Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 46
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Virgil: The hearth crackles, the thing being heated by Damon Nashita over it begins to boil. She takes a set of leather tongs and removes it, for the first time in this meeting turning to face Nomoe entirely. Virgil: "So lord Hideaki, what is the price you demand of us? The rest of my bloodline has so happily sold itself to you, that we remain alone and now ask for aid will no doubt cost us something." She moves deliberately over to the burned and marked table. Virgil: Meanwhile in the market, Shrike and Siran still wander, near the slave market. They have thus far observed there seems to be no sales of slaves here, rather this place is where the captains trade them among themselves and compete for destinations. Nomoe_Hideaki: Hideaki looks at the Iselsi branch elder frankly. "If the Damon branch wishes to join in the existing alliance between Houses Iselsi and Nomoe, that would involve the same terms, signed agreement, and oaths. No more, no less." Virgil: Brazen meanwhile flies over the island, the city falling away beneath him. Tangled undergrowth slowly replacing farmland and a lake of blood red water visible nearby, the land around it sickly. Shrike: Shrike frowns as she ponders the slave market and the meanderings of moderatly important-looking people heading in and out. "We need to find out if they have a sale scheduled soon." Brazen_Sand: The strange land caught Brazen's interest, and he landed down upon it Virgil: "And those agreements are?" She raises an eyebrow and begins to pour the boiling liquid into a flask, gold liquid filling it. "Pretend the others in the House Iselsi and I do not get along and much is not shared between us." Virgil: The last she treats as a private joke, allowing it a small chuckle. Virgil: The essence pattern of the lake draws Brazen's third eye, something about the land familiar. Nomoe_Hideaki: inclines his head slightly. "These are confidential so I would make that assumption anyway. On you word that they will remain so, I will gladly explain the details of the arrangement." Brazen_Sand: The essence was familiar...and strange...he looked upon the weirdly tangled trees and grasses, with no animals in sight, and tried to examine what it meant ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran nods her agreement. "Have any ideas? I'm not the best at subtlety." Shrike: chuckles Shrike: "Well, I could disguise myself as a captain and simply head in and ask," she says with a shrug, and a grin. Virgil: "Look around you Nomoe Hideaki," She waves her free hand as with the other she sets the thing in the tongs into a pail of water to cool. "Does it look like I have many people to tell? Hordes of adoring fans and sycophants. I grew tired of that a lifetime ago." Virgil: To Brazen the lake looks old, ancient and tainted with an essence similar to that of the Flame that Marches against the Sea. Brazen_Sand: Brazen's eyes opened wide. ~Siran_Bhavna: "That could work, althought you'd want to be well-disguised, since being recognized later would be bad for your other plan." Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe tilts his head to concede the point, but "Nonetheless. I did say that the terms would be the same as for the other branches, and this is part of the procedere." Brazen_Sand: *I've just landed in a major font of Kimbery Essence. It's an entire island!* Shrike: Shrike nods, smirking. "Yes, that could be troublesome. Thankfully, I think I know just the thing..." Brazen_Sand: Brazen moved closer to the blood-red lake in the centre, wanting to examine it. Who knew what lay within ~Siran_Bhavna: *An island of Kimbery essence? If we have an infernal incursion of that scale, then that could have major repercussions... could these pirates be connected to the Lintha?* Brazen_Sand: *wait, it's just a lake. And it's not quite the same as Kimbery Essence...but it's similar. It's effect is spreading from a lake and seems to be affecting the area around it. Virgil: A Captain swaggers out, a automaton Parrot on his shoulder and a Jade Daiklave on his back. His Black hair is loose and flutters in the wind and his clothes are rough but season. Noticing the pair of woman loitering round the market, he wanders over. Shrike: Shrike, distracted a bit by her pondering, frowns a little, but before she can respond to Brazen, the Pirate approaches, and she puts a smile on her face. Virgil: As Brazen wades into the lake steam rises from the surface, the water is thicker than it should be and the water stings but does not burn as the touch of the Sea that Marches against the Flame would. ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran fakes a smile as well and examines the captain, sizing him up. Virgil: "What are such lovely ladies as yourselves doing in a place as grim as this?" He glances back to the market, "You haven't come to buy have you?" He says raising an eyebrow. Shrike: Shrike puts on her best and brightest smile for the captian, shaking her head. "Why thank you, kind sir," she says with a giggle. "But no, no, it's just that I've heard that the slave auctions are dreadfully exciting to watch when one is going on and was hoping to be able to see one." ~Siran_Bhavna: "But things seem so quiet right now," Siran puts in, affecting a disappointed air. Brazen_Sand: *I'll fix this* Brazen thought. Brazen_Sand: As he waded into the water, he concentrated on taking the entire lake into his own self, packing it away into Elsewhere through a prismatic light-show visible from far away. Virgil: "Here? Never, the selling of slaves isn't done on this island." He says with a smile. "The Concordant sees to that. Here we merely bargain for who gets to present them with what and pay the tax my family imposes upon the trade." Shrike: "Oh." Shrike pouts, pulling the dissapointed look off quite well. "Well, that's a shame and not very exciting at all!" Virgil: "And if it is excitement you want then you won't find it here." He pauses a moment dramatically to allow the dissappointment to settle in "But ladies if it is excitement we want, then I'm sure I can provide some or my name isn't Damon Evero." ~Siran_Bhavna: "What sort of excitement?" Siran asks, trying to put just the right combination of interest and wariness into her voice. Virgil: "Fine, if you are such a stickler for such irritating formalities I fear you and I will never get along well but I wish to hear the terms, so I swear it." She mixes something with the golden liquid and then sieves the whole mixture. Virgil: "Well if you girls are really wanting to see a slave auction I could take you with me to the Isle of Spire. It is the Concordants Headquarters around these parts." He gives a smile and a wink to Siran, "but to be honest as much as I'd like that, it is a long way." Shrike: Shrike's face brightens at the pirate's declaration, and she gives Siran a look. "Ooh, could we? I mean, I've always thought it might be fun to sail with pirates..." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Perhaps, but neither of us would let something like that get in the way of must be done, would we?" Nomoe nods as Nashita gives her word. Shrike: She giggles, fluttering her eyelashes beguilingly. Nomoe_Hideaki: He then begins outlining the terms of the alliance, then goes into more detail. They are many and long-winded, but what they boil down to is fealty to House Nomoe without saying so outright (and thus letting Iselsi keep face and truthfully state that they are their own house). Nomoe_Hideaki: And the terms are rather more favorable to Iselsi than they are for the many lesser families that have sworn to Nomoe, as befits their status as a Great House of the Realm. But even so, the loss of complete autonomy and tributes are likely to sting a little. Nomoe_Hideaki: Of course, the assistance and protection in times of need Nashita has mentioned her branch family is in needs of are indeed prominent among the mutual obligations ... Virgil: "I was more thinking of showing you the sights and sounds of this beautiful island. The Red Lake, the Bitterspring, the Hold, and several of the choice restuarants and inns along the way." Nomoe_Hideaki: Of course, adherence to Deliberative law is also a requirement, as Nomoe carefully points out. Virgil: "I didn't like the Realm law, so I left, what makes you think I care a whit about your Deliberative Law. We came West to be free, Nomoe Hideaki, not to shackle ourselves with other peoples ways of thinking." She spits into the cooling bucket. ~Siran_Bhavna: "Well, this island is a beautiful place," Siran says with a winning smile. "I'd love to see more of it, if it really is too far to go to see the slave auction." Virgil: "Those ruling live in very different ways to us on the fringe, what makes them adapt at guiding our actions." Virgil: "More so much of what your asking is nice and flowery and very formal but ultimately what does it mean for me and mine. What would you have us, and us specifically do for the Great House Nomoe? No more general sweeping statements, be specific." Shrike: "Well, I certainly wouldn't say no to seeing the sights and being treated to dinner by such a handsome man," Shrike adds with a bright, and slightly airheaded, smile. Nomoe_Hideaki: "I think you are a realist," Hideaki answers without missing a beat. "And that you hold a realist's appreciation of the Deliberative's power, as do I. There are no forces in this world that withstand it, not even your family or mine, no matter what influence is accrued to me and mine." Virgil: "A day or two a sail, depending on how many ports we visit in the meantime. I could show you the entire island chain but that is perhaps a bit much." He says with a wink, "at least on the first evening together." Virgil: Iselsi Damon Nashita laughs slowly, finishing the straining and adds a white powder to whatever it is she is making. "You are correct Nomoe Hideaki, in that you are very much correct. The question is, with what insight I and my family can give you out here in the west..." Virgil: "What can be overlooked." Virgil: "In that the old Empress was wise. She allowed us much free reign, at least when we served her. Now of course the Deliberative has sentenced her to death or as good as." She says with a smile leaving her concoction to simmer on a much smaller controlled flame. ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran giggles now, getting more in the swing of things. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Captain." She takes his arm. "Shall we begin that tour you offered?" Virgil: As Brazen slowly submerges in the water move of what lies in the lake is visible. Much of its base is covered with old membranes, looking like the discarded pods of a cocoon. Somewhere deep in the lowest depths lies a structure. Shrike: Shrike tosses her long red hair and reaches to take the Captain's other arm with a giggle of her own. "Perhaps not on the first evening," she agrees, her voice silkily seductive. "But until then, I would love to see the sights..." Virgil: The water drains slowly and as the membranes contact the air they disintergrate finally wilting away Brazen_Sand: Brazen looked down with satisfaction. Good. Kimbery, even Kimbery-like essence was never a good sign. Brazen_Sand: And now he had a lake-full of water to use Virgil: The Captain lead you further into the city, "I think it best then we start with the finest establishments in the city and move onto the countryside later. My cousin Gerog owns a lovely place this way." Brazen_Sand: *Alright guys. I cleared it all up. I had to take this entire Red Lake into Elsewhere though.* Brazen_Sand: Brazen sent via Echo Jewel Virgil: "Seafood as you wouldn't believe." Nomoe_Hideaki: "In more immediate and practical terms, we would have your branch reestablished in the order of the reunited House Iselsi. There are the terms of profit sharing, which would become relevant. It is likely that you would be asked to employ your voice in local politics to the benefit of our Houses. Then the matter of Deliberative law ..." Nomoe_Hideaki: Hideaki's expression is serious. "This one is volatile. Slave trade and piracy against Deliberative assets in this area have drawn unfavorable attention among persons of influence. But if Iselsi Damon had nothing to do those there would be little to fear." ~Siran_Bhavna: "It sounds delicious." *You took the Red Lake? Did that stop the flow of Kimbery essence?* Nomoe_Hideaki: He grimaces slightly. "Beyond that we would need to speak more of details, but depending on the issue there might be little political will in the Deliberative to enforce." Virgil: The structure appears to have been a sort of temple. It looks as if it was always submerged and even as brazen approaches parts of it begin to crack in the open air Shrike: "Seafood is delicious. Especially oysters," Shrike says with a saucy grin, listening in to the Echo Jewel conversation. Brazen_Sand: *Not sure yet. There's something on the bottom of the lake. I'm gonna check it out now. It looks like it's cracking open. Some kinda temple. Maybe a Manse?* Nomoe_Hideaki: "We would also ..." Nomoe hesitates briefly, but then continues. "Make sure that the young scions of Iselsi Damon will be given what is their due. Education, training, opportunity, as befits their station." Virgil: "The Slavery is a simple matter of making it unprofitable." She says rising from her work and moving to a door to another room. She gestures Nomoe to proceed her. ~Siran_Bhavna: *We've made contact with a local captain, he's taking us on a tour. It might cause problems if the lake isn't there when we go to visit. Investigate as you like; I'll give you a poke when we start heading that way.* Nomoe_Hideaki: "And of course House Nomoe is obligated to shield and assist its allies in times of need." Virgil: "The Piracy on the other hand is not something the family will be keen to stop, some of them have such fun with it, though I am certain it can be directed at non-Deliberative targets. How much it can be without making those we trade with suspicious will remain to be seen." Brazen_Sand: *I could put it back afterwards. Maybe I can disrupt the flow here, then it'll turn back into water. I'm not sure.* Nomoe_Hideaki: inclines his head and precedes Nashita as she has indicated. Virgil: "After all our assets to you should not be political. Iselsi were a house of spies and information brokers. We are not speakers of the House, but those that deal with others in backrooms and at knife point." Virgil: The room Hideaki proceeds into is very much such a backroom. A table sits for negotiation and weapons adorn the walls. Very little light seems to naturally flow in, with dim candles lit about the place. Several other Damon's sit waiting. ~Siran_Bhavna: *We'll see how things turn out.* Nomoe_Hideaki: "With regard to slavery becoming unprofitable, I suspect it will become so shortly. Possibly to the degree that a certain distance from any such ventures would be recommended." Virgil: "As for education and training, for most of our scions it is unnecessary. For the arts the house excels at, there are few better trainers than those already within the House. Certainly none of the Houses we left behind were our equal." Nomoe_Hideaki: His tone is neutral, not *obviously* implying anything about decisive Deliberative action. Nomoe_Hideaki: smiles slightly at her description of House Iselsi. "Strength is strength, and influence is influence, no matter its arena." Virgil: "Opportunity, meanwhile that interests us." Brazen_Sand: Brazen lowered himself in further, his form shifting as he neared water, growing fins and webbing along his arms and claws Virgil: The walls tremble as Brazen passes even as his footsteps mark the ground with great cracks and burns. Images and alien script adorn them, picturing creatures being born and their worship of their creator. Brazen_Sand: *Okay, this is definitely a Manse.* Virgil: Water begins to weep from the cracks after he passes, washing smooth the walls once again. Brazen_Sand: Brazen tried to remember what little he knew about manses. He possessed a hearthstone himself, and knew that each Manse had one, and with it, one could control it...But where would it be? He tried to look for directions, but the geometry of the place was extremely strange. Virgil: "Now my cousin is a peaceful man, so we try to keep trouble to a minimum inside." The Pirate Captain says to the two women, as they duck inside the low doorway. ~Siran_Bhavna: "Of course," Siran agrees. Virgil: The place is lit softly, the smell of cooking and cooked shellfish wandering up through it. The Captain, gestures for them to proceed him. Shrike: "Well, of course. Trouble is...ah, troublesome," Shrike says, honestly not sure how she wants to finish that sentence and thus making it even more honestly in-character as she looks around with interest at the seafood joint. Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "Reunited Iselsi and House Nomoe are in a position to make many things possible." He gives the gathered Iselsi Damons a brief look, waiting to be introduced. ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran goes in first, trying to balance wariness against the need to play her role. Virgil: "They know whom you are Lord Nomoe, as I'm not oft one to stand by ceremony. My kin here are mostly pirates but not the kind who care for lofty and complicated introductions, as your letter so handily provided. Do not take it as a slight if we skip it." Virgil: "And of course get straight down to business. This pomp and circumstance is what so irritated me about the Realm once apon a time. There is so much to do and they were so keen to waste time with posturing and titles." Nomoe_Hideaki: "There's wasting time and there's not knowing whom I speaking to," Nomoe points out politely. Shrike: Shrike smiles, relaxing a little and putting just a hint of extra sway in her hips. "This looks like a wonderful place." : Brazen_Sand has left #celestialdeliberative : Brazen_Sand has joined #celestialdeliberative Virgil: The way to the hearthstone chamber is straight forward enough. The manse structure is not large nor complicated as Brazen proceeds to its center. Brazen_Sand: Brazen walked towards the Chamber, and examined the place as he did so ~Siran_Bhavna: *I don't think he's bought our act as much as he's pretending he has.* Brazen_Sand: *I'm moving towards the Hearthstone Chamber* Nomoe_Hideaki: Though he may not yet know their names Nomoe's sorcerer's sight tells him much about the people gathere here. Shrike: *better put him at ease then* Brazen_Sand: He willed a massive two-handed (for others) sword from the Nomoe armory into his hand, made out of shifting light, yet sharp as the original steel ~Siran_Bhavna: *This twisty-minded spy stuff makes my head hurt.* ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran nods her agreement with Shrike and turns to their guide. "Do you have a particular table?" she asks. Virgil: All are dragonblooded. Several in more complicated Disguise charms than Nomoe would have thought necessary. Virgil: Most are running a plethora of social charms. Each feigning nervousness masking a variety of reactions. Brazen_Sand: is that for Nomoe or the girls? Virgil: "Over here," He guides the girls to the table furthest from the door. Several people look up as he passes, some of which he nods to subtly. Brazen_Sand: On second thought, Brazen sent the sword back to his Elsewhere Armory and summoned his dire spear out of pure Malfean Essence, ignoring the pain as it burned into his massive palms. Nomoe_Hideaki: gives the Dragonblooded a nod of greeting, having met them outside earlier. His trained gaze dissects expressions and postures and relative distances and reassembles them into a picture, without ever appearing unduly curious thanks to his Frozen Sunlight Mask. ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran looks around her in open, tourist-like curiosity, looking for those the Captain is nodding to. Virgil: A waiter comes with a menu as they sit down, and the Captain picks a bottle of wine for the table. "It occurs to me ladies that I've been quite amiss at introductions. I am Damon Juvon, Captain of the Seaspear and you are." Virgil: As Brazen reaches the Hearthchamber two things become apparent immediately. Brazen_Sand: As he studied the walls, Brazen tried to get an understanding of the history of the place, and who could have put it here. Virgil: Firstly that the crackling energy round the hearthstone hearth will make it difficult to reach but also that this room is newer than the rest of the building, a more recent construction. Shrike: Shrile gives a bright smile to those who glance her way, although she holds close to the Captain like a proper captain's woman should be until they reach the table he indicates. Virgil: The images on the walls while similar to outside have obviosuly been done recently and by the Lintha Brazen_Sand: "How the hell did the Lintha get here?!" he wondered Brazen_Sand: Hmmm Brazen_Sand: Brazen put a claw experimentally in the energy Brazen_Sand: Trying to see if he'd be able to tolerate the damage it would do ~Siran_Bhavna: "Siran Vilu. Siran is my given name... which is yours?" She smiles. Shrike: "Dorotha Amin," Shrike answers with a smile of her own. "It's delightful to meet you, Captain Juvon?" she asks, not quite sure of the proper address. Virgil: The energy sparks and shoots through Brazen, even as he touches it the area around his feet turns a miriad of different colours leaking into the material the manse is made from Virgil: "Jovun, Captain Damon, Captain Jovun. Any work." He pushes his hand back through his hair as the wine arrives and uncorks it, pouring it himself for his two guests. Brazen_Sand: "What in Malfeas is this?" He muttered stepping around the weird coloury tiles. Brazen_Sand: Suddenly he steps back in pain as the energy blasted into him Brazen_Sand: *UARRGH. I ALMOST FORGOT WHAT PAIN FELT LIKE.* Nomoe_Hideaki: The elder's Charms defy Nomoe's knowledge of essence flows, but then that is not entirely unexpected. The Iselsi carry their reputation for good reason. Shrike: "I think Captain Damon suits you," Shrike says with a giggle, as she accepts the glass of wine. "The Seaspear must be a mighty ship." Virgil: "An unusual vessel for unusual times but that is another story." He says with a smile. "What is much more interesting in what two obvious foreigners are doing around these parts?" The room falls silent as he says this. ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran accepts her glass as well and takes a small sip, buying time before she has to answer. *Got any ideas?* Shrike: *Just roll with me* Shrike: "We're...well, aventuresses, I suppose you might say," Shrike says without hesitation, sipping her own wine. "We decided that if there was one thing we wanted to do in life, it was to see and experience as much of Creation as we possibly could." Virgil: Nomoe is prepared a seat and told to repeat what he has said to Nashita to the others. Virgil: The hearthstone, if that is what the salt top to the pedestal in the centre of the chamber is appears just out of reach. Nomoe_Hideaki: With thanks Nomoe sits down and once everyone assembled has given their word with regard to the confidentiality of the matter he lays out terms once more. Virgil: The energy continues to build the waters absence causing the walls to begin to flake and chaffe Virgil: They all nod in agreement to Nomoe's request and the terms are given again. "Any questions?" Nashita asks as he finishes. Virgil: A few questions occur over the livelihood of the island. Which for the moment Nashita leaves for Nomoe to field. Virgil: "You speak of cutting the livelihood from our island, Deliberator, what do you have to replace it?" Brazen_Sand: Suddenly it hit Brazen. The water, the water was needed for it to work, and now it was starting to malfunction. He thought of how much damage it would do if the Manse overloaded, and shuddered at the cost in lives. Brazen_Sand: He had to think of a way to fix it, and quickly! Virgil: "Adventurers you say? Interesting, except most have the good sense to stay well away from here. What with the pirates." He does not sound hostile. "You are far more likely to be spies I would think, though who for..." Virgil: He takes a long drink of wine. Shrike: Shrike's eyes widen - comically, and she giggles. "Spies? Now where's the fun in that? For me the pirates were actually more of an attraction - big, strong men of the sea seeking treasure," she says, sipping her own wine, not looking particulary phased. Brazen_Sand: Suddenly, an idea occured to Brazen...he could feed his own essence back into it Brazen_Sand: Brazen stomped into the front of the rapidly destabilizing core Virgil: "It would not matter if you were. I expect Deliberator Nomoe has a few out and about." He says calmly. "A seadog or two might even suggest helping them remove the slaves from the island..." he says much more quietly. Brazen_Sand: And opened his heart to the explosion as the Manse folded in on itself and erupted into annihilating motonic flame Brazen_Sand: He grit his teeth as his essence tore into the spaces left by the Kimbery essence that was rapidly draining into him Brazen_Sand: Feeling as if a part of himself was being sucked away as well Brazen_Sand: The flames of his own essence were greater then the manses, though, shielding him from damage. Nomoe_Hideaki: "Cutting the livelihood from your island, I can see where you are coming from putting it like that. However, due to the position of certain powerful factions within the Deliberative whose minds even I can't change," he grimaces slightly, speaking of the Elevationists, "any assets and sources of income you might presently possess in said business are likely to soon become toxic. Finding alternative sources of revenue will be necessary either way." Nomoe_Hideaki: He smiles slightly. "I have no doubt that the famed Iselsi wit will find ways. For example with increased Deliberative presence, as is sure to come independently of what is decided here, trade opportunities will increase manifold. Now, my knowledge of your resources is obviously limited, but just as an example if you ..." And he proceeds to lay out a few very basic plans of commerce that could serve to vitalize the local economy. Nomoe_Hideaki: ... assets and sources of income you might presently possess in said business are likely to soon become toxic. Finding alternative sources of revenue will be necessary either way." Nomoe_Hideaki: ... Now, my knowledge of your resources is obviously limited, but just as an example if you ..." And he proceeds to lay out a few very basic plans of commerce that could serve to vitalize the local economy. Nomoe_Hideaki: ... local economy in the absence of slave trade and piracy against Deliberative or allied assets. Virgil: "Commerce would only help were the Deliberative to be focusing its attentions on this direction. We all know they care more about every other direction than the West. After all you need only look who was thrown to the wolves when the Rakasha came." Virgil: "Commerce would be fine, but we know which families within the Realm and which Deliberators within the Realm control it. And then there are those already here who manage such things. Do you have a solution for the Concordant, Deliberator?" Virgil: "After all some of its less well known members are members of your very Deliberative and your laws seem no hinderance to they." ~Siran_Bhavna: "Yes, why should pirates scare adventurers away. But fine, you caught us. We're spies," Siran admits, the confession drowning in sarcasm. "Now what?" Virgil: "Now we have dinner." The pirate says amused. "And then you ladies decide what we do next." He says as food arrives. The conversation starts up again. Nomoe_Hideaki: "Political expedience will make it so," Nomoe counters. "You are aware of the increasing tensions in the West, probably more so than I am. The Deliberative can no longer afford to ignore the West, if it ever could." Virgil: There is a popping sound within the room with Nomoe, as a gemstone on Nashita's wrist pops much to everyone's surprise Shrike: Shrike chuckles, looking over the food. "Sounds like a good plan to me," she says with a smile. "Food is always a good way to start a very...pleasurable evening," she almost purrs. ~Siran_Bhavna: "Now that's certainly true," Siran agrees. *I hope convincing him we weren't spies hasn't persuaded him to retract his offer about helping with the slaves... assuming it's genuine." ~Siran_Bhavna: (should end with a * ) Nomoe_Hideaki: "And yes, there are structures in place already. In the East I would tell you that House Nomoe is part of them, but we're not entirely without influence in the Realm either. Certainly we would be able to help facilitate a transition. Regarding the Concordant," Hideaki spreads his hands, "what problem precisely needs solving?" Shrike: *yes. maybe we can explain more later...once we get to know him and determine if we can trust him better,* Shrike agrees - even as she enjoys a deep sip of the wine. Virgil: "They are a powerful influence in this region. One I fear you have massively underestimated. Should we stop dealing with them, they will likely turn on us. What would you do in such a situation?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "As for alleged Deliberators participating in ventures in breach of Deliberative law, the advantage of accepting Deliberative law is the ability to make it work for you. Conclusive evidence and identification - I believe the ability to acquire such is what House Iselsi is famous for - should go a long way towards mitigating Celestial opposition by way of Deliberative censure." Nomoe_Hideaki: "House Nomoe is obligated to shield and assist its allies where necessary," Hideaki says simply. Nomoe_Hideaki: The popping stone on Nashita's wrist he ignores apart from a quick look with his sorcerer's sight. Nomoe_Hideaki: None of his surprise at seeing Brazen's essence at work among the splinters of the gem shows on his face. Ziyad: "If it was that simple we would have done it by now Deliberator. We have been trying for sometime, at the moment we play the long game, as we try to move to their upper ranks. Your Deliberative and the Silver Prince have unfortunately jeapordized that." Ziyad: "We no longer have the luxury of time." Ziyad: The meal continues pleasantly and the group leaves after eating their fill. Captain Jovun, stridges out into the night air ahead of them. "So beautiful adventureress's what next?" Shrike: "Hmm, well why don't you choose where next?" Shrike asks, putting on a saucy grin. Shrike: "I want to see everything this place has to offer..." Nomoe_Hideaki: "I'm not saying it would be simple, or even painless. But change is coming to the West whether we want it or not. Celestial Deliberative, the Deathlord knows as the Silver Prince, the Concordate, these powers are or will be moving and in the dance of such powers anything smaller than they may be crushed. As you say, time is a luxury that is getting to be in short supply." Nomoe_Hideaki: He spreads his hands as if to remove himself from the equation. "I am not here to tell you what to do. I am here to make you the same offer I have made to dozens of other branches, because reunited House Iselsi is an ally to House Nomoe and it would be dishonorable not to do it." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Stand on your own as you have for centuries or align yourself with one of the powers that be, the decision is yours. I will respect it." ~Siran_Bhavna: "Me too. And as you pointed out, we're not from around here. You're the one who knows where all the best places to go are," Siran says. Ziyad: "Let's say... humm so much to see." He stops to run his hand through his hair as a light shower descends, it is dark now and the rain a refreshing change from the heat of the day, "Let's visit the Red Lake. It is an impressive natural wonder and impressive by Moonlight." ~Siran_Bhavna: *We're heading to the Red Lake now, Brazen.* "It sounds beautiful. How far is it?" ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran intends to give Brazen a rough ETA. Shrike: "Sounds like an absolutely gorgeous place!" Shrike declares. "Let's go see it, it should be marvelous if it's half that impressive." Ziyad: The eldest of the Male Iselsi Damon's stands up. "While it is kind of you to make the offer Nomoe Hideaki. It is also somewhat insulting that you do not take the full consequences of what bringing us into the fold will cost you. It makes this deal seem hollow." Ziyad: "It is however a long walk. Do you ladies require horses?" Shrike: "I prefer to walk. Keeps my legs in shape," Shrike says with a chuckle. ~Siran_Bhavna: "I don't mind long walks either," Siran says. "And we don't have horses besides." Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe Hideaki remains sitting, his expression impassive save for his eyes that grow colder. "Lord Iselsi Damon Havot, I am not taking your concerns lightly. If you mean to say that I am underestimating the Concordate," he makes a minuscule gesture of concession, "I'll concede that you might be right." Nomoe_Hideaki: "However," his tone sharpens here, "to the value of Nomoe's word and mine, which you seem to be doubting, that is quite irrelevant." Nomoe_Hideaki: He tilts his head slightly. "Unless you're trying to talk me into withdrawing my proposal - which I won't." Ziyad: "Horses could be acquired but otherwise the walk will be long and boring." He says with some remorse."Unless either of you ladies care to tell a tale." Ziyad: He begins guiding them the way. ~Siran_Bhavna: *Got any good stories?* Siran asks Shrike. Ziyad: "That was not my intention Lord Nomoe," he says proudly, "Merely making sure we were not placing our fate in the hands of someone who did not the risks we and they were taking." Ziyad: He sounds convinced. Shrike: *hmm, I suppose I do...* Shrike chuckles. "Walks in good company are never boring. But a story...perhaps a story of the Fey who visited a brothel?" she asks. Ziyad: Nashita rises. "We shall let them discuss it, I need to check on my distillation." She waves Nomoe back with her into her lab. Ziyad: The others rise and bow to Nomoe Nomoe_Hideaki: rises as well and bows, then follows Nashita.
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