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Other hostile races had been encountered in the following years including the '''Gorn Confederation''' and '''Hydran Kingdom'''. The Federation fought small scale wars with both before signing various eace treaties with them. This created some stability for the next two decades and the Federation and Starfleet focused much of its resources to exploration and research.</br>
Other hostile races had been encountered in the following years including the '''Gorn Confederation''' and '''Hydran Kingdom'''. The Federation fought small scale wars with both before signing various eace treaties with them. This created some stability for the next two decades and the Federation and Starfleet focused much of its resources to exploration and research.</br>
In 2291 this all changed when the Kzin sent a pirate like fleet in attacks against both the Klingons and Gorn regions, along with the Federation. Their ships where disguised as Starfleet’s in both Klingon and Gorn space, along with Klingon’s in Federation space. This led the three governments to being open war between them (the Organians seeming to have disappeared two years earlier) and the Romulans, Hydran and Tholians to also attack their borders with the Federation, testing its strength. By the time peace was achieved two years later most sides had lost millions (if not more) of lives and untold resources. The Kzin were severely punished by the Federation and Klingons and to this day they are not allowed warp capable ships and most starship weapons. They must rely on others for starship travel and trade even within their worlds of control.</br>
In 2291 this all changed when the Kzin sent a pirate like fleet in attacks against both the Klingons and Gorn regions, along with the Federation. Their ships where disguised as Starfleet’s in both Klingon and Gorn space, along with Klingon’s in Federation space. This led the three governments to being open war between them (the Organians seeming to have disappeared two years earlier) and the Romulans, Hydran and Tholians to also attack their borders with the Federation, testing its strength. By the time peace was achieved two years later most sides had lost millions (if not more) of lives and untold resources. The Kzin were severely punished by the Federation and Klingons and to this day they are not allowed warp capable ships and most starship weapons. They must rely on others for starship travel and trade even within their worlds of control.</br>
This would come to be called the '''''General War''''' (or First General War) and all sides seem to be ready for peace again but also many lingering distrust and hatred among the various governments and citizens of the region. </br>
This would come to be called the '''''General War''''' and all sides seem to be ready for peace again but also many lingering distrust and hatred among the various governments and citizens of the region. </br>
The game is set in 2295, two years after the war’s end. While there is an uneasy peace throughout the quadrant there are new threats that could shatter this. </br>
The game is set in 2295, two years after the war’s end. There appears to be some new threats including the recent destruction of the Klingon moon '''Praxis''' which has resulted in the destruction of the Klingon’s home world of '''Kronos''' ozone layer that has thrown the Empire into turmoil. Starfleet '''Intelligence''' fears that of two factions forming in the turmoil, those that wish to sue for peace and those who wish to seize vital worlds for the Empire to conquer and resettle, that the hostile faction is the most influential right now.</br>
The recent destruction of the Klingon moon '''Praxis''' which has resulted in the destruction of the Klingon’s home world of '''Kronos''' ozone layer that has thrown the Empire into turmoil. Starfleet '''Intelligence''' fears that of two factions forming in the turmoil, those that wish to sue for peace and those who wish to seize vital worlds for the Empire to conquer and resettle, that the hostile faction is the most influential right now. Despite their concerns, Starfleet and the Federation Diplomates both have a strong delegations presence in the Empire working hard towards peace. Intelligence is also worried (of coures) that the '''Orions''' and Romulans both do not want this peace and are activelly working against it. </br>
Another potential problem is the '''Zinn Collective'''. These are a nomadic humanoid xenophobic race whose scout ships have been encountered by Starfleet on the very edge of Federation space. These encounters have been hostile as the Zinn ships have attacked without warning and have refused most hails and offers to negotiate. Starfleet Intelligence again believes that the Zinn Collective is made up a billions of beings on the huge world ships that have yet to enter Federation space but seem to be on a direct heading towards a number of colonies and planets of primitive sentient species under the Prime Directives protection. The Zinn seem to be seeking suitable worlds to colonize themselves and their apparent hatred of all other species is very concerning.</br>
Another problem is the '''Zinn Collective'''. These are a nomadic humanoid xenophobic race whose scout ships have been encountered by Starfleet on the very edge of Federation space. These encounters have been hostile as the Zinn ships have attacked without warning and have refused most hails and offers to negotiate. Starfleet Intelligence again believes that the Zinn Collective is made up a billions of beings on the huge world ships that have yet to enter Federation space but seem to be on a direct heading towards a number of colonies and planets of primitive sentient species under the Prime Directives protection. The Zinn seem to be seeking suitable worlds to colonize themselves and their apparent hatred of all other species is very concerning.</br>
Two other major issues have also become concerns – the first are Intelligence reports from '''Starbase 47''' (the ''Vanguard'') about major troubles within the '''Taurus Reach''' between them and the Tholians who have ordered all colonies within the Reach to be immediately removed. The Tholians had never made claim to this region of space before when it was settled some 30 years ago and includes some 40 colonies and another 80 outposts. The Klingons and Gorn both also have boarders along this region and this has peeked their interest in the region as to why. The other issue is '''Orion''' pirates have been making increasing raids within both the Federation and Klingon Empire using Kzin as shock troopers to terrorize their targets. The Orion government claims these pirates to be reneges and has publicly denounced them but Starfleet Intelligence is not convinced.</br>
Two other major issues have also become concerns of Starfleet – the first are reports from '''Starbase 47''' (the ''Vanguard'') about major troubles within the '''Taurus Reach''' between them and the Tholians who have ordered all colonies within the Reach to be immediately removed. The Tholians had never made claim to this region of space before when it was settled some 10 years ago and includes some 20 colonies and another 60 outposts. The Klingons and Gorn both also have boarders along this region and this has peeked their interest in the region as to why. The other issue is Orion pirates have been making increasing raids within both the Federation and Klingon Empire using Kzin as shock troopers to terrorize their targets. The Orion government claims these pirates to be reneges and has publicly denounced them but Starfleet Intelligence is not convinced.</br>
Unknown to the Federation or Starfleet at large is a new treat of the '''Seltorian Tribunal Swarm'''. The Seltorians resemble large humanoid insects. This species sees all other sentient beings as possible food sources and hosts for the lava spawns that eat their way out of the host when they hatch. The Tribunal travel in large hive fleets that have raved multiple worlds just outside of known space of the present local powers.</br>
Unknown to the Federation or Starfleet at large is a new treat of the '''Seltorian Tribunal Swarm'''. The Seltorians resemble large humanoid insects. This species sees all other sentient beings as possible food sources and hosts for the lava spawns that eat their way out of the host when they hatch. The Tribunal travel in large hive fleets that have raved multiple worlds just outside of known space of the present local powers.</br>
There is also the mystery of where the Organians have disappeared to. Starfleet Intelligence believes that it might be another even more powerful race of beings. They have had multiple dealings with these so-called Godlike aliens before and this could be one of them interfering, but why?</br>
There is also the mystery of where the Organians have disappeared to. Starfleet Intelligence believes that it might be another even more powerful race of beings. They have had multiple dealings with these so-called Godlike aliens before and this could be one of them interfering, but why?</br>
* '''Setting Rules''' (SWADE pg. 136-141) '''''Born a Hero''''' (ignore rank requirement at character creation), '''''Convictions''''' (Gain conviction for heroic deads. When spent they grant a +1d6 to any Trait roll; which can also ace), '''''Fast Healing''''' (once per day), '''''High Adventure''''' (benny to gain a combat edge you qualify for), '''''Multiple Languages''''' (gain an addition number of languages equal to ½ Smarts die at d6 each), '''''Unarmored Heroes''''' (Wild Cards who don’t wear armor gain +2 to soak rolls. Natural armor from something like scales doesn’t count as worn armor), '''''Wound Cap''''' (an attack can cause a maximum of 4 wounds)
* '''Setting Rules''' (SWADE pg. 136-145) '''''Born a Hero''''' (ignore rank requirement at character creation), '''''Convictions''''' (Gain conviction for heroic deads. When spent they grant a +1d6 to any Trait roll; which can also ace), '''''Fast Healing''''' (once per day), High Adventure (benny to gain a combat edge you qualify for), '''''Multiple Languages''''' (gain ½ Smarts die in d6 languages), '''''Unarmored Heroes''''' (Wild Cards who don’t wear armor gain +2 to soak rolls. Natural armor from something like scales doesn’t count as worn armor), '''''Wound Cap''''' (an attack can cause a maximum of 4 wounds) and '''''Wealth''''' (base die d6)
* '''Acrane Background (Psionics)''': is the only type of Arcane Background. The skill of these Powers is Psions (Smarts). Arcane Resistance works agianst these Powers.
* '''Rank''' is 5 raises instead of 4 (so require 5 raises for Seasoned, 10 raises for Veteran, etc.).
* '''Wealth''' (SWADE pg. 145, base die d6): as most crew members are not concerned with cash as Starfleet provides most everything you would want while serving, character can use this system to purchase anything personal that they might want. Most is not as good a quality as provided by Starfleet, while others might be “illegal’ (like Romulan Ale)  
* '''Leadership''' edges in a High Tech setting the range with Command is extended to those who you can see and who can hear you, via a communicator, etc. (not just 5”). With Command Presence they only need to hear your orders (via a communicator, etc.) to gain the bonuses. Without advanced communication the range is as per normal (5” or 10”).
* '''Range Modifiers''': Extreme -6 (see SFC pg.27)
* '''Damage Raises''': For each raise that you roll on your Attack die, adds +1d6 damage.
* '''Leadership''' edges in a High Tech setting the range with Command is extended to those who you can see and who can hear you, via a communicator, etc. (not just 5”). With Command Presence they only need to hear your orders (via a communicator, etc.) to gain the bonuses. Without advanced communication the range is as per normal (5” or 10”).
* '''Exploding Dice''': all dice rolls can Ace but only once each.
* Range Modifiers: Extreme -6 (see SFC pg.27)
* '''Heroic Recovery''': With access to future meds, at the end of fight, all characters who have suffered a Wound or Wounds can make a Soak Check after a short rest (10+ minutes) for free. Make a normal healing test, with a success you recover a Wound, a Raise recovers two Wounds.
* '''Run Dice''': Changed to d4+2 (instead of d6) or 1d3+1 (for d4) and d6+4 (for a d10)
* '''Wealth Die''': as most crew members are not concerned with cash, character can use this system to purchase anything personal that they might want. Most is not as good a quality as provided by Starfleet, while others might be “illegal’ (like Romulan Ale)
* '''Acrane Background (Psionics)''': is the only type of Arcane Background. The skill of these Powers is Psions (Smarts). Arcane Resistance works agianst these Powers.
* '''Traits and Skills''': 5 Trait points for Attribute and 15 points for Skill (including starting levels – d4 in Athletics, Common Knowledge, Persuasion and Stealth).
* '''Traits and Skills''': 5 Trait points for Attribute and 15 points for Skill (including starting levels – d4 in Athletics, Common Knowledge, Persuasion and Stealth).
* '''Species''': pick one of the standard Species below. Other unique or rare races can be created with the GM help via the Making Races chart (SWADE pg. 18-20).
* '''Species''': pick one of the standard Species below. Other unique or rare races can be created with the GM help via the Making Races chart (SWA pg. 18-20).
* '''Profession''': pick a Starfleet profession and make sure you meet the requirements.
* '''Profession''': pick a Starfleet profession and make sure you meet the requirements.
* '''Hindrances''': Start with one Major and two Minor Hindrances.
* '''Hindrances''': Start with one Major and two Minor Hindrances.
* '''Edge''': All character start with one free Edge. It is suggested that this be choosen from the Professions ''Recommended Edges'' listed.  
* '''Edge''': All character start with one free Edge. It is suggested that this be choosen from the Professions ''Recommended Edges'' listed.  
* '''Languages''': all characters speak their native tongue at a d8 and an additional number of languages equal to ½ their Smart die at a base d6 each. The Linguists Edges adds additional languages as normal.
* '''Languages''': with the Multiple Language setting all characters speak their native tongue and an additional number of languages equal to ½ their Smart die at a base d6 each.
* '''Psionics''': is very rare in all species except in Deltans and Vulcans. Most others do not trust psionics completely and non-Deltans and Vulcans should have some social problems due to these factors.
* '''Psionics''': is very rare in all species except in Deltans and Vulcans. Most others do not trust psionics completely and non-Deltans and Vulcans should have some social problems due to these factors.
* '''Gear''': Starfleet tends to provide all the basic gear that a serviceperson needs to carry out their mission. Characters can purchase personal gear if they wish using the Wealth system.
* '''Gear''': Starfleet tends to provide all the basic gear that a serviceperson needs to carry out their mission. Characters can purchase personal gear if they wish using the Wealth system.
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'''Characters for this game''': Your characters are all fairly new Starfleet Academy graduates (no more then 3-5 years) who have been newly assigned to '''USS Saratoga''', a ''Miranda-Class'' Medium Cruiser. While assigned Departments you are also part of the '''''Prime-Team''''' for the ship. Prime Teams act as primary Away Team members. This vessel has been in serve for about 15 years but has recently gone through a serious repairs and a major upgrade/refit. The newly assigned Captain Tavian (Vulcan Female) has orders to do a shake down mission along the Klingon Neutral Zone for one month and then to report to Commodore Mikhail Samuilovich of Starbase 47 for assignment in the ''Taurus Reach''.</br>
'''Characters for this game''': Your characters are all fairly new Starfleet Academy graduates (no more then 3-5 years) who have been newly assigned to '''USS Saratoga''', a ''Miranda-Class'' Medium Cruiser. While assigned Departments you are also part of the '''''Prime-Team''''' for the ship. Prime Teams act as primary Away Team members. This vessel has been in serve for about 15 years but has recently gone through a serious repairs and a major upgrade/refit. The newly assigned Captain Tavian (Vulcan Female) has orders to do a shake down mission along the Klingon Neutral Zone for one month and then to report to Commodore Mikhail Samuilovich of Starbase 47 for assignment in the ''Taurus Reach''.</br>
'''Option''': To create more skilled/advanced character for the game and higher ranking officers advance them to Season or even Veteran.</br>
'''Other Possible Setting''': To create more skilled/advanced character and higher ranking officers advance them to Season or even Vetarn.</br>
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'''Born Leader''' [Veteran, Command]: If you spend a Full Round Action, one ally (including Wild Cards) within your presence area is granted a free and immediate attack of their choice against an enemy of your choosing.</br>
'''Born Leader''' [Veteran, Command]: If you spend a Full Round Action, one ally (including Wild Cards) within your presence area is granted a free and immediate attack of their choice against an enemy of your choosing.</br>
'''Move It Mister!''' [Seasoned, Command]: You can use an Action to give one ally (including Wild Cards) within your presence area a free and immediate movement of Pace (no Running die). This ally cannot pass through threatened enemy’s space without drawing an attack (unless they have Extraction, then as normal)</br>
'''Move It Mister!''' [Seasoned, Command]: You can use an Action to give one ally (including Wild Cards) within your presence area a free and immediate movement of Pace (no Running die). This ally cannot pass through threatened enemy’s space without drawing an attack (unless they have Extraction, then as normal)</br>
'''Strategist''' [Heroic, Command, Tactician, Battle d8+]: As an Action you make a Battle check. If you succeed you draw an additional Action card and can give it to any ally in your presence area (including Wild Cards). They can act with an extra action for them on that card in that round. Raises grant additional Initiative card draws that you can grant to additional person within your area but they cannot be the same person. If using the optional Starship Combat rules (see below), each round you gain an automatic +2 Command Points with a successful Battle check and an additional +2 points for each raise (instead of extra actions to give to allies). The Captain can take only take Captain/Command actions then.</br>
'''ECM Specialist''' [Novice, Electronics d6+, Hacking d6+]: With a tricorder or similar device you can attempt to jam enemies from using their communications or their scanners within range (generally about 5 miles). Make an opposed Hacking skill check (which can also be resisted by Electronics or Hacking). Success means that the opponent cannot use their communications with each other or their scanner within the area of your device. A raise over their check allows you to block both. If using the optional Starship Combat rules you gain a +2 with any of Comms Actions that you take – Crash System, Defeat ECM and Sensor Ghosts.</br>
'''ECM Specialist''' [Novice, Electronics d6+, Hacking d6+]: With a tricorder or similar device you can attempt to jam enemies from using their communications or their scanners within range (generally about 5 miles). Make an opposed Hacking skill check (which can also be resisted by Electronics or Hacking). Success means that the opponent cannot use their communications with each other or their scanner within the area of your device. A raise over their check allows you to block both. If using the optional Starship Combat rules you gain a +2 with any of Comms Actions that you take – Crash System, Defeat ECM and Sensor Ghosts.</br>
'''HUMAN (or Near-Humans)'''</br>
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Human.jpg | 200px | right]]
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Human.jpg | 200px | right]]
:By far the most common species of the Federation and Starfleet, humans overall have embraced the ideas of one of the founders of the government. In fact both the Federation Government capital and Starfleet Command are located on Earth.  
:By far the most common species of the Federation and Starfleet, humans overall have embraced the ideas of one of the founders of the government. In fact both the Federation Government capital and Starfleet Command are located on Earth.  
:While it is believed that Humans originated on Earth, they have been found on multiple planets and have adapted too many different environments. It is believed that some ancient species seeded them on many worlds or altered the DNA as such to allow them to proper within other environments.
:Humans have been found on multiple planets and have adapted too many different environments. It is believed that some ancient species seeded them on many worlds or altered the DNA as such to allow them to proper within other environments.
:'''Adaptable''' [2]: gain one Edge so long as you qualify for it.
:'''Adaptable''' [2]: gain one Edge so long as you qualify for it.</br>
:'''Varied''' [2]: Gain one of the following…
:'''Varied''' [2]: Gain one of the following…</br>
:: o Start with one Attribute trait at a d6 with a maximum starting of a d12+1 in that trait.
:: o Start with one Attribute trait at a d6 with a maximum starting of a d12+1 in that trait.
:: o Start with 2 skills at a d4 or the automatic skills of a d6 each. These skills have a maximum starting level of a d12+1 each.
:: o Start with 2 skills at a d4 or the automatic skills of a d6 each. These skills have a maximum starting level of a d12+1 each.
:: o Aquatic - cannot drown in oxygenated liquid and moves his full Pace when swimming.
:: o Environmental Resistance – gain a +4 bonus to resistant traits test and +4 Toughness against the damage of one type of environmental hazard – heat, cold, radiation, thin or dense atmosphere.
:: o Environmental Resistance – gain a +4 bonus to resistant traits test and +4 Toughness against the damage of one type of environmental hazard – heat, cold, radiation, thin or dense atmosphere.
:: o Night Vision – ignores Dim and Dark illuminations penalties.
:: o Pace - add +2 to base Pace and Run dice.
:: o Night Vision – ignores Dim and Dark illuminations penalties. Also gain +1 to vision/sight based ''Notice'' skill checks.
:: o Sleep Reduction – only require ½ (or 4 hours) regular sleep to be fully rested.
:: o Sleep Reduction – only require ½ (or 4 hours) regular sleep to be fully rested.
:: o Study Stuff – gain +1 to Toughness and +2 to any check to resist disease or poisons.
:: o Study Stuff – gain +1 to Toughness and +2 to any check to resist disease or poisons.
'''ANDORIAN'''[[File:SWADE.STPD.Andorian.jpg | 225px | right]]  
'''ANDORIAN'''[[File:SWADE.STPD.Andorian.jpg | 225px | left]]  
:An aggressive, passionate people from the frozen moon Andoria, the Andorians have been part of the United Federation of Planets since its foundation, having been firm allies of Humanity for several years beforehand. The Andorians are a blue skinned bipedal humanoids with two antenna on their foreheads that grant them heightened alertness. Within Starfleet they often serve on Andorian vessels only because they are not comfortable in most humanoid environmental conditions but there are many famous exceptions.
:One of the founding species of the Federation, the Andorians are a blue skinned bipedal humanoids with two antenna on their foreheads that grant them heightened alertness. Within Starfleet they often serve on Andorian vessels only because they are not comfortable in most humanoid environmental conditions but there are many famous exceptions.
:Their moon homeworld is a frozen wasteland on the surface that even they cannot survive on the surface for long. And so they have extensive underground cities and passageways that connect them.  
There homeworld is a frozen wasteland on the surface that even they cannot survive on the surface for long. And so they have extensive underground cities and passageways that connect them.  
:'''Cold Resistance''' [1]: gain a +4 bonus to trait tests and +4 Toughness against the damage from cold attacks or conditions.
:'''Cold Resistance''' [1]: gain a +4 bonus to trait tests and +4 Toughness against the damage from cold attacks or conditions.
:'''Heat Weakness''' [-1]: suffer a -4 penalty to trait test and suffer an addition +4 damage from heat attacks or conditions.
:'''Combat Training''' [1]: start with either a Fighting or Shooting skill of a d4 due to background. The skill choosen has a maximum starting level of a d12+1 </br>
:'''Perceptive''' [2]: add +2 to ''Notice'' skill checks.
:'''Perceptive''' [2]: add +2 to Notice skill checks.</br>
:'''Willful''' [2]: base Spirits of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1  
:'''Heat Weakness''' [-1]: suffer a -4 penalty to trait test and suffer an addition +4 damage from heat attacks or conditions.</br>
:'''Willful''' [2]: base Spirits of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1 </br>
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Cathar.jpg | 250px | right]]  
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Cathar.jpg | 200px | right]]  
:The Caitians are a proud, passionate, and loyal species of bipedal feline humanoids, well known for their long-standing friendships and ferocity in battle. They dwell in large city-trees, each meticulously carved with friezes depicting the city’s heroes and history.
:Are bipedal humanoids with a strong resemblance to Earth felines, and often feature thick blond-brown mane and full body hair. They also have a prehensile tail. The Caitans are strong supporters of the Federation and to a lesser extent Starfleet (they tend to support their own exploration and security forces closer to their home and colonies) but there are still a number of members serving within it.
:Their homeworld of Caita is a wild place, with many ecological niches and huge insect predators. The Caitians easily hold their own, aided by their natural claws and passionate combat ability. Physically, the Cathar vary greatly in size and features. Some are muscular, with pronounced manes and beards, but others have Human-like proportions, with fine, short hair covering their bodies. Males have large manes, short beards, and tusks jutting from the lower jaw. Females have smaller vanes but impressive fangs along the upper jaw. Caitian coloration ranges from light yellow to dark beige, sometimes accented with dark stripes.
:'''Agile''' [2]: base Agility of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1 </br>
:'''Agile''' [2]: base Agility of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1  
:'''Claws''' [2]: base Str+d6 and considered armed. </br>
:'''Claws''' [2]: base Str+d6 and considered armed.  
:'''Natural Leapers''' [1]: base long jump of 4” and high of 2”. A successful athletics check adds 2" to either results (a raise either adds the bonus to both or adds +4" to either). </br>
:'''Natural Leapers''' [1]: base long jump of 4” and high of 2”. A successful ''Athletics'' check adds 2" to either results (a raise either adds the bonus to both or adds +4" to either). </br>
:'''Vengeful''' (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance.</br>
:'''Quick -- Proud''' (Minor) [-1]: Caitians are a very proud, traditional species. As such they can often come off as arrogrant but this is far from the case.
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Deltan.jpg | 250px | right]]  
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Deltan.jpg | 200px | left]]  
:Deltans are identified by their bald scalps and lack of body hair and are well known to wear beutiful head dresses. Subliminal scents called pheromones are released by both Deltan males and females, triggering hormonal responses in most humanoid life forms of the opposite sex. Heightened emotional states, including but not limited to arousal, increase the production of these hormones. They also have a strong strong empathic abilites to other sentient life and are seen as highly attractive to other humanoids. Their cultures has a very open attitude about sex, resulting more then a few distraction within the Federation and Starfleet. In the end those Deltans whom service in Starfleet have taken a voluntary oath of celibacy while serving. The species also includes a number of psionic member (some say more common then vulcans).
:Deltans are identified by their bald scalps and lack of body hair and are well known to wear beutiful head dresses. As a species have have a strong empathic abilites to other sentient life and their culture is very open to sex. This along with their strong sexual attraction to most humanoids could be a distraction for members of other species, which is why Deltans whom service in Starfleet have swore an oath of celibacy while serving. The species also includes a number of psionic member (some say more common then vulcans).
:A tropical, ocean planet, Delta IV's unpredictable tides and otherwise hospitable ecology combined to create a culture at once polyglot and unified; although many microcultures evolved on the planet's myriad islands, they could never remain isolated long enough to develop either xenophobia or devastating cultural advantages.
:'''Attractive''' [2]: Universally attractive to almost all humanoids. As edge.  
:'''Attractive''' [2]: Universally attractive to almost all humanoids. As edge.  
:'''Empathic''' [2]: There empathic abilities grant them a +1 to their ''Intimidation, Persuasion, Performance'' and ''Taunt'' skills with sentient beings that they are speaking with in normal conversion (not over radio or comms).
:'''Empathic''' [2]: There empathic abilities grant them a +1 to their Intimidation, Persuasion, Performance and Taunt skills with sentient beings that they are speaking with in normal conversion (not over radio or comms).
:'''Personable''' [1]: Start with a Persuasion of a d6 and a maximum of a d12+1
:'''Personable''' [1]: Start with a Persuasion of a d6 and a maximum of a d12+1
:'''Vow''' (Minor) [-1]: Celibacy.  
:'''Vow''' (Minor) [-1]: Celibacy.  
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Denobulan.jpg | 300px | right]]
:Hailing from the planet Denobula, Denobulans are a gregarious, inquisitive people who have been allies of Humanity since the 2130s. Though Denobula was not one of the founders of the Federation, the Denobulans joined soon after. Denobulans are a sociable people, with distinctive expressive features, who are used to living in close, communal conditions, and whose extended family groups are large and complex — a Denobulan may have several spouses, each of whom may have several partners of their own, and dozens of children between them.
:'''Charismic''' [2]: being very personable, as Edge.</br>
:'''Less Sleep''' [1]: only requires 4 hours of sleep a night and can go up to 1/2 Vigor die in days without while suffering no ill effects.
:'''Life Path''' [2]: The Denobulans often dedicate their lives to one profession or pursuit. The gain a Skill Bonus of +2 with any one Smarts or Spirits based skill (player's choice).
:'''Pacifist''' [-1]: as Minor Hindrance.
'''EDOSIAN''' </br>
'''EDOSIAN''' </br>
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Edoan.jpg | 225px | right]]  
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Edoan.jpg | 150px | right]]  
:The Edosian (single or pural) are a tripedal species, having three arms, three legs and three fingers and hail from the desert world of Edos. They have only recently joined the Federation and there are few members of the species serving in Starfleet. However a number of students have recently joined the Starfleet Academy so it is expected that more and more will be seen throughout the Fleet, serving in various functions.  
:The Edoans are a tripedal species, having three arms, three legs and three fingers and hail from the desert world of Edos. They have only recently joined the Federation and there are few members of the species serving in Starfleet. However a number of students have recently joined the Starfleet Academy so it is expected that more and more will be seen throughout the Fleet, serving in various functions. </br>
:The Edosian are a peaceful, polytheistic race from the planet Edos, located on the outer rim of the Milky Way galaxy. Due to their odd physiology they are treated a somewhat differently by other bipetal species in Starfleet and the Federation as a whole.
:Due to their physiology they are treated a bit differently by other bipetal species.
:'''Bright''' [2]: base Smarts o/brf a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1  
:'''Bright''' [2]: base Smarts o/brf a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1 </br>
:'''Pace''' [2]: base Pace of 8 and run die of d6+2  
:'''Pace''' [2]: base Pace of 8 and run die of d6+2 </br>
:'''Three-Armed''' [2]: While they could carry extra weapons with their third arm cannot attack with it. They ellimate one Multi-Action penalty for the extra action if both are non-combat related (i.e. normally one might get a -2 for a ''Healing'' check and ''Electronics'' scanner roll. An Edosian would not). </br>
:'''Outsider''' (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance.
:'''Pacifist''' (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance.
:'''Pacifist''' (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance.
:'''Outsider''' (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance.
:'''Three-Armed''' [2]: While they could carry extra weapons with their third arm cannot attack with it. They ellimate one Multi-Action penalty for the extra action if both are non-combat related (i.e. normally one might get a -2 for a ''Healing'' check and ''Electronics'' scanner roll. An Edosian would not).
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Rigellians.jpg | 300px | right]]  
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Rigellians.jpg | 250px | left]]  
:Rigellians are a species of humanoids that have been compared to that of turtles or reptiles from Earth. Their leathery hide like skin is very hard and their mouths have a beak-like interior that allows them to bite fairly hard with it. Rigellians have been known to the Federation since its formation but the species was not interest in joined at the time. Recently this changed as their planet started experiencing vast climate changes and forced many to flee. The government petitioned the Federation to join which was accepted ten years ago.  
:Rigellians are a species of humanoids that have been compared to that of turtles or reptiles from Earth. Their leathery hide like skin is very hard and their mouths have a beak-like interior that allows them to bite fairly hard with it. Rigellians have been known to the Federation since its formation but the species was not interest in joined at the time. Recently this changed as their planet started experiencing vast climate changes and forced many to flee. The government petitioned the Federation to join which was accepted ten years ago. </br>
:This environmental disaster was caused by over mining on their homeworld of Rigel IV, which is now a volcanic and toxic wasteland.
:'''Armored Skin''' [2]: shell and leathery skin provides +4 armor.  
:'''Armored Skin''' [2]: shell-plates and leathery skin provides +4 armor.  
:'''Bite''' [1]: deals Str+d4 damage and considered armed. </br>
:'''Bite''' [1]: deals Str+d4 damage and considered armed.  
:'''Ruthless''' (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance</br>
:'''Ruthless''' (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance.
:'''Strong''' [2]: base Strength of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1</br>
:'''Strong''' [2]: base Strength of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1.
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Tellarites.jpg | 250px | right]]  
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Tellarites.jpg | 200px | right]]  
:The stout, hirsute Tellarite species comes from Tellar Prime, and they are one of the founding members of the Federation. Theirs is a culture noted for being abrasive and argumentative, with a stubborn pride, quick tempers, and little patience. However, this is only a superficial view: while Tellarites are argumentative, it comes from a sense of intellectual honesty and rigorous skepticism. To a Tellarite, no idea, concept, or person is beyond challenge or analysis, and any notion that cannot stand up to scrutiny is an unworthy one. Tellarites revel in debates, and tend to greet one another with criticisms, complaints, and even insults; failing to respond in kind is poorly-regarded, as it displays a weakness of character and an unwillingness to confront flaws.
:One of the founding species of the Federation the Tellarites have a well know reputation as canny traders and not letting things go. Once they had decided something that is 'it', they desire any additional debate.
:Tellar Prime is a very geological activite planet with wildly different environments. This lead early Tellarites as a species to developt a strong adaptive resistance to a wild ranged of conditions.
:They are also expert diplomats dispite their natural stubbornness and aggressive trade practices. They helps the Humans get the Androins onboard with Starfleet (dispite that fact that the Androins distructed the Vulcans a great deal).
:'''Driven''' (Minor) [-1]: Tellarite are driven by the need to question and debate. This can come off as stubborn or arrogant but those that understand them understand that they question everything. In Starfleet, most Tellarite focus this drive towards preferring their job to the best of their abilities, then argue why they did it this way.
:Tellaries are also resistance to almost any enviromental hazard due to the wide variaty of strange conditions on their homeworld.
:'''Environmental Adaption''' [2]: gain a +2 to all resistant trait rolls and +2 Toughness verses any damage from hot or cold conditions, diseases and poisons, radiation and thin and dense atmospheres.
:'''Healthy''' [2]: base Vigor of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1</br>
:'''Healthy''' [2]: base Vigor of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1.
:'''Environmental Adaption''' [2]: gain a +2 to all resistant trait rolls and +2 Toughness verses any damage from hot or cold conditions, diseases and poisons, radiation and thin and dense atmospheres.</br>
:'''Toughness''' [1]: thick bodies provide +1 to their Toughness score.
:'''Toughness''' [1]: thick bodies provide +1 to their Toughness score.</br>
:'''Stubborn''' (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance.</br>
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Vulcan.jpg | 300px | right]]  
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Vulcan.jpg | 200px | left]]  
:Vulcans are one of the oldest space faring races that made contact with all of the other warp capable species that would form the founders of the Federation. The Vulcans themselves are a stoic, rational people. Widely claimed to be emotionless, inmtruth the Vulcans feel deeply and intensely, to their own detriment. Their stoicism comes from a culture of logic and self-discipline, where emotions are analyzed and dissected to rob them of their potency, so that they cannot overwhelm or control the individual. Vulcans embrace science and reason, but their lives are not purely devoted to logic: they also have a deeply philosophical side, with art and music as vital to their culture as logic. They are also an intensely private people, with many aspects of their culture — such as the rites of pon farr — which are not discussed amongst outsiders.
:Vulcans are one of the oldest space faring races that made contact with all of the other warp capable species that would form the founders of the Federation. However they still tend to be cold and distant to the other races and only a handful are willing to work on non-Vulcan Starfleet ships.  
:'''Bright''' [2]: base Smarts of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1.  
:Their homeworld is a desert with higher degree of gravity that most other species.
:'''Habit''' (Minor) [-1]: distrust of others that displaying emotions. Generally suffer a -1 persuasion against it.  
:'''Bright''' [2]: base Smarts of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1 </br>
:'''Heat Resistance''' [1]: gain a +4 bonus to trait tests and +4 Toughness against the damage from heat.
:'''Heat Resistance''' [1]: gain a +4 bonus to trait tests and +4 Toughness against the damage from heat.</br>
:'''Pacifism''' (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance.
:'''Habit''' (Minor) [-1]: distrust others displaying emotions. Generally suffer a -1 persuasion against it. </br>
:'''Strong''' [2]: base Strength of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1.
:'''Pacifism''' (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance </br>
:'''Vulcan Nerve Pinch''' [3]: as the Stun power (SPC pg. 84) verses Vigor check -2 (-4 with a raise). The Vulcan uses their ''Fighting'' skill delievery the effect (Requires Touch).
:'''Strong''' [2]: base Strength of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1</br>
:'''Vow''' (Major) [-2]: use logic and reason in all maners and situations.
:'''Vulcan Nerve Pinch''' [3]: as the Stun power (SPC pg. 84) verses Vigor check -2 (-4 with a raise). The Vulcan uses their Fighting skill delievery the effect.</br>
:'''Vow''' (Major) [-2]: use logic and reason in all manors and situations.</br>
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'''Navigation'''. The Navigation controls not only plotting warp courses but also impulse navigation and force field direction during combat.</br>
'''Navigation'''. The Navigation controls not only plotting warp courses but also impulse navigation and force field direction during combat.</br>
:''Requirements'': Smarts d6+; Electronics d6+, Pilot d4+, Repair d4+, Science d6+, Shooting d4+
:''Requirements'': Smarts d8+; Electronics d8+, Pilot d4+, Repair d4+, Science d4+, Shooting d4+
:''Bonus Skills: gain 4 skill points among the rquired skills and Academic, Fighting, Hacking, Persuasion or Research.
:''Bonus Skills: gain 4 skill points among the rquired skills and Academic, Fighting, Persuasion, Repair, Research or Science.
:''Recommended Edges'': Level Headed, Quick, Scholar.
:''Recommended Edges'': Level Headed, Quick, Scholar.
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'''Command'''. From section heads to first officers and the captain of a starship, these crewmembers have received attentional training (or have shown natural talents) for being ranking officers.</br>
'''Command'''. From section heads to first officers and the captain of a starship, these crewmembers have received attentional training (or have shown natural talents) for being ranking officers.</br>
:''Requirements'': Bolster or Command; Battle d4+, Persuasion d6+.
:''Requirements'': Bolster or Command; Battle d4+, Persuasion d6+.
:''Recommended Edges'': Any Leadership edge, Alertness, Born Leader, Bravery, Charismatic, Common Bond, Level Headed, Move it Mister, Quick, Strategist, Strong Willed, Team Player.
:''Recommended Edges'': Any Leadership edge, Alertness, Born Bravery, Charismatic, Common Bond, Level Headed, Move it Mister, Quick, Strategist, Strong Willed, Team Player.
'''Intelligence'''. Starfleet Intelligence main job is keeping the Federation informed about any possible treat to it or Starfleet and in some cases acting covertly to deal with possible treats or crisis.</br>
'''Intelligence'''. Starfleet Intelligence main job is keeping the Federation informed about any possible treat to it or Starfleet and in some cases acting covertly to deal with possible treats or crisis.</br>
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While the powers section from SWADE are ok as is, it does not completely reflect how Psionics works in Star Trek. First and foremost, psionics cannot share their psionic powers with others. The number of powers available is also limited.</br>
While the powers section from SWA is ok it does not completely reflect how Psionics works in Star Trek. First and foremost, psionics cannot share their psionic powers with others. The number of powers available is also limited.</br>
The most commonly known powers are Mind Link, Mind Reading and Mind Wipe. Anyone taking the psionic powers arcane background must chose at least one of these as one of their starting powers.</br>
The most commonly known powers are Mind Link, Mind Reading and Mind Wipe. Anyone taking the psionic powers arcane background must chose at least one of these as one of their starting powers.</br>
The following powers are not allowed in Star Trek – Banish, Barrier, Blast, Bolt, Lower Trait, Burrow, Burst, Damage Field, Divination, Entangle, Fly, Growth/Shrink, Intangibility, Resurrection, Shape Change, Summon Ally, Teleport, Wall Walker or Zombie.</br>
The following powers are not allowed in Star Trek – Banish, Barrier, Blast, Bolt, Lower Trait, Burrow, Burst, Damage Field, Divination, Entangle, Fly, Growth/Shrink, Intangibility, Resurrection, Shape Change, Summon Ally, Telekinesis, Teleport, Wall Walker or Zombie. These powers not normally allowed for most characters or normally encounters but can still be found among powerful godlike beings and super psionics.</br>
These powers not normally allowed for most characters or encounters can still be found among powerful godlike beings and super psionics.</br>
'''Modified Powers''' Arcane Protection, Boost Trait, Darksight, Environmental Protection, Farsight, Invisibility, Protection, Relief, Sloth, Speed, Smite, Read Language and Warrior’s Gilt – all change to Range: Self only.</br>
Modified Powers Arcane Protection, Boost Trait, Darksight, Environmental Protection, Farsight, Invisibility, Protection, Relief, Sloth, Speed, Smite, Read Language and Warrior’s Gilt – all change to Range: Self only.</br>
Drain Power Points, Fear, Mind Link and Mind Reading, Mind Wipe, Puppet, Slumber and Stun – all change that they suffer a -2 Penalty and a increase in Power Points of +1 for user with range greater then Touch. </br>
Drain Power Points, Fear, Mind Link and Mind Reading, Mind Wipe, Puppet, Slumber and Stun – all change to Penalty of -2 for user with range greater then Touch. </br>
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'''Duration''': Instant</br>
'''Duration''': Instant</br>
'''Trappings''': Implant Suggestion and Thoughts</br>
'''Trappings''': Implant Suggestion and Thoughts</br>
:''Suggestion'' allows you to make unbelievable suggestions that do not threaten the target. Make an opposed Psionic vs. Spirits roll, on success the target believes your lie or follows your suggestion like it was his idea. You can also make a small illusion that distracts your target. Make a Psionic test, on success your target is distracted for one round and you may attempt a Stealth roll even if he was watching you before or you can attempt to get ‘The Drop’ on him. Your target gets a Notice check (-4 if you scored a raise on your Psionic test) to avoid surprised.</br>
:Suggestion allows you to make unbelievable suggestions that do not threaten the target. Make an opposed Psionic vs. Spirits roll, on success the target believes your lie or follows your suggestion like it was his idea. You can also make a small illusion that distracts your target. Make a Psionic test, on success your target is distracted for one round and you may attempt a Stealth roll even if he was watching you before or you can attempt to get ‘The Drop’ on him. Your target gets a Notice check (-4 if you scored a raise on your Psionic test) to avoid surprised.</br>
:*'''Additional Targets''': The same suggestion can be sent to additional targets with range for every additional Power Point. Each resists the suggestion separately against the original test.
: *'''Additional Targets''': The same suggestion can be sent to additional targets with range for every additional Power Point. Each resists the suggestion separately against the original test.
You can purchase items from he core SWADE rulebook (as per a Wealth die check. see SWADE pg. 147) 
The following are some of the more common various of hand devices and technology employed by Starfleet.</br>
The following are some of the more common various of hand devices and technology employed by Starfleet.</br>
'''Adhesive Patches''': small squares made of the same material as enviromental and space suits, adhesive patches are a quick puncture repair kit for both environmental suits and vacuum suits. One patch is required for each breach and require an action and a ''Repair'' skill check with a +1 bonus to successfully apply. A starting set is 10 patches, Wt. 1lb, Price +2.</br>
'''Adhesive Patches''': small squares made of the same material as enviromental and space suits, adhesive patches are a quick puncture repair kit for both environmental suits and vacuum suits. One patch is required for each breach and require an action and a ''Repair'' skill check with a +1 bonus to successfully apply. A starting set is 10 patches, Wt. 1lb, Price +2.</br>
'''Hand Communicator''': a standard Starfleet communicator can be flip activated for secure communications or voice activated for hands free operations. The standard range under optimal conditions is about 50 miles or low-standard g M-class planet's orbit. Wt. ½lb, Price +0.</br>
'''Hand Communicator''': a standard Starfleet communicator can be flip activated for secure communications or voice activated for hands free operations. The standard range under optimal conditions is about 50 miles or low-standard g orbit of a planet. Wt. ½lb, Price +0.</br>
'''Hypospray Injector''': advances in medical technology allow for the replacement of needle injectors with the hyprospray model. This injects medicines through skin and thin clothing (including standard Starfleet uniforms) with an almost immediate affect. Wt. ½lb, Price +0.</br>
'''Hypospray Injector''': advances in medical technology allow for the replacement of needle injectors with the hyprospray model. This injects medicines through skin and thin clothing (including standard Starfleet uniforms) with an almost immediate affect. Wt. ½lb, Price +0.</br>
:Some standard Star Fleet drugs include – '''''Antibiotics''''' (adds +2 to checks to recover from any known disease), '''''Antivenom''''' (adds +2 to any checks to resist or recover from any known toxin or poison, both inhaled or injected), '''''Calm Mind''''' (adds +2 to any check for a subject to recover from temporary madness or other mental states), '''''Healing Spray''''' (if applied within 5 minutes of suffering a wound, adds a +2 to a subjects' Heroic Recovery; see Houserules and natural healing recovery checks), '''''Painkiller''''' (allows the subject to ignore up to 2 points of Wound Penalty for 1d4+2 hours), '''''Radcleaser '''''(adds +4 to any check to recover from radiation poisoning and damage), '''''Stimulant''''' (non-addictive stimulant that allows the subject to ignore 2 points of Fatigue causes by lack of sleep or similar situations for 1d4+4 hours). A standard Medical Away Team Case carries 2 each of the above items with Wt. 2lbs, Price -3.
:Some standard Star Fleet drugs include – '''''Antibiotics''''' (adds +2 to checks to recover from any known disease), '''''Antivenom''''' (adds +2 to any checks to resist or recover from any known toxin or poison, both inhaled or injected), '''''Calm Mind''''' (adds +2 to any check for a subject to recover from temporary madness or other mental states), '''''Healing Spray''''' (if applied within 5 minutes of suffering a wound, adds a +2 to a subjects healing recovery check; see Heroic Recovery in Houserules), '''''Painkiller''''' (allows the subject to ignore up to 2 points of Wound Penalty for 1d4+2 hours), '''''Radcleaser '''''(adds +4 to any check to recover from radiation poisoning and damage), '''''Stimulant''''' (non-addictive stimulant that allows the subject to ignore 2 points of Fatigue causes by lack of sleep or similar situations for 1d4+4 hours). A standard Medical Away Team Case carries 2 each of the above items with Wt. 2lbs, Price -3.
'''Language Translator''': advanced software and A.I. function that translates and decodes standard audio signals and spoken languages. The device’s skill in know languages is d12+2. To translate an unknown spoken language requires an ''Academic'' skill check with a penalty of +0 to -4 for difficult ones. Non-traditional languages generally require a separate Science skill check to modify the translator in some way with a penalty of +0 to -4 and 1d6 hours of time. Wt. 2lbs, Price -3.</br>
'''Language Translator''': advanced software and A.I. function that translates and decodes standard audio signals and spoken languages. The device’s skill in know languages is d12+2. To translate an unknown spoken language requires an ''Academic'' skill check with a penalty of +0 to -4 for difficult ones. Non-traditional languages generally require a separate Science skill check to modify the translator in some way with a penalty of +0 to -4 and 1d6 hours of time. Wt. 2lbs, Price -3.</br>
[[File:SWADE.STD.Scanner.jpg | 300px | left]]
[[File:SWADE.STD.Scanner.jpg | 300px | left]]
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'''Tricorder''': advanced sensor with optical, chemical, motion and other active sensors that ignore illumination penalties and add +2 to ''Notice'' rolls made to various types of moving targets and/or ''Science'' rolls made in relations objects such as chemical signatures, biological beings, environmental readings, material and mineral compounds, etc. Targets do not have to be visible although dense material may cause inaccurate or false readings. The basic range of a tricorder is 5 miles. It take 1d6+1 rounds of actively scanning to take a basic sensor reading, the GM providing more detailed information with raises and the scanner can use additional rounds to attempt to gain more detailed information. Specialized tricorders grant +4 ''Notice'' or ''Science'' bonus to their specific target and +0 for all others. Specializations include biological beings and types (mammal, reptile, etc.), mining and inorganic material types (gold, dilithium crystals, etc. and can also penetrate into a planet’s surface up to 1 mile), chemical compounds (acids, toxins, etc.) and environmental and planetary survey information. Wt. 2lbs, Price -1 (-2 for Specialized units).</br>
'''Tricorder''': advanced sensor with optical, chemical, motion and other active sensors that ignore illumination penalties and add +2 to ''Notice'' rolls made to various types of moving targets and/or ''Science'' rolls made in relations objects such as chemical signatures, biological beings, environmental readings, material and mineral compounds, etc. Targets do not have to be visible although dense material may cause inaccurate or false readings. The basic range of a tricorder is 5 miles. It take 1d6+1 rounds of actively scanning to take a basic sensor reading, the GM providing more detailed information with raises and the scanner can use additional rounds to attempt to gain more detailed information. Specialized tricorders grant +4 ''Notice'' or ''Science'' bonus to their specific target and +0 for all others. Specializations include biological beings and types (mammal, reptile, etc.), mining and inorganic material types (gold, dilithium crystals, etc. and can also penetrate into a planet’s surface up to 1 mile), chemical compounds (acids, toxins, etc.) and environmental and planetary survey information. Wt. 2lbs, Price -1 (-2 for Specialized units).</br>
This includes armor and environmental protection. Armored protection is fairly rare in Starfleet and most of the other local species due to the advent of such advanced weapons. There are still some cases of it being employed by specialized units such as Starfleet Security and the Marines.</br>
This includes armor and environmental protection. Armored protection is fairly rare in Starfleet and most of the other local species due to the advent of such advanced weapons. There are still some cases of it being employed by specialized units such as Starfleet Security and the Marines.</br>
'''Away Team Jacket''': an advanced field jacket for Starfleet personal who might encounter various environments when landing on various worlds or station. It provides the wearer a +2 to all checks against hot or cold environmental conditions and radiation. It includes an emergency rebreather that provides four hours of breathable air and a +2 to resist harmful gases or harmful atmospheres and a filtration canteen system that holds up to ½ a gallon of drinkable water (+4lb when employed). Wt. 4lbs, Price +1.</br>
'''Away Team Jacket''': an advanced field jacket for Starfleet personal who might encounter various environments when landing on various worlds or station. It provides the wearer a +2 to all checks against hot or cold environmental conditions and radiation. It includes an emergency rebreather that provides four hours of breathable air and a +2 to resist harmful gases or harmful atmospheres and a filtration canteen system that holds up to ½ a gallon of drinkable water (+4lb when employed). Wt. 4lbs, Price +1.</br>
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'''Environmental Suit''': this is an advanced biohazard/hazmat suit for terrestrial use where there is at least a basic atmosphere. The suit provides full protection from these hazards up to 12 hours. Provides Armor Points +2 (but any damage over can cause a breach), Wt. 8lbs, Price +0. A replacement air canister weighs 4lbs each to provide another 12 hours of protection.</br>
'''Environmental Suit''': this is an advanced biohazard/hazmat suit for terrestrial use where there is at least a basic atmosphere. The suit provides full protection from these hazards up to 12 hours. Provides Armor Points +2 (but any damage over can cause a breach), Wt. 8lbs, Price +0. A replacement air canister weighs 4lbs each to provide another 12 hours of protection.</br>
'''Vacuum Suit''': an advanced airtight spacesuit made of flexible fabric with air and heat/cold compensators. It provides Armor Points +2 (but any damage over can cause a breach) and full bubble helmet with long range communicator (around 50 miles in optimal situation), Integral headlamp to provide powerful illumination and Heads Up Display (HUD) that provides information on the atmospheric conditions, incoming messages, life support remaining, etc. Other common features are Magnetized boots that can adhere to most metal surfaces and Mini-thrusters that provide maneuverability in z-gee for up to 8 hours. For use in very hostile enviroments the suit is reinforced with Armor +4 and Toughness +2. As with a starndard suit damage can cause breachs. Provides 12 hours of life support, Wt. 12lbs, Price -1.</br>
'''Vacuum Suit''': an advanced airtight spacesuit made of flexible fabric with air and heat/cold compensators. It provides Armor Points +2 (but any damage over can cause a breach) and full bubble helmet with long range communicator (around 50 miles in optimal situation), Integral headlamp to provide powerful illumination and Heads Up Display (HUD) that provides information on the atmospheric conditions, incoming messages, life support remaining, etc. Other common features are Magnetized boots that can adhere to most metal surfaces and Mini-thrusters that provide maneuverability in z-gee for up to 8 hours. For use in very hostile enviroments the suit is reinforced with Armor +4 and Toughness +2. As with a starndard suit damage can cause breachs. Provides 12 hours of life support, Wt. 12lbs, Price -1.</br>
'''Starfleet Security Armor''': this full body suit with an open face helmet that can be covered with a transparent Plexiglas cover to seal the suit. Provides Armor Points +4, Toughness +2, Wt. 16lbs, Price -2. Generally restricted to Starfleet Security personal.</br>
'''Starfleet Security Armor''': this full body suit with an open face helmet that can be covered with a transparent Plexiglas cover to seal the suit. Provides Armor Points +5, Toughness +1, Wt. 16lbs, Price -2. Generally restricted to Starfleet Security personal.</br>
'''Federation Marine Combat Armor''': is a full body environmental protective armor. Provides Armor Points +4, Toughness +3, Wt. 18lbs, Price -4. Provides full environmental protection and grants +4 to Stealth due to camouflage features. Restricted to the Federation Marine Core. Life support and camo battery lasts for 12 hours of continual use.</br>
'''Federation Marine Combat Armor''': is a full body environmental protective armor. Provides Armor Points +4, Toughness +3, Wt. 18lbs, Price -4. Provides full environmental protection and grants +4 to Stealth due to camouflage features. Restricted to the Federation Marine Core. Life support and camo battery lasts for 12 hours of continual use.</br>
'''Energy Skin''' (optional): even more advanced then the environmental energy field this field generates a proactive energy field around an individual that greatly dispenses focused energy, granting +8 Armor Points verses energy attacks (all as listed above under Standard Weapons), but it offers no protection against other attack types. Fairly rare if available at all. Wt. 4lbs including energy pack for 1 hour of continual use, Price -5. A replacement energy pack weighs 2lbs and requires an action with a successful Repair skill check, price -2 each. [May or maybe used in this setting]</br>
'''Energy Skin''' (optional): even more advanced then the environmental energy field this field generates a proactive energy field around an individual that greatly dispenses focused energy, granting +8 Armor Points verses energy attacks (all as listed above under Standard Weapons), but it offers no protection against other attack types. Fairly rare if available at all. Wt. 4lbs including energy pack for 1 hour of continual use, Price -5. A replacement energy pack weighs 2lbs and requires an action with a successful Repair skill check, price -2 each. [May or maybe used in this setting]</br>
'''Klingon Naval Armor''': a lighter version of the marines worn by most Imperial Navel personal. Provides Armor Points +4, Wt. 12lbs, Price -1.</br>
'''Klingon Naval Armor''': a lighter version of the marines worn by most Imperial Navel personal. Provides Armor Points +4, Wt. 12lbs, Price -1.</br>
'''Klingon Army Armor''': worn by the Imperial Army personal. Provides Armor Points +6, Toughness +2, Wt. 20lbs, Price -3.</br>
'''Klingon Army Armor''': worn by the Imperial Army personal. Provides Armor Points +6, Toughness +2, Wt. 20lbs, Price -3.</br>
'''Kzin Battle Armor''': the male Kzin are extremely warlike and for most encounters they are seen wearing their battle armor in almost all settings. Provides Armor Points +4, Toughness +2, Wt. 18lbs, Price -2.</br>
'''Kzin Battle Armor''': the male Kzin are extremely warlike and for most encounters they are seen wearing their battle armor in almost all settings. Provides Armor Points +4, Toughness +1, Wt. 18lbs, Price -2.</br>
Ranged Energy Weapons found within Known Space…</br>
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| Laser Rifles || 40/80/160 || 3d6 || 2 || 3 || 120 || d4 || 7 || -2
| Laser Rifles || 40/80/160 || 3d6 || 2 || 3 || 120 || d4 || 7 || -2
| Plasma Pistol || 12/24/48 || 2d10 || 6 || 2 || 24 || d8 || 5 || -2  
| Plasma Pistol || 12/24/48 || 2d10 || 4 || 2 || 24 || d8 || 5 || -2  
| Plasma Rifle || 16/32/64 || 3d10 || 6 || 1 || 60 || d8 || 16 || -3
| Phaser Type I Hand Phaser|| 10/20/40 || Varies || 4 || 1 || 40 || d4 || 1.5 || -2
| Plasma Rifle || 16/32/64 || 3d10 || 4 || 1 || 60 || d8 || 16 || -3
| Phaser Type II Pistol || 15/30/60 || Varies || 4 || 1 || 100 || d4 || 3 || -3  
| Phaser Pistol || 15/30/60 || Varies || 4 || 1 || 100 || d4 || 3 || -3  
| Phaser Type III Rifle || 30/60/120 || Varies || 4 || 1 || 200 || d6 || 10 || -4  
| Phaser Riflw || 30/60/120 || Varies || 4 || 1 || 200 || d6 || 10 || -4  
| Disruptor Pistol || 12/24/48 || 2d8 || 3 || 1 || 60 || d6 || 4 || -1  
| Disruptor Pistol || 12/24/48 || 2d8 || 3 || 1 || 60 || d6 || 4 || -1  
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'''Plasma''': weapons are also a fairly primitive energy weapon that in Starfleet up until 10-15 years ago and replaced by phaser technology. They use external power packs that are attached to the weapon and the users belt via a power cable. The pistol's replacement cell costs +1 and wt. 2lbs each. For the rifle they cost +0, and wt. 5lbs each. Use rules Cauterize and Overcharge.</br>
'''Plasma''': weapons are also a fairly primitive energy weapon that in Starfleet up until 10-15 years ago and replaced by phaser technology. They use external power packs that are attached to the weapon and the users belt via a power cable. The pistol's replacement cell costs +1 and wt. 2lbs each. For the rifle they cost +0, and wt. 5lbs each. Use rules Cauterize and Overcharge.</br>
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Phaser.jpg | 300px | right]]
[[File:SWADE.STPD.Phaser.jpg | 300px | right]]
'''Phaser''': are one of the most advanced forms of energy weapon and really only used by Starfleet and the Federation. Phasers allow the user to set the weapon on different settings. Base deals 1d6 and uses one shot. This can be used to heat surfaces or even as an energy drill (causing 3d6 damage and AP 10 for every minute held up next to a surface). The 'Kill' setting deals 3d6 base damage and uses 3 shots, while 'Heavy Kill' deals 6d6 damage and uses 10 charges. Heavy Kill counts as a Heavy Weapon. Heavy Kill also uses the Disintegrate rule. Phasers can also be set on ‘Stun’ where target must make a Vigor trait check (-2 with a raise) for 1 shot or ‘Heavy Stun’ requiring a Vigor -3 check (-5 with a raise) and uses 3 shots. There is also wide beam option that changes the range to 0 and uses a Blast template and uses +3 shots for any of the above settings (all but Heavy Kill setting). All kill-settings use the Cauterize rules and all settings use the No Recoil rules. Phasers use an internal Energy cell. A replace cell for a Type I palm pistol cost +0 and wt. ½lb each, a Type II pistol costs -1 and wt. ½lb each. For the Tyoe III rifle is costs -2 and wt. 2lbs each.</br>
'''Phaser''': are one of the most advanced forms of energy weapon and really only used by Starfleet and the Federation. Phasers allow the user to set the weapon on different settings. Base deals 1d6 and uses one shot. This can be used to heat surfaces or even as an energy drill (causing 3d6 damage and AP 10 for every minute held up next to a surface). The 'Kill' setting deals 3d6 base damage and uses 3 shots, while 'Heavy Kill' deals 6d6 damage and uses 10 charges. Heavy Kill counts as a Heavy Weapon. Heavy Kill also uses the Disintegrate rule. Phasers can also be set on ‘Stun’ where target must make a Vigor trait check (-2 per raise on original attack) for 1 shot or ‘Heavy Stun’ requiring a Vigor -3 check (with an additional -2 per raise) and uses 3 shots. There is also wide beam option that changes the range to 0 and uses a Blast template and uses +3 shots for any of the above settings (all but Heavy Kill setting). All basic and kill settings use the Cauterize and No Recoil rules. Phasers use an internal Energy cell. A replace cell for a pistol costs -1 and wt. ½lb each. For the rifle is costs -2 and wt. 2lbs each.</br>
'''Disruptor''': are also fairly advanced energy weapons but they do not have the flexibility of phasers. However they are cheaper to develop and maintain and as such are very common outside of the Federation in the time leading up the '''''First General War'''''. A disruptors can also deal ‘Heavy Kill’ setting dealing 3d10 damage and using 10 shots. Heavy Kill counts as a Heavy Weapon and uses the Disintegrate rules. Disruptors use internal Energy Cells. Replacement pistol cells cost +1 and wt. 2lbs each.. For rifles price is +0 and wt. 5lbs each.</br>
'''Disruptor''': are also fairly advanced energy weapons but they do not have the flexibility of phasers. However they are cheaper to develop and maintain and as such are very common outside of the Federation in the time leading up the '''''First General War'''''. A disruptors can also deal ‘Heavy Kill’ setting dealing 3d10 damage and using 10 shots. Heavy Kill counts as a Heavy Weapon and uses the Disintegrate rules. Disruptors use internal Energy Cells. Replacement pistol cells cost +1 and wt. 2lbs each.. For rifles price is +0 and wt. 5lbs each.</br>
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*'''''Cauterize''''': Anyone Incapacitated by a this weapon adds +2 to his Vigor rolls to keep from Bleeding Out.
*'''''Cauterize''''': Anyone Incapacitated by a this weapon adds +2 to his Vigor rolls to keep from Bleeding Out.
*'''''Overcharge''''': These weapons can overcharge to cause an extra +1d base damage dice, but if any of the ''Shooting'' dice of a 1, the weapon must cool down for a full round before it can be fired again.
*'''''Overcharge''''': These weapons can overcharge to cause an extra +1d base damage dice, but if any of the ''Shooting'' dice of a 1, the weapon must cool down for a full round before it can be fired again.
*'''''No Recoil''''': These weapons ignore the Recoil penalty.
*'''''No Recoil''''': These weapons ignore the Recoil penalty. Gatling lasers still take the penalty.
*'''''Disintegration''''': if a phaser's or distrutor's damage deals more wound that the target can normally take (i.e. a Extra taking 2 wounds while a Wild Card suffering 4 wounds) it disintegrate them (Wild Cards that soak even one wound are not disintegrated).
*'''''Disintegration''''': if a phaser's or distrutor's damage deals more wound that the target can normally take (i.e. a Extra taking 2 wounds while a Wild Card suffering 4 wounds) it disintegrate them (Wild Cards that soak even one wound are not disintegrated).
{| class="wikitable" border="0"
| '''Type''' || '''Damage''' || '''AP''' || '''Min Str''' || '''WT''' || '''Cost''' || '''Notes'''
| KaBar || Str+d4 || 1 || d4 || 1 || +2 || +1 to survival checks
| Lirpa || Str+d6 or Str+d8 || 0 || d8 || 7 || +0 || Two-handed, attack with either end.
| Ushaan-tor|| Str+d4 || 2 || d4 || 3 || +1 || -
| Bat'leth || Str+d6 || 1 || d8 || 6 || +0 ||  Parry +1, two-handed
| D'k tahg || Str+d4 || 1 || d4 || 2 || +1 || -
| Iw'taj || Str+d6 || 2 || d6 || 3 || +0 || -
| Oy'naq || Str+d4 || 0 || d4 || 4 || -1 || Tough attack (+2), hit requires Vigor -2 or be Distracted and Vulnerable until the end of your next round.
'''KaBar''' -standard Starfleet Marines survival knife</br>
'''Lirpa''' - Vulcan double sided weapon with heavy club on one end and cleffed axe blade on he other end.</br>
'''Ushaan-tor''' - an Andorian dueling axe based on a ice-mining blade. </br>
'''Bat'leth''' (AKA betleH) - is a Klingon double-sided scimitar/hook sword/lujiaodao hybrid-edge weapon</br>
'''D'k tahg''' (AKA Daqtagh) - is a Klingon dagger. The knife has three blades: a main blade with a cutout in the center, and two smaller blades on either side. </br>
'''Iw'taj''' (AKA 'Iw taj) - a Klingon long heavy dueling knife/short sword.</br>
'''Oy'naq''' (AKA 'oy'naQ) - a Klingon "pain-stick"</br>
These modification and notes are from the Science Fiction Companion, to bring them in line with Star Trek and the Adventure edition of Savage Worlds. Acceleration is no longer used. Climb is replaced by Handling.</b>
These modification and notes are from the Science Fiction Companion, to bring them in line with Star Trek and the Adventure edition of Savage Worlds. Acceleration is no longer used. Climb is replaced by Handling.</b>
Starfleet and the Federation enjoy a high enough technology level that their vehicles and ships use the normal Modifiers for a vessel of its size listed below. The Gorn, the Zinn and the Seltorian are at around the same technological level as the Federation and also use these Mod spaces. The Klingons and Romulans are not as advanced and instead have only 80% of a vessel’s basic Mods listed (round to the nearest). The Tholians and the Hydran are more advanced and should receive 50% over a vessel’s base Mods.</b>
Starfleet and the Federation enjoy a high enough technology level that their vehicles and ships use the normal Modifiers for a vessel of its size listed below. The Gorn, the Zinn and the Seltorian are at around the same technological level as the Federation and also use these Mod spaces. The Klingons and Romulans are not as advanced and instead have only 75% of a vessel’s basic Mods listed (round to the nearest). The Tholians and the Hydran are more advanced and should receive 50% over a vessel’s base Mods.</b>
For other races it depends but the heroes may or maynot have an idea on how advanced another species might be.
For other races it depends but the heroes may or maynot have an idea on how advanced another species might be.
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Basic Structure or Frame of the Starhip
Basic Structure or Frame of the Starhip
{| class="wikitable" border="0"  
{| class="wikitable" border="0"  
| '''Structure''' || '''Size''' || '''Impulse''' || '''Handling''' || '''Toughness''' || '''Mods''' || '''Crew''' || '''Energy''' || '''Examples'''
| '''Structure''' || '''Size''' || '''Speed''' || '''Handling''' || '''Toughness''' || '''Mods''' || '''Crew''' || '''Energy''' || '''Examples'''
| Small || 6 || 6 || +3 || 25 (6) || 15 || 4 || 10 || Light shuttle  
| Small || 6 || 6 || +3 || 25 (6) || 20 || 4 || 10 || Light shuttle  
| Medium || 8 || 5 || +2 || 30 (7) || 30 || 10 || 20 || Heavy shuttle, civilian yacth  
| Medium || 8 || 5 || +2 || 30 (7) || 40 || 10 || 20 || Heavy shuttle, civilian yacth  
| Large || 10 || 5 || +1 || 35 (8) || 50 || 25 || 50 || Light Science Vessel (Oberth), light civilian transport
| Large || 10 || 5 || +1 || 35 (8) || 60 || 25 || 50 || Light Science Vessel (Oberth), light civilian transport
| Huge || 12 || 4 || +0 || 40 (9) || 70 || 50 || 100 || Surveyor (Nova), medium civilian transport
| Huge || 12 || 4 || +0 || 40 (9) || 80 || 50 || 100 || Surveyor (Nova), medium civilian transport
| Giant || 14 || 3 || -1 || 50 (12) || 100 || 100 || 200 || Escort (Defiant), federation light transport
| Giant || 14 || 3 || -1 || 50 (12) || 100 || 100 || 200 || Escort (Defiant), federation light transport
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'''Starship Notes'''</br>
'''Starship Notes'''</br>
For Tabletop combat in Space 'Impulse' is the squares are the same as table top personal combat. This is how may squares (or inches) it can move each round.  Also the Space Scale speed of a vessel is about how may AU it can travel in am hour. If measured in planetary scale x the Speed by 100 miles per hour.</br>
For Tabletop combat in Space the squares are basically the same as table top personal combat. This is how may squares (or inches) it can move each round.  Also the Space Scale speed of a vessel is about how may AU it can travel in am hour. If measured in planetary scale x the Speed by 100 miles per hour.</br>
Capital: huge capital starships are size 14+.</br>
Ship Scale Penalties: For every +/-8 in Size scale, -2 to the larger vessel's attack rolls and add +2 to the smaller ships attacking rolls.</br>
Ship Scale Penalties: For every +/-8 in Size scale, -2 to the larger vessel's attack rolls and add +2 to the smaller ships attacking rolls.</br>
Warp Drive Navigation: Plotting a Warp course a ''Science'' skill check at -1 per 20 lightyears to destination and takes 1d6 minutes.</br>
Warp Drive Navigation: Plotting a Warp course a ''Science'' skill check and 10 minutes time for safty reasons.</br>
These are the basic Modifiers that can be added to any vessel (federation or otherwise). They maybe called different things but they tend to operate the same.  
These are the basic Modifiers that can be added to any vessel (federation or otherwise). They maybe called different things but they tend to operate the same.  
Mods (x) is how many times it maybe taken; i.e. 1=Once, U=unlimited, etc. (up to all the mods the vehicle has)  
Mods (x) is how many times it maybe taken; i.e. 1=Once, U=unlimited, etc. (up to all the mods the vehicle has)
{| class="wikitable" border="0"
{| class="wikitable" border="0"
| '''Updated Starship Mods''' || '''Mods'''   
| '''Updated Starship Mods''' || '''Mods'''   
| '''AMCM (1)''': Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking'' checks made to evade missile and torpedo locks and attacks plus skill checks to avoid Tractor Beams. || 1
| '''AMCM (1)''': Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking'' checks made to evade missile attacks (and Tractor Beams). || 1
| '''Armor (U)''': Increases a ship’s Armor value by +4. Due to the nature of space and the size and shape of starships, all Armor is considered Heavy Armor. || 1 per 10 Size  
| '''Armor (U)''': Increases a ship’s Armor value by +4. Due to the nature of space and the size and shape of starships, all Armor is considered Heavy Armor. || 1 per 10 Size  
| '''Artificial Intelligence (1)''': The ship’s AI (or Ship's Computer) can operate all systems— from locomotion to weapons to opening or closing hatches. It has a skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the captain’s Action. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action.|| 2
| '''Artificial Intelligence (1)''': The ship’s AI (or Ship's Computer) can operate all systems— from locomotion to weapons to opening or closing hatches. It has a skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the captain’s Action. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action.|| 3
| '''Atmospheric (1)''': Allows the ship to enter planetary atmospheres. This includes heat shielding and additional work to handle the stress and strain of entry. All starships have vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability. || ½ Size  
| '''Atmospheric (1)''': Allows the ship to enter planetary atmospheres. This includes heat shielding and additional work to handle the stress and strain of entry. All starships have vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability (max size 16?). || Size  
| '''Crew Space (U)''': "Living space" for an additional 4 long term crew or passengers, including sleeping area, kitchen, rec area, oxgen and food requirements etc. || 1
| '''Crew Space (U)''': "Living space" for an additional ten long term crew or passengers, including sleeping area, kitchen, rec area, oxgen and food requirements etc. || 5
| '''Deflector Screens (1)''': vessel is protected by an energy field that deflects incoming ballistic and phsyical missile attacks (it has no effect against lasers, pasma or phasers). Attackers must subtract –2 from their ''Shooting'' rolls. Mod cost is 1 for Small to Large ships, 2 for Huge to Gargantuan vessels, and 3 for all larger vessels. It is also important for ship's traveling at warp speed as it 'pushes' debris etc. out of the vessel's path || 1/2/3
| '''Deflector Screens (¼ Size)''': The vessel protected by an ablative energy field that absorbs the ship’s Size x10 point of damage before being depleted. The threshold, or maximum amount of damage that the screen can stop from each individual shot is the ship’s Size. Apply this damage first and all remaining to the vessel. Each additional time this Mod is taken add an additional amount of maximum damage to the screen equal to the ship’s Size x5 and increase the threshold by ¼ the ship’s Size. Screen detonate missiles and torpedoes before they hit, reducing their damage by ½ (but see EMPs). A craft regenerates ½ is Size back in points on any round that it does not suffer any damage. || ¼ Size 
| '''Electromagnetic Shielding (3)''': Adds +10 to the ship’s effective Toughness vs. EMP attacks. || 1 per 10 size
| '''Electromagnetic Shielding (3)''': Adds +10 to the ship’s effective Toughness vs. EMP attacks. || 1 per 10 size
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| '''Energy Reserves (U)''': Impluse drives and back up fussion banks can provided additional energy to the ship. Each energy reserve adds 100% of the standard Energy rating to the ship || ¼ Size
| '''Energy Reserves (U)''': Impluse drives and back up fussion banks can provided additional energy to the ship. Each energy reserve adds 100% of the standard Energy rating to the ship || ¼ Size
| '''Fewer Crew or Passengers (U)''': For every 8 fewer crew or passengers the ship has, it gains an additional 1 modifer. || n/a  
| '''Fewer Crew or Passengers (U)''': For every 10 fewer crew the ship has it gains an additional 1 modifer. || n/a  
| '''Fixed (U)''': “Fixed” weapons cannot rotate. On the table-top, they have a 45° firing arc. Fixed weapons must chose an arc -- Forward, Port (left), Starboad (right), Aft (back). For ships that are 14 or greater can only fire at most craft with weapons facing that side (arc). Smaller ships can make a contested ''Pilot'' skill test, beating the target ship grants two arc or they face the worst arch of weapons (winner's choice), a raise three aches and two raises all arch in the same round. Total all like Fixed weapons first, then halve their combined Mod cost. || n/a   
| '''Fixed (U)''': “Fixed” weapons cannot rotate. On the table-top, they have a 45° firing arc. Fixed weapons must chose an arc -- Forward, Port (left), Starboad (right), Aft (back). For ships that are 14 or greater can only fire at most craft with weapons facing that side (arc). Smaller ships can make a contested ''Pilot'' skill test, beating the target ship grants two arc or they face the worst arch of weapons (winner's choice), a raise three aches and two raises all arch in the same round. Total all like Fixed weapons first, then halve their combined Mod cost. || n/a   
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| '''Impulse Drive Enhancer (U)''': each level increase the base speed by +1. || ¼ Size
| '''Impulse Drive Enhancer (U)''': each level increase the base speed by +1. || ¼ Size
| '''Impulse Speed Reduction (3)''': This ship trades power and speed for additional room. Each time this mod is taken, reduces the ship's Impulse by 1 and gain one-half the ship's Size in Mod slots. Cannot be taken with Speed and the minimim speed is 1 unless it is stationary (like a space station) || n/a
| '''Impluse Speed Reduction (3)''': This ship trades power and speed for additional room. Each time this mod is taken, reduces the ship's speed by 1 and gain one-half the ship's Size in Mod slots. Cannot be taken with Speed and the minimim speed is 1 unless it is stationary (like a space station) || n/a
| '''Life Support (1)''': base is 365 days for base crew and passengers for ¼ Size in mods. To increase to 3 ½ years (1,368.75 days) is ½ Size in mods and for 5 years (1,825 days) is Size in mods. Emergency Life support can be added for twice the base duration for half the Mod (round down). Short Term Supplies last for a week with all standard crew and passenger uses 1 mod per 10 ten passengers (round down, min 1). || see text
| '''Life Support (1)''': base is 365 days for base crew and passengers for ¼ Size in mods. To increase to 3 ½ years (1,368.75 days) is ½ Size in mods and for 5 years (1,825 days) is Size in mods. Emergency Life support can be added for twice the base duration for the same mods or 1/8 ships Size (for ships that are not meant for long term travel). || see text
| '''Linked Weapons (U)''': Up to four direct-fire weapons (non-missiles) of the same type may be linked and fired as one, increasing the damage by +4 per additional weapon and reducing the total number of Mods required -- total all Linked weapons in a set first, then halve their required Mods (If Linking Fixed weapons, halve the total again) || n/a  
| '''Linked Weapons (U)''': Up to four direct-fire weapons (non-missiles) of the same type may be linked and fired as one, increasing the damage by +4 per additional weapon and reducing the total number of Mods required -- total all Linked weapons in a set first, then halve their required Mods (If Linking Fixed weapons, halve the total again) || n/a  
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| '''Sensor Suite, Planetary (1)''': This functions exactly like the Sensor Suite (SFC p. 16) but has a range of 10K miles. It can also detect Warp Speed at 1 lght year away. || 1  
| '''Sensor Suite, Planetary (1)''': This functions exactly like the Sensor Suite (SFC p. 16) but has a range of 10K miles. It can also detect Warp Speed at 1 lght year away. || 1  
| '''Shields (¼ Size)''': The vessel protected by an ablative energy field that absorbs the ship’s Size x10 point of damage before being depleted. The threshold, or maximum amount of damage that the shield can stop from each individual shot is the ship’s Size. Apply this damage first and all remaining to the vessel. Each additional time this Mod is taken add an additional amount of maximum damage to the shield equal to the ship’s Size x5 and increase the threshold by ¼ the ship’s Size. Shields detonate missiles and torpedoes before they hit, reducing their damage by ½ (but see EMPs). A craft regenerates ½ is Size back in points on any round that it does not suffer any damage. || ¼ Size
| '''Stealth System (1)''': Not true Cloaking tech. Radar-absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the ship difficult to  detect by vision or sensors. Those trying to spot, attack, (or lock on to) the ship subtract 4 from their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in which the ship fires a weapon or emits some other nonstealth signal such as radio signal or active sensor search. || Size
| '''Stealth System (1)''': Not true Cloaking tech. Radar-absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the ship difficult to  detect by vision or sensors. Those trying to spot, attack, (or lock on to) the ship subtract 4 from their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in which the ship fires a weapon or emits some other nonstealth signal such as radio signal or active sensor search. || Size
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| '''Torpedo Tubes. Advanced (U)''': These tubes have a ROF of 3. || 2
| '''Torpedo Tubes. Advanced (U)''': These tubes have a ROF of 3. || 2
| '''Warp Drives (1)''': The Federation has access to six levels of Warp Drive at this time. Type I - cruising speed warp 4, emergency warp 6; Type II - cruising speed warp 5, emergency warp 7; Type III - cruising speed warp 6, emergency warp 9; Type IV - cruising speed warp 7, emergency warp 10; Type V - cruising speed warp 8, emergency warp 11; Type VI - cruising speed warp 9, emergency warp 12.</br>
| '''Warp Drives (1)''': The Federation has access to five levels of Warp Drive at this time. Type I has a safe cruising speed of warp 3 and emergency speed of warp 6; Type II has a safe cruising speed of warp 4 and emergency speed of warp 7; Type III has a safe cruising speed of warp 5 and emergency speed of warp 8; Type IV has a safe cruising speed of warp 6 and emergency of warp 9; Type V has a safe cruising speed of warp 7 and emergency speed of warp 10. Type VI have a safe cruising speed of 8 and an emergency speed of Warp 11. Cruising speed uses 1 additional Energy point a day of travel, emergency uses a vessel’s Size x2 in additional Energy points per day of travel. Also each day of travel at emergency warp requires a ''Repair'' -4 check. Failure destroys the engine’s dilithium crystals resulting in a loss of ½ all remaining Energy and no warp until they are replaced. Slow cruising is ½ cruising speed and uses 1 additional Energy point for every 10 days of travel. Slow cruising also imposes a -4 to ''Electronic'' sensor scans to detect warp travel. || Type I and II = ¼ ship’s Size; Type III and IV = ½ ship’s Size. Type V and VI = ship's Size.
Cruising speed uses 1 + Warp Drive level in Energy point a day of travel, while emergency uses a vessel’s (Size +Warp Drive level) x2 in Energy points per day of travel. Each day of travel at emergency warp requires a ''Repair'' -4 check. Failure destroys the engine’s dilithium crystals resulting in a loss of ½ all remaining Energy and no warp until they are replaced. </br>
Slow cruising is ½ cruising Warp speed (round down) and uses 1 Energy point for every 2 days of warp travel. Slow cruising also imposes a -4 to ''Electronic'' sensor scans to detect warp travel. || Type I = ¼ Size; Type II = ½ Size; Type III = ¾ Size; Type IV = Size; Type V = 1½ Size; Type VI = 2 x ship's Size.
</font size>
====Starship Weapons====
====Starship Weapons====
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| Plasma Cannon || 3/6/12 || 5d12 || 15 || 1 || 50 || 4 || +12
| Plasma Cannon || 3/6/12 || 5d12 || 15 || 1 || 50 || 4 || +12
| Plasma Cannon, Heavy || 3/6/12 || 7d12 || 15 || 1 || 50 || 6 || +16
| Plasma Cannon, Heavy || 3/6/12 || 6d12 || 15 || 1 || 50 || 6 || +16
| Disrupter Cannons || 6/12/24 || 6d12 || 15 || 1 || 50 || 3 || +8
| Disrupter Cannons || 6/12/24 || 6d10 || 25 || 1 || 50 || 3 || +8
| Disrupter Cannons, Heavy || 6/12/24 || 8d12 || 15 || 1 || 50 || 5 || +12
| Disrupter Cannons, Heavy || 6/12/24 || 8d10 || 25 || 1 || 50 || 5 || +12
| Phaser Cannon Type I || 8/16/32 || 4d10 || 20 || 1 || 50 || 2 || +8
| Phaser Cannon Type I || 8/16/32 || 4d10 || 20 || 1 || 50 || 2 || +8
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| Phaser Cannon Type III || 8/16/32 || 6d10 || 20 || 1 || 50 || 4 || +16
| Phaser Cannon Type III || 8/16/32 || 6d10 || 20 || 1 || 50 || 4 || +16
| Phaser Cannon Type IV || 8/16/32 || 7d10 || 25 || 1 || 50 || 5 || +20
| Phaser Cannon Type IV || 8/16/32 || 8d10 || 25 || 1 || 50 || 5 || +20
| Phaser Cannon Type V || 8/16/32 || 8d10 || 25 || 1 || 50 || 6 || +24
| Tractor Beams || 5/10/20 || n/a || 30 || 1 || 3 || +8
For Energy Weapons 'Shots' this is the number of shots that a ship can fire before 'recharging' the weapon's banks. It cost the weapon's Mods required x2 to fully recharge a bank. Linked weapons are considered one weapon bank (after the Mod reduction).</br>
For Energy Weapons 'Shots' this is the number of shots that a ship can fire before 'recharging' the weapon's banks. It cost the vessel Mods required x2 to fully recharge a bank. Linked weapons are considered one weapon bank (after the Mod reduction).</br>
Engergy weapons on a starships can also be fired down onto the planets. These attacks can be precise, dealing base damage and effecting a Large Burst Template. </br>
Distruptors and Phaser tech can spread these attacks out to effecting everything within 20 ft. x the base number of damage d (i.e. a Distruptor that deals 6d10 can attack a planatry target within 120ft). For truly wide beam is instead upgraded to 1000 ft x the base number of dice.</br>
Phaser can also use Stun damage vs. planets also. Standard wide beam use the same AOE as above. All targets within the area of the lower AOE requires all targets to make a Vigor check minus the one-half base number of dice, round up (i,e. Type II requires a Vigor -3 or be knocked out). At the wide beam AOE requires a Vigor check.</br>
Tractor beams are specialized starship weapons designed to hold an enemy ship in place and pull it to the “attacker”. Ships can only affect vessels of smaller Size then its own. This is an opposed attacker's ''Electronics'' check at –2 vs the target’s ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking'' or ''Piloting'' check. If the attacker is successful, the enemy ship is caught and is reduced to a Impulse speed of 0 and its weapons suffer -2 on their attack rolls. Each round after that it can be pulled into contact with the "attacker" at 5 squards per roind.
'''Missiles and Torpedos'''</br>
'''Missiles and Torpedos'''</br>
For direct fire against a target, Attackers make a ''Electronics'' or ''Science'' opossed by the target's ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking'' skill. Success by the attacker means that the ship has a weapons-lock the target. On the following round as an Action a successful ''Shooting'' check strike the target. Without weapons-lock the attack roll is at an additional -4 in addition to any other penalties. Targets can try to break weapons-lock each round after but as an opposed roll where they suffer a -2 penalty to their ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking'' check (until the weapon's lock is broken when the checks suffer no penalties).</br>
For direct fire against a target, Attackers make a ''Electronics'' or ''Science'' opossed by the target's ''Electronics'' or '''Hacking''' skill. Success by the attacker means that the ship has a weapons-lock the target. On the following round as an Action a successful ''Shooting'' check strike the target. Without weapons-lock the attack roll is at an additional -4 in addition to any other penalties. Targets can try to break weapons-lock each round after but as an opposed roll where they suffer a -2 penalty to their ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking'' check (until the weapon's lock is broken when the checks suffer no penalties).</br>
For proximity or AOE fire at a target, Attackers make a ''Shooting'' check opposed by the target's ''Electronics'' or ''Piloting'' check. A win by the attacker means the weapon detenated nearby and the target veessel suffers 1/2 damage. The target could attempt a seperate ''Piloting'' check at -4 to 'dive out of the way' and suffer no damage.</br>
For proximity or AOE fire at a target, Attackers make a ''Shooting'' check opposed by the target's ''Electronics'' or ''Piloting'' check. A win by the attacker means the weapon detenated nearby and the target veessel suffers 1/2 damage. The target could attempt a seperate ''Piloting'' check at -4 to 'dive out of the way' and suffer no damage.</br>
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| '''Name''' || '''Range''' || '''Damage''' || '''AP''' || '''ROF''' || '''Shots''' || '''Mods*''' || '''Min Size''' || '''AOE'''
| '''Name''' || '''Range''' || '''Damage''' || '''AP''' || '''ROF''' || '''Shots''' || '''Mods*''' || '''Min Size''' || '''AOE'''
| Missile || 8/16/32 || 10d6 || 0 || 1 || 1 || 12/1 || +16 ||  AOE (1 square)   
| Missile || 8/16/32 || 10d6 || 20 || 1 || 1 || 12/1 || +16 ||  AOE (1 square)   
| Missile, Nucular || 8/16/32 || 20d8 || 0 || 1 || 1 || 10/1 || +16 || AOE (10x10 squares)
| Missile, Nucular || 8/16/32 || 20d6 || 50 || 1 || 1 || 10/1 || +16 || AOE (10x10 squares)
| Plasma Torpedo || 10/20/40 || 10d10 || 40 || 1 || 1 || 6/1 || +12 || AOE (2x2 squares)  
| Plasma Torpedo || 10/20/40 || 10d10 || 40 || 1 || 1 || 6/1 || +12 || AOE (2x2 squares)  
Line 507: Line 463:
: *''An entry such as 12/1 means 12 missiles take up 1 Mod slot.''
: *''An entry such as 12/1 means 12 missiles take up 1 Mod slot.''
Nucular missiles and bombs are illegal by most stellar society but still occational used. They deal their base damage and then again as an EMP effect as a second pulse damage.
Plasma and Photon torpedos use 1 Energy point when firing the Mod size in rounds (i.e. Plasma torpedos use 1 Energy point for every 6 rounds fired).
Plasma and Photon torpedos use 1 Energy point when firing the Mod size in rounds (i.e. Plasma torpedos use 1 Energy point for every 6 rounds fired).
Line 538: Line 492:
| 11 || 1,331 times the speed of light (one light year every 0.27 days)
| 11 || 1,331 times the speed of light (one light year every 0.27 days)
| 12 || 1,728 times the speed of light (one light year every 0.21 days)
| 15 (Sub-Space radio)|| 3,375 times the speed of light (one light year every 0.1 days)  
| 15 (Sub-Space radio)|| 3,375 times the speed of light (one light year every 0.1 days)  
Line 546: Line 498:
'''''Please Note'''''- I got most of this idea from the '''Stars Without Numbers''' Revised RPG. I expanded these rules to work for SWADE but just wanted to be upfront about this.
These rules are ideas of giving players more options in a starship battle. Every PC can take one or more actions per ship round (some actions can only be taken once. Penalties for more the one action are listed on the Departments Action types). PCs who are department heads (or acting heads) can pick actions from their department. Any PC can pick from the general actions. All skill checks suffer a Wound Penalty if the ship has suffered any up to a maximum of -3 (with 3 or more wounds).</br>
These rules are about giving players more options in a starship battle. Every PC can take one or more actions per ship round (some actions can only be taken once. Penalties for more the one action are listed on the Departments Action types). PCs who are department heads (or acting heads) can pick actions from their department. Any PC can pick from the general actions. All skill checks suffer a Wound Penalty if the ship has suffered any up to a maximum of -3 (with 3 or more wounds).</br>
Usually, PCs choose to '''''Do Your Duty''''' or go '''''Above and Beyond''''' to generate Command Points, while others then spend them on actions for their department. All unspent Command Points are lost at the round’s end. NPC ships usually have a base number of Command Points they can spend each round, and may pick actions freely to spend them. NPC vessels don’t generate additional points.</br>
Usually, PCs choose to '''''Do Your Duty''''' or go '''''Above and Beyond''''' to generate Command Points, while others then spend them on actions for their department. All unspent Command Points are lost at the round’s end. NPC ships usually have a base number of Command Points they can spend each round, and may pick actions freely to spend them. NPC vessels don’t generate additional points.</br>
The Captain or commanding draws the starships Initiative Card (other players do not), and determines the order in which the various crew actions, and distributes Command Points. The other player characters take their actions, generating or spending Command Points or dealing with crisis.</br>
The Captain or commanding draws the starships Initiative Card (other players do not), and determines the order in which the various crew actions, and distributes Command Points. The other player characters take their actions, generating or spending Command Points or dealing with crises.</br>
[[File:SWADE.STPD.tarBattle.jpg | 700px]]
[[File:SWADE.STPD.tarBattle.jpg | 700px]]
'''''Into the Fire''''' (0 CP): Accept a ''Superstructure Damaged'' Crisis and gain ½ your ''Battle'' skill die in Command Points. You can do this once per round.</br>
'''''Into the Fire''''' (0 CP): Accept a ''Superstructure Damaged'' Crisis and gain ½ your ''Battle'' skill die in Command Points. You can do this once per round.</br>
'''''Keep It Together''''' (0 CP): Nullify a successful enemy hit and damage, rolling a Crisis instead. You can use this action in Instant response to an enemy hit. You can do this once per round.</br>
'''''Keep It Together''''' (0 CP): Nullify a successful enemy hit and damage, rolling a Crisis instead. You can use this action in Instant response to an enemy hit. You can do this once per round.</br>
'''''Support Department''''' (0 CP): Choose a department. One action that department takes will require 2 fewer Command Points (minimum 0). You can do this once per round.</br>
'''''Support Department''''' (0 CP): Choose a department. One action that department takes will require 2 fewer Command Points (minimum 0). You can do this once per round.</br>
'''''Confuse Systems''''' (2 CP): Make an opposed ''Hacking'' skill check against a targeted ship ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking''. On a success, it starts its next turn with a penalty to its Command Points equal to ½ your ''Hacking'' skill die. You can do this once per round.</br>
'''''Coordinate Crew''''' (1 CP): Make an ''Electronic'' skill check. On a success you grant one crew action a +2 bonus to their skill check if taken before the next round.</br>
'''''Coordinate Crew''''' (1 CP): Make an ''Electronic'' skill check. On a success you grant one crew action a +2 bonus to their skill check if taken before the next round.</br>
'''''Crash Systems''''' (2 CP): Make an opposed ''Hacking'' skill check against a targeted ship ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking''. On a success, it starts its next turn with a penalty to its Command Points equal to ½ your ''Hacking'' skill die. You can do this once per round.</br>
'''''Defeat ECM''''' (2 CP): Make an opposed ''Hacking'' skill check against a targeted ship's ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking''. On a success, all tactical actions this round gain a +2 bonus (+4 with a raise). You can take this action more than once, but it must be against a separate enemy each time.</br>
'''''Defeat ECM''''' (2 CP): Make an opposed ''Hacking'' skill check against a targeted ship's ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking''. On a success, all tactical actions this round gain a +2 bonus (+4 with a raise). You can take this action more than once, but it must be against a separate enemy each time.</br>
'''''Jam Comms!''''' (2 C): Make Make an opposed ''Electronics'' or  ''Hacking'' skill check against a targeted ship's ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking''. On a success, you block that vessel's sub-space radio such that they cannot send out emergecy messages. etc. This lasts until the end of your next turn.</br> 
'''''Sensor Ghost''''' (2 CP): Make a ''Hacking'' check at -2. On a success, impose a -2 penalty the next enemy’s first attacks against your vessel (only one attack). You can take this action more than once, but it time it must be against a seperate attack.</br>
'''''Damage Control''''' (4 CP or 3 with the Mr. Fix It edge): Make a ''Repair'' skill check. With a success you repair a Wound suffered by the ship, with an additional Wound repaired with any raises on the check. Each attempt of this action after the first in a combat has a cumulative -1 ''Repair'' penalty. These repairs least until the end of the scene and require a more ermanent fix with one day per Wound with a seperate successful check.</br>
'''''Damage Control''''' (4 CP or 3 with the Mr. Fix It edge): Make a ''Repair'' skill check. With a success you repair a Wound suffered by the ship, with an additional Wound repaired with any raises on the check. Each attempt of this action after the first in a combat has a cumulative -1 ''Repair'' penalty. These repairs least until the end of the scene and require a more ermanent fix with one day per Wound with a seperate successful check.</br>
'''''Emergency Repairs''''' (4 CP or 3 with the Mr. Fix It edge): Make a ''Repair'' check at a base -2. With a success a disabled system is restored or a degraded drive has its Speed increases by 1. Raises can increase the degraded drive by an additional 1 with each raise. Destroyed systems cannot be fixed this way.</br>
'''''Emergency Repairs''''' (4 CP or 3 with the Mr. Fix It edge): Make a ''Repair'' check at a base -2. With a success a disabled system is restored or a degraded drive has its Speed increases by 1. Raises can increase the degraded drive by an additional 1 with each raise. Destroyed systems cannot be fixed this way.</br>
'''''Reroute Power''''' (2 CP): Make a ''Repair'' check. With a success you can boost one of the following systems as you route additional power into the system – (1) Restore lost Force Field overall points up to the ship’s Size; (2) Increase the shield Threshold rating for one arch area by ½ the ship’s Size until your next round; (3) Increase the ship’s space Speed by 2 until your next turn; (4) Increase a single weapon’s damage by +2d weapon die for one attack; (5) Grant a +2 skill bonus to any one Comms, Helms, Navigation or Science action due to enhanced power to their sensors/systems.</br>
'''''Reroute Power''''' (2 CP): Make a ''Repair'' check. With a success you can boost one of the following systems as you route additional power into the system – (1) Restore lost Force Field overall points up to the ship’s Size; (2) Increase the shield Threshold rating for one arch area by ½ the ship’s Size until your next round; (3) Increase the ship’s space Speed by 2 until your next turn; (4) Increase a single weapon’s damage by +2d weapon die for one attack; (5) Grant a +2 skill bonus to any one Comms, Helms, Navigation or Science action due to enhanced power to their sensors/systems.</br>
<u>HELM ACTION</u></br>
'''''Bring Weapons to Bare''''' (2 CP): Make an opposed ''Piloting'' skill check. With a win, you can bring to bare one arch of fixed weapons against an enemy ship. You can take this action more than once in a round but all furture Helm actions are at a cumulative -2 that round.</br>
'''''Bring Weapons to Bare''''' (2 CP): Make an opposed ''Piloting'' skill check. With a win, you can bring to bare one arch of fixed weapons against an enemy ship. You can take this action more than once in a round but all furture Helm actions are at a cumulative -2 that round.</br>
'''''Emergency Warp''''' (4 CP): This very dangerous maneuver requires a ''Piloting'' -4 skill check. With a success you vessel breaks to warp speed and out of combat. Failure disables the Warp Drive and it cannot be used until ''Deal with a Crisis'' is used for fix it. After a successful jump Navigation must make an ''Science'' -2 skill to plot a course or the ship suffers a ''Hull Breach Crisis''. And Engineering must make a ''Repair'' -2 skill or suffer the results of ''Emergency Warp Speed'' (see Starship Mods).</br>
'''''Emergency Warp''''' (4 CP): This very dangerous maneuver requires a ''Piloting'' -4 skill check. With a success you vessel breaks to warp speed and out of combat. Failure disables the Warp Drive and it cannot be used until ''Deal with a Crisis'' is used for fix it. After a successful jump Navigation must make an ''Electronics'' -2 skill to plot a course or the ship suffers a ''Hull Breach Crisis''. And Engineering must make a ''Repair'' -4 skill or suffer the results of ''Emergency Warp Speed'' (see Starship Mods).</br>
'''''Escape Combat''''' (4 CP): Make an opposed ''Piloting'' skill check plus your ship’s space scale Speed against the fastest opponent’s skill check plus their ship’s space scale Speed. On a win, your ship gains one point of Escape. If your ship gets three points, after three uses of this maneuver, your ship gets away from them and are no longer in combat with that ship.</br>
'''''Escape Combat''''' (4 CP): Make an opposed ''Piloting'' skill check plus your ship’s space scale Speed against the fastest opponent’s skill check plus their ship’s space scale Speed. On a win, your ship gains one point of Escape. If your ship gets three points, after three uses of this maneuver, your ship gets away from them and are no longer in combat with that ship.</br>
'''''Evasive Maneuvers''''' (2 CP): Make an opposed ''Piloting'' skill check. On a success, you impose -2 penalty (-4 with a raise) against one enemy’s attacks against your ship until your next turn. You can take this action more than once, but it must be against a separate enemy each time.</br>
'''''Evasive Maneuvers''''' (2 CP): Make an opposed ''Piloting'' skill check. On a success, you impose -2 penalty (-4 with a raise) against one enemy’s attacks against your ship until your next turn. You can take this action more than once, but it must be against a separate enemy each time.</br>
'''''Pursue Target''''' (3 CP): Make an opposed ''Piloting'' skill check plus your ship’s Speed against the enemy against a fleeing enemy vessel ''Politing'' and ship's Speed.. One a win, you shed one point of Escape rating the target ship may have on you. </br>
'''''Pursue Target''''' (3 CP): Make an opposed ''Piloting'' skill check plus your ship’s Speed against the enemy against a fleeing enemy vessel ''Politing'' and ship's Speed.. One a win, you shed one point of Escape rating the target ship may have on you. </br>
'''''Focus Shields''''' (3 CP): Make an ''Electronics'' skill check. Witj a success you focus the shields in to either forward, aft, port (left) or starboard (right). Increase the threshold of shields in that area by ½ the ship’s Size and lower then at the other areas threshold by ½ the ship’s Size until your next turn.</br>
'''''Focus Shields''''' (3 CP): Make an ''Electronics'' skill check. Witj a success you focus the shields in to either forward, aft, port (left) or starboard (right). Increase the threshold of shields in that area by ½ the ship’s Size and lower then at the other areas threshold by ½ the ship’s Size until your next turn.</br>
'''''Plot Best Course''''' (2 CP): Make an ''Science'' skill check. With a success you plot the best maneuvering course for the ship granting a +2 bonus to all Helm operator’s actions until your next round.</br>
'''''Plot Best Course''''' (2 CP): Make an ''Electronic'' skill check. With a success you plot the best maneuvering course for the ship granting a +2 bonus to all Helm operator’s actions until your next round.</br>
'''''Sensor Ghost''''' (2 CP): Make a ''Hacking'' check at -2. On a success, impose a -2 (-4 with a raise) penalty to one enemy’s next attacks against your vessel (only one attack and it has to be befor your next turn). You can do this once per round.</br>
'''''Analysis Foe''''' (2 CP): Make a opposed ''Science'' skill vs. the target's ''Electionics'' or ''Hacking'' skill. With a success you can determine any weakness in an enemy ship’s defenses. Until next turn any attacks by Tactical can either lower the Command Points cost to ''Target Systems'' to 1 point or lower the target's Shield Threshold by ½ your ''Science'' skill die.</br>
'''''Analysis Foe''''' (2 CP): Make a opposed ''Science'' skill vs. the target's ''Electionics'' or ''Hacking'' skill. With a success you can determine any weakness in an enemy ship’s defenses. Until next turn any attacks by Tactical can either lower the Command Points cost to ''Target Systems'' to 1 point or lower the target's Shield Threshold by ½ your ''Science'' skill die.</br>
'''''Detect Hidden Threats''''' (1 CP): Make an ''Electronics'' skill. With a success your sensors can detected any possible hidden threats within the systems range IF it is there. This could include a cloaked vessel or mine, etc. but it does not pinpoint that item. That requires a seperate opposed check against the threat (i.e. a cloaked ship it’s opposed by the target you are minuses the vessel's stealth plenty vs. their ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking'' skill).</br>
'''''Detect Hidden Threats''''' (1 CP): Make an ''Electronics'' skill. With a success your sensors can detected any possible hidden threats within the systems range IF it is there. This could include a cloaked vessel or mine, etc. but it does not pinpoint that item. That requires a seperate opposed check against the threat (i.e. a cloaked ship it’s opposed by the target you are minuses the vessel's stealth plenty vs. their ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking'' skill).</br>
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Each raise over the target’s allow you to learn an additional detail.</br>
Each raise over the target’s allow you to learn an additional detail.</br>
'''''Fire All Guns''''' (5 CP): You fire all weapons mounted on the ship as a separate attack, designating targets as you wish. Turrets fire in all directions, fixed only in one direction.</br>
'''''Fire All Guns''''' (5 CP): You fire all weapons mounted on the ship as a separate attack, designating targets as you wish. Turrets fire in all directions, fixed only in one direction.</br>
'''''Fire One Weapon''''' (2 CP): You fires a single ship’s weapon of your choice. Turrets and linked weapons count as one weapon fired. You can take this action more than once. This can include Tractor Beams.</br>
'''''Fire One Weapon''''' (2 CP): You fires a single ship’s weapon of your choice. Turrets and linked weapons count as one weapon fired. You can take this action more than once. This can include Tractor Beams.</br>
Line 594: Line 549:
These attacks deals no Wounds. Systems can be restored as normal.</br>
These attacks deals no Wounds. Systems can be restored as normal.</br>
'''''Above and Beyond''''' (0 CP): Pushing yourself to help the ship or Life Support Breach its crew. Pick skill and explain how you’re using it to help the ship. If the GM agrees, roll it with a -2 penalty. On a success, gain your ½ skill level in Command Points. When you take this action you can do nothing else in the round, including actions for department heads, etc.</br>
'''''Above and Beyond''''' (0 CP): Pushing yourself to help the ship or Life Support Breach its crew. Pick skill and explain how you’re using it to help the ship. If the GM agrees, roll it with a -2 penalty. On a success, gain your ½ skill level in Command Points. When you take this action you can do nothing else in the round, including actions for department heads, etc.</br>
On a failure, the ship suffers -1 Command Point.</br>
On a failure, the ship suffers -1 Command Point.</br>
'''''Deal With a Crisis''''' (2 CP): Explain what you are doing to solve a secific ''Crisis'' and roll the relevant skill check. The difficulty is -4, plus or minus 0 to 4 depending on the situation and the effectiveness of your action (GM’s call). On a success, the ''Crisis'' is resolved. You may also use this action to aid another PC in resolving a Crisis, working like a Support check (SWADE pg. 106). As normal the maximum bonus that can be granted through Support is +4 no matter how many people aid. Normally when you take this Action you can do nothing else in that round (including those making a Support roll).</br>
'''''Deal With a Crisis''''' (2 CP): Explain what you are doing to solve a secific ''Crisis'' and roll the relevant skill check. The difficulty is -4, plus or minus 0 to 4 depending on the situation and the effectiveness of your action (GM’s call). On a success, the ''Crisis'' is resolved. You may also use this action to aid another PC in resolving a Crisis, working like a Support check (SWA pg. 106). As normal the maximum bonus that can be granted through Support is +4 no matter how many people aid. Normally when you take this Action you can do nothing else in that round.</br>
'''''Do Your Duty''''' (0 CP): The ship gains 1 Command Point with no skill check required. PCs who head more than one department can only grant 1 CP; NPC department heads automatically take this action. PC can also take a different action, but they can only take Do Your Duty once a round.
'''''Do Your Duty''''' (0 CP): The ship gains 1 Command Point with no skill check required. PCs who head more than one department can only grant 1 CP; NPC department heads automatically take this action. PC can also take a different action, but they can only take Do Your Duty once a round.
Once per round, any PC may choose to accept a ''Crisis'' instead of taking an enemy hit and Wound damage. They must choose to do so immediately after damage is rolled, and only one player needs to request the ''Crisis'' to get it even if the rest of the party doesn’t want it. Once the ''Crisis'' is accepted, the hit is negated and the GM rolls on the table. This can only happen once a round for the non-Captain players (see below)</br>
Once per round, any PC may choose to accept a ''Crisis'' instead of taking an enemy hit and damage. They must choose to do so immediately after damage is rolled, and only one player needs to request the Crisis to get it even if the rest of the party doesn’t want it. Once the Crisis is accepted, the hit is negated and the GM rolls on the table.</br>
The captain may also choose to voluntarily accept a Crisis through their '''''Keep It Together''''' or '''''Into the Fire''''' department actions. Use of these actions doesn’t count against the one-voluntary-Crisis-per-round maximum.</br>
The captain may also choose to voluntarily accept a Crisis through their '''''Keep It Together''''' or '''''Into the Fire''''' department actions. Use of these actions doesn’t count against the one-voluntary-Crisis-per-round maximum.</br>
Some Crises are continuing. They will apply a penalty to the ship that continues until some PC successfully performs a '''''Deal With a Crisis''''' action.</br>
Other Crises are acute. They inflict no immediate negative consequence, but if the PCs don’t resolve it by the end of the next combat round, an unpleasant consequence will ensue.</br>
A final Crises has an immediate affect that the crew most deal with the aftermath.</br>
The same Crisis rolled more than once will stack on the ship, though hits to a destroyed section or dry fuel tanks may not be much of a problem to the ship.</br>
Some ''Crisis'' are '''''Continuing'''''. They will apply a penalty to the ship that continues until a crewmember successfully performs a ''Deal With a Crisis'' action.</br>
'''''Dealing With a Crisis'''''</br>
Other ''Crisis'' are '''''Acute'''''. They inflict no immediate negative consequence, but if the PCs don’t resolve it by the end of the next combat round, an unpleasant consequence will ensue.</br>
Any PC can ''Deal With a Crisis'' by taking that general action and describing what they’re doing to solve the problem. They then roll an applicable skill check at -4 possibly modified by an additional up to -4 penalty depending on the GM’s judgment of their general plan and its likelihood of being helpful (i.e. using the wrong skill, etc.). On a success, the Crisis is resolved. This is the only action a player can take that round (although others can use Support rolls but this also takes their full round).</br>
A final ''Crisis'' has an '''''Immediate'''''. The aftermath of these effects must be dealt with by the crew (i.e. figure out how they will survive because of this).</br>
The same ''Crisis'' rolled more than once will stack on the ship, though hits to a destroyed section or dry fuel tanks may not be much of a problem to the ship.</br>
For a Crisis, roll a d20
For a Crisis, roll a d20
Line 661: Line 617:
'''''Crew Lost''''': Brave crew risk their lives to keep damaged systems operating. Describe the danger they face. If the Crisis is not resolved by the end of the next round, 10% of the ship’s maximum crew are incapacitated. Half these crewmen are dead or permanently disabled, and the other half return to duty in a week. A successful ''Healing'' check at -2 by the Medicine head halves the number of dead and crippled and to lower the loss to none with at least two raises! If the ship has run out of NPC crew when it takes this Crisis, a random PC suffers. The PC must make an Agility or Vigor -2 check (player’s choice) or suffer a Wound (two Wounds with a Critical Failure). Incapacitated heroes require the Medical head to stabilize them as normal or they will die the following round.
'''''Crew Lost''''': Brave crew risk their lives to keep damaged systems operating. Describe the danger they face. If the Crisis is not resolved by the end of the next round, 10% of the ship’s maximum crew are incapacitated. Half these crewmen are dead or permanently disabled, and the other half return to duty in a week. A successful ''Healing'' check at -2 by the Medicine head halves the number of dead and crippled and to lower the loss to none with at least two raises! If the ship has run out of NPC crew when it takes this Crisis, a random PC suffers. The PC must make an Agility or Vigor -2 check (player’s choice) or suffer a Wound (two Wounds with a Critical Failure). Incapacitated heroes require the Medical head to stabilize them as normal or they will die the following round.
'''''Fuel Bleed''''': The ship’s Energy fuel reserves have been damaged or emergency vents have been force-triggered by battle damage. If not resolved by the end of the next round, the ship will jettison 20% of its overall Energy points (round up). If reduced to 0 Energy the ship ceases to function and only emergency life support is even operational.
'''''Fuel Bleed''''': The ship’s fuel reserves have been damaged or emergency vents have been force-triggered by battle damage. If not resolved by the end of the next round, the ship will jettison 20% of its overall Energy points (round up). If reduced to 0 Energy the ship ceases to function and only emergency life support is even operational.
'''''Haywire Systems''''': Critical command links have been damaged or disordered by the hit. Until resolved, the ship starts each round at -2 Command Points. Multiple such Crisis can stack this penalty, crippling a ship until the Crises are resolved.
'''''Haywire Systems''''': Critical command links have been damaged or disordered by the hit. Until resolved, the ship starts each round at -2 Command Points. Multiple such Crisis can stack this penalty, crippling a ship until the Crises are resolved.
Line 685: Line 641:
'''''Targeting Decalibration''''': The gunnery computers are hopelessly confused and cannot lock the ship’s weaponry on a target until this Crisis is resolved. Until resolve all tactical actions suffer a -2 penalty. If this system is damaged again it is destroyed and most use secondary system. All actions now also cost 2 additional command points to work (along with the -2 penalty).
'''''Targeting Decalibration''''': The gunnery computers are hopelessly confused and cannot lock the ship’s weaponry on a target until this Crisis is resolved. Until resolve all tactical actions suffer a -2 penalty. If this system is damaged again it is destroyed and most use secondary system. All actions now also cost 2 additional command points to work (along with the -2 penalty).
'''''Warp Core Damaged''''': The vessel’s warp core is damaged and the ship cannot engage the warp engines until fixed. As warp engines provide most of the ship’s power its’ Speed is reduced by 1 and all non-torpedo weapons deal 2d weapon damage less until restored. If the vessel suffers this damage again the engines are is destroyed and cannot be repaired in combat. The ship loses all but a maximum of 1d6 x ½ the ship's Size Engergy points (if lower then it loses an additonal number of Energy Points equal to the ship's Size). The vessel is now running on backup engines/power plants only.
'''''Warp Core Damaged''''': The vessel’s warp core is damaged and the ship cannot engage the warp engines until fixed. As warp engines provide most of the ship’s power its’ Speed is reduced by 1 and all non-torpedo weapons deal 2d weapon damage less until restored. If the vessel suffers this damage again the engines are is destroyed and cannot be repaired in combat.
'''''Weapon System Damaged''''': One of the ship’s weapon arrays/banks is damage. Pick a random one. If a turret all weapons linked are also damaged. Damage systems deal ½ damage until fixed. If the vessel suffers this damage again this weapon system is destroyed and cannot be easily repaired in combat (''Repair'' checks are at an additional -2 and take twice as many Command Points). Tractor Beams count as Weapons. The first time it is damage they suffer a -4 penalty to use. The second time its is destoryed and cannot be repaired easily in combat (''Repair'' checks are at an additional -2 and take twice as many Command Points)
'''''Weapon System Damaged''''': One of the ship’s weapon arrays/banks is damage. Pick a random one. If a turret all weapons linked are also damaged. Damage systems deal ½ damage until fixed. If the vessel suffers this damage again this weapon system is destroyed and cannot be easily repaired in combat (''Repair'' checks are at an additional -2 and take twice as many Command Points). Tractor Beams count as Weapons. The first time it is damage they suffer a -4 penalty to use. The second time its is destoryed and cannot be repaired easily in combat (''Repair'' checks are at an additional -2 and take twice as many Command Points)
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Edges that can be used for Starship Actions – the Captain can use various Leadership edges for crew and Quick and Level Headed for Initiative; Communications can use EMP Specialist; Engineering can use McGyver and Mr. Fix It; Helm can use Ace (but cannot soak); Navigation and Science can use Scholar; Tactical can use Trade-Mark Weapon. All can use Steady Hands.
Edges that can be used for Starship Actions – the Captain can use various Leadership edges for crew and Quick and Level Headed for Initiative; Communications can use EMP Specialist; Engineering can use McGyver and Mr. Fix It; Helm can use Ace (but cannot soak); Navigation and Science can use Scholar; Tactical can use Trade-Mark Weapon. All can use Steady Hands.
==USS Saratoga==
''Miranda''-Class Medium Cruiser</br>
''Miranda''-Class Medium Cruiser</br>
'''<u>Game Stats'''</u> </br>
'''<u>Game Stats'''</u> </br>
'''Type''' -Behemoth, Size 20, '''Impulse''' 6, '''Handling''' -1, '''Toughness''' 84 (32), '''Wounds''' 8, '''Shields''' Threshold 25, Damage 300, '''Crew''' 332+ 75, '''Energy''' 2,000, '''Life Support''' 365 days, '''Hangers''' 4 standard bays (six Type V shuttles and one Type IX warp shuttle), '''Photon Torpedo Storage Bay''' 64, '''Warp Drive-Cruising Speed''' Warp 7, '''Emergency Speed''' Warp 10 </br>
'''Type''' -Behemoth, Size 20, '''Speed''' 6, '''Handling''' -1, '''Toughness''' 84 (32), '''Wounds''' 8, '''Deflector Screens''' Threshold 25, Damage 300, '''Crew''' 332+ 75, '''Energy''' 2,000, '''Life Support''' 365 days, '''Hangers''' 4 standard bays, '''Photon Torpedo Storage Bay''' 64, '''Cruising Speed''' Warp 6, '''Emergency Speed''' Warp 9 </br>
:'''Mods''' (11 remaining): AMCM (1), Armor III (6), A.I. (Ship's Computer) (2), Deflector Screens (3), Energy Reserve III (15), Fewer Crew and Passengers (+12), Handling III (15), Hanger Bays IV (20) Impulsive Drive Enhancer IV (20), Link Turrent Weapons (13), Life Support (5), Reinforced Structure I (5), Sensor Suite, Galactic (2), Shields II (10), Sub-Space Radio (1), Targeting Systems (1), Tractor Beams (9), Transports (Standard) 6 (6), Transporters (Emergency) 3 (9), Transporters (Cargo) 2 (6), Torpedo Tubes (4), Torpedo Storage (8), Warp Engine Type IV (20)
:'''Mods''' (+16 remaining): AMCM (1), Armor III (6), A.I. (3), Deflector Screens II (10), Energy Reserve III (15), Fewer Crew and Passengers (+9), Handling III (15), Hanger Bays IV (20) Impulsive Drive Enhancer IV (20), Link Turrent Weapons (13), Life Support (5), Reinforced Structure I (5), Sub-Space Radio (1), Targeting Systems (1), Tractor Beams (15), Transports (Standard) 6 (6), Transporters (Emergency) 3 (9), Transporters (Cargo) 2 (6), Torpedo Tubes (4), Torpedo Storage (8), Warp Engine Type IV (10)
: * Three Turret Linked (3 per turret, 2 forward, 1 aft) Phaser Cannons Type III (Range 8/16/32, Damage 6d10+6, AP 20, ROF 1, Shots 50)
: * Three Turret Linked (3 per turret, 2 forward, 1 aft) Phaser Cannons Type III (Range 8/16/32, Damage 6d10+6, AP 20, ROF 1, Shots 50)
: * Four Turret (2 forward, 2 aft) Photon Torperdo lauchers (Range 12/24/48, Damage 10d12, AP 40, ROF 1, Storage mods 8/1, AOE -2x2 squards)
: * Four Turret (2 forward, 2 aft) Photon Torperdo lauchers (Range 12/24/48, Damage 10d12, AP 40, ROF 1, Storage mods 8/1, AOE -2x2 squards)
: * Three Turret (2 forward, 1 aft) Tractor Beams (Range 5/10/20)
: * Three Turret (2 forward, 1 aft) Tractor Beams (Range 4)
'''USS Saratoga Mark III ''Miranda''-Class Cruiser''' tech data</br>
'''Mark III ''Miranda''-Class Cruiser''' </br>
'''Date Entering Service''' - 2284 (Refit 2294)</br>
'''Date Entering Service''' - 2284 (Refit 2294)</br>
Size: Length –234 m, Width –141 m, Height –63 m, Weight –169,495 mt</br>
Size: Length –234 m, Width –141 m, Height –63 m, Weight –169,495 mt</br>
Line 720: Line 676:
Transporters: Standard 6-person –4, Emergency 22-person –3, Cargo –2</br>
Transporters: Standard 6-person –4, Emergency 22-person –3, Cargo –2</br>
Other Data: Crew –332, Passengers –75</br>
Other Data: Crew –332, Passengers –75</br>
Shuttlecraft Bays (Standard) –4 </br>
Shuttlecraft Bays (Standard) –4
Engines And Power Data: Warp Engine Type –FWG-1, Type III, Cells –2</br>
Engines And Power Data: Warp Engine Type –FWG-1, Type III, Cells –2
Fussin Backup Engines  –8</br>
Fussin Backup Engines  –8</br>
Max Safe Cruising Speed –Warp 7, Emergency Speed –Warp 9</br>
Max Safe Cruising Speed –Warp 7, Emergency Speed –Warp 9</br>
Line 730: Line 686:
Number of total torps in storage - 64</br>
Number of total torps in storage - 64</br>
Shield Data: Deflector Shield Type –FSL Mark III</br>
Shield Data: Deflector Shield Type –FSL Mark III</br>
'''Type V shuttle'''[https://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/scans/factfiles/galileo5.jpg]</br>
'''Type''' -Small, Size 6, '''Impulse''' 8, '''Handling''' +3, '''Toughness''' 25 (6), '''Wounds''' +1, '''Deflector Screens''' Threshold 6, Damage 60, '''Crew''' 2+ 6, '''Energy''' 20, '''Life Support''' 7 days</br>
Mods (0 remaining): Artificial Intelligence (Ship's Computer) (2), Atmosphere (3), Crew Space (1), Energy Reserves I (2), Impulse Drive Enhancer II (4), Life Support (Short Term) (1), Sensor Suite, Planetary (1),  Sub-Space Radio (1)</br>
'''Type IX warp shuttle''' [https://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/schematics/type9a.jpg]</br>
'''Type''' -Medium, Size 8, '''Impulse''' 5, '''Handling''' +2, '''Toughness''' 30 (7), '''Wounds''' +2, '''Shields''' Threshold 8, Damage 80, '''Crew''' 2+ 8, '''Energy''' 60, '''Life Support''' 14 days, '''Warp Drive-Cruising Speed''' Warp 4, '''Emergency Speed''' Warp 7 </br>
'''Mods''' (5 remaining) - Artificial Intelligence (Ship's Computer) (2), Atmospheric (4), Energy Reserves II (4), Impulse Drive Enhancer III (6), Life Support III (Short term or 3 weeks) (3), Sensor Suite, Planetary  (1), Shields (2), Sub-Space Radio  (1), Warp Engine I (2)

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