Editing 1001 things Mr. Raymond can't do when he GMs

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[[Category: Number_Lists]]
[[Category: Number_Lists]]
[http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=280416 Original thread]
[http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=280416 Original thread]
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# Or any other game.
# Or any other game.
# Not allowed to design a homebrew system with more than fifty primary attributes.
# Not allowed to design a homebrew system with more than fifty primary attributes.
# None of my players have a d23 or a d37 that they can roll, even if my homebrew system calls for it.
# None of my players have a d14 or a d33 that they can roll, even if my homebrew system calls for it.
# Not allowed to create homebrew systems.
# Not allowed to create homebrew systems.
# Not allowed to have anything to do with or even acknowledge the Game that Must Not Be Named.
# Not allowed to have anything to do with or even acknowledge the Game that Must Not Be Named.
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# I am not allowed to use Hentai for villain inspiration in my supers game. Not even if I said the game is Claremont-inspired.
# I am not allowed to use Hentai for villain inspiration in my supers game. Not even if I said the game is Claremont-inspired.
# Giving PC's access to C4 - bad idea
# Giving PC's access to C4 - bad idea
# I won’t obliterate any creativity or non-combat ideas when they come up just because my characters are more interesting.
# I won’t obliterate any creativity or non-combat ideas when they come up just because my characters are more interesting.
# Even if you spent a week writing up your 40 level fire-wielding crazy-child.
# Even if you spent a week writing up your 40 level fire-wielding crazy-child.
# When I write up a scenario, I won’t base it totally on OOC information that I need to explain out to the players.
# When I write up a scenario, I won’t base it totally on OOC information that I need to explain out to the players.
# Combat that drags on should not be stopped by deity, no matter how close we are being to be finished.
# Combat that drags on should not be stopped by deity, no matter how close we are being to be finished.
# Random Encounters are stupid and should never inflict them on characters again.
# Random Encounters are stupid and should never inflict them on characters again.
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# I will not continuosly roll dice just to make players paranoid.
# I will not continuosly roll dice just to make players paranoid.
# I'm not allowed to make the BBEG a nine fingered halfing who owns a powerful magic ring and is named frodo, agian.
# I'm not allowed to make the BBEG a nine fingered halfing who owns a powerful magic ring and is named frodo, agian.
# I'm not allowed to make a god of sodomy who has a holy order of gay paladins.
# I'm not allowed to make a god os sodomy who has a holy order of gay paladins.
# I must not make the whole dungeon one giant acid trap with the one exit sealed by a unbreakable but clear barrier, again.
# I must not make the whole dungeon one giant acid trap with the one exit sealed by a unbreakable but clear barrier, again.
# A paragon half red dragon tarrasque as a random encounter is right out.
# A paragon half red dragon tarrasque as a random encounter is right out.
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# However, no one is allowed to buy the Thunder-Zap Accordion.
# However, no one is allowed to buy the Thunder-Zap Accordion.
# Especially not one with the Animation superpower.
# Especially not one with the Animation superpower.
# Per requests from the other players, if the stunt is longer than two paragraphs, I am to just tell the player to shut up and take three dice.
# The Retcon field from Decade is not appropriate for any campaign.
# Am not allowed to "wing" a campaign involving the overthrow of a secret group controlling the American government.
# Am not allowed to play out NPCs' tactics unless I can beat at least the first Terran mission in Starcraft.
# Am not allowed to pause the session in the middle of a climactic battle and say, "I'm hungry. What's Pizza Hut's phone number again?"
# Unless hosting an online game, am not allowed to accept players who live far enough away to need to stop for gas on the way to my house.
# While arguably perfect and possibly adept at certain things, my girlfriend can never start a pre-Awakening Mage chronicle as a Perfected Adept.
# I must never again base vampiric Bloodlines on any of the following phrases: "hemophilia," "blood angel," "like a Tarrasque, '''but'''," or "like a Tarrasque butt."
# NPCs who are literally full of crap are only, repeat ONLY, appropriate for Low Life campaigns.
# Say it with me: No Uratha shall encounter a Maeljin before their First Change.
# The Fair Folk are not preparing for a massive assault on the entirety of reality if I'm running Changeling: the Lost.
# Spontaneous immunity to hand-forged iron forfeits my pizza rights at the next five sessions I'm in, GMng or not.
# May never again accept any Worst Nightmare that involves any character a child younger than seven would recognize.
# My players don't care how creepy the abandoned bakery is at night, they will not tolerate a fight with a Cookie Monster.
# The Prince of Darkness has none of the following: a British accent, a dysfunctional family, his own reality show or a history of drug use.
# The battle music from Lord of the Rings is never appropriate for interrupting a quiet street scene. There are better, subtler ways to make the players paranoid.
# There is no cleric spell titled, "Meet My CR 45 Divine Boss." If I decide that there is, I am not allowed to restrict such a spell to low-level NPCs.
# I must not run a game with an Evangelion-like feel in which the players play as themselves.
# Especially without sufficiently warning the players just how dark and hopeless it's going to be.
# I may not roll dice on occasion and laugh maniacally.
# "The Ruptured Halfling" is not an appropriate NPC.
# Any character type forbidden for Mr. Welch is likewise forbidden for NPCs.
# It is bad-form to demand that players come up with half a dozen different characters before each session, only to run out of living PCs half-way through the evening/afternoon. Therefore, I shall not do so.
# Friend Computer and other Alpha Complex items or personalities belong in [Classified] and not in other game systems.
# I shall not exceed the comfort limits of my players. Specifically, having an NPC rape a PC is out of the question without agreement beforehand.
# If I do break rule #555, the player is entitled to switch to a GMing role, run several sessions during which I get used to my character and grow a bond with him/her, and then rape my PC to death with ents.
# Railroads should be used to ferry goods and people from one physical location to another, not to ferry hapless PCs from one predetermined plot-point to another.
# However funny the botching results might be, we can assume that PCs are able enough to walk, drink ale or carry on an intelligible conversation without rolling dice. They are heroes, after all.
# I shall not court players through in-game events.
# I shall not work out my aggression from work that day without fair warning and without giving the players equal opportunity to act out.
# I shall not lick anyone or anything not normally considered edible, not even if it adds to the atmosphere.
# I'm not allowed to quote Monty Python either.
# OK, if the players do I can join in.
# But not the entire Dead Parrot sketch.
# Especially in reference to one of the PCs' corpses.
# While film references are best kept to a minimum, three-breasted hookers are mandatory in most SF bars.
# Thou shalt not use character sheets as toilet paper to "communicate the true horror of what your character suffered"
# PCs however can be used as toilet paper if they fail their Hide check sufficiently badly while snooping through a Storm Giant's privy.
# Pub names should contain a minimum amount of innuendo. The Pink Weasel and the Rutting Stag are not a good idea.
# That said, Naked Mole Rat is a good name for anything.
# The GM may cheat on the game rules to a degree. But just like all types of cheating: Don't get caught. The players know you're cheating, but they're employing doublethink to believe that you're following the rules just like everyone else. Don't ruin their hard work.
# The plot is not set in stone. It's set in paper or datafile. Paper is cheap. Datafiles are cheaper. If the plot has to be changed to account for player or PC behavior and actions, then the plot will be changed.
# Never again allowed to use "Storm Giantess Menstrual Flood" as a hazard in any game.
# On a related note, never again allowed to have an entire vampire clan consisting of lesbians who only feed during the victims' "time of the month".
# If I'm not running my favorite setting or system, I will remember this, and shall not run it just as if it were.
# I may like my pet NPC, but he or she is not, never will be, never has been and never should have been more important than or even as important as the PCs. The PCs are the heroes of the game. The NPCs are just set pieces. Even the awesome ones.
# Never again allowed to GM while under the influence of alcohol, weed, psychotropic drugs, amphetamine... ah, hell, this can go on all day, any illegal substances.
# Unless the PCs are under the influence too.
# My computer geek cred is not so great that the player playing the computer geek will have more fun if I play his character for him.
# If the player of said character would rather have implied that my hacker villain raped his PC, I have broken rule #579.
# He said IMPLIED.
# Rules 580-582 also apply to other hobbies.
# At no point can I introduce the weapon '+7 long staff of charm monster', or any other innuendos as weapons.
# If it's not feaseable without being overpowered and/or breaking the rules, I cannot do it.
# This is partially annulled, however, if the PCs min-max.
# If my plot gets completely destroyed by the PCs, I will not make the noise of a crashing train.
# No naming the NPCs after the players themselves, unless they have common names which I was going to use anyway.
# I cannot create an NPC with unrealisitic links to a PC without the player's expressed permission, and I cannot do it anyway if I cannot recite the link within three seconds.
# No Mary Sues. If they can't do it, I can't either.
# No NPCs can have a backstory which I myself would outright reject.
# I won't break my own rules.
# There's no such thing as a Vorpal Vibrator in D&D (maybe in FATAL).
# I am allowed to drop rocks on any player who names his character Drizz't, Drzzt, Brzzt, Drizzit or any other lame name.
# A loincloth is not acceptable table wear (for males).
# Do we really need to roll 2D6 for "size"?
# I will not insist that the players act out the casting of spells, and then penalize them for "doing it wrong".
# Google maps does not display Coruscant.
# Ignoring PCs' stats in favor of flipping a coin thrice in a row to determine their ability to get past an obstacle does not constitute a "minigame" that establishes a console-like feel.
# It is further inadmissable to insist that people declare "heads" or "tails" just because the coins don't have "left" and "right" printed on them.
# I must answer enough of the players' questions to allow them to create characters with a minimum of personality and background.
# Subjective reality is no excuse for a complete lack of world-building.
# I must not rewrite my homebrew game system every time my GMPC has a brush with death.
# Nor anytime a PC upstages my GMPC.
# I can no longer describe character actions in left, left, right, right, up, down, punch when playing the Street Fighter RPG.
# He who dies with the most dice does NOT win.
# When I play Vampire, I do not need to dress the part.
# The same for Werewolf.
# and Ironclaw.
# I will never again run a campaign that: compares Midichlorians to AIDS, a TOON version of the Holocaust, or the Tomb of Rectal Horrors complete with downloaded colonoscopy images.
# No plot point is so important that I have to restrict PC actions to protect it.
# No event is so important I have to control the PCs during it.
# I may not use settings from books that all the players hate.
# This holds twice over with Twilight.
# Any rule on this list can be broken with the players' consent.
# The choice of gametype counts as consent. Every rule but #555 may be broken during a game of Paranoia Zap.
# I am not allowed to require that the players devote 20 hours per week or more to my game.
# That's MY job.
# A reasonable number of bathroom breaks will not destroy the flow of the narrative. Even if it did, it's not that important.
# All props must be legal in the jurisdiction the game is being played.
# The GM is not God. Nor a god. Not even a gawd.
# There is a spoon, provided that this isn't a Matrix game.
# Answering player questions about whether a spoon is in the area with the Matrix quote previously alluded to is not as clever as I think it is.
# Particularly not in a kitchen, dining room, cafeteria, restaurant, coffee shop, or break lounge.
# Not allowed to use light grenades anymore.
# Even if I remove the tag.
# Especially if I remove the tag.
# This goes double if the light grenade looks like a regular grenade.
# And was included in a box of regular grenades a PC purchased.
# I will no longer remove the heads of dead PC's minis and stick them on spikes on my GM screen.
# Jesus can not be my GMPC.
# I will not celebrate any character deaths with a quick Oompa-Loompa song.
# I am no longer allowed to run games involving body-swapped characters.
# Nor characters who have swapped personality traits, turning the sweet, shy nerd into a brazen hussy or the 'bad girl' into a modest little goody-two-shoes.
# Gender-swapped characters are right out.
# I do not earn bonus prizes by introducing a ridiculous number of lesbian NPCs.
# I am not allowed to introduce further lesbian or bisexual NPCs until I have (a) introduced more straight NPCs and (b) introduced a few more gay men, too.
# I am not allowed to increase the incidence of homosexuality among superpowered beings.
# I am not allowed to write slash involving player characters.
# I am not allowed to write slash involving players.
# I am not allowed to write slash involving players' families.
# Posting any of the above online will get me soundly beaten.
# The Power Rangers, Care Bears, Superman, Batman, Doctor Who, and Stargate SG-1 are not acceptable crossover fodder for a Buffy game.
# They are especially inappropriate for D&D.
# That goes double for Call of Cthulhu.
# I am certainly not allowed to hide an essential MacGuffin in Angel Grove, California and make the PCs use anything like a morpher, Power Weapons or Zords ever, ever again.
# Magic squares and sudoku games are not acceptable puzzle-locks.
# Loreena McKennit, the Eagles, and Avril Lavigne are not acceptable artists for a game soundtrack, unless they are used ironically.
# I cannot arbitrarily declare something to be ironic without learning what the definition of irony is.
# I am not permitted to ignore the definition of irony.
# I am no longer permitted to invoke irony.
# I will not get annoyed when my players can't remember the pronunciation of names in Gaelic, Latin, or Swahili.
# Not even when they begin to come up with random words to mock my choice.
# I am not permitted to arbitrarily kill, transmogrify, brain damage or rename PCs because their players mocked the NPC with the completely arcane Gaelic name.
# I am not allowed to make up names without vowels or with more than one apostrophe.
# I am no longer allowed to arbitrarily place apostrophes.
# Until I can be trusted with apostrophes again, all apostrophe use must be approved by the group.
# I may not, instead, arbitrarily use periods, commas, colons, question marks, exclamation points, tildes, diacritic marks, or glottal stops.
# The English language is a privilege, not a right.
# I am not allowed to give the villain "Immunity: Player Characters".
# If, to demonstrate the setting's seedier elements, I have the characters come across a cock fight, I should be prepared for snickering. (Yeah, I did this once. Bad idea)
# Just because actual Greek myth was full of kinky sexual behavior, does not mean it's appropriate to incorporate into the game without player consent.
# This goes double if we're playing a Teen Supers game.
# Khrrr'tt'k is not an appropriate name for a recurring NPC who insists on being referred to by name.
# NPCs' names are no longer allowed to contain any syllable, phoneme or consonant not found in an English word.
# Not allowed to attempt to convince players that a word is an English one in order to use a specific phoneme from it in an NPC name.
# The pronunciation of NPCs' names should be obvious if the word is seen written down.
# Khil'roe'whaziir is not an appropriate name for a demon, and it should not appear every time graffiti is read aloud.
# EVEN IF all demons in the setting may appear when their name is said.
# May only characterise NPCs with an accent if it is not so thick as to be incomprehensible.
# No longer allowed to use anything learned from study of foreign languages other than Latin, French and German at the table.
# No longer allowed to distribute playing cards before the session and declare that this campaign is using The Chairman's Game for a system.
# Especially during an ongoing D&D campaign.
# References to Mao Zedong are hereby restricted to campaigns involving Communist China.
# Communist China is not a country in Returned Abeir.
# No longer allowed to have Oompa Loompas come out of the wood works and sing every time a PC dies doing I warned them against.
# Nor am I allowed to conjure up some dancing Trow for a rousing rendition of "It's Bad Luck To Be You".
# Singing, Dancing Drow are right out.
# No longer allowed to force someone to play Sith Ewok Demolition Specialists.
# Nor any character that was clearly a joke, even if it fits the setting.
# I will not have the PCs find the SDF-1 and a full complement of Veritech Fighters and Destroid combat mecha inside a hollowed out asteroid while they are performing missions for the Rebel Alliance.
# May not veto silly names for PCs only to then give NPCs names like Goretex, Gin & Tonic, etc.
# A first-time GM should not run a game online with sign-ups the never close and no cap on the number of players.
# Characters in Maid RPG do not default to lesbian. This goes double for butlers.
# Unicron is not appropriate for Call of Cthulhu.
# Mimics can no longer take the form of a character's underwear.
# On a related note, I may no longer use D&D monsters in Maid RPG.
# The fate of the world is never again to be settled with card games.
# On a related note, I am forbidden from even mentioning strip poker ever again.
# I am not allowed to distribute any part of Vecna that does not appear in an official sourcebook. Doubly so if the part in question cannot be shown on television.
# I will not tell my players that firearms are rare items in my fantasy game, then proceed to have every city watchmen and bandit armed with them. And if my players defeat said NPCs, I cannot claim as they loot the bodies that all of the firearms are broken.
# I will not stat up the Gazebo.
# I cannot describe the Wand of Endless Wonder as a sex toy ever again.
# I will not physically demonstrate Thulsa Doom's orgy temple using Hello Kitty figurines.
# Will not allow the new PC to die with one punch from another PC by a randomly introduced house rule.
# Will not allow player characters to give Fenris Ulf a flea bath.
# Will not have ghouls talk like Boomhauer or Karl Childers from Sling Blade in a Fantasy game.
# Rhyming Goblins? Just No.
# Is not allowed to set up bureaucratic encounters that are less interesting than a real world trip to the department of motor vehicles.
# "Ceiling Cat" is not an acceptable trap to run across in a dungeon. Even (especially) if Ceiling Cat is a Smilodon, or actually a Kobold in a cat costume.
# No, neither otyughs nor neo-otyughs speak like LOLcats. This issue is closed.
# There is not an old guy with a laser sword and a dull-witted farm boy under his protection in every tavern, just waiting for any excuse to cut off a PC's arm. This goes double for Star Wars-related games.
# Unless I'm playing an Asterix & Obelix RPG, I am not allowed to have NPCs named after alcoholic drinks (like "Ginnan Tonik" or "Cosmo Politan").
# I am not allowed to homebrew an Asterix & Obelix RPG.
# I will not ask my players to roll perception to notice an NPC's mustache-twirling.
# I will not have the High Priestess of Lolth sport a mustache for her to twirl.
# I will not detail a Sailor Moon-like transformation every time one of my Werewolf players shifts to Gauru.
# I am not allowed to run a Spelljammer campaign heavily based on Super Mario Galaxy.
# I am not allowed to put 'A can of whoop ass' in one slot of a kender pouch.
# I am not allowed to put 'A superman cape' that allows players to fly, in one slot of a kender pouch.
# I am not allowed to put 'A lightning bolt' in one slot of a kender pouch.
# Especially when the PCs are all knee deep in a stream.
# In Dark Sun.

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