Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 49
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Nomoe_Hideaki: Early in the morning the next day a winged cherub appears next to Brazen Sand, wherever he may be. "Nomoe Hideaki to Lord Brazen Sand, inquiring whether your fellow operatives have finished their assessment of the situation. Have you spoken to them about a meeting, and if so, are they amenable?" Brazen_Sand: Brazen sighed and wove together a demonic imp with the message "No. Any good time and place to meet now?" Nomoe_Hideaki: Also overnight flags with the Nomoe Mon have appeared over the Damon hold next to those of the family in residence, as well as Hideaki's personal banner in the position to announce an honored guest. Nomoe_Hideaki: A reply returns only half a minute later. "Nomoe Hideaki to Lord Brazen Sand. Preferred: The Wings of Mela's Blessing, ten miles East from the Damon hold, out over the sea. Secondary: Any place allowing for sufficient /privacy/ will do. Your fellows will know best what level of secrecy is required." Brazen_Sand: Brazen nodded and flew over. Brazen_Sand: It was easy enough to find, when one was airborne most of the time, after all. Nomoe_Hideaki: When there is no reply Nomoe takes it as assent and directs the skyship captain to bring the Blessing up into the sky. Brazen_Sand: "*Hey guys, I've got a contact we need to meet. Can you get 10 miles East from the Damon hold, over the sea?*" Brazen sent Shrike: It isn't long before Shrike responds, although she sounds...sleepy. *Huh? Oh. I...I guess that can be done...* ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran, already up and dressed, writes out a quick note to the still-slumbering Juvon explaining that they had some business to attend to but should be back soon. *Yes, we can. How soon?* Brazen_Sand: "*As quick as is reasonable.*" Nomoe_Hideaki: There, circling high over the water, the On Wings of Mela's Blessing awaits, the roof of the topside observation deck drawn back. Breakfast has been prepared on the tables and seats are ready, Nomoe already sitting in the morning sun enjoying a cup of tea along with the latest intelligence reports. ~Siran_Bhavna: *We may be slightly late, I'll have to take a somewhat roundabout route.* Siran turns to Shrike. "Awake?" she asks. Brazen_Sand: Brazen landed on the observation deck, shaking tables from the force of his landing. Shrike: Shrike nods to Siran, stretching as she stands from her bed and turning to quickly get dressed. "Awake enough. Although I'm not especially a morning person..." Nomoe_Hideaki: Servants hurry to clean up and return everything to order - quickly done, since the ship is prepared for air turbulences anyway. Nomoe for his part rises to greet the Infernal. "Lord Brazen Sand, I'm pleased that you could make it." Brazen_Sand: Brazen nodded. "Your meeting go well, Hideaki-san?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "Meeting?" Hideaki tilts his head slightly. ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran leads the way to their ship and climbs aboard her warstrider. "It'll be a tight fit, but you should be able to squeeze into the cockpit as well," Siran tells Shrike. "I'd just carry you, but I want to put some underwater distance between us and the city before I start flying around." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Come join me for breakfast, Deliberator. Will your fellows join us as well?" Brazen_Sand: "You said you had interests here, Hideaki-san. You also told me not to cause any trouble. The fact that you want to speak to me would imply that you don't mind being seen with me. So you must have done whatever sensitive stuff you were up to." Brazen_Sand: Brazen looked at the tables and chairs doubtfully. Brazen_Sand: "Yeah, they're on their way, but I don't think you have anything my size." Shrike: "Likely a wise idea, given the attention that that would attract." Shrike chuckles. "I don't mind getting a little tight, anyway." And she'll do her best to squeeze her curvy figure into the Warstrider's cockpit. Nomoe_Hideaki: "Family business is going as expected, yes," Nomoe nods. "Thank you for asking." Nomoe_Hideaki: He looks around the ship pointedly. "I thought it best to choose a private place since you were the one to speak of the importance of secrecy ..." Brazen_Sand: Brazen sighed. "Yes, I do think it's important, but I'm incapable of subtlty." Nomoe_Hideaki: Efficient as his servants are they have already disappeared again. Brazen_Sand: "Luckily, I AM capable of self-awareness." Brazen said, with a wink of a slitted prismatic eye ~Siran_Bhavna: With Shrike aboard, Siran seals the cockpit and sends the warstrider overboard and begins to zoom along the seafloor. Shrike: Shrike grins, watching the passing seafloor, watching for any fascinating sea life while enjoying the close quarters. Nomoe_Hideaki: Hideaki gives a small smile. "How fortunate then that you have me looking out for you in that regard." Brazen_Sand: Brazen snorted and stomped closer, standing at the other side of the table. Well, really, one foot took up all the room a normal person would have, but the meaning was there. Brazen_Sand: "Was that almost humour I heard?" ~Siran_Bhavna: Eventually, Siran bursts back out of the waterm judging that they've traveled far enough from the island to risk it, and begins flying toward the rendezvous point. Nomoe_Hideaki: There have been cushions prepared sufficient in size for Brazen, along with the oversized china ware he already knows from previous visits with Nomoe. Shrike: "I really must fly more often!" Brazen_Sand: Brazen pours some tea and drinks it without regard for the heat. scalding water is nothing when one can breath vitriol. Nomoe_Hideaki: "If you say so ..." Hideaki nods as Brazen 'sits'. "How many more guests should I expect?" ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran spots the Nomoe airship and begins to circle, looking to see if there is a way to dock her 'strider. Brazen_Sand: "2" Nomoe_Hideaki: As the warstrider is spotted and confirmed as friendly the aft hangar doors are opened and signals sent. There's space and installations for warstrider docking, though they seem like they don't see much use. ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran reduces speed and docks, popping the cockpit open as her craft slides into place. Shrike will have to get out first, naturally. Brazen_Sand: "Anyway, you've had a day to get your scorpions in a row. Now it's time for me to do my job." Shrike: Shrike manages to extract herself from the cockpit with a minimum of fuss, turning to offer Siran a hand as she looks around the bay, fascinated Nomoe_Hideaki: The ship's crew in Nomoe military uniforms work efficiently to complete procedures and, bowing deeply in respect to the Deliberators, direct them to the upper observation deck. Brazen_Sand: "Also, I'll expect you to keep tight-lipped about all this, as well as your crew. I might be no good at staying quiet, but you aren't a quasi-Primordial Nomoe_Hideaki: "That's what we're here to speak about, aren't we? I certainly would have other things to do if not for the necessity of dealing with this matter." Nomoe_Hideaki: "As for the crew, you may be assured of their discretion. Only the best and most loyal serve on my personal vessel." Brazen_Sand: Brazen nodded, "alright. That's good." ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran waves the hand away as she unbuckles and unstraps herself from the feedback mechanisms before climbing out herself. "We're here to meet with Deliberator Nomoe," she says. "Where can we find him?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "The Lord Nomoe awaits on the upper observation deck, honored Deliberators. Please follow me." A servant leads the two guests up to where Brazen and Nomeo are. Shrike: Shrike nods, straigtening up and moving to follow the servant to their doom, or to Lord Nomoe. Or both. Brazen_Sand: Brazen waved at them friendly...ly Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe Hideaki rises to greet them. "Deliberator Shrike, Deliberator Siran Bhavna. Welcome to the On Wings of Mela's Blessing. An unexpected pleasure to meet you here." Shrike: Shrike gives Brazen a wave in return, and nods respectfully to Nomoe. "Deliberator Nomoe Hideaki, a pleasure as well." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Please, be my guests. Sit down, enjoy a cup of tea with me, and breakfast if you like." ~Siran_Bhavna: "Likewise, and thank you for your hospitality." Nomoe_Hideaki: He gestures to the tables and the seats laid out. Shrike: Shrike nods politely, and takes her seat with a smile. Brazen_Sand: "Soooo...how do we do things?" Nomoe_Hideaki: Once everyone has properly arrived and a bit of smalltalk has been exchanged Nomoe gets to business. "Now, regarding the matters that bring all of us here, I think we would all profit from exchanging certain information." Brazen_Sand: Brazen nodded. "Well, you know why I'm here. I haven't found out that much, since you didn't want me interfering with anything. Beyond the fact that I seem to have a Manse Aspected to me now. Which is pretty awesome. Nomoe_Hideaki: "I understand there's secrecy and deniability to consider. May we nonetheless dispense with speaking of 'hypothetical' situations?" Brazen_Sand: "What hypothetical situation? It's got my essence now. Man, that pissed off that Damon guy. You'd think a Deva would be more patient." Shrike: Shrike nods. "We made the...acquaintance of a captain in the pirate docks. He has actually offered to assist us in freeing the slaves here." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Yes, some people don't take well to having their property stolen," Nomoe nods, without stopping to look at the other two Deliberators at the table. Nomoe_Hideaki: "I understand that is you mission, though of course anyone in authority would deny that such a mission exist? Enforce Deliberative law in this region, as it pertains to the matters of piracy and slavery?" ~Siran_Bhavna: "Certainly. So, here's the short of it. We're on a covert mission to make sure the pirates in this area stop being a threat to Deliberative shipping. We've determined that trying to just wipe them out won't solve the problem because the local economy is dependent on it." Nomoe_Hideaki: He looks to Brazen Sand briefly, adding "With as little subtlety as possible." Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "That is good. Lord Brazen Sand seemed to consider acts of war against anyone involved as his primary objective." Brazen_Sand: Brazen shrugged. "That's what I was told to do." ~Siran_Bhavna: "As Shrike says, we've also made contact with one Captain Damon Juvon, who has agreed to help us with the slavery situation here. It's my hope that we can use him and his contacts to get more information on the local pirate community - assuming there is such a thing." Nomoe_Hideaki: nods slowly. "It seems there are a few things I should mention, that might not have been part of your intelligence." Brazen_Sand: "Why bother? We find the pirates, adn blow them up." Shrike: "That would be just a little too obvious," Shrike says to Brazen with a bemused tone. Brazen_Sand: "I AM Obvious. I can be nothing else." Brazen_Sand: "That's why I was chosen for this." Nomoe_Hideaki: "For one, as a branch of House Iselsi the Iselsi Damon family is by alliance and agreement under the protection of House Nomoe, here represented by myself." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Any acts of aggression against them would therefore obligate me to intervene." Nomoe_Hideaki: He spreads his hands to indicate the gathered Deliberators. "Which one might say I am doing pre-emptively now." Brazen_Sand: "Super. Then tell them to bring in all their ships and stop piratin'." Shrike: shakes her head, sighing. "I hate political complications..." Brazen_Sand: "You know what i have to do." ~Siran_Bhavna: "So... are you telling us we can't free the slaves without drawing your ire, then?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "I suggested this meeting to avoid ... misunderstandings." He looks to Brazen. "Or attacks on fellow Deliberators, in the full knowledge of the consequences, as the case may be." Shrike: "Regardless of the opinion of anyone, the slaves will be freed," Shrike says firmly. Nomoe_Hideaki: "I am not necessarily saying that. As allies to House Nomoe, the territories under governance of the Iselsi Damon branch have naturally become a part of Deliberative territories. Therefore, within the grace period allotted for such transitions from local to Deliberative law, these matters you are concerned with will be resolved." Brazen_Sand: "You can tell me the stuff that ISN'T owned by the Iselsi's, those I can deal with until the Damons are, themselves...well, brought into line." ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran looks unhappy, but placated, and looks at Shrike. "I'm... satisfied with that. Now the question is what to tell Juvon without letting slip that we're actually here on orders, not only as thrillseekers." Shrike: "That is tricky. Perhaps something along the line of danger being the greatest thrill, freeing the slaves is very dangerous, ergo big thrill, et-cetera?" Nomoe_Hideaki: Hideaki smiles thinly. "The Varangian Concordate is the real problem." He brings out the map of the local island chain. "These here are under Iselsi Damon governance, those over there ruled by Deliberator Cowl ... and those parts over here effectively belongs to the Concordate." Brazen_Sand: "Cowl? Who the hell is Cowl?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "They are the ones that will continue to engage in piracy, slavery, and other practices forbidden under Deliberative law. And they will pressure, or even attack anyone who wants out of that business." Brazen_Sand: Brazen wasn't happy. He should've been told this stuff before he left, not from a guy he technically shouldn't have even come in contact with. : Shrike has quit IRC: Disintegrated: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~ Nomoe_Hideaki: "If your goal is impose Deliberative law in this region, they are the obstacle to overcome. That and the economic and social consequences, of course." Brazen_Sand: Brazen shrugged. "Above my pay-grade. I'm here to make trouble for them, then go home." ~Siran_Bhavna: "Hmmm... well, he knows we're at least loosely affiliated with the Deliberative... I could spin something about having heard from some friends that the Damon holdings are about to come under Deliberative law anyway... and suggest that instead of rescuing slaves who'll be freed anyway, we should concentrate on the ones that will still be at risk." Brazen_Sand: "How abotu you tell him that I don't like people keeping slaves and he can either help you, or I'll tear the damn slave holding pens apart with my bare hands." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Are you speaking of Iselsi Damon Juvon? Newly appointed elder to this branch of House Iselsi?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "Then consider this target information," Nomoe says to Brazen Sand, pointing at the Concordate area of influence on the map. ~Siran_Bhavna: "Brazen, if we act against the pens here we'll be colliding with Deliberator Nomoe, and more to the point, we don't /need/ to. Those slaves will be made free in accordance with Deliberative law." Siran looks at Nomoe. "It could be. He hasn't said anything about being Iselsi, or made an elder." Nomoe_Hideaki: "It's a quite recent development," Hideaki nods. Brazen_Sand: Brazen looked it over Brazen_Sand: "So what's going on here?" Brazen_Sand: "And where did you learn this?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "From my allies, naturally. This can't really be news to you, can it? You would have been briefed for your mission, I assume?" Brazen_Sand: Brazen growled. "Not as well as I should have been, clearly. There wasn't a big difference between the Damons and the Concordate. They were just another part of it." Brazen_Sand: "Then you showed up and...well, things got complicated." Nomoe_Hideaki: "There were," Nomoe nods, "and the Concordate won't let them leave without a fight. They are not the type to let assets and markets just slip through their fingers. That is why I suggest we work together on this whole problem." ~Siran_Bhavna: "brazen, let me put it this way: the mission parameters have changed. The Damons will be submitting to Deliberative authority, so the portion of our mission relating to them has been effectively already completed." Brazen_Sand: Brazen nodded. "right." Brazen_Sand: "I know Siran. Don't worry, I'm blatant, I'm not *stupid*." Nomoe_Hideaki: "We have a single, common goal: To turn this region into a Deliberative strong point, a place to fortify the West against the Silver Prince." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Am I correct, or is that a faulty assumption on my part?" Brazen_Sand: "Pretty close. We just need to do it so that we don't get the Prince going to war with us." Brazen_Sand: "Although, considering they chose me for this, I wonder how much they really want that. The Admiral and General were upset about the accord, truce, whatever." Nomoe_Hideaki: "What would be casus belli for him. Since that's important to your mission, I assume that *was* part of your briefing." Brazen_Sand: Brazen said. "Hey, is there any food here? I can't fill up on these tiny bite-sized portions here." ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran nods. "What he said. We're to gather strength in the are without provoking him into turning the cold war hot." Brazen_Sand: Brazen said, referring to the normal sized portions before him. Nomoe_Hideaki: "My apologies, the Brazen-sized portions are taking my cooks a little longer to finish." Brazen_Sand: "I like them raw, actually." Brazen_Sand: "I can cook them internally." Nomoe_Hideaki: "In your opinion, would rendering the region impenetrable to the undead be considered an act of war?" ~Siran_Bhavna: "Well, if we take over the region but allow piracy to continue on his lands and shipping, he'd likely assume we were sponsoring it. And how do you mean, impenetrable?" Brazen_Sand: Brazen shrugged. Brazen_Sand: "Anyway we also can't allow this piracy to continue. They obviously don't care about the laws, they're bugging us as much Skullstone." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Mmh, I did only speak about piracy against Deliberative assets to the Damons ... but that's details." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Perhaps I should not speak of the details at this time," Nomoe says, his tone apologetic. Brazen_Sand: Brazen stared at Nomoe Brazen_Sand: "We need them to stop piracy altogether. Especially right now. We can...Urgh, this isn't what I'm good at." Brazen_Sand: "Look, if they see me blowing up some pirate ships and not others, and those others don't touch the Deliberative, then Skullstone will get all pissy." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Will they? The immediate goal would seem to be Concordate submission to the Deliberative - if we can accomplish that quickly enough there should be no problem, correct?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "Fait accomplit." Nomoe_Hideaki: "They can complain, but not change what has already happened." Brazen_Sand: "What the hell does that even mean?" ~Siran_Bhavna: "... I think he has a point. Especially since he came here first. It would be suspicious if he left without causing /any/ destruction. Perhaps we should wait a little while and see if any of the Damon captains refuse to go along with the rest of the family. Then he can blow /them/ up." Nomoe_Hideaki: "I'm afraid I couldn't let that happen either, at least not without formal rituals of severance." Brazen_Sand: "Have the Damons surrender, then." Nomoe_Hideaki: "I suppose we could count the Red Lake as property destruction." Nomoe_Hideaki: "And thievery." Nomoe_Hideaki: "If that helps?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "We're not aiming for invisibility here anyway. Plausible deniability is all we need. So it might in fact help you went ahead with your plan to free the local slaves - so long as no one got hurt in the process." Brazen_Sand: Brazen nodded. ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran looks guilty. "Ah... that's not likely to happen, unfortunately." Brazen_Sand: "Why?" ~Siran_Bhavna: "If I go ahead with the plan as it is now, at least." Nomoe_Hideaki: "We then have three counts of Deliberative damage against this region - Brazen stealing the manse, Brazen assaulting a Damon family elder, and the slaves being stolen. Plausible deniability if something /happens/ to Concordate holdings." Nomoe_Hideaki: "I'm sure we can sort out the details on doing it without harm done." Brazen_Sand: "Why don't you just empty the boats and I blow up a couple?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "Why don't I simply make sure that reports are filed that an unknown Celestial assailant destroyed boats and other property of a value to your liking?" Nomoe counters. Brazen_Sand: Brazen shrugged. "Sure, sounds fine to me." ~Siran_Bhavna: "Well, the issue is that there are so many slaves to be freed. The only way I could think of to get them all out was to sneak into the pens, and then use my charms to turn them into an army long enough to fight their way out and to the ships Juvon was going to have waiting." Brazen_Sand: "Now, I suppose we should hit the rest of the Concordate before they can start squeezing teh Damons, yes?" Brazen_Sand: "Leave that to me." Brazen_Sand: "Or just let them go." Nomoe_Hideaki: "It should be possible to have paperwork forged that gets them safely to the harbor. Especially if ther persons in charge of security are aware that they don't have to look at it too closely." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Yes, indeed. Dealing with the Concordate should be our primary concern for planning." ~Siran_Bhavna: "Or we could just let them escape onto the island, if you can arrange for any efforts to retake them to fail." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Easier to have them loaded on boats that then disappear." Nomoe_Hideaki: "The Concordate has, according to my intelligence, three Celestial backers, who may or may not be secretly Deliberative members. I'm still waiting for the full dossiers, but any action against the organization will rest on dealing with them." Nomoe_Hideaki: shrugs. "Unmasking them would be one way to make sure they get out of our way. Forceful intervention would work as well, and with the four of us we could make it happen if we got a location fix on one of them." Brazen_Sand: "I'll deal wiht that when it comes up. That's why the Deliberative didn't openly go against the Concordant." Brazen_Sand: "But I think that if it continues on, and Skullstone learns that members of the Deliberative are against pirate attacks, that may be enough reason to declare war." Nomoe_Hideaki: shrugs. "I wasn't planning to wait that long, but the moment the Concordate starts moving against Damon I have a legitimate grievance. And unless they identify themselves as Deliberative members there are no laws against breaking them." Brazen_Sand: "I meant between Skullstone and us." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Yes, and I was discounting that because that has been Deliberative policy for years and so far it hasn't been used as an excuse for war." Brazen_Sand: "That was before that expedition to Skullstone went missing." : Siran_Bhavna has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer Nomoe_Hideaki: "Honestly, even that 'plausible deniability' is thinner than heavenly paper." : Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberative Nomoe_Hideaki: "You *will* be identified, Brazen." : Anshu has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer Brazen_Sand: "That's the plan. But I'm crazy, remember?" Brazen said Brazen_Sand: with a grin. Nomoe_Hideaki: "And you have recently and very publicly inducted into the Deliberative. Nomoe_Hideaki: " Brazen_Sand: "Yes. I'm new and uncivilized and unable to be controlled." : Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberative : Anshu is now known as Siran_Bhavna Brazen_Sand: "It's all very sad, but he never actually damaged any of Skullstones stuff or went into his territory." Brazen_Sand: "In fact, all I'm doing is some clean-up here." Nomoe_Hideaki: "I would prefer to hit hard and fast, cut the head of the snake and install our own, then exert our power as victors to define the history of those events." Brazen_Sand: "Yes yes, of course." Siran_Bhavna: "... Actually, I have an idea regarding the slaves. When Jovun took us to case the pens last night, one of the clerks mentioned that he 'lost' the last batch of slaves he was supposed to take to the Concordate markets." Brazen_Sand: "What happens after is none of my business." Siran_Bhavna: "Perhaps you could simply arrange for him to be selected for the duty again?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "I want the region officially requesting Deliberative protection within weeks. I want military fortifications in the region within a few months." Brazen_Sand: Brazen shrugged. "Well, that shouldn't be hard." Brazen_Sand: "Don't you already have the Damons under your thumb?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "If he would acquiesce to that, then that might be a possibility." Siran_Bhavna: "I'll bring it up." Brazen_Sand: "Siran, just cause he lost them once doesn't mean he'll do so again...oh wait, that was some kind of subtlty thing, wasn't it?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "So, are we on the same page regarding the Concordate?" Siran_Bhavna: "Yes, Brazen. Given his offer to help me and Shrike free them, I believe he lost them on purpose." Brazen_Sand: "That it's got to go? Well yeah." Brazen_Sand: "Ah...that's that, then." Brazen_Sand: "So what do we actually *do*?" Brazen_Sand: "Hideaki-San, are you going to just stay in Damon's Port or come with us?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "There are a few more things to coordinate here - among other things the disappearance of these slaves, I guess - but after that, yes, certainly." Nomoe_Hideaki: "I did suggest working together, didn't I?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "In the meantime, why don't you apply your plan for this isle against some Concordate holdings. See if you can draw one of their backers out." Brazen_Sand: Brazen nodded. "Ah, now you're talking my language!" Nomoe_Hideaki: "And if it does start a war with Skullstone, see if you can get back to me about that. A bit of advance notice would be nice." Siran_Bhavna: "How soon can you arrange for Juvon to be given the shipping job? If Shrike and I leave too soon..." Nomoe_Hideaki: "There's a time for subtle diplomacy and economic manipulations and there is a time to raze the enemies fields and assassinate his leaders," Nomoe says simply. "I have no time or patience to make this Western affair a drawn out matter." Nomoe_Hideaki: "I will speak to him when I get back to the Damon hold." Brazen_Sand: "Anyway you cna keep in touch with us? I can't keep sending those Infallible Messengers." Nomoe_Hideaki: "While Brazen draws attention we will need more intelligence. I will draw all I can get from my allies, while Deliberators Shrike and Siran Bhavna might be well suited to gathering information up close." Siran_Bhavna: "Perhaps you could take Shrike's echo jewel? She and I are always together, and we might be able to get another from the ship we came on." Nomoe_Hideaki: "That would be one possibility," Nomoe nods. Nomoe_Hideaki: "So, draw leadership out, then all of us together cut off the heads of the snake, install new leadership, and make sure the new Concordate requests Deliberative protection and implements Deliberative law," Nomoe sums up the plan one last time. "Then further turn the region into a military strong point." Brazen_Sand: Brazen stared at Nomoe Siran_Bhavna: "That sounds like a good plan to me," Siran nods. Brazen_Sand: "So...I blow up their bases then." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Not all of them. Not the ones that have nothing to do with piracy and such. Just enough to require their full attention." It's a tribute to Brazen's capabilities in sowing chaos that Nomoe feels the need to specify 'not all of them'. Brazen_Sand: "Right, right. I'll be careful." Brazen_Sand: Brazen sat back and started eating. "I haven't been able to eat for awhile. Just drink. And it takes a long time to get any effect, trust me."
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