Aspects List
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= Aspects List = Aspects are a phrase, a quote, or a sentence that defines a truth about a character or a game truth in a number of games systems ranging from Risus, Fate, Houses of the Blooded, PDQ, Universalis, etc. This is a list of useful aspects that can be of use to narrators and players using these game system. === Advice for Good Aspects === * a good aspect should have both positive and negative elements * a good aspect should be worded so that the player can invoke them for a bonus, and the narrator compel them for a fate point. * a good aspect can reveal something that the character may not even know. == Character Aspects == === Archetypes / High Concepts === For more information on some common archetypes, see [[Character_Role_Catalog|Character Role Catalog]]. * (Elvish) Archer * Absent-Minded Savant * Ace Reporter * Alchemist * Alien Companion * Amateur Sleuth * Amateur Archeologist * Amazon Warrior * Anarchist * Arcane Tinker * Armchair Scientist * Art Collector * Artist * Badass, Smartass, Great Ass * Bad Boy * Bad Girl * Bard * Believer * Biker * Black Sheep * Boisterous Barbarian * Bored Aristocrat * Brash Pilot * Broker * Brooding Swordsman * Champion * Civilized Barbarian * Computer Geek * Con Man * Conspiracy Theorist * Cowboy * Dangerous Servant * Dark Elf * Daring Duelist * Dashing Officer * Desert Nomad * Devout Priest * Drifter * Dungeon Delver * Eccentric Mentor * Emo * Eternal Champion * Ex-Soldier * Ex-Space Marine * Fae * Femme Fatale * Film-fan * Flying Ace * Friend of All People * Gadget Guy * Gadgeteer * Gambler * Gangster * Geezer * Gentleman Thief * Girl Who Become a Boy * Grizzled Police Detective * Gruff Sergeant * Grumpy (Dwarven) Warrior * Gumshoe Detective * He Who Is Foretold in the Prophesies * Heir to the Throne * Honorable Assassin * Hot-Tempered Sorcerer * Hustler * Independent Wizard * Independent Woman * Innocent Farmboy * Inquisitor * Inscrutable Mystic * Jack-Of-All-Trades Mechanic * Jive-Talking Wizard * Joker/Jester * Jungle Lord * Kid * Knight * Knight in Black * Lady * Likable Thief * Loner * Lord * Lost Love * Mad Scientist * Magician * Magus * Man of Mystery * Martial Artist * Maverick Cop * Mechanic * Mercenary * Mobster * Musician * Mysterious Gypsy * Mysterious Stranger * Nerd * Network Hacker * New Recruit * Noble Bastard * Noble Savage * Novelist * Officer Fresh from the Academy * Outdoorsman * Parapsychologist * Plucky Reporter * Policeman * Popular Girl * Preppy Student * Private Detective * Prodigal Son * Prophet * Psychiatrist * Psycho-analyst * Quarterback * Redeemed Hero * Righteous Youth * Roommate * Sacrificial Virgin * Salesman * Scholar * Scoundrel * Seductress * Shrewd Lawyer * Silent Stranger * Soldier * Sorcerer * Spitfire Tomboy * Star-crossed Lovers * Starship Captain * Straight Talking Lawman * Street Samarai * Stuck-up Paladin/Knight * Stupid Orcs * Super Spy * Temperamental Police Chief * Texan * Traveller in a Strange Land * True Beauty * Trusty Companion * Two-Fisted Pilot * Unconventional Genius * Urban Villain * Veteran * Vixen * Wilderness Prophet * Wise Old Man * Wizard * Young Hero === Beliefs, Convictions & Mottos === * A Good Day to Die * A Worthy Foe Should Be Respected * Alone, We Stand Together * Always Strike First * By Fidelity and Military Service * Carrot, Not the Stick * Chivalry Is Not Dead * Conquer or Die! * Contentment Is Preferable to Riches * Dare to Fail, for It Is the Only Way to Truly Experience Success. ~ Matt Maresca * Desire Is Tamed With a Kiss * Do Your Duty, Happen What May * Every Man, Woman and Child for Themselves * Failure Is Not an Option * Faith Demands Sacrifice * Family Before All Others * Fight First, Talk Later! * First, Do No Harm * Friendship Often Ends in Love; but Love in Friendship - Never * Glory Is Forever * Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That He Lay Down His Life for His Friends. ~ Jeremy Thorpe * I Always Pay My Due * I Am the Land * I Have Killed Men for Less! * I Wait * I Want to Know * I Want to Make a Difference * I Will Have Vengeance * I'll Be Back * I'll Make Captain One Day * Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge. ~ Albert Einstein * It's Not the Size of the Dog in the Fight, but the Size of the Fight in the Dog. ~ Mark Twain * It's the Last Inch That Counts * Ladies First * Liberty or Death! * Life Is a Great Big Canvas, and You Should Throw All the Paint on It You Can. ~ Danny Kaye * Life Is Either a Daring Adventure, or Nothing. ~ Helen Keller * Live Life to the Fullest * Mercy Has No Place in the Law * My Favorite Dish Is Revenge * My Weapon Is Myself * Never Surrender * Never Throw the First Punch, but Be Sure You Throw the Last. * No Mercy, but No Cruelty * No Reason Why We Can't Be Civilized * Nobody else for the Job but Us * Non-Traditionalist * Nothing in Life Is Permanent * Nothing Personal, It's Just Business * One for All and All for One * Only the Strong Are Fit to Rule * People Need to Wake up! * Politics Is My Favorite Game * Precision Trumps Power * Protect the Innocent * Serve the Public Trust * Serving Street Justice * Speak Softly but Carry a Big Stick * Stay Alive * Subtlety Is Its Own Power * Tears Are Not Enough * Technology Is the Great Equalizer * The Best Way Out Is Always Through. ~ Robert Frost * The Price of Glory * The Road Is My Home * The Snake Lurks in the Grass * There Is Only War * To Sacrifice Even Life to Truth * Uphold the Law * Virtue Despises Danger * Wants to Live in Peace * We Must Be the Change We Want to See in the World. ~ Mahatma Gandhi === Disadvantages / Trouble / Consequences === * A gambler and a cheat * A lover, not a fighter * A Squirrel! * Addicted to Speed * Alone in a Crowd * Always the Bridesmaid, Never the Bride * Attention Span of a five-year-old * Backstabber * Been Here Too Long * Born into slavery * Broken Heart * Brooding * But for a Nail! * By the Book? What Book * Can never fit in * Cannot appear weak * Can't say No to a woman * Certifiably Nuts * Caught Red-Handed * Couch Potato * Craves Control * Curiosity Killed the Cat * Dad wanted a boy but got me * Dandy Living Rough * Dark Past * Day Dreamer * Desperate * Devoid of Magic * Easy Mark * Empty Inside * Entertain Me * Entitlement Complex * Ever the Bridesmaid * Everything Has a Price * Faints at the Sight of Blood * Faithless * Fell from the Ugly Tree * Fly by Night * Folds Under Pressure * Forbidden Tastes * Generous to a Fault * Guilty Conscience * Gullible * Haunted * Haunted by Dreams * He'll Eat Anything! * Heir to a Terrible Secret * Hermit * Home-wrecker * Honor before reason * I can still hear them scream * I Can't Get Involved * I Don't Trust Me, and You Shouldn't Either * I Get Paid to Do Crazy Stuff * I HATE Authorities * I Hate the Outdoors * I Have No Idea How Much I Don't Know * I Want It Now * I'd Take a Bullet for Xxx * I'm Too Old for This * Idle Hands are the Devil's Workshop * If One Is Good, Ten Is Better * If Only I Had My Trusty Toolbox * Impetuous * In My Own Time * In over His Head * Indulgent & Indulged * Infamous * Insatiable Appetite * Intolerant * It Was Fine in My Workshop! * It Wasn't My Fault! * Ivory Tower * Just a Poser * Just Following Orders * Just Use More * Killed my mother for money * King’s Wrath * Knows Too Much * Let Me See How This Works! * Liar and a Cheat * Loner * Look, a Kitty! * Loose Cannon * Loyal to the Bone * Loyalty for Sale * Materialistic * Math Is Hard * Megalomaniac Maniac * Momma's Boy * More bark than bite * My Daughter Died in My Arms * My Ex Drives Me Crazy * Naïve * Never Good Enough * New in Town * Not the sharpest knife in the drawer * Obsessed * Obsessive-Compulsive * Obviously Landed on His Face * One Step Behind * One ugly motherfucker * Out of the Frying Pan... * Over My Head * Overly Blunt * Paranoid * Perpetually Broke * Picks Scabs * Rude and Crude * Scavenger * Self-Destructive * Shady Past * Shattered * Short Fuse * Silver Spoon * Snakes! Why Does It Always Have to Be Snakes! * Snarl * Something to Prove * Soul of a Killer * Stage Fright * Sucker * Sucker for a Pretty Face * Sweet-Tooth * Sweetheart, Would I Lie to You? * the Awful Truth * the Darkness Always Threatens * They Can't Know I'm an Alien * They have my daughter * This Is Bigger Than I Thought * Troublemaker * Vagabond * Went to war as a boy, came back as a monster * What I Wouldn't Give for Real Power * Who Needs Backup? * Why do it today when I can do it tomorrow? * Why Won't You Die! * Withdrawn * Work in Progress * Work Is a Four Letter Word! * You'll Never Take Me Alive! === Dispositions === * A Fine Line Between Cynicism and Realism * A Fistful of Truth * A Girl in Every Port * Approachable * Art Is Pleasure * Benevolent Dictator * Born of the Storm * Brother to All Who Know Me * Calm in a Sea of Insanity * Caution Above All * Chance-Taker * Civilized * Cold As the Winter Wind * Compassionate Heart * Court Gossip * Cuts It Close * Cutthroat * Dastardly * Dead Calm * Death-Defying * Defender of the Defenseless * Devastating Glance * Disciplined * Dogged Dreamer * Don't Let the Bastards Get You Down * Fae-Touched * Faith Fears Not * Famous * Fierce and Passionate * Fiercely Independent * Give the voters what they want * Hard Boiled * Hard Working * Heart of a Saint * Heart of Gold * I Must Survive! * I Neither Envy nor Despise * I Succeed by Kindness * If Only You Could See What I've Seen * Imposing Stare * Intrepid * Irreproachable * Irritatingly Sunny * Just Do the Job * Keep It Simple * Keep It Tidy * Kind-Hearted * Loner * Marked by Destiny * Muckraking * Never Trust a Man * Nosy * Nothing Left to Lose * Obsessed * Office Gossip * Overtime * Plucky * Poker Face * Practical * Pride Goeth Before Everything * Privilege Makes Me Cynical * Proud of My Heritage * Pushed over the Edge * Quick to Anger * Quick to Love * Quiet Confidence * Reclusive * Regal Bearing * Respectable * Ruthless Heart * Salt of the Earth * Scrappy * Secretive * Sense of Honor * Shadowed Glare * Slow to Forget * Soft-Spoken * Stone Cold * Strength in Silence * Stripper With a Heart of Gold * Suspicious * Take That, You Fiend! * The More Thorny, the More Fragrant * Thick-Skinned * This Is My Post * Tolerant * Touched * Troublemaker * Twitchy * Two-Fisted * Uncivilized * Undying Devotion * Unflappable * Unshakeable * Wary * Well-Mannered * Wiseass === Expertise, Advantages === * A Cut Above the Norm * A Fistful of Dollars * A Name Within the Field * Aikido Master * Always Ready * Amazonian * Archer's Eye * Artist's Heart * At Home Behind the Stick * Aura of Power * Been Around a Long Time * Been There, Done That * Bend With the Wind * Best Education Money Could Buy * Beware the Wrath of a Patient Man * Bookworm * Born of Wealth * Born to the Blade * Cat's Eyes * Chance Favors Only Those Who Court Her. ~ Charles Nicolle * Competitive Athlete * Cuts It Close * Dead Sexy * Death-Defying * Dogged * Don't Judge Me by My Size * Eavesdropper * Elven Grace * Engineering Prodigy * Eureka! * Expert Among Novices * Eyes Wide Open * Favorite With the Ladies * First on the Scene * From the Future * For You Are With Me, Father * Gearhead * Gentle Touch * Ghost Step * Gimme a Minute * Graceful * Grease Monkey * Great Expectations * Hardy * Hawkeye * Heart of a Warrior * Honest Eyes * I Fear No Evil * I Have a Bad Feeling About This * I Just Happened to Be in the Neighborhood * I Know a Way * I Know What I'm Doing * I Know Your Name * I Need No Sword * I Never Forget a Face * I'll Never Talk * I'm Going to Kill You Using Only My Left Thumb * I've seen this before * Icy Beauty * In Acting Justly, Fear No One * In Shape and Ready to Play * Inconspicuous * Iron Will * It Is Better to Know Some of the Questions Than All of the Answers. ~ James Thurber * It Was Always in My Pocket * It Would Take a Miracle * Jane of All Trades * Johnny on the Spot * Knowledge Is My Shield * Knowledge Is the Great Equalizer * Knows the Names of Evil * Leads the Hunt * Let Me See How This Works! * Look in My Eyes * Lord of the Treetops * Lord, Grant Me the Strength! * Man of Two Worlds * Man, That Is Going to Hurt Later * Master of Blind Fighting * Master of Innuendo * Meticulous * Midnight Eyes * Motorhead * Moves Like a Ninja * Musician's Soul * Natural Born Killer * Natural Mechanic * Neither Swiftly nor Slowly * Nick of Time * No Stranger to Pain * No, You Do It Like This! * Nose for Trouble * Not Just a Pretty Face * One With the Forest * One Tough Customer * Order out of Chaos * Pack-Rat * Plans Within Plans * Political Survivor * Power Behind the Throne * Prefer the Honest to the Profitable * Pride in Scholarship * Pure Killing Machine * Puts in the Long Hours * Quick Witted * Respectable Authority * Ride It Down * Rough & Ready * Rugged * Self-Sufficient * Shiphead * Silent As Midnight * Silver-Tongued * Sleeping Bear * Social Chameleon * Solution-Oriented * Something's Not Right * Sorcerer by Nature * Spokesperson * Strange Intuition * Strange Luck * Street-Smart * Strong and Certain Grip * Strong As an Ox * Swordsman Without Compare * Takes One to Know One * That's Not a Knife... This Is a Knife! * The Pen Is Mightier than the Sword * There is always more than meets the eye * To Know How to Hide One's Ability Is Great Skill. ~ Francois De La Rochefoucauld * Too Close to Call * Touched by Magic * Tough As Nails * Trained at the Finest Academies * Two-Fisted * Unremarkable * Virtue for Its Own Sake * Voice Like a Silken Strangling Cord * Voice Like Silk * Wait, Try This... * Was This What You Needed? * Weapons Master * Well-Known * Well-Schooled * Well-Travelled * While I Have Breath, I Have Hope * World Traveler * You Can't Be Expected to Understand * You’ll Never Get Past Me! === Friends, Family, Help === * A Mighty Fortress Is My Home * Apprentice of ... * Buddy of ... * Chosen of ... * Co-Worker * Devoted Servant of ... * Elf-Friend * Ex-Operative of ... * Former Cultist * Former Reporter * Friend of the Beasts * Friend of the Family * Friends in Dark Places * Friends in Low Places * Hidden Crush * I Know Just the Guy * I'm a Member of ... * "I Get by With a Little Help From my Friends" ~ The Beatles * Made Man * Manfred, Save Me! * My Old Friend, ... * Network of Spies * Never Without My Minions * Nobody Beats up My Sister but Me! * of the Xxx Family * Pawn of ... * Raised by ... * Reminds You of Your Uncle * Secret Crush * Unspoken Love * War Buddies * Yeah, I Know Him === Enemies & Foes === * ... Killed My Family! * Betrayed by ... * Haunted by ... * Hunted by ... * Jealous Ex-... * on the Run from ... * Rival to... * Sworn Enemy of ... * Vendetta With ... * Won't Rest Until ... === Gear === * Ancient Sword * Deathbed Legacy * I Have My Father's Sword * I Have My Mother's Diaries * Import/Export Business * My Pa's Old Six Shooter * Secret Lair * Serendipity, Space Freighter * She's the Fastest Ship on the Rim === Questions === Some good questions to ask: * Death to ... * I Hate ... * I Intend to ... * I Know in My Heart ... * I Love ... * I'll Make My Name by ... * More than Anything I Need ... * My Most Immediate Concern ... * Sworn Enemy of ... * Wants to Be ... * ...Must Die! == Compellable Scene Aspects and Consequences == === Guards === * Alert * Bad-Tempered * Distracted (Celebration, Inspection, Horseplay, etc) * Drowsy * Drunk * Happy * Naïve * Sleepy * Tense === Visibility === * Blinding * Dark * Foggy * Hazy * Obscured * Poorly-lit * Shadowy * Smoky * Strobe Lights * Well-Lit === Terrain === * Broken * Cluttered * Cramped * Fragile * Low Ceiling * Overgrown * Obscured * Noisy (dry leaves) * Rough * Ruined * Slick * Slippery * Tangled * Uneven === Situation === * Alarmed * Alarm Ringing/Tripped * Broken Open * Crowded * Collapsing * Exposed to the elements * Gloomy * Locked * Near riot * Noisy (concert, machinery) * Off-Balance * On fire * Poor-Quality * Patrolled * Shoddy craftsmanship * Something's not right * Too quiet * Trapped * Under (gun) Fire === Rural === * Obscuring crops * Muddy fields * No cover * Growing wheat * Corn maze * Muddy irrigation ditch * Creek with rope swing * Gorse bushes everywhere * Tilled soil * Harvested corn stumps * Hay bales * Many cow pies * Ruins of old cottage * Orchard * Rows of vines * Hedge rows * Horse stables * Beware of bull * Grain silos * Terraced rice paddies * Chicken coop * So much pollen! * Production greenhouse * Abandoned caravan/RV * Rusty farm machinery * Lumber yard * Tree branch offcuts * Logging slash / debris * Bamboo forest === Urban === * Air Show * Bomb Threat * Car Accident * Derelict Neighborhood * Excessively loud * Gas Leak * Heavy traffic * Overwhelming stench * Packed crowds * Rabid Strays * Reflected glare * Riot * Sinkhole * Stock Market Crash === Airborne === * Cloud cover * Cross winds * Don't Look Down * Flock of Birds * Freezing (Air, Rain, etc) * High winds * Lightning storm * Raining * Tight formation * Turbulent * No winds * Unsteady (footing, piloting) === Seaborne === * Becalmed * Crashing waves * Circling sharks * Choppy seas * Icebergs * Red skies * Rocking boat * Rocky seabed * Salt spray * Shallow Waters * Ship Graveyard * Smooth waters * Thick Fog * Tossing and turning * Whirlpools === Weather === * Morning * Midday * Evening * Night * Full Moon * Half Moon * New Moon * Scorching hot * Hot and humid * Chilly * Below freezing * Arctic cold * Blazing sun * Partly cloudy * Overcast * Gloomy * Misty * Foggy * Humid * Breezy * Windy * Gale force winds * Blowing debris * Sprinkling * Raining * Heavy rain * Torrential downpour * Hailstorm * Light flurries * Snow cover * Blizzard * Black Ice * Flooding * Blowing dust * Sun in your eyes * Thunderstorm === Dungeon === * Uneven footing * Difficult to see * Maze-like * Poorly lit * Scattered old bones * Trickling water * Collapsed Corridor * Unnatural Light * Ancient Runes * Flora growing through cracks * Secret Passages * Littered with Traps * Dust-filled * Crumbling Stone * Unending Stairway * Light From Outside * Terrible Odor * Sounds of Underground Lake * Scurrying Creatures * Ancient Murals * Endless Chasm * Walls Closing In * Low Ceiling * Busted Statues == Compellable Situational Aspects == These are temporary aspects, typically used in situations of combat or conflict, often with a single use that goes away after being invoked or compelled . In Fate, these are often the consequence of Shifts or Boosts. === Physical === * Backlit * Blinded * Blocked * Blood in my eye * Clogged * Clumsy * Cluttered… * Congested… * Covered * Covering fire * Cross Fire * Disarmed * Dropped weapon * Cramp * Jammed… * Fallen * Fumbled… * Grappled * Hail of bullets * Head start * Held * Hemmed in * Hidden * In the shadow of… * In my sights * Locked down * Momentum * Numb * Opportunity fire * Pinned * Prone * Restrained * Sand (mud) in eyes * Shortcut * Slipped * Staggered * Stumbling * Tripped up * Weakened * Upright * Unbalanced * Under cover === Mental === * Absentminded * Aware * Confident * Disoriented * Distracted * Dazed * Dizzy * Enraged * Escape Route * Hasty * Hesitant * Inattentive * Looking the wrong way * Lost * Overconfident * Scared * Shaken up * Shocked * Spotted * Staggered * Startled * Stunned * Stupefied * Surprised * Unaware === Social === (These are for non-combat conflicts. Many of the mental apply here also) * Amazed * Astonished * Astounded * Bowled over * Confounded * Dumbfounded * Dumbstruck * Flabbergasted * Flummoxed * Floored * Helpful * Nonplussed * Scandalized * Speechless * Talkative * Taken aback * Thunderstruck == Comments on Scene Aspects & Invokable Advantages == (from Google+ community by Fred Hicks) So as I said before, the principle is specificity yields better traction. By getting more specific than the one-word or short-phrase aspect, you've got more pieces-parts for folks to grab onto, more of a "spin" provided to the scene. There's nothing particularly wrong with the one-words; they're flavorless, but they're fast, and sometimes you want speed. But some flavor can often be added simply by looking at the one-word and then asking "so... why?" -- and then incorporating the answer into the aspect name. This can take them beyond a single axis of application... which is good. Quickly-written suggestions follow. *Aspects on the scene:* Alert (as in guards): Sharp-Eyed Guards; So Quiet You Could Hear a Pin Drop; No Gaps In Guard Rotation; They've Doubled Their Personnel Poorly-Lit: Vague Shapes Hidden In Fog; Sparsely Placed Torches; Dark Deals, Dark Shadows; Murder in the Murk Slippery: Ground Moves Underfoot; Can't Find Your Feet; Covered In Slick Ice Noisy: Can't Hear Yourself Think; Constant Hum of Machinery; Loud Cheers and Angry Jeers; Jet Engines All Around Windy: Gale Force Winds; Gusts Howling Through Narrow Streets; Wind-Whipped and Bitter-Chilled *Aspects of advantage:* Covered: Hidden Behind Ragged Chunks of Wall; All Exits Watched; Claimed the High Vantage Point Blocked: Shield Wall Erected; A Punishing Gauntlet Awaits; None Shall Pass! Shaken: Lost His Nerve; Broken Morale; Undermined Confidence; Can't Tell Which Way Is Up Spotted: Caught Red Handed; Stuck Out In The Open; Painted by Laser Targeting; Center of the Bulls-Eye Astonished: Rendered Speechless; Everything You Knew Was A Lie; Blind-Sided and Wide Open [[Category:Fate Core]] [[Category:Fate Accelerated]]
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