +6)</br> '''Speed''' 30 feet</br> STR 16 (+3), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 10, WIS 13 (+1), CHA 10</br> '''Saving Throws''' Constitution +6</br> '''Proficiencies''' Heavy, Martial, Pistols, Rifles, Simple; Light & Medium Armor</br> '''Skills''' Athletics +7, Initiative +7, Survival +5</br> '''Feats''' Armor Proficiency (Medium), Bolt Storm (area 20x20ft or 5x30ft), Double Attack, Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit and damage within base range), Precise Shot (not at disadvantage when firing into melee), Weapon Focus (rifle), Weapon Proficiency (heavy, rifle)</br> '''Talents''' Armored Defense (+1 AC and dex +1 with heavy armor), Second Skin (+1 AC wearing armor), Weapon Specialization (light repeating blaster)</br> '''Senses''' passive perception 11/13, (low-light with goggles); '''Languages''' Basic plus native</br> '''Equipment Mods''': Disadvantage with stealth checks. +4 equipment bonus to saving throws vs. radiation, hot and cold, thin, dense and hazardous atmosphere conditions and inhaled hazardous toxins and poisons.</br> '''ACTIONS'''</br> '''''Double Attack'''''. When the heavy takes an attack action he can attack twice in the round.</br> '''''Light Repeating Blaster Rifles''''' (200 pc). Autofire Only. Ranged weapon attack: +3 (+6 braced), Hit: one target 5d8+8 or AOE 10x10ft or 20x20ft or 5x30ft, 3d8+3 energy, Dex save DC15 for Β½. Range 600/1,200ft</br> '''''Longsword''''' (adv. alloy). Melee weapon attack +7 to hit, one target, reach 5ft; Hit: 1d8+6 slashing.</br> '''Extra Gear''': Bandolier (8 power cells for heavy rifle), Helm Package (low-light vision, +2 to Perception checks, hands-free short-range comlink), Stimpac (2), Utility belt</br> Heavies are heavy weapon specialists. They bring devastating fire to the battlefields with some of the most powerful man portable weapons available, but they are capable of surprising subtlety and stratagem.</br></br> '''MELEE WEAPON FIGHTER''', ''Medium sized humanoid, Soldier 6 (military)''</br> '''Destiny Points''' 6 (1d4+1), '''Dark Side''' 0 or 1d10</br> '''Armor Class''' 21 (unarmed)</br> '''Hit Points''' 72 (HD 6d10; Second Wind 2d10+8), '''Damage Threshold''' 20 (recovery +5)</br> '''Speed''' 30 feet</br> STR 15 (+2), DEX 19 (+4), CON 14 (+2), INT 10, WIS 13 (+1), CHA 10</br> '''Saving Throws''' Strength +5, Constitution +5</br> '''Proficiencies''' Advanced Melee, Martial, Pistols, Rifles, Simple; Light & Medium Armor</br> '''Skills''' Athletics +8, Drive +6, Initiative +6, Intimidate +4, Mechanic +4, Perception +5, Survival +5</br> '''Feats''' Bravery (advantage vs. fear and frightened condition), Duel Weapon (+1 AC w/two melee), Duel Weapon Mastery (off-hand weapon deals full damage), Lunging Attack (+5ft reach one attack or bonus action all attacks that round), Menacing Attack (if you hit a foe, use a bonus action to frightened until the end of your next turn), Parry (reaction to reduce last melee attack by 1d10+10), Weapon Focus (advanced melee weapons)</br> '''Talents''' Greater Weapon Focus (vibro-sword), Greater Weapon Specialization (vibro-sword), Melee Smash (+2 to all melee damage), Weapon Specialization (vibro-blades)</br> '''Senses''' ''passive'' perception 15/17 (low-light with goggles); '''Languages''' Basic plus native</br> '''ACTIONS'''</br> '''''Blaster Pistol''''' (50 pc). Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit; Hit: 3d6+7 energy. Range 50/200ft</br> '''''Vibro-Blades''''' (pair; pc): Melee weapon attack +9 to hit, one target, reach 5ft; Hit: 2d6+12 piercing. With bonus action can attack with off-hand for full damage</br> '''Extra Gear''': Bandolier (2 power cells for pistol, 4 power cells for vibro-blades), Helm/Goggles Package (low-light vision, +2 to Perception checks, hands-free short-range comlink), Stimpac (2), Utility belt</br> Melee Fighters are highly skilled melee warriors and close in troopers. Their job is to engage the enemy as closely as possible so they cannot bring in artillery, etc. while their allies can rain in heavy weapons fire. </br></br> '''SEPARATIST B1 BATTLE DROID''', ''Medium sized 4th degree droid nonheroic 4''</br> '''Dark Side''' 4</br> '''Armor Class''' 14 (droid armor plating ARB 13, +2 threshold)</br> '''Hit Points''' 12 (HD 4d4), '''Damage Threshold''' 20 (recover +0)</br> '''Speed''' 30 feet</br> STR 12 (+1), DEX 12 (+1), CON N/A, INT 12 (+1), WIS 10, CHA 10</br> '''Proficiencies''' Rifle, Simple; Light Armor</br> '''Skills''' Computer Use +3, Drive +3, Initiative +3, Intimidate +2, Mechanic +3, Perception +2, Pilot +3</br> '''Feats''' Armor Proficiency (light), Weapon Focus (blaster carbines)</br> '''Traits''': Armor Plating 1, Combat Processor, Hidden Restrictor, Two-Arm Appendage, Two-Leg Walking Locomotion, Vocabulatior</br> '''Senses''' ''passive'' perception 12; '''Languages''' Basic, Binary</br> '''ACTIONS'''</br> '''''Blaster Carbine''''' (50 pc). Ranged weapon attack: +4 to hit, one target; Hit: 3d8+1 energy. Autofire Ranged attack: -2 (+1 if braces) to hit; Hit: one target 5d8+1 or AOE 10x10ft, 3d8, Dex save DC11 Β½. Range 200/1,200ft (folded stock 50/300ft)</br> The basic 'banana head' unit of the trade federation's droid army, the B1 is controlled by a remote processor, making them sluggish in all mental interactions. Despite this remote processing, many B1's have a spark of individual identity. It's possible that with a processor of their own and a good bit of experience, a B1 might become an actual independent character; then again, this could just be a trick of their programming. Most standard B1 are at least partially controlled by a main computer A.I. processor. This grants them advantage on Initiative and Perception checks. However if this main processor is disabled it causes most of the B1 to shut down.</br></br> '''TUSKEN SAND RAIDER''', ''Medium sized humanoid (tusken), nonheroic 4/Scout 1''</br> '''Dark Side''' 4</br> '''Armor Class''' 17 (unarmored)</br> '''Hit Points''' 28 (HD 4d4/1d8; Second Wind 1d8+3), '''Damage Threshold''' 20 (recovery +2; at the start of turn)</br> '''Speed''' 30 feet</br> STR 14 (+2), DEX 14 (+2), CON 15 (+2), INT 10, WIS 12 (+1), CHA 6 (-2)</br> '''Saving Throws''' Wisdom +4</br> '''Proficiencies''' Martial, Rifle, Simple Weapons</br> '''Skills''' Animal Handling +4, Initiative +5, Perception +4, Stealth +5, Survival +4</br> '''Feats''' Banta Rush, Charger (if move at least 10ft, melee attack deals +1d weapon damage), Shake it Off, Weapon Focus (Gaderffii Stick)</br> '''Talents''' Improved Stealth (advantage with stealth skill)</br> '''Traits''': Desert Survivors (advantage w/ survive in hot environments, sand not difficult terrain), Heightened Sense (advantage w/ perception and Low-Light Vision), Primitive, Sneaks (proficiency w/ Stealth)</br> '''Senses''' ''passive'' perception 19; '''Languages''' Tusker (few even understand basic and almost no one can understand Tusker)</br> '''ACTIONS'''</br> '''''Gaderffii Sticks'''''. Melee Weapon Attack +6 to hit, one target, reach 5ft; Hit: 1d8+2 bludgeoning and/or 1d6+2 piercing damage. Double weapon (can make two attacks with bonus action but no extra damage on 'off-hand' attack)</br> '''''Primitive Blaster Rifle''''' (clip 6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, one target; Hit: 3d6+2 energy. Range 200/1,200ft</br> '''Extra Gear''': the full body suits all Sand Raiders where counts as a Desert Survival Suit and also as a Camouflage Suit for the desert environment (granting advantage on Stealth checks in the desert)</br> Sand People, sometimes referred to as Tusken Raiders or simply as Tuskens, are a culture of nomadic sentient indigenous to Tatooine. The Sand People are divided into small tribes or clans that roam across the desert surface of Tatooine, with the center of their movements being the Jundland Wastes. In particular, the traditional sandstorm-season encampments of many clans are in the area known as the Needles. They raid throughout both the Jundland and the Dune Sea and any creatures, particularly off worlders, are subject to their savage attacks. Traveling on trained banthas, raiding parties would swiftly appear from the desert, and then disappear back into the dunes with trophies and prisoners. </br></br> [[File:SWD5.WookieScout.jpg | 300px | left]] '''WOOKIE SCOUT''', ''Medium sized humanoid (wookie), Scout 4 (Colonist/Outlander)''</br> '''Destiny Points''' 4 (1d4+1), '''Dark Side''' 0 or 1d10</br> '''Armor Class''' 16 (unarmored)</br> '''Hit Points''' 57 (HD 4d8; Second Wind 1d8+6), '''Damage Threshold''' 27 (recover +5; at start of turn)</br> '''Speed''' 40 feet</br> STR 18 (+4), DEX 12 (+1), CON 15 (+2), INT 11, WIS 12 (+1), CHA 9 (-1)</br> '''Saving Throws''' Strength +6, Constitution +4, Wisdom +3</br> '''Proficiencies''' Bowcaster Rifle & Pistol, Marital, Pistol, Rifle, Simple; Light Armor</br> '''Skills''' Animal Handling +4, Athletics +7, Intimidation +6, Mechanic +2, Perception +3, Stealth +3, Survival +3</br> '''Feats''' Action Surge (extra action this round; one per rest), Determined (Str saves), Improved Damage Threshold, Shake it Off, Weapon Focus (Bowcaster)</br> '''Talents''' Acute Senses (advantage with perception skill), Long Stride (+10ft), Uncanny Dodge (reaction to take half damage from last attack that hit you).</br> '''Traits''': Expert Climbs (advantage with athletics to climb, treat rolls less than 10), Extraordinary Recuperation, Rage (up to 7 rds, +2 to damage, advantage on strength base ability/skill checks, limited skills), Short tempered (strength mod for intimidate)</br> '''Senses''' ''passive'' perception 18; '''Languages''' Basic (understand only), Shyriiwook</br> '''ACTIONS'''</br> '''''Bowcaster''''' (6 clip). Range weapon attack +4 to hit, one target; Hit: 3d12+3 energy. Range 200/1,200ft</br> '''''Longsword''''' or '''''Battle Axe'''''. Melee weapon attack +6 to hit, one target, reach 5ft; Hit: 1d8+6 (1d10+6 2h) slashing</br> '''Extra Gear''': Bandolier (4 bowcaster clips), Repair kit</br> The wookiees, whose name for themselves translates to the People of the Trees, are a species of furred bipeds that inhabit the planet Kashyyyk. Thought not a warrior culture, wookiees make fine combatants and have a reputation as powerful, tough and deadly foes. Ironically, this has combined with their inability to speak languages other than Shyriiwook to result in a history of oppression, discrimination and enslavement by other species.
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