Editing A Future Imperfect

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=='''Player Characters'''==
=='''Player Characters'''==
*[[Mitchell 'Stretch' Taylor]] ChalkLine.
*(Mitchell 'Stretch' Taylor) ChalkLine.
*[[Jefferey Lexington]]. Asen_G.
*(Jefferey Lexington). Asen_G.
*[[Brendan Asotasi]]. Nephew to Roy. Bulya. One of the scariest people alive.[http://resources3.news.com.au/images/2010/03/20/1225843/173475-roy-asotasi.jpg]
*(Insert Name here).Insert player name here.
*[[Elisavetta Trump]].T@nya. Mechanical witchdoctor. [http://static-p3.fotolia.com/jpg/00/06/81/50/400_F_6815014_CK2n6ixT1BE1goIuE4l92228jocbrOau.jpg]
*(Insert Name here).Insert player name here.
*[[Alex Hampton]].Deamon.
*(Insert Name here).Insert player name here.
*[[Aiden McCroy]].Nalyd. Internationally famous genetic hermit and bushman. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUK1Po_Uwz__MBZdNJhHi6FEk-tMyAgMUoBMFX7H96e-4jUPjY
*(Insert Name here).Insert player name here.
*[[Richard Hawkins]].Espatier.
*(Insert Name here).Insert player name here.
*[[Insert Name here]].Insert player name here.
*(Insert Name here).Insert player name here.
*[[A PC sheet]] cut and paste
===Game mechanics===
===Game mechanics===
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[[Game Mechanics]]
[[Game Mechanics]]
====How skills work====
Your skill would normally be written up as 20 [16] to indicate that you have ''skill mastery'' (20) with a '''control''' of 16.
'''Control''' is used to:
* ''Delete negative modifiers to success'' [no tools, vision conditions] and still allow you to roll with your full skill. In your case, theres no effect as there's enough tools about for you to use to do an assesment.
* It also ''generates automatic adds to effect die;'' +1 for every four points of the skill above 20. In your case, any effect die you roll adds 4 to the result.
* In this case, though, I was looking for an Effect number, how well under your skill [20] you could roll. You rolled 13 which means you get a success in the 7-9 range, which is pretty good. You can ''bump this to 10+ [the best non critical success] by throwing your control points in.''
'''The big changes in 30 years.'''
* There are some other little effects, unique to combat or social skills or whatever, but basically, even before tapping into your change, you have a pretty succinct analysis of the trucks needs in about two minutes.
*If you roll your base passive psi [In your case Psi+Mechanical] you can add those effects in to improve your roll further...
====How Psychic powers work====
*Elisavetta: Has a psi rating of 4. You only need this for techanalysis and your combat sense.
*Alex Hampton: Has a psi rating of 4 [though she doesn't know it]
*'Stretch' Taylor Has a psi rating of 5
*Lex Has a psi rating of 6
How does this work? when you want to focus your particular talents to do something, you need to make an attribute roll on Psi.
The particular power has a talent attached, so add Psi+talent. This is your base roll on d20 to focus your talent. It allows you to make simple uses of the power. A roll above your chance means you either lack focus or need to concentrate by adding your psi to the roll chance. This temporarily lowers your psi by 1 [you may add multiple psi scores to your roll, but each time it is 1 lower and you use a point of psi up.]
Any roll above this relies on multiples of Psi to determine a level of effect. An easy roll [psi x5] gets you a base effect. you increase the level of effect by rolling lower, Psi x 3 gives level 2, psi x 1 level 3. In situations where you are attempting to force greater levels of success, you can use the method above, scrificing temporary Psi score for decreases on your rolls.
[Example. Elisavetta has a psi of 4 and a mech talent of 8. Her base chance to focus her techanalysis on a task quickly and with little effort is 12 or less on a d20.
If she attempts to 'read' an unusual piece of black box technology and rolls 12 or less, she is in.
If she blows the roll, she can always try again after a brief break [a minute or so]. However, she is in a hurry as she is trying to divert a guided missile controlled by the unit she is analysing. If she had rolled 16 or less on her focus roll, she could temporarily 'burn'a point of psi to make the connection.
Now she is in, and needs to not only understand the system, but the operating software and security protocols to shut down the missile. The GM rules this a level 3 task [as he is nasty like that]. Elisavetta's player rolls 9 on the d20 - Psi x 3, enough for level 2. she curses and focuses her mind. Losing 2 points of psi power, she reduces her roll to a 2 [9 -4-3] - level three, and shes in control of the complete system. Scratch one missile. now, the aftereffects...
Each time you burn psi on a power, you will need to roll for the aftereffects. These happen once the psychic adrenalin wears out, so to speak, and do not impede your psi tasks at the time.
Rol a health Att check for every psi point used, and add the total used to each roll.
Failing health x 3 means you are fatigued and dazed. failing health x 5 means you are exhausted and stunned. Health x 1 means you are unaffected.
==The game so far==
A picture is worth a thousand words...
An overhead view of the current Uni 2067 style...
===The NPC's===
'''From the Marsh Mob'''
*3 Paddock guards [16M, 16F, 15M]
** Ebon -Black skin and hair, yellow eyes [near UV], fangs, claws [cosmetic]. Minor Quick
** Poss [green eyes] - Prehensile feet, prehensile tail [body mass supporting], wrist lock [skeletal].
** Laker - No physical changes, hatred in eyes.
*Family 1 Ross [23], three kids - Jedda, Megan and Damian [12, 10, 8] [All have webbed hands, feet. Skin is moist] Marshwarden Wife dead a year ago.
*Family 2 Papa [63] Mother - Kate [38] 2 kids Anja and Reece [14, 9] Uncle Sid [26] 14 yo is nearly 6 foot tall, strong. 9 yo is dappled skin colour, hair mane like, quick runner.
*Family 3 Jessie [27f] and Jess [26m] Both have furred skin. two kids Krysta and Misty [6 and 4]
* The sisters of Mercy Jean [38] minor strong tough. Alice [26] Albino, smart.
6 kids [13, 11,10, 6, 5, 5,] All physically changed, usually disfigured.
* Grahamn Doone from the Greens - herbalist. Male [22]
* Bikers from 'out West' [colors are Jesters] Tonya 'Big T',female[32]; and Marlie 'Clank' , female [28]. Have a reasonable rep locally - not a vermin gang.
* Trader 'Bushrat',Male [36] and bodyguard 'Macca' male [32]. Guard has mottled skin. From North of here.
Male [19], female [17], male [16], male [22] 19 yo is a quick, with modified feet.
17 yo is a 'pure' - looks like idealised human. 16 yo has night eyes and minor hair changes [more of a pelt] 22 yo has sockets for two extra eyes in temple...they are sewn shut and scarred.
===SecureCard access and levels===
Card access details are under the breakdown for Operation Lazarus and the Kingmaker protocol, both of which Morpheus is hiding behind [or next to, in this case].
White: Visitor access, must be escorted when in any area above red.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.
Levels of security access. These are coded, often by level - blue access to level 4 isn't blue access to lvl 5, unless the room types are the same [Science, Medical, Stores, Security, etc]. Red is the default security level for on site personnel.
Black: Override card for the entire system.
Tin, Copper, Bronze, Brass, Silver, Gold. Platimum.
Federal officer cards, which in theory allow access to and override on the level they are created for. The Government actually had their crap together on this system and it was hard to abuse [mainly because cards above Bronze are rarely issued]. The Bronze and Argent cards issued to the lads seem pretty high up the food chain. Brendans kind of makes sense in that it is a re-issue of the card Clarence gave him. Stretch should have received copper at the most [as a senior NCO], unless you follow a very bizzare chain of logic which would leave him as the commanding officer of his old unit [Argent or Silver card]
Similarly, the civ card currently issued to those in the system seem inordinately high up - Aiden gets an Orange, normal only for department heads or senior admin - which by a peice of tortured logic he could be.
Following this logic, you and the doctor should be due something out of the sec station - both having had various level of government clearances in the past.
Note that none of the Operation Morpheus doors or security protocols have used the keycard system so far.
===A future timeline===
Having read through this, you can assume anything up to about 2040 is happening tech. same with general world situation. http://www.futuretimeline.net/index.htm
===The local situation in 2066===
The Local situation in 2066 [16 years after the Change Plague]
In terms of deaths in 2051, assume anyone who was 'through' puberty and human growth died [unless in some kind of cryocapsule or immune].
What this left in 2051 was a population composed largely of children and teenagers [75%] with a smaller number of young adults [20%]. About 5% of the survivor population was adult when the Change hit.
This makes people with true training and experience from before the ruin rare. It also means that post ruin, the world was filled with teenagers and young adults. Cue chaos.
Any sleeper PC was an immune prime, your blood used to create vaccines. You are located in medical research facilities centred at the University of NSW complex [ much expanded and bio-domed in the mid 30's]
You are in medical suspension as it was deemed necessary to keep some of you out of the chaos of the oncoming virus. Some of you may also be members of the military, research groups or civilian/government organisations, as these recieved priority at the end.
There were extensice facilities in and under the Uni complex. Anyone military will know that this involved other cryogenic projects. Some will know more...
Any survivors are going to be from local Sydney communities - seeing as we've introduced the Domain, that will be your default. Your Common knowledge will be lucky to stretch to the Blue mountains or more than 50 k's up and down the coast. You pretty much know your own little world and thats it.
You will be present because of a man...an old man who's the last of a trio of NightWatchmen, security guards at the uni. He has always told a story to his little community, that he has a card you can use to summon help - but only when the need is as dire as the end of the world. You have to put it in a hidden door undeer the old ruins... The semi-barbaric small clan he is part of lives near the Uni and is a trade partner of the Domain. They hunt the grounds [where it is safe to] and make a scary ínitiation of being led to 'the door' when they are 13 or so. It is buried away under heavy growth in the bottom of a partially collapsed car park. It is the great secret of this tiny group and their sacred duty.
So that is the setup...the card is about to be used because of slaver raids from over the mountains, which have destroyed several small communities.
===Local maps - Then and now===
* A raised relief map of Sydney and surrounds. http://www.mapcentre.com.au/persistent/catalogue_images/categories/Syd_RR.jpg
* Home drawn map of Central Sydney, 2066. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r14/drifterne05/domainandnearby.png
* More detailed map of the Village Area. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r14/drifterne05/Thevillage.png
* a more general map of the area. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r14/drifterne05/syd1a.png
*There are Russians at HMAS Platypus, but they're the survivors of a Russian fishing fleet and escorts. They trade very good fish and vodka.
===North Head===
'''North Heads/Manly''' - The Rainbow Alliance.
'''North Head.'''
By the year 2040, North Head and Manly were very different. The old barracks had been reactivated to house federal security personnel, mainly those who administered the camps, overcrowded housing for refugees from 30 different Island nations. These were scattered along the harbour bay, mostly reactivated barracks, quarantine stations and schools. A massive part of this effort was funded and coordinated through the St Johns organisation, Red Cross, Red Crescent and Medicine Sans Frontieres who reactivated old St Johns facilities in the 30's to provide administration and coordinate relief efforts. North Heads quarantine station became camp Alpha, first port of call for new refugees and a disease screening centre.
As older survivors will know, fashionable Manly, with its microdomed main streets and green housing initiatives, was in stark contrast to the overcrowded conditions on the head. Both the media and the Federal government put pressure on local authorities to improve the situation, but by 2038 there was little anyone could do. The Army had reactivated some of its land and facilities to house new local SenseOps and drone/antidrone targetting facilities, and this being butted up against almost 5000 refugees was seen as less than desirable.
Then the Change hit, and 95% of the local population died...
'''North Head now [2066]'''.
North head is known to be the Headquarters of the Knights [of the Southern Cross]. They follow a fairly simple creed, based around the idealised notions of both the Armed Forces and the ethical codes of the relief organisations. They are founded around a core of care workers from the Manly Hospital, the St John quarters, military survivors and locals. Their political structure is deliberately dual...there is the military side of things and the civil/medical. A governing council is made up of equal representatives from both 'orders'.
It is important to understand that, while many outsiders see the Knights as a christian order, it is actually a fairly open philosophy. There are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Pagans in fairly large numbers in the knights, but that is seperate to the aims of the Knights, which are to restore a decent and safe standard of living to all humans.
Through Mitchell, you'll know that there are various small farming/salvage communities based along the north shore streams and dams. These are pretty much the protectorate of the Knights, who ensure they aren't trouble by gangs and bandits. In return, they provide crops and recuits to the order.
In Manly itself is an intricate community made up largely of survivors from the camps and a few locals. They have used the remnants of the once high class green housing Homiciles and biomed streets to create a diverse agriculture of small gardens, ponds, pools and living areas. This area is heavily invested with the Knights presence, but it is also a trade community and produces a plethora of local crafts. It is known locally as the Rainbow and the community is a hodge-podge of people from over 40 nations and backgrounds.
The reputation of the Knights is odd. They will treat the vilest slaver lord as equably as they treat Free communities...as long as they may open their hospices within their community. This is the work of the medical orders [The knights of the Hospital] and they teach hygeine, first aid and practical medicine to anyone who will listen. They also provide medical services. Those communities that have turned on or destroyed a hospice have met the other arm of the Knights - the militant order [the knights of the Southern Cross]. These are the folk that provide the protective role of the Knights and they are well trained and well armed, even though most are trained in medical arts. The knights also seem to have pretty good intel on what is happening around Sydney - they are famous for providing early warning to over a dozen communities caught in the great bushfire of 2055.
They are a solid trade partner of the Domain. Mitchell knows how they do this, but probably wouldn't mention it.
Mitchell would also know that the Knights sit on a couple of caches of old Military equipment - including two of the new Kookaburra triphibian vehicles introduced in 2036.
==='''The big changes in 30 years.'''===
This is the future history of the game. Of course, I can't cover everything, but am going to nail some salient points. If you want to riff off this and write some of your own ideas for more particular areas or focuses, go ahead.
This is the future history of the game. Of course, I can't cover everything, but am going to nail some salient points. If you want to riff off this and write some of your own ideas for more particular areas or focuses, go ahead.
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* [[Specific Tech]], which will grow as the game goes on.
* Non allergic cybernetic parts and regeneration therapies allow most of the limbless in rich countries to have them restored.
* Non allergic cybernetic parts and regeneration therapies allow most of the limbless in rich countries to have them restored.
* Metals are being phased out of industrial applications, in favour of new carbon 'plastics'.
* Metals are being phased out of industrial applications, in favour of new carbon 'plastics'.
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There are over a dozen habitats in Earth orbit, the largest having a rotating crew of 122. Three of these are commercial ventures, the rest belong to the UN, the US or the Chinese pacific region alliance. Humans have reached Mars...once. Politics has held up the permanent Lunar base project for over 20 years.
There are over a dozen habitats in Earth orbit, the largest having a rotating crew of 122. Three of these are commercial ventures, the rest belong to the UN, the US or the Chinese pacific region alliance. Humans have reached Mars...once. Politics has held up the permanent Lunar base project for over 20 years.
Recycling of resources is a worldwide focus and the people of developed countries are far more aware of the need. Most of it is dumped on third world nations for 'reprocessing'.
Recycling of resources is a worldwide focus and the people of developed countries are far more aware of the need. Most of it is dumped on third world nations for 'reprocessing'.  
==='''The last ten years of the old world'''===
==='''The last ten years of the old world'''===

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