Editing Black Ops '61

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This is the page for the play-by-post game '''Black Ops '61'''.
This is the page for the play-by-post game '''Black Ops '61'''. It will look much nicer soon enough.
=Active Operatives=
=Campaign Description=
==Irina Davidson==
=Player Characters=
'''Player:''' Deamon
'''Status:''' INTEL
==John Doe==
'''Physical Description:''' Female; age 28?; blonde hair; gray eyes.
''Current Point Total: 797. Player: nick012000.''
A former Spec-Ops soldier who was an advisor in Vietnam.
* ''Strength'' 11 [+10]; Dmg: thr 1d / sw 1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11.
* ''Dexterity'' 12 [+40]; Speed 6.0, Move 7 [+5].
* ''Intelligence'' 16 [+120]; Will 20 [+20]; Perception 20 [+20].
* ''Health'' 13 [+30]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4], Hard to Subdue 2 [+4], Very Fit [+15]; FP 13.
'''Social Background:'''  
'''Physical Description:''' Male.
* Tech Level 7; Social Stigma (Woman) [-5].
* Cultural Adaptability [+10].
* ''Languages:'' Language Talent [+10]; Armenian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish (all at Native/Educated); Burmese, Cambodian, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Mandarin, Turkish, and Vietnamese (all at Accented/Literate); American Sign Language (Native) [+90].
'''Attributes:''' ST 11 [+10]; DX 20 [+200]; IQ 16 [+120]; HT 13 [+30].
* The Company (Patron, always; Extremely Hazardous Duty, always; Secret: The Company, fatal) [+225-20-30].
* Operative Bob Davidson, her dad (Patron, rarely) [+5].
* Her creators (Secret Enemy) [-10].
'''Secondary Characteristics:''' Dmg thr 1d-1 sw 1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11; Will 20 [+20]; Per 20 [+20]; FP 13; Speed 8.25; Move 9 [+5].
* ''Basic Black Package:'' Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].
* ''Combat Training:'' Combat Reflexes [+15]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1].
'''Social Background:''' TL7; Cultures: Western, Asian [+1]; Languages: English (N/E), American Sign Language (N), Vietnamese (N/E), French (N/E) [+15].
* Charitable sometimes [-15]; Curious sometimes [-5]; Phobia (Loss of Memory) sometimes [-5]; Sense of Duty (U.S. Government) [-10].
'''Perks & Quirks:'''
'''Advantages:''' Combat Reflexes [+15]; Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Danger Sense [+15]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4]; Hard to Subdue 2 [+4]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Patron: The Company 15- [+225]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Very Fit [+15]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].  
* Expression: Curses in multiple languages when annoyed [-1].
* Habit: Keeps a supply of clean handkerchiefs [-1].
* Schtick: Always has cabfare or proper change [+1].
'''Disadvantages:''' Bad Temper 12- [-10]; Bloodlust 12- [-10]; Code of Honor (Military) [-15]; Delusion: Communists are taking over the world (Major) [-10]; Duty: The Company (always) [-20]; Fanaticism (The Company) [-15]; Gluttony 12- [-5]; Intolerance (Communists) [-5]; Jealousy 12- [-10]; Lecherousness 12- [-15]; Obsession: Defeat the Commies [-10]; Secret: The Company (fatal) [-30]; Sense of Duty (United States of America) [-10]; Workaholic [-5].
* ''Wildcard Skills:'' Business! 15 [+12]; Guns! 13 [+36]; Martial Arts! 12 [+24]; Outdoorsman! 15 [+12]; Smooth Operator! 15 [+12]; Spy! 16 [+24].
* ''Specialty & Personal Skills:'' Cryptography/TL8 15 [+2]; Makeup 17 [+2]; Speed Reading 15 [+1].
* ''Basic Training:'' Area Knowledge (Earth) 18 [+4]; Driving/TL7 (Automobiles) [+1]; Expert Skill: Greys 16 [+4]; First Aid 16 [+1]; Games (Chess) 16 [+1]; Leadership 18 [+8]; Mind Block 21 [+4]; Soldier/TL7 17 [+4]; Swimming 13 [+2].  
'''Quirks:''' Intolerant of beatniks and hipsters [-1]; hates Viet Minh / Viet Cong insurgency [-1]; lots of tattoos – mathematical formulas, and former unit insignia [-1]; swears like a sailor [-1]; has a more than healthy appreciation for things that go BANG [-1].
Irina doesn't know where she was born or who her birth parents are. She was found in a lab, and she showed signs of having been experimented upon. "Irina" was what she responded with when asked her name. At the time she looked to be about five years old.  
The raid had been the result of a prolonged surveillance by German assets of the company that owned the building; the lab appeared to be operating independently. Everyone in the lab either escaped or died in the assault, and investigations of the corporation came up blank…
'''Wildcard Skills:''' Drive! 19 [+12]; Guns! 21 [+36]; Smooth Operator! 15 [+12]; Soldier! 15 [+24]; Survivalist! [+24]; Thief! 20 [+12]
In the course of trying to learn more, several interviews were recorded with Irina. That's when they discovered her ability with languages: she could already speak Russian, English, and several Slavic languages—fluently, at a level that no five-year-old should be capable of.
'''Regular Skills:''' Area Knowledge (Earth) 18 [+4]; Brawling 20 [+1]; Expert Skill: Greys 16 [+4]; Games (Chess) 16 [+1]; Leadership 18 [+8]; Melee Weapon: Knife 20 [+1]; Mind Block 21 [+4]; Soldier/TL7 17 [+4]; Swimming 13 [+2].
Irina was adopted by agent Bob Davidson and brought up in as normal a manner as circumstances permitted. She continued to be taught languages, but she was warned not to let on how many she knew. By the time she finished her Ph. D. in Linguistics, she spoke more than twenty languages. She has continued to learn even more since then, but has been finding it more difficult the older she gets.
==Edward Clay==
She was always intended to be an operative, and her adopted family has instilled in her a love for the Company and a sense of gratitude that she was allowed to grow up here. As an adult, she is genuinely grateful—they ''did'' rescue her, after all. She still has nightmares, centering around a chair and pain, most likely related to her early life which she does not consciously remember.
''Current Point Total: 800. Player: Oriong.''
For most of her time as an agent, she has been desk bound, or on intelligence operations where the knowledge of languages was the primary reason for her inclusion. She has had little experience of ''direct'' combat ops.  
Ed is, by nature, a scrawny wispy fellow and the drugs haven't helped much. However, company regulations on health and fitness ensure that he's at least got a good layer of lean muscle on him, and he avoids being a total stick figure. Without that he'd likely look like a walking scarecrow. Usually his appearance is somewhat scruffy (unkempt hair and light stubble) and if he didn't have the privileges of being a psi-op he likely wouldn't get away with it.  
In her personal life, she was almost engaged, but ended it when he started hinting that she would have to give up her job as a "U.N. interpreter." Her mother hasn't quite given up on the dream of a white wedding, but she is definitely starting to worry that Irina may have been left on the shelf. Her father, of course, totally understands that she can't have a normal career and marriage. (Their relationship is not unlike that of the Miss and Mister Parker in the early seasons of ''The Pretender.'')
"Ed" was found by the Company quite by chance after he accidentally wrecked a hospital after waking up from a month long coma. He was found as a John Doe and could provide no explanation for how he got there. He isn't an amnesiac, he has perfectly normal memories of his youth, college life, and family which completely fail to explain why half the people he remembers are years dead or don't know him at all. Current theory is that some or all of his abilities are due to mental conditioning and experimentation by some outside group (likely the Greys).
== Anastasia "Stacey" Houston ==
After discovering Edward was one of the most powerful psychics and TKs known to the company several different departments competed hotly to try and get him assigned to their sector...until it was discovered that his abilities came with a progressive and highly dangerous psychosis attached, at which point he became the hot potatoe everyone was trying to get rid of.  
'''Player:''' suedenim
'''Status:''' SCIENCE
Fortunately with years of intense training Edward's psychic abilities are mostly under control, and thanks to his natural intelligence he's considered a first class operative...mostly because the Company also came up with a special mixture of drugs which manages to keep his psychosis in check.
'''Physical Description:''' Female; 6' 5".
In addition to his powerful PK abilities, Ed is an extremely adept telepath, and had an unfortunate tendency to read minds even without intending to, straining the bounds of the Psi-Ops code and unearthing several secrets which led to Ed having the dubious honor of surviving at least 8 doses of the Cocktail and the development of a second drug combined to keep his rampant mind reading in check. The heavy mixture of chemicals in his body has left him rather underfed looking (although he eats constantly) and leads to insomnia and headaches, but it's better than the alternatives. On the plus side, any vampire trying to drain him would likely spend the next day in a drug-induced coma.
'''Physical Description:''' Male; brown eyes, black hair (often disturbingly dilated), 5' 10", 130 lbs. (very underweight).  
* ''Strength'' 14 [+40]; Dmg: thr 1d / sw 2d; BL 39 lbs.; HP 14.
* ''Dexterity'' 14 [+80]; Speed 7.0, Move 8 [+5].
* ''Intelligence'' 14 [+80]; Will 18 [+20]; Perception 18 [+20].
* ''Health'' 14 [+40]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4], Hard to Subdue 2 [+4], Very Fit [+15]; FP 14.
'''Social Background:'''  
'''Attributes:''' ST 11 [+10]; DX 11 [+20]; IQ 14 [+80]; HT 13 [+30].
* Tech Level 7; Social Stigma (Woman) [-5].
* ''Cultural Familiarities:'' Western (Native); Eastern Europe [+1].
* ''Languages:'' English (Native/Educated) [0]; Czech (Native/Educated) [+6]; Russian (Native/Educated) [+6]; American Sign Language (Native) [+3].
'''Secondary Characteristics:''' Dmg thr 1d-1 sw 1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 13 [+4]; Will 18 [+20]; Per 18 [+20]; FP 13; Speed 6.0; Move 7 [+5].
* The Company (Patron, always; Extremely Hazardous Duty, always; Secret: The Company, fatal) [+225-20-30].
'''Social Background:''' TL7; Cultures: Western, Primitive [+1]; Languages: English (N/E), American Sign Language (N), German (N/E), Grey Code (N) [+15].
* ''Basic Black Package:'' Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].
* ''Combat Training:'' Combat Reflexes [+15]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1].
* Intuitive Mathematician [+5].
'''Advantages:''' Combat Reflexes [+15]; Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Empathy [+15]; Fit [+5]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4]; Hard to Subdue 2 [+4]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Intuition [+15]; Luck 1 [+15]; Patron: The Company 15- [+225]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].  
* Absent-Mindedness (except for trained activities, -33%) [-10]; Code of Honor (Athlete's) [-5]; Delusion (Minor): I am an examplar of Amazon ideals [-5]; Loner sometimes (12-) [-5]; Shyness (Mild) [-5].
'''Perks & Quirks:'''
'''Telepathic Powers (Psionic):''' Danger Sense [+14]; Mind Probe (All Out, Costs Fatigue 2, Reduced Range 2, Unreliable 14) [+5]; Mind Reading (All Out, Costs Fatigue 2, Reduced Range 2, Unreliable 14) [+8]; Photographic Memory (Requires Concentration) [+7]; Telecommunication: Telesend (All Out, Costs Fatigue 2, Reduced Range 2, Unreliable 14) [+8].  
* Always seeking new physical sensations [-1].
* Fascinated by motion [-1].
* Hobby: Huge "Wonder Woman" fan [-1].
* Hobby: Nutrition fanatic [-1].
* Jewish [-1].
'''Psychokinetic Powers (Psionic):''' Telekinesis 16 (All Out, Unreliable 14, Uncontrollable) [+20]. .
* ''Wildcard Skills:'' Aerospace! 13 [+12]; Athlete! 14 [+24]; Cowgirl! 13 [+12]; Guns! 14 [+24]; Scholar! 13 [+12]; Science! 15 [+36].
* ''Specialty & Personal Skills:'' Body Language (Human) 17 [+1]; Housekeeping 14 [+1]; Intimidation 16 [+1†]; Mathematics/TL7 (Applied) 15 [+1]; Physics/TL7 20 [+20]; Physiology/TL8 (Human) 20 [+20]; Sewing/TL7 14 [+1]; Wrestling 15 [+4].
* ''Basic Training:'' Area Knowledge (Earth) 16 [+4]; Driving/TL7 (Automobile) 13 [+1]; Expert Skill: Greys 14 [+4]; First Aid 14 [+1]; Games (Chess) 14 [+1]; Leadership 15 [+8†]; Mind Block 19 [+4]; Soldier/TL7 15 [+4]; Swimming 15 [+2].  
'''Disadvantages:''' Build: Skinny [-5]; CRAZY (Bad Temper, Impulsiveness, Megalomania, Overconfidence, Paranoia, Phantom Voices (Disturbing), and Short Attention Span) 9- (Mitigator, common, daily) [-36], Curious 12- [-5]; Duty: The Company (always) [-20]; Grey Attunement [-10]; Insomniac (Mild) [-10]; Reputation -2 (Potentially dangerous psychotic, The Company) [-5]; Secret: The Company (fatal) [-30]; Supersensitive (Mitigator, uncommon, daily) [-8]; Vow (Psi-Op's Code) [-5].
Both Stacey's parents are the children of immigrants from Eastern Europe. Marina Smirnoff was the daughter of Russian immigrants who became a star athlete in multiple sports, not unlike the real-life Babe Didrikson. Known in the press as "Million-Dollar Marina" (not for being a millionaire, which, though comfortably well-off, she never was, but for being "like a million bucks.")
Her husband was born to immigrants from Bohemia as Jacob Hochfelder. Young Jacob went out west, and found himself working in the burgeoning movie industry in Westerns. When he achieved some minor stardom in B-Westerns, he changed his name to the more appropriate-sounding "Jack Houston." Unusual for Western stars, Jack Houston was more notable for his size and strength than shooting or singing skills (though he did those too!) Starting out as a "heavy," he eventually played "white hat" roles, either as sidekick to a more conventional hero, or as the hero himself in a few movies and one serial.
'''Quirks:''' Sweet tooth [-1]; [i]really[/i] hates Greys [-1]; fascinated by the occult [-1]; addiction to caffeine [-1].
Jack and Marina met at a celebrity golf tournament in California, hit it off, and eventually married and had Stacey in 1938. Both parents, incidentally, were Jewish, though (as typical for Jews in the entertainment industry at the time) while they didn't hide their religion, they didn't especially advertise it. Marina died of cancer in 1946, when Stacey was only 8. Obviously, this had a profound effect on her.
'''Wildcard Skills:''' Detective! 14 [+24]; Explosives! 14 [+24]; Guns! 11 [+24]; Paranormal! 15 [+36]; Science! 13 [+12]; Thief! 13 [+12].
[Other notes: Recruited by company out of Olympic trials—going for the ''bigger'' game.]
'''Regular Skills:''' Area Knowledge (Earth) 16 [+4]; Expert Skill: Greys 14 [+4]; Games (Chess) 15 [+2]; Guns/TL7 (Pistols) 15 [+12]; Karate 14 [+12]; Leadership 16 [+8]; Mind Block 19 [+4]; Psychology (Practical) 20 [+16]; Research/TL7 20 [+24]; Soldier/TL7 14 [+4]; Swimming 13 [+2]; Throwing 12 [+4], Gesure-14 [1], Autohypnosis-16 [1], Driving (motorcycle)-11 [2], Driving (automobile)-11 [2], Observation-17 [1], Pilot (helicopter)-11 [2], Speed Reading-14 [2],
==Michael Livingston==
'''Techniques:''' Disarming 15 [+2]; Jump Kick 14 [+5]; Kicking 14 [+3].
'''Player:''' t@nya
'''Status:''' SCIENCE/PSI
==Irina Davidson==
'''Physical Description:''' Male; age 35.
''Current Point Total: 800. Player: Deamon''
Irina doesn’t know where she was born or who her birth parents are. She was found in a lab and she showed signs of having been experimented on. Irina was what she responded with when asked her name, she looked about 5 years old. The raid on the premises was because of surveillance by the company of a bunch of German sympathisers. The Lab was actually in the same building but apparently carried on separately.  
* ''Strength'' 11 [+10]; Dmg: thr 1d-1 / sw 1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11.
* ''Dexterity'' 12 [+40]; Speed 6.25, Move 7 [+5].
* ''Intelligence'' 14 [+80]; Will 18 [+20]; Perception 18 [+20].
* ''Health'' 13 [+30]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4], Hard to Subdue 2 [+4], Very Fit [+15]; FP 13.
'''Social Background:'''
The people in the lab had either escaped or died in the assault. Investigations by the company came up blank. These people didn’t exist and neither did the company they worked for, the German sympathisers had no idea what was happening in the rest of the building.  
* Tech Level 7.
* ''Cultures:'' Western, African, East Asian, Mesoamerican [+3].
* ''Languages:'' English (Native/Educated), American Sign Language (Fluent), Arabic (Accented/Illiterate), Grey Code (Accented), Spanish (Fluent/Educated), Swahili (Fluent/Educated) [+19].
In the course of trying to learn more several interviews were recorded with Irina. That’s when they discovered her ability with languages. At 5 she could already speak Russian English and several Slavic languages, speak them fluently at a level that no 5 year-old should be capable of.  
* The Company (Patron, always; Extremely Hazardous Duty, always; Secret: The Company, fatal) [+225-20-30].
* Father's old partner (Enemy, Rival, less powerful, occasionally) [-3].
Irina was adopted by Bob Davidson an operative himself and brought up in as normal a way as circumstances permitted. She was continued to be taught languages but she was warned not to let on how many she knew. By the time she finished her Phd in Linguistics she spoke more than 20 languages. She has continued to learn languages but has been finding it more difficult the older she gets.
* ''Basic Black Package:'' Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].
* ''Combat Training:'' Combat Reflexes [+15]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1].
* ''Telepathy:'' Talent 4 [+20]; Animal Empathy [+5]; Detect Life (very common) [+27]; Empathy [+14].
She was always intended to be an operative and her adopted family have instilled in her a love for her adopted country and a sense of gratitude that she was allowed to grow up here. Likewise she also feels grateful to the Company since they rescued her. She still has nightmares which have been attributed to her early life, but she doesn’t really remember that much about it. The nightmares all centre around a chair and pain. For most of her time as an agent she has been desk bound or working areas where her knowledge of Languages has been the primary reason for her inclusion. She has had little experience of combat ops.  
* Code of Honor (Psi Op's Code) [-5]; Curious sometimes [-5]; Guilt Complex [-5]; Obsession: Find my father [-5]; Overconfidence sometimes [-5]; Sense of Duty: Team [-5].
'''Perks & Quirks:'''
In her personal life she was almost engaged but ended it when he started hinting that she would have give up her job. Her Mother hasn't quite given up on the whole white wedding thing but she is definitely starting to worry that Irina may have been left on the shelf.  
* Deep Sleeper [+1].
* Dislikes big cities [-1].
* Dislikes smoking [-1].
* Habit: Wears father's hat [-1].
* Hobby: Sketching [-1].
* Likes felines [-1].
Her Father of course totally understands that she can't have a career and marriage. Their relationship is not unlike that of the Miss and Mister Parker in the early seasons of The Pretender.
* ''Wildcard Skills:'' Boats! 11 [+12]; Bow! 11 [+12]; Explorer! 19 [+36]; Fists! 12 [+24]; Guns! 12 [+24]; Move! 12 [+24]
* ''Company Skills:'' Detect Lies 20 [+2]; Guns/TL7 (Pistol) 15 [+8].
* ''Background Skills:'' Area Knowledge (Africa) 14 [1]; Armoury/TL7 (Missile Weapons) 13 [+1]; Artist (Drawing) 12 [+1]; Biology/TL7 (Cryptids) 14 [+4]; Photography/TL7 13 [+1]; Piloting/TL7 (Light Airplane) 11 [+1]; Stealth 13 [+4]; Tracking 20 [+23].
* ''Basic Training:'' Area Knowledge (Earth) 16 [+4]; Driving/TL7 (Automobile) 11 [+1]; Expert Skill: Greys 14 [+4]; First Aid 14 [+1]; Games (Chess) 14 [+1]; Leadership 16 [+8]; Mind Block 19 [+4]; Soldier/TL7 15 [+4]; Swimming 14 [+2].
'''Physical Description:''' Female; age 28 (approx.); blonde hair; gray eyes.
Born 1926 in Sydney, Australia, Michael comes from a family with a long history of exploration. His grandfather was the cousin of David Livingston, the famous 19th century English explorer, and his father, Robert, was a noted explorer in his own right, with a passion for finding odd critters unknown to science. Although his father was often away on his missions of exploration, Michael was very close to him, the two corresponding frequently by letter. His father, on his visits back home, often brought back odd souvenirs such as African artworks, and would take young Michael, teaching him to light a fire using stone age methods, or shoot game fowl with just a homemade bow. Thus, Robert Livingston's passions for exploration, tracking, and the finding of strange creatures rubbed off on his son, Michael.
Michael's mother having died when he was young, it was just him, his father, and his aunt Margaret, his father's spinster sister. When Michael was ten, his father went off on yet another of his expeditions. He had confided in Michael that he was looking for a creature that might very well be the last surviving relic of one of ''homo sapiens'' ancient forebears, a living example of something resembling Java Man. This time, he was taking a partner with him, a young man in his late teens named Timothy Wentworth.  
'''Attributes:''' ST 11 [+10]; DX 12 [+40]; IQ 16 [+120]; HT 13 [+30].
Michael had met Wentworth and didn't like him. It was nothing he could put his finger on, he just seemed untrustworthy. He tried to warn his father but, without anything but a gut feeling to base his conclusions on, he was unable to get him to take this seriously. Instead, his father assumed that Michael was jealous that this young man was going on the expedition when he wasn't, and he promised Michael that when he, too, was 18, he'd have his change to accompany him.
'''Secondary Characteristics:''' Dmg thr 1d sw 1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11; Will 20 [+20]; Per 20 [+20]; FP 13; Speed 6.0; Move 7 [+5].
Robert Livingston never came back from that expedition to the African jungles, although his young partner did, claming that Robert had been killed by one of the wild animals that infested those jungles. Michael ''knew'', without knowing how he knew, that Wentworth was lying. He became even more sure of that when the man came into a great deal of money. An investigation of his father's papers by Michael revealed that legends had spoken of a treasure in the area of African jungle where the two partners had gone, treasures from a lost 15th century civilization. Robert himself had had no interest in monetary treasures, so he had only noted the legends in passing, but Michael became certain that Wentworth had gone on the expedition only in search of these treasures, and left his father—alive or dead—behind once he knew he could become rich. Michael had already had the ambition to carry out his father's work; now he voewed to find his father and bring him back home, alive or for a decent burial.  
'''Social Background:''' TL7; Cultures: All; Languages: German (N/E), English (N/E),  American Sign Language (N), Armenian (N/E), Burmese (A/L), Cambodian (A/L), Czech (N/E), Danish (N/E), Dutch (N/E), Finnish (N/E), Greek (N/E), Hebrew (A/L), Hindi (A/L), Hungarian (N/E), Italian (N/E), Japanese (A/L), Korean (A/L), Lao (A/L), Lithuanian (N/E), Mandarin (A/L), Norwegian (N/E), Polish (N/E), Portuguese (N/E), Romanian (N/E), Russian (N/E), Spanish (N/E), Swedish (N/E), Turkish (A/L), Vietnamese (A/L) [+90].
His aunt had recently died from a long-term illness. Headstrong, Michael gathered what funds he could, and went off into the jungle at the age of 18. Four years later, he returned, unsuccessful, but having become much stronger and more skillful through this baptism of fire, now the equal of his father in the field of exploration. Unfortunately, he had also run out of money. With few other options, he joined the army, still determined to raise the money to carry out his dream…
'''Advantages:''' Combat Reflexes [+15]; Cultural Adaptability [+10]; Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4]; Hard to Subdue 2 [+4]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Language Talent [+10]; Patron: "Dad", Operative Bob Davidson 6- [+5]; Patron: The Company 15- [+225]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Very Fit [+15]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10]. Perk Always has cabfare. [+1]
And then the Company came calling. It was a godsend: their operatives were sent all over the world, and encountered all manner of strange creatures in the course of their work. Money was no object. It was a dream come true.
'''Disadvantages:''' Charitable 12- [-15]; Curious 12- [-5]; Duty: The Company (always) [-20]; Phobia (Loss of Memory) 12- [-5]; Secret: The Company (fatal) [-30]; Secret Enemy [-10]; Sense of Duty (U.S. Government) [-10]; Social Stigma (Woman) [-5].
Michael has arranged to be on nearly every mission near the region where his father had vanished; so far, nothing has turned up. But he refuses to give up.
'''Quirks:''' Swears in multiple languages when annoyed [-1]; always has a clean handkerchief [-1].
==Chuck Williams==
'''Wildcard Skills:''' Business! 15 [+12]; Guns! 13 [+36]; Martial Arts! 12 [+24]; Outdoorsman! 15 [+12]; Smooth Operator! 15 [+12]; Spy! 16 [+24].
'''Player:''' robbiem
'''Status:''' COMBAT
'''Regular Skills:''' Area Knowledge (Earth) 18 [+4]; Cryptography/TL8 15 [+2]; Driving/TL7 (Automobiles) [+1]; Expert Skill: Greys 16 [+4]; First Aid 16 [+1]; Games (Chess) 16 [+1]; Leadership 18 [+8]; Makeup 17 [+2]; Mind Block 21 [+4]; Soldier/TL7 17 [+4]; Speed Reading 15 [+1]; Swimming 13 [+2].
'''Physical Description:''' Male, blonde, blue-eyed, handsome, swimmer's build.
==George Fredrickson==
* ''Strength'' 12 [+20]; Dmg: thr 1d-1 / sw 1d+2; BL 29 lbs.; HP 12.
* ''Dexterity'' 15 [+100]; Speed 7.0, Move 8 [+5].
* ''Intelligence'' 16 [+120]; Will 20 [+20]; Perception 20 [+20].
* ''Health'' 12 [+20]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4], Hard to Subdue 2 [+4], Very Fit [+15]; FP 13.
'''Social Background:'''
''Current Point Total: 798. Player: O'Borg.''
* Tech Level 7.
* ''Cultures:'' Western, East Asian [1].
* ''Languages:'' English (Native/Educated), American Sign Language (Fluent), Mandarin (Fluent/Educated), Korean (Fluent/Educated) [15].
An apprentice radio repairman on the eve of war, George joined the Home Guard in 1941 (age 17) and served as a volunteer until joining the Army in 1942, and selected for the Commando course after completing basic training. He saw active service in the Italian campaign 1943 and early 44. Due to his skill with radios and command of French and German, he was seconded to SOE and parachuted into France in April 1944 to work with the French Resistance pre-D-Day. He returned to his unit after the breakout from Normandy in August 1944 and served with them until the Army Commandos were demobilised at the end of the war.
* The Company (Patron, always; Extremely Hazardous Duty, always; Secret: The Company, fatal) [+225-20-30].
Post war, George returned to his civilian job working in a radio repair shop until late 1949, when old friends from SOE (now MI6) came calling. In 1958 he left MI6 and joined The Company. British Intelligence in general is still curious about what he's doing these days, and will shadow him or sometimes covertly stop by and say hello if they see him around and have spare manpower.
* ''Basic Black Package:'' Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].
* ''Combat Training:'' Combat Reflexes [+15]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1].
* Handsome [+12]; Less Sleep 4 [+8].
'''Physical Description:''' Male; red-haired, big mustache.
* Curious sometimes [-5]; Weirdness Magnet [-15]; Workaholic sometimes [-5]; Xenophilia sometimes [-10].
'''Perks & Quirks:'''
'''Basic Attributes:''' ST 13 [+30]; DX 16 [+120]; IQ 13 [+60]; HT 13 [+30].
* Trivial Addiction: M&Ms [-1].
* Habit: Likes to play musical instruments while thinking.[-1].
'''Secondary Characteristics:''' Dmg thr 1d sw 2d-1; BL 34; HP 13; Will 17 [+20]; Per 17 [+20]; Spd 7.25; Move 8 [+5].
* ''Wildcard Skills:'' Doctor! 16 [+24]; Explosives! 15 [+12]; Guns! 16 [+36]; Martial Arts! 15 [+24]; Music! 15 [+12]; Science! 15 [+12].
* ''Specialty & Personal Skills:'' Acting 17 [+4]; Carousing 13 [+2]; Fast Talk 15 [+1]; Sex Appeal 13 [+4].
* ''Basic Training:'' Area Knowledge (Earth) 18 [+4]; Driving/TL7 (Automobiles) 14 [+1]; Expert Skill: Greys 16 [+4]; Games (Chess) 16 [+1]; Leadership 18 [+8]; Mind Block 21 [+4]; Soldier/TL7 17 [+4]; Swimming 14 [+2].  
'''Social Background:''' TL7; Cultures: Western, Mediterranean [+1]; Languages: English (N/E), American Sign Language (N), French (N/E), German (N/E) [+15].
A multi-talented wunderkind, Chuck Williams breezed through university, getting a double doctorate in Medicine and the Sciences, leading the swim team, and incidentally making waves as a world class violinist.
He could have been or done anything after Uni – doctor, researcher, sports star, musician, even (with his leading man good looks) movie star. Yet he left the western world to study martial arts in China and Korea.
'''Advantages:''' Ambidextrous [+5]; Combat Reflexes [+15]; Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Daredevil [+15]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4]; Hard to Subdue 2 [+4]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Patron: The Company 15- [+225]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Very Fit [+15]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].
He keeps quiet about his experiences in the Orient that brought him to the attention of the Company, but he threw himself into Special Forces training with the same ferocious energy he had previously applied to his studies…
'''Disadvantages:''' Addiction: Tobacco [-5]; Code of Honour (Soldier) [-10]; Duty: The Company (always) [-20]; Enemy: British Intelligence 9- (watcher) [-8]; Overconfidence [-5]; Phobia: Rats [-5]; Secret: The Company (fatal) [-30]; Sense of Duty (squad) [-5].
=Retired Operatives=
'''Quirks:''' Bushy moustache & sideburns [-1]; uses Cockney rhyming slang frequently [-1].
==Edward Clay==
'''Wildcard Skills:''' Explosives! 13 [+24]; Guns! 17 [+36].
''Current Point Total: 800. Player: Oriong. Now being NPCed.''
'''Regular Skills:''' Acrobatics 16 [+4]; Area Knowledge (Earth) 13 [+4]; Camouflage 16 [+8]; Climbing 16 [+2]; Driving/TL7 (Automobile) 16 [+2]; Driving/TL7 (Motorcycle) 16 [+2]; Electronics Operation/TL7 (Communications) 15 [+4]; Electronics Repair/TL7 (Communications) 14 [+2]; Expert Skill: Greys 13 [+4]; First Aid/TL8 15 [+4]; Games (Chess) 13 [+1]; Garrote 18 [+4]; Guns/TL7 (Rifle) 19 [+8]; Hiking 14 [+2]; Holdout 13 [+2]; Judo 18 [+8]; Jumping 16 [+1]; Karate 18 [+8]; Leadership 15 [+8]; Lockpicking/TL7 14 [+4]; Melee Weapon: Knife 19 [+8]; Mind Block 17 [+4]; Parachuting 16 [+1]; Scrounging 17 [+1]; Search 17 [+2]; Soldier/TL7 15 [+6]; Stealth 18 [+4]; Survival (Terrestrial) 17 [+4]; Swimming 13 [+2]; Throwing 16 [+2]; Traps/TL7 14 [+4].
Ed is, by nature, a scrawny wispy fellow and the drugs haven't helped much. However, company regulations on health and fitness ensure that he's at least got a good layer of lean muscle on him, and he avoids being a total stick figure. Without that he'd likely look like a walking scarecrow. Usually his appearance is somewhat scruffy (unkempt hair and light stubble) and if he didn't have the privileges of being a psi-op he likely wouldn't get away with it.
"Ed" was found by the Company quite by chance after he accidentally wrecked a hospital after waking up from a month long coma. He was found as a John Doe and could provide no explanation for how he got there. He isn't an amnesiac, he has perfectly normal memories of his youth, college life, and family which completely fail to explain why half the people he remembers are years dead or don't know him at all. Current theory is that some or all of his abilities are due to mental conditioning and experimentation by some outside group (likely the Greys).
After discovering Edward was one of the most powerful psychics and TKs known to the company several different departments competed hotly to try and get him assigned to their sector...until it was discovered that his abilities came with a progressive and highly dangerous psychosis attached, at which point he became the hot potatoe everyone was trying to get rid of.
Fortunately with years of intense training Edward's psychic abilities are mostly under control, and thanks to his natural intelligence he's considered a first class operative...mostly because the Company also came up with a special mixture of drugs which manages to keep his psychosis in check.
In addition to his powerful PK abilities, Ed is an extremely adept telepath, and had an unfortunate tendency to read minds even without intending to, straining the bounds of the Psi-Ops code and unearthing several secrets which led to Ed having the dubious honor of surviving at least 8 doses of the Cocktail and the development of a second drug combined to keep his rampant mind reading in check. The heavy mixture of chemicals in his body has left him rather underfed looking (although he eats constantly) and leads to insomnia and headaches, but it's better than the alternatives. On the plus side, any vampire trying to drain him would likely spend the next day in a drug-induced coma.
'''Physical Description:''' Male; brown eyes, black hair (often disturbingly dilated), 5' 10", 130 lbs. (very underweight).
'''Attributes:''' ST 11 [+10]; DX 11 [+20]; IQ 14 [+80]; HT 13 [+30].
'''Secondary Characteristics:''' Dmg thr 1d-1 sw 1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 13 [+4]; Will 18 [+20]; Per 18 [+20]; FP 13; Speed 6.0; Move 7 [+5].
'''Social Background:''' TL7; Cultures: Western, Primitive [+1]; Languages: English (N/E), American Sign Language (N), German (N/E), Grey Code (N) [+15].
'''Advantages:''' Combat Reflexes [+15]; Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Empathy [+15]; Fit [+5]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4]; Hard to Subdue 2 [+4]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Intuition [+15]; Luck 1 [+15]; Patron: The Company 15- [+225]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].
'''Telepathic Powers (Psionic):''' Danger Sense [+14]; Mind Probe (All Out, Costs Fatigue 2, Reduced Range 2, Unreliable 14) [+5]; Mind Reading (All Out, Costs Fatigue 2, Reduced Range 2, Unreliable 14) [+8]; Photographic Memory (Requires Concentration) [+7]; Telecommunication: Telesend (All Out, Costs Fatigue 2, Reduced Range 2, Unreliable 14) [+8].
'''Psychokinetic Powers (Psionic):''' Telekinesis 16 (All Out, Unreliable 14, Uncontrollable) [+20]. .
'''Disadvantages:''' Build: Skinny [-5]; CRAZY (Bad Temper, Impulsiveness, Megalomania, Overconfidence, Paranoia, Phantom Voices (Disturbing), and Short Attention Span) 9- (Mitigator, common, daily) [-36], Curious 12- [-5]; Duty: The Company (always) [-20]; Grey Attunement [-10]; Insomniac (Mild) [-10]; Reputation -2 (Potentially dangerous psychotic, The Company) [-5]; Secret: The Company (fatal) [-30]; Supersensitive (Mitigator, uncommon, daily) [-8]; Vow (Psi-Op's Code) [-5].
'''Quirks:''' Sweet tooth [-1]; [i]really[/i] hates Greys [-1]; fascinated by the occult [-1]; addiction to caffeine [-1].
'''Wildcard Skills:''' Detective! 14 [+24]; Explosives! 14 [+24]; Guns! 11 [+24]; Paranormal! 15 [+36]; Science! 13 [+12]; Thief! 13 [+12].
'''Regular Skills:''' Area Knowledge (Earth) 16 [+4]; Expert Skill: Greys 14 [+4]; Games (Chess) 15 [+2]; Guns/TL7 (Pistols) 15 [+12]; Karate 14 [+12]; Leadership 16 [+8]; Mind Block 19 [+4]; Psychology (Practical) 20 [+16]; Research/TL7 20 [+24]; Soldier/TL7 14 [+4]; Swimming 13 [+2]; Throwing 12 [+4], Gesure-14 [1], Autohypnosis-16 [1], Driving (motorcycle)-11 [2], Driving (automobile)-11 [2], Observation-17 [1], Pilot (helicopter)-11 [2], Speed Reading-14 [2],
'''Techniques:''' Disarming 15 [+2]; Jump Kick 14 [+5]; Kicking 14 [+3].
==Stan Orlowski==  
==Stan Orlowski==  
''Current Point Total: 780. Player: whutaguy. KIA.''  
''Current Point Total: 780. Player: whutaguy.''
Stanislau Orlowski was born in 1908. He was the 3rd son and 4th child to a couple of farmers in Stratford, Texas. He was bright but his parents could not afford a college tuition. Stan brokered a deal with community leaders and a few wealthier farmers such that they paid for his tuition to college and med school and he would return to the community to practice.
Stanislau Orlowski was born in 1908. He was the 3rd son and 4th child to a couple of farmers in Stratford, Texas. He was bright but his parents could not afford a college tuition. Stan brokered a deal with community leaders and a few wealthier farmers such that they paid for his tuition to college and med school and he would return to the community to practice.
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==Donald Summers==
==Donald Summers==
''Current Point Total: 800. Player: Deadmanwalking. Retired.''
''Current Point Total: 800. Player: Deadmanwalking
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'''Regular Skills:''' Area Knowledge (Earth) 22 [+4]; Expert Skill: Greys 20 [+4]; Gambling 19 [+1]; Games (Chess) 20 [+1]; Karate 16 [+4], Law (Criminal) 21 [+8]; Melee Weapon: Knife 18 [+4]; Mind Block 21 [+4]; Occultism 20 [+2]; Soldier/TL7 19 [+1]; Thrown Weapon: Knife 17 [+2].
'''Regular Skills:''' Area Knowledge (Earth) 22 [+4]; Expert Skill: Greys 20 [+4]; Gambling 19 [+1]; Games (Chess) 20 [+1]; Karate 16 [+4], Law (Criminal) 21 [+8]; Melee Weapon: Knife 18 [+4]; Mind Block 21 [+4]; Occultism 20 [+2]; Soldier/TL7 19 [+1]; Thrown Weapon: Knife 17 [+2].
==Leona Morgan==
=Notes on The Company=
''Player: CyanideBreathmint. Retired.''
As far as anyone knows, Leona Morgan is human. Mostly. Her bloodwork bothers the hell out of most physicians, and her yellow eyes and double set of canines points towards some rather interesting ancestry.
In 1945, Company agents conducted a secret investigation on a series of child abductions spanning decades in the New England area. Their search led them to a recently vacated warren under a Providence graveyard. Their discoveries were horrifying (one of the operatives committed suicide a month after).
They found in the warrens ranks and ranks of bunk beds occupied by children aged 3 to 15. They found salted, smoked human flesh hanging in the pantries. Certain delicacies were pickled in rosemary and balsamic vinegar. Pinned to the back of a cabinet door was a recipe for human sweetbreads slowly braised in wine.
Scratched into the ground were tracks that looked like those of great dogs. The tracks led to a tunnel that opened into the sewers, and ended there. None of the creatures was ever found.
Most of the kids recovered were identified as missing or abducted children. Some, however, had no records whatsoever. Among them was the little girl under the bed.
They had found curled up under one of the bunks a little girl in a tattered gingham dress. When asked her name, she replied that she had none. The operative who found her named her Leona, for his sweetheart. The Company named her Morgan, for him. All of the unnamed children were given names in such a haphazard manner.
All of those unidentified children had several things in common. They all had yellow eyes and crowded dentition, possessing more than the usual number of teeth. For a few of them, those were the only outwardly unusual traits they possessed. Others were less... human in appearance and general behavior.
Most of the younger children were returned to their families, their tales of the warrens explained away as a result of the trauma they had gone through. Others were institutionalized for life. A few never left the custody of the Company. A long debate arose over what was to be done with the "halfbreeds", as they had taken to calling the yellow-eyed children, and what was to be done with them.
Leona doesn't know what happened to the others. She spent her whole life in institutional setting, fed, clothed and educated kindly, if distantly, and occasionally subjected to the odd battery of medical tests. When she turned eighteen her guardians offered her two options. A new life and identity on the West Coast conditional on her continued silence, or employment with the Company. She took the latter offer.
She seems to have inherited a small degree of enhanced strength from her exotic ancestry, along with excellent low-light vision and a small degree of almost-regenerative rapid healing. She doesn't really appreciate the dental problems her crowded jaw gives her, though. She has taken to the sunglasses very well.
She likes to think of herself as fully human despite all the evidence to the contrary and it keeps her up at night sometimes wondering if she is damned by association. Her institutional upbringing has left her a little uncertain in matters of friendship and love. The ideal of a husband and children and a house with a white picket fence is incredibly attractive to her, yet she feels it is ultimately unattainable, incompatible with her nature and her employment.
Physical Description: Female; aged 21 (approx); black hair; yellow eyes
Basic Attributes: ST 15 [+50]; DX 15 [+100]; IQ 11 [+20]; HT 13 [+30].
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 1d+1/2d+1; BL 45; HP 15; Will 15 [+20]; Per 15 [+20]; FP 13; Basic Speed 7; Move 8 [+5].
Social Background: TL7; Cultures: Western [0], East Asian [+1]; Languages: English (Native/Educated) [0], American Sign Language (Native) [+3], French (Native/Educated) [+6], German (Native/Educated) [+6].
Advantages: Appearance: Attractive [+4]; Combat Reflexes [+15]; Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity* -60%) [+2]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4]; Hard to Subdue 2 [+4]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Night Vision 5 [+5]; Patron: The Company (15-, extremely powerful; provides valuable equipment; wields unusual powers; minimal intervention) [+225]; Regeneration (Slow) [+10]; Regrowth (Minor) [+20] Schtick: Dark Glasses* [+1]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1]; Truly Badass* [+75]; Very Fit [+15]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention +25%, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder* -25%) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].
Disadvantages: Duty: The Company (always; extremely hazardous) [-20]; Insomniac (Mild) [-10]; Restricted Diet (Obligate Carnivore, Substitution) [-5] Secret: The Company (risk possible death) [-30]; Social Stigma (Woman) [-5]; Unnatural Features (Yellow eyes, crowded canine teeth) [-1]; Unusual Biochemistry [-5]
Quirks: Prefers to sleep under her bed [-1]
Skills: Area Knowledge (Earth) {E} 13 [+4]; Artist (Drawing) {H} 10 [+2]; Camouflage {E} 12 [+2]; Current Affairs (Politics) {E} 11 [+1]; Driving/TL7 (Automobile) {A} 15 [+2]; Driving/TL7 (Motorcycle) {A} 16 [+4]; Economics {H} 10 [+2]; Expert Skill: Greys {H} 11 [+4]; Fast-Draw (Knives) {E} 16 [2]; First Aid/TL8 {E} 12 [+2]; Games (Chess) {E} 11 [+1]; Holdout {A} 12 [+4]; Intelligence Analysis/TL7 {H} 11 [+4]; Leadership {A} 13 [+8]; Melee Weapon (Knives) {E} 16 [+2]; Mind Block {A} 16 [+4]; Parachuting/TL7 {E} 16 [+2]; Scuba/TL7 {A} 12 [4]; Soldier/TL7 {A} 12 [+4]; Tactics {H} 11 [+4];
Wildcard Skills: Martial Arts! 16 [+36]; Guns! 15 [+24]; Sneaking! 11 or 15 [+24]; Explosives! 10 [+12]; Survival! 14 [+12]; Athlete! 14 [+12]
Techniques: Neck Snap {H} +4 [+5]; Disarm {H} +3 [+4]
==George Fredrickson==
'''Player:''' O'Borg
'''Status:''' COMBAT
'''Physical Description:''' Male; age 37; red-haired, big mustache.
* ''Strength'' 13 [+30]; Dmg: thr 1d / sw 2d-1; BL 34 lbs.; HP 13.
* ''Dexterity'' 16 [+120]; Speed 7.25, Move 8 [+5].
* ''Intelligence'' 13 [+60]; Will 17 [+20]; Perception 17 [+20].
* ''Health'' 13 [+30]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4], Hard to Subdue 2 [+4], Very Fit [+15]; FP 13.
'''Social Background:'''
* Tech Level 7.
* ''Cultures:'' Western, Mediterranean [+1].
* ''Languages:'' English (Native/Educated), American Sign Language (Fluent), French (Fluent/Educated), German (Fluent/Educated) [+15].
* The Company (Patron, always; Extremely Hazardous Duty, always; Secret: The Company, fatal) [+225-20-30].
* British Intelligence (Enemy: Watcher, sometimes) [-8].
* ''Basic Black Package:'' Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].
* ''Combat Training:'' Combat Reflexes [+15]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1].
* Ambidextrous [+5]; Daredevil [+15].
* Addiction: Tobacco [-5]; Code of Honour (Soldier's) [-10]; Overconfidence sometimes [-5]; Phobia (Rats) sometimes [-5]; Sense of Duty: Squad [-5].
'''Perks & Quirks:'''
* Distinctive Appearance: Bushy mustache and sideburns [-1].
* Expression: Uses Cockney rhyming slang frequently [-1].
* ''Wildcard Skills:'' Explosives! 13 [+24]; Guns! 17 [+36].
* ''Combat Skills:'' Acrobatics 16 [+4]; Garrote 18 [+4]; Guns/TL7 (Rifle) 19 [+8]; Judo 18 [+8]; Jumping 16 [+1]; Karate 18 [+8]; Knife 19 [+8]; Throwing 16 [+2].
* ''Occupational Skills:'' Camouflage 16 [+8]; Climbing 16 [+2]; Driving/TL7 (Automobile) 16 [+2]; Driving/TL7 (Motorcycle) 16 [+2]; Electronics Operation/TL7 (Communications) 15 [+4]; Electronics Repair/TL7 (Communications) 14 [+2]; Fast Talk 12 [+1]; Hiking 14 [+2]; Holdout 13 [+2]; Lockpicking/TL7 14 [+4]; Parachuting 16 [+1]; Scrounging 17 [+1]; Search 17 [+2]; Stealth 18 [+4]; Survival (Terrestrial) 17 [+4]; Traps/TL7 14 [+4].
* ''Basic Training:'' Area Knowledge (Earth) 13 [+4]; Expert Skill: Greys 13 [+4]; First Aid 15 [+4]; Games (Chess) 13 [+1]; Leadership 15 [+8]; Mind Block 17 [+4]; Soldier/TL7 15 [+6]; Swimming 13 [+2].
An apprentice radio repairman on the eve of the war, George joined the Home Guard in 1941 at the age of 17, and served as a volunteer until joining the Army in 1942. He was selected for the Commando course after completing basic training. He saw active service in the Italian campaign of 1943 and early '44. Due to his skill with radios, and command of French and German, he was seconded to SOE, and parachuted into France in April 1944 to work with the French Resistance prior to D-Day. He returned to his unit after the breakout from Normandy in August of 1944, and served with them until the Army Commandos were demobilized at the end of the war.
Postwar, George returned to his civilian job working in a radio repair shop until late 1949, when old friends from SOE, now MI6, came calling. In 1958, he left MI6 and joined the Company. British Intelligence is still curious about what he's doing these days, and will shadow him or, sometimes, overtly stop by and say hello, if they see him around and have spare manpower.
==Karl Victor Mazon==
'''Player:''' Dr. Xaos
'''Status:''' SCIENCE
'''Physical Description:''' Male; huge and hulking, twisted and scarred.
* ''Strength'' 20 [+100]; Dmg: thr 2d-1 / sw 3d+2; BL 80 lbs.; HP 20.
* ''Dexterity'' 12 [+40]; Speed 6.25, Move 7 [+5].
* ''Intelligence'' 12 [+40]; Will 16 [+20], Fearless +4 [+8]; Perception 16 [+20].
* ''Health'' 13 [+30]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4], Hard to Subdue 2 [+4], Very Fit [+15]; FP 13.
'''Social Background:'''
* Tech Level 7.
* ''Cultures:'' Western, Orthodox [1].
* ''Languages:'' German (Native/Educated), American Sign Language (Fluent), English (Fluent/Educated), French (Fluent/Educated) [15].
* The Company (Patron, always; Extremely Hazardous Duty, always; Secret: The Company, fatal) [+225-20-30].
* ''Basic Black Package:'' Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].
* ''Combat Training:'' Combat Reflexes [+15]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1].
* ''Weird Biology (-10%):'' Biology Power Talent +4 [+40]; Catfall [+9]; Night Vision 9 [+8]; Perfect Balance [+13]; Resistant to Disease +8 [+4]; Resistant to Poison +3 [+4].
* ''Psychological Scars:'' Bad Temper sometimes [-10]; Bloodlust sometimes [-10]; Delusion: "I'm possessed by a demon" (Severe; Mitigator, special, daily, -65%) [-5]; Obsession: Cure my condition [-5].
* ''Weird Biology:'' Dependency (Common, weekly) [-20]; Frightens Animals [-10]; Ugly [-8]; Unusual Biochemistry [-5].
* Klutz [-5].
'''Perks & Quirks:'''
* Dislikes and avoids mirrors [-1].
* Dislikes open flames [-1].
* Expression: Curses in German [-1].
* Habit: Orders all meat rare [-1].
* Hulking and tall [-1].
* ''Wildcard Skills:'' Bad Cop! 11 [+12]; Doctor! 12 [+24]; Guns! 11 [+12]; Intrusion! 11 [+12]; Pro Wrestling! 12 [+24]; Science! 13 [+36].
* ''Specialty & Personal Skills:'' Biology (Biochemistry)/TL7 16 [+20]; Intimidation 15 [+1]; Pharmacy (Synthetic)/TL7 16 [+20].
* ''Basic Training:'' Area Knowledge (Earth) 14 [+4]; Driving/TL7 (Automobiles) 11 [+1]; Expert Skill: Greys 12 [+4]; Games (Chess) 12 [+1]; Leadership 14 [+8]; Mind Block 17 [+4]; Soldier/TL7 13 [+4]; Swimming 13 [+2].
Dr. Karl Viktor Mazon was a researcher for a Company subsidiary, studying Grey biochemistry and various other cryptids. He had secret research going on to synthesize various elements that would make a human stronger, faster, etc. After a few animal tests seemed to go OK, he tested the serum on a human subject: himself. It drove him mad. He wrecked his lab, starting a fire. He was eventually subdued, and counseled back to relative sanity.
The serum worked, to a point. He is tremendously strong and agile, resistant to most pathogens and toxins, and practically able to see in the dark. The Company decided that he was no longer just suitable for research, pushed him into the full field training program. Karl found that it suited him, especially as he was able to gather specimens in the field for his ongoing work to ‘cure’ himself.
'''Player:''' Ernst-Jan
'''Status:''' INTEL
'''Physical Description:''' Male, dark haired, unhealthy-looking.
* ''Strength'' 11 [+10]; Dmg: thr 1d-1 / sw 1d+11; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11.
* ''Dexterity'' 12 [+40]; Speed 6.25, Move 7 [+5].
* ''Intelligence'' 15 [+100]; Will 19 [+20]; Perception 19 [+20].
* ''Health'' 13 [+30]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4], Hard to Subdue 2 [+4], Very Fit [+15]; FP 13.
'''Social Background:'''
* Tech Level 7.
* ''Cultures:'' Cultural Adaptability [+10].
* ''Languages:'' English (Native/Educated), American Sign Language (Fluent), Russian (Fluent/Educated), Icelandic (Fluent/Educated) [+15].
* The Company (Patron, always; Extremely Hazardous Duty, always; Secret: The Company, fatal) [+225-20-30].
* ''Basic Black Package:'' Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].
* ''Combat Training:'' Combat Reflexes [+15]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1].
* Quick Gadgeteer (Solder and Duct Tape, -50%) [+25].
* Overconfidence sometimes [-5].
'''Perks & Quirks:'''
* Expression: Makes up non-existent words [-1].
* Penetrating Voice: Soft voice, but always audible, even in the loudest din [+1].
* ''Wildcard Skills:'' Assassin! 12 [+24]; Guns! 12 [+24]; Jury Rigger! 11 [+12]; Martial Arts! 11 [+12]; Spy Master! 16 [+36].
* ''Specialty & Personal Skills:'' Brainwashing/TL7 20 [+24]; Observation 22 [+12]; Psychology/TL7 16 [+8]; Sports (Golf) 11 [+2].
* ''Basic Training:'' Area Knowledge (Earth) 17 [+4]; Driving/TL7 (Automobiles) 14 [+1]; Expert Skill: Greys 15 [+4]; First Aid/TL8 15 [+1]; Games (Chess) 15 [+1]; Leadership 17 [+8]; Mind Block 20 [+4]; Soldier/TL7 16 [+4]; Swimming 13 [+2].
A notorious and ruthless operative of the Intelligence Department, the real name of the man known simply as Agent Wade has long ago been lost to the Company's document shredders, for reasons not entirely known and/or understood. A relatively young and somewhat unhealthy-looking man, Agent Wade is an unpleasant man to be around: he seems firmly aware of every tiny detail, and he has trouble fitting his ego in any room.
There are no details available of his past, nor an explanation about his excellent command of the Icelandic tongue. He is a highly valued operative within the Intelligence Department because of his skilled handling of cover-up situations. Occasionally referring to himself as the 'conspiracy architect', he is in fact the brain behind many recent and decidedly minor urban legends, such as the 'Chicago Gas Leak', and the harmless nuclear residue gas pockets that sometimes combust in the air, giving the impression of flying lights. He sees the practice of brainwashing as a form of skill and art and administers this personally to people who have confronted what they should not have.
Agent Wade has also been employed on several occasions as an Inter- and Intradepartmental assassin, clearing out 'rogue elements'. His overzealous extermination of five 'suspected' operatives in '58 has not improved his reputation since, though these assassinations are not uncommon. While preferring behind-the-scenes work, Wade can be very much a man of action and can easily hold his own in a fight, frequently confirming this fact himself by referencing the 'Reykjavik Incident' or 'that business in Russia'.
=Mission Notes=
=The Story So Far=

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