Command meeting at the hunting camp.
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[[File:Thread 15 start.jpg| 400px]] '''Michael James Watson''' Arriving at the camp Alexandra notices a few things immediately. First is that ranger attire has evolved. While under Julian it had a medieval forester look, modified by medieval military wear and the influences of a large number of fey the new commander has inspired a more mid 1800s look in both adventuring and military style. Hats are different. Secondly, under Julian many camps has a rustic look made from leantoos and shelters built from loose woods and brush. While tents were used, Julian encouraged a more sylvan blend to nature look. Some Ranger camps might be over looked by casual travelers. The new commander favors a more mid-1800 military look. While still strongly sylvan in influences more tents are present. This could just be a more long term camp, but this isn't how it was done under Julian. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Following Callsal and the two other rangers into the camp Alex makes sure Hannah is still following. She takes a slower pace to look around taking in the changes. They seem..... Familiar in style. Sure she has read books but never actually been near people in this style. As she gets further in vamp Alex takes out the picture she got from Duncan in a likimg uniform. She tries to look at it subtly, a slight smile appears on her face. Seems the Commander made the rangers more to his standards. She turns to Callsal "Where to with the report about the spike?" '''Michael James Watson''' Callsal smiles, "Settle anywhere you like. I'll do my reporting and see you later." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex nods, "Sure thing, we'll be around. " She tugs the picture back in her pocket watching slightly amazed at the differences. Not that it's bad just different. Of course at first she tries to spot a familiar face. But not wanting to disturb too much of the goings in camp she gestures to Hannah to stay a bit on the sidelines. She doesn't even know if she is that much welcome to hang out. With Duncan and her parting so strangely and abrupt. Not having spoken after Julian had pulled them away from each other. When taking the packs of the horses to give them a rest Alex looks at Hannah. "Hope things aren't going to be awkward.... My end of the trip with the rangers ended.... Strange." '''Michael James Watson''' She sees that the camp is a rather large one. It seems more like a large hunting camp that rangers forage out from for a few days then return. Alex sees meat taken brought in, and sorted out for better treatment and preservation. Tents are set up for the duration. Like this camp might be here for a long time. A ranger tells you the areas you can pitch if you like. Hannah says, "This is pretty rustic, but in many ways more familiar to me.. Except no wagons. " A ranger comes over to her and she is surrised to see a familiar face. Slider, a young ranger from her tour. Not in the circle she rode with but in the company and friendly enough. , "Spiker? Good to see you again. Slider, remember? What a surprise. Feel free to set up where you like. Let my men know if you need abything; a substantial tent? We have bedding rolls. This is going to be a permanent post. I am here to look the place over and start preparing it. Therre are a lot of tiny trails leading into Arden and the Commander intends to plug them" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex smiles at Hannah "Well they used to practice a different camp style. But new command leads to difference in styles. Still plenty of things are the same. This is more a military style. " Seeing Slider Alex smiles. "Hey there, long time no see. And yes i remember you. My time with the Rangers was quite unforgettable. " She says with a wide smile. "Slider this is Hannah, she and i have trained in the same classes at Bright Edge. She went military route where i joined with you guys for training. Hannah, this is Slider, weren't in the same circle but were both there at the 3 year tour." She looks at her packs and then at Hannah. With a slight shrug Alex turns back to Slider. "Do not know how long we are staying. We were camping in Arden as i sometimes do. Had somr things to think over. When we ran into Callsall and the other two. And after a bit bugbears ran into us. " Alex nods to the direction where Callsal went to. "Callsal is bringing out report, and we have to discuss if we stay go back to our own camping or return to the city. Things really have changed under new command haven't they?" '''Michael James Watson''' Slider greets Hannah with a smile,"Well met, Lady Hannah. Bug Bears? Yes, we've been chasing the better all over Arden. Pity we can't eat the meaty bastards." He raises his hand to pause you both as a couple rangers come up to ask for orders. He's told a band is coming in with several wounded and a fatality. They met bug bears too. " There will be mourning in the camp tonight but I hope you both will stay for a bit. Camp anywhere bit as you saw, the forests are dangerous st the moment. This hunt camp may soon become a war camp. If that happens your swords would be appreciated. " '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex frowns hearing about people being brought in wounded and dead. She looks back at Hannah and does a nod. "What do you say? We can stay here if needed, it will help you as well." She raises her eyebrows in a gesture that she is fine with either. Then turning back to Slider her smile had faded and a nod to a direction where they were told was space. "We'll set up there. Out of the way but in camp, you are right that in numbers we are safer. As for helping we'll see. I had other plans and just wanted to say hey to familiar faces, though i heard Dance and Ryce are serving elsewhere and Hajyt reassigned to a different force. So still happy to run into you, seeing a familiar face from my three years with the rangers. But if asked i am willing to stay and help out, and Hannah decides for herself. But if i stay i might have to inform my elite to join in though that would be an extra sword then." Alex picks up a pack to get moving. She then stops and says. "Is the Commander here or is there someone else with you in command? Don't know to who Callsal is doing the reporting now." '''Michael James Watson''' He chuckles, "This is my command, Spiker! Treason leaves a lot of room for promotion." He points a thumb at Hannah. "She isn't your elite? By all means contact your Elite. We could use the blades. As for your staying, these days, having a member of the blood showing any support for the Warden in person can only be good for morale. " He steps closer, leaning in, "There is hard feelings for those who left. I recommend not mentioning them. Dancer is up north. Ryce went west. Hajyt quit and took to the Jeweled Road. There is a band out around Diaga Raks of rangers who left the service of Amber. Soldiers of Fortune calling themselves the Woodlanders. CHAD has hired some. So have the Jeweled Walkers out of Diaga. Hajyt is with one of them but I don't know which for sure. But he isn't mentioned around our fires anymore. Niether ar Gamar, Halent and Laddle who where with us on your initiation tour. Just so you know" Stepping back he goes on, " Set up and come to the command tent. There is no rule on it but royal blood gets you in the command tent for briefings at the very least." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex holds up her hands "Alright alright, sorry. " She laughs "Well to be promoted you must have done well, treason or not. " Looking around she nods "Got it, i'll just refrain from mentioning names of people i do not see here, might be a safer bet. Don't want to unintentionally rub salt in wounds. " Gesturing with a jerk of her head to Hannah. "Nope we are .... " She turns to Hannah and shrugs with her shoulders. "What are we? Friends i find a bit difficult to say yet.... But then again i know we can have eachothers backs... " Turning to Slider "Well we decided to travel together how about that... And we know eachother from our youth." Picking up abother bag she starts walking "I'll set up and call someone to have my elite come over. Then i will see you at the command tent. " '''Michael James Watson''' "Or have done treason well. Ryce got a commission in the navy. My commission is still a brevet." He laughs. Hannah bows deeply, "Oh yes, mistress, we ae friends.. Of course we are friends.. Please don't beat me again!!!" Slider smiles at Hannah and winks, says, "See you later. Lady Alex, troop meeting in an hour." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' "It is where your preverence lays. " Turning to Hannah seeing her little performance Alex first looks blankly, raises an eyebrow then just laughs. "Sure, sure lets set up camp, didn't know you got acting lessons as well in all your training." Laying out the things of her previous little camp Alex quickly sets up the tent. And lays her stuff there. Nodding to Hannah she takes her trumps. "I'm going to contact someone in the castle asking a small favor of sending my elite over. Don't feel like traveling back and forth. And curious about the troop meeting. " While saying that Alex searches through her deck finding Arlo. If anyone would possibly help her it's him. She then focusses till a connection is made. '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo answers and is willing to send her over. He asks for the whole tale and considering how talkative she is I am sure she tells it all to Arlo. When Karieena arrives and Arlo hands her through he steps through as well. As he steps across black armor flows up and over him. He draws a dark red runed blade. Behind him is Darcy Rozaro, his elite, looking annoyed as his clothes shift to armor and he rubs sleep from his eyes. He smiles, "Thanks for the call. I was about to commit regicide but killing bugbears is smarter...So... where is this commander's meeting?" Its is likely Alex has never seen him in his battle armor and weapon, the fabled Shatterbound and Galis-King Eric's armor and sword. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex takes Karieena through and nods to her then having Arlo and Darcy step through. Her eyes widen especially when the armor flows over him. Heard about it. Never ever seen it. Actually she probably never seen Arlo outside of the library. "Well welcome to Arden then. And do i dare ask why you are feeling the need to be distracted from committing regicide? But i agree taking it out on bugbears is a good thing. " She smiles to Karieena . "My apologies i kept you waiting i just wanted to camp and come back but since things are different i shouldn't leave you behind. " Turning Alex mutters "Hated it when Chris did that to me." She looks at Hannah. "Hannah. This is Sir Karieena, elite assigned to me, well Prince Arlo you know and Sir Darcy. And the command tent is that way. I am sure the Commander would be happy to get more aid from Amber." '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo says, "You can Ask, Alex, but the answer is above your paygrade." Hannah bows her head properly, "Prince Arlo..Its a pleasure to see you again." Arlo nods, "Hannah Hale... yes... You were pat of my argument with the King... He and I disagree on a matter of protocol concerning you. Anyway, I am intruding on your camping Trip, Alex but so ae all these rangers.. Lets go see their leader." The group of you walk over the the command tent and see a group of officers. They are shocked to see not just two members of the family but one of them clearly overly dressed for camping. Slider steps out and his eyes go wide. Arlo leans in to whisper in Alex's ear. "You feel like hanging out and getting some bug bear guts on us?" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex inclines her head "You are probably very right about the paygrade thing, but one can always ask. And no the rangers weren't intruding i expected them i didn't expect the bugbears. They were just downright rude intruding on our camping. " At the command tent Alex waits and follows Arlo, call it old habbit, he is a higher rank and of more experience then her. It is just easier to revert back to familiar command structures, and staying behind Arlo a bit gives her a chance to see if Duncan is there or not. Hearing the whispered question Alex does a half shrug. "Eh we're here anyway. Did have different plans but helping out seems the right thing." She looks back at Hannah and then whispers back. "Might also be good for some." '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo nods as Slider comes up, "Ah... This is quite a surprise, Prince Arloxedra.. Was there something we can do for you?" Arlo nods, "Speak to my Fire Team leader for that." He steps back behind Alex. SHe looks and there is quite a little fire team with her, Arlo, Karieeena, Hannah and Darcy. Slider looks them over and nods...."Right....ah.... Lady Alex, would you and your second join us inside. " He turns and nods to the others and the half dozen senior rangers enter the tent, 2 others are inside.." Slider says, "We have encountered 4 Bug Bear groups....We have to tracking spikes." he points to the two on the table. We have a general path. It leads out of Arden. We'll leave two squads here." Pointing to two officers who look annoyed to be left behind. Slider looks at Alex, uncertain and fairly sure he is talking oput of his paygrade too by ordering Alex and Arlo. "Ah, Lady Alex, Can you lead us to back track one of the tracking spikes?" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex looks surprised at Arlo raising an eyebrow as he shoves her basically to the front as leader. Then an almost insulted frown as Slider calls her Lady Alex .. "And what happened to Spiker?" She asks with a slight grin. Looking at the spikes she thinks for a bit. Then a short firm nod. "Sure, i'm sure we can do that. " She looks back at Arlo. Nope clearly not comfortable in a leadership role yet. "How far do you want to backtrack these things? As I understand this has been happening a goo long while and i doubt we can find the source just like that. " '''Michael James Watson''' Slider says, "If we reach Mandalay we can turn back." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex laughs "Mandalay, alrighty then. Quite long way. " Turning to Arlo she looks at him for advice. "So you can help with that right? Tracking it?" Looking at the other spike "So you want to move with one group or use the two tracking spikes for two groups? And is there already some intel on what might be behind these spikes? and the strange random groups appearing in Arden? or well being lead by those spikes to Arden. " '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo reaches to the table and picks up the other spike, focusing on it. After a moment he walks to the other side of the tent, pulls a trump and speaks softly to it, passing the spike through. He returns behind Alex, saying nothing '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex blinks as Arlo does what he does... she looks at Slider and shrugs when Arlo comes back she looks at him expectantly to hopefully get an explanation. "You had a sudden idea? Who did you send the other spike to?" Alex picks up the last spike from the table. She turns it in her hand. "Slider when do you want to leave? I suppose you want to wait for the band to come back with the wounded and the fallen? So leave tomorrow?" '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo ignores Alex's comment, making a rasak signal for 'Later'. Slider nods, "Tomorrow would be fine. Team leaders, get you people ready to leave at dawn. Coffee and biscuits in the saddle. Dismissed" After walking back to the place Hannah and Darcy have set camp up in Arlo says, "I sent it to Bleys. These things have been around for centuries i hear but Julian always kept them. This is the first one I've heard of that left the control of the Rangers" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex doesn't react to the signal she knows better then to do that. SHe inclines her head at Slider "Sounds good, tomorrow morning. " At camp she studies Arlo for a moment, Considering what he says. "I had half a mind of asking Brand about it. But figured that that might not be a welcomed move yet... IN his whole new status and such. " Alex looks at their little camp and smiles at the reminiscence of her time with the rangers. snapping out of it she nods at Arlo "Bleys might be able to find out more, but as i undersatnd it Julian never found it a threat but DUncan did, and at the point he found it to be really a threat it became worse. Or that is what i've heard from one of hte rangers. Suppose if it is really getting an issue it is not just an Arden problem but a fully Amber problem. RIght?" '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo pulls his flask for a sip followed by lighting a cigarette. "Oberon let Julian, Gerard, Caine, Eric and Bleys manage their own sphere's of influence. From what I've read Julian made a good case, early on, for allowing a certain amount of invasion for the land routes into Amber. Its built into the shadowtugs they created. Part of the reason the Navy is 3 times as large as the land forces actually in Amber. When you build thick walls one never knows where the weaknesses are. There is a tug towards Amber with foes of Amber. Many peoples and kingdoms and vast empires are deadly hated foes of Amber with murderous agendas developed over centuries aimed at the destruction and ruin of Amber and the death of all its peoples and especially its royal family that have never been heard of by the people in Amber.β He puffs a bit. βSo Oberon let Julian allow a few invasions. Manticores, great stags, War Moose. And other game animals not native to Amber slide their way in. Baldirs, Orcorim, Trollsic, humanoid races like the bug bears find ways to slip in the defenses. Sometimes in too organized a manner. My understanding is that Duncan and Julian disagreed with the policy. Some of these peoples have trickled foes in here and there, carrying these spikes, creating shadow trails of their own. Duncan has refused to turn any of the spikes over unless Random orders him to. Random doesn't want to make an issue of it so soon in Duncan's term. When you called I guessed thats what was going on. When I had a chance to grab a spike, I took it. Duncan can be angry if he likesβ '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex crosses her arms listening to Arlo and staring into a campfire .. it calms her mind. "Thought they disagreed in policy they both agree not to get more involved. Alright, well though luck that i ran into a bunch of them with Hannah and we learned of said spikes. It is a problem if Amber has so many enemies woth murderous intend that these shadowpaths can be made. Don't get me wrong just learning about the details of it but i can grasp to he complications it might bring. " Taking a flask of her own belt she takes a sip and puts it back. Slowly her gaze turning from he fire to Arlo. "So what do you suspect the reason is for not wanting to involve others in this spike shadowpath business? Pride, fear of losing control to someone else? Just plain old stubbornness that seems to be genetically encoded within this family?" A slight grin "Don't get me wrong do not mean disrespect, though seeing it from my perspective it does seem te be a common theme. And for Duncan. He could blame himself for allowing this to happen or he should have told his rangers not to speak of it to outsiders. Or he can be angry with me for contacting you... I think he doesn't like me really,l anyway. Let's see what tomorrow brings. " '''Michael James Watson''' "Julian was raised militarily by Oberon, Eric, Corwin, and Benedict. A medieval model. A Sword Age model. Duncan grew up in Arden but in shadow he spent a lot of centuries in gun age armies. Notice the Nail gun carbines around? Duncan doesn't like the idea of armies being able to sneak in. As for enemies, its a function of shadow. Everything exists, including unknown peoples with bitter hatred we know nothing about. Dierdre used to have a thing for hunting those realms down, so i'm told" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex nods "Of course upbringing does alot of changing ones view. And i have noticed the nail guns. And change of style camp, clothing yeah it is a change. " A slightly worried look. "And i have also noticed it has been quite a blow to the rangers Julian suddenly leaving, handing it all to Duncan. " With a slight shake of her head "He just dropped everything and left and left Duncan to pick up the shatters. But seems he is doing okey. " At the mention of Deirdre Alex looks up with a smile. "Well in that case kind of fitting i'll be helping out a little bit in this way. Though i know with infinite shadows and infinite possibilities there is no end to possible hatred and ill intent towards Amber. " '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo shrugs, "And there is no end to realms with kingdoms that admire and worship Amber. So it goes. As for the Rangers, the force depletion is a problem. As a family member you should know that the rosey way Random speaks of King Julian and Adagalasck in no way is the same as what Random says about them when he is drunk and playing the drums." He looks around, then off as if listening to something, "Trump me in the morning. When they move out. I'll back you, if you'll have me. But I have to go for the night." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex nods "Hm well just happy we can do a little part to help. And i understand to keep things straight Random needs to keep up appearances. " Looking around as well Alex then looks at Arlo "Uhm yeah sure i'll trump you when we move out. And i do need your backup. " Stepping closer in a softer tone "Never travelled through shadow myself. " A kind of embarrassed look on her face. "But yeah moment we go. Do you need me to arrange a horse for you? " '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo stops, looking at Alex through his eyebrows, a little sad. "Yes....you didn't receive proper training...so many people knew and none took the time. We've known each other a long tome and it never occurred to me to check.....I can remedy that. Would you like a crash course?" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Clearly a bit on the defense of her father she quickly adds. "Oh but you know Brand did teach me alot of other things, trumps, shapechanging, power words... And well things about the abyssal mark...." The last she says quickly in one soft breath. Still not knowing what to feel about the mark. "But crash course, if possible yes please, you know i am a very quick study. And i seriously want to help here. Help the Rangers and Amber." '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo chuckles, "Brand...yes, he could teach those things..things that didn't require him to leave the building... '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex only responds by raising an eyebrow at Arlo and muttering a "Yeah he isn't going to break his deal for anyone."
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