Editing Carl Ellis September 1928 - Diary

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It was nice to see Maddy again, although I fear all of my grim news rather put a damper on some of the pleasure.  She is well; she is happy, more or less, thogh her exercises proceed only slowly.  Maddy wants to be a healer.  Well, we certainly could use a few just now!<br><br>
It was nice to see Maddy again, although I fear all of my grim news rather put a damper on some of the pleasure.  She is well; she is happy, more or less, thogh her exercises proceed only slowly.  Maddy wants to be a healer.  Well, we certainly could use a few just now!<br><br>
''Tuesday, 4 Sept 28; 8:30 PM;''<br><br>
''Tuesday, 4 Sept 28; 8:30 PM;''<br><br>
Many letters today. Most worrisome is the one from Grimaldi.  Tony!  Are you all right, my friend? So worried, so upset ...  and you do not yet even know the worst!<br><br>
Many letters today. Most worrisone is the one from Grimaldi.  Tony!  Are you all right, my friend? So worried, so upset ...  and you do not yet even know the worst!<br><br>
I shudder at his nightmare. Such a vivid disaster!  And what a great loss it would be, to all of us.... yet, in some perverse way it gives me hope.  Tomy is always so insular, so unwilling to share others except as a "statement" -- is this the first crack in the wall?  Tony, we love you.  Do not consign yourself to doom.,<br><br>
I shudder at his nightmare. Such a vivid disaster!  And what a great loss it would be, to all of us.... yet, in some perverse way it gives me hope.  Tomy is always so insular, so unwilling to share others except as a "statement" -- is this the first crack in the wall?  Tony, we love you.  Do not consign yourself to doom.,<br><br>
Laszlo's note also disturbs me deeply.  Eighty years!  They have been doing their gate research at Eveling for ''eighty years''!  What on Earth or off of it can they be seeking for all that time with such single-minded fervor? And why have they not found it?  Who was Rory's wife, Laurence's mother?  What happened to her?  <br><br>
Laszlo's note also disturbs me deeply.  Eighty years!  They have been doing their gate research at Eveling for ''eighty years''!  What on Earth or off of it can they be seeking for all that time with such single-minded fervor? And why have they not found it?  Who was Rory's wife, Laurence's mother?  What happened to her?  <br><br>
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''Wednesday, 5 Sept 28; 6:30 PM;''<br><br>
''Wednesday, 5 Sept 28; 6:30 PM;''<br><br>
Whew! A long day of letters, both sending and receiving.  We hardly got started on the feeders at all.  Thank goodness Adam works well without supervision; they may be sloppy but they will do the job.<br><br>
Whew! A long day of letters, both sending and receiving.  We hardly got started on the feeders at all.  Thank goodness Adam works well without supervision; they may be sloppy but they will do the job.<br><br>
Boy my hand aches.  I hope it will all be useful: packages for nearly everyone, invitations to the Gathering; ad for the select few the notes about field discipline.<br><br>
Boy my hand aches.  I hope it will all be useful: paclages for nearly everyone, invitations to the Gathering; ad for the select few the notes about field discipline.<br><br>
Tomorrow I go to see the ticket agent.  Poor fellow, what I will give to him in one afternoon! (heh heh...)  Complete itinerary, times and tickets.... then I shall cancel almost all of them and buy directly from the lines and rails themselves.  Still, a couple of hundred dollars will surely not be regarded as an irritant.<br><br>
Tomorrow I go to see the ticket agent.  Poor fellow, what I will give to him in one afternoon! (heh heh...)  Complete itinerary, times and tickets.... then I shall cancel almost all of them and buy directly from the lines and rails themselves.  Still, a couple of hundrd dollars will surely not be regarded as an irritant.<br><br>
Took the load down to post, and there was another note from Laszlo!  Where ''does'' he find the time?  So I whipped off a quick reply right then and there and added it to the outgoing ... and Tony caught me on the drive coming home with his mental call!  Are we not social butterflies?  But it certainly ''is'' good to hear from him!  Also to know he is all right.<br><br>
Took the load down to post, and there was another note from Laszlo!  Where ''does'' he find the time?  So I whipped off a quick reply right then and there and added it to the outgoing ... and Tony caught me on the drive coming home with his mental call!  Are we not social butterflies?  But it certainly ''is'' good to hear from him!  Also to know he is all right.<br><br>
It seemed like a long talk, asd such things often do. He was all done with the frights, though still upset with the way things turned out down there.  It sounds as if their group had fewer problems than ours, but ones of the same kind.  I had not the heart to fill hiim in on all the awfulness we went through here -- but it did affect me in that I found it difficult to be as alarmed as he obviously was.  Although I was worried for Tony and for Laszlo and Carl, the success of the mission seemed a ''fait accompli''; I could not feel his worries.  <br><br>
It seemed like a long talk, asd such things often do. He was all done with the frights, though still upset with the way things turned out down there.  It sounds as if their group had fewer problems than ours, but ones of the same kind.  I had not the heart to fill hiim in on all the awfulness we went through here -- but it did affect me in that I found it difficult to be as alarmed as he obviously was.  Although I was worried for Tony and for Laszlo and Carl, the success of the mission seemed a fait accompli; I could not feel his worries.  <br><br>
Poor Tony.  We spoke at length, but not about Eveling.  He is sending me a package of stuff, I suppose we shall speak again when it arrives.  For the nonce we spoke about each other, and about Power and the Vow.  I hope it helped him.  He seemed excited about some of the things I said, though with Tony it is sometimes hard to tell.  He is worried about Crossing for the wrong reasons; I forgot to tell him that, while one may take the Promise for any reason or none, one may not ''truly'' Cross Over unless one already knows the reason and the answer. Sleep tight, little Prince; do not move hastily.<br><br>
Poor Tony.  We spoke at length, but not about Eveling.  He is sending me a package of stuff, I suppose we shall speak again when it arrives.  For the nonce we spoke about each other, and about Power and the Vow.  I hope it helped him.  He seemed excited about some of the things I said, though with Tony it is sometimes hard to tell.  He is worried about Crossing for the wrong reasons; I forgot to tell him that, while one may take the Promise for any reason or none, one may not ''truly'' Cross Over unless one already knows the reason and the answer. Sleep tight, little Prince; do not move hastily.<br><br>
''8:30 PM, same day;''<br><br>
''8:30 PM, same day;''<br><br>
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There is obviously quite a bit left to learn.<br><br>
There is obviously quite a bit left to learn.<br><br>
''Friday, 7 Sept 28; 8:00 PM; ''<br><br>
''Friday, 7 Sept 28; 8:00 PM; ''<br><br>
Another breakthrough.  At least I suppose it is... new to me, certainly!  I tried again this afternoon to enter a lesser Circle -- the Circle of the small life -- and this time was successful.  Too much so, really; first contact was so startling that I was slammed back down and had to wait for more than an hour before I could calm myself enough to try again.<br><br>
It took me three more tries, two hours, before I got another nibble; rather like hunting for an elusive prey (or trout fishing!) but inside of myself, looking for the proper way out.  And when I found it, prepared this time, lowered myself down into the flow....<br><br>
It is difficult to describe my experience there.  No screaming nonsense this time, THAT must have been my fault; but so FAST!  so INTENSE!  and URGENT mindless SELFless NOW NOW NOW as SNAPPP! the needs and hungers and lives blossom and SNAPPP! they are gone again!  How many? How fast? Impossible to say.  Too many, too fast, for me to notice or to count; and I with no I there, no awareness of my own, just part of the flow and no way back or even way to want to leave....<br><br>
It ended, a long time later, sitting there beneath my tree, drained dry and tired.  Amazed.<br><br>
After a while of getting used to thinking again (how strange the body feels!) I began to mull over what I had seen.  So many lives; and they grow and die so fast!  ''Too'' fast actually; I know that the small ones that are part of that flow do not live such short lives.<br><br>
What, then, was I seeing?<br><br>
An amazing thought struck me.  What if, having no ''self'', no memory, the bugs have no ''continuous'' existence at all in the ponic sense, but are ''reborn anew with each fresh urgency that fills them''?  What if?  What a strange and wondrous thing!<br><br>
Then, memory is more than a key to intelligence; it is the very glue that makes ''identity'' possible! How strange! How beautiful! Then -- oh, it makes sense -- but bizarre!  How NEW!<br><br>
Like machines of flesh, with chemical pulleys and signals, automatic reactions without memory or self, and only the identity of the Dance to unite and perceive ....  And what I see as lives when I am there are the lives of individual ''events''!<br><br>
Event-lives!  Tiny power-selves that grow and travel and vanish in an instant into the Dance.<br><br>
Event-lives? By God, they're RIPPLES!  I have found Gravemaster's ripples!  Oh, this is good!  This is heady!  And of course they are more than that, the implications run far deeper.  Hints as to the nature of identity and memory. WOW! I cannot wait to try this elsewhere.<br><br>
''Saturday, 8 Sept 28; 10:15 AM; ''<br><br>
''Saturday, 8 Sept 28; 10:15 AM; ''<br><br>
A new letter from Miriam today.  I am cowed... somehow... by the depth of her sorrow for Henry.  Every man deserves such mourning, yes; but why him, and not her son?  It is as though, in some unspecified way, his death at the Estate is a much greater loss than Peter's in Turkey.  I suppose this is possible, but how and why?  Something to do with the Lady & the House's barriers?  Or is it merely that they already thought Peter long dead, and this is fresh?<br><br>
"There is a lessening in all of us," she says.  Henry would no doubt be pleased.  Poor, sad tortured man.<br><br>
I feel so guilty.  Each touch between us brings nothing but further sorrow.  How can I justify this contact?  I cannot.  Especially as I deny to her and to them the thing they dearly crave.<br><br>
It is clear to me that I have burdened our mutual affection as much as I dare; as much as it is worth.  Poor woman; she has her own crosses; I should not lade her with mine.  The touch of friendship is, after all, the important thing.  I shall apologize.<br><br>
And yet.... She has answered me as best she may, between warnings.  She knows of SG, but it seems, is forbidden to speak further.  I hear familiar cadences in her evasions, and thank her for these as well.<br><br>
And Marklin is ours, if we truly want him.  How violent she is, how vehement indeed!  "There is no man within him, merely an empty skin filled with crawling horror....!"<br><br>
Bait him and trap him -- but let him not approach.  She is afraid for me.  For ''me''.  Thank you, Miriam; you gift me greatly. I do beware.<br><br>
A couple of days ago I received a curious gift.  An article from some unnamed newspaper about the death of Paul Kinnerley. But who sent it?  It was mailed from Evansville, Ind. on the afternoon of the First, so I suppose any of the Madisonville people could have nipped out and sent it.  But whoever did so, sent it to my box ''here'', not in Emeryville... a box I have almost never used.  I did not even think anyone still knew about the box!  So who sent this?  I have asked, but expect no quick replies.<br><br>
It occurred to me last night that I have been conducting my voyages to the Circle of the small-life in a rather un-organized fashion, and that I have not discussed it much in these pages. I should like to remedy that lack, starting here.<br><br>
A month or so ago, I discovered a trick of sorts, a way of "dropping out of suspension" from above the patterns of the Dance and sort of diving towards them.  Unfortunately, one loses track of all of it during the move, and so I found myself floundering nowhere in particular, with nothing to do but go back.  <br><br>
It is curious.  I had not expected to find such opacity here; expected, indeed, to find that things got more obvious when I approached them, not the reverse!<br><br>
This is ... different.  Have I gotten something wrong?  No way to tell as yet. But:<br><br>
Having become fascinated by this new change and wondering at the reasons for it, I repeated the move time and time again.  I do not know how many hours I have spent probing the opacity with these fledgeling senses of mine, looking for some clue to structure.  <br><br>
The structure is there; but never yet have I had success in viewing it.  I have found, however, that if one attempts nonetheless to blindly ''move toward'' one of the Circles (in my case, that of the small-life) there is a sensation of motion and change; and that, in some way I have not yet descried, there are some ''directions of motion'' that are favored over others!<br><br>
How fascinating this all is!  It is as though my own will and intention is itself a beacon to my motion, drawing me to the proper paths!  I do not know whether there is anything special about the "place" where one begins, and this is certainly worthy of further study; but I do know that the "proper" direction in which to approach one circle is not that for another.<br><br>
These directions are not simple straight-line things, either.  I use the term because it seems apt -- but there seem to be "directions" for left and right, AND for large, small, fast, bright, dark and any number of other qualities.  Directions for colors, somehow; for states of mind, and memories; oh, it is so wondrously, ''delightfully'' bewildering!<br><br>
Again and again I have tried to follow these paths; for the longest time met with little success.  I must become a ballet dancer of the mind, indeed!  To hold frozen in my thoughts at once the place upon the path I occupy, AND the direction and attitude and state of mind I must attain to continue; and all the while the goal must remain, sterling clear beacon to light my way!  All of this at once!  And then to stop, when the path changes, and nudge about in all the multitudinous attitudes in search of a newly proper way; but carefully, yes!  For the difference between path and wild is slight, and it is easy to lose one's place.<br><br>
Then, of course, all of this must be remembered later, so as best to write it all down when one is done.  It is like memorizing a script -- or, rather, memorizing a play in which one acts, in which all but oneself KNOW the parts, but I must find my proper lines and blocking within the gaps and glances of the other actors.  Each new beginning brings me further; and each time I am more familiar with the places I have been before.  And at the end -- at last! -- success.  The entry of the Circle; the wild maelstrom of identity and understanding I have already described.<br><br>
It took me days to do as much as touch the Circle for the first time.  Yesterday, having studied my notes, it still took me four tries and several hours to touch it again.  But each time I am quicker and surer, and it will be easier in the future.<br><br>
And most importantly, I think, each time I have walked that path, success or fail, I have come away with an increased sense of familiarity with both the path and the Circle it approaches.  It is as though the path is somehow a diagram of the essential nature of the Circle itself; a nature I must partake of if I am to merge with that level of the Dance.<br><br>
That certainly makes sense, according to what I know of Power!  Like the Vow -- but different.<br><br>
Again and again; the same things in different places. Hmm.<br><br>
''Monday, 10 Sept 28; 5:00 PM; ''<br><br>
''Monday, 10 Sept 28; 5:00 PM; ''<br><br>
It does get easier.  The walking of the path, and the memory of the guidemarks.  Clearer; firmer; faster.  Yesterday I traversed the entire path, from Springboard to the Pungent Gate, in what seemed to me to be a few minutes only.  Of course it must have been longer objectively, such things often are, but I was able to spend most of the day ''within'' the Circle, tasting the lives that make it up.  Always, before, most of my efforts have gone into the getting there.<br><br>
I am growing accustomed, too, to the feel of the Circle of the small-life.  The pulse of the event-lives, the lack of memory, continuity, the all-encompassing single threads of supreme Experience seem more and more a natural thing.  Not comfortable, really, but familiar.  Expected.<br><br>
One rather discomfiting side effect, and one that I had not anticipated, is the feel of alienness that my own body has upon my return!  Heavy; huge, clumsy; and the senses seem distorted, muffled somehow.  The sensation always passes, thank heavens!<br><br>
Today I put aside the small-life for a time, and spent the day finding the Path to the Circle of the orchard itself.  Not the House dance, but that of the plants in general.<br><br>
This was the first Entry I found out of Springboard, nearly a month ago, but I never tried to map it before.  I did not then perceive the things that I now do.<br><br>
It has been an interesting day.  <br><br>
The Green Path is simple, compared to the other, "wide" and "flat", with few "turns."  The guidemarks are clear, basic, distinct, and there are not many.  I did not finish the path today, but there is a sense of impending completion.  I believe I am very near.  I would have finished, I think, but for Mr. Martin's call.<br><br>
Byron is coming out to see us.  He should be here Wednesday afternoon.  It was good to talk to him.  He seems eager enough to get involved, to learn, to take my offer of a job -- so he will join us for a few days, until we leave on our trip.  What fun.<br><br>
Now I think I will go back outside and finish what I started.<br><br>
''10:00 PM, same day;''<br><br>
''10:00 PM, same day;''<br><br>
Back.  The children are abed and so should I be, soon... but the Path to the orchard is complete.<br><br>
I fear the orchard itself is somewhat of a disappointment, after all the trouble I went to to get there.  Pleasant, and peaceful, but rather dull.  I am sure that there is much to learn there, but the Green Circle goes onto the shelf for now.  Tomorrow I shall start looking for an Entry toward the Circle of the greater beasts. <br><br>
Eah! So much to do!  I have not the time!<br><br>
Good night. My lady is waiting.<br><br>
''Tuesday, 11 Sept 28; 7:30 PM; ''<br><br>
''Tuesday, 11 Sept 28; 7:30 PM; ''<br><br>
A troubled day.  Spent most of it beating my metaphorical head against a metaphysical brick wall.  Am I getting overly impatient?  I could not find an Entry.<br><br>
This is frustrating.  Entries to Green and Small came easily, so I supposed I expected this one to be the same.  But why should it?  I tried the obvious clues (I ''thought'' they were obvious!) but none of them are Entries.  WHAT WHAT WHAT?  I now realize that I have no true points of reference whatsoever.  I cannot afford to throw away entire days this way without result.<br><br>
Then I return to the house.  Insanity!  Adam has cut his hand badly on a screwdriver and bled blueblack sticky all over the place; Rachael is collapsed into a corner with the quiet freaks over a big grass spider that has crawled onto her leg.  Julian is trying to bandage Adam, who won't allow it because ''he'' is trying to reassure Rachael; and the stew is quietly boiling off in the kitchen.<br><br>
Lord in Heaven! Bring on the Night Gaunts!<br><br>
Eventually, however, things were quiet; dinner was tasty even though reminiscent of charcoal.<br><br>
Adam is out on Perimiter Patrol. I am not feeling peaceful; all the frustrations of the day have not yet leached away.  I think a long sunset walk would do me good, and Julian as well.  Communing with Nature in the ordinary way. Yes.<br><br>
She has not been happy either, of late.  It seems sometimes as though we never talk about anything but work; and that is a crime.  Are we growing apart?<br>
I will not allow it.<br>
Am I causing it?<br>
Can I avoid it?<br><br>
Every day I get itchier, ready to leave.  To do something, ''together'', again.  Together with her.  A change of scenery, a chance to break the patterns that are becoming so burdensome, will do both of us no end of good.<br>
And now, I think, I go to make my proposal.<br><br>
Letter from Zigfried today.  He confirms a few things we have already guessed... but how different it feels to have ''another'' voice say them, ''another'' set of eyes to see!  It feels good; to hear it in another's words!  A new clarity; information from a different source, new strange and fresh.<br><br>
Yes.  I only wish the news were good....<br><br>
''Wednesday, 12 Sept 28; 9:00 PM; ''<br><br>
''Wednesday, 12 Sept 28; 9:00 PM; ''<br><br>
More. Always more.  More to see, more to do, more to know ... is that not what he wants?  Well, Byron is here, and he is getting just what he asked for ... but somehow I do not think he is happier.  He has retreated to his room with a rather odd smile, to ponder all of this uncomfortable newness.<br>
And so have I.<br><br>
letter from Anrew to-day.  Contains lots of stuff from England.  The peons in the enemy ranks are being sacrificed callously ... and H-W (''Jamison Hyde-White'') has disappeared as well.  Everything points to a new, more unpleasantly virulent form of the Ponic Plague -- but is it the Type Two they have sought?  I doubt it; but cannot afford to assume. <br>
The records claim that H-W died of the plague, but we (as KR) (''Katyana Rasmul?'') received a TWX (''wireless telegram'') from him a week after his supposed death.  Hyp: is he too far up the ladder to be sacrificed?<br>
Is there a close connection between this and Kinnerley's demise? I wonder.  If so, then the article becomes even more important; as does the Redmun operation.  I hope that PI reports soon.<br><br>
I do not think the Children like Byron.<br>
Short session today, looking for the Quick Path.  It ''must'' be there!  But aspect after aspect tried and discarded, and still no luck.  Frustrating.<br><br>
''Thursday, 13 Sept 28; 9:30 PM; ''<br><br>
''Thursday, 13 Sept 28; 9:30 PM; ''<br><br>
Better, indeed.  I wait impatiently to leave ... I am ready, yes ready ... and only a few more days.<br>
Today was much nicer than yesterday.<br>
First, a breeze from the north; it is always nicer with a bit of a wind!  Then, another short session at Springboard, and I FOUND IT!  Yes!  The beginning of the Quick Road, I think.  Small - precise - barely a dimple in the rough.  And how funny! Obvious, I suppose, in retrospect, that such a basic ''need'' might be the answer to the beginning.<br><br>
But it is a beginning only.  The path is narrow, delicate, eyes-closed-balanced with a new turn every "step" or two.  From the flaring need-rush upward, upward again in gentle curves toward a thin high needle of heat, upward again, straight this time, to ...what?<br>
Next time perhaps I'll learn.<br>
This surely takes an awful long time! <br><br>
Most of the rest of the day was spent with Byron.  He certainly has a lot of questions!  I do not believe my answers are being all that helpful.  He has a two-inch pile of letters and photographs in his rooms, and my early journals as well.  It will be interesting to hear from him what he makes of it all.<br>
But; and I say this with a soft smile and a secret, silent pride; today Rachael learned a spell.<br>
I taught her the Healing spells - both of them - as Miss Crawford taught me.  How nice to see her learn!  To watch her realize her accomplishment, and to see her understand that at last she has a thing of value that is her own, that cannot be taken and cannot be used to harm.<br>
The biggest obstacle was the Saying of the Words.  Poor thing; she ''will'' mumble; and precision is SO necessary!  The gestures came easily (she is a quick study) and the manipulation of the energies was not much harder, though she shies away from the sensation of it.<br>
But I am happy.  Like a proud father.  A good deed.<br>
''Friday, 14 Sept 28; 7:00 PM; ''<br><br>
''Friday, 14 Sept 28; 7:00 PM; ''<br><br>
More letters.  Carl. Meagan.  And Radosta. (''This is the PI that Carl hired earlier to research Redmun.'')<br><br>
Carl is lost in Vision, seeking guidance and direction. Meagan's letter is fascinating reading and illustrates a number of interesting differences in perspective.  Also some good questions that need answers.<br>
But Radosta's package leaves me cold.  Redmun is well; Redmun is active, visited by KR and others, and a LOT of big packages from foreign ports -- and from Brinley in Boston!<br>
The Disease is loose again.  Now this.  What do we do?<br>
Do I cancel my trip? If I cannot find someone both competent and discreet to discharge this duty, I must not go.  But who?  Maddy?  Tony?  Both would be best, but Tony is out of touch.<br>
Oh dear.<br><br>
''Saturday, 15 Sept 28; 9:15 AM; ''<br><br>
''Saturday, 15 Sept 28; 9:15 AM; ''<br><br>
I did not want to rise.  Late night with Byron, and Redmun and the realities of war.  Uneasy sleep, filled with alarums and fragments of ungentle dreaming.  The Plague.  The Italian. Katyana and the Black Man. And that Hellish twinned spiral of the Dance, the Dance!  <br>
Tony called.  Four in the morning, I make it, or thereabouts. Yanked up from slumber:  "CARL!"<br>
Funny.  He got my note about the Kinnerley article.  All upset.  True, I was too, at first.  But consider: what then?  Nothing has happened, yet; but Grimaldi's code of Isilie-ism for its own sake does not ring true either.<br>
He and R are going to come here for a few days, to take over the Redmun thing along with Maddy and, I suppose, Byron.  I have told him how to come.<br>
I am free to leave.  We are. Yes.<br>
But still, I must face the oban.<br><br>
I have thought, and I have thought, and I have thought.  Was Julian right?  She was, I think. <br>
One cannot be both creator and destroyer.<br>
I cannot. I must not.<br>
If the truth be known, I have not the soul of a destroyer.  I may have the tactical understanding, but it is not RIGHT.  If necessary; but I shall die, myself, with each death.<br><br>
No, another.  Who?<br>
One who is hard. Hard enough.<br>
One who is Avowed.<br>
One who is Across the Veil?<br>
One who has the Knowledge and the will.<br>
There is no such person yet.<br><br>
But consider. Am I right?  That the will is necessary is obvious.  That the strength be there equally so; and that means someone hard and ready.  That there be knowledge enough to command successfully is a necessity of the job.<br>
But why Avowed?  Because they need to know that side of things as well.  The Avowed have needs and restrictions and perceptions not shared by the others.  The one who commands the troops must ''know'' those; it were best if this knowledge were from experience.  Best; not mandatory.<br>
And: Across the Veil?  To start with, my reasoning is similar.  But can someone who is truly Across shoulder that burden?  Perhaps not.  I am willing to be persuaded out of this.<br><br>
''Same day, 9:30 PM; Northbound.''<br><br>
''Same day, 9:30 PM; Northbound.''<br><br>
Gifted with Grace, huh?  Bother it all.  I am getting tired of folks looking at me and nodding sagely, as if to confirm some privately granted opinion or perception!  Rightly or wrongly does not matter, but what the Devil do they see that is so obvious -- and how did they all get to be able to see it?<br><br>
Gifted with Grace, huh?  Bother it all.  I am getting tired of folks looking at me and nodding sagely, as if to confirm some privately granted opinion or perception!  Rightly or wrongly does not matter, but what the Devil do they see that is so obvious -- and how did they all get to be able to see it?<br><br>
Line 154: Line 48:
''Monday, 17 Sept 28; 4:00 PM; Montana''<br><br>
''Monday, 17 Sept 28; 4:00 PM; Montana''<br><br>
Another hour or two and we arrive.  I find myself edgy, nervous.  What will he be like?  What will they?  What about the scandalous child?<br><br>
Another hour or two and we arrive.  I find myself edgy, nervous.  What will he be like?  What will they?  What about the scandalous child?<br><br>
Outt is the only one left, I think.  The last of the true Old Guard, the only one who might be able to tell me what they were like from the inside:  how things worked during the "Golden Age" before the Great War.  How old is he? Did he know Riswold?  Harden?  Was he there in '84, and does he know what ''really'' happened to PF's family -- or how Harden died? <br><br>
Outt is the only one left, I think.  The last of the true Old Guard, the only one who might be able to tell me what they were like from the inside:  how things worked during the "Golden Age" before the Great War.  How old is he? Did he know Riswold?  Harden?  Was he there in '84, and does he know what ''really'' happend to PF's family -- or how Harden died? <br><br>
How can I have the gall to approach this man?  What right have I to disturb him?  I have no power to wave the Farquellian banner before him.  His tenure is at least of twenty years, and I am a child of three.  <br><br>
How can I have the gall to approach this man?  What right have I to disturb him?  I have no power to wave the Farquellian banner before him.  His tenure is at least of twenty years, and I am a child of three.  <br><br>
What do I want from him, besides everything?  Permission to proceed?  Knowledge of why he stopped?  Yes, and more.  But I have as yet done nothing to earn his help.<br><br>
What do I want from him, besides everything?  Permission to proceed?  Knowledge of why he stopped?  Yes, and more.  But I have as yet done nothing to earn his help.<br><br>
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The child is uncanny. Solemnly AWARE at age three, and WHAT does he see? His motives are his own. A Child of Power indeed – and if I recall, was he not sired on Sandoo? <br><br>
The child is uncanny. Solemnly AWARE at age three, and WHAT does he see? His motives are his own. A Child of Power indeed – and if I recall, was he not sired on Sandoo? <br><br>
Hm. He likes to watch J. Hm. <br><br>
Hm. He likes to watch J. Hm. <br><br>
There were several things about the man about which I was warned. Some of them he is aware of; others, I shall not mention. Did not. Even though it seemed cruel, the cruelty would have been greater had it come up. I think. <br><br>
There were several things about the man about which I was warned. Some of them he is aware of; others, I shall not mention. Did not. Even though it seemed crusl, the cruelty would have been greater had it come up. I think. <br><br>
We talked about many things. An awful lot of them have already faded from memory – so I shall jot down what I do recall here. <br><br>
We talked about many things. An awful lot of them have already faded from memory – so I shall jot down what I do recall here. <br><br>
Rachael will be trouble, he says. There have been other youngsters Avowed in the history of the Family, he told me; and almost always their transition to adolescence has been painful and strife-ridden; often ending in tragedy. Watch out, he says. In a year, two at most, perhaps sooner, it will begin. <br><br>
Rachael will be trouble, he says. There have been other youngsters Avowed in the history of the Family, he told me; and almost always their transition to adolescence has been painful and strife-ridden; often ending in tragedy. Watch out, he says. In a year, two at most, perhaps sooner, it will begin. <br><br>

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