Between the Darkness/Session 03
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~Clavis_Morden: "So ... what's the next step, Regulator?" Atella: ponders Atella: "Let's go talk to the landlord" ~Clavis_Morden: nods. "It is somewhat suspicious that he sent 'thugs' here only a short time before Alcoth was murdered. Maybe he hired that assassin?" Atella: "maybe. Let's go find out" Mercution_Hastus: "He must've seriously lingered on payments..." murmured Hastus. "Hope it's not... a "Red Herring"? Tylorva: It's a simple enough task to find out the location of Dorian Caster. He's a big enough name in the area that the first person you ask is able to direct you straight to his offices, which are based in the centre of the district in a fairly swanky block. Indeed the block seems to be a whole grade above the other residences in the area. Atella: walks over to the door Tylorva: You arrive at the ground level. A clerk is sat behind a desk, tapping away at a cogitator. He looks up wearily. "Yes?" Atella: "Regulator Atella, here to see mister Caster" Mercution_Hastus: "So... How are we gonna approach this?" Mercution whispered to Atella. Tylorva: "Do you have an appointment?" Atella: points at her uniform and shockmaul. "*This* is my appointment" Mercution_Hastus: "I see..." got Mercution his answer. Tylorva: The clerk peers at her then shakes his head. "I'm afraid Sieur Caster doesn't see anyone without an appointment. He goes back to his work. Atella: sighs. Atella: "Look... it's really important that we speak to him. Can't you make an exception?" Atella: gives him a blinding smile Mercution_Hastus: "Look, mister... "Sieur Caster" may have some throuble on his property, it's a deal concerning Adepta - among others, Adeptus Arbiters. He may suffer some unfortunate consequences if he doesn't deal with them soon enough - we are just trying to help him. " (Roll for Charm/Deceive?) ~Clavis_Morden: "It is a matter of some importance," Clavis points out intentionally vaguely. "Sieur Caster will not be happy about the delay ..." Tylorva: The clerk looks up worridly, peering first at Mercution then at the others. "Please give me a moment," he says, then starts whispering into a vox unit. When he has finished, he looks up again. Sieur Caster will see you," he says. "Please proceed to the 19th floor." He gestures to an elevator at the back. Atella: gives the man another smile and a "Thank you." and gets in the elevator ~Clavis_Morden: nods, following the others Mercution_Hastus: proceeds to the elevator. Atella: pushes the button for the 19th floor Mercution_Hastus: "Surpised, that it went that easy... Guillible they are here..." Atella: shrugs ~Clavis_Morden: "With a real life Arbites along it was an easy sell." Atella: "aren't you glad you have me!" Atella: winks Mercution_Hastus: "True enough." Mercution throws a glance at Atella's unifrom. ~Clavis_Morden: "A good prop to wave in someone's face for sure," Clavis grins. Tylorva: The elevator arrives at the 19th floor and the doors slide open to reveal a small lobby with a grand-looking wooden door and what can only be described as a pair of thugs standing outside it. They glare at you all then push open the doors to reveal a grand suite... Atella: walks in like she owns the place Tylorva: The room displays an extravagent amount of wealth. Wood panelled walls, leather covered furniture, bookcases crammed full of texts and parchments. Several fine artworks showing Astartes in heroic poses decorate the walls. Dorian Caster stands in the middle, dressed in a fine coat and breeches. "Yes, yes, what is this about?" he says hurridly. ~Clavis_Morden: doesn't even have to feign indifference to the luxury all around. After having walked the halls of the Tricorn - however unwillingly - and walked the ground of Holy Terra itself it isn't all that impressive. ~Clavis_Morden: Well, not indifference perhaps. But luxury alone cannot compare to the majesty of those places. Atella: looks around Atella: "Nice place. We'd like to ask you some questions about the appartment at 2843Q Gravis Street" ~Clavis_Morden: stops one step behind Atella and to the side, her data-slate ready to take notes Mercution_Hastus: straightens up, trying to look less like a ganger and more like a... what, a bodyguard? Pondering his position for a moment, he decides on his more respectful "legend" - that of a Arbites informant, wary, cany and grizzled. Yeah, sure. Tylorva: "Yes, there was a murder, the authorities have been informed. There's nothing more to say." Atella: "That's not for you to decide. Tell us about your visit there a week ago." Mercution_Hastus: "Informed, yes. And authorities proceed with further investigation. So, now's exactly the time to talk a little." Mercution adds, trying to soften a little Atella's harsh questioning. Tylorva: He glares at you all. "I went to demand the payment of rent arrears. Nothing more. You are here on false pretences. I suggest you leave..." ~Clavis_Morden: "And how did the tenant react to that, good sir?" ~Clavis_Morden: She does not react to the man's suggestion, playing the role of the narrow-minded adept seeking only to complete her notes. Tylorva: @Atella He looks nervous and his eyes keep flicking over to a closed door in the side of the room. Atella: "uhhuh" Tylorva: He glares at Clavis. "About as well as someone threatened with eviction would generally do when asked to pay the debt." Atella: starts sauntering around the room, getting closer to the door ~Clavis_Morden: nods and makes a note. "How would that be, exactly?" She waits a moment, then adds. "Transcripts also indicate several persons in your employ were seen visiting him afterwards. Further encouragement to pay, yes?" Tylorva: He just crosses his arms at Clavis whilst keeping an eye on Atella. "If you're asking me whether I had anything to do with his death. I didn't. Now get out." ~Clavis_Morden: "Your position on that matter has been noted. Would you please answer my questions for the official record, sir?" Atella: reaches the door "Do you mind if I use your facilities? Through here, are they?" and opens it, carefully Tylorva: The door is locked. He turns to glare at Atella. "Yes, I do mind. GET OUT!" ~Clavis_Morden: keeps to the infuriating drone of an administratum clerk Atella: sighs, "Shame about the wood" powers her maul and hits the door ~Clavis_Morden: "Additionally, said persons left again without violence having occured, which was remarked on as unusual. What precisely happened there?" Mercution_Hastus: prepared for the inevitable consequences of Atella's decisive action - generally, by placing his palm over his face for a moment. Atella: (atella doesn't feel like doing subtle) Mercution_Hastus: figured that out already... ~Clavis_Morden: Clavis' eyes go wide as Atella starts hammering on a perfectly innocent door. With great effort she retains a modicum of posture, though. tylorva1: Caster starts to answer Clavis but is understandably distracted by Atella's action. "Alright, that does it!" He barks something into a microbead and the two thugs from outside immediately hurry in with las rifles drawn. "Escort these people out of here!" Caster yells. tylorva1: (( If anything other than leaving happens, then we hit initiative. :) )) Atella: barks at the thugs "Official Arbites business! Stay out of our way or go down with your boss! There's always extra room in the cells!" and hits the door again Tylorva: (( Nahh. They don't seem impressed by Arbites credentials. They are thugs. ;) )) ~Clavis_Morden: Seeing that Atella's Arbites credential seem to leave the thugs unimpressed Clavis makes to leave, eyes wide and holding on tightly to her staff and data-slate. Tylorva: (( Ok, Atella has the first action )) Atella: throws her maul at the nearest thug Tylorva: Atella's shockmaul flies through the air just missing one of the thugs and smashes into a vase behind him. The vase falls to the ground and shatters. Mercution_Hastus: Mercution whips out battered combat shotgun from beneath his flak cloak. Not bothering with thugs, he aims it with a bothered look on his face at the landlord. "One frakking move - and your boss is a chunk of bloody meat." Tylorva: Caster does freeze as the gun is pointed at him, and he misses his action. "You think you'll get out of here alive?" ~Clavis_Morden: Seeing that a firefight seems to be breaking out any second now Clavis grips her staff harder, as much out of fear as to get a better grip, and steps to the side out of the way of the two armed thugs. ~Clavis_Morden: ((well, four armed thugs now ;) )) Tylorva: (( *grins* )) Atella: (who you calling a thug?) ~Clavis_Morden: (( *innocent look* )) Atella: (besides, I'm not armed at the moment ;) ~Clavis_Morden: ((well, can't be meaning you then, can I? ;) )) Tylorva: The thugs pause, looking to their boss for instructions. Caster glares at Mercution. "Well?" Mercution_Hastus: "Yes, we will. On a red carpet - one of yours, perhaps. And with all the answers. As for this moment, you are a prime suspect for murder or important undercover Imperial dignitary." Mercution_Hastus: "Arbites aren't the ones for summary executions, so I recommend you order the thugs to step down. A lot of hassle it'll be, if after going through your dirty linen, you'll end up less guilty, than if feels like now." Mercution_Hastus: ((Feel free to add something)) Atella: turns to Caster Atella: "I'd listen to the man, if you know what's good for you" Tylorva: Caster nods to the thugs and they lower their weapons slightly, but still look alert and ready to act if provoked. "Who are you people?" he asks, looking warily at both Mercution and Atella. "Cos I don't believe for a moment, you're real arbiters." Atella: mutters and retrieves her maul Atella: "See, that's where you're half wrong. He's not, I just keep him around for the company. *I* on the other hand, *am*" ~Clavis_Morden: "If you would just answer the questions posed to you, sir," Clavis returns, once more the simple clerk. Tylorva: "I didn't kill Regis," he says, using the false name that Alcoth had rented the apartment under. Atella: stalks back to the door Atella: "Are you going to open this door, or do I have to bash it in?" Atella: "I *know* you're hiding something" ~Clavis_Morden: "But you did send several of your men to him, did you not?" Mercution_Hastus: "That's not the half of the answer we are looking for." Tylorva: "Yes, I sent some men to see him. But they didn't kill him." ~Clavis_Morden: "What precisely were their instructions; what happened?" Tylorva: "Just to teach him not to withhold on rent!" he says, looking anxiously at Atella. Atella: gives the door a push to see if her earlier hit did something ~Clavis_Morden: nods. "Motivation by pain no doubt? Did they succeed?" Mercution_Hastus: "Sure... The man could've bought your whole establishment. There's more to it." Tylorva: The door doesn't budge. Caster turns to Mercution. "Who the frak was he?" Atella: shrugs Atella: "Oh well." Atella: repowers the maul and hits the door again ~Clavis_Morden: "We are not at liberty to say," Clavis states dryly. Atella: growls at the door Atella: turns to Caster Atella: "Look, I can keep bashing at your door until I finally get through, or you can open it for me" Atella: "what'll it be?" Tylorva: Caster turns his gaze back to Clavis. "They returned with rent money, yes. And a promise that Regis would pay up on time next time, or face eviction. Violent eviction to be precise." Tylorva: He glares at Atella. "No." Atella: "Fine, have it your way" ~Clavis_Morden: "After that when was the next payment due? Was it made?" Atella: Mercution_Hastus: "keep the gun on hi Tylorva: Caster keeps glancing at Atella and then back at Clavis. "The next payment is due next month." Atella: growls and gives the door a kick Atella: takes her shotgun and shoves it in Caster's face Mercution_Hastus: "For God-Emperor's sake... Hold this." he shoves his shotgun to Clavis, making sure that everyone of ours holds everyone of theirs at the gunpoint. "Dont anyone move." He proceeds to fiddle with the door with a simple set of lockpicks. Atella: "Mercution, you do it" ~Clavis_Morden: will take the shotgun if forced to but it's painfully obvious that she doesn't know the first thing about using it Fatespinner: Mercution_Hastus rolled a 89 on a d100 for 4 degrees of failure. Mercution_Hastus: (Frakking embarassment...) Mercution_Hastus: (It's okay to lie down, bleeding, with guts spilled and all the bones shattered, with all you cared for lost... But it is such an awkward moment, that are truly painfull)) ~Clavis_Morden: "Apart from the matter of his rent, did you have any contact with Mr. Regis?" Tylorva: "No," he says. "Why should I? He's a tenant. I have a lot of tenants." Tylorva: The key is on the desk, inside a drawer. Atella: takes the key and opens the door ~Clavis_Morden: nods and makes a note on her data-slate. "Next. I will need a look at your books." Tylorva: Caster sighs, watching Atella very anxiously. "The books are on the shelf there," he says gesturing towards it. "But I'll have you know, I have many urgent appointments today. Including one with the Governor himself." Atella: looks inside the room Tylorva: The room seems to be a storage area full of crates. Atella: examines the crates ~Clavis_Morden: begins looking through Caster's books, looking to confirm his story about 'Regis' having paid, as well as looking for any payments that might connect him to the assassins, or other irregularities. ~Clavis_Morden: As part of her training she has been taught to read and audit balancing books, though so far there was never much need for that skill. Mercution_Hastus: "It will be with the God-Emperor himself, if you are withholding something. Know this?" Hastus shows him the picture, drawn by the child from the hab-block. Tylorva: Clavis has a quick scan of the bookks. Regis did indeed pay his rent on the day in question. There's no obvious link to the assassins, but there are a lot of irregularities. He seems to be laundering quite a lot of income through his lettinga business. ~Clavis_Morden: makes a few notes, then nods. "Everything seems in order." Tylorva: Inside the boxes, Atella finds mostly junk related to lettings. But also a vast quantity of narcotics. And one very small and discreetly tucked away box contains some kind of odd solid substance, greyish in colour. It's not like anything you have ever seen before. Atella: takes the box and goes back to the other room ~Clavis_Morden: To finish things up Clavis then concentrates on the ebb and flow of the warp, searching for any disruptions in the vicinity that would indicate psyker powers or psi-active materials. Tylorva: The books don't state where the money is coming from or going too. Your expertise can just recognise that there is a lot of money passing through the system that seems unaccounted for. Although given his living standard you suspect he is filching off at least a hefty chunk of it for himself. Atella: "What's *this*?" Tylorva: Caster looks at the picture and shakes his head. "No idea." Tylorva: He is lying. Atella: walks over and almost shoves her shotgun up his nose Atella: "Look, you're done. You can start giving answers now, or on the rack later. Your choice" Mercution_Hastus: shakes his head at the answer. "No idea in your head, what your lies may cost you...Care to give another anwer?" Tylorva: Hmmm... give me a FL (Warp) roll at -20 Fatespinner: Clavis_Morden rolled a 81 on a d100 for 5 degrees of failure. Tylorva: (( You have no idea what it is. )) Atella: (maybe friend Caster will tell me) Tylorva: "Fine, fine, she looks like one of those assassins!" Atella: "'those' assassins?" Tylorva: "There's a group of assassins that... ahhh... are publically available to hire." Atella: tweaks his nose with her shotgun Atella: "go on" Tylorva: "What?" He looks pretty scared. "I might have used them before, okay? Who doesn't round here?" Atella: "how did you contact them?" Tylorva: "They have a drop box near here! In the metro station!" Atella: "and how do I arrange a meeting?" Atella: *pokety* Tylorva: "You drop a contact card into the box. If they are interested, they contact you." Atella: "Thank you. Now, back to my other question. What's in this box?" Tylorva: He just goes silent at that. Atella: *pokety* Atella: (poor poor cross-eyed Caster) Tylorva: He still doesn't speak. ~Clavis_Morden: "Also, did you by chance employ their services recently? Say, for a certain tenant we previously spoke of?" Her expression is serious but not unkind. "If you have it will be best for you to admit it now. You can still get away with a black eye, so to speak ..." Mercution_Hastus: ((Does he look defiant or more like absent or lost, when he keeps silent about the substance?)) Tylorva: (( he looks defiant. And very very scared. )) Tylorva: He turns to Clavis. "I did not." Tylorva: @Atella He seems sincere. Atella: "Fine, I believe you. Now tell me what this is. It'll be easier on you if you tell me now." Tylorva: He falls silent again. You get the impression that he's far more scared of what will happen to him if he speaks than of what will happen if he does not. Atella: starts telling him about the racks and the torturers, in great detail Tylorva: He goes very pale at the talk of torture, but he still doesn't say anything. Atella: sighs Atella: "okay, fine" Atella: turns to Clavis and Mercution "You guys have any questions left for him?" Atella: snaps her fingers Mercution_Hastus: "This silence actually says us a lot" Hastus mutters, he sounds almost concerned addresing the Castus. ~Clavis_Morden: Seeing that they won't succeed like this Clavis concentrates for a moment to focus her power then touches the power of the warp to the man's mind for just a brief moment. Whatever fear he feels, there is worse still. "That is just the beginning, you know," she states gravely after Atella is finished describing the torture. "There are no words for what comes after that ..." Atella: "Do you know this man?" *describes Janus Sand* ~Clavis_Morden: (opposed WP roll between him and Clavis)) Fatespinner: Clavis_Morden rolled a 2 on a d100 for 5 degrees of success. Fatespinner: Tylorva rolled a 82 on a d100 for 5 degrees of failure. Atella: (yay?) Tylorva: When you touch the warp, the grey substance suddenly flares brightly for a moment. Atella: ... Atella: drops the box Atella: "What the frak just happened?" Tylorva: (( I think given the huge success, you can have this one. What fear are you planting in his mind? :) )) ~Clavis_Morden: ((Basically making him mentally extrapolate from Atella's description to whatever he can imagine that's orders of magnitude worse with the intent of making him more afraid of us that of whatever's keeping him from answering)) Mercution_Hastus: has to steel himself to keep from discharging the weapon. He stares intently at the... glowing stuff. Tylorva: As Clavis touches his mind, he goes cold for a moment, and then turns deathly pale, staggering and backing away. "No... no... don't touch me!" he cries, falling to the ground and sobbing. "I... I can't!" Tylorva: The glow fades away over the next half a minute or so. ~Clavis_Morden: walks forward to tower over him despite her sub-average hight. "Tell me. Now." Atella: looks at the man and the glowy stuff ~Clavis_Morden: *height Atella: "Okay, seriously, what the frak is going on?" Tylorva: He cries as he finally gives up his secret. "I... I don't know what it is. Some kind of xeno stuff." ~Clavis_Morden: "Where did you get it from?" Tylorva: "A group called the Slyth Brotherhood. They're cold traders - they trade in forbidden stuff. Xeno crap, that kind of thing." Atella: "why did you buy it?" Tylorva: "I didn't! I'm just storing it for them!" Mercution_Hastus: "When and where are you to give it away?" ~Clavis_Morden: nods. "You are wise to confess. Confess your sins and your soul may yet be purified." Tylorva: "Someone will contact me when they want it. I need to drop it in a vehicle under the St Rathgor bridge when they give the signal!" Tylorva: He looks up at Clavis desperately. "Please... don't tell the Inquisition!" ~Clavis_Morden: She briefly catches Atella's and then Mercution's eyes and makes a small gesture with her head toward the two thugs. Now that they have heard this they can't escape! Tylorva: The thugs have frozen at these revelations. Atella: "looks like this isn't your lucky day, boys. Please don't try to escape." ~Clavis_Morden: looks down on the man crawling on the ground. "We will consider the degree of your cooperation," she says implying that they might not tell the inquisition. Atella: walks over to them Atella: "Please assume the party position" Atella: "Faces on the ground, hands behind your heads, boys" ~Clavis_Morden: "Do you know anything else about this, about the 'Slyth Brotherhood', or about the murder of that tenant?" Mercution_Hastus: "How are they supposed to contact you?" Mercution was still interrogating the owner. Tylorva: Castus keeps sobbing. "I didn't mean to get mixed up in them! They found out about the narcos and blackmailed me into holding stuff for them. That's all I know, I swear. It must have been them who set the assassin on Regis! Maybe he was looking in to them or something, I don't know!" He turns to Mercution. "They chalk a mark on the wall outside." ~Clavis_Morden: "Very well." Clavis brings out the vox caster, presses the activation rune and reports in brevity: An assassin of the Redisto Brotherhood seems the most likely culprit in the murder, ~Clavis_Morden: Dorian Caster may not be directly connected but he is in possession of some sort of psi-active xenos substance and in contact with some group called the 'Slyth Brotherhood', for whom he is holding it. ~Clavis_Morden: She walks a few steps away into the side room to do that. ~Clavis_Morden: There is after all no need for the thugs or Caster to hear. Tylorva: As the two thugs do as they are told, Clavis gets a curt report back from Reinhardt. "That matches what we know of Alcoth's investigations. I have arranged for you to see his corpse and to get access to his personal effects." He gives the address of the mortuary. ~Clavis_Morden: "What about Caster, sir?" Tylorva: "I'll leave that to your discretion." he seems utterly uninterested in Caster. Atella: yells from inside the other room "Get them to send a rhino to pick up these guys and the drugs" ~Clavis_Morden: considers briefly, but at Atella's suggestion makes up her mind. "We will need someone to take him and the substance into custody then. If he is not to be used to pursue the link to those cold traders then he must answer for his crimes." Tylorva: Reinhardt sighs. "Fine. What will you be doing?" Mercution_Hastus: is still guarding the perpetrator, so he can't hear the exchange - curiosity is killing him. ~Clavis_Morden: "Umm ..." Clavis thinks quickly, unprepared for that question. "Investigate how the witch might be linked to either Alcoth or the assassions and whether his location can be found from that." Tylorva: "You don't think these cold traders are involved?" Atella: looks around the room while Clavis is on the phone ~Clavis_Morden: "They most likely are, but how precisely is unclear at this time." Tylorva: "Keep investigating then." And with that, he breaks the link. ~Clavis_Morden: "Yes, sir." ~Clavis_Morden: emerges from the side room, wiping sweat from her brow with a handkerchief Atella: "what'd he say?" ~Clavis_Morden: "Our decision," Clavis sums it up in two words. Mercution_Hastus: shakes his head. "Later." Atella: "Any idea on when we can expect the arbites?" ~Clavis_Morden: "Umm ... Can we talk? Without them," she gestures toward the three captives. Atella: walks over Atella: "Why don't you whisper it in my ear?" Atella: leans closer Mercution_Hastus: "I guess, you understand, that you aren't running away now?" tosses Mercution to Castus and joins the women. Tylorva: One of the thugs tries to skulk towards the door whilst everyone's back is turned. But his movement is obvious. Atella: points behind her Atella: "You! This is your last warning. Get back on the ground or you're a smear on the wall" Tylorva: He cowers back against the wall. ~Clavis_Morden: "Okay, we have three possibilities now. 1. Follow the assassins lead and hope it leads to the witch. 2. Examine Alcoth's body and personal effects to try and find a link to the witch. And 3. Follow the link to the Slyth Brotherhood and hope that the witch is connected." Tylorva: Clavis and Mercution spot Castus dropping something into his pocket. ~Clavis_Morden: "We might be able to use Caster to find that Slyth Brotherhood ... if we don't have him arrested." Mercution_Hastus: audibly pumps his shotgun with a distinctive *ka-chink* and walks over to Castus. Tylorva: Castus freezes with his hand in his pocket. ~Clavis_Morden: frowns at Caster's actions, not understanding what they might signify Atella: whispers back "Let's examine the body and if we find nothing actionable, let's follow the assassin" Atella: looks around when Mercution moves Atella: "What?" Mercution_Hastus: just shakes his head and gestures with the shotgun for Castus to reveal what he is hiding. Tylorva: He lifts his hand out of his pocket. He's holding a miniature vox unit. ~Clavis_Morden: "What if Sand works for those cold traders, though? In that case he'd be ..." she stops as she sees the vox unit. Mercution_Hastus: takes the device away, forcefully if necessary. ~Clavis_Morden: "What did you do?" Tylorva: "I just signalled for help.." he says a little defiantly. Tylorva: "I suggest you get out of here." ~Clavis_Morden: "From whom?!" Tylorva: "My people." Mercution_Hastus: ((Scrutiny?)) Tylorva: (( Go for it. +10 )) Fatespinner: Atella rolled a 2 on a d100 for 3 degrees of success. Fatespinner: Mercution_Hastus rolled a 93 on a d100 for 6 degrees of failure. Fatespinner: Clavis_Morden rolled a 1 on a d100 for 2 degrees of success. ~Clavis_Morden: ((wow ...)) Mercution_Hastus: ((I like the roll distribution today.)) Tylorva: Judging by the smirk on his face, he's not bluffing... ~Clavis_Morden: "Your people ... not the Slyth, then?" Tylorva: "Nope. My own staff. Six of whom are on their way to this room now." ~Clavis_Morden: gulps and looks toward Atella and Mercution. Her expression is easy to read: Flee? Atella: hits him with the shock maul Mercution_Hastus: "Six?" Mercution smirks. "You really are a moron. And desperate. It's still my shotgun that's pointing at your face. Nothing's changed." Tylorva: You zap him easily with the shock maul, and he keels over. Mercution_Hastus: "Well. Except for that." ~Clavis_Morden: "Emperor on Earth! Now he can't call off those guys." Atella: "He SHOULD still be alive..." Atella: pokes him with her boot Tylorva: He's just unconscious. ~Clavis_Morden: "We have to get out of here. Take that Xenos stuff and leave." Mercution_Hastus: "That was the idea. Atella, can't you just vox Arbites directly? Don't you have codes or channels for that?" Atella: "I seem to have... misplaced my vox" Mercution_Hastus: "We have two now, don't we?" Tylorva: Atella spots movement as the thugs, feeling more confident with the apparant planned arrival of their comrades raise their lasguns to start shooting...
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