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== Ch'Watikk (Red Squirrel) ==
== Ch'Watikk (Red Squirrel) ==
A tribe of Phanatons live in the deepest parts of the southern Witchwood, rarely venturing far outside. They do foster a small druidic cult dedicated to a shattered nature deity - Yootikkwavoolchikk, Great Spirit of the World Wood -  that sometimes sends its members far abroad. They do not worship Yootikkwavoolchikk; the spirit is inimical to civilization and indeed to all intelligent life. Rather they seek out and defend or hide fragments of the spirit, and foster practices to keep it asleep, its power scattered. For if the spirit reassembles itself, the world would surely end.
A tribe of Phanatons live in the deepest parts of the Witchwood, rarely venturing far outside. They do foster a small druidic cult dedicated to a shattered nature deity - Yootikkwavoolchikk, Great Spirit of the World Wood -  that sometimes sends its members far abroad. They do not worship Yootikkwavoolchikk; the spirit is inimical to civilization and indeed to all intelligent life. Rather they seek out and defend or hide fragments of the spirit, and foster practices to keep it asleep, its power scattered. For if the spirit reassembles itself, the world would surely end.
As a young boy, Ch'Watikk (Red Squirrel in Sylvan) began receiving dreams from Yootikkwavoolchikk, marking him to follow in his grandfather's footsteps as a Druid. He was his grandfather's favorite, and avidly listened to his tales of his peregrinations in the world of men and elves. When the time came, and the Great Spirit's dreams began to be filled with goblins, fire, and war, he left his forest home to seek out the source.
As a young boy, Ch'Watikk (Red Squirrel in Sylvan) began receiving dreams from Yootikkwavoolchikk, marking him to follow in his grandfather's footsteps as a Druid. He was his grandfather's favorite, and avidly listened to his tales of his peregrinations in the world of men and elves. When the time came, and the Great Spirit's dreams began to be filled with goblins, fire, and war, he left his forest home to seek out the source.
A tallish lean Phanaton with large yellow eyes, Ch’Watikk is so named for his ruddy fur and bushy tail. He is extremely curious, especially about magical things and strange creatures. He has a very cheerful demeanour and is rarely gloomy. He can be a bit skittish with strangers, prone to keeping a barrier between them in squirrel fashion, but quick to make friends – and has a very abbreviated sense of ’personal space’.
A tallish lean Phanaton with large yellow eyes, Ch’Watikk is so named for his ruddy fur and bushy tail. He is extremely curious, especially about magical things and strange creatures. He has a very cheerful demeanour and is rarely gloomy. He can be a bit skittish with strangers, prone to keeping a barrier between them in squirrel fashion, but quick to make friends – and has a very abbreviated sense of ’personal space’.
He looks a little bit like [https://1d4chan.org/images/3/37/Phanaton.gif this].
== Summary ==
== Summary ==
'''Neutral Good Male Phanaton Druid 7'''  
'''Neutral Good Male Phanaton Druid 5'''  
*HD 5d8
HD: 7d8 Hit points: 45 Current Hit Points: 45
*Hit points 33
*Initiative +2
Initiative +2
*Speed 25' Climb 25' Glide 40'
*AC 19 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 armor, +1 shield, +1 natural) touch 13, flat-footed 16
Speed 25' Climb 25' Glide 40'
* Size Small (2' 8", 27lbs)
AC 18 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 armor, +1 shield, +1 natural) touch 13, flat-footed 16
Size Small (2' 8", 27lbs)
== Abilities ==
== Abilities ==
Strength 8 (-1)
*Strength 8 (-1)
*Dexterity 14 (+2)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
*Constitution 12 (+1)
*Intelligence 12 (+1)
Constitution 12 (+1)
*Wisdom 17 (+3)
*Charisma 12 (+1)
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 17 (+3)
Charisma 12 (+1)
== Saves ==
== Saves ==
Fortitude +6 (Dr6 +5, CON +1)
*Fortitude +5
*Reflex +3
Reflex +4 (Dr6 +2, DEX +2)
*Will +7
+2 when in forests
Will +8 (Dr6 +5, WIS +3)
+2 when in forests; +4 vs the spell-like abilities of fey
== Attacks ==
== Attacks ==
Base Attack Bonus: +5
*Attack (melee): Club +3 (1d4-1)  
*Attack (ranged:) Sling +6 (1d3-1)  
Melee +5 (BAB +5, STR -1, Size +1)
Ranged +8 (BAB +5, DEX +2, Size +1)
Club +5 (1d4-1)  
Sling +8 (1d3-1)
== Racial Abilities ==
== Racial Abilities ==
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*'''Natural armor:''' A phanaton’s fur gives it a +1 natural armor bonus.
*'''Natural armor:''' A phanaton’s fur gives it a +1 natural armor bonus.
*'''Darkvision:''' Phanatons have darkvision out to 60 feet.
*'''Darkvision:''' Phanatons have darkvision out to 60 feet.
*'''Skills:''' Phanatons have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks, and a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks. They can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. They use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Climb checks. Phanatons retain their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to attacks against them. They cannot, however, use the run action while climbing.  
*'''Skills:''' Phanatons have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks, and a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks. They can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. They use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Climb checks.
*'''Gliding (Ex):''' A phanaton may use its wing membranes to glide with a speed of 40’ and 20’ of forward travel for every 5 foot of descent (with a maneuverability rating of Clumsy). Gliding allows a phanaton to negate damage from a fall of any height. Even if a phanaton’s maneuverability improves, it cannot hover while gliding. Phanatons cannot glide while carrying a Medium or Heavy load.
*'''Gliding (Ex):''' A phanaton may use its wing membranes to glide can glide with a speed of 40’ and 20’ of forward travel for every 5 foot of descent (with a maneuverability rating of Clumsy). Gliding allows a phanaton to negate damage from a fall of any height. Even if a phanaton’s maneuverability improves, it cannot hover while gliding. Phanatons cannot glide while carrying a Medium or Heavy load.
*'''Forest Empathy (Ex):''' A phanaton has an empathic link with its forest surroundings, alerting it to danger before it arrives. This grants a phanaton a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws while in a forest.
*'''Forest Empathy (Ex):''' A phanaton has an empathic link with its forest surroundings, alerting it to danger before it arrives. This grants a phanaton a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws while in a forest.
*'''Prehensile Tail (Ex):''' A phanaton’s prehensile tail allows it to manipulate objects. The tail can be used as an extra hand for Multiweapon Fighting and grants a phanaton a +2 competence bonus on grapple checks and Climb checks.
*'''Prehensile Tail (Ex):''' A phanaton’s prehensile tail allows it to manipulate objects. The tail can be used as an extra hand for Multiweapon Fighting and grants a phanaton a +2 competence bonus on grapple checks and Climb checks.
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*Mountain Lion (leopard)
*Mountain Lion (leopard)
*Medium Animal
*Medium Animal
*Hit Dice: 5d8+10 (32 hp) Current HP: 32
*Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp)
*Initiative: +5
*Initiative: +4
*Speed: 40' Climb 20'
*Speed: 40' Climb 20'
*AC: 20 (+5 Dex, +3 natural, +2 leather barding), touch 14, flat-pawed 13
*AC: 17 (+4 Dex, +1 natural, +2 leather barding), touch 14, flat-pawed 13
*Saves: Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +2
*Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2
*Attacks: Bite +8 melee (1d6+3) and 2 claws +3 melee (1d3+1)
*Attacks: Bite +6 melee (1d6+3) and 2 claws +1 melee (1d3+1)
*Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+6
*Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+5
*Special Attacks: Improved grab, pounce, rake 1d3+1
*Special Attacks: Improved grab, pounce, rake 1d3+1
*Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent, evasion
*Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
*Skills: Balance +13, Climb +11, Stealth +13*, Jump +11, Perception +7
*Skills: Balance +12, Climb +11, Stealth +11*, Jump +11, Perception +6
*Leopards have a +8 racial bonus on Jump checks and a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks. Leopards have a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Climb checks. A leopard can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened.
*Leopards have a +8 racial bonus on Jump checks and a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks. Leopards have a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Climb checks. A leopard can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened.
*Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
*Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
*Abilities: Str 17, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
*Abilities: Str 16, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
*Tricks: Come, Attack, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Fetch, Stay
*Tricks: Come, Attack, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Fetch, Seek
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*Pounce (Ex):If a leopard charges a foe, it can make a full attack, including two rake attacks.  
*Pounce (Ex):If a leopard charges a foe, it can make a full attack, including two rake attacks.  
*Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +6 melee, damage 1d3+1.
*Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +6 melee, damage 1d3+1.
*Evasion (Ex): If an animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.
== Wild Shape Forms ==
*STR 16 DEX 19 CON 15
*Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +8
*Size M Move 40 Climb 20
*AC 15 (+4 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 11
*Melee +8 (BAB +5, STR +3) Ranged +9 (BAB +5, DEX +4)
*Bite +8 melee (1d6+3) and 2 claws +3 melee (1d3+1)
*Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a leopard must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can rake.
*Pounce (Ex): If a leopard charges a foe, it can make a full attack, including two rake attacks.
*Rake (Ex): 2 attacks +8 melee (1d3+1)
'''Dire Hawk'''
*STR 12 DEX 22 CON 15
*Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +8
*Size M Move 10 Fly 80 (average)
*AC 19 (+6 Dex, +3 natural), touch 16, flat-footed 13
*Melee +6 (BAB +5, STR +1) Ranged +11 (BAB +5, DEX +6)
*2 claws +6 melee (1d4+1) and bite +1 melee (1d6)
*STR 19 DEX 12 CON 17
*Fort +8 Ref +3 Will +8
*Size M Move 20 Swim 30
*AC 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14
*Melee +9 (BAB +5, STR +4) Ranged +6 (BAB +5, DEX +1)
*Bite +9 melee (1d8+6) or tail slap +9 melee (1d12+6)
*Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a crocodile must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, the crocodile establishes a hold on the opponent with its mouth and drags it into deep water, attempting to pin it to the bottom.
'''Dire Badger'''
*STR 14 DEX 17 CON 19
*Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +8
*Size M Move 30 Burrow 10
*AC 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13
*Melee +7 (BAB +5, STR +2) Ranged +8 (BAB +5, DEX +3)
*2 claws +7 melee (1d4+2) and bite +2 melee (1d6+1)
== Skills ==
== Skills ==
Ranks: (4+1) x 4 + (4+1) x 6 = 50
*Appraise +1 (INT +1)  
*Appraise +1 (INT +1)  
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*Bluff +1 (CHA +1)  
*Bluff +1 (CHA +1)  
*Climb +12 (DEX +2, Phanaton +10)  
*Climb +12 (DEX +2, Phanaton +10)  
*'''Concentration''' +11 (CON +1, 10 ranks)
*'''Concentration''' +9 (CON +1, 8 ranks)
*'''Craft''' +1 (INT +1)
*'''Craft''' +1 (INT +1)
*'''Diplomacy''' +7 (CHA +1, 6 ranks)
*'''Diplomacy''' +1 (CHA +1)
*Disguise +1 (CHA +1)  
*Disguise +1 (CHA +1)  
*Escape Artist +2 (DEX +2)  
*Escape Artist +2 (DEX +2)  
*Forgery +1 (INT +1)
*Gather Information +1 (CHA +1)
*Gather Information +1 (CHA +1)
*'''Handle Animal''' +9 (CHA +1, 8 ranks)
*'''Handle Animal''' +9 (CHA +1, 8 ranks)
*'''Heal''' +6 (WIS +3, Healing Belt +2 competence, 1 rank) Healer's Kit +2 circumstance bonus per use
*'''Heal''' +8 (WIS +3, Healer's Belt +2 competence, Healer's Kit +2 circumstance, 1 rank)
*Intimidate +1 (CHA +1)  
*Intimidate +1 (CHA +1)  
*Jump -1 (STR -1)
*Jump -1 (STR -1)
*'''Knowledge (Nature)''' +13 (INT +1, Nature Sense +2, Survival synergy +2, 8 ranks)
*'''Knowledge (Nature)''' +13 (INT +1, Druid +2, Survival synergy +2, 8 ranks)
*'''Perception''' +13 (WIS +3, 10 ranks)
*'''Perception''' +11 (WIS +3, 8 ranks)
*Perform +1 (CHA +1)  
*Perform +1 (CHA +1)  
*'''Ride''' +5 (DEX +2, Handle Animal synergy +2, 1 rank)
*'''Ride''' +6 (DEX +2, Handle Animal synergy +2, 1 rank)
*Search +1 (INT +1)
*Sense Motive +3 (WIS +3)
*Sense Motive +3 (WIS +3)
*Stealth +10 (DEX +2, Small +4, Phanaton +4)
*Stealth +10 (DEX +2, Small +4, Phanaton +4)
*'''Spellcraft''' +2 (INT +1, 1 rank)
*'''Spellcraft''' +2 (INT +1, 1 rank)
*'''Survival''' +10 (WIS +3, Nature Sense +2, 5 ranks) +2 for Knowledge (nature) synergy in aboveground natural environments
*'''Survival''' +10 (WIS +3, Druid +2, 5 ranks) +2 for Knowledge (nature) synergy in aboveground natural environments
*'''Swim''' -1 (STR -1)
*'''Swim''' -1 (STR -1)
*Use Rope +2 (DEX +2)
*Use Rope +2 (DEX +2)
*Wild Empathy +10 (CHA +1, Druid levels +7, Handle Animal synergy +2)
Languages Known: Common, Phanaton, Sylvan
Languages Known: Common, Phanaton, Sylvan, Druidic
== Feats ==
== Feats ==
*Companion Spellbond: You may share spells with your Animal Companion at a range of 30’, and may cast Touch spells on your Animal Companion at Close-range.
*Spell Focus (Conjuration): All conjuration spells receive +1 DC.
*Fiery Burst: As long as you have a fire spell of 2nd level or higher available to cast, you can spend a standard action to create a 5-foot-radius burst of fire at a range of 30 feet. This burst deals 1d6 points of fire damage per level of the highest level fire spell you have available to cast. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting fire spells.
*Augment Summoning: All creatures you conjure with Summon spells gain a +4 Enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution for the duration of the spell.
*Natural Spell: You can complete the verbal and somatic components of spells while in a wild shape. You substitute various noises and gestures for the normal verbal and somatic components of a spell. You can also use any material components or focuses you possess, even if such items are melded within your current form. This feat does not permit the use of magic items while you are in a form that could not ordinarily use them, and you do not gain the ability to speak while in a wild shape.
== Spells ==
== Spells ==
*Spells Per Day 6/5/4/3/1
*Spells Per Day 5/4/3/2
*0th (DC 13): Cure Minor Wounds; Guidance x2, Light, Resistance
*0th (DC 13): Cure Minor Wounds; Guidance, Light, Read Magic, Resistance
*1st (DC 14): Cure Light Wounds, <s>Snowshoes</s>, Entangle, Babau Slime
*1st (DC 14): Charm Animal, Entangle, Longstrider, Produce Flame
*2nd (DC 15): <s>Barkskin</s>, <s>Mass Snake's Swiftness</s>, Earthbind, Blinding Spittle
*2nd (DC 15): Barkskin, Mass Snake's Swiftness, Summon Swarm
*3rd (DC 14): Water Breathing, <s>Mass Resist Energy</s>, Fire Wings*
*3rd (DC 14): Greater Magic Fang, Sleet Storm
*4th (DC 15):
* : Fire spell for Fiery Burst
== Gear ==
== Gear ==
* 900 masterwork Spidersilk armor (2.5 lbs) [Underdark pp 66]
* 900 masterwork Spidersilk armor (2.5 lbs)  
* 190 Darkwood buckler (1.25 lbs)
* 190 Darkwood buckler (1.25 lbs)
* 750 Healing Belt (1 lb) [MIC pp 110] Daily charges left: 2 of 3
* 750 Healing Belt (1 lb)
**While wearing a healing belt, you gain a +2 competence bonus on Heal checks. This is a continuous effect and requires no activation. In addition, the belt has 3 charges, which are renewed each day at dawn. Spending 1 or more charges allows you to channel positive energy and heal damage with a touch. (You can also use this ability to harm undead, dealing them an equivalent amount of damage instead.)
* 750 Wand of Lesser Vigor 50 charges
**1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.
**2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage.
**3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.
* 750 Wand of Lesser Vigor 46 charges
* 750 Wand of Speak with Animals 50 charges
* 750 Wand of Speak with Animals 50 charges
*3000 Lesser Metamagic Rod - Extend (2.5 lbs)
*3000 Lesser Metamagic Rod - Extend (2.5 lbs)
*  0 Lesser Metamagic Rod - Enlarge (2.5 lbs) - from party treasure
*  0 Staff of the Medic (5.0 lbs) - from party treasure
*2000 Heward's haversack (5 lbs)
*2000 Heward's haversack (5 lbs)
*  5 Spell component pouch (0.5 lbs)
*  5 Spell component pouch (0.5 lbs)
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**Faerie Fire
**Faerie Fire
*300 Scrolls - 2nd Lvl
*450 Scrolls - 2nd Lvl
**Delay Poison
**Mass Snake's Swiftness
**Mass Snake's Swiftness
**Resist Energy
**Resist Energy
*150 Focus for Fire Wings spell (golden phoenix amulet)
* 50 Healer's Kit
* 50 Healer's Kit
* 21.22 Wilderness array kit: Bedroll, Bucket, Dagger, Fishhook, Fishing Net (25 square feet), Flint and Steel, Handaxe, Hempen Rope (50’), Iron Pot, Sewing Needle, Shovel, Soap, Traveler’s Outfit, Waterskin, Whetstone, Winter Blanket
* 21.22 Wilderness array kit: Bedroll, Bucket, Dagger, Fishhook, Fishing Net (25 square feet), Flint and Steel, Handaxe, Hempen Rope (50’), Iron Pot, Sewing Needle, Shovel, Soap, Traveler’s Outfit, Waterskin, Whetstone, Winter Blanket
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* 20 leather barding for Chinikkt Ahow
* 20 leather barding for Chinikkt Ahow
* 0 club (3 lbs) normally in haversack
* 0 Club (3 lbs) normally in haversack
* 6 sickle (2 lbs) normally in haversack
* 6 sickle (2 lbs) normally in haversack
* 0.5 sling, 50 bullets (12.5 lbs) normally in haversack
* 0.5 sling, 50 bullets (12.5 lbs) normally in haversack
*belt pouch
*4.88 gp left to spend
*3 gp, 8 sp, 8 cp

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