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* Knockwood (~chatzilla@71.9.104.IP) has joined #Nobilis<br> <@Verithe> Hi, Knock!<br> <Knockwood> (Sorry I'm late)<br> <Angelo> Hi Knock<br> <Knockwood> By way of apology, let me share... the secret to all your problems: (youtube)/watch?v=wSReSGe200A<br> <Lili> Hi Knock!<br> <Lili> o.O<br> <Random_Nerd> Oh, and before we start, I'd like to ask everyone to spend five minutes to review their Chuubo character sheet.<br> <Random_Nerd> Okay?<br> <Lili> Working on it.<br> <Knockwood> we don't have charsheets per se<br> <Random_Nerd> ...do so.<br> <Lili> Can we post them somewhere or would that break the NDA?<br> <Random_Nerd> I believe that would.<br> <Lili> And there's the character sections in the pdfs.<br> <Lili> Okay, no posting.<br> <Random_Nerd> Yeah, that's what I mean.<br> <Random_Nerd> Yours begins on page 126 of the October 31 playtest document, Knock.<br> <Knockwood> looking at it now<br> <Knockwood> then again, I'd hope the 'official release' has the relevant info in compact enough form for a sheet complete with awesome illustrations. :)<br> <Random_Nerd> The idea is that they contain all the rules players need to know.<br> <Knockwood> oh, reminds me. Anything in particular we should devote more energy to testing?<br> <Random_Nerd> Well, we need to start using Issues more, and Quests.<br> <Random_Nerd> The Quests thing was part of why I wanted you guys to look yours over.<br> <Random_Nerd> And the other part is that you guys almost never use your miraculous abilities, other than Shounen.<br> * Angelo look<br> * Angelo pout<br> <Knockwood> we've been in the damned sunlight. :/<br> <Lili> Ooo, I could create a device that sews the rift shut!<br> <Lili> (Steampunk Plot Device.)<br> <Random_Nerd> You've still got, like, I Alone Can Save You and Holding Up The Sky and so forth.<br> <Random_Nerd> Oooh, and Oh You Fool. That's a good'un.<br> <Knockwood> Well, those would require me to dominate the game for a few minutes<br> <Lili> In a game that's usually a couple of hours long? I think we can spare it. :)<br> <Random_Nerd> For that matter, there's ''your'' Wish power.<br> <Knockwood> ... hm...<br> <@Verithe> I think Mrs. Senko is approaching a Justify your Existence quest.<br> <Knockwood> so, if I can justify 'This MUST be so, because I'm a heartless friendless mad bastard', it happens?<br> <Random_Nerd> Oh? Anything you want to do, based on that?<br> <@Verithe> I'm not sure yet. It just feels like the story is currently going in that direction.<br> <Random_Nerd> Well, it has to make sense in terms of the wound you're applying. And it's slow. But basically, yes, once per story, to the same extent that Chuubo can.<br> <Lili> Since Lili's realm is connected to Celestia, can fighting in this count toward her 'Fight off the Outside in my realm' quest? (Which is a weird quest if you never go to her realm.)<br> <@Verithe> (We should go to her realm!)<br> <Random_Nerd> Well, you'd have to work out a way to tie it in...<br> <Knockwood> ... just to check, what exactly are the consequences of firing up the Red Wings?<br> <Random_Nerd> But if you were to, say, approach Jasper as a fellow sovereign, and work out some kind of mutual defense pact....<br> <Random_Nerd> The big one, I think, is that you have to admit to yourself that you're a fallen angel, and not a boy genius.<br> <Random_Nerd> And that kinda throws the whole "showing them all" thing out of whack.<br> <Lili> *ponders*<br> <Lili> Might be better to be pompous and diplomatic after we close the rift. We can talk treaties at the luchadore fight!<br> <Lili> (Awww... (facebook)/photo.php?fbid=435630246456115&set=a.122170074468802.16528.118539121498564&type=1&ref=nf )<br> <Random_Nerd> So, everyone ready to go?<br> <Knockwood> is anyone ever truly ready?<br> <@Verithe> I think so.<br> <Lili> Think so. Since it will take a while to get to the Sky again, can I have a lab set up in the zep to work on my plot device?<br> * Verithe is now known as Mrs_Senko<br> * Knockwood is now known as deMontreal<br> * Angelo is now known as Shounen<br> <deMontreal> are we back at Montreal Keep, then?<br> <@Mrs_Senko> We don't need to be. We could just be on the zeppelin and on our way back to the Sky.<br> <deMontreal> (We're missing our catgirl)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (She's home sick, maybe?)<br> <deMontreal> Well, I want to add ... stuff ... to the DxM.<br> <Random_Nerd> (Laz is currently without internet at home. He emailed me.)<br> <Random_Nerd> I figure that Luthien is around, somewhere, wearing the Cloak of Invisibility.<br> <Lili> (She may just be curled up somewhere missing the fun.)<br> <Random_Nerd> So, Stately de Montreal Hovel works fine for me.<br> <deMontreal> Hope she doesn't get et by the seethe-hounds<br> <Lili> She has put stickers on your hounds.<br> <Random_Nerd> Ready?<br> <deMontreal> oh, wait.<br> <deMontreal> She's probably sleeping...<br> <deMontreal> ... and dreaming...<br> <Shounen> yep ready<br> <deMontreal> Allons-y<br> <@Mrs_Senko> ready<br> <Lili> Let's do it!<br> ===START=== <Lili> (Has deMontreal created a thread for sewing the rift shut?)<br> <deMontreal> (Was thnking of big-ass staples)<br> * deMontreal has Ariadne and her spiderbot brood re-creating the turret mounts on the DxM.<br> <@Mrs_Senko> ("Big-ass staples do not make a proper darning stitch", says Mrs. Senko)<br> <Lili> (Hmm, staple gun can be feasible.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (The mounts, or actual guns to put on them?)<br> <deMontreal> (The mounts. I'm creating the guns.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Okay.)<br> <Random_Nerd> The Spider-Gang skitter to work, singing a toneless spidery work-song as they fabricate.<br> * Shounen play catch with my seagull<br> <deMontreal> "May I present a wonderful expression of ... applied diplomacy.<br> <deMontreal> "A Tesla cannon powered by Saint Elmo's Fire."<br> * Lili gets to work on her Rift-Closing Device! She has her goggles on, welding torch ready and a frosty beverage nearby for the final step.<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "You failed diplomacy, Mr. de Montreal."<br> <deMontreal> "I said ''applied'' diplomacy. Also known as pain."<br> <Shounen> (awesome line Senko)<br> <Random_Nerd> (So, how do you intend to build a Tesla Cannon?)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "I am quite certain that you are trying to use a joke. Ha ha."<br> <deMontreal> (With pure awesomeness.)<br> * @Mrs_Senko scribbles down some notes about applied diplomacy = pain.<br> <Random_Nerd> So, what does a Rift-Closing Device look like, Lillimund?<br> <deMontreal> (Also a pile of superconducting material and enough capacitor storage to hold a lightning bolt.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Bear in mind, the "Stuff of Nightmares" ability is mainly good for building "complex but ordinary devices (such as radios, dams, computers, and so on)")<br> <deMontreal> "And for those for interested in the physical the opposite turret will hold a modest railgun."<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "A modest railgun?"<br> <deMontreal> "As in, it should merely destroy a building rather than a city block."<br> <Random_Nerd> (You don't wanna see the Prideful Railgun.)<br> <Lili> The RCD is about the size of a computer tower, with two interfaces. It can either be used as a gun to shoot large inter-dimensional staples (to hold the pieces together) and a second interface that sews the pieces together so that there are no gaps. <br> <Random_Nerd> (Very effective, if it'd only be willing to take orders from those it considers beneath it. Like, for example, everyone.)<br> <Lili> It is able to be used quickly, but the quicker you use the sewing part, the less pretty the stitches will be.<br> <Lili> (Ooo, I could use Superior Grace for the sewing and stapling too.)<br> * deMontreal takes a moment to search for the catgirl...<br> <Random_Nerd> She is mysteriously absent.<br> <Random_Nerd> A faint scent of tuna is all to indicate that she was ever here.<br> * Lili bends and fabricates the inner workings of her device! She reaches out for a wrench...and notices that a small arachnid is stealing her PU237 screw modulator! She takes off after it!<br> <Random_Nerd> The little spiderbot, apparently, has a slight flaw in its AI. It assumes that anything in the lab area which is not part of one of de Montreal's projects is fair game.<br> * Lili catches the spider, chides it, and returns to her laboratory!<br> <Random_Nerd> Spider: *Sad chittering noise*<br> * deMontreal puts together some fuel-air bombs.<br> <Random_Nerd> (Okay, those are relatively simple, I'll grant. That works.)<br> <Lili> "I ''know'', you are trying to help your master, but my stuff has my initials on it? See?" *points out the graceful script of L.C.t.W-G.E on the side*<br> <Random_Nerd> Tiny Spiderbot: *EMERGENCY ALERT SIREN*<br> * deMontreal looks over the sewing machine<br> <Lili> "Son of a vacuum leak, what is that for?"<br> * Lili hands deMontreal his spiderbot. "I believe that he is yours?"<br> * deMontreal picks up the nanospider and checks<br> <Random_Nerd> Little Spiderbot chitters and points at Lillimund frantically.<br> * Lili goes back to working on her machine. Dual-steam powered trigger...<br> <deMontreal> "I know."<br> * deMontreal shuts off the alarm.<br> <Lili> ..platinum casing...<br> <Lili> ...reality-piercing needle and staple effects...<br> <deMontreal> "Go and fetch the 3/16" screws for Ariadne."<br> <Random_Nerd> de Montreal, you get the feeling that someone is doing reality-defying science in here, and it ''isn't you''.<br> <Random_Nerd> Little Spiderbot skitters off.<br> * @Mrs_Senko looks over Lili's shoulder<br> <deMontreal> "What ''are'' you making?"<br> <Random_Nerd> Senko, her engineering is not... practical.<br> <Lili> *to her device* "You shall be a great help to Jasper, you know that? You'll close the rift with all of those Riders on the other side and Jasper will enshrine you in a place of honor and light..."<br> <Random_Nerd> In fact, it positively ''stinks'' of wishes and hope and dreams and crap like that.<br> <Lili> "''I'' am making a Rift-Closing Device! Patent-pending but with all proceeds to go to charity!"<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Ms. Cartaign! Stop! That will not hold up at all!"<br> * Lili puts her hand down for her wrench..but finds that it has gone missing again...<br> <deMontreal> "You're expecting hopes and pleasant dreams to keep Riders away?<br> <Lili> "This is adamantium-tripled-hexed staples! Rift-piercing needles and the thread that ''you'' created! Are you saying that your work isn't up to it?"<br> <Random_Nerd> Slightly Less Little Spiderbot: *uses wrench to tighten a bolt on the turret mount*<br> <deMontreal> (Dang, there's no legitimate reason for me to help her close the rift,is there)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "These two pieces need to connect. That one is unnecessary and just gets in the way."<br> <Random_Nerd> Leonardo, you are ''sure'' that the lab contained no adamantium-triple-hexed staples. For one thing, they're not even a real thing.<br> * Lili marches over to the slightly larger spiderbot and taps a foot at it. She holds out a hand imperiously.<br> <Random_Nerd> Hexes ''or'' adamantium. And now even the very idea of staples is called into question by association.<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "How is this powered, Ms. Cartaign?"<br> * Lili boggles at Senko as if Senko has never met her before. "''Steam''."<br> * @Mrs_Senko frowns.<br> * deMontreal goes over to a rack and extracts a set of claws that look like the mandibles of a giant cockroach from hell.<br> <Random_Nerd> (Oh, and an XP for Senko.)<br> <Random_Nerd> The claws make a clicking sound for a moment.<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "So you just put the steam in the machine, then?"<br> <deMontreal> "Let me demonstrate how a real rift-closer will work.<br> <deMontreal> to Senko: "Now ''that's'' a joke. I'm implying she has a choice."<br> <Lili> "Not ''yet''. It is not finished yet. I must adjust the inner tensors while making sure that the outer polyagmers don't disintgrate. Then I can power it up to full speed and see if I can sew sunlight to a cloud."<br> <Lili> "One moment, deMontreal." *will poke the spiderbot on the shoulder, take her wrench when it looks the other way and then go back to her device* "You may proceed." *half-watching deMontreal.*<br> * deMontreal fetches some meteoric iron spikes.<br> <Random_Nerd> Senko, it's not clear to you whether those are real words.<br> <Lili> (There are the words 'a'. And 'the'.)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "So you just..." she waves her hands, "Find this steam somewhere?"<br> <deMontreal> "We have plenty of water.<br> <Random_Nerd> A trio of medium-sized spiderbots strike from the shadows, springing onto Lillimund's back and stealing her hair-chopstick to use as a rotating-mount spoke for the turret mount.<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Well, yes. But I don't see any parts that are meant to turn it into steam."<br> <Lili> "Hey!"<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Unless that thing is it."<br> <Random_Nerd> (Normally, that would be an XP, but you just got one.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Lillimund, collect one level of the It Never Stops issue.)<br> <Lili> (Thank you!)<br> * Lili sighs at the spiderbots. "Your minions are rude, deMontreal. I can't ''imagine'' who they get it from."<br> <Random_Nerd> (They have come to think of her as a rebellious robot, using lab resources for unsanctioned projects.)<br> <deMontreal> "We can simply ask you to come up with a lesson plan that makes sense and use the friction from your brain overheating to get the steam."<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "That sounds like the worst plan you have ever come up with."<br> * Lili rummages around in her toolbox, clears the rings off of a silver probe and wraps her hair back up. *says in spiderbot-chitter* ~"Any of you take this one and I'll use your eyes for sequins on my next hat!~<br> <Lili> "You were demonstrating, deMontreal?"<br> <Lili> *fiddle fiddle fiddle* <br> <Random_Nerd> (And for the record, this particular function, whipping up a single-use plot device, is something that Lillimund is better at than de Montreal. She's not nearly so good at making persistant devices or creatures that continue to function after one use.)<br> * deMontreal hooks wiring, a battery and a set of turboprops to the claw with the spikes<br> <deMontreal> "Want to make this more interesting, little miss wish-away?"<br> <Lili> "In what way?"<br> <Random_Nerd> (Motor-oil wrestling!)<br> <deMontreal> "I'll have my machines start at one end, yours at the other.<br> <deMontreal> "First one to the center of the rift wins... if it holds.<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "More interesting is not necessarily more practical."<br> <deMontreal> "And doesn't get destroyed by Riders."<br> * @Mrs_Senko rolls her eyes.<br> <Random_Nerd> (What would be more practical, then, Senko?)<br> * deMontreal makes sure there's an old-fashioned catapult on the DxM as well.<br> <Random_Nerd> Of course! As of a week from thursday, you can build an old-fashioned catapult from whatever happens to be lying around in under eight minutes.<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (Cooperation. Simple, household supplies...like a lemon battery or something.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Granted, "Whatever happens to be lying around" at the time was a bunch of catapult parts, because of your speed-catapult-building project. But still.<br> <Lili> "Hmm." *looks at the cockroach lips* "Seems a wee bit..organic, dontcha think? And there's the problem of Riders trying to kill us as we work. I thought you were going to be all weapony while I did this?"<br> * deMontreal makes sure we're well-stocked with combustible lemons.<br> <deMontreal> "I am.<br> <deMontreal> "... I notice you aren't.<br> <deMontreal> "Then again maybe hope and happy thoughts will shield your machine."<br> * Lili smiles brightly. "Oh no. I don't ''need'' weapons." *FLEX*<br> <Random_Nerd> Lillimund's bicep makes a little *TING* noise, and that doesn't even make ''sense''.<br> <deMontreal> "Something's loose."<br> <Lili> "Oh, thanks, deMontreal! I was thinking of stuff to name my arm muscles. 'Hope' (left flex) and 'Happy thoughts' (right) would work great!"<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Ms. Cartaign, would you like fitness training? Perhaps some fencing lessons?"<br> * deMontreal mulls over the best time to throw Senko into the rift.<br> * Lili looks sad. "They revoked my fencing license after I pierced a lung of a visiting master. Even though he had insulted me and Town by calling the School 'petty and small'. Really!"<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "You obviously lack self-control."<br> <deMontreal> "Indeed. The school ''is'' petty and small."<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Unlike the Bleak Academy."<br> <Lili> "Oh, no, I had control! I pierced him only in the upper quadrant which was aleady damaged by a previous piercing there when he was twenty! It would have been rude to pierce him with a new hole."<br> <deMontreal> (OK, just to check: can Nightmare Tech do anything against Riders or the Rift?)<br> <Lili> "And the last time I did fitness training...well...I am the only woman to have been...removed...from the Ronan Monastary for...dress code reasons."<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "But you chose to pierce him rather than verbally ridicule him."<br> <Lili> "Oh, I'm not good with piercing with words. It's harder to make those penetrate clothing. Sharp metal works ever so much better!"<br> <Random_Nerd> (That depends on the "anything")<br> <Random_Nerd> (It works properly when used "to discover, to learn, to study, to travel, or to bridge the gaps between two thing")<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Then you are not aiming at the head. Few people clothe their faces these days."<br> <Lili> "And plus, I still always have my Cogs of Infinite Gears technique! It has never failed to help protect the helpless!"<br> <Random_Nerd> (It goes all messed up and wrong when used "to create, to destroy, or to transform")<br> <Lili> "You fence, Senko?"<br> <deMontreal> (Hm... in that case I could rules-lawyer a Staple Launcher out of it. :) )<br> <Random_Nerd> (Sure... but if it's used as a weapon, you have problems.)<br> <deMontreal> (AFK a minute)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Also, remember that it has to either do one of the three listed things, or relate to your nightmare map.)<br> * Lili happily works more on her Device. The feeder for the thread has to make sure that the thread doesn't dematerialize as it passes from one reality to another and back.<br> <Random_Nerd> (Err, two.)<br> <Lili> "Oh and you shall have to judge the stitching on the rift, Senko. You and Jasper. You have probably been to home economics classes at the School."<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "I sometimes teach fencing."<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (That student failed hard.)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (Not because they were injured, mind you. They just don't have hopes and dreams anymore.)<br> <Lili> "Do you wrestle?"<br> <Shounen> (how old is Senko?)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Of course not! How uncouth!"<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (28)<br> <Random_Nerd> (...Chronologically, or in appearance?)<br> <Shounen> (both)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Chronologically, like, two or something.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (In appearance, what she said.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (He. Whatever.)<br> * Lili looks sadly at her. "Oh, that's too bad. I think you would enjoy the luchadore fights under the Shopping District! Very hush hush. But they are always looking for someone with great fighting spirit!"<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (Chronologically....two? three?)<br> <deMontreal> (back)<br> <deMontreal> (And that's easy, considering my map has "You must prove your Engine is better than his.")<br> <Random_Nerd> (Heh. Then that shall work fine.)<br> <deMontreal> "Pardon me a moment."<br> <Lili> "But, so the Cogs of Infinite Gears technique has both a wrestling component and a kung-fu component. As this would not be a level fight, I would be using the kung-fu part. This would enable me to defend myself from all sides. By combining the strength of my Device with the fire in my heart to protect Jasper's realm, I shall overcome any obstacle in my way!"<br> <deMontreal> (gonna go build a Rift-Stitcher. :p )<br> <Lili> (I thought you already had one. :P With the cockroach lips?)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Heart fires only cause heartburn."<br> <deMontreal> (That's absurd, cockroaches don't have lips)<br> <deMontreal> (and I'm going to feed these parts to the machine, makes it a little easier.)<br> <Lili> (You were the one who was holding them. ''I'' don't mess around with cockroach lips.)<br> <Shounen> (that need to go into a quote page!)<br> <deMontreal> The lights dim in ominous ways.<br> <Random_Nerd> Thunder crashes outside! And there aren't even any ''clouds''.<br> <Lili> "You need to get out and live a little, Senko! The burning in ''your'' heart may be heartburn but mine is...probably not unless it's from that one pancake place on the east side of the Shopping District."<br> <Lili> "Ooo, perfect!" *will hold a metal jar outside a window and collect electricity*<br> <Random_Nerd> (But the chipotle-infused honey is to ''die'' for.)<br> <deMontreal> (ITYM of)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "I would bet on the pancake pl....what are you doing?"<br> <Lili> (ITYM?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Cockslapping physics?)<br> <Lili> "Getting electricity. How do you think they fill the batteries?"<br> <Random_Nerd> The jar makes sizzling electricity noises.<br> <deMontreal> (How long does making a thing with my Engine take?)<br> <Shounen> (a scene?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Yeah, more or less.)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "That's unnecessary. There is already enough electricity in lemons. That is why they are yellow."<br> <Shounen> (btw is this a science fire megic one?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (You activate it, and then frantically put things together while the laws of physics are still reeling from that combination punch the Engine just threw.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (That's for testing your theories or devices.)<br> * Lili brings the jaw back in and carefully pours the electricity into her RCDevice. It flows thickly into the chamber for it, making a soft sizzling sound.<br> <Random_Nerd> (Building them is... hmm.)<br> <deMontreal> over intercom: "Ariadne. Prep the second port-side turret for a more... involved mount."<br> <Random_Nerd> Ariadne salutes with a spider-arm.<br> <Random_Nerd> She then slaps her forehead and chitters into the intercom.<br> <Lili> "I think deMontreal used all of the lemons already." *fiddle fiddle squeak squeak*<br> <Random_Nerd> (Hmm. de Montreal, want to make a Ritual scene? Using the Engine's a great chance for it.)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "He is rather wasteful, isn't he?"<br> <deMontreal> (Good idea.)<br> <Lili> "There we go, secondary power source regulated. This device should be able to close the rift firmly and give Jasper a chance to rebuild her forces. And if we can keep any Riders from getting hurt, that's good too."<br> <deMontreal> (Figures I'm not there when she says that.)<br> <Lili> "Oh, yes, but he lives practically alone. When you're like that, you tend to just use whatever's there and not worry about how to get more."<br> <Random_Nerd> (You could be! Oh You Fool!)<br> <deMontreal> (Ah yes.)<br> <deMontreal> "...You intend for the Riders to ''not'' get hurt?"<br> <Random_Nerd> (She just showed a vulnerable side, so...)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "I would appreciate my students not being involved in causing bodily harm. I would have to involve the police."<br> <deMontreal> "Did you believe these things I'm attaching to the ship are for decoration?"<br> <Lili> *shrug* "Unless they are standing right in the line of stitching. They should just step aside if they understand the process. Nothing really likes pulling metal from their corporeal form."<br> <Lili> "I don't know, deMontreal. I haven't seen them work yet."<br> <deMontreal> "That is an ''excellent'' reason to ''put'' metal in their corporeal forms!"<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "So you're saying I should call the police now instead of waiting for someone to get hurt?"<br> <Lili> "Which is better, being able to put metal into a form or having the threat work and thus you don't have to waste the metal and thus have to decontaminate everything before recycling?"<br> <deMontreal> "I. Intend. To make them. ''Remember.'' Me."<br> <Lili> "Shouldnt' they get to know you first?"<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Then throw them a party."<br> <deMontreal> to Senko: "Raiders from a hell-dimension do NOT count as 'people'!"<br> <Shounen> (racist!)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Said the Mimic to the Warmain.)<br> * @Mrs_Senko huffs. "Well neither do you!"<br> <Random_Nerd> (No, man! He's reclaiming it!)<br> <Random_Nerd> (I smell Obsession scene...)<br> <Shounen> (hell, we no, you DeM are tangled!)<br> <deMontreal> "Did you just attempt to rebuke a statement of pure metaphysical fact with an argument stolen from a three year old?"<br> * Lili raises a hand. "Excuse me, Senko, just a clarification, to whom were you speaking as not a person? Because I have work I can do while you two argue?"<br> <deMontreal> "Or should we make allowances for what would appear to be your mental age?"<br> <Random_Nerd> (de Montreal, add a Complex point. Senko, a Something To Deal With point.)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "I was trying to show you the fallacy of your statement, Mr. de Montreal. Apparently you were too self-absorbed to notice."<br> <deMontreal> "A long time ago they had the audacity to say I wasn't enough for their precious Academy.<br> <deMontreal> "I intend to show them a counter-argument composed partially of white-hot meteoric iron and electrical fire."<br> * Lili will go back to working. As this seems to be a 'them' moment. And she doesn't want to dwell on thoughts of 'not being people' because that's one of ''her'' issues, thank you very much for bringing that up and pass the screwdriver.<br> <deMontreal> "Ariadne! Double the electrical connections to the turrets!"<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (I thought he de Montreal refused the Academy himself)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (I may have misread...)<br> <Random_Nerd> (And that Obsession scene, combined with the previous Slice of Life scene, is enough for an XP. As per the chart, this goes to Soun. Next XP to Senko.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Ariadne chitters and salutes.<br> <deMontreal> (I think it's the other way around, they rejected him.)<br> <Shounen> (yay ah, are you keeping track of these xps?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (I... have been working on the assumption that you guys have.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (This may have been foolhardy.)<br> <deMontreal> (I, um, haven't been keeping track... IIRC, I've got one It Never Stops point)<br> <Lili> (I have been keeping track of mine.)<br> <Shounen> (I too on the assumptions that you keep all these on a big flat sheet :-(<br> <Shounen> )<br> <Random_Nerd> (This proves not to be the case.)<br> <deMontreal> (oopsie)<br> <Lili> (deM - when did you get it? If it was more than one session ago, that would be gone...)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Okay, shall we just say everyone has the number that Lillimund has?)<br> <Shounen> (well, is a reason to reread all the log and write sown some summary then :-) )<br> <deMontreal> (Well, we can always go through the logs and check)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (Yeah...logs.)<br> <deMontreal> (Where are the logs, BTW?)<br> * Lili murmurs to her Device that she won't let the spiders get the gears.<br> <Random_Nerd> (I've been logging with my IRC client, and Angelo has posted at least some on the EOS forum.)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> to de Montreal: "It's no surprise that you weren't good enough for them."<br> <Shounen> (log url: ''[long gone]'')<br> <deMontreal> (How about if we promise to look them over and get an accurate count before the next Chuubo session?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Works for me.)<br> <deMontreal> "They ''thought'' I wasn't.<br> <deMontreal> "Perceptions don't always match up to the truth.<br> <deMontreal> "For example, people perceive you to be someone with brains."<br> <Random_Nerd> (Especially if someone keeps rewriting everyone's memories!)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "True. Your perceptions are usually rather skewed."<br> * Lili gets that look of concentration with the tip of a tongue sticking just a bit out of her mouth and it is cute and graceful.<br> <deMontreal> (Thanks for confirming my insult! :) )<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (I just typed late. :P)<br> <deMontreal> The winch starts up.<br> * @Mrs_Senko looks for bugs.<br> <Lili> (DeMontreal's dream: http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/301773_429932947027722_851848298_n.jpg )<br> <deMontreal> (Would be, if I had a heart)<br> <Random_Nerd> (You do! It's down the hall, three rooms on the left.)<br> <Lili> (While Lili has ''multiple'' hearts. Hah!)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> ("Isn't that a bit excessive, Ms. Cartaign?")<br> <deMontreal> A thing straight out of either a nightmare or a heavy metal album cover gets pulled into the garage by the winch.<br> <Lili> (She has a lot of love to give.)<br> <Random_Nerd> What does it look like?<br> <Lili> "It's... very pretty, deMontreal. Give my compliments to the...Engine?"<br> <Random_Nerd> Incomperable Nightmare Engine, in the distance: *Sulk! Whine!*<br> <deMontreal> (Probably something like a small Daedric tower from Oblivion.)<br> <Lili> (Could it hear me?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (If you yelled, maybe.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Or got closer.)<br> <deMontreal> "Here we are. For closing the rift.<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "How is it supposed to work?"<br> * Lili yells out in machine language how wonderful the rift-closer looks to the Engine.<br> <deMontreal> "One point is loaded here, the other here, this part has the stitch itself.<br> <deMontreal> (referring to the three prongs on the business end.)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Ah."<br> <deMontreal> "Loader mechanism in here...<br> <Random_Nerd> Incomperable Nightmare Engine: *No one understands my pain!*<br> <deMontreal> "The heart of this is several copies the thing that leaps upon you in a dream."<br> <Lili> (Remind me not to talk to the Engine when it's in Sulk-mode. I don't even know if Lili can handle all of that. Obviously something to add to her 'fix it' list.)<br> <Lili> "How much thread have you processed?"<br> <deMontreal> "This one uses claws as well as thread."<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (Buy it a guitar so it can sing it all out.)<br> <deMontreal> (I'll hook a harmonica to one of its steam ports later.)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Aren't claws for tearing, not mending?"<br> <Lili> (DeMontreal would take it away. And then the Engine would sulk more. On the other hand, the Engine could become a pop star and try to outshine Shonen.)<br> <deMontreal> "Claws ''grab'', remember."<br> <Random_Nerd> (Nah. The Engine isn't a bluesman. It's a whiny teenager.)<br> <Shounen> (or make a duo)<br> <Random_Nerd> (So... bad free-verse.)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "They grab, but they don't mend."<br> <Random_Nerd> (Written on punchcards.)<br> <Lili> "Are you going to test it out here, deMontreal?"<br> <deMontreal> "These are intended to grab and hold."<br> <deMontreal> "Excellent idea."<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Well...maybe with the thread it will be okay."<br> * deMontreal tells a spiderbot to move a set of rusted shelving to in front of the ship.<br> <Random_Nerd> Skitter!<br> * deMontreal boards the ship...<br> * Lili keeps an eye on her hardwares...<br> <deMontreal> (Hm... Test-stuff Science scene?)<br> <Shounen> (nod)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Sounds good.)<br> <deMontreal> "All right, if my Engine's up to snuff, this should turn that into a tight wad of scrap metal."<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Why?"<br> * deMontreal aims the stitcher at the shelving.<br> <deMontreal> "Because I say so.<br> <deMontreal> (beat)<br> <deMontreal> "...Annoying, isn't it?"<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "No. I mean why are you testing on...that?"<br> * Lili looks attentive while polishing a few bits on her RCDevice.<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "It looks nothing like a dimensional rift and I have my doubts that it performs like one either."<br> <Shounen> (brb)<br> <deMontreal> "Are you volunteering?"<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Are you saying that I look like a dimensional rift?"<br> <Random_Nerd> Senko has a point, and a sensible one that corresponds to the real world!<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "I have hands, Mr. de Montreal. Dimensional rifts do not have hands."<br> <deMontreal> "I, unfortunately, don't have a dimensional rift handy. They tend to make things even messier than usual.<br> <Lili> "That dress in no way makes you look like a massive tear in reality, Senko."<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Thank you, Ms. Cartaign."<br> <deMontreal> "What I'm testing is whether this will grab and hold anyway.<br> <@Mrs_Senko> "Very well. Test grabbing and holding."<br> <deMontreal> "We can then extrapolate to a dimensional rift later."<br> <deMontreal> (OK, now that she's said that I don't want to anymore... :p )<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (:P)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Well, you had to make yourself vulnerable. Vulnerability to Senko-snarkery counts.)<br> <deMontreal> (ah yes.)<br> <deMontreal> "All bots stand clear of that shelving!"<br> <Random_Nerd> They all skitter off in various directions.<br> <Random_Nerd> One turns first one way, then the other, and then does a eight-legged pratfall.<br> <deMontreal> "... damn it, I need to inventory those guys..."<br> <deMontreal> "Firing in 3... 2... 1..."<br> <Random_Nerd> The fallen spider wriggles its legs in the air, rocking back and forth until it can right itself, and then runs off.<br> <deMontreal> bang.<br> <Random_Nerd> Sealedness of all gaps in shelf: Admirable! Resemblance to giant rift in reality filled with Riders: Negligible! Senko's smirk: Undiminished!<br> <Random_Nerd> (Scene: Completed!)<br> <Random_Nerd> (So, shall we stop here? And I"ll round up to the nearest XP, which goes to Senko.)<br> <Lili> (I'm okay with that.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Next XP to de Montreal.)<br> <deMontreal> (OK.)<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (Woo and yay!)<br> <deMontreal> (Assuming it worked?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Worked at what? Binding the shelves up? Yes. Shutting Senko up? No.)<br> <Random_Nerd> _____________STOP__________<br> <deMontreal> (That's the next shot. :) )<br> <@Mrs_Senko> (Hah! :))<br> <Lili> (Is that a closer approximation to the rift? :) )<br> * Mrs_Senko is now known as Verithe<br> <Random_Nerd> So, the plan was to build a device to seal the rift, and weapons to take down Riders. Instead, we have ''two'' devices to seal the rift, and the plan to stop the Riders appears to involve the use of kung fu.<br> <deMontreal> (It probably is!)<br> <Random_Nerd> Ah, PCs.<br> <Lili> Are you questioning my kung fu?<br> <deMontreal> We've got weaponry on the shiop.<br> <deMontreal> Hell, it's probably overgunned right now.<br> <deMontreal> This is the stuff LdM was saving to level the school...<br> <Random_Nerd> What weaponry? The fuel-air bombs?<br> <Random_Nerd> And the catapult?<br> <deMontreal> mixed with 'Oh, the Academy did NOT just challenge me!'<br> <deMontreal> and the Tesla cannon and the railgun<br> <Random_Nerd> You didn't actually make those things, did you? You mentioned them, but didn't make them. And I'm not sure how you would go about doing so.<br> <deMontreal> Sure I did. I'm Leonardo daVinci Montreal!<br> <Shounen> (back)<br> <Random_Nerd> I wouldn't say that "tesla cannon" counts as "complex but ordinary device."<br> * Shounen is now known as Angelo<br> <Random_Nerd> Nor railgun-cannon.<br> <Random_Nerd> So how do you make them?<br> <deMontreal> He's cheating. It's really a megawatt taser.<br> <Angelo> so you need to touch a rider with the megawatt teaser to work<br> <Random_Nerd> And if I go on the forum, and ask them if they think a megawatt taser is an "ordinary device"?<br> <Angelo> ?<br> <deMontreal> and the railgun totally exists: http://www.cracked.com/article_16477_5-famous-sci-fi-weapons-that-theyre-actually-building.html<br> <deMontreal> #4<br> <Random_Nerd> I mean, I don't want to ruleslawyer you, but making weapons isn't really one of your strong suits.<br> <Random_Nerd> And there's a bit of a gap between "should be ready in ten years" and "equivalent to a computer or a radio."<br> <deMontreal> He's a horribly maladjusted mechanical engineering genius, what else is he going to make?<br> <Angelo> fertilizer for a greener heart?<br> <Random_Nerd> Ah, but he specifically chose not to crush the world beneath his iron boot.<br> <Angelo> bacteria that eau up pollution?<br> <@Verithe> nightmare-powered electric guitars?<br> <Angelo> eat even<br> <deMontreal> That's tough to do if people are still opposing you<br> <Lili> I vote for the guitars.<br> <Random_Nerd> Well, yes. If it was easy, what's the point?<br> <deMontreal> Plus, the railgun doesn't have to do Mach 7 against rider-size targets.<br> <Lili> ''Any'' mad scientist can make weapons and conquer the world. But no one thinks anything but *yawn* Doctor Demented, again? But ''you'' are deMontreal! ''You'' will overwhelm them with devices that will amaze and astound them and make them forget all about mere wishing engines!<br> <Random_Nerd> Well, I'll allow the mega-taser, and the railgun, as long as there's the understanding that they're not particularly more effective than conventional weaponry, or the air-cannons of the Celestian Navy.<br> <Random_Nerd> So there, you're basically building mundane but effective devices with mad-science asthetics.<br> <deMontreal> Can we at least say they're more accurate?<br> <deMontreal> Because, that would definitely impress people.<br> <Random_Nerd> More accurate but less impact, say?<br> <Random_Nerd> That makes sense for railgun versus cannon.<br> <deMontreal> If that's true, I'll want damage-based-on-accuracy.<br> <deMontreal> Or, critical hits.<br> <Random_Nerd> It's not gonna be just plain better. Equivalent-but-different, okay. But when using this ability, deMontreal can just make mundane stuff quickly, not supertech. That's what the Engine is for, and you're using it for something else.<br> <deMontreal> cuz, like, my dice just keep rolling 20s, don't know why. They just do, y'know?<br> <Random_Nerd> And Celestian technology is similar in effectiveness to Earthly, just different in aesthetics.<br> <deMontreal> Well, we'll just see what happens when we get there.<br> <Random_Nerd> Well, see you all next week.<br> <deMontreal> At least the combustible lemons should give us an advantage. :)<br> <Random_Nerd> They'll never see 'em coming.<br> <Lili> Night, all!<br>
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