Editing Arcadian Academy

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A PbP game of Mutants & Masterminds 3e, run by JohnStarGazer.
A PbP game of Mutants & Masterminds 3e, run by JohnStarGazer.
== Links ==
[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/interest-recruitment-mutants-and-masterminds-3e-arcadian-academy.838596/ Recruitment thread]
[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/interest-recruitment-mutants-and-masterminds-3e-arcadian-academy.838596/ Recruitment thread]
[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/mutants-and-masterminds-3e-arcadian-academy.839707/ IC Thread]
IC thread
[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/mutants-and-masterminds-3e-arcadian-academy.839708/ OOC Thread]
OOC thread
== Billy Davis - Biomancer (The Watcher) ==
== Billy Davis, "Biomancer" (played by The Watcher) ==
Billy Davis is in fact the notorious supervillain genius known as The Polymath. Well, sort of. It all began a little over year ago when The Polymath, after having analyzed and experimented with a supply of Silver Storm nanites he managed to collect after the event, gained enough comprehension of how it functioned to devise a way to guide the transformation process. To do so one would need a means of manipulating a subject's biological processes during exposure in order insure the body reacted in the correct ways to develop the desired powers. Rather than creating instrumentation that could potentially be taken or destroyed, The Polymath instead decided to create a new body for himself that possessed bio-manipulation powers.
Billy Davis is in fact the notorious supervillain genius known as The Polymath. Well, sort of. It all began a little over year ago when The Polymath, after having analyzed and experimented with a supply of Silver Storm nanites he managed to collect after the event, gained enough comprehension of how it functioned to devise a way to guide the transformation process. To do so one would need a means of manipulating a subject's biological processes during exposure in order insure the body reacted in the correct ways to develop the desired powers. Rather than creating instrumentation that could potentially be taken or destroyed, The Polymath instead decided to create a new body for himself that possessed bio-manipulation powers.
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: '''Motivation: acceptance -''' Billy wants the world to accept him as his own person, not simply a clone of the notorious Polymath
: '''Motivation: acceptance -''' Billy wants the world to accept him as his own person, not simply a clone of the notorious Polymath
: '''Motivation: responsibility -''' Billy feels he has a duty to use his powers to benefit the world to make up for the trouble caused by his older self
: '''Motivation: responsibility -''' Billy feels he has a duty to use his powers to benefit the world to make up for the trouble caused by his older self
: '''Playing Catch Up With The Times -''' Until Billy woke up his most recent memories were of Christmas Day, 1989. He's been trying to play catch up with all the changes to the world and pop culture that have occurred since the 1990's but he's got a ways to go. There may be times when he might not recognize a significant person, event or other fact that would be common knowledge to those who were alive through those years or grew up hearing about them.
: '''Playing Catch Up With The Times -''' Until Billy woke up his most recent memories were of Christmas Day, 1988. He's been trying to play catch up with all the changes to the world and pop culture that have occurred since the 1990's but he's got a ways to go. There may be times when he might not recognize a significant person, event or other fact that would be common knowledge to those who were alive through those years or grew up hearing about them.
: '''The Polymath's Shadow -''' Despite insisting he's a different person, the legacy of the Polymath still haunts him. Some paranoid people believe it's all an act and he somehow managed to hide all of his adult memories from both Pseudo of the Freedom League and multiple government-appointed telepathic examiners. Others might want to use him as a key to unlock captured devices or hidden vaults keyed to Polymath's biometric readings. And then there are those friends, followers and admirers of the Polymath who hope to somehow restore him to life once more, even if it means overriding Billy's current personality to do so.
: '''The Polymath's Shadow -''' Despite insisting he's a different person, the legacy of the Polymath still haunts him. Some paranoid people believe it's all an act and he somehow managed to hide all of his adult memories from both Pseudo of the Freedom League and multiple government-appointed telepathic examiners. Others might want to use him as a key to unlock captured devices or hidden vaults keyed to Polymath's biometric readings. And then there are those friends, followers and admirers of the Polymath who hope to somehow restore him to life once more, even if it means overriding Billy's current personality to do so.
; ABILITIES (32pp)
; ABILITIES (32pp)
: Strength 0 (9 with Boost), Stamina 2, Agility 2, Dexterity 1, Fighting 2, Intellect 4, Awareness 3, Presence 2
: Strength 0, Stamina 2, Agility 2, Dexterity 1, Fighting 2, Intellect 4, Awareness 3, Presence 2
; SKILLS (14pp)
; SKILLS (14pp)
Line 37: Line 39:
: '''Enhanced Resilience -''' Immunity 1 (disease), Protection 8, Regeneration 5 = 14pp
: '''Enhanced Resilience -''' Immunity 1 (disease), Protection 8, Regeneration 5 = 14pp
: '''Life Control:'''
: '''Life Control:'''
:: '''Inflict Nausea -''' Affliction 6 (Fortitude; impaired/stunned/incapacitated; area: burst, selective; reversible, alternate effect 11) = 19+11pp
:: '''Inflict Nausea -''' Affliction 6 (Fortitude; impaired/stunned/incapacitated; area: burst, selective, reversible, alternate effect 11) = 19+11pp
::* alt: '''Enervation -''' Affliction 6 (Fortitude; fatigued/exhausted/asleep; increased range 2; reversible)
::* alt: '''Enervation -''' Affliction 6 (Fortitude; fatigued/exhausted/asleep; perception, reversible)
::* alt: '''Induce Euphoria -''' Affliction 6 (Will; entranced/compelled/controlled; increased range 2, cumulative, limited: biological beings only; reversible)
::* alt: '''Induce Euphoria -''' Affliction 6 (Will; entranced/compelled/controlled; perception, cumulative, limited: biological beings only, reversible)
::* alt: '''Neural Dampening -''' Affliction 6 (Fortitude; hindered/immobilized/paralyzed; increased range 2; reversible)
::* alt: '''Neural Dampening -''' Affliction 6 (Fortitude; hindered/immobilized/paralyzed; perception, reversible)
::* alt: '''Neuro-Disruption -''' Affliction 6 (Fortitude; dazed/stunned/incapacitated; increased range 2; reversible)
::* alt: '''Neuro-Disruption -''' Affliction 6 (Fortitude; dazed/stunned/incapacitated; perception, reversible)
::* alt: '''Sensory Overload -''' Affliction 6 (Will; impaired/disabled/unaware; cumulative, increased range 2, limited: biological beings only; reversible)
::* alt: '''Sensory Overload -''' Affliction 6 (Will; impaired/disabled/unaware; perception, cumulative, limited: biological beings only, reversible)
::* alt: '''Accelerate Recuperation -''' Healing 6 (increased range 2, limited: biological beings only; reversible)
::* alt: '''Accelerate Recuperation -''' Healing 6 (perception, limited: biological beings only, reversible)
::* alt: '''Biosculpting -''' Morph 3: humanoids (activation: standard action, affects others, increased range 2, limited: biological beings only)
::* alt: '''Biosculpting -''' Morph 3: humanoids (perception, activation: standard action, affects others, limited: biological beings only)
::* alt: '''Boost Self -''' Enhanced Strength 9
::* alt: '''Boost Self -''' Enhanced Strength 9
::* alt: '''Boost Subject -''' Enhanced Strength 5 (activation: move action, affects others, increased range 2, limited: biological beings only)
::* alt: '''Boost Subject -''' Enhanced Strength 5 (perception, activation: move action, affects others, limited: biological beings only)
::* alt: '''Drain -''' Weaken Strength 6 (Fortitude; increased range 2; reversible)
::* alt: '''Drain -''' Weaken Strength 6 (Fortitude; perception, reversible)
::* alt: '''Twitch Muscle Enhancement -''' Speed 6 (affects others, increased range 2, limited: biological beings only)
::* alt: '''Twitch Muscle Enhancement -''' Speed 6 (perception, affects others, limited: biological beings only)
: Initiative 0 (+2)
: Initiative 0 (+2)
: Dodge 4 (+6), Fortitude 6 (+8), Parry 4 (+6), Toughness 0 (+2/+10), Will 5 (+8)
: Dodge 0, Fortitude 0, Parry 0, Toughness 0, Will 0
: Various afflictions (perception, save DC 16)
: Various afflictions (perception, save DC 16)
: Nausea (close, 30ft burst, save DC 16)
: Nausea (close, 30ft burst, save DC 16)
: Unarmed +6 (close, damage 0/9)
: Unarmed +6 (close, damage 0)
: Smart phone
: Smart phone
== Fenwick "Fen" Sage - Mindgame (Funkadelic) ==
== Fenwick "Fen" Sage, "Mindgame" (played by Funkadelic) ==
This is a "blank" template; copy it and put in your own stuff.
Fenwick “Fen” Sage always liked visits to his grandfather’s place. His father’s mother, Gayle, used to spend her youth around a lot of the old swing clubs in New York, including the old Savoy Ballroom. She always had some interesting stories about the bands and people that she met there. He never knew his mother’s father, Lewis, although he had well-worn copies of the books he had written while also working on the family farm.
Fen didn’t know that Gayle used to go the a doctor who ran a little free clinic in her neighborhood because money was tight. He also didn’t know that Lewis, had been treated by a little old man after a terrible tractor accident. Neither Gayle of Lewis knew that the kindly, if distant, doctor was actually Doctor Psion in his early days before he had awakened his own powers. They certainly didn’t know that Doctor Psion was using them as unwitting test subjects. He had considered the tests failures, but something about the two of them had changed. Gayle and Lewis both had children, and two of them got married and had children of there own.  
Whatever had changed with Gayle and Lewis had been passed down and combined into their oldest grandson Fenwick. As Fenwick hit adolescence, in addition to all the other changes of puberty, Fenwick psionic abilities began to awaken. First he thought he was losing his mind, that was was hearing voices and hallucination visions. Slowly he began to realize that he was picking up peoples thoughts and seeing through their eyes. Afraid to tell his parents, he did what many teenagers did when they were looking for answers. He googled it. Trying to find answers, Fen went from website to website and forum to forum. Most of the information he had on power manifestation and power control ended up being nonsense, however he eventually met a fellow traveler, MindLaz0r, another young teen going through a similar change.
This right here is where to put a prose verbal description of the character's looks, manner and background. Or verse, if you want, why not!
Over the next year, Fenwick and MindLaz0r became good friends even though they had never met in person. MindLaz0r was key in helping Fenwick control and develop his powers. MindLaz0r also helped Fen realize that his powers were not a burden, but a responsibility. He was special and needed to use his powers responsibility. Fenwick came from a small town in Oregon and was excited when MindLaz0r suggested that they meet up somewhere, especially a large city. His first trip to one alone.
I'm sure you don't need to be told to replace all this, I'm just typing text here for some filler to see how this looks. ''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'' and so on, you know.
Fenwick was surprised to find that his fried MindLaz0r was actually Professor Psion looking to recruit a promising new psychic into his worldview. The Professor gave Fenwick the speech, about leading the world, that he was special, better. That regular humans could not rule themselves, they needed to be ruled by their betters.
Being a black kid who had spend a lot of the past year on the internet, he was more than aware of what kind of philosophy this was. There was a fight. It was loud and made the news, although Fen was able to escape without getting caught. He was eventually found by the Atom Family and once he explained his situation he was referred to the Arcadian Academy.
A relatively new student to the Arcadian Academy, Fen is glad to be around kids who are going through the same issues that he is. However, his experience with MindLaz0r has left Fen mildly suspicious of other motives. He realizes that it is a bit irrational, but is very aware that there are a lot of people that want to use kids like him for their own purposes. Despite Professor Psion’s deception, Fen still believes that he needs to use his powers for good and right now training to be a superhero seems to be the best option for now. Fen is still afraid of his powers and that he may end up misusing them. He’s been studying ethics in hopes of trying to get a better handle on what is right an wrong.
: '''Enemy: The Psion family -''' Professor Psion doesn't like that such a promising subject has gotten away and is looking to bring Fen back into the fold or make an example of him.
: '''Enemy: The Psion family -''' Professor Psion doesn't like that such a promising subject has gotten away and is looking to bring Fen back into the fold or make an example of him.
: '''Motivation: Responsibility -''' Given his power set, Fen is very concerned with using his powers responsibly.
: '''Motivation: Responsibility -''' Given his power set, Fen is very concerned with using his powers responsibly.  
: '''Psychic Overload -''' Mindgame is still getting used to filtering out stray thoughts and emotions. Most of the time it's fine, but something large crowds or particularly strong feelings and emotions can overwhelm Mindgame making him lose focus or even his sense of self.
; ABILITIES (12pp)
; ABILITIES (12pp)
Line 95: Line 87:
: '''Mental Awareness -''' Senses 1 (awareness: mental) = 1pp
: '''Mental Awareness -''' Senses 1 (awareness: mental) = 1pp
: '''Mental Communication -''' Communication 2 (mental) = 8pp
: '''Mental Communication -''' Communication 2 (mental) = 8pp
: '''Predictive Defense -''' Enhanced Trait 14 (Dodge +7, Parry +7; limited to minds) = 7pp
: '''Predictive Defense -''' Enhanced Trait 14 (Dodge +7 (+7), Parry +7 (+7); limited to minds) = 7pp
: '''Psionics:'''
: '''Psionics:'''
:: '''Mental Blast -''' Damage 8 (alternate resistance: Will, increased range 2; alternate effect 3) = 32+3pp
:* '''Mental Blast -''' Damage 8 (alternate resistance: Will, increased range 2) = 24pp
::* alt: '''Mental Invisibility -''' Concealment 10 (all senses; limited to minds, resistible: Will)
:* '''Mental Invisibility -''' Concealment 10 (all senses; limited to minds, resistible: Will) = 5pp
::* alt: '''Mind Reading -''' Mind Reading 8
:* '''Mind Reading -''' Mind Reading 8 = 16pp
::* alt: '''Telekinesis -''' Move Object 10 (damaging; precise)
:* '''Telekinesis -''' Move Object 10 (damaging; precise) = 31pp
: '''Telekinetic Flight -''' Flight 4 (30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round) = 8pp
: '''Telekinetic Flight -''' Flight 4 (30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round) = 8pp
: '''TK Force Field -''' Protection 9 (sustained) = 9pp
: '''TK Force Field -''' Protection 9 (+9 Toughness; sustained) = 9pp
: Initiative 0 (+2)
: Initiative 0 (+0)
: Dodge 0 (+0/+7), Fortitude 7 (+7), Parry 0 (+0/+7), Toughness 0 (+0/+9), Will 7 (+9)
: Dodge 0 (+0/+7), Fortitude 7 (+7), Parry 0 (+0/+7), Toughness 0 (+0/+9), Will 7 (+9)
Line 115: Line 107:
: Smart phone
: Smart phone
== Hunter Ross - Code Red (RocknRollFTW) ==
== Hunter Ross, "Code Red" (played by RocknRollFTW) ==
Hunter is a very well-built person, tall and muscled. He has a slightly chiseled face with dark blue eyes, short dark brown hair, and a nose that appears to have been broken in the past. He has light brown skin, what degree it is genetics from his mother or a tan from being out in the sun frequently is hard to decipher. He dresses in jeans and t-shirts, and frequently wears a black leather jacket on top. Code Red wears a simple padded red spandex suit, including a mask to cover his eyes, but leaving his hair and cocky grin open to the world.
Hunter is a very well-built person, tall and muscled. He has a slightly chiseled face with dark blue eyes, short dark brown hair, and a nose that appears to have been broken in the past. He has light brown skin, what degree it is genetics from his mother or a tan from being out in the sun frequently is hard to decipher. He dresses in jeans and t-shirts, and frequently wears a black leather jacket on top. Code Red wears a simple padded red spandex suit, including a mask to cover his eyes, but leaving his hair and cocky grin open to the world.
Growing up in an apartment in a lower-class neighborhood of Emerald City, Hunter had it rough. His mother died before he was a year old, and he would soon learn to fear his father, who drank to forget, grew angry, then would take it out on a young Hunter. In time he went to elementary school, taking the lessons his father 'taught' him along with him. He was a school yard bully, trying to push around other kids to get what he wanted, and resorting to his fists when he got angry. Other children soon learned to stay away from the "crazy boy" and all he got for his actions was repeated scoldings and punishments by school faculty unaware of his home life. Alone and angry, Hunter seemed well on his way to becoming an adult who would bring the same kind of pain he suffered to others.
But then, when he was twelve years old, on his first year of middle school, he saw someone else who seemed as alone as he was. A girl his age with snow-white hair, a wall at her back and a half-circle of other girls trapping her there, pretending to be talking to each other as they barraged her with insults. Watching this girl staring hopelessly downwards, alone like he was, Hunter decided he didn't like what he was looking at. So he did something about it. After he was finally let out of the Principal's office for getting into a fight with the six girls ("He attacked us," they said. "They shouldn't have been picking on other people," He says.) was when he first spoke to white-haired girl, the first time of many.
"...Why did you do that?"
"Huh? What kind of stupid question is that? I didn't like what I was seeing, so I did something about it. I don't need anymore reason than that."
"...Thank you..."
"No problem. What's your name anyways? If I'm going to be sticking my neck out for you, I should at least get that."
When Hunter returned to school some days later, she found him again, and the two have been friends ever since. He was a shield keeping those who wanted to hurt Minerva away. She and her family offered Hunter kindness where he had gotten so little before. She grew up to be a snarky, partially deadpan Goth, while he became a (supposedly) hot-headed joker. The two supported each other, and grew up to be happier and kinder people.
Hunter was at the edge of the Silver Storm when it happened, but was seemingly unaffected by it. No one knew he was a latent Stormer until a month ago, when he and Minerva got caught in a battle at the Cannery between several of the Sentinels and a Foxfire-possessed Anvil. When the battle went south for Foxfire, she bailed out of Anvil and tried to possess Minerva. Hunter pushed her out of the way, got possessed by Foxfire in her place, and with Dragoneye's help managed to cast the supervillain out. It was after the battle that the Sentinels noticed Hunter hovering a few inches above the ground, worked out what had happened, and ultimately steered him towards Arcadian Academy.
: '''Motivation: Thrills -''' Hunter loves his powers and the adventures they allow him to take part in. Fighting supers let's him go all out in a way he couldn't even before he got super powers.
: '''Motivation: Thrills -''' Hunter loves his powers and the adventures they allow him to take part in. Fighting supers let's him go all out in a way he couldn't even before he got super powers.
: '''Motivation: Acceptance - ''' On some level, Hunter is still trying to prove to the people he cares about that he's not the thug he could have been. When he's at risk of losing his temper, it's the thought of them that pulls him back.
: '''Relationships -''' Hunter only has one friend, but she's a doozy. As far as Hunter's concerned, Minerva just about saved his life, made him the man he is today and not a bastard like his father. The two are the best of friends nowadays, and there's some attraction, at least on Hunters side.
: '''Relationships -''' Hunter only has one friend, but she's a doozy. As far as Hunter's concerned, Minerva just about saved his life, made him the man he is today and not a bastard like his father. The two are the best of friends nowadays, and there's some attraction, at least on Hunters side. The entire Booth family has also been kind to him, and he cares about them greatly in turn.
: '''Identity -''' Hunter doesn’t much care about keeping his identity secret... except for all the trouble revealing his name to the public would lead to, so he plays along with the whole secret ID thing for now.
: '''Identity -''' Hunter doesn’t much care about keeping his identity secret... except for all the trouble revealing his name to the public would lead to, so he plays along with the whole secret ID thing for now.
: '''Rivalry/Enemy -''' Foxfire's attempted possession of Hunter was the thing which awakened his superpowers, and ever since she's had an interest in him. Why she's interested and what she wants from him, Hunter doesn't know.
: '''Rivalry/Enemy -''' Foxfire's attempted possession of Hunter was the thing which awakened his superpowers, and ever since she's had an interest in him. Why she's interested and what she wants from him, Hunter doesn't know.
; ABILITIES (22pp)
; ABILITIES (22pp)
: Strength 0 (10), Stamina 0 (10), Agility 2, Dexterity 0, Fighting 6, Intellect 0, Awareness 1, Presence 2
: Strength 0/10, Stamina 0/10, Agility 2, Dexterity 0, Fighting 6, Intellect 0, Awareness 1, Presence 2
; SKILLS (11pp)
; SKILLS (11pp)
Line 153: Line 126:
; POWERS (71pp)
; POWERS (71pp)
: '''Flight -''' Flight 7 (250 MPH) = 14pp
: '''Invulnerability -''' Immunity 10 (Life Support), Regeneration 1 = 11pp
: '''Super Senses -''' Senses 6 (Extended 2: Sight (x100), Microscopic Vision 2: cell-size, Ultra-hearing, Ultravision) = 6pp
: '''Superhuman -''' Enhanced Stamina 10, Enhanced Strength 10 = 40pp
: '''Superhuman -''' Enhanced Stamina 10, Enhanced Strength 10 = 40pp
: '''Super Senses -''' Senses 6 (extended sight 2: x100, Microscopic Vision 2: Cell-size, Ultra-hearing, Ultravision) = 6pp
: '''Flight(?) -''' Flight 7 (250 MPH), Immunity 10 (Being Moved, Sustained, AE: '''Frictionless''') = 24pp
:: '''Frictionless -''' Immunity 10 (Grabbing, Ensnaring, and Restraining effects), Sustained = 1 pp
: Initiative 0
: Initiative 0
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: Smart phone
: Smart phone
== Junko Mizuchi - Dragon Girl (GaoGaiGar) ==
== Junko Mizuchi, "Dragon Girl" (played by GaoGaiGar) ==
Junko was an ordinary Japanese girl, spunky and athletic. When it came time for junior high, she wanted to go to one where she wouldn't have to ride the train for two hours. She found it... Hachiman Jr. High. All of the clubs were martial arts clubs, and the sports clubs were all violent. But she REALLY hated taking the train for two hours. The gym teacher took her under her wing and taught her the art of Tatsumaki-Ryu and how to sense and use chi... most importantly, not just how to fight but when to fight. She had a talent for that, she found.
Junko was an ordinary Japanese girl, spunky and athletic. When it came time for junior high, she wanted to go to one where she wouldn't have to ride the train for two hours. She found it... Hachiman Jr. High. All of the clubs were martial arts clubs, and the sports clubs were all violent. But she REALLY hated taking the train for two hours. The gym teacher took her under her wing and taught her the art of Tatsumaki-Ryu and how to sense and use chi... most importantly, not just how to fight but when to fight. She had a talent for that, she found.
Line 205: Line 179:
: '''Tatsumaki-Ryu Martial Arts style -''' Damage 3 (Str-based) = 3pp
: '''Tatsumaki-Ryu Martial Arts style -''' Damage 3 (Str-based) = 3pp
: '''Intense Training -''' Leaping 2, Speed 1, Movement 1 (safe fall, limited: only near surface) = 4pp
: '''Intense Training -''' Leaping 2, Speed 1, Movement 1 (safe fall, limited: only near surface) = 4pp
: '''Chi Sense -''' Senses 3 (detect chi/life; acute, ranged) = 3pp
: '''Chi Sense -''' Senses 3 (detect chi/life, acute, ranged) = 3pp
: '''Honed Instincts -''' Senses 1 (danger sense) = 1pp
: '''Honed Instincts -''' Senses 1 (danger sense) = 1pp
: '''Special Moves:'''
: '''Special Moves:'''
:: '''Combo attack/Hurricane Kick -''' Multiattack on unarmed damage 5; '''Breaking Blow -''' Weaken Toughness 5 (affects objects only, limited: only against own attacks; insidious, subtle 1) ''linked to'' unarmed attack; alternate effect 2 = 10+2pp
:: '''Combo attack/Hurricane Kick -''' Multiattack on Strength 5; '''Breaking Blow -''' Weaken Toughness 5 ''linked to'' unarmed attack (affects objects only, limited: only against own attacks, insidious, subtle 1); alternate effect 2 = 10+2pp
::* alt: '''Read Moves -''' Affliction 8 (Will; vulnerable/defenseless; increased range 2, limited: only against own attacks, limited degree; insidious, subtle 1)
::* alt: '''Read Moves -''' Affliction 8 (Will; vulnerable/defenseless; perception, limited: only against own attacks, limited degree, insidious, subtle 1)
::* alt: '''Ultimate Attack Roaring Dragon/Rising Dragon -''' Damage 8 (chi/energy; area: line, unreliable: 5 uses; incurable) ''linked to'' Move Object 2 (area: line, limited: only when damage is inflicted, limited direction: push away, reduced range)
::* alt: '''Ultimate Attack Roaring Dragon/Rising Dragon -''' Damage 8 (chi, energy; area: line, incurable, unreliable: 5 uses) ''linked to'' Move Object 2 (close; area: line, limited direction: push away, doesn’t move if damage resisted)
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: Smart phone
: Smart phone
== Lupe Zitlal - Silvereyes (Unka Josh) ==
== Lupe Zitlal, "Silvereyes" (played by Unka Josh) ==
Lupe Zitlal's grandfather was naturalized after his service in Viet Nam; her father took the family money and family connections and turned that into a growing construction company. Lupe grew up around the all-consuming family business; from her father, she inherited a strong will, stamina, and alertness.
Lupe Zitlal's grandfather was naturalized after his service in Viet Nam; her father took the family money and family connections and turned that into a growing construction company. Lupe grew up around the all-consuming family business; from her father, she inherited a strong will, stamina, and alertness.
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: Smart phone
: Smart phone
== Stefan Skarsgård - Healbot (Max) ==
== Stefan Skarsgård, "Healbot" (played by Max) ==
(It's pronounced "scars-gored", more or less.)
(It's pronounced "scars-gored", more or less.)
Line 292: Line 265:
; POWERS (35pp)
; POWERS (35pp)
: '''Grey Goo -''' Elongation 1, Feature (malleable features), Movement 1 (wall-crawling), Speed 1 (60ft) = 4pp
: '''Grey Goo-''' Elongation 1, Feature (malleable features), Movement 1 (wall-crawling), Speed 1 (60ft) = 4pp
: '''Indestructible -''' Immortality 5 (limited: extreme cold), Immunity 5 (aging, disease, poison, suffocation) = 10pp
: '''Indestructible -''' Immortality 5 (limited: extreme cold), Immunity 5 (aging, disease, poison, suffocation) = 10pp
: '''Medical Nanites -''' Regeneration 10 (persistent; alternate effect) = 20+1pp
: '''Reconstructive nanites -''' Regeneration 10 (persistent; alternate effect) = 20+1pp
:* alt: Healing 9 (limited to others, resurrection; persistent, stabilize)
:* alt: Healing 18 (limited to others; persistent, stabilize)
Line 303: Line 276:
: Unarmed +8 (close, damage 8)
: Unarmed +8 (close, damage 8)
: Grab +8 (close, strength 8, -5 to escape)
: Grab +8 (close, strength 13)

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