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====ADAPT==== [[File:SR.D5.Adept3.jpg | 300px | right]] An adept is an awakened metahuman whose magic is focused inward, into the body and soul of the person. This can make them strong and faster with the ability to perform great feats of athleticism and/or wildly unrealistic martial arts. It can allow them to see in the dark and use magical weapons.</br> If you take this class you are not normally allowed to take any levels in Magic-User (see Initiation below). You also cannot start with any other talent that include Cybernetics. '''HIT POINTS''' :'''Hit Dice''': 1d8 :'''Hit Points at 1st level''': 16 + your Constitution mod. :'''Hit Points at Higher Levels''': 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier '''PROFICIENCIES''' :'''Armor''': Light :'''Weapons''': Light Firearms, Marital weapons, Simple weapons. :'''Saving Throw''': Dexterity and Wisdom. :'''Skills''': Choose three from among Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Drive, Gather Information, Initiative, Insight, Intimidate, Medicine, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Religion, Sleight of Hands, Stealth or Survival. '''EQUIPMENT'''</br> You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment grants by your background: * (a) Lined Coat armor or (b) extra 200¥ spare cash * Colt Manhunter with Concealable Hostler, 100 round regular ammunition and 2 spare mags. * (a) Longsword¹ or (b) Battle Axe¹ or (c) Compound Longbow with 20 arrows¹ and quiver or (d) Katana¹ or (e) a second Colt Manhunter with Concealable Hostler and 2 spare magazines. * Two simple weapons or one other martial weapon of choice worth¹ * A basic comlink (broadcast 1, firewall 1, Int 12, Wis 10) * An extra 200¥ in spare cash ¹slashing or piercing weapons or arrows, may include the Keen Blade modification added. This mod cannot be combined with magical weapons and certain Talents (see below).</br> '''THREE CORE TALENTS'''</br> Pick any 3 Physical Adept Powers (see below, must qualify with prerequisites).</br> Strain has an adverse effect against your adapt abilities. Generally for every 2 full points of Strain an adept suffers -1 to all attacks, ability checks, saves and skills with all adapt Powers.</br> PHYSICAL ADEPT TALENT TREE</br> The adept gains various magical powers that enhance his body in some way.</br> :'''Astral Perception''': You can perceive into the Astral Plane as a bonus action (reaction to end). You gain the effect of truesight and can communicate with astral beings. However this is distracting and imposing Disadvantage on all attack rolls and skill or ability checks that require sight.</br> :'''Babel''': By listening to a language that you presently cannot speak or reading a text you cannot presently read, you can spend a short 5 round Ritual (no other actions) and gain the ability to speak or read it. This affect lasts for one hour after you have performed the ritual before your understanding fades. You can use this ability again after a short or long rest.</br> :'''Crafty Action''': As a Bonus action you can take the Dash, Disengage or Hide action on your turn.</br> :'''Elemental Strike''': You can enshroud your hands with elemental energy to strike your foes with greater force. As a free action at the beginning of your round you to charge your unarmed damage (including any Killing Hands dice) to one elemental type (Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Radiant or Thunder). The attack deals a secondary elemental effect automatically (see SPELLS & SPELL CASTING – Elemental Bolt for Secondary Effect). This effect last until the start of your next turn. You can use this ability a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (they do not have to be one round after another, just a number of times). You must complete a long rest to use this ability again. You must choose the elemental to use when you take this talent and it cannot be changed later.</br> :'''Enhanced Movement''': When you take the Dash action, your base movement speed and Dash movement increased by +15 feet for your Action (so if you normal movement speed is 30 feet, when you take the Dash Action you can move up to 90 feet; 45 feet from your Move and 45 feet with the Dash). Also when you take the Dash action you ignore difficult terrain penalties to your movement.</br> :'''Enhanced Physical Attribute''': Your physical form has been enhanced. You gain +2 bonus to either you Strength, your Dexterity or your Constitution. This allows you also to exceed your characteristic maximum by 2 (or 4, see below). You can take this talent multiple times, each time it applies to a different physical attribute. Once you have taken all three attribute you can take this talent one additional time, applying it to your Strength, Dexterity or Constitution.</br> :'''Enhanced Reflexes''': You can move unnaturally fast when you want to. You gains a +2 bonus to AC and Initiative checks, gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and gains an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, Recover from Reeling or Use an Object action. Note that this cannot be combined with any other similar boosts provided by drugs, magic, talents, or cybernetics.</br> :'''Enhanced Senses''': The adepts eyes develop allowing her to see in the dark. She gains Low-Light Vision (see New Senses under METAHUMANS) and Dark Vison of 60ft. If her species already has Dark Vision, she extended it another 60ft (120ft). Adept also gains Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that involved touch, smell and taste and Advantages on Wisdom (Survival) check to follow tracks (where she could use her sense of smell)</br> :'''Facial Sculpt''': With a short 5 round Ritual, you transform your appearance. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your statistics change. You also don't appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape stays the same. This ability also does not change your clothing. You must concentrate on this ability to maintain it but otherwise can use it as often as you wish.</br> :'''Foresight''': You have advantage with Dexterity (Initiative). Prerequisite: Trained with Initiative. :'''Improved Abilities''': Pick one skill – Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Intimidate, Medicine, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hands or Stealth. You have advantage with this skill.</br> :'''Improved Dodge''': You can take the Dodge action as a Bonus action. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom ability modifier. Regain these uses after a short or long rest.</br> :'''Improved Weapon Master''': With the weapon the adept picked for her Weapon Master talent she now gains her full level as a magical bonus to damage with these weapons and +2 magic bonus to attack rolls with this one specific type of weapon. The weapon’s attacks counts as a magical weapon. Prerequisite: Weapon Master.</br> :'''Kinesics Voice''': You can alter your voice patters in such a way as the make others friendly to you. This talent works exactly like Winning Smile under the Face’s Diplomatic Talent Tree ability. Targets save DC vs. this ability is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom bonus.</br> :'''Killing Hands''': Your hands can deal deadly damage. When you first take this talent, add +1d4 bludgeoning damage to your unarmed attack (for a medium size creature the base is 1 bludgeoning damage, so it becomes 1d4+1 bludgeoning damage). Your unarmed strike gains the weapon properties of finesse and light (meaning you can also make off-hand attacks with the Two Weapon attack ability). At 5th level adept this damage becomes +1d6 bludgeoning, at 10th level adept it is +1d8, at 15th level adept is it +1d10 and finally at 20th level adept it becomes +1d12. If you have any other feat the increase your base unarmed damage remember these dice are separate (i.e. with the Martial Arts feat a 1st level Troll Adept with the Killing Hands talent would dead 1d6 +1d4 +Strength modifier in bludgeoning damage).</br> :'''Mental Cloaking''': With an Action your body becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all who can see you. For the duration, creatures have Disadvantage on attack rolls against you. It also means you can make a Stealth check without cover or with cover you can make the check with advantage. Creatures are immune to these effects if it doesn't rely on sight, as with blindsight, or can see through illusions, as with truesight. This effect last as long as you concentrate up to 1 minute (10 turns). You must complete a short or long rest to use this ability again.</br> :'''Mystical Armor''': Your understanding of the magic of your body grows you learn to better deal with external threats to it. When you are not wearing armor or carrying a shield, you add your Dexterity and Wisdom together to get your base Armor Class. This improves by +1 for every 5 levels in Adept that they gain (+1 at 5th level adept, +2 at 10th level adept, etc.). You also reduce all damage including those caused by magical spells and weapons by 2 points. This increase by +1 point of damage reduction for every 5 levels of adept you gain (5th, 10th, 15th and 20th adept level). </br> :'''Visions''': You have flashes and vision of people that you know, gaining some insight into where they are located and the conditions they might be in. To use this ability the character spend a Karma point with an Action to see a known target and get a quick (3-6 seconds) flash of where the target is and its condition, current hit points, etc. The adept can make a Wisdom saving throw with a '''DC15''' to gain additional information and a ‘feeling’ of the target’s possible future (within a few days). Prerequisite: Astral Perception.</br> :'''Weapon Master''': pick one specific melee or range weapon (simple or martial; does not stack with any equipment bonuses) from the PHB, a Katana or Survival knife (see Gear) or one light firearm. While wielding that weapon type your gain a +1 magical bonus to attack rolls and deal additional magic damage equal to ½ your level in Adept (round up). This weapon counts as a magical weapon.</br> INITIATE TALENT TREE</br> These talents allows adepts to increase their overall magically ability by delving deeper into the mysteries of magic. These Talents all require the adept to be at least 5th level.</br> :'''Attunement''': You attract a loyal normal or para-critter that seeks you out and is forever your companion. If the critter is ever killed a new one will seek you out within 1d6 days. This critter can have a challenge rating of up to ½ your level in adept. Prerequisite: Adept level 5+. </br> :'''Centering''': This ability allows the Adept to perform a 1 minute Ritual. At the end of the ritual, the adept remove one level of Exhaustion. The adept must take a short or long rest to use this talent again. Prerequisite: Adept level 9+.</br> :'''Masking''': This ability allows the adept to mask her magical aura when viewed from astral space. To those looking the adept appears to be a mundane individual (non-awakened) even if viewed with truesight. In order to pierce this mask requires an action with an Intelligence (Investigation) check against a '''DC8''' + the adepts proficiency bonus + the adepts Wisdom ability modifier + ½ (round up) her level’s in Adept. Prerequisite: Adept level 5+.</br> :'''Mystic''': This advance form allows the adept to begin to expand his magical abilities to gain one of the Magic-Users Core abilities – either Astral Projection, Spell-Casting or Summoning. When you take this talent you gain one of these core abilities at the same time. After that you can take Magic-User talents that relate to your ability. Astral projection grants the normal astral attributes while spell casting and summoning grant you magic points and magnitude. Prerequisite: Adept level 7+.</br> MAGICAL FOCUS (WEAPONS) TALENT TREE</br> These Talents provides the adept with magical weapon. You cannot take any of the talents more than once. After character creation they also cost the adept money (¥) unless they acquired one through thief, etc. A weapon focus must be based on a primitive (melee) only weapon from PHB, simple or martial, or Katana (see gear) and does not stack with any equipment bonuses (such as Keen blades). All focus require the adept to spend a Karma point and perform a one hour ritual to bond with the item. Afterwards the focus is bond to the adept and works for you alone. A focus must be "activated" to grant its bonuses but can be deactivated as a free action. This takes a bonus action but no concentration on the adept’s part. If the focus is dropped or the adept is incapacitated or knocked to 0 hit points it deactivates. Active focuses are visible in astral space.</br> Magical Focus cannot be combined with Weapon Master (above) but attuned and empower Talents can be added together, their affects stack. :'''Weapon Focus (attune)''': An active attuned melee weapon you gain a +2 magical bonus on melee attack and damage rolls with it. (Cost normal weapon +2,000¥)</br> :'''Weapon Focus (empower)''': An active empowered weapon it deals one additional weapon die of damage (a sword would deal 2d10 slashing damage, etc.). (Cost normal weapon +2,000¥)</br> '''HEROIC BONUS FEATS''': Acrobatic Strike, Action Surge, Athlete, Bravery, Brawler, Bullet Storm, Brutal Critical, Careful Shot, Charger, Charging Fire, Contacts, Covering Fire, Crush, Danger Sense, Deadly Aim, Disarming Strike, Double Attack, Duel Weapon, Duel Weapon Mastery, Extra Heroic Recovery, Far Shot, Feinting Attack, Goading Attack, Heavy-Melee Weapon Expert, Improved Critical, Improved Mobility, Improved Heroic Recovery, Lunging Attack, Maneuvering Attack, Martial Arts, Martial Arts Expert, Martial Arts Master, Menacing Attack, Melee Defense, Mighty Swing, Mobility, Pack Tactics, Parry, Pin, Point Black Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Pursuer, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Shake it Off, Sidestep, Slippery, Sniper, Superior Critical, Suppressing Fire, Suspicious, Sweep, Take a Knee, Throw Opponent, Throwing Expert, Trip, Triple Attack, Weapon Expertise, Whirlwind Attack
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