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==characters== ===Fergis the sea bard=== Name: Fergis Delmari Race: Human Class: Bard (Sea Singer) 4, Rogue (Pirate) 1, aspiring Tattooed Mystic Alignment: CN Appearance/Personality: Male, mid-20’s, black hair in a rough shag, unkempt beard, piercing green eyes, tanned skin. He wears sailor’s leathers, and walks with a rolling gait. Fergis was a sailor on a merchant vessel. He traveled far and wide, hearing all sorts of tales. One of them was about Father Dagon, who lurked in the farthest depths, and was neither demon nor god, but something...else. He didn't think much of it, or the crazy old salt he heard it from, until he was swept overboard in a huge storm. As he was drowning, his mind raced with pleas to all the powers he could think of. One of them answered. Fergis doesn’t remember how he washed ashore, but he knows his mind has been opened to a greater Truth. Other sailors avoided him, but he found himself welcomed among pirates, since they weren’t discriminating about who they accepted help from. Did Illara and Harle’s tattoos (deceased) Str 12 Dex 16 Con 13 Int 14 Wis 10 (+2) Cha 18 BAB: 3 Fort: 2 Ref: 9 Will: 5 +4 vs air/water effects, slip/trip/knock prone AC: 17 (Defense Bonus) Hit Die: d8 HP: 33 / 33 Short sword: +5, 1d6+1, 19-20 x2 Dagger (Silver): +4, 1d4+1, 19-20 x2 Light crossbow: +7, 1d8, 80’ ** Sneak Attack: 1d6 +2 CMD vs grapple/overrun/trip Lang: Common, Plaza, Halfling, Infernal, Aklo, Azlanti (ancient) Skills: 10/level Acrobatics 1:9 Appraise 1:6 (8) Bluff 1:8 Climb 4:10 Craft (Carpenter) 1:6 (8) Craft (Tattoo) 5:10 (12) (14) Diplomacy 2:9 Intimidate 2:9 Know (Arcana) 1:6 *Know (Geography) 1:8 *Know (Local) 1:8 *Know (Nature) 1:8 Know (Planes) 1:6 *Linguistics 2:13 Perception 2:5 (7) Perform (Wind) 5:12 (14) Profession (Sailor) 4:7 Sense Motive 2:5 (7) Spellcraft 5:10 Stealth 4:10 Swim 5:11 * reroll 1/day Sea Legs: You gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim checks Sea Legs: sea singer gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against air and water effects and effects that would cause the sea singer to slip, trip, or otherwise be knocked prone. He gains a +2 bonus to CMD against grapple, overrun, and trip. A bard is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, shortsword, shortbow, and whip. Bards are also proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields). A bard can cast bard spells while wearing light armor and using a shield without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. A sea singer gains a bonus equal to half his bard level on Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), and Linguistics checks. He can reroll a check against one of these skills, but must take the result of the second roll even if it is worse. He can reroll one additional time per day at 5th level and every five levels thereafter. Familiar: sea singer acquires an exotic pet—a monkey or parrot (treat as raven)—that gains abilities as a wizard’s familiar, using the sea singer’s bard level as his wizard level. ("parrot" - Squall) Tricolor. [Lucky, permits double d20 dice roll once/day] Grants +3 Linguistics HP: 1/2 of Fergis = 11 Attack: Fergis BAB + Dex bonus (2) = 4 1d3-4 Fly 40', low light, Per +6 Saves: Fort 2, Fergis for others Will 4, Ref 8 AC: 16, Int 7 Str 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Wis 15, Cha7 Stealth +7, Acrobatics +6, Sense Motive +4, Profession: Sailor +4 Improved Evasion Grants Alertness within arm's reach (+2 Per, Sense Motive) Share Spells: cast spells with target "You" on familiar Empathic Link: 1 mile, emotions only Deliver touch spells Language: Common Bardic Performance: 14 rds/day, std to start, free to maintain. Sea Shanty (Su): A sea singer learns to counter seasickness and exhaustion during long sea voyages. Each round of a sea shanty, he makes a Perform skill check. Allies within 30 feet (including the sea singer) may use his Performcheck in place of a saving throw against becoming exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, or sickened; if already under such an effect, a new save is allowed each round of the sea shanty, using the bard’s Perform check for the save. A sea shanty has no effect on instantaneous effects or effects that do not allow saves. This ability requires audible components. Distraction (Su): At 1st level, a bard can use his performance to counter magic effects that depend on sight. Each round of the Distraction, he makes a Perform(act, comedy, dance, or oratory) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by an illusion (pattern) or illusion(figment) magical attack may use the bard’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the Distraction is already under the effect of a non-instantaneous illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it sees the Distraction, but it must use the bard’s Perform check result for the save. Distraction does not work on effects that don’t allow saves. Distraction relies on visual components. Fascinate (Su): At 1st level, a bard can use his performance to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and capable of paying attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creatures affected. The Distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a bard has attained beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with this ability. Each creature within range receives a Willsave (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard’s level + the bard’s Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the bard continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment(compulsion), mind-affecting ability. Fascinate relies on audible and visual components in order to function. Inspire Courage (Su): A 1st level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bard’s performance. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 5th level, and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability. inspire courage can use audible or visual components. The bard must choose which component to use when starting his performance. Still Water (Su): At 3rd level, a sea singer can use performance to calm rough waters within 30 feet, reducing the DC for Profession (sailor) and Swim checks, as well as for Acrobatics and Climb checks aboard ship, by an amount equal to the bard’s level (to a minimum of DC 10) for as long he continues to perform. He can extend this duration to 1 hour by playing for 10 consecutive rounds. This ability requires audible components. Spells/Day: 1st: 4 2nd: 2 Spells Known: DC 15 (Conj 16) 0th: 5 Daze: close, 1 target <=4 HD, 1 rd, no actions, Will save Detect Magic Light Prestidigitation Read Magic Summon Instrument: 5 min 1st: 4 (Swap out for Cure Light) Enhance Water: touch, 4 pints, turn water to mild booze, removes poisons/diseases/minerals/toxins Glue Seal: 40’, 5 min, 1 object/5' square, Reflex or entangled/item stuck Grease: 40’, 5 min, 1 object/10' square, Reflex or fall/item dropped Summon Monster I: 1 rd, close, 5 rds, acts immed (Augmented) 2nd: 2 (Swap out for Cure Moderate) Glitterdust: med, 10’r, 5 rds, Will save vs blind ea rd, outlines invisible, -40 Stealth Summon Monster II: 1 rd, close, 5 rds, acts immed (Augmented) Feat: Spell Focus (Conjuration): +1 DC to saves Mage's Tattoo (Conjuration): you cast spells from this school at +1 caster level. Additionally, you gain a single spell-like ability usable up to three times per day. Conjuration: acid splash: 30', ranged touch, 1d3 damage (five-pronged twig on back, black with green outline) Versatile Summon Monster: aqueous, dark Aqueous - Type gains the water subtype; Senses gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR and resistance to cold as noted on the table below; Speed gains a swim speed equal to its highest speed + 10 ft.; Attacks gains bonus cold damage as noted on the table below on attacks with natural weapons and metal weapons. Hit Dice DR Resist Cold Cold Damage 1–4 — 10 1 point Dark - Senses gain darkvision 60 ft. and low-light vision; Defensive Abilitiesgains DR and resistance to cold and electricity based on its Hit Dice, as noted on the table below (5); SR gains SR equal to its new CR + 5. Shadow Blend (Su): In any illumination other than bright light, a dark creature blends into the shadows, giving it concealment (20% miss chance). If it already has concealment, the miss chance gained from concealment increases to 50% (though this does not count as total concealment). A dark creature can suspend or resume this ability as a free action. Augment Summoning: +4 Str, Con to summoned monsters Traits: Auspicious Tattoo: +1 to Will saves Shrouded Casting (Conjuration): You can cast spells from that school as if you had the Eschew Materials feat. Equipment: 1000 (Masterwork gear/kits free) Crossbow, light (masterwork) Dagger 2 Silver dagger Bolts 1 Short sword (masterwork) Artisan’s tools, masterwork (tattooing) Artisan’s tools, masterwork (carpentry) Musical instrument, masterwork (tin whistle) Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 47 Tinker’s cap 200 Tattoos 15 Belt pouch (2) 2 Travelers outfit 1 Hammock 0.1 Backpack 2 Rope, silk 10 Grappling bolt 1 Trail rations (2) 1 Mess kit 0.2 Applejack, bottle (4 lbs ) 0.3 Waterskin 1 Medal of Triton the Hunter 8 gp 170gp 500 gp The Sea Dragon 3 Fortune points/voyage, reroll/declare lucky Illara’s stuff: Waterproof Medium Chest in the inn Explorer's Outfit Calf boots, Breeches, Flouncy Blouse, Bandana 225GP Sling 10 Bullets Flint & Steel 2 Thunderstones Backpack in the inn Hammock Healer's Kit Mess Kit Soap Waterskin Ink Inkpen Journal (50 Pages)* Waterproof hooded lantern 1 pint Oil Fishing Kit 5 days halfling trail rations Scroll Box (Waterproof) In storage with City 4 scrolls of cure light wounds 2 scrolls of Shillelagh 1 Scrolls of Magic Stone 1 Scrolls of Water Breathing elven rowboat. masterwork , +1 to handling. Homeseeking. Tough, gilded and decorated. Worth 2000poe. Wind Child loot: Barrels of good rum , wine, lantern oil and gunpowder The ship’s navigation instruments A cannon a glimmering scrollcase that surely contains its sailmaster’s famous map. It is sealed, however, and the sailors worry that in opening it they might damage the magical map itself. Bulky stores of ore, wool, beer, wood worth 1d3 hundred poe The Topaz - trade cat Some of the jars clearly contain medicinal substances that emanate weak magic. A sack of rattling, colourful beans has a slightly stronger aura. 1000 gp in luxury goods for trade in the Monkey Isles (dwarven daggers & jewelry, gemstones) Auspicious Tattoo: raindrop/wind-gust yin-yang (Gozreh) on right arm. Mage's Tattoo: five-pronged twig (Elder sign) on back, black with green outline. ===Twitch the alchemist froglet=== Level 1 Grippli Unchained Rogue (Pirate) 3 Levels of Alchemist Favored Class: Alchemist Racial Trait: Toxic Skin Str: 8 (-1) Dex: 18 (+4) Con: 12 (+1) Int: 14 (+2) [1st and 2nd level bonus spell] Wis: 13 (+1) Cha: 10 (+0) HP:33/33 AC: 18 Init: 6 Fort: +5 Ref: +8 Will: +3 BAB: +3 CMB: -2 CMD: 12 Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Firearms, hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword Skills(26/26) --> Acrobatics(+7), Climb(+10), Escape Artist(+7), Perception(4/+10), Sense Motive(+6), Sleight of Hand(+7), Stealth(1/+12), Survival(1/+7), Swim(+3), Appraise(1/+6), Craft (alchemy)(4/+9), Disable Device(4/+11), Use Magic Device (3/+6), Knowledge(arcana) (1/+6), Spellcraft(1/+6), Knowledge(Nature)(1/+6), Heal(3/+7), Profession:Herbalist(2/+6) Dual wielding master work daggers with Two Weapon Fighting and Weapon Finesse. Languages: Common, Grippli, Plaza, Priest Darkvision 60 ft Sea Legs (Ex) Class abilities: Alchemy, Bomb 2d6, Mutagen, Poison Use, Poison Resistance +2, Swift Alchemy, Extracts Per Day (4-1st Level) Feats: brew Potion, Throw Anything, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot Traits: Reactionary(+2 on initiative checks) and River Rat(+1 on damage rolls with a dagger and +1 swim check) Formula Cure light wounds Bomber’s Eye Crafter’s Fortune Disguise Self Shield True Strike Touch of the Sea 2nd Fire Breath Discovery(2)- Infusion, Loadout- Extracts Prepared (4 1st, 2 2nd/day): CLW True Strike 2-open Potions Carried: 5-Extract/bomb bottles Free Swimming 3- Cure Light Wounds (CLW) Chest (18/18) 10- CLW Shield 2-True Strike Disguise Self Crafter’s Fortune Water Breathing Bomber’s Eye Touch of the Sea Extra vial for bomb/catalyst ===Vomzisk=== [[File:Vomzisk.jpg]] Vomzisk was hatched and raised up the coast from Cove Secret. Her folk have ancient alliances with the gods and monsters of the deeps, and those who are most touched by tentacles of the Elder ones spend much of their childhood among the Deep Swimmers, learning the magics that will help them to defend their folk. When many of her village fell to heresy. Vomzisk went with them to the foreign temple, for her duties were not done. Now the temple is overthrown, and she has followed the few survivors from her home into their latest alligiance: the warmbloods who overthrew the priests and their champions. She's learned the ways of a sailor with them, and is happy to turn her skills to the needs of the new cheiftain. Or her heir, as the case may be. Name: Vomzisk Race: Lizard Class: Pirate 1,Seaborn Sorcerer 2, Bloodrager 2 (Aquatic Bloodline) Favoured Class: Sorcerer Alignment: CN Appearance: Tall, wide bodied, heavy tailed, grey-green horny scales, long snout full of sharp teeth. Generally wears a weapon harness and some painted runes. 6'6", 300 lbs, 25 http://orokos.com/roll/744136 Attributes Str 17/21 +3/+5 Dex 18 +4 Con 18/22 +4/+5 Int 12 +1 Wis 14 +2 Cha 17 +3 BAB +2 CMB +5 CMD +5 Fort +7/+8 Ref +6 Will +4/6 Speed: 40ft ground, 15' water AC 19 Hit Die: 1d8/2d10/1d6 HP: 45 Damage Unarmed: 1d4+3/5 claw, 1d3+3/5 bite Greataxe: 1d12+4/7 +1 to hit x3 crit Macahuitl: 1d8+4/6, +1 to hit, crit 17+. Javelin with atlatl 1d6+3, 50' (30' if thrown) Sneak Attack +1d6 Languages: Plaza, Draconic (or whatever lizards speak) Skills: 8/lvl pirate 4/lvl Sorcerer (Counting favoured class) 5/lvl Bloodrager ##Ranks/Total ##Acrobatics (dex) 1/+14 ##Appraise (int) 2/+6 ##Climb (str) 2/+10 ##Diplomacy (Cha) 3/+9 ##Intimidate (Cha) 2/+8 ##Know Local (int) 3/+7 ##Perception (wis) 3/+8 ##Profession (Sailor) (Wis) 1/+6 ##Sense Motive (wis) 1/+6 ##Spellcraft (Int) 2/+6 ##Stealth (dex) 2/+9 ##Survival (wis) 2/+7 ##Swim (str) 2/+18 Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons Feats: Eschew Materials: No need for material components worth less than 1 gp Expanded Arcana: Add one spell from your class’s spell list to your list of spells known. Class Abilities Sea Legs: You gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim checks Fast Movement: +10'land movement Bloodrage: Enter a rage as a free action, +4 Str & Con, +2 Will saves, -2 AC. Can use for 8 rounds/day. Fatigued after for twice the duration. Underwater Attacks: your bludgeoning and slashing melee attacks underwater ignore the usual underwater penalties. Water Blast (Sp): At 1st level, as a standard action, you can fire a bolt of water at a foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The foe is knocked prone, and at your option may be pushed 5 feet directly away from you. A reflex save (DC 13) negates this effect. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 6 Uncanny Dodge: At 2nd level, a bloodrager can react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does he lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A bloodrager with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against him. Spells 0: Mage Hand, Dancing Lights, Drench, Scoop, Message 1(5/day): Mage Armour, Long Arms, Magic Missile (2 missiles, 1d4+1 ea.) Racial abilities Natural Weapons: 1d3 claws, 1d4 bite, +1 natural AC, Swim 15' Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int Hold Breath: A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning. Swimmer: Lizardfolk have a natural swim speed of 15 feet. This also grants them a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. Acrobatic: Lizardfolk use their tail to balance and help propel them when jumping, gaining a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks. Traits Magical Knack: Pick a class when you gain this trait—your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice. (Sorcerer) Tribesman: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival, and it is always a class skill for you. Equipment: Masterwork Greataxe Silvered Greataxe +1 Keen Macahuitl 10 javelins Atlatl Leather belt with: Pouch: Scale polish 7 days worth of dried fish Sharpening stone Body paint in assorted colours 3 oil of Magic Weapon 3 potions of Magic Fang 2 potions of Pass Without Trace Waterskin Leather harness holding quiver of javelins and greataxe 435 poe ===Gap-Tooth Shelly the Prize Fighter=== Shelly has a broken nose, scarred knuckles, cheeks flushed permanently red and a poorly drawn fouled-anchor tattoo on her right forearm. She has a shock of curly red hair cut short. When she smiles or opens her mouth you can see the two missing front teeth that give her her nickname. She's not particularly tall but she is almost as broad as she is tall, with arms and legs like steel cables. She wears simple cheap clothes, old boots and breeches, a linen shirt dirtied with stains which might be dried blood, and a simple cloth band keeping her short but unruly hair out of her face. She seems to permanently have a tankard, wineskin or hip flask in her hand and seems to spend most of her waking hours cheerfully, amiably drunk. She was born in the poorest slums of Cove Secret and grew up on the streets, picking pockets or mudlarking on the beach until she was old enough to swing a decent punch. That's when she started fighting in the underground fighting pits and tavern brawls of the slums. She found she had a talent for violence that was enough to put food on the table and grog in her belly, and that gave her a reputation fearsome enough to avoid some of the worse fates that befall street kids in a pirate town. When she can't find a prize fight she tries to find work on the docks, lifting and carrying things for money. She's not all that bright but she's street smart enough to know there's not a whole lot of future in being an underground fighter. Sooner or later she'll take an injury that can't be healed with time and alcohol, so she's been trying to find work on a pirate crew, thinking a decent amount of loot might be her ticket to something better. She's recently come into some money as a result of betting heavily on herself in a fight nobody thought she could win and is looking to find a way to invest it before she drinks it away or someone robs her in her sleep. Anyone who has seen her in the ring will be surprised to learn she's generally cheerful and laid back when not punching things for money, though how much of that is down to the booze is anyone's guess. '''Name:''' Gap-tooth Shelly '''Race:''' Human '''Class:''' Pirate 1 Prize Fighter (Drunken Master) 4 '''Favoured Class:''' Prize Fighter (i.e. Monk) '''Alignment:''' Neutral '''Height''' 5'4", '''Weight''' 140lb '''Age''' 20 '''Str''' 20 (+5) '''Dex''' 17 (+3) '''Con''' 14 (+2) '''Int''' 8 (-1) '''Wis''' 13 (+1) '''Cha''' 12 (+1) '''BAB''' +3 '''CMB''' +8 (Grapple +10) '''CMD''' 21 (23 vs grapple) '''Fort''' +6 '''Ref''' +9 '''Will''' +5 '''Speed:''' 40ft '''AC''' 18 '''Hit Die:''' 5d8 '''HP:''' 39 (including 4hp from 4 lvls of favoured class) *'''Unarmed Strike''' Atk +8 Dmg 1d8+5 *'''Pummelling Blows''' (Flurry) Atk +7/+7 Dmg 1d8+5/1d8+5 *'''Mwk Handaxe''' Atk +9 Dmg 1d6+5 (crit x3) *'''Thrown Dagger''' Atk +6 Dmg 1d4+5 Range 10ft (crit 19/20 x2) *'''Pistol''' Atk +6 Dmg 1d8 Range 20ft Misfire 1 (crit x4) '''Sneak Attack''' +1d6 '''Languages:''' Plaza, Pirate Cant '''Skills''' *Acrobatics (dex) 5/13 *Climb (str) 1/10 *Escape Artist (dex) 1/7 *Intimidate (Cha+str) 4/14 *Know Local (int) 1/3 *Perception (wis) 3 / 7 *Profession (Sailor) 1/5 *Sense Motive (wis) 1/5 *Stealth (dex) 1/7 *Swim (str) 1/10 '''Proficiencies:''' *Simple Weapons, hand Xbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, firearms *Prize Fighter Weapons: Brass knuckles, Weighted Glove (cestus), club, crossbow (light & heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, quarterstaff, shortspear, shortsword, sling, spear. '''Feats''' *Intimidating Prowess *Improved Unarmed Strike *Combat Reflexes *Improved Grapple *Haymaker (Stunning Fist) '''Class Abilities''' *Sea Legs *AC Bonus +1 (Ex) *Pummelling Blows (flurry) (Ex) *Evasion (Ex) *Fast Movement +10ft *Maneuver Training (Ex) *Liquid Prowess (Drunken Ki) (Su) *Always Drunk (Ki pool) (3 points) *Drunken Strike (Magic) *Slow Fall (20ft) '''Racial abilities''' *Heart of the Sea: *Bonus Feat *Ability Score Modifiers (+2 Str) *Lvl 4 Ability Score Increase (+1 Str) '''Traits''' *Accelerated Drinker *Bully '''Goods & Gear''' *Masterwork Hand Axe *Silver hatchet (1d6 dmg, crit x2) *Belt pouch containing **57.5poe worth of mixed coin **0 potions of Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1) **potion of heroism **potion of Enlarge Person **potion of Magic Fang *Traveler's Outfit (Boots, breeches, belt, poorly darned linen shirt) *Pirate outfit (decent quality with a long coat, tricorne hat and a spare shirt) *Waterproof boat cloak *Hip flask (currently contains applejack) *2 Daggers *Pistol *Bandolier containing **5 pre-measured pistol charges & bullets **one hip flask (containing good quality rum) **Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+3) *Backpack (oilskin bag with a single shoulder strap) containing **Waterskin **Wineskin (filled with 4lb fine wine) **Bedroll **Mess Kit **Flint & Steel **50ft hemp rope **Soap **5 sunrods **5x trail rations **Pewter Tankard **Powder Horn **Waterproof Lantern (cursed: when you light the lantern you swear that at the edge of the darkness you see the ghost of Captain Stormsailer watching back) **1 pint oil ** 4 further pre-measured pistol charges & bullets *10 gallon keg filled with applejack *Leather sack containing 2760poe ===Whitelaw Quint, Soul Lodge Vicar=== <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Description</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> '''Name''': Whitelaw Quint '''Race''': Human '''Class''': Rogue (Pirate) 1, Oracle 3 '''Alignment''': NE '''Appearance/Personality''': Impressively multi-talented from a young age, there is little Whitelaw has not excelled at. But channeling the spirits of the Soul Lodge is what called to him, and he has shaken the bones and and gained much from the words they have spoken back. But when last the Hatted Man had come to the Lodge, he had asked of Whitelaw what more could a man possibly learn with only solid ground beneath his feet. Thus, called to the sea, Whitelaw now seeks again the guidance of the spirits, not to mention materials for his continuing research. Male, young-adult (22 yrs), moderate height and build (5'6", 170 lbs), keeps both clean-shaven and bald, face painted in abstract pattern reminiscent of a skull, cold eyed, pale skin. Matter of fact, to the point. Enjoys playing with dead things. </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Attributes</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> (https://orokos.com/roll/744213) '''Str''' 13 (+1) '''Dex''' 15 (+2) '''Con''' 16 (+3) '''Int''' 13 (+1) '''Wis''' 16 (+3) '''Cha''' 20 (+5) </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Derived Statistics</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> '''BAB''' +2 '''CMB/CMD''' +3/15 '''Fort''' +4 '''Ref''' +5 '''Will''' +6 '''Speed''': 25', swim 25' '''AC''' 17 (+2 Dex, +5 parry) '''Hit Die''': 4d8+12 '''HP''': 31 (https://orokos.com/roll/744905) </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Attacks</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> *Quarterstaff - +3, 1d6+1 b *Silver Dagger - +3(+4 thrown), 1d4+1 p, 19-20/x2, 10' *Dragoon Pistol - +4, 1d8 b/p, x3, 30' range, misfire 1, capacity 3 *Hedging Weapon - +4, 2d6+1 force, 30' range *Alchemist's Fire - +4 touch, 1d6 fire, 10' range, 1 fire splash to adj creatures, 1d6 burn round after hit *Tanglefoot - +4 touch, no dmg, 10' range, on hit -2 atk/-4 Dex/no move, Ref 15 for half move, effects up to large, wears off 2d4 rnds *Thunderstone - +4 vs AC 5, no dmg, 20' range, Fort 15 of deafened in 10' for 1 hour </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Spells</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> {| class="wikitable" !colspan="6"|Spell Details |- |Level |0 |1 |- |DC |15 |16 |- |Uses(+1) | |7 |} {| class="wikitable" !colspan="6"|Ranges |- |Close |Medium |Long |- |35(25+5/2 lvl) |140(100+10/lvl) |560(400+40/lvl) |} Caster Level: 4 <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Oth Level</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> *'''Create Water''': V,S; create 8 gallons (2 gallons/level) of clean water at close range *'''Enhanced Diplomacy''': V,S; +2 competence to one Diplomacy or Intimidate check made by creature touched in next minute *'''Guidance''' V,S; +1 competence to one skill check, attack roll, or saving throw made by creature touched in next minute *'''Light''': V,DF; item touched glows as a torch for 40 minutes (10 min/level) *'''Mending''': V,S; 10 minute casting; repair 1d4 HP to object, remove broken condition if repairing above 50% *'''Resistance''': V,S,DF; +1 resistance to saving throws made by creature touched for 1 minute *'''Read Magic''': V,S,F (clear crystal); able to read magical glyphs for 40 minutes (10 min/level) *'''Stabilize''': V,S; stabilize a dying creature at close range </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">1st Level</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> *'''Charm Person''': V,S; convince target you are close friend and confidant for 4 hours (1 hour/lvl), Will negates, +5 to save if currently being attacked, opposed Cha to give orders, appears dead, +20 Disguise to initiate a corpse *'''Hedging Weapons''': V,S,DF; summon 1 (1 + lvl-2/4 ghostly weapons), gain +1 deflection to AC per weapon, throw weapon as standard action as 30' ranged attack for 2d6 force, weapon disappears after 4 minutes (1 min/lvl) or after throwing *'''Obscuring Mist''': V,S; 20' cloud of mist surrounds you for 4 minutes (1 min/lvl) *'''Speak with Animals''': V,S; can speak with and understand animals for 4 minutes (1 min/lvl), but does not make animals inherently friendly towards me </div> </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Skills</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> (10/lvl rogue, 6/lvl oracle, 28 total) *Acrobatics 0/4 *Appraise 2/6 *Bluff 1/9 *Climb 1/7 *Craft 0/1 *Diplomacy 1/9 *Disguise 0/5 *Escape Artist 0/2 *Fly 0/2 *Heal 1/7 *Intimidate 1/9 *Knowledge (Local) 2/6 *Knowledge (History) 2/9 *Knowledge (Religion) 2/6 *Knowledge (Nature) 2/6 *Linguistics 1/5 *Perception 1/7 *Perform (Oratory) 1/9 *Ride 0/2 *Sense Motive 2/8 *Sleight of Hand 1/6 *Spellcraft 3/7 *Stealth 2/7 *Survival 1/7 *Swim 1/15 </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Languages</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> *Common *Plaza *Old Palace </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Proficiencies</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> *Simple Weapons *Hand Crossbow *Rapier *Sap *Shortsword *Firearms *Shields </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Feats</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> *'''Sea Legs''': gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim checks (included) *'''Weapon Finesse''': use Dex for attacks with light weapons, armor check penalty from shield applies to attack *'''Command Undead''': as a standard, take permanent control to up to 6 (2x Oracle lvl) HD undead in 30', Will 16 (10 + 1/2 Oracle lvl + Cha) to resist, intelligent undead repeat save daily, 8 (3 + Cha)/day uses *'''Spell Focus (Necromancy)''': +1 to DC of Necromancy spells *'''Skill Focus (Knowledge: History)''': +3 to Knowledge History (included) *'''Eldritch Heritage (Arcane)''': gain 1st ability of Arcane bloodline </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Race</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> *'''Favored Class''': Oracle (3x Human Alternate FCB) *'''Bonus Feat''': 1 extra feat at 1st level *'''Skilled''': 1 extra skill point/level (included) </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Traits</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> *'''Magical Knack (Oracle)''': +2 caster level to Oracle, cannot exceed HD *'''Defy Madness''': +1 trait bonus to saving throws vs confusion, insanity, madness, and Wisdom damage or drain </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Class</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> *'''Sneak Attack''': +1d6 damage to foes flanked/denied Dex *'''Juju Mystery''': gain spells and bonus skills of Juju mystery, select revelation from Juju revelation list *'''Deep One Curse''': lose 5' of base land speed, gain swim speed equal to base land speed *'''Undead Servitude Revelation''': gain Command Undead as bonus feat, usable 8 (3 + Cha)/day *'''False Death Revelation''': add ''Charm Person'' and ''Dominate Person'' to spell list, creatures effected by these or ''Charm Monster'' appear dead and get +20 to Disguise to pretend to be a corpse *'''Arcane Bond''': possess masterwork amulet, +1 spell/day, +8 (caster level + Cha) vs DC 20 + spell lvl to cast without </div> <!-- overflow:auto; to fix collapsed display, because the toggle link has float:right; --> <div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Goods & Gear</div> <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;"> Carrying capacity: 50/100/150 (66/133/200 w/ MW Backpack) *quaterstaff *silver dagger *dragoon pistol *dragoon cartridges (20) *masterwork holy symbol *alchemist’s fire (3) *antitoxin *oil of ''Erase'' *potions of ''Cure Light Wounds'' (2) *potion of ''Protection from Evil'' *tanglefoot bag *thunderstone. *masterwork backpack *bedroll *belt pouch *candles (5) *chalk (5 pieces) *compass *crowbar *everburning torch *flint and steel *grappling hook *facepaint *ink *inkpens (2) *journals (2) *magnifying glass *mapmaker’s kit *mess kit *sack *signal whistle *silk rope (50 ft.) *trail rations (5 days) *traveler’s any-tool *waterskin Weight carried: 49lbs Cash: 25poe onyxes (10), 37poe in belt pouch </div>
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