Editing A Phantom Bestiary

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Things of the wild lands, whose origins none can name, the beasts are not animals, and they are not men. They come in a hundred shapes and sizes, and they are found the world over. Some mix the features of two animals into one, others are a single animal with magical properties. There are no legends that tell of these things origin, and they come in such a dizzying array of types that no one can even say for certain that they represent a single race. If the elemental gods create them they have not spoken of it to their priests, and if the Tuatha-Sidhe made them and sent them out to torment the mortal races, no binding has yet broken past their lies and forced them to say. It may be that the world herself dreamed them up in her slumber.  Whatever the tale, aside from the army of a neighboring nation, it is the more common among these beasts who present the most frequent danger to a village or traveling caravan.
* ''Knowledge (arcana), DC 20''
* ''Knowledge (arcana), DC 25''
* ''Knowledge (arcana), DC 30''
Types: Beast, Magical Beast
Examples: Ankheg, Chimera, Naga, Owl Bear, Winter Wolf.
Long before men, before gods, before the Foimoire and even the Tuatha-Sidhe, The Dragon stalked across the face of the Phantom World.  Uncertain tales say He hatched from the belly of the world, or that She lay the world out of Her, as an egg.  Legends credit His breath with the growth of Scalgard's first plants and say that Her dreams, when eventually She lay down to sleep, dotted the world with animals.  Somewhere, perhaps sleeping in the heart of the world or moved on to hatch the next, The Dragon still lives. But where or how none alive can say, for none were there, not even The Dragon's Spawn, the drakes. 
Drakes are all that remains of the true dragons upon the face of the world, who were said to be but shadows of The Dragon Himself. Drakes sport an intelligence only slightly above that of an animal, though their instincts for the hunt and the kill are strong, and their life spans can hardly be measured in centuries, as was said of their lost ancestors. Most commonly, Drakes are a dull, lusterless red in color, though they've been seen in shades of green and purple.  Twice a man's height at the shoulder and four men long, the average adult Drake is hostile, hungry, and territorial. Many have huge wings for flight, and all have snapping jaws and fierce talons. A number of them breathe fire, but just as many do not, and there seems to be no way of knowing which type one has encountered until the beast opens it mouth and the flames gush forth.
Though far-fallen from their mythic forebear, drakes are still creatures of power.  Massive in size, with armor like layered shields, teeth like spears and claws as sharp as swords, drakes are a plague on the nations of men. Saving only Estria, they are found across the world; black-scaled in the moist fens of the Low Countries, lusterless red in the jagged mountains bordering Saesony, emerald green in the Ceumric forests and brown, wingless wyrms through much of Thrudvang. Wherever they are, drakes are creatures of territorial greed, claiming caverns and forest glens as theirs, and jealously guarding whatever other treasure strength and fate might bring into their hands.
They are most commonly found in Ceumri and Saesony, with the wingless sort appearing mostly in Thrudvang and the Low Countries.  The Fenian and even the orcs have reported sightings, as well, but civilization has long cleared them from Estria.
A character knows the following with a successful skill check:
A character knows the following with a successful skill check:
* '''Streetwise DC 20''' - ''The Fire On Blackholme Peak'' - Far to the Saeson east the charmen return from the dark woods with tales of a lonely cave on a lonely mountain and the largest drake they've ever seen.  It has fire, it has wings, it has great claws and teeth; is it an ancient thing only recently wakened, or just closer in blood to The Dragon than most?  Many men discount the tales, but Blackholme Peak has been glowing nights of late, and a twelve-strong warband who camped near its foot have yet to return.   
* '''History DC 20''' - ''The Fire On Blackholme Peak'' - Far to the Saeson east the charmen return from the dark woods with tales of a lonely cave on a lonely mountain and the largest drake they've ever seen.  It has fire, it has wings, it has great claws and teeth; is it an ancient thing, or just closer in blood to The Dragon than most?  Many men discount the tales, but Blackholme Peak has been glowing nights of late, and a twelve-strong warband who camped near its foot have yet to return.   
* '''Arcana DC 25''' - ''A Heart Consumed By Scales of Lucre'' - Some love gold not for what it can bring them, but for its own sake.  They love the way the way it shines, the coolness against their skin, the way it smells...  They count it, again and again and again. And they try, always, to get more.  But gold is closer to The Dragon's soul than anything else in Scalgard, and too much love can change a man.  Bit by bit, the body is coated in flecks of gold. Piece by piece, the gold is absorbed into the flesh.  The body expands, and changes shape.  A mouth becomes a snout, hands become claws, and over time, over time, over time, where once there was a man there is only a Drake.   
* '''Arcana DC 25''' - ''Birthing a New World'' - The Dragon sits as the heart of the natural world, like a chick waiting to hatch from its egg, but this was not always the case.  Indeed, The Dragon was already waiting, before the world was spawned from the mists of glory, and it was His breath that covered her over with plants and his dreams, when eventually he lay down to sleep, that dotted her with animals.  The Dragon may wake again one day, and fly away for other spheres, to create other worlds.  Indeed, since the gods come from other worlds themselves, it's possible that He already did, and that Scalgard is not the first world He has hatched.
* '''Arcana DC 30''' - ''The Plutarch's Face'' - In Estria, the Plutarch's bloodline has run strong for a hundred years and more, and ruled all that time.  In truth, it is but the blood of one man, alive for centuries.  No, not a man...  A Dragon!  The last heir of The Dragon, the Plutarch has hid himself well and indulged his native greed, happy to remain undiscovered.  A good thing, too, for the knowledge at his disposal must surely be vast and his power, if ever it had to be brought to bear, enough to strive with a god's.
* '''Arcana DC 30''' - ''A Heart Consumed By Scales of Lucre'' - Some love gold not for what it can bring them, but for its own sake.  They love the way the way it shines, the coolness against their skin, the way it smells...  They count it, again and again and again. And they try, always, to get more.  But gold is closer to The Dragon's soul than anything else in Scalgard, and too much love can change a man.  Bit by bit, the body is coated in flecks of gold. Piece by piece, the gold is absorbed into the flesh.  The body expands, and changes shape.  A mouth becomes a snout, hands become claws, and over time, over time, over time, where once there was a man there is only a Drake.   
Keywords: Dragon
Types: Dragon, Magical Beast
Examples: Adult Black Dragon, Young Green Dragon
Examples: Dragonspawn, Drake, Hydra, Purple Worm, Wyvern
The Elemental Lords grant many boons to those who pledge themselves in service, and the greatest among these are allies without number. These are the elementals, formed of the very matter of their patron's influence and given shape by the temper of their creators; a steel elemental is not a shapeless pile of metal, but a great knight in polished and perfectly mirrored plate, a greatsword in its hands.  Sized between men and giants, elementals nevertheless do not have the will of these mortal races and, though intelligent, follow the commands of their conjurer or creator without question or pause.
The Elemental Lords grant many boons to those who pledge themselves in service, and the greatest among them are allies called up from their own potent souls. These are the elementals, and each is as one with the temper of its creator. Steel Elementals are not merely formed from steel, but appear as knights in perfectly symmetrical plate armor, carrying greatswords; and Moon elementals are creatures of shifting patterns of hypnotic white light.
Elementals find form in Scalgard where their creators hold the most power. Dust elementals are not only the librarians in Annwyn's dry, dead realm in the southwest, then, but in universities across Estria; Mannanan's thunder legions arise not in the sky above the world, but on any battlefield that rages fiercely enough to attract Father Wolf's attention. Wherever else, the gods do not lightly leave their defenses aside, and those mortals who would approach the gods must first contend with these most powerful of their servants.  
Elementals find a home in the realms of Scalgard where their creators hold the most power. So Annwyn's dry, dead realm in the southwest sees many dust elementals wandering the halls as librarians, and Beira's frigid kingdom north of orcheim sees men of ice patrolling the border. Those mortals who would approach the gods must first contend with these most powerful of their servants. As strong as the gods are, though, creating and maintaining such a creature is draining, even for them, and far away from their domains elementals are not often to be found.
A character knows the following with a successful Religion check:
A character knows the following with a successful Religion check:
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* '''DC 20''' - ''The Forest For the Trees'' - The Forest of Ikalda, a week's ride into the heart of Thrudvang, is actually a reserve army of ten thousand Thunder Elementals, petrified into the form of bristling pine trees. Anyone who chops down a tree in Ikalda will go deaf in the resulting explosion. What they're standing in reserve for, nobody but the Duke of Thunder knows.   
* '''DC 20''' - ''The Forest For the Trees'' - The Forest of Ikalda, a week's ride into the heart of Thrudvang, is actually a reserve army of ten thousand Thunder Elementals, petrified into the form of bristling pine trees. Anyone who chops down a tree in Ikalda will go deaf in the resulting explosion. What they're standing in reserve for, nobody but the Duke of Thunder knows.   
* '''DC 25''' - ''Those Who Are One Army'' - Against Annwyn's will and power, Nefain keeps some righteous heroes, slain before their time, by her side as her Einherjar, her Steel Elementals.  The ritual by which she puts mortal souls in metal bodies is still a mystery, but whatever it is it makes her servants unfailing in purpose and loyalty.   
* '''DC 25''' - ''Those Who Are One Army'' - Against Annwyn's will and power, Nefain keeps some righteous heroes, slain before their time, by her side as her Einherjar, her Steel Elementals.  The ritual by which she puts mortal souls in metal bodies is still a mystery, but whatever it is it makes her servants unfailing in purpose and loyalty.   
* '''DC 30''' - ''Myself to Myself'' - Elementals are not truly independent creatures, but rather called up from the gods' own potent souls.  And as strong as the gods are, creating and maintaining such a construct is draining, even for them.  They do not often send their servants far from their places of power and are careful not to sacrifice too many of the creatures, lest their own strength fade as a consequence.
* '''DC 30''' -  
Keywords: Cold, Construct, Earth
Types: Constructs, Elementals, Outsiders
Examples: Air Elemental, Ice Archon Frostshaper, Ice Devil (Gelugon), Inevitable (Zelekhut), Iron Golem, Mephit (Dust)
Examples: Air Elemental, Ice Archon Frostshaper, Ice Devil (Gelugon), Inevitable (Zelekhut), Iron Golem, Mephit (Dust)
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Though not naturally inclined towards industry, the Fir Bolg are a people of feral and cunning intellect.  They salvage the tools of those they kill, and over the long years on the moors and in the deepest woods, they have learned to wield weapons and wear light armor.  They run on four legs almost as easily as on two, and are masters of pack tactics, grouping together to hound a single foe and run it to ground.  When they strike, they strike quickly, and fade back into the shadows, safe from assault until they can burst forth again.  Of late, these strikes have been growing in frequency...  
Though not naturally inclined towards industry, the Fir Bolg are a people of feral and cunning intellect.  They salvage the tools of those they kill, and over the long years on the moors and in the deepest woods, they have learned to wield weapons and wear light armor.  They run on four legs almost as easily as on two, and are masters of pack tactics, grouping together to hound a single foe and run it to ground.  When they strike, they strike quickly, and fade back into the shadows, safe from assault until they can burst forth again.  Of late, these strikes have been growing in frequency...  
A character knows the following with a successful skill check:
A character knows the following with a successful History check:
* '''Streetwise DC 20''' - ''Old Dogs, New Tricks'' - The Fir Bolg went one step worse than butchering the Fenian Denholm down to a man: they took their place.  They kept the fires burning, kept the sheep in pasturage, kept true all the sounds of life.  In this way, they took the next trading caravan to come through town entirely by surprise.  Only a handful of men escaped that ambush, but when they returned in force the town was abandoned.  The caravan wagons, though, and all their pack animals, were missing.  Did the Fir Bolg take them, for some other, new plan?
* '''DC 20''' - ''Old Dogs, New Tricks'' -  
* '''DC 25''' - ''The Leader of the Pack'' -  
* '''DC 25''' - ''The Leader of the Pack'' - The wolf-men of the Deiran have long howled madly at the moon as they race across the moors, but these howls have lately grown in fervor. 
* '''Nature DC 30''' - ''Proud and Bitter Sons'' - It was Cerithwen made the Fir Bolg, from wolves she found when first she came to Scalgard, but her children failed to hold her interest.  While the first dwarves had fosterage from the giants, the Fir Bolg had to succeed, and fail, on their own.  Now they seek help from none and their feral hearts scream for their mother's blood and an end to all her works.   
* '''DC 30''' - ''Proud and Bitter Sons'' - It was Cerithwen made the Fir Bolg, from wolves she found when first she came to Scalgard, but her children failed to hold her interest.  While the first dwarves had fosterage from the giants, the Fir Bolg had to succeed, and fail, on their own.  Now they seek help from none and their feral hearts scream for their mother's blood and an end to all her works.   
Example: Fir Bolg use Gnoll statistics
Type/Example: Fir Bolg use gnoll statistics
The oldest dwarven thanes say that their grandfathers are giant folk, the Foimoire, who walked from the eastern seas and drove the Tuatha Sidhe into their dreaming realm.  The dwarves give the Foimoire credit for inventing their runic writing and say that the wisest among them knew the languages of the birds and of the earth.  They strove with the gods when those Elemental Lords first followed their sister Cerithwen to Scalgard, but proved no match for their magics and retreated beneath the waves from which they had come.
Even the oldest dwarven thanes speak of the Foimoire with only vague stories.  They say that these giant figures walked from the eastern seas and drove away the Tuatha Sidhe.  The dwarves call the Foimoire their grandfathers, give them credit for inventing their runic writing and say that the wisest among them knew the languages of the birds and of the earth.  They strove with the gods when those Elemental Lords first came to Scalgard, but proved no match for their strange magics and retreated beneath the waves from which they had long ago come.
The truth of these stories are kept by the Foimoire's few, certain children: the giants.  Between half again and thrice a man's height, they are creatures of incredible strength and possessed of what must surely be knowledge of the Foimoire's ancient magic.  This they practice with rage in their hearts for, dutiful sons, the memory of their fathers' fall burns within them and they would have revenge, if not on the gods themselves, then at least the men who birthed themTheir schemes, though, come with only slight aid from kin, for giants are solitary creatures who do not often unite but instead make their lonely homes in the Foimoire's abandoned castles, sunken below the surface of the earth or floating far out to seaAs company they keep only captured slaves or a single apprentice who they tutor in their magics - indeed, mortal wizardry has its origins with the Foimoire, as do darker pacts besides, and for love of their fathers and love of learning the giants will teach some of this power in exchange for serviceA supplicant must be quick to bend knee, though, and hope to catch his tutor otherwise without a student, or be met with no grace at all.  The only certain exception is a dwarf, with whom the giants will begin no strife, lending credence to the small folks' claims of cousinage.
The truth of these stories may remain in the Foimoire's abandoned castles, whose halls have sunk below the surface of the earth and are too often the home of dangerous monsters, or they may be kept by the Foimoire's few, certain children, the giants.  Human in shape and intellect, but between half again and thrice a man's height, they are creatures of incredible strength.  What's more, a rare few of their leaders possess a frightening power - knowledge of the Foimoire's ancient runic magic.  The giants live in castles of their own, far to the north near Beira's lands or sunk not far from the shore; some have even claimed homes in their forebars' old hauntsDespite their small numbers, the giants passions are just as varied as in the races of men, and their grudges are sized to match their statureUsually reclusive, a caravan, mining or foresting expedition or fishing trawler that strays too near their haunts is an invitation for a relentless and violent rebukeLending credence to claims of cousinage, though, the giants will never initiate an attack against the dwarves, though the mountain folk do not hold themselves with the same restraint.
A character knows the following with a successful skill check:
A character knows the following with a successful skill check:
* '''History DC 20''' - ''Steading of the Hill Giant Chief'' - All is not well in Srumnir, a city of the Low Countries; Froyja, the champion, has been taken war-captive by a giant living in land claimed by Edward the Bald, a disagreeable Saeson duke.  Served by ogrish servants, the giant's fortress would take an army to seize, but that would invite war with Edward and his nearby Saeson allies.
* '''DC 20'''
* '''History DC 25''' - ''The Frost Giant's Daughter'' - On an island off the north coast of Seasony, the giant Isvath has a human daughter.  Her true parentage even Isvath's old apprentices do not know, but word has spread that the girl, named Aelwyn, is a beauty like no other.  Many are the men who had taken on the challenge of winning her to wife, but the tasks Isvath have set them have so far bought them only Annwyn's embrace.  This would seem to be Isvath's own cruel revenge for the Foimoire's fall; indeed, it may not even be possible to win his game.
* '''DC 25''' - ''Calling Their Fathers' Names'' -  
* '''Arcana DC 30''' - ''Calling Their Fathers' Names'' - Through their inherited magics, giants may become the fathers of monsters.  The amphibious kua toa, the venomous basilisk and the various ettins and ogres among the so-called "lesser giants" are all their children, sent out of the giants' halls to smash low the kingdoms of men.  But so, too, is Aelwyn Isvath's true daughter.
* '''DC 30''' - ''Walkers in the Waves'' -
Keyword: Giant
Types: Giant, Outsider
Examples: Ettin Spirit-Talker, Fire Giant Forgecaller, Hill Giant, Ogre Thug
Examples: Giant (Cloud), Giant (Storm), Titan
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A character knows the following with a successful Arcana check:
A character knows the following with a successful Arcana check:
* '''DC 20''' - ''Scions of Dream and Horn'' - Sometimes known as Half-elves, the Aelfin are changeling children, fathered upon human maids by, or by human men upon, the Tuatha-Sidhe. Born into the society of their mortal mother or left on the doorstep of their father's house, their appearance will always betray, however slightly, their immortal parentageStranger still, the Aelfin have also each inherited an almost magical knowledge from the otherworld that can give them strange insights and surprising knowledge beyond their chosen role in the world.
* '''DC 20''' - ''Scions of Dream and Horn'' - Sometimes known as Half-elves, the Aelfin are changeling children, fathered upon human maids by, or by human men upon, the Tuatha-Sidhe. Born into the society of their mortal mother or left on the doorstep of their father's house, they exhibit some of the characteristics of their immortal parents, having slightly slender and pointed features, a somewhat extended life span, and frequently displaying an odd coloration in the eyes or hairThe Aelfin also have inherited an almost magical quality from their parents, knowledge from the otherworld that can give them strange insights and surprising knowledge beyond their chosen role in the world.
* '''DC 25''' - ''Poor, Abandoned Soldiers'' - The Strange Lords left for the Dream Realm, and took their best knights with them, but their bondsmen did not merit such an exalted retreat.  No, the goblins were left behind to make their own way in the world, and the memory of what they lost twists in their haunted hearts. There is order to them, civility, but it's a veneer that only poorly apes a half-remembered dream.  Perhaps it is that dream that brings the goblins into such frequent service of Aelfin or Fey-pact Warlocks.  But perhaps there is no dream at all, and the goblins were never abandoned, and the Tuatha-Sidhe are playing a far more subtle game, and have their hands on far more pawns, than sages have ever credited them with...
* '''DC 25''' - ''Poor, Abandoned Soldiers'' - The Strange Lords left for the Dream Realm, and took their best knights with them, but their bondsmen did not merit such an exalted retreat.  No, the goblins were left behind to make their own way in the world, and the memory of what they lost twists in their haunted hearts. There is order to them, civility, but it's a veneer that only poorly apes a half-remembered dream.  Perhaps it is that dream that brings the goblins into such frequent service of Aelfin or Fey-pact Warlocks.  But perhaps there is no dream at all, and the goblins were never abandoned, and the Tuatha-Sidhe are playing a far more subtle game, and have their hands on far more pawns, than sages have ever credited them with...
* '''DC 30''' - ''Walking the Never-Trod Path'' - The doors to the Strange Lords' realm have not closed completely; there are cracks in the wall between worlds.  The foot of an abandoned path, the frame of a broken door, a hollow made by two trees entwined, all of these may open to the Dream Realm for he who has the key.  The Tuatha-Sidhe's ancient songs of power are folklore now, passed down and corrupted with time, but a man who can sing their original notes without his voice breaking might step through to the other side and seek his heart's desire.  The Strange Lords, of course, know their own songs, but only rarely seem to use them, and none have been willing to say why.   
* '''DC 30''' - ''Walking the Never-Trod Path'' - The doors to the Strange Lords' realm have not closed completely, and cracks in the wall between worlds may grow wider with time.  The foot of an abandoned path, the frame of a broken door, a hollow made by two trees entwined, all of these may open to the Dream Realm for he who has the right key.  The Tuatha-Sidhe's ancient songs of power are folklore now, passed down and corrupted with time, but a man who can sing their original notes without his voice breaking might step through to the other side and seek his heart's desire.  The Strange Lords, of course, know their own songs, but only rarely seem to use them, and none have been willing to say why.   
Origin/Type: Fey/Plant, shapechanger, spider (also creatures named "Goblin", "Hobgoblin", "Bugbear" and "Troll")
Types: Fey, Giant, Outsider, Magical Beast, Plant
Examples: Cyclops Impaler, Dryad, Eladrin Twilight Incanter, Fomorian Painbringer, Goblin Hexer, Razorclaw Stalker, Treant, Unicorn
Examples: Cyclops Impaler, Dryad, Eladrin Twilight Incanter, Fomorian Painbringer, Goblin Hexer, Razorclaw Stalker, Treant, Unicorn
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A character knows the following with a successful Religion check:
A character knows the following with a successful Religion check:
* '''DC 20''' - ''The Tomb of Horrors'' - The bog-barrows that dot the Low Countries hold the remains of those lands' once-proud lords, but not all their souls rest easy in Annwyn's halls.  One ancient prince, Draugr, has stirred at the clash of arms overhead, and he prepares to march to war once more.  Shepherds have seen his barrow-door stand open to the moon.  Farmers have seen, before fleeing in terror, too many of the newly dead, not tied down in the ancient style, crawl their way across the fen to meet him.  Villagers in their homes have awakened from black dreams screaming his name.  When his host is complete will it be vengeance he seeks, or conquest?   
* '''DC 20''' - ''The War-Prince of Nar Folr'' - In the bog-barrows that dot the Low Countries lie the remains of those lands' once-proud lords, but not all their souls rest easy in Annwyn's halls.  One ancient prince, Draugr, has stirred at the clash of arms overhead, and he prepares to march to war once more.  Shepherds have seen his barrow-door stand open to the moon.  Farmers have seen, before fleeing in terror, too many of the newly dead, not tied down in the ancient style, crawl their way across the fen to meet him.  Villagers in their homes have awakened from black dreams screaming his name.  When his host is complete will it be vengeance he seeks, or conquest?   
* '''DC 25''' - ''The Ashen Covenant'' - In old, decrepit temples throughout Thrudvang and Saesony, a terrible doom awaits.  A cult of the dead and nearly so, traitors to Annwyn's will, the Ashen Covenant would throw open the gates to the Halls of Dust and let the dead walk beside the living.  Such an order is hardly healthy, though, and already through ritual, through sacrifice and through art, the Covenant have shown they are far more concerned with the hearafter than the health of anyone who's yet to cross that line.   
* '''DC 25''' - ''The Ashen Covenant'' - In old, decrepit temples throughout Thrudvang and Saesony, a terrible doom awaits the mortal world.  A cult of the dead and nearly so, traitors to Annwyn's will, the Ashen Covenant would throw open the gates to the Halls of Dust and let the dead walk beside the living.  Such an order is hardly healthy, though, and already through ritual, through sacrifice and through art, the Covenant have shown they are far more concerned with the hearafter than the health of anyone who's yet to cross that line.   
* '''DC 30''' - ''Stilling the Black Ship's Sails'' - Wise sages know that Annwyn must call the dead to him, lest their souls stay uneasy in Scalgard, but the wisest of the wise have learned that there may be a way to keep his call from reaching your ears.  On the night of the new moon, when Cerithwen turns her face from the world; if it is cloudless, and Mannanan does not race through the sky; you would wear a symbol of power and, with blasphemous words, try to bind a god to a circle of black stone stolen from the dwarves.  Succeed, and Annwyn's immortal, lich-power may be yours; fail, and he will most certainly have a new soul in his care.   
* '''DC 30''' - ''Stilling the Black Ship's Sails'' - Wise sages know that Annwyn must call the dead to him, lest their souls stay uneasy in Scalgard, but the wisest of the wise have learned that there may be a way to keep his call from reaching your ears.  On the night of the new moon, when Cerithwen turns her face from the world; if it is cloudless, and Mannanan does not race through the sky; you would wear a symbol of power and, with blasphemous words, try to bind a god to a circle of black stone stolen from the dwarves.  Succeed, and Annwyn's immortal, lich-power may be yours; fail, and he will most certainly have a new soul in his care.  There is only one sage wise enough to have heard of the ritual but still fool enough to try.  The Raven Queen.   
Type: Undead
Type: Undead
Examples: Boneshard Skeleton, Corruption Corpse, Deathlock Wight, Horde Ghoul, Wailing Ghost (Banshee)
Examples: Banshee, Ghoul, Skeleton, Wight, Wraith, Zombie
[[Legends of the Phantom World]]
[[Legends of the Phantom World]]

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