Editing Carl Ellis August 1928 - Diary

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''NOTE - there is a clearly missing section between July 30, 1928 and August 1, 1928.''
''Wednesday, 1 August; 11:00 AM''<br><br>
''Wednesday, 1 August; 11:00 AM''<br><br>
I sealed Miss Crawford’s ''(note - Megan Crawford)'' letter this morning. It is sitting down there now, ready to post. I have a bad feeling about the whole thing. Her letter has disturbed me, as such things often do; but not this time, because she has raised questions which I am unable to answer. No, this time the source of my unease is within myself. Something in her pleas and arguments has reached inside of me; twisted a valve and let out a storm of rancorous emotion and outright anger at her; and for no better reason that that she has not the beliefs I do. I do not like this! I do not enjoy becoming irritated at such petty issues; it bothers me to experience pleasure in my own snappish railleries; and most of all I am chastened to realize that I myself so easily succumb to such selfish immaturity. It worries me. <br><br>
I sealed Miss Crawford’s ''(note - Megan Crawford)'' letter this morning. It is sitting down there now, ready to post. I have a bad feeling about the whole thing. Her letter has disturbed me, as such things often do; but not this time, because she has raised questions which I am unable to answer. No, this time the source of my unease is within myself. Something in her pleas and arguments has reached inside of me; twisted a valve and let out a storm of rancorous emotion and outright anger at her; and for no better reason that that she has not the beliefs I do. I do not like this! I do not enjoy becoming irritated at such petty issues; it bothers me to experience pleasure in my own snappish ''<word unreadable>''; and most of all I am chastened to realize that I myself so easily succumb to such selfish immaturity. It worries me. <br><br>
Meagan has always done this to me, particularly in letters. There is simply something between us that makes us mutually incomprehensible on some quiet inner level. <br><br>
Meagan has always done this to me, particularly in letters. There is simply something between us that makes us mutually incomprehensible on some quiet inner level. <br><br>
So, I shall send the letter, despite everything. I fear it will forever drive a gulf between us, though I hope that does not happen. I pray that she will find wisdom inside at least some of my thoughts, and that we shall proceed passed the pettiness into a truer understanding. Certainly I shall owe her an apology, which I shall tender when she replies! <br><br>
So, I shall send the letter, despite everything. I fear it will forever drive a gulf between us, though I hope that does not happen. I pray that she will find wisdom inside at least some of my thoughts, and that we shall proceed passed the pettiness into a truer understanding. Certainly I shall owe her an apology, which I shall tender when she replies! <br><br>
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I will send it anyway. There is too much truth in it to hold me back. <br><br>
I will send it anyway. There is too much truth in it to hold me back. <br><br>
Last night I had a dream. It began pleasantly, as such things often do; but changed gradually into a convoluted thing of dark majesty and intricate symbols. What strange things was my unconscious trying to say? Peasants and lords; and butterflies delicate in the sun! and the deadly spiral battle through time. Dark and light, father and son, and myself heart-stopped between. Why? It changes things – but how much of it is Truth? <br><br>
Last night I had a dream. It began pleasantly, as such things often do; but changed gradually into a convoluted thing of dark majesty and intricate symbols. What strange things was my unconscious trying to say? Peasants and lords; and butterflies delicate in the sun! and the deadly spiral battle through time. Dark and light, father and son, and myself heart-stopped between. Why? It changes things – but how much of it is Truth? <br><br>
And why do ''both'' of the Kings wear ''my face?'' <br><br>
And why do both of the Kings wear my face? <br><br>
We shall continue our dreaming later today. Perhaps, this time, we shall discover something; but then, perhaps not...!  With Julian, it is always such a temptation to let go, and merely play. <br><br>
We shall continue our dreaming later today. Perhaps, this time, we shall discover something. <br><br><br><br>
POSSIBLE REDACTION<br><br><br><br>
''There is a section of the diary missing just before this entry.''
I have a vague sense of unrest within me nowadays. I am not at peace. Yet it is not painful or distressing, merely restless … like an alarm clock waiting to ring. It is time to act, to do something … but what? I find myself snappish and short – surely something is about to pop. As yet, I can imagine no outlet for this thing, but it cannot keep increasing without limit! The only times I do not feel it are during the stillness of my exercises and for a short time thereafter. And even those period of peace are growing briefer, I think. <br><br>
I have a vague sense of unrest within me nowadays. I am not at peace. Yet it is not painful or distressing, merely restless … like an alarm clock waiting to ring. It is time to act, to do something … but what? I find myself snappish and short – surely something is about to pop. As yet, I can imagine no outlet for this thing, but it cannot keep increasing without limit! The only times I do not feel it are during the stillness of my exercises and for a short time thereafter. And even those period of peace are growing briefer, I think. <br><br>
''The Same Day, 8 PM''<br><br>
''The Same Day, 8 PM''<br><br>
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He must be Islie. He has laid claim to her. Is it who she is or what she is that matters? Who can say? Whichever – he has lost her now, for she is mine, and nothing will change that! <br><br>
He must be Islie. He has laid claim to her. Is it who she is or what she is that matters? Who can say? Whichever – he has lost her now, for she is mine, and nothing will change that! <br><br>
Oh, but I felt with him so strongly! How I yearn with him, wish to admire him – this, despite all the rest that he is and does. <br><br>
Oh, but I felt with him so strongly! How I yearn with him, wish to admire him – this, despite all the rest that he is and does. <br><br>
Oh, but I feel so alone! So bereft of something I cannot pin down. Dearest my own, ou are not alone in sorrow tonight!  I need you so; do you feel it too?<br><br>
Oh, but I feel so alone! So bereft of something I cannot pin down. <br><br><br><br>
Oh my love, but I so need your gentle touch!  Something has set me adrift, and you are my only anchor.<br><br>
''There is a section of the diary missing just before this entry.''
And yet……<br><br>
And yet……<br><br>
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Is that what the Others see? The Outside ones? Have I been vouchsafed a glimpse of the Truth? <br><br>
Is that what the Others see? The Outside ones? Have I been vouchsafed a glimpse of the Truth? <br><br>
How simple, how homey my binding with Julian now seems! Like an old friend, cared-for, well-known in all its heady strangeness. Like flying, like breathing; so very right and natural – so very human? <br><br>
How simple, how homey my binding with Julian now seems! Like an old friend, cared-for, well-known in all its heady strangeness. Like flying, like breathing; so very right and natural – so very human? <br><br>
But this new thing – this BRILLIANCE - ! <br><br>
But this new thing – this BRILLINACE - ! <br><br>
Like possession, like a vision of the Pattern; only MORE; and I the merest speck, a conduit, a cropping of clay before a torrent of light and power that strips away all before it. I the channel that is followed; a puppet overwhelmed, locked into place like the closing of an incredible circuit! <br><br>
Like possession, like a vision of the Pattern; only MORE; and I the merest speck, a conduit, a cropping of clay before a torrent of light and power that strips away all before it. I the channel that is followed; a puppet overwhelmed, locked into place like the closing of an incredible circuit! <br><br>
WHAT WAS IT? What was it that stripped myself from me, tore me from Julian and THRUST me back – deaf, dumb, helpless, and blind in my impotency?? What? <br><br>
WHAT WAS IT? What was it that stripped myself from me, tore me from Julian and THRUST me back – deaf, dumb, helpless, and blind in my impotency?? What? <br><br>
Not for men. Too great a thing for a man to bear. <br><br>
Not for man. Too great a thing for a man to bear. <br><br>
And yet …. “There is a depth of vision….” “Patterns and circles repeat themselves….” “…dispel it with the Light…”<br><br>
And yet …. “There is a depth of vision….” “Patterns and circles repeat themselves….” “…dispel it with the Light…”<br><br>
Is THAT PLACE the Light – the true reality behind the dream? If so, I am deeply afraid; for I might not go back there and live…. Too much, too much… but no no no. <br><br>
Is THAT PLACE the Light – the true reality behind the dream? If so, I am deeply afraid; for I might not go back there and live…. Too much, too much… but no no no. <br><br>
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Played with a bridge deck, it is a solitaire game in which the object seems to be to stalemate oneself. The rules seem simple at first, (a balancing of the draw within and between three stacks), but when fully grasped they become an exquisite abstraction of the Fight, as seen from a particularly interesting viewpoint. <br><br>
Played with a bridge deck, it is a solitaire game in which the object seems to be to stalemate oneself. The rules seem simple at first, (a balancing of the draw within and between three stacks), but when fully grasped they become an exquisite abstraction of the Fight, as seen from a particularly interesting viewpoint. <br><br>
Could it actually be his understanding that is presented? His viewpoint? Or another? I wonder what I might learn from study of the game; and from trying play from other viewpoints than the one Children learned. <br><br>
Could it actually be his understanding that is presented? His viewpoint? Or another? I wonder what I might learn from study of the game; and from trying play from other viewpoints than the one Children learned. <br><br>
I see his mark in it, very strongly, whatever else may be true. And the players are familiar as well: The Kings who have the knowledge but no power, and who move the others from place to place; the Queens who are the supporters, the generals, who add to others’ energy but have none of their own; the Jacks who are the Weak Men, who have power, but not too much, and who may corrupt or be corrupted by others if they are not cared for; the Aces who are the Soldiers, most powerful but most expendable as well; and of course the rest of the deck, the numbers that are the Energy that is guarded or used up – but are also the Innocents who must not be harmed. <br><br>
I see his mark in it, very strongly, whatever else may be true. And the players are familiar as well: The Kings who have the knowledge but now power, and who move the others from place to place; the Queens who are the supporters, the generals, who add to others’ energy but have none of their own; the Jacks who are the Weak Men, who have power, but not too much, and who may corrupt or be corrupted by others if they are not cared for; the Aces who are the Soldiers, most powerful but most expendable as well; and of course the rest of the deck, the numbers that are the Energy that is guarded or used up – but are also the Innocents who must not be harmed. <br><br>
And the object is =Balance, stalemate on all levels … and the elimination of a single card. <br><br>
And the object is =Balance, stalemate on all levels … and the elimination of a single card. <br><br>
Amazing. <br><br>
Amazing. <br><br>
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But that wild freedom I felt – it was, in that moment, mirrored in her eyes. And from her it is familiar: It has the Lady’s feel to it. <br><br>
But that wild freedom I felt – it was, in that moment, mirrored in her eyes. And from her it is familiar: It has the Lady’s feel to it. <br><br>
Am I being influenced by Her, as well? <br><br>
Am I being influenced by Her, as well? <br><br>
I have neither ability nor right to inhibit Julian’s growth. What right have I even to try to channel it?
I have neither ability nor right ot inhibit Julian’s growth. What right have I even to try to channel it?
Truly, I am not convinced that what is happening to me is at all related to her transformation; but at this hour they do seem of a piece. <br><br>
Truly, I am not convinced that what is happening to me is at all related to her transformation; but at this hour they do seem of a piece. <br><br>
''Saturday, 4 August 1928; 9 PM''<br><br>
''Saturday, 4 August 1928; 9 PM''<br><br>
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Today I installed a lot of the new stuff in the lab. The slate table and the tanks push aside the poor old vibrometer; poor thing, I had such hopes for it and now it is out to pasture…!<br><br>
Today I installed a lot of the new stuff in the lab. The slate table and the tanks push aside the poor old vibrometer; poor thing, I had such hopes for it and now it is out to pasture…!<br><br>
New letter from Emerson ''(note - Carl Emerson)'' today; just a polite little note to thank us for our hospitality. Imagine! He and the other left only a week ago! Such a short time – and so very, very long it seems! <br><br>
New letter from Emerson ''(note - Carl Emerson)'' today; just a polite little note to thank us for our hospitality. Imagine! He and the other left only a week ago! Such a short time – and so very, very long it seems! <br><br>
We were surprised this afternoon by the arrival of Dani Rose; Mrs. Danielle Friedman now it seems, though the two have for the most part parted company. <br><br>
We were surprised this afternoon by the arrival of Dani Rose; Mrs. Danielle Freidman now it seems, though the two have for the most part parted company. <br><br>
I am deeply disturbed by her. Deeply. I cannot explain it, articulate it, defend it; but she has filled me with a sense of loneliness, neglect, callow callousness; a glimpse of a lost soul who does not know she is lost; and I am not empowered to tell her. Oh, I could say something – but not the thing that is needed, not one that will make the difference. <br><br>
I am deeply disturbed by her. Deeply. I cannot explain it, articulate it, defend it; but she has filled me with a sense of loneliness, neglect, callow callousness; a glimpse of a lost soul who does not know she is lost; and I am not empowered to tell her. Oh, I could say something – but not the thing that is needed, not one that will make the difference. <br><br>
So I say nothing. And feel guilty. <br><br>
So I say nothing. And feel guilty. <br><br>
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I pray I have not erred. <br><br>
I pray I have not erred. <br><br>
''Sunday, 5 August 1928, 4 PM'' <br><br>
''Sunday, 5 August 1928, 4 PM'' <br><br>
Danielle has vanished. She went “into town“ this morning and has not returned. No sign of foul play – I have no way of knowing what happened, but I suspect she is in control. She will return, as her note said, “soon” – or in whatever fashion she wishes. For now, she has gone on alone. <br><br>
Danielle has vanished. She went “into town’ this morning and has not returned. No sign of foul play – I have no way of knowing what happened, but I suspect she is in control. She will return, as her note said, “soon” – or in whatever fashion she wishes. For now, she has gone on alone. <br><br>
Adam has built for me three window-sized planter boxes. We have filled them with moist earth, and I have given some flower seeds to Adam – and the responsibility for growing them to Rachel. <br><br>
Adam has built for me three window-sized planter boxes. We have filled them with moist earth, and I have given some flower seeds to Adam – and the responsibility for growing them to Rachel. <br><br>
How proud he is, to have made something that lasts! I see him now, with his hammer in his belt; he has not put it down since I handed it to him this morning. And his work is good. Solid – not artistic but very competent – the more so since I really doubt he has ever worked with wood before. <br><br>
How proud he is, to have made something that lasts! I see him now, with his hammer in his belt; he has not put it down since I handed it to him this morning. And his work is good. Solid – not artistic but very competent – the more so since I really doubt he has ever worked with wood before. <br><br>
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Another Vision, and new truths. Today I have seen a glimpse of another Circle of the Dance. Today I have TOUCHED the perceptions and existence of another being! Merely a dog – but how very different it is! All things – ALL – except for us, are in time with their Dance! Plants, beasts, everything draws on the Unity and is nurtured by it. Communion – I was right – but not for us. Not for man. Not yet. <br><br>
Another Vision, and new truths. Today I have seen a glimpse of another Circle of the Dance. Today I have TOUCHED the perceptions and existence of another being! Merely a dog – but how very different it is! All things – ALL – except for us, are in time with their Dance! Plants, beasts, everything draws on the Unity and is nurtured by it. Communion – I was right – but not for us. Not for man. Not yet. <br><br>
What can I<br><br><br><br>
What can I<br><br><br><br>
''The previous entry ends abruptly.  There is no entry for August 8th.''<br><br>
POSSIBLE REDACTION<br><br><br><br>
''There is a section of the diary missing just before this entry.''<br><br>
Thursday, 9 August 1928; 4:30 PM<br><br>
Thursday, 9 August 1928; 4:30 PM<br><br>
Alone. Dear God, how far and how alone! And beautiful they are, dear little ones! Like angels – shadows – ghosts. They play in the sun like butterflies; sea nymphs in the tide! The tide flows around them, THROUGH them – smoke and silver, oh! How wonderful to play so, bright and glorious joy innocent in the light! <br><br>
Alone. Dear God, how far and how alone! And beautiful they are, dear little ones! Like angels – shadows – ghosts. They play in the sun like butterflies; sea nymphs in the tide! The tide flows around them, THROUGH them – smoke and silver, oh! How wonderful to play so, bright and glorious joy innocent in the light! <br><br><br><br>
How I wish!  Oh, Julian my love, how precious you are now!  My golden, Golden One.<br><br>
Julian! I love you! Do you forgive me this isolation?  Never to join -- never to fully be a part -- I cannot!  O o o o how cruel, how collossally cruel.<br><br>
POSSIBLE REDACTION<br><br><br><br>
''There is a section of the diary missing just before this entry.''<br><br>
How I wish to weep. <br><br>
How I wish to weep. <br><br>
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The crisis is over. I shall recover. The dreadful discoveries of last week are placed in perspective now, I think. It is a much subdued Ellis who resumes his place here; but an Ellis who is much more at peace than he who left. <br><br>
The crisis is over. I shall recover. The dreadful discoveries of last week are placed in perspective now, I think. It is a much subdued Ellis who resumes his place here; but an Ellis who is much more at peace than he who left. <br><br>
Adam has taken good care while we have been gone. The responsibility has changed him for the better; and he has assimilated far more out of my textbooks than I might have expected in so short a time. He is going to help me in the lab; and I shall fix up the old toolshed as a workplace for him. With his help, of course. <br><br>
Adam has taken good care while we have been gone. The responsibility has changed him for the better; and he has assimilated far more out of my textbooks than I might have expected in so short a time. He is going to help me in the lab; and I shall fix up the old toolshed as a workplace for him. With his help, of course. <br><br>
Some seedlings in the flower boxes. I am told they appeared yesterday. Rachel is quietly excited as well as Adam – they spend a lot of time watching. Waiting for something to move. <br><br>
Some seedlings in the flower boxes. I am told they appeared yesterday. Rachel is quietly excited as well as Adam – they spend a lot of time watching. Waiting for something to move. <br><br><br><br>
Julian and I were wed yesterday.  At last we are legally man and wife.  My beloved can no longer be snatched away by Marklin on a legal pretext. Thank God!<br><br>
POSSIBLE REDACTION<br><br><br><br>
Julian Foundry Ellis.  Hmm.<br><br>
''There is a section of the diary missing just before this entry.''
The weekend has been good for me. So many things have changed! Some have become clearer; others are murkier now, or forgotten. But I have come to grips with my new knowledge. I shall go on. And I shall not turn aside. <br><br>
The weekend has been good for me. So many things have changed! Some have become clearer; others are murkier now, or forgotten. But I have come to grips with my new knowledge. I shall go on. And I shall not turn aside. <br><br>
So much of what I wrote before seems incoherent now. So many meaning lost … the ideas come and go too quickly in my fevered brain, I suppose. They are forgotten even as I am changed. <br><br>
So much of what I wrote before seems incoherent now. So many meaning lost … the ideas come and go too quickly in my fevered brain, I suppose. They are forgotten even as I am changed. <br><br>
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Gravemaster: Everything. The man fascinates. Talk to him about Eisly. About his own history and condition. About my ideas of how to deal with the Island. Mustn’t forget fruit! <br><br>
Gravemaster: Everything. The man fascinates. Talk to him about Eisly. About his own history and condition. About my ideas of how to deal with the Island. Mustn’t forget fruit! <br><br>
Meagan: Wedding stuff and philosophy. Dangers of someone identifying Julian; of assembling us in this public place; and how all this might affect the THREE of us. Wedding gift? <br><br>
Meagan: Wedding stuff and philosophy. Dangers of someone identifying Julian; of assembling us in this public place; and how all this might affect the THREE of us. Wedding gift? <br><br>
King: Jobs. The Fight. Knorri. Columbo. The Disease. Arimius and Avila. Cairo. Riswold. <br><br>
King: Jobs. The Fight. Khorri. Columbo. The Disease. Arimius and Avila. Cairo. Riswold. <br><br>
Alexandria: Allertons. Knorri. Gatherings. Hope. NJ? <br><br>
Alexandria: Allertons. Knorri. Gatherings. Hope. NJ? <br><br>
Colbert: Memories? Attitudes? What he fought? His son? <br><br>
Colbert: Memories? Attitudes? What he fought? His son? <br><br>

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