Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 50
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Virgil: As Siran and Shrike return to the harbour, walking up the beach a little time after Nomoe has returned to the isle in the Wings of Mela, they can see a ship sail into port. Virgil: The vessel is decorated with skulls and clearly made of bone even at this distance, and appears to have a course set directly for the harbour, as it makes around the headland they are passing on their way back to the city Brazen_Sand: Brazen noticed the ship from the air. It would've been hard not to, especially with essence sight. Nomoe_Hideaki: The banners over the Damon hold, visible with the sun's rise, announce the presence of the honored guest Nomoe Hideaki to anyone who can read the Mon. Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe himself has already arrived back at the hold, even while the Mela's Blessing takes a more circuitous path to return. Nomoe_Hideaki: So as to avoid any association with Brazen and the others. Nomoe_Hideaki: At the newly appointed elder's convenience he would like to speak to Iselsi Damon Juvon, Nomoe Hideaki suggests to his hosts. Virgil: Reports of a vessel bearing the emblem of the Silver Prince float quickly through town, even as the others arrive back. They filter through to the hold more slowly, as the news take a while to confirm. ~Siran_Bhavna: "An Envoy from the Silver Prince, I don't doubt." Brazen_Sand: "*Some kind of Abyssal thing, definitely*" Shrike: "Indeed." Shrike's voice is clipped and cold as she agrees with Siran, her eyes fixed on the vessel with an expression bordering on hatred. Brazen_Sand: "*I'm not going to blow it up. Don't worry*" Nomoe_Hideaki: "*Blow what up?"* Nomoe inquires via echo jewel, slightly concerned. Virgil: "We'll have to scour every house of ill repute, every dive, every bar and every alley in the city to find him. Especially at this hour." One of the others says with a grimace. "Better to wait until nightfall to see him, he'll be more presentable." Brazen_Sand: "*An envoy from Skullstone*" Brazen_Sand: "*I'm looking at the ship now.*" Nomoe_Hideaki: "*Well, isn't that interesting ... By the way, Deliberators, would you know the current location of the pirate captain we were speaking about?" ~Siran_Bhavna: *I assume he's still at the inn where we left him.* Nomoe_Hideaki: steps out on a balcony from which the harbor is visible, examining the distant ship in the essential spectra Virgil: The Ship is aswath with Death Essence. Without Essence sight the ship merely appears to be adrift, with no visible crew in the suns light. Virgil: It is a twisted construction of bone and ivory, with sails that look as if they are sewn of skins. Brazen_Sand: "*I'm going to meet them.*" Shrike: *I'd assume he'd be there as well,* Shrike agrees, her eyes not leaving the approaching ship. "Meet them? Or blow them up? In that case I'd almost prefer you did the latter..." Brazen_Sand: Brazen dropped down onto the beach in front fo the ship as it drifted towards them, just waiting and staring and burning Nomoe_Hideaki: His eyes staying on the ship that dares offend his eyes with its ugliness Nomoe Hideaki continues to discuss the details of the withdrawal from the piracy and slavery business with the Damon elder standing next to him. It will need to appear gradual, and driven by concerns of financial loss. Brazen_Sand: He is a wall before the ship, any army trying to invade the isle would inevitably fall before him. ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran breaks into a jog, wanting to get to the city more quickly now. Nomoe_Hideaki: Paperwork and feint maneuvers should ensure that it will seem to the Concordant that these activities are being continued beyond the point where in truth they have already been stopped. Nomoe_Hideaki: In combination with the Damon alliance to Iselsi and Nomoe being kept as quiet as possible this should help postpone hostile Concordant action as far as possible. Nomoe_Hideaki: In addition once Brazen begins his campaign against the local Concordant holdings this will make it seems as if Damon is equally affected. Virgil: The ship docks, neatly and nearly soundlessly and only two figures climb to the rail and look downward at Brazen and the others. Virgil: "This is my Greeting party," says a Man in an Elegant Black Kimono, decorated with stiched black rose motif. "Frankly I'm insulted. He looks to an armoured woman next to him." Virgil: She has an expressionless white mask, over Soulsteel lamaller armour and appears to have a sheathed Soulsteel blade across her back. Brazen_Sand: Brazen groweled. "How could you be insulted when The Blazing Light of Heroism himself has allowed you into his presence? I am sung of throughout Creation as a hero by everyone in it!" Brazen_Sand: He shouted back testily Nomoe_Hideaki: "Oh, and it would probably be best if any requests for a meeting these distasteful visitors down there might desire would be lost, miscommunicated, or otherwise delayed." Virgil: "Yes yes, Light of Heroism very good and all. For a Deliberative sort." He jumps over the side onto the dock. "However I came to see the inhabitants of this isle, not one of it odious visitors," Virgil: His companion leaps down gracefully besides him, her black pony tail the only part of her that seems to be affected by her surroundings as she lands silently. Brazen_Sand: "This is Deliberative Territory." Brazen_Sand: "I am a Deliberator." Brazen_Sand: "What do you want?" Virgil: "Really I wasn't aware of that Deliberator. I thought this was Concordant Territory and if you like I think the Concordant isn't a legal political entity I'd call it Contested Territory." He says glancing upward. Virgil: "Unless of course the esteemed Deliberator Nomoe has already won this place to your cause with no need whatsoever for your brutish 'Heroism'" ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran reaches the city and makes her way to the inn where she, Shrike, and Juvon had spent the night. Virgil: Jovan is still sleeping, or at the very least pretending too. Though he appears to be more dressed than when you left him. Brazen_Sand: "*Hideaki-san, these guys are dicks. Can you talk them away or something?*" Brazen subvocalized Brazen_Sand: Trying not to torch their entire boat Shrike: Shrike accompanies Siran, not wanting to risk losing her temper with the Abyssals, and walks over to give Juvon a poke in the shoulder to wake him up. Nomoe_Hideaki: "*If you do lose your temper with them make sure to yell something about them being pirates and attacking innocent people.*" Nomoe answers. Brazen_Sand: "*Even I know that we'd go to war after that. These are Abyssals.*" Nomoe_Hideaki: "*We want to keep the extent of my influence here quiet, remember.*" Brazen_Sand: "*They know you're here.*" Virgil: "Wha? Where's the Rum?" He staggers up, "Oh it's you lovely ladies." He sits up quickly a smile on his face. "Can I per chance help you with anything?" Virgil: One hand shoots up to slick down his hair, as he tries to sit down comfortably. Virgil: And hide a smile. ~Siran_Bhavna: "A bit, yes. But I don't believe you were really asleep just now. For one thing, you have more clothes on than when we left." Brazen_Sand: "I don't have much patience for this. Tell me why you're here, or you're going home in a dinghy." Nomoe_Hideaki: "*Obviously.*" Nomoe's thoughts race. There is no way to hide the truth from these envoys if they are even the least bit skilled in political charms. But also no way to get rid off them without it eventually getting back to the Silver Prince. Virgil: Still keeping his distance the male Abyssal holds out his hands to show he is unarmed. "Oh mighty light of Heroism and all that, may you please instruct your keepe.. friend Nomoe Hideaki down here for an audience and perhaps even pass a message on to the Damon's, a greeting and that we would like to better the Deliberator's terms if we may." Brazen_Sand: A supernova went off in Brazen's forehead, perhaps the equivalent of a vein throbbing. Shrike: "Regrettably," Shrike adds as an addendum to Siran's comment. Brazen_Sand: "*Hideaki-San. I'm going to ask you to come over here before I start a diplomatic incident.*" Virgil: "I was wondering where you pretty lasses had dashed off to and was about to rush to some sort of rescue when I heard you coming back in." Nomoe_Hideaki: "*Wouldn't your initiating such an incident be more acceptable than me doing so?*" ~Siran_Bhavna: "I did leave a note saying we'd left on some business," Siran points out, "but perhaps you missed it. At any rate, as a result of our business, we won't have to make any daring raids on the slave pens tonight after all." Brazen_Sand: Brazen groweled back at them Brazen_Sand: "Keeper...KEEPER!!!?" He snarled Brazen_Sand: then snapped his fingers and the entire ship burst into green flames Brazen_Sand: "oops" Virgil: Juvon looks disappointed. "No daring raids? No swashbuckling adventures at moonlight with beautiful dangerous women. How is a man supposed to live if he's denied such things," Virgil: The Moonshadow looks disgusted, "Yes Keeper, now get your master." The woman turns to the ship, reaches across her shoulder and draws and slashes the air with it with lightning speed. As she does so the flames wither and die as the screams of her blade sound out across the docks. Virgil: She does not sheath the blade again afterwards. Shrike: Shrike chuckles, taking seat and grinning at Juvon. "You know, that was pretty much my reaction as well. Daring Commando Raids™ are just so much -fun-." Brazen_Sand: "*GODDAMMIT HIDEAKI-SAN GET OVER HERE!*" Virgil: "We could still do so..." He looks up at Shrike optimistically. "No one after all would know." He nods over to Siran, "Other than spoil sport here." Virgil: He winks at Siran immediately afterwards, to try and assure her he is kidding about the remark. ~Siran_Bhavna: "I'm sure we'll manage to find a way to make it up to you," she smiles back. "At any rate, at some point in the next few days, you'll be allowed to make the run to the Spire. I'm sure you'll make certain not to lose them again, of course." Nomoe_Hideaki: "*Well, if you're crying for help, what choice do I have but to come to the rescue?*" Around the corner of one of the harbor buildings Nomoe arrives in his gliding, unhurried but fast way of moving. It seems as if he has arrived from somewhere in the city. Brazen_Sand: "I recommend that you find Hideak-san your own damn self, that is if he feels you're worth his time." Brazen_Sand: Brazen sighed in relief. Now he could finally leave these annoying pests. Nomoe_Hideaki: "Oh my, what a strange misunderstanding must have occured here ..." Brazen_Sand: "*I'm going to go to that island. I need to blow up some stuff.*" Brazen said to anyone listening. Shrike: "Oh, I'm sure we'll find plenty of interesting things to do." Shrike crosses her legs, looking thoughtful. "Oh, you might want to know, it seems one of the Silver Prince's ships has arrived in port." Brazen_Sand: Brazen followed the path that he had seen ont he map, navigating by specific landmarks, tiny atolls, different coloured water indicating depths, and all such things Brazen_Sand: even if he was mostly used to the desert, the ocean was surprisingly similar to it, just with water instead of land. Virgil: "War with the Prince is the least this area needs." He says more seriously. "I'll not have part in that. And I'd avoid you two lasses in having anything to do with it either." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Whom might I have the pleasure of meeting," he inquires of the two Abyssals. "I am, as you no doubt know, Nomoe Hideaki." He does not bow. ~Siran_Bhavna: "We'd prefer to avoid it ourselves," Siran assures him. Virgil: This island, Brazen heads to, the Isle of Corcotis, is smaller than Damon's isle. The settlement that hosts part of the pirate fleet smaller, more squalid and teeming with people. The harbour is choked with ships, many of whom refused to pay the Damon harbour fees, so do not dock there. Virgil: The water round the vessels and the harbour is filthy, muddied with silt, shit and refuse. Shrike: "I'd personally prefer to wring all their necks, but I'm smart enough to know why that would be a bad idea," Shrike observes. "So no worries about me." Brazen_Sand: Brazen swam under the water, surprisingly graceful despite his immense size. He was also careful to swim underneath the layer of filth, thankful that he couldn't smell underwater. Brazen_Sand: Listening to the activity above him, he found a ship that was empty, then gripped it in his claws and pulled it under Virgil: The Man bows exactly correctly for this meeting, going so far as to treat Nomoe as a slight superior, "A pleasure to meet you Deliberator Nomoe, my Lord had news of your visit and thought it prudent to send his own delegation. In the interests of neutrality." Virgil: "I am called Regent without Regret, my companion likes to be called Heap of Broken Visages." She continues to inspect the very small amount of damage to their ship. Virgil: "So what is our plan then my darlings?" Juvon asks with a brilliant smile. Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "Interesting. It seems to me that neutrality would be easiest achieved by non-interference." Nomoe_Hideaki: His stance and expression are unreadable behind his Frozen Sunlight Mask, his hands hidden within overly long sleeves. Virgil: "A run to Spire would work. I know a place to let em loose. The problem with that is the clerks all know my vessel will only take 70." Virgil: "And with that the case," he shrugs, "what can we do for the others." Virgil: "Ah, but you broke that rule first, Deliberator. So best to make sure both sides are represented? Or do you not agree?" His face is equally impassive. Virgil: AS the vessel begins to list, then founder. The few crew aboard begin to panic. Voices in the harbour pick up as this occurs and their is a crack as the keel snaps in the water. Brazen_Sand: The large slaving boat splintered into pieces of wood and metal as Brazen's mighty grip crushed it. ~Siran_Bhavna: "Well, gather a fleet like you were already planning to do, Commodore. I happen to know that you've been appointed to be one of the Damon elders, so you'll have a bit more weight to throw around... and if that fails, you can always offer bribes." Virgil: Several things fall eitherside of the boat, several of them crewmen leaping for safety Brazen_Sand: Brazen slowly rose from the water and literally stood upon it as if it was solid Brazen_Sand: "I. BRAZEN SAND. AM HERE TO TAKE THIS CONCORDANT APART FOR IT'S CRIMES AGAINST CREATION! SURRENDER NOW WHILE YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE!" ~Siran_Bhavna: "If we have to, Dorotha and I could even be part of the bribing," Siran adds. Brazen_Sand: He demanded, his eyes were blindingly bright and light poured from his mouth and skin Virgil: Juvon pales at Siran's remark, "Wait what... but I'm not nearly old enough or senior enough to be an elder." He laughs uncomfortably, "What kind of joke are you playing on me and on who's behalf?" Shrike: 'Dorotha' arches an eyebrow and grins. "Oh, I think we could certainly handle some assault and bribery," she quips. Virgil: Several of the crowd stand open mouthed overawed. A few others bow and scrap. Many others just turn and flee for their homes or throw down there weapons on the spot. Virgil: Only one bright spark doesn't. He throws his spear at Brazen's chest, yelling, "I'll get the monster!" ~Siran_Bhavna: "No joke. Just something I heard this morning, while we were about our business." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Me? I am not here representing anyone but myself. I fail to see how my presence would require a balancing representation, unless ..." Nomoe makes a brief, artful pause, "unless of course your lord considers my humble person a feared rival and is concerned about my personal interests?" Brazen_Sand: The spear bounced off of Brazen's chest without so much as a scratch Brazen_Sand: "FOR TOO LONG YOU HAVE SURVIVED OFF THE FLESH OF OTHERS, WHETHER THROUGH ROBBERY OR SLAVERY! THIS WILL END TODAY!!" Brazen_Sand: A sword of light suddenly slammed down in front of the man who had thrown the spear at Brazen. "Do you want to challenge me, little man? Pick up the sword and see how you do." Virgil: "Any Solar level exalted has such a simple time winning hearts and minds, he'd be a fool not to at least consider your presence an issue, if not a threat. No offence intended Deliberator" Virgil: Juvon stands, roughly, looking at both of them sceptically. "That is not the sort of business the family allows to be banded about on the street." His tone is deadly serious,the pirate act dropped completely. "Now ladies, where did you hear that?" Virgil: The man who through the Spear looks in Brazen in shock, which turns to disbelief and then begins to cower, as the crowd watches him lay waste to the harbour Nomoe_Hideaki: shrugs lightly. "I bear no personal enmity against your lord at this time. And if as you say he would be wise to consider me a /potential/ threat, I'm sure that you are considering the possibility that you might create an actual one by getting involved in my business interests?" Brazen_Sand: Brazen turned, the sword disappearing into component motes again, and he swung a fist into a (mercifully empty) large ship, his hands covered in diamond-hard light that cut straight through it from multiple angles with only one swing Brazen_Sand: Somehow exploding into more scrap Brazen_Sand: "BRING OUT YOUR LEADER!" Virgil: Laughter issues from the nearest member of the crowd. "My lord, we are pirates, we have no individual leader." Shrike: Shrike gives Siran a look, clearly telling her she started the discussion, she can finish it. Brazen_Sand: "THEN I SUGGEST YOU PICK ONE!" Brazen growled, ducking low to show that the man's entire body could fit inside his mouth quite easily. ~Siran_Bhavna: "I never said I heard it on the street. But there is someone who wants to meet you." *Nomoe, we have Jovun. Is now a good time?* Virgil: The man glances at the crowd for support, only to notice the crowd glaring at him. "That one my lord they all point and yell at the man brave enough to talk to him." "Him," "Twas all his doing." "Kill him my lord." Nomoe_Hideaki: "*I'm busy fencing with the Abyssals at the moment. However he should probably check in with the elders first in any case.*" Brazen_Sand: Brazen pointed at the man. "YOU'RE LEADER NOW. THIS PLACE IS OWNED BY THE DELIBERATIVE. FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!" Virgil: "Family business, it never is as you expect." Juvon says with more than a little disgust. "Best lead the way." Brazen_Sand: "IF I SEE ANY MORE SLAVING COMEING FROM AROUND HERE, I'M GOING TO GLASS THIS PLACE! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "*Once I have dealt with them, though, I will return to the Damon hold.*" ~Siran_Bhavna: *Understood.* "Actually, apparently he's a bit busy right now, but he'll meet us - or you, at least, if you don't want us to come along - at the Damon hold when he's finished. You should probably check in with the elders first anyway. I seem to recall you receiving a somewhat upsetting message last night on the way back from the lake." Virgil: "Yes my lord." The man says in horror. "And if the Concordant glass it in your absence?" Brazen_Sand: "I'm working on it." Virgil: "Competing business interests, Lord Nomoe are no reason for violence or for war." He smiles, "Simply allow me to try and sell my piece and I will happily lrave if unsuccessful. I have no interest in harming our fragile peace." Brazen_Sand: "Now where's their next base?" Brazen_Sand: "*First Concordant base has been...cowed.*" Brazen sent. Nomoe_Hideaki: "Ah, so you do have interests beyond this elusive 'neutrality'. May I ask what they are? Just so I can potentially spare you the trouble of needless work on a hopeless cause." Nomoe_Hideaki: "And to whom do you want to 'sell your piece'?" Shrike: "Family business can be the worst business, yes," Shrike agrees, giving Juvon an apologetic, but bright smile. Virgil: "I'm afraid I cannot tell you. I was instructed to deliver it only to the Damon elders." He says with a shrug. "I am most sorry." ~Siran_Bhavna: *Good work, Brazen.* Shrike: *You dropped cows on it?* Shrike can't resist sending back with a chuckle. Brazen_Sand: "*I blew up some fo their ships and yelled at them.*" Brazen_Sand: "So." He said to the gathered people. "Where is the next Concordate...place?" Virgil: "You are of course welcome to object." Regent nods to the Nomoe Mons flying clear above the port. "We are gracious loosers should we have been beaten to the point." He glances back at Heap. "Well I am anyway." Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "I see. But since you will not tell me what this is about there is really no way for me to say, is there?" Nomoe_Hideaki: He shrugs. "How about you just assume that you have been beaten to whatever point it is?" Virgil: "It would not do well to fail to deliver the Prince's message. Would you allow a job to be done improperly?" He says shocked (or at the very least feigning it). "But I can possibly be obliging on what I was to tell them, this once." He says with a smile. Virgil: "I had come to offer them the oppurtunity to ally themselves with the Empire of Steel and Ivory, the domain of the Silver Prince, as a worthwhile ally. There were terms and everything." Nomoe_Hideaki: "I am curious, would you offer the same to me on his behalf?" Virgil: "You are a Deliberator, I believe the terms of our treaty forbid me from doing so." He says sadly, "Though I am not positive that is the case." Nomoe_Hideaki: "In any case, why don't you try your luck with Factor Violet Hour? You might find a more receptive audience there." Nomoe tilts his head slightly. "No impeding treaties or agreements there." Brazen_Sand: Brazen flew up into the air and headed to the next Concordant Base, not needing any time to rest. Virgil: "So ladies, were are we headed?" Juvon asks as they stride out of the bar Virgil: "The Hold? Where the old and the boring of my family await. Or somewhere altogether more interesting?" Virgil: "Lets say meet at the docks, that way at the very least I'll have the option of running with the slaves to be freed rather than go quietly as an elder." Virgil: "I didn't think the Damon's had such a thing either, till I saw your mons? Should I take that then as a sign of your dominion of the isle Lord Nomoe?" ~Siran_Bhavna: "I'd suggest we go and watch the spectacle around the Silver Prince's ship, but Dorotha and I should probably stay away." Shrike: "That would be wise. I...do not get along very well with Abyssals," Shrike says, her voice with an undertone of...displeasure at said Abyssals. Virgil: Sugar plantations burn, ships sink and cargos go to waste as Brazen tears his way through the closest pirate settlements Shrike: "Meeting at the docks, however, would be a reasonable idea, I think..." Nomoe_Hideaki: "I was so fortunate as to be received as a guest. It is the custom in my home land to announce your presence openly." Nomoe makes a small gesture. "You are of course free to assume whatever you like, Regent Without Reason, I would not presume to command your thoughts." Virgil: "Then it should be no issue to you, if my companion or I go about our business then?" He says stepping forwards." Nomoe_Hideaki: "I think I would presume to stand in your way, though." Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe makes no move to physically impede the Regent just yet. ~Siran_Bhavna: "The docks would work, I suppose." Virgil: "I can see that," he gesture to the fact that Nomoe is in fact blocking the end of the pier. "I was wondering if you would step aside?" Nomoe_Hideaki: looks up at the sun, as if measuring the path it has taken through the sky since the exchange began. "I was wondering whether you would be so kind as to depart and not come back." Nomoe_Hideaki: "I have come to the conclusion that your continued presence here is a disruption to my private business that I would rather do without. No offense is intended to you or your lord, just as I assume that he intends none to me and thus would concur that it be best for you to seek your luck elsewhere." Virgil: "A little harsh a request considering you have not admitted to ownership of the isle. I assume this particular edict exists ad infinitum?" Nomoe_Hideaki: spreads his hands, still hidden in their sleeves, in an apologetic matter. "I do not think I am being unreasonable. I will welcome a missive from your liege to further discuss this matter, if such be his desire." Nomoe_Hideaki: "If any conflicting interests or claims should exist then surely it would be best if he and I were directly involved in finding a solution." Virgil: "Ahha, so you ARE claiming the isle. Very well we shall leave." He gives an appropriate bow. "You were an acceptably gracious host Nomoe Hideaki. Goodbye." He gestures to Heap and they both reboard their vessel. Nomoe_Hideaki: "You are free to conclude what you wish." Virgil: The Abyssals then depart Virgil: "Be seeing you." Regent manages via a charm as they leave. The tone is pleasant but the implication is not. Nomoe_Hideaki: watches their departure in silence. With no definitive answer given and likely no conclusive evidence the outcome is about as good as could be expected of a disastrous turn of events. Nomoe_Hideaki: Once the ship has disappeared out to see he turns on the spot and walks the corridors of Damon's Hold the next heartbeat. Shrike: "So, when should we be meeting at the docks?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "*I am free now. No blood was drawn, but the fencing ended in a draw at best.*" Virgil: As he turns to leave the other Deliberators arrive. Juvon between them, it looks as if he would rather flee than talk at the moment. Virgil: "Who is this fell... oh." He bows slightly stiffly to Nomoe. "Lord Nomoe." He tries to sound respectful. ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran bows deeply to Nomoe, as would befit a mortal woman meeting such an Exalt. Shrike: Shrike gives a bow of her own, just not as deep. Nomoe_Hideaki: bows in return. "Iselsi Damon Juvon, a pleasure to meet you." Virgil: "I wish Lord Nomoe, I could say the same, but I'd be lying if I did. I'd rather be on the open sea right now, running for my freedom." He gives a sad smile, "Not that it would help. The family would find me, the family always finds you." Nomoe_Hideaki: tilts his head slightly. "And that is a bad thing?" Nomoe_Hideaki: "What are we without family?" Virgil: He shrugs. Shrike: "I believe he means the Family," Shrike says, emphasising the capital F. "Who would prefer he...not betray the Business." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Either way I am saddened that meeting me is such an unpleasant occasion. I shall keep it brief then." There is a slightly questioning tone to his words as if to inquire if that is truly what Juvon meant to imply. Nomoe_Hideaki: "If anyone planned to free the slaves, which represent such an important part of Damon's income - and I'm sure no one of the family would consider something like that - then as long as no one of consequence came to harm in the process I think you will find that there will be no overly zealous investigation." Virgil: "And now your taking what little fun left in this endeavour out of it completely." He says with a sigh. "Fine, it will be done tonight." Nomoe_Hideaki: "Naturally no one of significance could be implicated in such a business, since that would look simply dreadful." Nomoe_Hideaki: "If it is risk and daring covert operations you crave, I suspect there will be much opportunity for that in the future. The prospect of more than one kind of conflict is looming, after all." ~Siran_Bhavna: Siran nods in agreement. Nomoe_Hideaki: bows slightly. "My apologies if I have ruined your plans for the evening." Shrike: "Just as long as I get a piece of the action on those daring operations," Shrike says with a chuckle. Virgil: Brazern approaches a LAgoon settlement, the cotton fields around it entirely worked by slaves. Nomoe_Hideaki: "As you chose," Nomoe nods, without indication as to the precise relationship or balance of status between them. Virgil: A large sleek vessel accompanies the larger slaver ship. Brazen_Sand: Brazen cleared his throat Virgil: And even as he approaches, several bolts of essence fly towards him. Brazen_Sand: "AHEM...SLAVES, YOUR TIME OF TOIL IS AT AN END! I COME TO BRING YOU FREEDOM FROM OPPRESSION AND THE LASH" Brazen_Sand: He speaks this as he dodged the bolts of essence Brazen_Sand: He looked down at the two boats. "Word travels fast!" Nomoe_Hideaki: "Unless there is anything else you'd like to speak of I will leave you to your business," Nomoe bows Brazen_Sand: "Are you part of the COncordant?" Brazen called Virgil: "Shoot the ugly bastard." HE over hears. Virgil: A Bowmen comes on deck Shrike: Shrike gives Juvon a smile. "Don't worry, we'll make sure it's plenty of fun," she says with a wink Brazen_Sand: "Oh, bowmen. How quaint." Brazen said Virgil: The Bow glows Green as the archer pulls back. Virgil: It shimmers under essence sight, remarkably brightly in fact Brazen_Sand: Brazen dropped down and charged at the ship's front, pure essence formed into the shape of a spear that shimmered into many shades of ridiculously hot greenishness. Brazen_Sand: He drove the spear into the front of the ship and his anima formed a massive spear to compliment it, blasting the ship into flinders. Nomoe_Hideaki: In long talks with Nashita and a few other elders Nomoe hammers out the details of his plan: While Brazen Sand as theoretically unrelated and deniable asset damages Violet Hour's, the local Concordant Factor's, operations Nomoe_Hideaki: the Iselsi with their very particular skill set and covert funding from Nomoe will work to undercut, buy out, and finally replace the factor as Concordant members in charge of operations in the island chain. Nomoe_Hideaki: This way not only is Deliberative Law - covertly - being established by way of simple change of business practice, but also the position of Damon strengthened and hopefully the region become sustainable without slavery or piracy. Nomoe_Hideaki: While these plans are set into motion Nomoe Hideaki himself departs on the Mela's Blessing on a circular journey around the island chain, always on the far side of the divide between stable reality and wyld marches. Nomoe_Hideaki: His indomitable will channelled through his Charms and amplified by the Hand of the Great Maker around his left arm shapes the tainted lands into stable reality, a hundred mile belt of water rich in fish and other maritime resources. Nomoe_Hideaki: Once he has completed the full circle and entirely surrounded the island chain with reality subject to his dominance he communes with the Shinma themselves to adjust the variables of existence and impose his own laws upon this small strip of existence. Nomoe_Hideaki: Any creature of darkness that enters this zone will be burned by Sol Invictus' condemnation, to be consumed utterly with holy fire erupting from their tainted souls. Nomoe_Hideaki: The fires will burn constantly and never-ceasing for as long as the being remains within the zone demarked by Nomoe Hideaki. Nomoe_Hideaki: The Abyssals had said they would be back? Well, let them come, Hideaki thinks to himself.
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