Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 33
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Brazen_Sand: Without a word, Brazen plunged into the tunnel entrance ~Anshu: The man quails a little as the Devil-Tiger grins at him. The Terrestrial Nomoe has been speaking with grins a little. "He'll keep up, Your Highness. He may not be a spring chicken, but he's still fit. And begging your pardon, but if you intend to use your magic to move fast, I doubt I have any man who /could/ keep up with you." ~Anshu: He turns to watch Brazen go. "Is he always like that?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "Best speed possible while maintaining cohesion," Nomoe clarifies, then flickers away, coming to stand directly in Brazen's path. Brazen_Sand: Brazen slowly came to a halt, visibly annoyed by Nomoe slowing him down. Wandering: Wandering sighs slightly and shakes her head smiling fondly "He is indeed always like that, it is who he is" Nomoe_Hideaki: "Lord Brazen Sand. You said you wanted to help. If so please do work with me rather than just doing whatever you like." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Remember that it is my country that is first in the line of fire." Brazen_Sand: "That's what I'm doing, Hideaki-san. I'm well aware that I'm lit up like a supernova." Brazen_Sand: "If I go in first, then they'll be too distracted to notice you guys." Nomoe_Hideaki: "And they will see us coming from hundreds of meters away. No. That is not to our advantage." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Additionally I should point out that you have no idea where to even go." Bright_Snow_: */Certainly too distacted to see me. I would not worry so much/* Snow still lurks somewhere nearby but she is not visible Brazen_Sand: Brazen shrugged. Brazen_Sand: "Then what do you suggest, Hideaki-San?" Brazen_Sand: "We can't all even fit in the tunnel together." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Just stay with the main group. There's the guide, there's my soldiers, there's the rest of us. We'll give them no warning and hit them all at once as soon as we come on them." */And I'd ask you to scout ahead of us if possible. Most likely they won't be able to see you./* Brazen_Sand: Brazen threw up his claws and turned around back to the entrance. Wandering: Wandering shrugs as she join Nomoe and Brazen "Sounds good enough for the moment at least" she smiled at Brazen "Don't worry Beloved there will be plenty of time for action later" Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe gestures and the soldiers form up, one of them marching the 'guide' ahead to point out the way. He smiles slightly. "We have worked well together before, we will do this together this time as well. Let's move." Brazen_Sand: <*I just don't understand why some huge catastrophe always happens whenever we all meet up.*> Brazen_Sand: He sent to Wanderer while he followed in the back of the army Wandering: <*The fates like to tease us I suppose*> Wandering replied thoughtfully Nomoe_Hideaki: And following the terrified Metagalapan's directions the group goes in! Bright_Snow_: begins her descent into the tunnels ahead of the others, quietly creeping along the walls using the benefits of her warform to move along the tops of the tunnels near silently Nomoe_Hideaki: */As for worrying ... Deliberator De'aneir'a Sera Vestra said that the Infernals' intention according to her intelligence is likely to be terrorism. And my people are the closest target for the Scattered Petals. We have to get this right, there is no room for error./ if anything Nomoe is keeping a lid on his worries already* ~Anshu: The guide begins to lead them into the tunnels. They're rough-hewn, clearly dug by hand tools and hard labor over months and years. In exploring the branching tunnels, they come to several dead ends, and their guide becomes confused by a wall of smooth, seemingly untouched rock. "I don't understand... this tunnel should go deeper, and I thought we'd mined everything out in this branch, in this whole system of tunnels," he ~Anshu: he says, running tentative fingers along a gleaming vein of gold. Nomoe_Hideaki: lifts his adamant-gloved left and channels his sight through the hearthstone in the palm of his hand. Brazen_Sand: Brazen stared along the vein as well, it was apparently new, but gold shouldn't just appear out of nowhere. Nomoe_Hideaki: "You said you knew the path they took," there's an unmistakable threat in Nomoe's words. Brazen_Sand: Brazen shook his head and started looking at the tunnels, trying to see if he could find tracks...or maybe eagle spoor? Nomoe_Hideaki: "We don't want a map of these accursed tunnels, we only want the one the tainted ones took." ~Anshu: The man looks apologetic, but also stubborn. "Well, I don't know much about that. As far as I hear it, they pay us to watch out for 'em and we leave each other alone but for that. They come to the guys up top if they want anything else. Never seen any of 'em meself. I just used to work in these tunnels when I was a boy, before we thought they played out. You wanted a guide, I'm a guide for these tunnels." Nomoe_Hideaki: "This stone is literally living stone, it grows back. Dead ends should come as no surprise. Find me the one path those abominations took and we will cut it free if need be," Nomoe's tone is one of carefully restrained wrath. Nomoe_Hideaki: He has already turned away from the barely useful mortal. "Unless they have obscuring Charms they must have left tracks. My friends, Lord Samay, have you found any?" Bright_Snow: still hidden from view begins backing down the tunnel, her tongue tasting the air, looking for any sign of malificence, any smell that differs from the dead air down here. ~Anshu: Brazen and Bright Snow both detect a draft of stale air - not unbreathable, but air that smells and tastes as though it has been walled up by itself and kept still for a long time. Brazen_Sand: "I smell an air pocket." Brazen pointed out Brazen_Sand: "Probably means that there's an area that was just recently opened up." He pointed in the direction of the draft Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "Confirmations, contradictions, other findings? If not, we'll go with that." Bright_Snow: skuttles off quietly and at high speed Nomoe_Hideaki: Since there are no immediate replies Nomoe gestures. "Show the way, Lord Brazen." Brazen_Sand: Brazen settled on all fours and moved to the front of the formation, then set off in the direction his nose pointed him, sniffing the air as he walked through the extremely tight (to him) tunnels ~Anshu: Bright Snow quickly follows the draft and finds a very different sort of tunnel leading deeper into the mountain. This one is perfectly circular, with a glassy-smooth finish, and it leads only a short way in before penetrating into what must be the interior of the Titan. ~Anshu: Brazen is close behind her. Nomoe_Hideaki: */Any sign of -them- yet?/* Brazen_Sand: "Okay, let's crack this thing open and see what the gooey interior is like!" Brazen offered immediately ~Anshu: In the room the tunnel leads to, a group of Immaculates - mortal and Terrestrial - are snatching up arms and setting themselves for a fight. ~Anshu: The Air Aspect seems to be talking to himself under his breath. Nomoe_Hideaki: "Move in," Nomoe says simply, "we need only one alive." Brazen_Sand: Brazen saw them and immediately fixed them with his most frightening glare, his entire body a riot of insane colour and light. Brazen_Sand: "FUCK OFF!" he ordered Bright_Snow: */ No sign yet but this definitely leads to the Titan's interior. / * Bright_Snow: */Immaculates ahead/* Nomoe_Hideaki: */Don't let them warn the others. If you see one using Wind-Carried Words .../* ~Anshu: The mortal monks tremble at Brazen's order and turn to flee, dropping their spears. Bright_Snow: Leaping down from the sealing and into a silent crouch, her lance takes the Air Aspect in the throat even before she hits the ground. The next blow strikes his still warm corpse before she seizes on with her tongue and disappears back into the shadows above the chamber. ~Anshu: The Water Aspect reacts with the swiftness and adaptability of his element, and he dodges her tongue strike. Nomoe_Hideaki: does not bother commanding the House Nomoe soldiers himself - they are well trained, led by a capable Exalt and know to keep out of his way during battle - and simple shoots forward to engage the Immaculates, murder on his mind. Unlike natural stone the First Age materials under his feet do not break, but they groan under the force applied to them. Brazen_Sand: Brazen roared a torrent of multi-hued plasma from his mouth and into his waiting claws, molding it into a blindingly bright spear that he waved around, ready for combat, even if he wasn't nearly as large as he would've liked, with the floor actually cracking under his extreme density. Brazen_Sand: "Look out! The Dragonbloods are Akuma! Yozis tools!" ~Anshu: Under the eyes of Brazen and Nomoe, the remaining Dragon-Blooded activate one of hte Ebon Dragon's fate-warping charms in unison. ~Anshu: There are four Terrestrial Akuma standing before you, one of each aspect save the Air that Bright Snow already slew. The interior of the Titan is mostly smooth, polished stone, though the magical materials make themselves evident often as well. In terms of design principles and philosophy, it reminds you most of what you saw in your brief looks at the Sword of Creation. This is obviously the work of Solars - an elegance o Brazen_Sand: Brazen chuckled. "Oh good. One for all of us." ~Anshu: an elegance of form and function through directness, simplicity, and overwhelming power Nomoe_Hideaki: */Bright Snow, get clear./* Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe is dark blur falling upon the Akuma like a hawk on his prey. Visible for a brief moment standing among them, his palms facing outward, he is a vision of death clad in military uniform with a general's insignia. Nomoe_Hideaki: Then the air all around him distorts as in uncanny silence destruction ripples outward from him, catching the Dragonblooded along with everything else in the chamber like a thousand rending claws of pure killing intent. Bright_Snow: */ Already so /* ~Anshu: The akuma fall under Nomoe's assault, mortally wouldn't but still alive... Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe looks up from the bloody ruin all around him - though not one drop of blood seems to have touched his clothes. "These are no enemies for us, let us waste no time. Our true opponents await us, and they won't fall so easily." Brazen_Sand: Brazen moved back in disappointment. There was no point in killing helpless opponents Brazen_Sand: "How do we even know where to go? This place is huge!" Nomoe_Hideaki: Drawing his sword as to not soil his hands he begins executing the ones that remained alive. "Lord Samay, have your men catch one of the mortals that fled, please. We shall need further directions." ~Anshu: Nomoe's troops surge forward in pursuit. Bright_Snow: Snow, slides down from the ceiling, her spear stabbing into the flesh of the Air Aspect ~Anshu: there is a console set flush into one wall. Nomoe_Hideaki: After swiftly cleaning and resheathing his sword Nomoe approaches the console, to see if the Scattered Petal's systems are still alive. Bright_Snow: "One was it?" Snow manages as she moves on to the next of the downed Akuma. "Any preferences?" ~Anshu: The soldiers quickly return, with one of the monks struggling fruitlessly in irons. Brazen_Sand: Brazen waved. "I got this one, guys." Nomoe_Hideaki: frowns almost imperceptible. "They are of no use to us now." */I let myself get carried away./ self-reproach and concern that he let his anger control him* Bright_Snow: As they enter Snow's Direlance ripples into a shorter bladed diaklave which she lops off one of the Akuma's head with. Brazen_Sand: Brazen walked over, leaving cracks in the jade and rock body of the Titan from his footsteps Brazen_Sand: He looked into the mortal's eyes, and then his third eye blasted a light over him, focusing upon his heart, the seat of emotion. Bright_Snow: "Try and refrain from damaging the Titan Brazen." Snow says matter of factly as she tosses the Earth Aspect Akuma's head to oneside Brazen_Sand: Brazen caught the head and tossed it in his mouth like an apple. Brazen_Sand: He stared directly into what the mortal cared about beyond all others, seeing it like a slideshow in his mind. Nomoe_Hideaki: "Ask him if She is involved in this," Nomoe says off-handedly from the console he's still trying to access. Brazen_Sand: Brazen took a moment to clear his throat and swallow the former DB. Ebon Dragon Akuma tasted awful though, like chewing through tar. Brazen_Sand: "TELL ME YOUR NAME, WORM!" Brazen roared, illusory fire bursting out of the floor around him Bright_Snow: Snow quietly and without ceremony finishes off the remaining Akuma, then stands and wanders over to stand near her mate. Nomoe_Hideaki: moves aside slightly. "I'll welcome your input. I haven't actually worked with Age of Dreams weapons of mass destruction before ..." Brazen_Sand: <*This guy is creepy. He's all about teh Immaculates and the Scarlet Empress. Nothing else. He's hollow. I don't like it.*> ~Anshu: Nomoe has actually managed to activate the console. "Console online. How may I help you, Lawgiver?" Brazen_Sand: <*But it doesn't sound like he'll want to talk. Wanderer, you got anything?*> Bright_Snow: Snow glances over his shoukder her eyes scanning various lines of Old Realm text popping up on the screen even as the machine addresses Nomoe Wandering: Wandering walks up to her mate and peers at the mortal "You really should just answer the questions you know. It would be so much easier for if you did" she reached out and stroked the mortals cheek her palms all ready sweating substance she had met in the eastern forests that clouded mens minds and let the plants feed on the bodies. "Just relax and everything will be fine" Nomoe_Hideaki: "Akuma, demons, and tainted Exalts have infiltrated the Scattered Petals. Can you locate them?" Bright_Snow: "Furthermore, show us the location of critical systems and control facilities." Snow mentions over his shoulder. ~Anshu: The mortal stammers, "I'm Floating Leaf." Brazen_Sand: "WHO IS HERE WITH YOU!?" Brazen continued, mouths floating and snapping around his face, like he was in a nightmare. ~Anshu: The console brings up a map. "Demonic forces are exploring the Scattered Petals in these locations." Red circles appear on the map, clustered around a particular room, apparently exploring its surroundings. ~Anshu: "The control chamber is here," it continues, lighting a room near the center of the structure with a golden ping. Bright_Snow: "I would send your most trustworthy men there and tell them to hold it under all circumstances." Snow says glancing over at the form of the Air Aspect as an idea occurs ~Anshu: The mortal mumbles, "Lots... monks... a sorcerer who found this place for the Empress... Dhaval Dvesha." Nomoe_Hideaki: "What is the function of this room?" Nomoe points out the one apparently of interest to demonic forces. Brazen_Sand: "WHO IS DHAVAL DVESHA! ANSWER ME NOW, MORTAL! OR I SHALL GIVE YOU OVER TO THE TENDER MERCIES OF MY CHIEF TORTURER AND CONCUBINE, WANDERER!" He demanded, pointing at his Lunar Mate. Bright_Snow: Snow wanders over to the now deceased Monk, glancing at their face and features. Nomoe_Hideaki: "Lord Brazen, ask if the Empress is here," Nomoe reminds the Devil-Tiger. Brazen_Sand: "I'M WORKING TOWARDS THAT!" Brazen said in Firetongue so the monk wouldn't understand. Wandering: Wandering gives a small evil smile her claws glinting in the light of the chamber "I have just the poison in mind... it will make him talk" Wandering: "Assuming he stops screaming long enough" Nomoe_Hideaki: "Are there any other mortals, spirits or Exalts within the Scattered Petals? Also rotate the map, please." Nomoe examines the display carefully, memorizing it as best he can. Brazen_Sand: "YOU SEE? SHE IS NOT AS MERCIFUL AS I!" Nomoe_Hideaki: "I say we go there in person to secure it, then go meet the incursion while my men hold the control chamber," Hideaki answers Bright Snow's suggestion. ~Anshu: "There are no other beings aboard the Scattered Petals." The console obediently rotates the map. Bright_Snow: Moonlight ripples in the room, as Snow steals the Immaculate's features ~Anshu: The Infernal forces are between them and the control chamber, but not their yet. They seem to not know exactly where it is or how to get there. Nomoe_Hideaki: "Meaning that the Tainted Ones are likely employing Charms of concealment exceeding the capabilities of the Scattered Petals," Nomoe sighs. Bright_Snow: As the Immaculate walks back, Snow now a perfect replica of the dead Immaculate on the floor, she stands next to Hideaki Nomoe_Hideaki: "Please calculate routes from here to the control chamber that will not bring us in contact with the demonic forces while allowing us to reach it before them." Bright_Snow: "Scattered Petals, locate anyone giving the majority of orders to the tainted ones walking your interior." Nomoe_Hideaki: "A good idea," Hideaki nods. "And if you have images of them, please show them to us." ~Anshu: "The demonic forces include a number of Exalted, mostly Terrestrial, with one Solar-grade of unknown type, as well as mortals and actual demons. All radiate the energies of hell." Wandering: "If thats all they have we could take them easily enough" Wandering said "As long as we catch them before they make it to any where vital" Nomoe_Hideaki: "I assume that the Scattered Petals will deny any authority over it to those such tainted?" Nomoe inquires. ~Anshu: "Dhaval Dvesha... the sorcerer... he found this place..." ~Anshu: says the monk, beginning to sweat profusely as the poison does its work. Brazen_Sand: "HURRY UP..." Brazen growled Brazen_Sand: "IS HE HERE? IS YOUR PRECIOUS EMPRESS HERE?" ~Anshu: "He is here... the empress... coming." ~Anshu: The console answers: "Access to these consoles has been denied the infernal forces. They still may take the control chamber." Brazen_Sand: "Good. You've been very helpful." Brazen finished. <*Knock him out, would you dear?*> Brazen asked ~Anshu: "Also, I can calculate no route that will allow you to completely avoid the infernal forces while still beating them to the control chamber." Nomoe_Hideaki: "They will not," Nomoe says simply. "I am here." Brazen_Sand: <*I don't want to break him. We might as well let him live. He's just an unknowing pawn.*> Nomoe_Hideaki: "Your service is noted. Keep us apprised of their position as we come upon them." ~Anshu: "As you say, Lawgiver." Nomoe_Hideaki: turns back to the others. "The Empress, when is she coming?" Wandering: <*Of course*> Wandering walks up and stabs the man in the leg, there is a short gasp of pain as he fells the sting of the claws and then his eyes roll into the back of his head as the sporifc takes hold Brazen_Sand: "Hideaki-San, could your soldiers take a prisoner?" Brazen asked ~Anshu: The monk slips into uncosnciousness before he can answer Nomoe's question. Brazen_Sand: Brazen shrugged. "He just said she is coming. He's just a peon. They won't tell him that stuff." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Leave him here, we will not burden ourselves with non-combatants. That goes for our 'guide' as well." Brazen_Sand: "Then how're they supposed to get back?" Brazen asked Nomoe_Hideaki: "And you couldn't have asked what exactly he meant, the Empress was coming?" Brazen_Sand: "It's pretty self-explanatory. Besides, you know how these things work. She'll turn up right when we show up, as is dramatically appropriate." Brazen said with perfect confidence Nomoe_Hideaki: makes a slashing gesture with one hand. "No matter. Bright Snow and I have located the Infernal incursion, we will now go and exterminate them." Brazen_Sand: "Shall me and Wanderer take a different route?" Brazen_Sand: "Try to flank them and stuff." Nomoe_Hideaki: reviews the map in his head for a moment, then rattles off a list of directions. "That way with a bit of good luck we will come at them from two sides." Nomoe_Hideaki: He inclines his head slightly. "A sound tactical idea, Lord Brazen." Brazen_Sand: Brazen shrugged. "Law of averages." Brazen_Sand: "In that, on average, all of my ideas are sound." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Either way. Once battle is joined I will attempt to nullify the enemy's Dragonblooded forces as I did here. Whatever remains shall be our true opponents and it will fall to all of us to take them down." Bright_Snow: Snow begins to head towards the Infernalists, leading Hideiki as a prisoner. Wandering: Wandering quitely face palms behind Brazen "Well it seems like a good plan for the moment here at least" Brazen_Sand: "Alright, let's go...This way!" Brazen says, and then rushes through a tunnel on teh other side then where Snow had gone. Wandering: Wandering races after Brazen <*Lets do this then*> Brazen_Sand: <*I have no idea where we're going!*> Brazen noted. Wandering: <*Just follow Nomoe-san's instructions and we will be fine*> Nomoe_Hideaki: "What are you planning?" Nomoe inquires, not quite understanding what Bright Snow is attempting to do. Brazen_Sand: <*I'm gonna kick down the door and make everyone notice me. You have any ideas?*> Bright_Snow: */This should allow us to get relatively close. So you can support me when I make a move on the Infernal. I would also refrain from speaking in case we run into a dematerialsed scout along the way. /* ~Anshu: The layout of the Titan is slightly labyrinthine and confusing. Even with additional consoles providing assistance, both parties nearly get lost en route. Nomoe_Hideaki: */Only if my men keep back .../ Hideaki doesn't really like the plan, but there is no time to argue. /Keep an eye out for material scouts so we can slow down before we reach them. Dematerialized ones I'll see./* ~Anshu: At one point, the consoles announce, "Additional infernal forces have entered the Titan, including one nearly Primordial-class essence signature." Nomoe_Hideaki: Lord Samay and the House Nomoe commandoes Hideaki has follow behind them at a discreet distance. Brazen_Sand: "FUCK!" Brazen snarled out loud. "I knew this was too easy!" Brazen_Sand: "COMPUTER THING! WHERE ARE THE ADDITIONAL FORCES!?" Nomoe_Hideaki: At that time Nomoe sighs. */The situation has changed, we must move with maximum speed. Use stealth and speed rather than trickery./* Brazen_Sand: Brazen demanded Brazen_Sand: <*We might need to block off these additional forces and give Hideaki-San and Snow a chance*> Brazen_Sand: <*I'm useless in the control room anyway.*> Bright_Snow: */ It allows us to move the troops without alerting our final pray, and to appoach any sentinel unawares. /* Wandering: "Let's just keep going, no point turning back now" said Wandering "Even if we blow this place to malfeas and back at least Chiyara will be safe" ~Anshu: "They entered via the same method as you did. They are proceeding directly to rendezvous with the forces already present." Brazen_Sand: "We can only hope." Brazen_Sand: Brazen followed Wanderer Brazen_Sand: "WELL WHY DON'T YOU STOP THEM, VOICE...THING!" Bright_Snow: "Understood" The illusion drops and Snow's lance is at the ready. ~Anshu: "Internal defense are disabled, and have not been reactivated." Wandering: "How can we activate them?" Wandering asked Brazen_Sand: Brazen spluttered. "Wanderer, I can't deal with this stupid building!" Nomoe_Hideaki: "I'll be the first one to admit - in private - that I'm not great tactician. But with this much at stake ..." Nomoe lets the prisoner-ploy props disappear. ~Anshu: "The internal defenses can be reactivated from the control chamber or the engineering room." Wandering: Wandering sighed fearing that may be the case "Which is closest to our postion at this time?" Bright_Snow: "Tactics would have been helpful. Now your men will prove a hinderance. Get them to do something useful." Snow says before rushing down the corridor. ~Anshu: "You are closest to the control chamber." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Lord Samay, if you would, take the direct route to the Command Chamber from here and secure it. Avoid contact with the opposition where possible." Nomoe_Hideaki: Then Nomoe takes off to intercept the Infernal forces himself. ~Anshu: The Dragon-Blooded commander salutes. "As you command." Brazen_Sand: "We'd better go go go go!" Brazen said Brazen_Sand: To Wanderer Wandering: Wandering nodded "Right, lets get there and re-activate those defences Brazen_Sand: "And there's probably people there already. It's like they planned for us to show up here." Brazen_Sand: Brazen muttered Bright_Snow: */ Slight annoyance / My plans never seem to survive long with you two around. /* ~Anshu: Snow and Nomoe soon make it to the cluster of demonic forces. There look to be 10 Terrestrials, about three dozen mortal monks, and the same number of blood apes. ~Anshu: And in the center of it all, is the boy they last saw at the Purist camp in the South. Bright_Snow: Snow is a rippling torrent of light even as she exists the corridor, her precise location impossible to discern. She hesitates not for a moment upon arriving at the main Purist force Lance at the ready. Nomoe_Hideaki: */I'm sorry. I fear I - or we? - have a few lessons to learn with regards to communication yet/* Bright_Snow: Her form flickers as she begins to move, neither here nor there, her mind closed except for the grim work yet to be done. Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe is a flicker in the corner of the eye, moving to quickly to be seen as he rockets into the midst of their forces. */You take him, I'll take out the chaff in five, four, .../* Nomoe_Hideaki: Running along the ceiling his hair flying behind him Nomoe cups his hands and blows into them, kindling a rapidly growing light. As he arrives at the center of the chamber he stops, standing for a moment upside down on the ceiling, and opens his hands to let fly the coruscating star in his hand. Nomoe_Hideaki: It falls with dream-like slowness into the midst of the hell-tainted assembly pulsing once, then twice. The third time is flared with overwhelming brilliance that leaves only shadows on the walls of his foes. ~Anshu: In that single burst of terrible light, all are obliterated save the Defiler, who throws up a shield of opaque crystal. It absorbs and shatters under the intense assault, but the Infernal still stands. ~Anshu: Yet while the mortals and Terrestrials are just a second too slow to act in their destruction, the demons attempt to swarm Nomoe even as the holy light overwhelms them. Nomoe_Hideaki: Crowding him even as they are burned to less than ash by his attack the demons reach out toward Nomoe with their clawed hands. The Lawgiver however is simply faster, simply better than any mere spawn of a true yozi soul can be. None of the attacks come anywhere close to him - that is except for the ones of the one blood ape jumping toward him from behind. ~Anshu: The Defiler turns and flees through an open doorway, waving a hand behind him to block it with a wall of shining white crystal. Nomoe_Hideaki: Burning claws reach deep into hardened flesh with a triumphant screech - but when the glaring light disappears Nomoe touches down on the opposite side of the room without a scratch on him. Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe frowns. "I really had hoped I wouldn't have to use -that- technique." Bright_Snow: Still chasing him, the Defiler sees Snows shape coalese from the scattered rainbow moonlight on the far side of his force wall. She tilts her head and gives a predatorial smile before disappearing back into the swirling cloud of light and shadows. He manages a small sigh of relief from the otherside of the portal before the lance blows rain down upon him coming from the above and below in a hail of shadow ~Anshu: The Defiler looks up just in time to see the spear descend, He tries to bring up a crystalline shield to defend himself, but the magics of the Whispering Flame are too methodical and precise for such a frantic situation, and the Lunar's weapon plunges into his body, again and again. ~Anshu: At that moment, Nomoe receives a message carried on a breath of air. ~Anshu: "Your Highness, I beg leave to report that the fleet has fallen under attack from some kind of living warstrider. In addition, the Scarlet Empress appeared and ordered the Iselsi crew to turn on -" ~Anshu: The message cuts off. Nomoe_Hideaki: */Impressive work/ approval, respect, then suddenly concern as a message reaches him* Nomoe_Hideaki: */I'll be right back./ something has happened to Nomoe's people outside* Nomoe_Hideaki: In a blur of movement Nomoe appears beside his commando troops following behind. "Lord Samay," he orders curtly. "Contact the troops outside. Multiple points of redundancy along the chain of command. They are to retreat and regroup, NOT to engage Celestial level opponents. Situation reports ASAP." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Your squad, Lord Samay, is to proceed ahead to secure the control chamber. The way should be clear now." Nomoe_Hideaki: And just as quickly as he arrived he disappears again. ~Anshu: He nods and begins carrying out the orders. Nomoe_Hideaki: Appearing back in the hallway where Bright Snow brought down the Defiler Nomoe frowns at the empty place where he'd lain. */Did you move that Infernal's body?/* Bright_Snow: Snow has already moved down towards the control room, intent on securing it. */No?!?/ Alarm/* Nomoe_Hideaki: */It's gone./ realization /Damn. He must have had some way to escape despite being incapacitated./ a mental sigh /Nevermind, killing Infernals is secondary to securing the titan./* And Nomoe increases his pace to catch up with Bright Snow. ~Anshu: Nomoe and Snow and Brazen and Wandering reach the control chamber simultaneously. It's a cavernous chamber that seems to stretch down to the very bottom of the mountain, where an immense adamant lens lies atop a floor divided into 5 equal segments. ~Anshu: The seams continue up the walls and join where the ceiling curves over the control center, itself built of orichalcum around and atop a great lens suspended in the air and connected to the walls by adamant walkways. Brazen: "Oh my Gaia..." Brazen says, looking at it Brazen: "I think hundreds of me could fit here." ~Anshu: A third doorway into the ancient, potent space opens, and the Scarlet Empress steps out onto the walkway, her entourage of surviving bodyguards behind her. She smiles thinly as she sees you. "Well. We meet again." Nomoe_Hideaki: inclines his head toward the Empress in greeting, his eyes colder than the Pole of Air. "There will not be a third time." Brazen: "...Oh you have got to be shitting me." Brazen: Brazen said Brazen: "What the shit are you doing here?" Brazen: He spits at her. Wandering: "Please tell me I'm seeing things" said Wandering lookin up in shock "Because otherwise we maybe in trouble" Brazen: "Not this time, Wandering. We've dealt with her before." Bright_Snow: "How on earth did she beat us here?" Brazen: "I told you she'd turn up right when we were all together." Brazen noted. Nomoe_Hideaki: */Please guard my back, Bright Snow, as I will guard yours. Against her techniques ... I will be hard pressed to survive./ stinging memories of shared defeat* Wandering: flexed and then looked up "I guess we put her down for good this time then, right Brazen. Be a good story to tell Chiyara about how we killed the Empress" Brazen: Brazen rolled his shoulders. "Sure." Brazen: "But first, I've got some questions..." Brazen: He raised an eyeridge at the Empress. Brazen: "Where are you getting all these Akuma?" Brazen: "Don't tell me you've been popping out babies the whole time after we kicked your ass before?" Brazen: "Oh yeah, adn one more thing..." He looked her right in the eye. "How's Lillun?" ~Anshu: The Empress chuckles. "Hardly. Repressed monks have a lot of energy pent up. We simply persuaded them that the cause of reclaiming my rightful place was more important than their vows of celibacy." Brazen: "Oh...charming." Brazen replied. ~Anshu: "Then we created a nice pocket of accelerated time for the children to grow up in. And as for my daughter, she's having her every need and desire catered to in luxury. But if her fate offends you so, perhaps I can arrange an alternative; I just heard of a suitable candidate, the name began with a C...h... i..." Brazen: Brazen literally exploded. Wandering: growls "Touch her and I will make you beg a 100 years for death"
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