Editing Adventures of Dash Karp and Cat Flynn

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Were I half the cad I claim to be, I would have taken that as an invitation. Were I a complete and utter scoundrel, I could easily take advantage of the situation and woo the gypsy right into my arms...and then into my bed. Or hers. Either would do. The problem was, after only two days, I hardly felt I had done anything to 'loosen her up' as it were. Not her anyway. "Not to worry, Catarina, I will indeed sleep...and well. Tomorrow, we will be on our way to Atlantic City and that much closer to putting all of this behind us." Well, behind her anyway. I already figured I would be involved with this for a while, if for no other reason so I could throw a bag of monkey wrenches into Lorenzo's machinations. Whatever they were.
Were I half the cad I claim to be, I would have taken that as an invitation. Were I a complete and utter scoundrel, I could easily take advantage of the situation and woo the gypsy right into my arms...and then into my bed. Or hers. Either would do. The problem was, after only two days, I hardly felt I had done anything to 'loosen her up' as it were. Not her anyway. "Not to worry, Catarina, I will indeed sleep...and well. Tomorrow, we will be on our way to Atlantic City and that much closer to putting all of this behind us." Well, behind her anyway. I already figured I would be involved with this for a while, if for no other reason so I could throw a bag of monkey wrenches into Lorenzo's machinations. Whatever they were.
== Chapter 14 "By the Sea" ==
== Chapter 13 "By the Sea" ==
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Well she looked less like a gypsy now and more like a girl about to stand in a bread line. That suited me just fine. I went into the store room then and made sift work of changing. It was a plain black suit that one might wear to a funeral; or to one's own funeral. I was thinking about what Cat had said about Pa and David. She wasn't entirely wrong. Although they only corresponded sparingly after the war, once David and his wife showed up in Atlantic City, they did indeed form a fast bond. It was a bond that often drew disapproving attention from people on all sides of the tracks. It was one thing for a white man to employ a negro, and quite another for them to act like brothers. Fortunately, neither Pa nor David ever let it matter to them what others thought. "Thank you, Captain, these will do quite well. Now, might I be so rude as to ask if I could borrow some money? I will wire it back as soon as I get to New York." I noticed Ellie was still unusually quiet and still watching Cat. David immediatley opened the door to the cash register and counted out twenty-three dollars and fifteen cents. Thats all there was. "I's afeared it been a slow week, Missuh Karp."
Dash Karp: Well she looked less like a gypsy now and more like a girl about to stand in a bread line. That suited me just fine. I went into the store room then and made sift work of changing. It was a plain black suit that one might wear to a  
Dash Karp: funeral; or to one's own funeral. I was thinking about what Cat had said about Pa and David. She wasn't entirely wrong. Although they only corresponded sparingly after the war, once David and his wife showed up in Atlantic City,  
Dash Karp: they did indeed form a fast bond. "Thank you, Captain, these will do quite well. Now, might I be so rude as to ask if I could borrow some money? I will wire it back as soon as I get to New York." I noticed Ellie was still unusually
Dash Karp: quiet and still watching Cat. David immediatley opened the door to the cash register and counted out twenty-three dollars and fifteen cents. Thats all there was. "I's afeared it been a slow week, Missuh Karp." ()
CatarinaFlynn: ::she did look as dowdy as possible, though with that lovely hair and her features, it was hard to say she truly fit the bill. It would be good cover though:: ah, yes, I suppose that is true, but what if he does find it, get his
CatarinaFlynn: hands on it.  Should we not be trying to stop him? ::she gave Dash a worried look:: I dare say I do not like to think what could be done if they find us and we have not been successful ::she moved closer to Dash, instinctively
She did look as dowdy as possible, though with that lovely hair and her features, it was hard to say she truly fit the bill.  It would be good cover though. "Ah, yes, I suppose that is true, but what if he does find it, get his hands on itShould we not be trying to stop him?" She gave Dash a worried look. "I dare say I do not like to think what could be done if they find us and we have not been successful," she moved closer to Dash, instinctively seeking comfort near him, a soft lean against his suited body. Her chin rose and she met his gaze. "Where will we go now?" she was acutely aware that she was essentially homeless and without clan in this land, a very uncomfortable truth she was not yet prepared to process.
CatarinaFlynn: seeking comfort near him, a soft lean against his suited bodyHer chin rose and she met his gaze:: where will we go now? ::she was acutely aware that she was essentially homeless and without clan in this land, a very uncomfortable
CatarinaFlynn: truth she was not yet prepared to process::/d
Dash Karp: I looked at Cat and smiled a bit. The poor kid was a bit naive about these things. "We weren't meant to succeed, Cat. We were only meant to be seen. They probably have the relic now and Harrigan is probably dead." I wasn't sure
Dash Karp: about the lean or hopw to respond to it. She wasn't the usual dame I ran with, taht was for sure. "We should get going. Could take us all day to get back to Manhattan at this point. I don't know that I am going to worry about that  
Dash Karp: old piece of stone so much, but I'm sure Lorenzo would still like to keep us under wraps. So that will have to be addessed. Now what about you, Cat? I can give you some money when we get back, or do you have another destination you
Dash Karp: would like to reach?" ()
I looked at Cat and smiled a bit. The poor kid was a bit naive about these things. "We weren't meant to succeed, Cat. We were only meant to be seen. They probably have the relic now and Harrigan is probably dead." I wasn't sure about the lean or how to respond to it. She wasn't the usual dame I ran with, that was for sure. "We should get going. Could take us all day to get back to Manhattan at this point. I don't know that I am going to worry about that old piece of stone so much, but I'm sure Lorenzo would still like to keep us under wraps. So that will have to be addressed. Now what about you, Cat? I can give you some money when we get back, or do you have another destination you would like to reach?"
CatarinaFlynn: :;she looked to him, straightening from her lean when he made no move to respond, flustered at the question and a bit embarassed:: ah, yes of course.  Last thing you need is a charity case.  I have some money tucked away ::in her
CatarinaFlynn: brassiere at the moment, the brooch tucked into the top of her stockings, garters snug enough to ensure it would not fall out:: only place I know is New York.  I can make my own way from there I am sure, let you go off and seek your
CatarinaFlynn: own way as well ::If she sounded a bit defensive, it was pure embarassment for having imagined anything else as an end game.  He'd not given her any reason to assume anything and yet she had.   She ducked her chin, tucking hair
CatarinaFlynn: back behind an ear::/d
Dash Karp: A meaty black hand smacked the back of my head. "Danny Karp! Why I oughta put ya o'er my knee and make yo ass as black as mine! Can't yo talk some sense inta that boy, David? I sho don't remember him bein' that dumb befo'e!" David
Dash Karp: laughed and I was just in utter shock at the assault and looked between them incredulously, rubbing the back of my head. Before David could speak, Ellie was at it again. "Dat pretty lil' missy here is bein' sweet on yo and yo don't
Dash Karp: even see it?" She smacked the back of my head again. The woman had a wicked smack! I wasn't sure what Ellie wanted me to do and I was struck dumb for a number of minutes. I wasn't even sure if Ellie was even close to being
She looked to him, straightening from her lean when he made no move to respond, flustered at the question and a bit embarrassed. "Ah, yes of course.  Last thing you need is a charity case.  I have some money tucked away," in her brassiere at the moment, the brooch tucked into the top of her stockings, garters snug enough to ensure it would not fall out. Only place I know is New York.  I can make my own way from there I am sure, let you go off and seek your own way as well." If she sounded a bit defensive, it was pure embarrassment for having imagined anything else as an end game.  He'd not given her any reason to assume anything and yet she had. She ducked her chin, tucking hair back behind an ear.
Dash Karp: right. The back of my head got hit again. "Now cut that out!" I finally spoke up but Ellie cut me off. "She's a special'un, she is, and she not nuttin' like dems otha floozy wimmens you run wit." I looked at Cat rather sheepishly
Dash Karp: and shrugged. "I don't suppose you would reconsider about meeting Mr. Applewhite, would you?" ()
CatarinaFlynn: ::a hand overed her mouth as she laughed softly, oh she liked the style of these two even if she did flush a bright pink at their words. She was not fond of causing scenes but she had to admit it was amusing to see the pair treat
CatarinaFlynn: him as if were a recalcitrant child. :: to be fair, he owes me nothing really Captainm and I surely do not want to be any burden on him ::as she did not want him acting sweet  on the slappings of the elderly couple. Blue eyes did
CatarinaFlynn: meet his though and he might well have read there a shy wonder as to how he might really feel. Then they mentioned floozies and she recalled his warning her off.  That was hard as she had yet to see his caddish ways, so far he had
CatarinaFlynn: shown her his strength and temerity, intelligence and politeness. Still, his warning lingered:: if he can do what you say he can, I feel I should meet him. Sentimentality has to take a back seat to doing what is proper here ::a
A meaty black hand smacked the back of my head. "Danny Karp! Why I oughta put ya o'er my knee and make yo ass as black as mine! Can't yo talk some sense inta that boy, David? I sho don't remember him bein' that dumb befo'e!" David laughed and I was just in utter shock at the assault and looked between them incredulously, rubbing the back of my head. Before David could speak, Ellie was at it again. "Dat pretty lil' missy here is bein' sweet on yo and yo don't even see it?" She smacked the back of my head again. The woman had a wicked smack! I wasn't sure what Ellie wanted me to do and I was struck dumb for a number of minutes. I wasn't even sure if Ellie was even close to being right. The back of my head got hit again. "Now cut that out!" I finally spoke up but Ellie cut me off. "She's a special'un, she is, and she not nuttin' like dems otha floozy wimmens you run wit." I looked at Cat rather sheepishly and shrugged. "I don't suppose you would reconsider about meeting Mr. Applewhite, would you?"
CatarinaFlynn: difficult thing, but she was determined::/d
Dash Karp: "Very well then," my head was still smarting and I didn't envy David if she ever actually lifted that rolling pin against him. I gave a looking to Ellie and David and hoped to see some sort of satisfaction in their eyes. I almost
Dash Karp: felt I was seeking their approval. "So you're still stuck with me, Kitten," and I gave her an apologetic smile. "You man-folk can be soo...." but David cut her off now. "That be's 'nuff now woman! You got no call to treat Missuh
Dash Karp: Karp like dat!" I smiled to David then looked to Cat. "So we make for the Reading station and go to Philly, then catch a train for Manhattan. Hopefully they won't be looking for us there." ()
CatarinaFlynn: ::she drew a breath, gathering her energy and resources for the run:: alright, do we need any story or iedntification or anything? ::she was out of her element here and it showed.:: I do not want to slow us down any ::a nervous
CatarinaFlynn: glance to the street outside, her energy up, a soft roll of it in the air around her::/d
A hand overed her mouth as she laughed softly. Oh she liked the style of these two even if she did flush a bright pink at their words. She was not fond of causing scenes but she had to admit it was amusing to see the pair treat him as if were a recalcitrant child. To be fair, he owes me nothing really Captain, and I surely do not want to be any burden on him," as she did not want him acting sweet based on the slappings of the elderly couple. Blue eyes did meet his though and he might well have read there a shy wonder as to how he might really feel. Then they mentioned floozies and she recalled his warning her off.  That was hard as she had yet to see his caddish ways, so far he had shown her his strength and temerity, intelligence and politeness.  Still, his warning lingered. "If he can do what you say he can, I feel I should meet him. Sentimentality has to take a back seat to doing what is proper here." A difficult thing, but she was determined.
Dash Karp: I shook my head. "Its not like we're crossing the border into foreign lands.David came out from behind the counter then. "Missuh Karp, might be a right good idea iffn' I takes you and the missy down ta Margate and y'all can catch
Dash Karp: a bus to Philly. I reckon dey ain't be lookin' for y'all there." I had to agree with David and nodded to that. "That's a swell idea, Captain, but might I bother youy to9 take us now?" I wasn't sure of the bus or train schedules
Dash Karp: currently, but I was sure we were in for a long day of waiting and traveling. ()
CatarinaFlynn: ::her brows rose but she nodded, a warm smile his way:: oh thank you Captain, I am sure you are quite right, they will not be looking at the bus depot ::she looked to Dash and reached for his hand:: it may not be fancy but I am well
CatarinaFlynn: used to making the best of what comes my way. Maybe we can even grab a sanwhich if they have a nickel counter there ::she was a bit famished by now, and the day ahead looked to be filled with travel and tedium, which far outshone  
CatarinaFlynn: danger and terror to be certain::/d
"Very well then," my head was still smarting and I didn't envy David if she ever actually lifted that rolling pin against him. I gave a look to Ellie and David and hoped to see some sort of satisfaction in their eyes. I almost felt I was seeking their approval. "So you're still stuck with me, Kitten," and I gave her an apologetic smile. "You man-folk can be soo...." but David cut her off now. "That be's 'nuff now woman! You got no call to treat Missuh Karp like dat!" I smiled to David then looked to Cat. "So we make for the Reading station and go to Philly, then catch a train for Manhattan. Hopefully they won't be looking for us there."  
She drew a breath, gathering her energy and resources for the run. "Alright, do we need any story or identification or anything?" She was out of her element here and it showed. "I do not want to slow us down anything," a nervous glance to the street outside, her energy up, a soft roll of it in the air around her.
I shook my head. "Its not like we're crossing the border into foreign lands."  David came out from behind the counter then. "Missuh Karp, might be a right good idea iffn' I takes you and the missy down ta Margate and y'all can catch a bus to Philly. I reckon dey ain't be lookin' for y'all there." I had to agree with David and nodded to that. "That's a swell idea, Captain, but might I bother youy to take us now?" I wasn't sure of the bus or train schedules currently, but I was sure we were in for a long day of waiting and traveling.
Her brows rose but she nodded, a warm smile his way. "Oh thank you Captain, I am sure you are quite right, they will not be looking at the bus depot. She looked to Dash and reached for his hand, "it may not be fancy but I am well used to making the best of what comes my way.  Maybe we can even grab a sandwich if they have a nickel counter there. She was a bit famished by now, and the day ahead looked to be filled with travel and tedium, which far outshone danger and terror to be certain.

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