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An itchy burning spot in her chest. And everyone in the castle says hello when they see her. Arlo says when she gets a bit of rest come see him. He'll have bagels and cream cheese '''Amber Bronkhorst''' After her breath of fresh air on the roof and playing a few of her favorite pieces on her violin. Alex puts her violin in its case and moves down from the roof. Mindlessly scratching the itchy burning spot through her shirt. Finding Arlo is never difficult he is in the library and if not he will soon be in the library. Greeting people who say hello to her as she will always be her polite and respectful self no matter what her status. A thought creeps up.... What is her current status even. This is such a confusing situation. She heads to the library, inside she will walk to Arlo his reading area where he, Darcy and Cat are usually found. '''Michael James Watson''' Arriving at the Library she sees Arlo talking to over a trump. The full form of a man in Black and purple is visible. Glancing he sees you and motions you forward. "This is one. Alexandra. A daughter of Brand if you can believe it. Fathered after he was brought here. Yes. Yes, even as a prisoner. When? Well, As I remember it would have been 5272. Brand had been in the cell for a year. He was allowed to attend New Years. It was a large affair. Fres Mira represented Dierdre of course. I have not spoken at length to Fres, Brand or her. I will now. Tell me soon. In time. yes. Say hello to Alvah for me. " The trump drops and Arlo looks over. "Alexandra.. Come join me. The royals just left and i was catching up with a friend. Margot had a fine spread laid out and I think the Queen and Brand were the only ones who ate. I'm going to fix a plate and sit awhile. You do the same. We can talk now that the king has had time to digest it all." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex looks curiously in but when spotted by Prince Arlo she will stand to attention. Being gestured over she of course comes near and stands at attention near him. She does not look directly at the man Prince Arlo is having a conversation with that would be inpolite and none of her business. She looks over to the table she was hungry. Tazilwere not far behind and things being a tad chaotic as they were she had failed to eat. Usually she ate when Lord Chris ate or had some personal business to do. With a slight bow of her head she speaks "thank you prince Arlo, i hope the talks went well." She walks over to the table with Prince Arlo. "And we do not want to disapoint Dame Margot with having food returned to the kitchen. " ON a more serious note she continues "The King has now fully been informed of the consequences of what happened in Tazilwere? I do not fully understand or grasp what all consequences are but i do understand that it is a slight bit messy... or complicated. The messy bits would mostly be the damage done by Lord Chris, Lord Shaz and myself." With a slight smile she looks at Prince Arlo. "and to be frank i do would like to know what the consequences would be for me. If you can tell me that Prince Arlo." '''Michael James Watson''' He laughs and eats an olive. "Well, first consequence, and a grim one i suspect, is that you no longer have to call me Prince unless we are in court. You are on first name basis with the royals when in private. You are a royal now. Its been confirmed that Brand is your father. I confirmed it before the king. " He tears a piece of bread and adds, "Secondly, as far as Taziliwere is concerned, Chris is there to look over the pattern for a few years. As far as the death of Laravala, that lays on my head, the king's head, and Lady Skadi's head. Don't give it another thought. " "Third, there is some untwisting i need to do with your magical heritage. I'll be talking privately to Brand about it. You should talk to your mother. " "Lastly, you'll have a conversation with King Random. Then you will walk the pattern. Few have come to the pattern as well prepared as you, though most come with more knowladge of their heritage" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex raises an eyebrow at Prince Arlo she shakes her head "That... yeah that is getting some used to. It is pretty much drilled in my head. But i will try and remember to change the format of my adressing people. and the Royals... of whom i am one. " A soft nervous chuckle escapes her and her hand scratches idly her shirt over the itchy spot. "Alright well to the second part, i will admit i had only done my duty. But it is a strange realisation i helped in the killing of my... half sister.. i suppose. But she was stark raving mad. As for the untwisting i leave that to those who understand more of such matters then i. If you need me to aim a target far aways i can do that for you, this.. no clue." A chuckle and a grin appears "Though i suspect it was to much amusement of Lord Shaz that he found out about my capability to open the abyssal locks and named me lockpick accordingly while dragging me nearly through lava." She plays a bit with a bit of bread before eating it and looking over the area. It is a force of habit keeping an eye on her surroundings even within the castle. It was perhaps her mother who said that you never stop being a guard. Always alert. " Of course i suppose the King would speak me with. What do you advice to do first, go back home to talk to my mother or have the conversation with king Random? it seems rude to have him waiting, no?" She turns her back to the table her fingers lightly tugging on her shirt to relieve it from the probably now raw patch of skin. "The pattern. yes. Well and about the heritage part. I honestly think mom didn't know. she said in that period of time i was concieved alot of alcohol was involved. And i do not have the bright red hair as one would expect right?" She flicks with her hand through her blonde curls. '''Michael James Watson''' "I know your mother a little. She is a royal retainer but not of the crown. She is Deirdre's. I never met Deirdre so I can't speak to her orders to her staff. But she has been here thousands of years. Lived under Oberon Ran Brightedge while deirdre was in exile during Eric's reign. Tales say she and Brand were friends for hundreds of years before the redheads hatched the plans that led to the Black Road war. "She was a warrior once." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Feeling a tad more comfortable Alex stacks a sandwich together since she was still dang hungry to only eat hamster sized bites... A chuckle escapes under her breath "heh, hamsters... that was something." Her thoughts going back to the hamsters she remembers the sharp shooting pains where she now has a burning itch. Maybe she should speak up. She looks then at Arlo and nods "Yes mom has been a warrior not strange from the world she comes from very militant, and she has been an elite as well. I think that is why she gave me the opportunity or showed me the opportunity i could do the same thing. She left a lot to my own decisions but always encouraged what i did and was good at. " She takes a big bite out of her sandwich. "Not to be rude but i have not really missed a father figure in my life. But then again growing up with the CCC members being around a lot one is just part of a big family. Speaking of which. shouldn't i eventually like at least see Prince Brand. Does he even know he has another child? And how do i approach that? They did not cover this in elite training." Alex looks down at her sandwich takes an ungraceful big bite out of it and chews slowly while thinking. After swallowing she nods "Chances are mom knew of who my father was. She is usually very in control of things. Or so it appears to me. And she might wanted to keep it hidden. Prince Brand being a father of a child while imprisoned and having a death sentence above his head. For betrayal to Amber and the crown. " She shrugs "I wouldn't find that strange. Would you Prince Arlo?" '''Michael James Watson''' "Chances are high....Funny. My father once told me that Dierdre was his favorite brother. Fres was treated like a cousin by them. Over the centuries i think she was a boon companion to a number of Deirdre's brothers. Including Brand. She knew their personal shadows. Shared adventures with them. There is a portrait of her and Gerard and Corwin together on one of Gerard's personal navy ships. I believe it was done while she was serving in the navy. There is even a tale that she traveled in shadow with Oberon a few times. A treasure trove of secrets she caries might me massive" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' After a big bite of her sandwich she listens yo Alro while chewing nodding slowly. She stays silent for a bit to have her mouth empty. "I am sure mom has plenty of wild, beautiful, exciting or valuable stories. I'm sure she told me some ina way or form but i am certain many she didn't tell me. She should hear it from me that i know. Do you think King Random will be disappointed if i talk to my mother first? It is not i am going far away right. She is in Bright Edge afterall. " Alex lays down her sandwich and looks at Arlo. "You said earlier you have to do some untwisting about the magical heritage do you mean the abyssal mark that Lord Shaz says i have? Would that form an issue? " '''Michael James Watson''' "An issue? Not really. Others have them. As Brand said just earlier, they are like stamps in a passport. If you allow i would like to examine it more closely, now that the Adrenalin is faded. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex shrugs slightly and stands up from leaning against the table. "Yes of course. Honestly i am slightly curious as well. I had no clue of it till Tazilwere. I think that is also how i could pinpoint the controlling point of the hamsters. " She smiles relieved though. "I am happy to hear no issues come from it would hate to be trouble." '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo stands and raises the Sign of the Pattern, small, palm sized. After a few minutes he sits, urges her to sit. He lights a cig and pours more wine, stalling in thought. "I see it. Its small. Not a great mark. It probably lay dormant till you entered Tazilwere. It would have been noted at Rasak if it were active. I must admit I don't know much about them. I am a East side wizard. Pattern magic, jewel of judgment, that kind of thing. For western powers, you will have to seek out western wizards. Brand for one. Jurt for another. But currently our expert on survivng the Abyss is Vance of Vulsar. He would be who i seek out. In fact, i might call him since i doubt Random will let you walk the pattern till we know for sure about this mark" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex stands perfectly still. She was standing ready as she expected.... Something.. pain perhaps like in Tazilwere. When Arlo sits she peeks quickly in her shirt. To see the spot on her chest. Then quickly looking up again. "Small is good right. Or i would think so. Well i suppose that would only be prudent not having me walk a pattern while having a mark of uncertain intention on me." She nods "I figure it would be best to ask someone else then from who the mark probably came. You wish to do that now? If he is in the caatle i could go and get him for you, Prince Arlo." '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo smiles. "Vance?" The star fleet admiral steps from behind stacks. Before him is the pattern of Vulsar, glowing. "Figures. Random keeps the nice toys to himself. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex immediately jumps up from her seat standing to attention. She bows her head. Not knowing Lord Vance that well. So not knowing the level of familiarity he prefers. "Lord Vance, pardon me. I had not spotted you there." She takes a slight step back from the chair giving Vance room to move. She does look a bit questioningly at the toys part. "Keeping toys, Lord Vance?." '''Michael James Watson''' "If you had noticed me then our conversation would be quite different. I had a few glamours up to cloak me. ". Vance walks up to Alex. Smiling, he produces a small wood case like an eye glass case. Opening it she sees 5 small colored marbles. She recognizes a complete set of Mandalay stones mounted to the interior. Her mother wears a blue one on a chain. " I want you to put a finger on each of these please." When she complies he steps a ways back. He raises the sign of the pattern visibly before him. Its 2 meters across a glowing colorfully as if it was a blaze wildly. After a moment. Arlo says, "Well?" Vance answers," Cool your jets. I'm working." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' "Ah yes that would explain Lord Vance. I was afraid i was failing as a guard. " Alex looks at Vance and the box he produces. She sees no reason not to comply so she puts her fingers on the stones. Seeing the big pattern between her and Vance. She looks at the lines and curves going along the pattern. Impressed by the blazing colors. She doesn't even really hear Arlo or Vance. she just watches her head slightly tilted. Her fingers on the stones. Thoughts are racing through her head though wondering what this would all mean. '''Michael James Watson''' Vance steps 20 meters away in the large room. He raises a bright red swirling sigil that's looks like a blood wound. Arlo nearly shouts, "Whatever the frog fucking hell that is drop it quickly! Its making my ears bleed!" "Ya I bet. Nothing like its been raised this far east in centuries. But bide a moment." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Curiously looking up at the sigil and suddenly standing on higher alert when Arlo shouts. She looks with big eyes to Vance and then to Arlo again. She seems slightly worried. "Prince Arlo, Lord Vance.... what.. what should i do?" '''Michael James Watson''' "What should you do? Thats a very leading question with too many answers...I can think of many things you should do that you probably never will. However, to cut them short lets say you should speak to Prince Brand. Don't call him daddy, he just lost a daughter and gained a daughter." Arlo says, "Vance, what does she have?" Vance nods, "A midrange mark. Nothing horrifying. Its like has a dozen or so abilities but using them is sloppy. It practically screams that its there. It will take some training and I can't do it. My mark is adversarial to it. " '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex looks at Vance with an array of facial expressions from confused to worried to her again stoic expression. "Well yes i suppose i should talk to Prince Brand eventually, but i was more refering to what you were doing Lord Vance and the firework show and Prince Arlo in slight distress." She then inclines her head to Arlo as he had asked the proper question. Listening to Vance she nods. "So it is nothing bad. And i can just do what i normally do? " She then falls silent for a moment "Well. Guess i kind of lost my job as an protective elite... " Alex her face showing she clearly just for the first time realised she has no standing orders anymore. "Well damn..." '''Michael James Watson''' Vance says, "Arloxedra is in distress because he is attuned to the Jewel of Judgment, has assayed the Primal Pattern, was present when Oberon repaired the old pattern. When it comes to esoteric magic he is as far east as he can be without holding the throne of Amber. Your mark came from your father. You have not set foot in the abyss. But he was there a long time. As was I. The mark you bear is not unlike many such inscriptions. A minor high order inscription. But knowing what it is does not mean knowing how it works. Knowing how others work is not knowing how that one works. I can tell you what it is. I can't teach you how to use it. " '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex slowly nods at Vance his words. "Ah i see. I think i understand. Thank you Lord Vance. But is it then not as simple solution to not use it and eventually forget it is there? Aa i said earlier to Prince Arlo. I did not know of its existence till Tazilwere and those abyssal locks. And then it was only Lord Donovan and Lord Shaz who figured it out. " She shrugs slightly "It might perhaps sound as a childish solution to you Lord Vance, but i think i can just igbore it to a point it will just be like a freckle on my face. " She smiles genuinely a soft smile. "No teaching is then required right?" '''Michael James Watson''' Vance looks at Arlo, whio shrugs, waves his hand idly to Alex. Vance puts away his case and steps up close. "Do you think so?" He makes a squinty blink with his eye. Alex repeats it without thought. Vance walks over and sits with Arlo, pouring himself a glass. "Come, sit, cousin. And lets talk of tall ships and the fall of empires" Alex steps toward the table and feels herself blink.. And again... an itch occurs behind her eye. Blinking her eye again she feels it start to water. wet and itchy. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex looks confused then it quickly changes to worry. She triees to step away from the table. A frown on her face. She rubs with her hand in her eye trying to get the itch to stop. She looks from Vance to Arlo. Resting her eyes on him. "Did you do something, Prince Arlo?" She then shakes her head. "I didn't mean it accusing, my apologies, it has been a long day. I should go see my mother." She feels slightly weirded out with what those two are talking about, or not talk about. '''Michael James Watson''' The blinking is distracting but the itch behind her eye is starting to be painful. Arlo says, "I tell you truth, I did nothing but allow Lord Vance some leeway." Vance says,"Why do you ask? Is a freckle itching?" The watering eye feels dippy, and maybe a bit oozy. Like a festering wound. The blinking interferes with focus. The itch feels like a burning needle pushing back into her skull. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Her eyes shoot to Vance as best as she can focus them she holds her head with both hands now. Pressing her eye with one hand in the hopes to relieve some of the pain amd itch and horrible feeling. She leans herself against a chair or bookcase she can't really see and only tested if it was sturdy enough to lean against. She speaks between her teeth strained. "Please make it stop. It is not itching anymore. It hurts. " She inhales deep trying to get a grip on her pain and dealing with it. But pain in the face especially eyes are so hard to ignore. By now standing back against something sturdy and hands clasping her face and covering her eyes. '''Michael James Watson''' "Does it, cousin? It hurts? It has not begun to hurt. I spent a year in a realm of the abyss where shards of diamond flaked off stone the size of the city of amber and flew about like locus. Hungry locus, slicing for blood. They would dig into to you seeking heart's blood. They flaked off and made new paths, digging through bone and flesh. " He waves a hand over his hand and pulls a tiny fragment of diamond shard a milometer across and half as thick. He puts it before her and pours a drink. Pushing it to her. "I escaped the abyss, tore a shadow of the pattern like the one in Tazilwere from the depths and freed it to rest in my kingdom of Vulsara. Since then I have walked it a thousand times. I've walked the one in the dungeon a dozen and the primal once. Yet everyday dots the size of a pin tip grow to that size and burrow toward my heart." He drinks his own drink, and waits till she has drunk from hers. "And the only thing that keeps the little buggers at bay is knowing how to control my main abyssal mark. It scares the shards to pieces and makes them sleep like pickled eggs in a jar." THe blinking is so fast she leaves it closed but she can feel the puss pushing out the eyelid and the needle start to twist in her brain, causing pain like a knife all across her body. "Now, would you like to learn how to keep your lovely face freckle free?" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Looking at the diamond shard the only thing she can do is breath. Just breath and focus on breathing. She does listen to Vance letting him know with a slight nod of understanding. When the drink is pushed towards her she drinks. Fuck pain makes thirsty and ahe just has a dry mouth now. When the pain increases she groans and bends forwards. Her hand covering her painful eye. She then nods quickly almost in panic. Hissing through her teeth from pain. "Yes.... Please stop it. It hurts... " '''Michael James Watson''' The pain disappears and she can tell her face is dry. There is no puss. IT feels like it was never effected. Vance refills he drink. "Is that better? Only a small compelling. No harm done. My point is that the mark will ache for attention and will need tending. You don't want something nagging at you. You'll need to learn how to do it automatically and in short order you will forget its there till you use it. And use it you will." Vance looks to Arlo. "She'll need Brand's co-operation. It will be as good an object lesson of his continued compliance with the king's ruling for him." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex looks at her hands in disbelief. It felt so real she then looks up at Vance and nods firmly. "Lesson learned. Thabk you Lord Vance. I should not have dismissed it as easily. " She takes her drink and downs it in one go. She touches her face again and runs her fingers over her eyelid. After a deep sigh ahe then looks between Arlo and Vance. "So i suppose that there should not be to much time passing between the present and me talking to Prince Brand. Do you think he will be willing to help me?" '''Michael James Watson''' Vance and Arlo exchange glances. Vance says, "I'll take you there myself. Its a long walk. " '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex looks at both as they exchange glances. She raised an eyebrow but decides not to say a word. She firmly nods. "Thank you Lord Vance. A long walk? I thought he was released from the dungeons? ". She looks curiously between both. '''Michael James Watson''' Vance leads her out into the hall and through familiar halls into the lower areas past the kitchens. Dame Margot steps out, nodding to Vance. "Well Lady Alex, its such a surprise to hear of your heritage. When you have a moment drop by the kitchens. We'll cook a bit together." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex quietly follows she knows the ways in the castle well enough, but she has no clue where Vance would being her to see Prince Brand. She did have guesssed the dungeons. Seeing Dame Margot she smiles in politely inclinea her head. "Yes quite the surprise Dame Margot, m'lady. And i would love to cook together again. I will certainly drop by soon. Thank you for the invitation." Alex again bows her head and then nods to Vance. "So where exactly are we going? " '''Michael James Watson''' He walks on and comes to the stairs to the dungeons. "The dungeons of course. Brand lives in the deepest cell of the deepest level of the dungeon. His cell is directly below the pattern. He says it whispers to him in his sleep. " He continues downward in the spiral staircase to the entrance to the levels of the prison. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex nods "Alright." She follows on the staircase. Familiar enough as she has been a castle guard. While walking down the very long stairs she lets her mind wander a bit. [[User:Alvah|Alvah]] ([[User talk:Alvah|talk]]) Such interesting times. How would mom react to the news that i know..... Would she want to get back with Prince Brand??? Do i lose my rank and all? I did work for it..... It DOES explain why i am stronger and such..... [[User:Alvah|Alvah]] ([[User talk:Alvah|talk]]) 07:21, 18 November 2021 (PST) Her thoughts go on unless someone would speak to her. She just follows down to the deepest parts. '''Michael James Watson''' Reaching the bottom Alex realizes she has never been down thideep. Vance walks to a bare wall. walking through it. Walking down the narrow turning case it opens to a large dark arched vault. Barrels and drying beef fill the alcoves. Among them are cells. Some filled with boxes. Some filled with statues. Two lit. One with an open door is well lit. The other is dark with a prisoner sleeping next to a thin candle. In front of the well lit cell is a couple heavy tables with chairs. At the head is a heavily padded chair with a man sitting at it. He spins the chair in place. "King Vance!!! How happy to see you again! " "And I assume you have brought my daughter." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex never needing to be ever down this deep. Her castle duties were more sunfueld. She looks around. Lets her eyes adjust. She has seen Brand before while on higher grounds in the castle but not here and not with the knowledge that he is her father. Not fully knowing how to react she stands straight and inclines her head in a respectful way. "Prince Brand. I am Alexandra Mira." She has no clue what else to say. Her eyes do go to the cell he is in front of. Curiously looking at her father’s living space. '''Michael James Watson''' Brand stands, "Vance. Lady. Have a seat. Let me start some water boiling for tea. Get some food out." Vance laughs, "We've eaten. Why are you still here? Arlo amnd Faroooq tell me they lost thier jail powers. The Jewel has told Random no bindings can keep you. Why are you not half way to Mandalay?" He laughs, "Well, magically I am free as a fart. But in the end the magic that kept me here was not the jail or the jewel. It was the crown. I told the king i would accept his judgment. Besides the pattern may say be yee free my rebel son but the king has said if i am caught beyond the castle walls a dukedom goes to my captor. I am not eager to live the kind of like Borlak has. Followed by a billion horseman and he still almost had his head ripped off by the Titan of Tosa. With my luck i would have Jeremy Fairhand or frigging Dworkin come after me. Or worse-Gerard or Benedict. I'm not sure any of my magic could stop them. Then of course there are unnumbered people in shadow who might make it their life missions bringing me in just to turn their shithole swampland castle a Duchy of Amber. Staying here and working off my debt is safer and turns out to be a hell of a lot of fun. I get to twist a lot of tails with impunity. And as the lovely Alxeandra is proof of, there are a few groupies around willing to give a rebel prince a tumble." He looks at Alexandra, "So you are Fres Mira's daughter?" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alexandra stays standing looking at Lord Vance to sit or remain standing. Ahe is racking her brain over what proper conduct would be here. Listening to Brand she sees where he is comming from though if it were her choice ahe would have asked for at least less jailcell like accomodations. Hearing Brand his last sentence she raises an eyebrow as he basically called her mother a groupie. To his question she nods firmly. "Yes, sir. Raised at Bridge Edge most of the time. She never mentioned who my father was though. I suspect for several reasons,but will soon discuss this with her." She wants to add a sentence but decides better closes her mouth again and bites her tongue. '''Michael James Watson''' "Yes. Brightedge. Some of my best times as a child occurred there. Deirdre was always kinder to me then my brothers. She taught me the bow, the sword, and the harp. Fres taught me....." He looks to Vance, smiles, then looks to Alex, "....ah....things my mother didn't approve of." "Fres tells me you liked the thin blade you got when you were 10. And you liked the year you spent with the riders of Alhasa. Though she took credit for them of course." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex still standing a bit stiffly at attention she then looks surprised. But not in a bad way a soft smile appears on her face. She nods. "Yes i did. To both such." The smile remains and with a slightly tilted head she looks at Brand carefully observing him. "So mom had told you of me? Ah that saves an awkward introduction i suppose." She takes her violin case she has on her shoulder strap and lays it on a chair as it seems they might be here to talk for a bit. "So i am to assume you gave me the thin blade. And suggested the time with the riders of Alhasa? " She steps closer to the table and lays her hands on the back of a chair resting. "But yes mom took credit. As i said a conversation about a father figure was never really had. I had asked of course. But she said there were parties and alot of alcohol involved in that month. So she wasn't certain. Also that it was of little matter. And i do admit i am very happy the way mom raised me. I had all the chances to learn, grow, train, make a career and name for myself. She taught me to be a tough fighter and a proper lady." As Alex speaks about her mother and how she is raised she speaks with clear pride towards her mother. "So i respect and understand her choice not to tell me or anyone other then you about well." She gestures lightly to Brand. "You being my father. I think i would have not had the chances and freedom i have enjoyed now." '''Michael James Watson''' "No it would have been awkward. Only Fres, me, Random and Dworkin knew. As for there being a lot of parties, yes there were. Your mother has a talent for rebels." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex shows a slight shrug. "Who my mom is a 'groupie' of is her responsibility. As long as she has fun and stays true to herself." A slight grin appears. "And i'm sure i'll hear it eventually if inwould have siblings from moms side." Idly scratching her shirt she is silent in thought. Recalling she has half siblings now from her father his side. And Laravella. Her smile fades. "I am sorry about Laravella." She looks down at her hand at her shirt and lowers it to be folded on the back of the chair again. '''Michael James Watson''' "I met her once. Her mother was an abysmal creature as was she. She worshipped me as chaosians in Amber Cults do. Chaos counts madness as a virtue. Remember that when dealing with them. Chaos isn't your problem though. Your problem is far bigger then a few chaosians. " He fills his wine, savoring it. "A force even now rises to seek you out and swallow you. It learned of you the moment you entered the deck. When Random acknowledged you and put a trump of you in the deck. It is a force that will hunt you down till the end of time and force you to do its bidding. You have no need to fear good king Random. Nor King Vance here. Nor the High Lord of Chaos. You have just one thing to fear..." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex nods slowly. "Still. She was your daughter. " When Brand starts on his ominous speech Alex raises an eyebrow. "Something i have to fear more then King Random or The High Lord of Chaos? Though i see no reason directly why i should fear them. I have done nothing worthy of being threatened by such powers. " With her calm blue eyes she looks at Brand with a soft smile "What is the one thing i have to fear according to you?" '''Michael James Watson''' "My mother." Vance makes a noise,"hmmmmmm......ya" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex frowns. Trying to remember the family trees she studied at Fantalin. A Spock like raised eyebrow look appears on her face. "Your mother. Queen Clarissa." A slight shake of her head. "Why would i have fear for her? Would she have something against my existence? " With a questioning look she looks at Vance as well as she hears him react. "And of course only due to me now being recognized as your child makes it that others will know whoever have a deck in one form or another. " She now leans a bit forward with her forarms resting on the chair still standing. "Any advice for when she does hunt me down and finds me? Though a thought crosses my mind that there would be more interesting... 'prey' for her. " She then looks at Vance remembering her lesson not to underestimate something that seems small her fingers mindlessly go to her eye. "Well guess i am warned." '''Michael James Watson''' Brand says, "Queen Clarissa? Typical amberite. Center of the universe.....nothing else matters... Her Imperial Majesty, Czarina of All Regor, Heart of the Tiger, Mother of Empire, Czarina Clarissa Zheney Phactali (more when I edit at the computer) is very fond of her family. She has a whole brace of them with poor Czar Nicholas. Scary mob of psychotics. Only Alexei is mostly sane. Fiona, bleys, and I all have children who fled before her. she will be delighted to meet you. " '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex inlcines her head slightly. "My apologies i did not meant to offend. It is the way i was taught and i have remembered. I will keep her name and titles in mind. In case i do meet her." She speaks calmly. Alex was not one to quickly panic over things that might happen. Panic will come when that thing worth panicking actually happens. She smiles then and looks at Brand with a soft look. Happy as she generally is. "Any other advice i might need to know or can use? Now i am here and all that." She then looks at Vance and asks. "Oh suppose should also ask about that other thing right?" '''Michael James Watson''' Brand looks to Vance. "Vance...I have been sitting here talking with poor Hagalta over there for a year now. Now that Arlo and Faroooq can't pop me down here on a whim do you think Random will think I hold to his decree if I took up my official apartment upstairs? Julian and I share a floor so I won't be annoying my neighbor. I'll behave. Its in my best interest. " Vance think, "Under the law, I see no reason not. Why?" He looks to Alex. "Let us walk upstairs and see what my rooms look like after 80 years without an occupant. My plants are probably dead." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex her eyes move to t he other cell which was dark except for a thin candle. a moment she looks then returns her attention back to Brand and Vance. Hearing he can go up to his own appartments she smiles to him. "Well, Dame Margot does try and keep the rooms clean and not filled with dead plants or animals as best as she can delegate the staff. So chances are your plants might still be alive. be it a bit grown wild perhaps. " She grabs her violin case and slings it over her shoulder. Alex is usually seen with or her bow and arrows or her violin case. really depending on what status her duty has at that point. She waits for the men to walk up first it seems the proper thing to do. Might be misplaced as her status had changed but she will get the hang of different conduct at a point. As she waits for the two to go up the stairs Alex decides to ask. "Perhaps a strange question, but Prince Brand. How may i address you? Pardon the forwardness but i really need to get used to the change of etiquette. Besides that i kind of lost my job as an protective elite takes some getting used to as well." '''Michael James Watson''' From the other cage a man stands and loos over at the group. "Brand! If you are leaving, can i have your barrels? The outside the cell ones of course.. " Brand stops, looks and walks over gently urging Alexandra over. Vance walks over looking sternly. Brand says, "Alexandra, allow me to introduce your ...ah...great Uncle Hagalta. He is the son of Dworkin and Verna-the primal Adask. That makes his cousin to Oberon-son of Dworkin and the Primal Unicorn. He is in here for other high crimes and misdemeanors but not on my scale." The gray-green skinned man with pink cornrows hold two bars, looking out. "So this is Alexandra Brandsdottier. My pleasure. As to why I am here it is something of a misunderstanding and if you can speak to Random in my favor I would be much obliged. You see there was this..." Vance steps to the rail, "Stop. Just stop." Hagalta looks at Vance. "You have been no fun since your trip to the abyss. How's your sister? I here you let a Chaosian take possession of her? And you damn me for a tiny bit of incest?" Vance laughs," A tiny bit? How egyptian of you. Now shut up or no barrels." Hagalta raises his hands and backs away, looking to see how Alxe responds. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex looks back again to the other cell when Brand urges her over she complies and stands near enough to Brand. Not to the cell door. At the introduction ahe politely bows her head to Hagalta. "It is...ah. interesting to meet you, sir. " After Vance and Brand she answers him. "Speaking to King Random on your behalf would be fruitless sir. I could merely say that i have seen your face. Heard you speak but nothing which would help you and nothing which would damn you. So unless you wish me to remind King Random of your existence sir. I am adraid i cannot help you." She steps back a step and inclines her head. Then looks at Brand if he wants to stay or go up. At the point where Hagalta says something about Vance his sister being in possession of a Chaosian she raises an eyebrow. But if an royal was imprissoned or abducted news would have been probably known about it. '''Michael James Watson''' Vance waves and three barrels move over close to the cell. Hagalta reaches through the bars the bars, popping lids, pulling dried beef from one and gnawing on it. "You behave Hagalta. I assume you know Relmopater is the South Wind now? His sister, your wife & daughter Dwynwen is in service to him as well. Though in a unadask, platonic way. " Brand chuckles as her starts up the stairs, followed by Alex and Vance. Brand says, "Alvah is still with Vek I assume?" Vance says, "Yes. In Ang Ri, in the gladiatorial ring." Brand laughs. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex not in on the joke why it is funny she just silently follows Brand up the stairs. She does take the silence to process the things she just heard. She looks at Vance "I assume your sister is not in any danger right? It almost sounded the way Hagalta said it she was taken." She then quickly adds. "Of course if it is none of my business i shouldn't know anyway." She smiles aa she says that. She then walks a bit faster up the stairs to get closer to Brand. "Sir, Prince Brand. Does my mother know of your new status? And do you wish her to know? Prince Arlo did say you were friends " '''Michael James Watson''' Brand says,"Oh Alvah is in terrible danger. Danger of being worn out. Being a shape changer means never having to say Ooppps!!!!Sorry dear." Vance chuckles,"Really uncle? Is that necessary?" He shrugs, "Not since I learned shapechange. Just as taking the fount means I don't need to take stairs." He disappears. Vance sighs. "Well, lets assume he is in his quarters and not in Cynasure.". He keeps climbing the stairs. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex frowns to Brand not fully understanding what he means. After he disappears she looks at Vance and shrugs. "Lets assume yes. " She looks up the stairs and keeps walking. "So should i actually address you with your title as King? " She then almost whispers "What did he mean with that never having to say oops? Call me naive but i did not permit myself time to stop and think what shapechange of the royal family could mean in situations..." '''Michael James Watson''' Vance says,"Despite what they taught you in the Royal Rights course, when in casual circumstances we tend to drop titles. Family chats would take too long otherwise." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex laugs a bit "Right, right. I have been with enough conversations present that i know this. It just takes time to place myself in that position instead of that on service as an elite. " She humms soft while walking up a marching tune. "So how is the rest of the family dealing with the news of Prince Brand?" '''Michael James Watson''' "You'll learn a lot of shorthand soon enough. Titles come with court and company. IF a herald is present; use titles. They tend to get offended if the proiprities are involved. If there are nobles of other realms; use titles. If you are conversing privately with other royals and wish to get their attention, stop them from monologing ; Use Titles. Otherwise, using titles in private puts distance between us that is already fairly large in some cases. You are something of the youngest in the family. Donovan was. The distance between you and say-Benedict, is hundreds of thousands of years. First-naming seems like affirming family ties in such circumstances. " '''Amber Bronkhorst''' "Well, yeah it creates distance. But it also is the proper thing to do. Though within the CCC we don't use titles amongst eachother either. Trying to remember those is a headache. Here it is easy enough just remember which generation you are talking to." She turns to Vance and smiles. "Guess i am somewhat of the youngest. At least certainly the newest that learned they are of the royal family. Though calling certain people, like Prince Benedict by first name. Hmm would be hard... And very awkward. " A nervous chuckle escapes her. "Do you think King Random would assign an elite to me as well? Now THAT would be awkward. A direct colleague. Someone i probably know from service as a guard and elite." She shakes her head slightly while still keeping pace '''Michael James Watson''' "Titles are guidelines. Figuring out when to use them is personal. In your case, use them till a family member tells you otherwise. As for Random assigning an elite to you, depend on it. If you are close to one you can request them.. In your case it might be best to pick a new one. Someone who has not done protective duty. Otherwise you get some fart with his own way of doing things and the rank to try pushing you around. Remember -once you sur I've the pattern, you outrank them" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' She inclines her head "Thank you, Lord Vance. For the advice, it is appreciated i will do so. It would make conversations easier anyway. " She turns to think for a moment and chuckles "Heard Farooq just lost his detail. but a new one i could at least help grow and learn as well. Oh yes the pattern. that is a thing as well now. well it will all come at the right time. " After a bunch of steps up again she asks ina slightly hushed tone. "Do you think, Lord Vance, that now people know my father is Prince Brand they will treat me different. Like i am not dumb i know what he has done and that he is not trusted very well. Will that in a way rub off on me as well, i wonder. And if people are more cautious i fully understand. But if i will have a bunch of the elders visiting to tell me not to walk in my fathers footsteps i know to have some refreshments ready. Makes conversations only more pleasant." She turns to Vance and smiles big. Clearly not to worried about which way the opinions might go. '''Michael James Watson''' He stops in a alcove where an Elite dungeon guard is standing. A place she has stood guard herself. Vance say, "Hyris, take a break. Visit the privy, go take a head count. I need the alcove for a few minutes." Sitting at one of the three chairs he picks up a pilot biscuit and nibbles it. "The Elders will take note but you are not an unknown. You've served duty as a castle guard, graduated Rasak, served in the military, have won championships in the CCC and served as a Elite Protector for a year. They know you. Sure they will treat you differently but only because you are of the blood, not because you are Brand's daughter. You are not the only child of Brand here. Rinaldo is a Golden Circle King. Asher has served in the navy and the Rangers. Actually, its the idea that Fres Mira had a child with Brand that may throw them a bit. Fres was identified with Dierdre and Deirdre is a sore subject for them" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Seeing the gaurd she smiles and nods to him. She checks the chairs and find one with the wobbly back turns it and sits on it with her arms resting on the back of the chair. "I see. Yes of course i had not considered my mother as an subject of question. " She looks Vance in the eyes with that usually present smile "And even if it appears i am of hte blood now it will not change my loyalty to Amber and the crown. I will still fight for her. I will still serve as best i can. Only now i suppose under a different name. Mom was always clear on her love for Amber and how i should serve it the best i could and stay loyal. I figure i have only more reason now to do so. " She is silent a moment and then smiles up again. "But thank you it is good to know that others will not view me different from being a child of Brand. That my name i worked hard to create here will only benefit me. And yes you are right i actually have half siblings now. that is something new." She laughs then looks at the alcove where she spend guard time. "Anything else you need to say? feels a bit serious that you found the need to stop and sit in an alcove sending the guard away. Or do you figure he needed a break?" '''Michael James Watson''' "I figure Brand needs a few moments back in his Apartment. Ive been told he has not visited them since his incarceration. For symbolic reasons. They are deep in the Eldes sections. Caine and Bleys have their suites near his. They are mansions in themselves.10, 15 rooms, balconies. plumbing. The works. I thought to give him some privacy to enjoy he new freedom before making him entertain guests. " He lights a Urala cigar and puffs a few times, "As for what you should do.....Explore. You have spent time in Amber and a few other shadows. Go someplace unexpected. Pick a card from the deck at random and go there, see what happens. " A sevrant shows up, nods to the pair of you, and hands Alex an envelope. Opening it the note says, " "Alexandre, the past few days may have been trying. Becoming an elite is challenging enough. Finding out disturbing things about your parentage double-so. If you would like to talk or a tour of the castle. Please seek me out. Perhaps dinner? Or an afternoon ride?" - Donovan". '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex smiles and nods "He should, it has been like you said a long time for him. and to be already bothered by another child. " She grins. "Oh the trumps. When i have walked the pattern i can do such of course. that sounds like a brilliant plan! i love travelling, i love exploring. Sounds like a good next step when time permits. " Seeing the servant she smiles and takes the envelope looking at it she opens and reads it. A bigger smile appears on her face. Genuinely happy. "How sweet. Donovan asks me to if i wanted to talk to him. If you do not mind Lord Vance, i would like to seek him out. We were on the Tazilwere mission together when this all came to light of course. And like you said my father could use some time getting his things in order." She looks at the servant. "Do you know where Lord Donovan is at this moment? " '''Michael James Watson''' The servant says, "Lord Donovan and Lt Haris are on the 4thj turn Elite morning run." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex nods "Thank you. " Turning to Vance she shrugs "How long do you think Prince Brand would need to get used to his place again? I was thinking of asking Donovan to Sea View Garden. And if Prince Brand feels like it he can find me there as well or i'll go to him. "
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