Editing D20 Hellboy Game

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[[File:Hellboy cover art.jpg]]
In 1944, the forces of Project Ragna Rok unleashed the apocalypse in the form of a small
demonic child. Rescued by the Allies, this being, later dubbed Hellboy, was instrumental
in thwarting all manner of occult threats for the Bureau for Paranormal Research and
Defense (B.P.R.D.). Whether Fae, demon, dragon, or deity, Hellboy approaches each
challenge as just another day on the job.
But this ain’t his story. It’s yours. ''Hellboy: The RPG'' invites you to craft unique agents
with which to take the battle to the occult. Whether built in line with the many and
varied characters of the Mignolaverse or forged from your own fevered imaginings. This
is your chance to bump back! And Game Masters, we’ve got your back too. With occult
foes, artefacts, and full write-ups of Hellboy’s classic enemies, you’ll be able to take
your players through a variety of Case Files, whether classic Hellboy stories or modern
retellings of myths from around the world.
'''Weapon Damage'''</br>
I don't really get the logic of the weapon damages listed. They seem a very random mix of base 5th ed. weapons and then some really high for no reason. Why do a basic standard pistol deal more then a SMG that is using the same ammon (or could be)? Why do daggers deal x3 damage but spears just base from the PHB?? </br>
Now this might all be because they don't add Ability modifiers to damage BUT why then again does a light pistel deal so much more damage then a SMG? But I took this into account when adjusting damage.</br>
Updated most damage for weapons in ''Hellboy RPG'' pg. 84-85 to the following...</br>
:'''''B.P.R.D. Sidearm'''''. Damage: 2d8 bludgeoning.
:'''''“Samaritan” Revolver'''''. Damage: 2d10 bludgeoning.
:'''''Stun Gun/Taser'''''. No changes
:'''''Zinco Hand Cannon'''''. Made popular by Hellboy in the field as an especially powerful hand cannon/revover that can also use special ammo when dealing with various supernatural. Req. Level (Cost): 2 (6); Size: Small; Damage: 3d10 bludgeoning damage; Properities: Firearm, Very Noisy, Reload (5), Pistol Whip, Range 60/100ft, Small (Bulky), Minimum Strength of 15+ to handle; Ammo Small (5)
:'''''Semi-Auto Rifle'''''. Damage: 2d10 bludgeoning damage.
:'''''Shotgun'''''. Damage 3d8 bludgeoning damage.
:'''''Submachine Gun'''''. Damage: 2d8 bludgeoning damage.
:'''''Thumper'''''. No changes (but see Grenade damages)
:'''''Flamethrower'''''. Damage: 3d6 fire; Properties (additional): Firearm, Make one attack roll against all targets (add +2 to this attack roll due to area of affect).
:'''''Harpoon'''''. No changes.
:'''''Spear Gun'''''. Damage 2d8 piercing damage; Properties (additional): Firearm.
:'''''Tranquilizer Gun'''''. No changes.
:'''''Bow'''''. Damage 1d10 piercing damage.
:'''''Crossbow'''''. No changes.
:'''''Slingshot'''''. No changes.
:'''''Throwing Knives'''''. No changes.
:'''''Brass Knuckles or Sap Gloves'''''. No changes.
:'''''Combat Knife'''''. Damage: 1d6 piercing or slashing damage. 0 (2) Small 3d4 piercing:
:'''''Pocket Knife'''''. Damage: 1d4 piercing damage.
:'''''Rifle Butt or Pistol Whip'''''.
:'''''Bowie Knife'''''. No changes.
:'''''Machete'''''. No changes.
:'''''Nightstick or Baton'''''. No changes.
:'''''Sword Cane'''''. No changes.
:'''''Broad or Long (Hand-and-a-Half) Sword'''''. Req. Level (Cost): 1 (4); Size: Medium; Damage: 1d10 slashing damage; Properities: Heavy, Versital (1d12); Ammo -
:'''''Chain'''''. No changes.
:'''''Folding Shovel'''''. No changes.
:'''''Molotov Cocktail'''''. No changes. 
:'''''Wooden Pole or Bat'''''. No changes.
Following the Steps in the ''Hellboy RPG'' pg. 8-71
Stardard 'Remarkable' Spread-- use the following numbers to assign to your attribute -- 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 9
Stardard 'Remarkable' Spread-- use the following numbers to assign to your attribute -- 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 9
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==Mission Breakdowns==
==Clearance & Gear==
''Helloy RPG'' pg. 72
Clearance and Requisition
Basic Gear for all Agents. For a standard investigation the following are provided to all agents in the field regardless of clearance. NOTE that in some country with strict firearm arms laws that the B.R.R.D. honors those laws and will attempt to work around or with said government to provide their agents with the best available options.
These versatile military backpacks come in a variety of sizes based on individual agent preference. Consisting of one large compartment, several smaller compartments, and enough straps to carry all but the largest items of equipment, this backpack is ideal for storing items that won’t be needed immediately.</br>
Taking items from the backpack takes a single action, leading most investigators to rely more on their tactical vest.</br>
'''B.P.R.D. SIDEARM (SMALL)'''</br>
The standard-issue 9mm semi-automatic sidearm of the B.P.R.D. The agents must register these weapons with local authorities when operating outside the US. In some regions, the agents may not have access to these or similar firearms, and the GM has final say over when this occurs. For game statistics, see the Weapon Tables. Each agent can begin a Case File with up to 3 magazines of ammunition for their sidearms.</br>
'''B.P.R.D. TACTICAL VEST'''</br>
The iconic B.P.R.D. tactical vest (TacVest). B.P.R.D. proudly printed on the back, this sleeveless tactical vest has a number of pockets that allow agents in the field to operate with their equipment close to hand. While backpacks are standard issue for all agents, most find that the vest is able to carry all the equipment they need. Within the vest are reinforced panels
to provide agents with additional protection.</br>
The tactical vest has 4 pockets. Each pocket can hold 2 Small items or 1 Medium item for a total capacity of 8. One pocket usually contains the standard-issue flashlight.</br>
POCKETS: The agent is able to access equipment in their TacVest’s pockets as it were at hand. As part of an agents turn, they can produce 1 item from the vest’s pockets. As a bonus action, they can stow 1 item and replace it with another item from their tactical vest. Any items not in the tactical vest but in an agent’s inventory are in their backpack, which requires an action to open and retrieve an item. The tactical vest does not have a size as it is a means of organising an agent’s inventory.</br>
TACVEST grants AC 12 and can also serve as acts as either a Stab or Ballistic Vest (choice one of the following)...
*STAB VEST: Multiple layers of material to defend against stab attacks. Not any help against bullets, sadly. The agent wearing it gains resistance to piercing damage and damage reduction 2 against slashing damage (to a minimum of 3).
*BALLISTIC VEST: Experimental lightweight graphite lining of the vest provides protection from traditional projectile weapons, while spreading the impact of other attacks across a wider area. Still very painful, regrettably . The agent wearing it gains resistance to bludgeoning damage and damage reduction 2 against slashing damage (to a minimum of 3).
Finally, a TacVest has two additional properties:</br>
1) ''RUINED'': An agent wearing a TacVest can use a reaction to cause a critical hit to become a regular hit. The TacVest loses its damage resistance permanently after this use. When you return to base, you can request a new one and use this feature again.</br>
2) ''TAKING THE BRUNT'': As a reaction, an agent wearing a non-ruined tacvest, can spend a point of Ingenuity to reduce the damage suffered from an attack by 1d6 '''or''' their Constitution modifier per point of Ingenuity spent.</br>
A sturdy one-handed flashlight with a fresh set of batteries
installed before you left base. While activated, it casts bright
light out for 15 ft and dim light out for 30 ft in a cone.
'''B.P.R.D. TRACKER (TINY)'''</br>
Using a B.P.R.D. laptop, agents can determine where these
trackers are located almost anywhere on the planet's surface to
within 10 ft. Each agent usually wears their tracker on a belt. The
range on a tracker is substantial but can be blocked by physical
obstacles. An agent can use an action to attach a tracker to a
hostile creature that is being grappled.
Each agent is issued a medical kit for field use (see p. 80)
==Example Characters==
==Example Characters==
[[File:Hellboy Agent Walker.jpg | 350px | right]]
'''Agent Olivia Walker'''</br>
'''Agent Olivia Walker'''</br>
''5th level Field Agent; Medium humanoid (human)''</br>
''5th level Field Agent; Medium humanoid (human)''</br>
'''Armor Class''': 15 (tacvest)</br>
'''Armor Class''': 14 (tacvest)</br>
'''Speed''': 30ft</br>
'''Speed''': 30ft</br>
'''Hit Points''': 44 (HD 5d10)</br>
'''Hit Points''': 44 (HD 5d10)</br>
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''(4th level ability increase +1 to dex and wis)''</br>
''(4th level ability increase +1 to dex and wis)''</br>
'''Saving Throws''': Dexterity +6, Constitution +4</br>
'''Saving Throws''': Dexterity +6, Constitution +4</br>
'''Weapon Proficiencies''': Basic Weapons, Firearms/Pistols, Firearms/Advanced, Demolitions</br>
'''Weapon Proficiencies''': Basic Weapons, Firearms/Pistols, Firearms/Advanced, Demolitions
'''Skills''': Athletics +3, Bureaucracy +5, Intution +3, Investigation +3, Persuasion +6, Occultism +5, Religion +5, Survival +3, Steady Hands +6, Stealth +6</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics +3, Bureaucracy +5, Intution +3, Investigation +3, Persuasion +6, Occultism +5, Religion +5, Survival +3, Steady Hands +6, Stealth +6</br>
'''Feats''': '''''Forensic Training''''' (in 'locations' Investigation for info; used on corpse to discover how it died gives you advantage on saves vs. creature that killed it; if used on subject you learn if it has more HP then you and gain advatnage on Investigation, Intuition and Persuasion check related to creature), '''''Thought it'd be Worst''''' (advantage with saves vs. becoming frightened, stunned or paralyzed)</br>
'''Feats''': '''''Forensic Training''''' (in 'locations' Investigation for info; used on corpse to discover how it died gives you advantage on saves vs. creature that killed it; if used on subject you learn if it has more HP then you and gain advatnage on Investigation, Intuition and Persuasion check related to creature), '''''Thought it'd be Worst''''' (advantage with saves vs. becoming frightened, stunned or paralyzed)</br>
'''''BPRD Sidearm'''''. Ranged Attack Bonus: +6; Size: Small; Damage: 2d8 bludgeoning; Properties: Firearm, Noise, Reload (7), Semi-Automatic, Pistol Whip, Range (45/100ft)</br>
'''''BPRD Sidearm'''''. Ranged Attack Bonus: +6; Size: Small; Damage: 2d10+3 bludgeoning; Properties: Firearm, Noise, Reload (7), Semi-Automatic, Pistol Whip, Range (45/100ft)</br>
'''Remarkable Human''': Diversity (+1 to INT and CHA), Do or Die (reroll a failed saving throw or attack roll, most return to base to regain), Find a Way (begin each session with 1 inganuity point), Stayed in School (Insight and Steady Hands), Unmatched Foucs (add your proficiency bonus or double if already proficiency to a single attack, save or skill roll. Most return to base to regain ability)</br>
'''Remarkable Human''': Diversity (+1 to INT and CHA), Do or Die (reroll a failed saving throw or attack roll, most return to base to regain), Find a Way (begin each session with 1 inganuity point), Stayed in School (Insight and Steady Hands), Unmatched Foucs (add your proficiency bonus or double if already proficiency to a single attack, save or skill roll. Most return to base to regain ability)</br>
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'''Recruitment''': Recommended -- Skills (Religion, Survivial), Old Contacts (generate a number of Doom equal to other agents for same number of Ingenuity; must return to base to re-use)</br>
'''Recruitment''': Recommended -- Skills (Religion, Survivial), Old Contacts (generate a number of Doom equal to other agents for same number of Ingenuity; must return to base to re-use)</br>
'''Time Servered''': New Recruit -- Fresh in my Head (spend a Ingenuity point to gain advantage on a skill check. Most return to base to regain use of this ability)</br>
'''Time Servered''': New Recruit -- Fresh in my Head (spend a Ingenuity point to gain advantage on a skill check. Most return to base to regain use of this ability)</br>
'''Drive''': My team can overcome anything</br>
Drive: My team can overcome anything</br>
'''Role Features''': Field Agent -- On the Job Training (gain proficiency bonys to one skill check, attack roll or saving throw. If already proficient add your proficiency bonus twice. Most return to base to reuse), Weapon Focus (Careful Shot), Checking the Corners (when surprise can spend 1 ingenuity and a reaction to move one agent within 15ft of you up to 5ft and you can move 5ft closer to the agent moved. These do not provoke OA), Teamwork (When you take the Help action or benefit from it you generate ingenuity one one extra step. Also when taking part in group check or extended check, you generate ingenuity on one extra step for each agent involved up to max +3), Field Operation (You can attempt a focus check as part of a dust off, if successful you can recover 1 use of a role ability. You can attempt this 3 times. You regain all uses once you return to base, and you cannot recover uses of this ability as part of a dust off), This is Gonna Hurt (Attempt a focus check as a bonus action, if successful, when you hit a creature with an attack before the end of your next turn, you can spend a Hit Dice and add the amount rolled to the damage of the attack), Double Trap (make two attacks with an attack action, or make one attack at advantage), Well Oiled (advantage with Focus checks to activate and maintain Role Features)</br>
'''Role Features''': Field Agent -- On the Job Training (gain proficiency bonys to one skill check, attack roll or saving throw. If already proficient add your proficiency bonus twice. Most return to base to reuse), Weapon Focus (Careful Shot), Checking the Corners (when surprise can spend 1 ingenuity and a reaction to move one agent within 15ft of you up to 5ft and you can move 5ft closer to the agent moved. These do not provoke OA), Teamwork (When you take the Help action or benefit from it you generate ingenuity one one extra step. Also when taking part in group check or extended check, you generate ingenuity on one extra step for each agent involved up to max +3), Field Operation (You can attempt a focus check as part of a dust off, if successful you can recover 1 use of a role ability. You can attempt this 3 times. You regain all uses once you return to base, and you cannot recover uses of this ability as part of a dust off), This is Gonna Hurt (Attempt a focus check as a bonus action, if successful, when you hit a creature with an attack before the end of your next turn, you can spend a Hit Dice and add the amount rolled to the damage of the attack), Double Trap (make two attacks with an attack action, or make one attack at advantage), Well Oiled (advantage with Focus checks to activate and maintain Role Features)</br>
:'''''Special Training''''': Team Leader. Bonus Skills (Bureaucracy, Persuasion), Enhanced Teamwork (bonus action, lasts 3 +1 rounds, uses 3), Limited Delegation (When you take the attack action, you can nominate another creature to take your attack on their turn as an extra attack when they take the attack action. On the nominated creature’s turn, if they take any action other than the attack action, the bonus attack is lost), Motivation (You gain 1 additional action and 1 additional bonus action on your turn. You can use a reaction to grant this to another agent, who then takes the additional action and bonus action immediately. To use this feature again you must take time or successfully recover it via the Field Operations feature)</br>
:'''Special Training''': Team Leader. Bonus Skills (Bureaucracy, Persuasion), Enhanced Teamwork (bonus action, lasts 3 +1 rounds, uses 3), Limited Delegation (When you take the attack action, you can nominate another creature to take your attack on their turn as an extra attack when they take the attack action. On the nominated creature’s turn, if they take any action other than the attack action, the bonus attack is lost), Motivation (You gain 1 additional action and 1 additional bonus action on your turn. You can use a reaction to grant this to another agent, who then takes the additional action and bonus action immediately. To use this feature again you must take time or successfully recover it via the Field Operations feature)</br>
'''Languages''': English, Spanish</br>
'''Languages''': English, Spanish</br>
[[File:Hellboy Field Analyst Parks.jpg2.jpg | 350px | right]]
'''Field Analyst, Professor Melvin Parks'''</br>
'''Field Analyst, Professor Melvin Parks'''</br>
''5th level Field Analyst; Medium humanoid (human, 'psychic')''</br>
'''5th level Field Analyst'''</br>
'''Armor Class''': 13 (tacvest)</br>
Medium humanoid (human, 'psychic')</br>
'''Speed''': 30ft</br>
Armor Class: 12 (tacvest)</br>
'''Hit Points''': 33 (HD 5d8)</br>
Speed: 30ft</br>
Hit Points: 33 (HD 5d8)</br>
STR 9, DEX 12, CON 12, INT 18, WIS 14, CHA 16</br>
STR 9, DEX 12, CON 12, INT 18, WIS 14, CHA 16</br>
''(4th ability increase +2 to int)''</br>
''(4th ability increase +2 to int)''</br>
'''Saving Throws''': Intelligence +8, Wisdom +6</br>
Saving Throws: Intelligence +8, Wisdom +6</br>
'''Weapon Proficiencies''': Basic Weapons, Firearms/Pistols</br>
Weapon Proficiencies: Basic Weapons, Firearms/Pistols</br>
'''Skills''': Bureaucracy +8, History +8, Investigation +10, Medicine +6, Occultim +12, Perception +6, Persuasion +7, Science +8, Technology +8</br>
Skills: Bureaucracy +8, History +8, Investigation +10, Medicine +6, Occultim +12, Perception +6, Persuasion +7, Science +8, Technology +8</br>
'''Feats''': '''''Limited Psychic Awakening''''' (+1 to CHA; know the psychic powers psychometry, psychic invasion and seance; gain 3 uses of psychic manifestation), '''''Psychic Harrowing''''' (+1 to CHA, gain two additional uses of psychic manifestion; You can reach out with your mind to hear the thoughts of all creatures within 15 ft. You gain surface level emotions and thoughts. You can enter into an opposed Charisma check as per psychic invasion to implant 1 image or idea in a willing creature’s mind provided the creature is in the same dimension as you), '''''Patchwork Medicine''''' (You can restore HP equal to 1d4 plus your Wisdom modifier as a bonus action provided you are within 5 ft of the creature. This can used on a creature at 0 HP. You have a number of uses of this ability equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses of this ability when you return to base)</br>
Feats: Limited Psychic Awakening (+1 to CHA; know the psychic powers psychometry, psychic invasion and seance; gain 3 uses of psychic manifestation), Psychic Harrowing (+1 to CHA, gain two additional uses of psychic manifestion; You can reach out with your mind to hear the thoughts of all creatures within 15 ft. You gain surface level emotions and thoughts. You can enter into an opposed Charisma check as per psychic invasion to implant 1 image or idea in a willing creature’s mind provided the creature is in the same dimension as you), Patchwork Medicine (You can restore HP equal to 1d4 plus your Wisdom modifier as a bonus action provided you are within 5 ft of the creature. This can used on a creature at 0 HP. You have a number of uses of this ability equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses of this ability when you return to base), Tactical Vest Mastery (You can reduce non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus/4 when wearing a B.P.R.D. tactical vest)</br>
'''''BPRD Sidearm'''''. Ranged Attack Bonus: +5; Size: Small; Damage: 2d8 bludgeoning; Properties: Firearm, Noise, Reload (7), Semi-Automatic, Pistol Whip, Range (45/100ft)</br>
BPRD Sidearm -- Atk Bonus: +5; Size: Small; Damage: 2d10+1 bludgeoning; Properties: Firearm, Noise, Reload (7), Semi-Automatic, Pistol Whip, Range (45/100ft)</br>
'''Remarkable Human''': Diversity (+1 to DEX and INT), Find a Way (start each session with 1 ingenuity point), Stayed in School (Intuition and Perception)</br>
Remarkable Human: Diversity (+1 to DEX and INT), Find a Way (start each session with 1 ingenuity point), Stayed in School (Intuition and Perception)</br>
'''''Limited Awakening''''' (replaces Do or Die, Unmatched Focus & Theoretical Leap fron Life Before) -- Limited Psychic Feat, '''''Medium''''' (action to sense the presence of any creature in your presence. Most return to base to regain this use), Telekinetic (action you can move a Small object, up to 10 lbs, up to 30 ft. This can be used to open unlocked doors for example. Another use may be trying to lift Small items off a hostile creature's  belt. If a creature holds ontothe item, you cannot manipulate it with this feature. You have a number of uses of this feature equal to your Charisma modifier +1 (4))</br>
* Limited Awakening (replaces Do or Die, Unmatched Focus & Theoretical Leap fron Life Before) -- Limited Psychic Feat, Medium (action to sense the presence of any creature in your presence. Most return to base to regain this use), Telekinetic (action you can move a Small object, up to 10 lbs, up to 30 ft. This can be used to open unlocked doors for example. Another use may be trying to lift Small items off a hostile creature's  belt. If a creature holds ontothe item, you cannot manipulate it with this feature. You have a number of uses of this feature equal to your Charisma modifier +1 (4))</br>
'''Life Before the B.P.R.D.''': Academic -- Ability Score Increase (+1 to WIS), Proficiency (History)</br>
Life Before the B.P.R.D.: Academic -- Ability Score Increase (+1 to WIS), Proficiency (History)
'''Recruitment''': Discovered -- Skill (Occult and Science), The Other Side (advantage with Wisdom/Intuition on discerning behaviour or witness of supernatural)</br>
Recruitment: Discovered -- Skill (Occult and Science), The Other Side (advantage with Wisdom/Intuition on discerning behaviour or witness of supernatural)</br>
'''Time Servered''': On the Periphery (spend a ingenuity to gain advantage with saving throw. Must return to base to regain use)</br>
Time Servered: On the Periphery (spend a ingenuity to gain advantage with saving throw. Must return to base to regain use)</br>
'''Drive''':Uncovering secrets</br>
Drive:Uncovering secrets</br>
'''Role Features''': Field Analyst -- Expertise (Investigation and Occult), Learned (proficiency bonus is +4), Proper Conditions (When making a check with an associated kit, such as a field lab, you gain advantage and can reroll the lowest result), Think it Through (You can attempt a focus check as a bonus action to substitute the ability modifier of a skill check for your Intelligence modifier. You have 3 uses of this ability, which are regained when you return to base), Another Way (can attempt a focus check asa bonus action. If successful, you generate a point of Ingenuity the next time you succeed on an ability check. You have 3 uses of this ability, which are regained when you return to base)</br>
Role Features: Field Analyst -- Expertise (Investigation and Occult), Learned (proficiency bonus is +4), Proper Conditions (When making a check with an associated kit, such as a field lab, you gain advantage and can reroll the lowest result), Think it Through (You can attempt a focus check as a bonus action to substitute the ability modifier of a skill check for your Intelligence modifier. You have 3 uses of this ability, which are regained when you return to base), Another Way (can attempt a focus check asa bonus action. If successful, you generate a point of Ingenuity the next time you succeed on an ability check. You have 3 uses of this ability, which are regained when you return to base)</br>
:'''''Scholar''''' -- Just the Facts  (If you have disadvantage on a skill you are proficient in, you may elect to negate the disadvantage by not adding your proficiency bonus to the check), The Planets Align (If you use Ingenuity to boost the result of an ability check that you are proficient with, instead of rolling a d6, you roll a d8 for each point consumed), Knowledgeble (During skill checks or saving throws you are proficient with, you generate Ingenuity on one additional step)</br>
* Scholar -- Just the Facts  (If you have disadvantage on a skill you are proficient in, you may elect to negate the disadvantage by not adding your proficiency bonus to the check), The Planets Align (If you use Ingenuity to boost the result of an ability check that you are proficient with, instead of rolling a d6, you roll a d8 for each point consumed), Knowledgeble (During skill checks or saving throws you are proficient with, you generate Ingenuity on one additional step)</br>
'''Languages''': English, German</br>
Languages: English, German</br>
[[File:Hellboy Agent Holmes.jpg | 300px | right]]
'''Agent Frederick Holmes'''</br>
'''Agent Frederick Holmes'''</br>
''5th level Field Agent; Medium humanoid (Vampire)''</br>
''5th level Field Agent''</br>
'''Armor Class''': 14 (tacvest)</br>
Medium humanoid (Vampire)</br>
'''Speed''': 40ft</br>
Armor Class: 13 (tacvest)</br>
'''Hit Points''': 54 (HD 5d10) </br>
Speed: 40ft</br>
Hit Points: 54 (HD 5d10) </br>
STR 20, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 11, WIS 12, CHA 9</br>
STR 20, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 11, WIS 12, CHA 9</br>
''(4th level +1 to str & con)''</br>
''*(4th level +1 to str & con)''</br>
'''Saving Throws''': Strength +8, Consitution +6</br>
Saving Throws: Strength +8, Consitution +6</br>
'''Weapon Proficiencies''': Vampire Claws & Bite, Basic Weapons, Firearms/Pistols, Firearms/Advantage, Demolitions</br>
Weapon Proficiencies: Vampire Claws & Bite, Basic Weapons, Firearms/Pistols, Firearms/Advantage, Demolitions</br>
'''Skills''': Animal Handling +4, Acrobatics +5, Athletics +8, Investigation +4, Occult +3, Perception +4, Stealth +5, Survival +4</br>
Skills: Animal Handling +4, Acrobatics +5, Athletics +8, Investigation +4, Occult +3, Perception +4, Stealth +5, Survival +4</br>
'''Feats''': '''''Outnumbered''''' (When taking the attack action, you can make 1 additional attack targeting a different creature within 10 ft of the original target. You can disengage as a bonus action), '''''Vampire Taint''''' (see Natural Weapons, plus - Your claw attacks are treated as wooden stakes; see "Wooden Pole", p. 83; when targeting vampiric creatures. As an action, you can shift into a mist form. You can maintain concentration on this form for up to 1 minute. You are resistant to all damage and your movement speed is replaced by a fly speed of 10ft while in mist form. You cannot attack, use items, or otherwise interact with the physical world while in this form but can pass through small opening such as keyholes and under doors. You can see in dim light as if it were bright light up to 20ft and in darkness as if it were dim light for up to 30ft)</br>
Feats: Outnumbered (When taking the attack action, you can make 1 additional attack targeting a different creature within 10 ft of the original target. You can disengage as a bonus action), Vampire Taint (see Natural Weapons, plus - Your claw attacks are treated as wooden stakes; see "Wooden Pole", p. 83; when targeting vampiric creatures. As an action, you can shift into a mist form. You can maintain concentration on this form for up to 1 minute. You are resistant to all damage and your movement speed is replaced by a fly speed of 10ft while in mist form. You cannot attack, use items, or otherwise interact with the physical world while in this form but can pass through small opening such as keyholes and under doors. You can see in dim light as if it were bright light up to 20ft and in darkness as if it were dim light for up to 30ft)</br>
'''''BPRD Sidearm'''''. Ranged Attack Bonus: +5; Size: Small; Damage: 2d8 bludgeoning; Properties: Firearm, Noise, Reload (7), Semi-Automatic, Pistol Whip, Range (45/100ft)</br>
BPRD Sidearm -- Atk Bonus: +5; Size: Small; Damage: 2d10+2 bludgeoning; Properties: Firearm, Noise, Reload (7), Semi-Automatic, Pistol Whip, Range (45/100ft)</br>
'''''Vampire Bite'''''. Melee Attack Bonus: +8, Damage: 1d6+5 piercing; Properties: advantage if targeted is grappled. Regain HP equal to half the damage dealt by a successful bite if creature has blood</br>
Vampire Bite -- Atk Bonus: +8, Damage: 1d6+5 piercing; Features</br>
'''''Vampire Claws'''''. Melee Attack Bonus +8, Damage: 2d4+5 slashing; Properties: count as Wooden vs. other vampires/supernatural</br>
Vampire Claws --- Atk Bonus +8, Damage: 2d4+5 slashing</br>
'''Other Origins''': Cused -- Ability Score Mod (+2 CON), Changed Physiology (resistant to poison damage and advanage on saves vs. poisoned condition), Difficulty Relation/Bane (You are vulnerable to psychic damage and suffer disadvantage on Wisdom/Intuition checks), Hardy (+1 HP/level), Just Won't Die (you can auto succeessed with one Death save but will not 'wake-up' from 0HP until next case file), Robust (when drop to 0HP you instead drop to 1HP. You must take time before you can use this feature again)</br>
Other Origins: Cused -- Ability Score Mod (+2 CON), Changed Physiology (resistant to poison damage and advanage on saves vs. poisoned condition), Difficulty Relation/Bane (You are vulnerable to psychic damage and suffer disadvantage on Wisdom/Intuition checks), Hardy (+1 HP/level), Just Won't Die (you can auto succeessed with one Death save but will not 'wake-up' from 0HP until next case file), Robust (when drop to 0HP you instead drop to 1HP. You must take time before you can use this feature again)</br>
:'''Vampire''' -- Ability Score Increase (+4 STR), Bloodthirsty (gain the Vampiric Taint feat), It Burns!/Bane (You cannot regain HP while in direct sunlight. You are vulnerable to fire damage and damage dealt by silver weapons. You are reduced to 0 HP instantly if you suffer a critical hit from a wooden stake), Lingering Influence/Bane (When you regain HP after being unconscious, you must immediately make a Charisma saving throw where the DC equals 18 - the agent’s total level. On success, you awaken normally. On a failure, the creature that turned you into a vampire possesses your body), Minions of the Night (proficiency in Animal Handling and can communication basic ideas to animals as an action and can understand their behaviour well enough to discern meaning of simple ideas), Natural Weapons (fangs deal 1d6+str mod. piercing damage. Gain advantage on this attack roll if the creature targeted is grappled. You regain HP equal to half the damage dealt by a successful bite if creature has blood. You can also make two claw attacks with proficiency that deal 2d4+Str mod slashing damage), Unnatural Speed (move speed 40ft)</br>
*Vampire -- Ability Score Increase (+4 STR), Bloodthirsty (gain the Vampiric Taint feat), It Burns!/Bane (You cannot regain HP while in direct sunlight. You are vulnerable to fire damage and damage dealt by silver weapons. You are reduced to 0 HP instantly if you suffer a critical hit from a wooden stake), Lingering Influence/Bane (When you regain HP after being unconscious, you must immediately make a Charisma saving throw where the DC equals 18 - the agent’s total level. On success, you awaken normally. On a failure, the creature that turned you into a vampire possesses your body), Minions of the Night (proficiency in Animal Handling and can communication basic ideas to animals as an action and can understand their behaviour well enough to discern meaning of simple ideas), Natural Weapons (fangs deal 1d6+str mod. piercing damage. Gain advantage on this attack roll if the creature targeted is grappled. You regain HP equal to half the damage dealt by a successful bite if creature has blood. You can also make two claw attacks with proficiency that deal 2d4+Str mod slashing damage), Unnatural Speed (move speed 40ft)</br>
'''Recruitment''': Wrong Place, Right Time -- Skills (Occult, Perception), Sink or Swim (spend a ingenuity point to roll a d6 to add to your AC until the start of you next turn. Must return to base to reuse this feature again)</br>
Recruitment: Wrong Place, Right Time -- Skills (Occult, Perception), Sink or Swim (spend a ingenuity point to roll a d6 to add to your AC until the start of you next turn. Must return to base to reuse this feature again)</br>
'''Time Servered''': Season Operative -- Action Over Detail (expend a use of this feature to gain advatnage with initiative. Most return to base to regain use of this feature)
Time Servered: Season Operative -- Action Over Detail (expend a use of this feature to gain advatnage with initiative. Most return to base to regain use of this feature)
'''Drive''': Protect the innocent (even from myself)</br>
Drive: Protect the innocent (even from myself)</br>
'''Role Features''': Field Agent -- On the Job Training (gain proficiency bonus to one skill check, attack roll or saving throw. If already proficient add your proficiency bonus twice. Most return to base to reuse), Weapon Focus (Careful Shot), Checking the Corners (when surprise can spend 1 ingenuity and a reaction to move one agent within 15ft of you up to 5ft and you can move 5ft closer to the agent moved. These do not provoke OA), Teamwork (When you take the Help action or benefit from it you generate ingenuity one one extra step. Also when taking part in group check or extended check, you generate ingenuity on one extra step for each agent involved up to max +3), Field Operation (You can attempt a focus check as part of a dust off, if successful you can recover 1 use of a role ability. You can attempt this 3 times. You regain all uses once you return to base, and you cannot recover uses of this ability as part of a dust off), This is Gonna Hurt (Attempt a focus check as a bonus action, if successful, when you hit a creature with an attack before the end of your next turn, you can spend a Hit Dice and add the amount rolled to the damage of the attack), Double Trap (make two attacks with an attack action, or make one attack at advantage), Well Oiled (advantage with Focus checks to activate and maintain Role Features)</br>
Role Features: Field Agent -- On the Job Training (gain proficiency bonus to one skill check, attack roll or saving throw. If already proficient add your proficiency bonus twice. Most return to base to reuse), Weapon Focus (Careful Shot), Checking the Corners (when surprise can spend 1 ingenuity and a reaction to move one agent within 15ft of you up to 5ft and you can move 5ft closer to the agent moved. These do not provoke OA), Teamwork (When you take the Help action or benefit from it you generate ingenuity one one extra step. Also when taking part in group check or extended check, you generate ingenuity on one extra step for each agent involved up to max +3), Field Operation (You can attempt a focus check as part of a dust off, if successful you can recover 1 use of a role ability. You can attempt this 3 times. You regain all uses once you return to base, and you cannot recover uses of this ability as part of a dust off), This is Gonna Hurt (Attempt a focus check as a bonus action, if successful, when you hit a creature with an attack before the end of your next turn, you can spend a Hit Dice and add the amount rolled to the damage of the attack), Double Trap (make two attacks with an attack action, or make one attack at advantage), Well Oiled (advantage with Focus checks to activate and maintain Role Features)</br>
:'''Enhanced Field Training''' -- Bonus Skills (Acrobatics, Stealth), Enhanced Field Operation (gain an additional use of Field Operation features equal to proficiency bonus: 3), Inner Reserve (gain an additional use of Bounce Back before you must return to base to regain both uses of this feature), Go For the Head (generate critical hit on 19 and 20)</br>
* Enhanced Field Training -- Bonus Skills (Acrobatics, Stealth), Enhanced Field Operation (gain an additional use of Field Operation features equal to proficiency bonus: 3), Inner Reserve (gain an additional use of Bounce Back before you must return to base to regain both uses of this feature), Go For the Head (generate critical hit on 19 and 20)</br>
'''Languages''': English, French, Latin</br>
Languages: English, French, Latin</br>
==Basic Gear for all Agents==
These versatile military backpacks come in a variety of sizes based on individual agent preference. Consisting of one large compartment, several smaller compartments, and enough straps to carry all but the largest items of equipment, this backpack is ideal for storing items that won’t be needed immediately.</br>
Taking items from the backpack takes a single action, leading most investigators to rely more on their tactical vest.</br>
The standard-issue 9mm semi-automatic sidearm of the B.P.R.D. The agents must register these weapons with local authorities when operating outside the US. In some regions, the agents may not have access to these or similar firearms, and the GM has final say over when this occurs. For game statistics, see the Weapon Tables. Each agent can begin a Case File with up to 3 magazines of ammunition for their sidearms.</br>
The iconic B.P.R.D. tactical vest (TacVest). B.P.R.D. proudly printed on the back, this sleeveless tactical vest has a number of pockets that allow agents in the field to operate with their equipment close to hand. While backpacks are standard issue for all agents, most find that the vest is able to carry all the equipment they need. Within the vest are reinforced panels
to provide agents with additional protection.</br>
The tactical vest has 4 pockets. Each pocket can hold 2 Small items or 1 Medium item for a total capacity of 8. One pocket usually contains the standard-issue flashlight.</br>
*POCKETS: The agent is able to access equipment in their TacVest’s pockets as it were at hand. As part of an agents turn, they can produce 1 item from the vest’s pockets. As a bonus action, they can stow 1 item and replace it with another item from their tactical vest. Any items not in the tactical vest but in an agent’s inventory are in their backpack, which requires an action to open and retrieve an item. The tactical vest does not have a size as it is a means of organising an agent’s inventory.
*TacVests grant +1 AC and can also serve as a Stab or Ballistic Vest:
*STAB VEST: Multiple layers of material to defend against stab attacks. Not any help against bullets, sadly. The agent wearing it gains resistance to piercing damage and damage reduction 2 against slashing damage (to a minimum of 3).
*BALLISTIC VEST: Experimental lightweight graphite lining of the vest provides protection from traditional projectile weapons, while spreading the impact of other attacks across a wider area. Still very painful, regrettably . The agent wearing it gains resistance to bludgeoning damage and damage reduction 2 against slashing damage (to a minimum of 3).
*Finally, a TacVest has two additional properties:
* 1) RUINED: An agent wearing a TacVest can use a reaction to cause a critical hit to become a regular hit. The TacVest loses its damage resistance permanently after this use. When you return
to base, you can request a new one and use this feature again.
* 2) TAKING THE BRUNT: As a reaction, an agent can spend a point of Ingenuity to reduce the damage suffered from an attack by 1d6 OR their Constitution modifier per point of Ingenuity spent.
A sturdy one-handed flashlight with a fresh set of batteries
installed before you left base. While activated, it casts bright
light out for 15 ft and dim light out for 30 ft in a cone.
Using a B.P.R.D. laptop, agents can determine where these
trackers are located almost anywhere on the planet's surface to
within 10 ft. Each agent usually wears their tracker on a belt. The
range on a tracker is substantial but can be blocked by physical
obstacles. An agent can use an action to attach a tracker to a
hostile creature that is being grappled.
Each agent is issued a medical kit for field use (see p. 80)

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