Editing Between the Darkness/Session 19

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tylorva: Mercution follows, reluctantly putting his guns and knives on the floor.  Sand just whimpers - he doesn't have any weapons to drop. Horatio gives a loud vulgar laugh.  "Not so tough now."  The chaos sorcerer meanwhile just smiles.  "Very wise," he says.  "Take them."  And you are all promptly jumped upon and separated.
tylorva: Mercution follows, reluctantly putting his guns and knives on the floor.  Sand just whimpers - he doesn't have any weapons to drop. Horatio gives a loud vulgar laugh.  "Not so tough now."  The chaos sorcerer meanwhile just smiles.  "Very wise," he says.  "Take them."  And you are all promptly jumped upon and separated.
==Separated from each other: Atella==
tylorva: You are hauled off into a small room that seems to have been set up as some kind of interrogation chamber.  You are stripped of your armour and possession quite swiftly.  A wooden chair with straps is in the middle of the room and you are forced down into it and strapped down, then left along for a while.
***Atella fumes in silence
tylorva: After a while, the door opens and an older-looking man in a plain black robe enters the room.  He is burly and bearded and gives a cheerful smile.  "Hello," he says.
Atella: "Hello. I'd give you a hand, but..."
***Atella moves her hand against the restraints
tylorva: "Protection, I'm sure you understand."  he waves his hand dismissively.
Atella: "I'm not dangerous."
tylorva: "Of course you're not.  But I am."
Atella: "Shouldn't... you be in the chair then?"
***Atella tries to shrug
Atella: "just saying"
tylorva: He chuckles.  "No, i don't think so."  He pulls up a chair and sits down in front of you.  "My name is Calyn Raxus," he says.  "You are?
Atella: "Tired, pissed off, beat up, tied to a chair"
Atella: "You can call me Atella though"
tylorva: He chuckles again.  "Glad to see you are keeping your humour up.  What are you doing here, Atella?  Down here in the Underhive I mean.  You don't exactly belong here, do you?"
Atella: "Getting out from under a death sentence, you?"
***Atella looks around
Atella: "though this place seems to be just as deadly"
tylorva: "Oh, it's worse.  I'm not from here originally, but I've been down here long enough to learn the ins and outs.  You're an arbitrator?"
***Atella looks down at herself
Atella: "is it written on my forehead or something?"
tylorva: "No, but the armour was a giveaway.  Nonetheless, you could have stolen it."
***Atella shrugs again
tylorva: "Why did you come here, Atella?"
Atella: "Told you."
tylorva: "No you didn't."
Atella: "Trying to get out of a death sentence."
tylorva: "That's a motivation.  It's not a reason."
Atella: "Oh. I was sent to find someone. Of course, that someone isn't even here."
tylorva: "Who?"
Atella: "I don't know his real name."
tylorva: "Then what name do you have?"
***Atella sighs
Atella: "Kirian or something"
Atella: "I really have nothing against the rest of you guys."
tylorva: He seems to recognise the name and raises a bushy eyebrow. "And what is Vika Shaeye's interest in Kirian?"
***Atella barks a laugh
Atella: "You really think I've been told anything useful?"
Atella: "I got a choice between 'die now' or 'find this guy'"
tylorva: "Yes.  I think you were."
***Atella shrugs
Atella: "Well, you think wrong."
Atella: "No offense."
tylorva: He gives another friendly chuckle.  "Well, if you really are of no use, i suppose I'll have to kill you now."  He reaches into his robes for some kind of weapon.
Atella: "Really, I know how this works. I know how irritating it can be when they don't tell you the truth, so trust me when I say I am."
tylorva: "Oh I believe you.  That's the problem.  Any last words?"
Atella: "You could just let me go, you know. I don't even want to be here. I don't care what you do down here."
tylorva: "I could.  But that would be very foolish of me."
Atella: "Really? How so?"
tylorva: "Because I am intelligent enough to simply kill useless prisoners.  And so far you seem particularly useless."
Atella: "Hey, that's hurtful. It's not because I don't know some little piece of information that I'm useless"
tylorva: "Then what use are you?"
***Atella shrugs
Atella: "What do you need done?"
tylorva: "Well for a start I need Reinhardt taken care of.  But I'm hardly going to entrust that to you, am I?"
Atella: "... yeah, no."
Atella: "You know Reinhardt?"
tylorva: He ignores the question.  "So tell me.  What use are you?  Why shouldn't I kill you here?"  He draws a particularly vicious-looking knife from his robe - it has serrated edges and a carved handle that just looks wrong somehow.
***Atella shrugs again
Atella: "Because I'm funny?"
***Atella tries not to look at the knife
tylorva: "In your dreams maybe."
Atella: "You could use me as muscle?"
tylorva: "I have a whole gang of muscle, that are reliably loyal."
***Atella thinks
***Atella sighs
***Atella hesitates
Atella: "Anyone you want fucked?"
tylorva: He raises an eyebrow again.  "That's the best you can offer?"  He snorts derisevely.
Atella: "Oh hey, now you're hurting my feelings again."
Atella: "You could just send me back to Vika?"
tylorva: "Sure.  In pieces.  That would send a very useful message, would it not?"
Atella: "I don't know. Not very useful."
Atella: "Easy to misunderstand too."
Atella: "Ambiguous even."
tylorva: "Oh, but my master knows Vika Shaeye.  She's hardly the sort of person to take things ambiguously, is she?  She sees things in their simplest form."
***Atella shrugs again
Atella: "I've only met her briefly."
tylorva: "I'  sure that was long enough."
Atella: "Well, she did impress me."
tylorva: "In what way?"
Atella: "She's so... masterful and striking."
tylorva: "You say that like you're in love with here."  He does seem to be interested though and has lowered the knife slightly.
***Atella smiles
Atella: "Love is probably too grand a word. I might have a small crush on her though."
***Atella shrugs again
Atella: "What's a girl to do?"
tylorva: The man bursts out laughing.  "Why are you here, Atella?  Why did Vika send you here?"
Atella: "She... didn't really send me here. We're following clues, and we figured this might be a good place to start. Shows what we know, huh"
tylorva: "What are you looking for then?"
Atella: "Told you. That Kirian guy. And no, I don't know why. They say jump and I say 'okay, please don't kill me'"
tylorva: "So what you are saying is that you are a mere grunt with no useful information or understanding and who has a slight crush on your inquisitor?"
Atella: "If you want to be blunt about it..."
tylorva: He shrugs.  "Well, it sounds like you'll be more useful dead, than alive."  He starts advancing towards you with the knife.
***Atella sighs
Atella: "Do we *have* to go through this again?"
Atella: "Killing me will bloody your nice chair and floor. You could just let me go. I won't come back, honest."
tylorva: "No, I have another use in mind."  He grabs your head to hold it still.  "Don't move.  You'll only make it hurt more."  He holds the tip of the knife to your cheek.  (Opposed strength if you want to struggle ))
***Atella freezes
Atella: "I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't need a shave. Thanks tho."
tylorva: The man carves something into the flesh of your cheek.  And by the Emperor does that hurt - not just from the pain of cutting, but it feels like it is burning right into your soul.  And yet you are strong and manage to hold out, both against the physical pain and... this other.  When he is finished, blood trickles down the side of your face.
tylorva: He stands back to admire his handiwork.
Atella: "That *hurt*. What the blazes did you do?"
tylorva: "You are chosen now," he says.
Atella: "... what kind of chosen? Chosen for what?"
tylorva: "To be of use.  To be of value to my master.  You can go now.  Your time will come."  He turns to leave.
***Atella jerks
Atella: "Hello? Still tied down here?"
tylorva: He ignores that and leaves, slamming the door behind him.
***Atella sighs
***Atella tests the bonds
tylorva: They are very good.  A few minutes later, one of the gangers comes in and unties you.  "You're with us now then?" he says cheerfully.
Atella: "I've been informed I've been 'chosen', whatever that means"
tylorva: "You're so lucky."  He swiftly removes the bonds and you are free to stand.
***Atella stretches
Atella: "Oh yeah, I feel really lucky."
***Atella touches her face and looks at the blood on her fingers
Atella: "You guys have a mirror or something?"
tylorva: It still feels like it is burning.  "Sure," says the ganger and fishes out a shard of mirror wrapped with tape to prevent the edges from cutting into everything.
***Atella tries to look at whatever's carved into her cheek
tylorva: Some kind of symbol has been carved there - it looks simplar to the symbols that had been dotted around the chaos shrine.  The edges of the wound seem to be blackening already - it looks very obvious.
***Atella winces
tylorva: The ganger hands you a cloth to clean up the wound slightly.
***Atella dabs at the blood
tylorva: It continues to burn and throb.  The pain doesn't seem to be abating.
Atella: "Do you have one of these too?"
tylorva: "I wish," he says.  "Ishik got one and after the ritual he became like a super hero.  you know?"  He grins cheesily.  "Course that was before them inquisition people blew him up."
Atella: "That... doesn't sound very super"
tylorva: "He was an idiot though.  Went up against Reinhardt."
Atella: "You guys know Reinhardt?"
tylorva: "As an enemy."
Atella: "Not very likeable, is he"
tylorva: "He's a prat.  He's killed too many of us.  I want him to die."  The kid looks sincere.
Atella: "He'd probably kill you without breaking a sweat tho"
***Atella stretches again
tylorva: "Not if we all work together!  And if you join us..."  He reaches out and touches the mark on your cheek.
***Atella grabs his hand before he can touch her
Atella: "Sorry, but it hurts like hell, so I'd rather you don't touch it"
tylorva: "I'm sorry!" he wimpers.  "They say the pain is there to always remind you of the Master."
***Atella lets him go
***Atella gets out of the room
tylorva: She finds herself back out amongst the gangers and cultists, all of whom now seem to look at her with some kind of awe.
***Atella looks uncomfortable
Atella: "Where's the other people I came in with?"
tylorva: "Still being questioned, Chosen."
Atella: 'Oh."
Atella: "So... what do you people do around here to pass the time?"
==Separated from each other: Clavis==
==Separated from each other: Clavis==
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Clavis_Morden: "Your daemonic idols will consume you body and soul. You say you are free? Hah."
Clavis_Morden: "Your daemonic idols will consume you body and soul. You say you are free? Hah."
tylorva: The sorceror stares at his prisoner with a cold expression"I am more free than you will ever understand," he says coldly, before changing the subject.  "Tell me aboiut the Inquisition.  About Vika Shaeye..."  He spits at the name.
==Separated from each other: Atella==
(23:25:15) tylorva: You are hauled off into a small room that seems to have been set up as some kind of interrogation chamberYou are stripped of your armour and possession quite swiftly.  A wooden chair with straps is in the middle of the room and you are forced down into it and strapped down, then left along for a while.
Clavis_Morden: meets the man's stare with enough anger to make her fearless. She begins to answer, but gives up before speaking the first word. It's clearly useless trying to argue with him.
(23:25:44) ***Atella fumes in silence
(23:29:05) tylorva: After a while, the door opens and an older-looking man in a plain black robe enters the room.  He is burly and bearded and gives a cheerful smile.  "Hello," he says.
Clavis_Morden: "What do you want to know?" She asks after a moment's consideration.
(23:29:44) Atella: "Hello. I'd give you a hand, but..."
(23:29:49) ***Atella moves her hand against the restraints
tylorva: "Why did she send you here?"
(23:30:12) tylorva: "Protection, I'm sure you understand." he waves his hand dismissively.
(23:30:34) Atella: "I'm not dangerous."
Clavis_Morden: "You mean, were we sent after the Wanton Spiral cult?"
(23:31:00) tylorva: "Of course you're not.  But I am."
(23:31:12) Atella: "Shouldn't... you be in the chair then?"
tylorva: "NoFor that is a simple yes/no answer that tells me nothing. I said "Why did she send you here?"
(23:31:44) ***Atella tries to shrug
(23:31:46) Atella: "just saying"
Clavis_Morden: "We are here to capture the rogue psyker Kirian."
(23:32:41) tylorva: He chuckles"No, i don't think so."  He pulls up a chair and sits down in front of you.  "My name is Calyn Raxus," he says.  "You are?
(23:33:06) Atella: "Tired, pissed off, beat up, tied to a chair"
Clavis_Morden: "Do you know of him?"
(23:33:51) Atella: "You can call me Atella though"
(23:34:37) tylorva: He chuckles again. "Glad to see you are keeping your humour up.  What are you doing here, Atella?  Down here in the Underhive I mean. You don't exactly belong here, do you?"
Clavis_Morden: "Is he a member of your cult?"
(23:35:20) Atella: "Getting out from under a death sentence, you?"
(23:35:28) ***Atella looks around
Clavis_Morden: "Or did you dispose of him when you took control of the cleaners?"
(23:35:57) Atella: "though this place seems to be just as deadly"
(23:36:26) tylorva: "Oh, it's worseI'm not from here originally, but I've been down here long enough to learn the ins and outs. You're an arbitrator?"
tylorva: "I see.  No, he's not a member.  Not exactly."  He crosses his arms.  "Tell me about Reinhardt."
(23:36:58) ***Atella looks down at herself
(23:37:10) Atella: "is it written on my forehead or something?"
Clavis_Morden: "Not exactly? I'd have thought you were either in or out." Clavis shakes her head. "Now, Reinhardt, he is in charge of the purges."
(23:38:24) tylorva: "No, but the armour was a giveaway.  Nonetheless, you could have stolen it."
(23:39:01) ***Atella shrugs again
tylorva: "What is he looking for?"
(23:39:34) tylorva: "Why did you come here, Atella?"
(23:39:46) Atella: "Told you."
Clavis_Morden: "He's looking for something?"
(23:40:09) tylorva: "No you didn't."
(23:40:13) Atella: "Trying to get out of a death sentence."
tylorva: "Something... or someoneWhy else would he spend so much time down here? He's an interrogator, he should have better things to do than to crack down on a bunch of dregs."
(23:40:31) tylorva: "That's a motivation. It's not a reason."
(23:41:08) Atella: "Oh. I was sent to find someone. Of course, that someone isn't even here."
Clavis_Morden: "Maybe that's why he's so cranky," Clavis muses, then catches herself. "Umm. I'm not really privy to the Interrogator's plans. But I think he's just cracking down on rogue psykers."
(23:41:24) tylorva: "Who?"
(23:42:16) Atella: "I don't know his real name."
Clavis_Morden: "Apparently the gangs down here hide a lot of them among themselves."
(23:42:32) tylorva: "Then what name do you have?"
(23:42:52) ***Atella sighs
tylorva: "I think you're right.  He's after this Kirian.  But he's not taking them to Vika."
(23:43:13) Atella: "Kirian or something"
(23:44:07) Atella: "I really have nothing against the rest of you guys."
Clavis_Morden: frowns. "He just kills them then?"
(23:46:03) tylorva: He seems to recognise the name and raises a bushy eyebrow. "And what is Vika Shaeye's interest in Kirian?"
(23:46:24) ***Atella barks a laugh
tylorva: He shrugs.  "Wouldn't we both like to know?  Vika too I imagine."
(23:46:33) Atella: "You really think I've been told anything useful?"
(23:47:19) Atella: "I got a choice between 'die now' or 'find this guy'"
Clavis_Morden: shudders slightly at the man's casual use of the Inquisitor's name.
(23:47:28) tylorva: "Yes.  I think you were."
(23:47:35) ***Atella shrugs
Clavis_Morden: Her frown grows deeper. "What do you think he does?"
(23:47:44) Atella: "Well, you think wrong."
(23:47:49) Atella: "No offense."
tylorva: "Perhaps, little inquisitor wannabe... we can make a deal...?"
(23:54:07) tylorva: He gives another friendly chuckle. "Well, if you really are of no use, i suppose I'll have to kill you now." He reaches into his robes for some kind of weapon.
(23:55:12) Atella: "Really, I know how this works. I know how irritating it can be when they don't tell you the truth, so trust me when I say I am."
Clavis_Morden: "What?" Clavis blurts out in confusion. This does not compute. "What sort of deal could you even imagine I'd accept?"
(23:55:38) Atella: (so much for the charm offensive)
(23:56:22) tylorva: "Oh I believe you.  That's the problem.  Any last words?"
Clavis_Morden: "I mean ..." She stops herself before pointing out that the logical thing to do would be to kill them all.
(23:57:08) Atella: "You could just let me go, you know. I don't even want to be here. I don't care what you do down here."
(23:59:42) tylorva: "I could.  But that would be very foolish of me."
Clavis_Morden: "I mean, what are you saying?"
(23:59:56) Atella: "Really? How so?"
(00:00:06) Atella: (let's see)
tylorva: "I mean, you can get close to Reinhardt, where I cannot. you can find out what he is doing.  And as long as you swear to return the results to me, you can take whatever action you want.  I suspect even Vika will want to know what her pet student is up to. these days."
(00:00:28) Atella: (la la la never mind)
(00:01:31) tylorva: "Because I am intelligent enough to simply kill useless prisonersAnd so far you seem particularly useless."
Clavis_Morden: "But why would you be interested?"
(00:02:14) Atella: "Hey, that's hurtful. It's not because I don't know some little piece of information that I'm useless"
(00:02:40) tylorva: "Then what use are you?"
tylorva: "That is not your concern.  If you really need one, consider as simple as this:  I want Reinhardt out of my turf and if proving to your mistress that he is no good is the way to do it, then so be it."
(00:02:55) ***Atella shrugs
(00:03:25) Atella: "What do you need done?"
Clavis_Morden: ((can I try scrutiny to see if he's at least vaguely honest?))
(00:04:09) tylorva: "Well for a start I need Reinhardt taken care of. But I'm hardly going to entrust that to you, am I?"
(00:04:31) Atella: "... yeah, no."
Clavis_Morden: ((1 DoS))
(00:04:58) Atella: "You know Reinhardt?"
(00:05:06) Atella: (inquiry roll)
tylorva: (( He seems to be sincere.))
(00:05:16) tylorva: (( Go for it. ))s.
(00:05:25) Atella: (never mind!
Clavis_Morden: thinks. Nothing good can come of a deal with a damned heretic like this one. His motives are unclear and likely as dark as his soul. Anything he says has to be considered suspect at best.
(00:05:32) Atella: (the roller hates me)
(00:05:39) tylorva: (( FP? ;) ))
tylorva: "Of course the alternative is that I sacrifice you to my dark good." He smirks.
(00:05:53) Atella: (my last fp...)
(00:06:12) Atella: (rather keep it for something deadlier ;)
Clavis_Morden: Casting aspersions on a member of the Holy Inquisition itself, what does he think he's doing? Trying to drive a wedge between the Inquisitor and her Interrogator? Anyone working so closely with Vika Shaeye will be above reproach.
(00:09:51) tylorva: He ignores the question.  "So tell me. What use are you?  Why shouldn't I kill you here?" He draws a particularly vicious-looking knife from his robe - it has serrated edges and a carved handle that just looks wrong somehow.
(00:11:17) ***Atella shrugs again
Clavis_Morden: "I'm weighing the options," Clavis says with unintentional sarcasm.
(00:11:24) Atella: "Because I'm funny?"
(00:11:35) ***Atella tries not to look at the knife
Clavis_Morden: But if she never intended to make a deal? Deceiving the deceivers is an acceptable tactic after all, isn't it?
(00:11:36) tylorva: "In your dreams maybe."
(00:13:51) Atella: "You could use me as muscle?"
tylorva: "You don't have long to decide.  There is an opening for a sacrifice in around..."  He withdraws a chrono on a chain from inside his robes.  "About fifteen minutes."
(00:15:15) tylorva: "I have a whole gang of muscle, that are reliably loyal."
(00:15:55) ***Atella thinks
Clavis_Morden: "I can't come down here again. And I can't betray secrets of the Holy Inquisition," Clavis says finally, trying for the tone of someone who has conceded that her life may be worth the deal but is haggling over the price.
(00:17:07) ***Atella sighs
(00:17:43) ***Atella hesitates
tylorva: "Your friend will be returning.  She has been chosen.  And you do not need to reveal the secrets of the Inquisition."  he does give you a very sceptical look though.  "Not that I suspect you know anyI simply want to know what Reinhardt's game is."
(00:17:52) Atella: "Anyone you want fucked?"
(00:19:19) tylorva: He raises an eyebrow again.  "That's the best you can offer?"  He snorts derisevely.
Clavis_Morden: "Atella?" Clavis is surprised. "What have you done with her?"
(00:19:36) Atella: "Oh hey, now you're hurting my feelings again."
(00:19:53) Atella: "You could just send me back to Vika?"
tylorva: "I have done nothing to her.  She is well and you'll see her again - if you agree to help me." He looks at the chrono again.  "Time is running short."
(00:20:26) tylorva: "Sure. In pieces. That would send a very useful message, would it not?"
(00:20:54) Atella: "I don't know. Not very useful."
Clavis_Morden: Clavis hesitates. "... alright," she says finally, as if against better judgement. "But nothing secret, nothing important! Just about Reinhardt's personal game."
(00:21:07) Atella: "Easy to misunderstand too."
(00:21:13) Atella: "Ambiguous even."
tylorva: He pulls some kind of parchment from his robe and unrolls it.  "Here is a contract - to be signed in blood.  It says your soul will be forfeit to the ruinous powers if you choose to turn your back on our agreement."  He lets you read it - it's in fairly straightforward text and makes an agreement between the signatories that all efforts will be made to discover what Reinhardt's plan is...
(00:22:17) tylorva: "Oh, but my master knows Vika Shaeye.  She's hardly the sort of person to take things ambiguously, is she?  She sees things in their simplest form."
(00:22:33) ***Atella shrugs again
tylorva: ... and to return that info to Uldain of the Wanton Spiral, in return for which the contractee will be free to go.
(00:23:04) Atella: "I've only met her briefly."
(00:23:24) tylorva: "I' sure that was long enough."
Clavis_Morden: ((what does Clavis know about that sort of thing? Is it possible to do something like this, does it require a ritual or anything?))
(00:23:35) Atella: "Well, she did impress me."
(00:23:49) tylorva: "In what way?"
Clavis_Morden: ((3 DoS))
(00:24:35) Atella: "She's so... masterful and striking."
(00:25:15) tylorva: "You say that like you're in love with here." He does seem to be interested though and has lowered the knife slightly.
tylorva: (( You think it's possible to do a psychic ritual on a contract to make it binding - but it's not often done due to heretical ovetones. ))
(00:26:04) ***Atella smiles
(00:27:02) Atella: "Love is probably too grand a word. I might have a small crush on her though."
Clavis_Morden: Clavis' goes pale at the sight of the contract, her eyes wide. Signed in blood? Forfeit to the Ruinous Powers? She reads it carefully. Twice. Time to think, she needs time to think ... Finally she nods, having made her decision. "Alright."
(00:27:44) ***Atella shrugs again
(00:27:53) Atella: "What's a girl to do?"
Clavis_Morden: She closes her eyes, obviously trying to get her nerves under control, to still the shivering. And less obviously focusing her mind into that crystalline clarity she'll need. "Give me the pen," she says, opening her eyes again.
Clavis_Morden: ((trying to get enough time to quietly prepare an Invocation roll))
tylorva: (( You have time for the invocation... ))
Clavis_Morden: The moment the sorcerer-priest reaches for whatever implement he needs for her to sign the contract is when she strikes with all her strength.
tylorva: He seems to notice you focusing your mind.  "Trying something?"  He withdraws a long thin stiletto from his sleeve to draw some blood onto the paper. (( No surprise - he noticed.  But you can make an initiative roll against him to get the first shot in. ))
Clavis_Morden: ((spending the bonus one-time-only FP we got for this session for an automatic 10, so Initiative 13))
tylorva: (( You beat him by 1. ))
Clavis_Morden: ((whew!))
Clavis_Morden: Rather than tuning her will to be an instrument of precision and grace Clavis forgoes all subtlety for as much raw power as she can draw from the warp. In eerie silence shimmering spears of pure force lash out toward the sorcerer.
Clavis_Morden: ((Focus Power of 28 means seven bolts created, three of them hit.))
Clavis_Morden: ((damage is 15, 16 and 10))
tylorva: A couple of blasts knock him backwards away from you and he slams into the opposite wall, grunting in pain. "Not bad," he says, looking quite impressed.  "Just as well, I have one more bargaining tool up my sleeve before we get to the sacrifcing - although my master would be pleased with one as strong as you..."
tylorva: He gets back to his feet and drops the parchment.  "Atella has been chosen."
Clavis_Morden: "What does that even mean?" Clavis yells, even as she gathers her strength for another attack.
tylorva: "It means she will become a favoured servant of my master, unless she returns here to be ritually unchosen."
Clavis_Morden: ((Scrutiny, 1 DoS))
tylorva: (( He seems to be speaking truthfully. ))
Clavis_Morden: "You lie! Filthy traitorous demon-worshipper! I'll never be like you, I'll never sign your blasphemous contract, and nor will any of the others!"
tylorva: He shrugs.  "Perhaps Atella will convice you otherwise.  Bring her back here with the information and she'll be fine.  Fail to do so and watch her hunted down and destroyed by your own kind.  Simple as that." He turns to leave.
Clavis_Morden: In frustration and fear Clavis rants with increasingly tenuous grasp on sanity. "We will pull down your damned altars! We will scatter your ashes through the black! None of your tricks will work with us, do you hear me, I never once believed a word you said!"
Clavis_Morden: "There is only one God and he is the Emperor of Mankind and his wrath is terrible! Pray, pray you pitiful wretch who scorned his saving light. Pray for your soul!"
Clavis_Morden: ((was that time enough for the next round to come around?))
tylorva: (( In the interests of drama, I'd say no - You got him once and made your point successfully. I'm sure another chance will come to twat him good and proper later. ;) ))
Clavis_Morden: Clavis' voice rises to a screech. "Yes, flee little man! You were broken from the beginning, a flawed vessel, fit only to be cast unto the stones to shatter! You never had what it takes to serve the Golden Throne, you never had the wit to maintain your viligance, you never had the strength to resist the corruption!"
Clavis_Morden: "Curse you, traitor, outcast, blighted! You are not fit to wear that brand, nor were you ever!"
Clavis_Morden: "You were never one of US!"
Clavis_Morden: Breathing heavily with the exertion it takes Clavis a minute or two to return to any semblance of calm after the door shuts behind the sorcerer.
Clavis_Morden: After waiting another minute until the Psykana-mandated emotional safety margin is intact again Clavis slowly and methodically turns her will upon the shackles that bind her, messing with their locks to let her go free.
tylorva: It takes a while, but eventually something clicks and the shackles come loose.
Clavis_Morden: Relying on the mercy of accursed sorcerers isn't a winning strategy, Clavis has decided. When she attacked him she was ready to die resisting rather than sign over her soul to the ruinous powers, conditions attached or not.
Clavis_Morden: ((Did they strip her of the mesh?))
tylorva: (( Yup. ))
Clavis_Morden: ((MMh, so she's in her undergarments. Not the best tactical situation.))
tylorva: (( I'm going to move things back to the main thread now.  So post there when you are ready. ))
tylorva: As soon as you see Atella, you can see straight away that she has a mark on her cheek - a terrible chaos symbol carved into her flesh, blackened and nasty.

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