Dawn of the Third age/IC Logs/Session 21
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[[Dawn of the Third Age]] Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberative): Fri Feb 18 12:53:12 2011 -0700 <br />[12:53] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberative <br />[12:53] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberative is: Exalted 2nd: Dawn of the Third Age / IC Channel <br />[12:53] *** Topic set by dakkareth (8 hours ago at 5:01 AM) <br />[12:53] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu <br />[12:53] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Anshu <br />[12:56] *** wandering has joined #celestialdeliberative <br />[12:56] <wandering> hmmm wonder why that didn't work first time <br />[12:56] <Brazen_Sand> "What's that, Wandering?" Brazen asked <br />[13:09] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki <br />[13:13] *** Bright_Snow has joined #celestialdeliberative <br />[13:17] <&Nomoe_Hideaki> While Brazen Sand and Bright Snow are journeying to the West Nomoe Hideaki stays behind in Gem. He has given his word that he will do his best to aid the people of the ailing city and he always keeps his word. <br />[13:17] <&Nomoe_Hideaki> With no talent as a healer himself he is limited to imposing order and organisation, dividing the sick from the healthy and implementing measures to prevent the first from infecting the latter. <br />[13:17] <&Nomoe_Hideaki> His authority unquestionable, his skill at devising plans and putting them into practice far beyond that of any mortal, it is inevitable that the plague is first contained then pushed back. <br />[13:17] <&Nomoe_Hideaki> Even where the remedies created with clockwork efficiency by the organised healers and thaumaturges from the supplies Nomoe provides are insufficient the disease in time burns out with the statistically minimum number of deaths. <br />[13:19] *** Nomoe_Hideaki sets mode -a Nomoe_Hideaki <br />[13:19] *** Nomoe_Hideaki sets mode -o Nomoe_Hideaki <br />[13:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> But that is not all Nomoe does. All who are touched by the relief efforts he leads come away holding him in awe. As is only proper for one of the Lawgivers and the one who - possibly in actuality, but certainly according to the subtle but pervasive propaganda - saved the city. <br />[13:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Posters and banners not only serve to direct the flow of human efforts but also impress upon the reader the glory of their creator. By the time the threat of the plague is past few mortals remain in Gem that do not revere Nomoe Hideaki. <br />[13:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And although he has no formal authority over Gem, which is now under Deliberative control by the paperwork he has drawn up on Brazen Sand's behalf, his influence is far-reaching and deeply rooted. <br />[13:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> As such it's not too hard to establish a House Nomoe presence in form of a trading outpost belonging to a vassal family bound to the House in a prime position with assuredly bountiful revenue to come. <br />[13:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Finally, concerned by the idea of Alchemical technology in the hands of Abyssals - intelligence he has, naturally, already relayed to the appropriate Deliberative channels - Nomoe Hideaki makes use of his own connections to the Autochthonian city of Estasia by way of Sanken's embassy, inquiring after a multitude of things. <br />[13:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> All are innocuous taken on their own, but together they shall serve to help him assess the situation in Estasia and in particular the status of the trade agreement Sanken has with the city-state. <br />[13:41] <~Anshu> After a few weeks' travel through the Fire Mountains, the three Exalts are finally approaching the Jade Plum Citadel, the capital of the An-Teng High Lands, home to the High Prince, Josei of Notable Genius. <br />[13:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Simultaneously he opens more frank communications with Shadow Phoenix Ruby, the Estasian ambassador and an old friend. To her he relays the full account of what he has seen and heard - Alchemical Charms used by Abyssals, the 'Engine of Extinction', the alleged alliance between Autochthonian Void and Oblivion. <br />[13:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe's interpretation would be that perhaps an Alchemical city has switched its allegiance to the Void and has allied with the First and Forsaken Lion - but Ruby as Autochthonian expert surely would know much better than he? Any such alliance naturally concerns not just Estasia but Sanken as its ally as well ... <br />[13:45] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen easily navigated the mountains, able to simply fly over them at his leisure. <br />[13:45] <~Anshu> The polished onyx central palace dome gleams in the sunlight, and workers in the terraced fields surrounding the small town turn to stare at Brazen. <br />[13:46] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen made a wide grin and stomped widely into a statuesque pose <br />[13:46] * Bright_Snow smiles at the sight of the Citadel. Calmer now it is clear that the Children of Starlight are long gone and the tension of the journey evapourating <br />[13:46] <Brazen_Sand> "GREETINGS, PEOPLE OF AN-TENG! I AM BRAZEN SAND! SAVIOR OF GEM AND DESTROYER OF ABYSSALS! HERO OF CREATION!" <br />[13:47] <Brazen_Sand> He announced <br />[13:47] <wandering> Wandering arrives behind her mate walking slowly up the road her pack of Medicines easily hoisted onto her back "Showoff" she mutters fondly to no-one in particular. <br />[13:47] <Brazen_Sand> His booming voice heard throughout the city and perhaps beyond. <br />[13:51] * Bright_Snow just groans at the announcement and nods in agreement. Giving Brazen's back a disgusted look <br />[13:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Over the past week word has reached the three Exalts from the gossip of common folk in their path that an airship has been seen slowly zig-zagging through the region, an airship with what by the description must be the Mon of House Nomoe. <br />[13:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> So it probably is not great surprise to see Nomoe Hideaki's personal airship hovering in the sky outside the city, held by a multitude of lines. <br />[13:52] <~Anshu> It's too far to make out the expressions of the Tengese workers, but one of them turns to run back into the city. <br />[13:53] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen just laughed at the one running. "YES, GOOD, TELL EVERYONE I'M HERE!" <br />[13:53] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen looked closer to see their expressions as well <br />[13:54] <Brazen_Sand> Leaning his snout closer to the ground. <br />[13:55] <wandering> "Well they know we are here now" Wandering commented dryly "There are worse ways to announce ones self I suppose, Where would you suggest we head Bright Snow?" <br />[13:55] <Bright_Snow> "If you excuse me Brazen, I wish to be less... conspicious for the moment." She walks off into the city at an angle. Looking back just before she dissappears into the crowd she yells, "Send Hideaki my greetings, alright?" And then is lost from sight in the mill of the crowd. <br />[13:58] <~Anshu> The expressions worn by the Tengese farmers are a mix of fear and dislike, coupled with resigned acceptance and submission. <br />[13:59] <wandering> "Wai-" Wandering looked uncertianly between Brazen and Snow "Ahhh...Snow? Brazen I'll be right back. Just going to see where Snow is heading off to. Try and no start a fight alright?" <br />[14:00] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen laughed. "As if there'd be anyone here worth fighting!" <br />[14:00] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen frowned at their expressions. "FINE! I'LL JUST GO SOMEWHERE ELSE THEN!" He said, and then stomped off, thankfully not stepping in their rice paddies <br />[14:02] <Brazen_Sand> he decided to walk into the city, being relatively careful not to step on any small huts or break any buildings <br />[14:02] <Brazen_Sand> a very slight rumble was felt throughout teh ground as he got closer <br />[14:04] <wandering> "Snow wait up" Wandering called as she chased after the other Lunar "You worried about Brazens entrence causing problems?" <br />[14:07] <Bright_Snow> She coughs and ripples intto a form more suited to the Tengse look. "Brazen's enterances always cause problems. It is better not to be too close." <br />[14:08] <Brazen_Sand> *confusion, sulking, disappointment, irritation is sent through the Bond* <br />[14:08] <Bright_Snow> "Especially if one wants to stay observing." She says giving Wandering a one over. "After all people are never the same with an Exalted walking around." <br />[14:08] <Bright_Snow> "I would suggest a change in shape for you as well, I have heard the Tengese can be... insular." <br />[14:10] <~Anshu> Brazen may pause long enough to notice the sound of thundering footsteps not his own. <br />[14:10] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen stopped, feeling them through his claws <br />[14:10] <wandering> "I suppose that is true enough" replied Wandering "Through I don't think he means anything by it he's just" she shrugs "Flashy? I suppose" she nods at the suggestion "Very well" she morphs into something closer to the locals "I've only rarely been this way" <br />[14:10] <Brazen_Sand> He straightened up and searched for the direction the other rumble was coming from <br />[14:12] <Bright_Snow> "I never said it was entirely his fault." She forgets Brazen's mate has know him for a lot less time than she has. "It is just he tends to draw trouble too him like flies to honey." <br />[14:12] <~Anshu> ((Mmm, strike that last, sorry)) <br />[14:14] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen looked around, finding nothing. Eventually he shrugged and continued on his way to the Jade Plum Citadel itself, drawn to the most ostentatious part fo the city. <br />[14:14] <wandering> "Ahhh, I suppose that would grow wearing" Wandering replied deciding that being a trouble magnet was something to keep in mind "Have you been to An-teng often?" <br />[14:14] <Bright_Snow> "This is of course when he doesn't go seeking it himself." She sighs, "Still he has become less trouble than he was...." <br />[14:16] <Bright_Snow> "An-Teng, no not at all. I rarely visit a location twice, as there is so much of creation to see. So much to catalogue..." <br />[14:16] <wandering> Wandering laughs gently "That I understand, when ever I have been somewhere I always find myself wondering what is over the next horizon" <br />[14:22] <~Anshu> The palace doors open, and the prince walks out, surrounded by a few bodyguards. Though Brazen cannot see his face, he is instantly recognizable by the ornate tiger mask he wears <br />[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen has no idea who he is <br />[14:23] <~Anshu> Brazen will note that the mask is a powerful artifact. <br />[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> "Are you the prince?" He asked, leaning on one knee to get a closer look. <br />[14:24] <~Anshu> "I am. And you are Brazen Sand, until recently the Greenfire King." <br />[14:24] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen smiled confidently. "My legend precedes me, I see!" <br />[14:24] <wandering> "I suppose we should see what is happening in the city" Wandering suggested "I would be intrested to see what is different here" <br />[14:25] <Brazen_Sand> "I've just arrived at An-Teng, and I would like to find out what's been happening here lately, Prince...who?" <br />[14:26] <Bright_Snow> "Wander, observe, hear the gossip, see how one person interacts with another, observe customs, rituals and other ceremonies." She smiles. "But first lets find a pub." <br />[14:26] <~Anshu> He removes his mask, revealing the face of a man in late middle age. "I am Prince Josei, Exalted One." <br />[14:31] <Bright_Snow> "No better way that to learn a culture than to watch how they drink." <br />[14:32] <wandering> "Now that sounds like a plan to me" Wandering Grinned widly "Let's find somewhere" <br />[14:32] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen stood back up and rubbed underneath his muzzle...."Hmmmm...Has there been anything weird happening around here lately? What do people do around here?" <br />[14:33] <Brazen_Sand> He showed enormous courtesy in not leaning against the nearby buildings and making them collapse accidentally <br />[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> His tail slid behind him and sat along a street, complete with a stinger big enough to impale a man <br />[14:36] <Bright_Snow> */ The bond like it has been for weeks remains stifled. Little comes through, snippits of emotion mostl as. Snow viciously and effectively controlling herself./* <br />[14:38] <Brazen_Sand> "<I'm talking to the prince!> Brazen sent Wandering, a little smugly. <br />[14:41] <wandering> <That's nice, make sure your polite to him> Wandering sent back "It seems Brazen wastes little time" she comments "Seems he's gone to talk to the prince of this place" <br />[14:42] <Brazen_Sand> <I'm always polite!> He sent back <br />[14:44] <~Anshu> "Ah... yes, actually. The Domain of the Silver-Crowned have been threatening war lately and raising our villages. We've informed the local legion, of course, but they say they need to keep an eye on the Lion's citadel in the City of Dead Flowers." <br />[14:45] <~Anshu> raiding* <br />[14:45] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen nodded. "Right right. Which way is the City of Dead Flowers?" He asked <br />[14:46] <~Anshu> "It's quite distant, all the way down in the Shore Lands." <br />[14:47] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen nodded. "Alright, I'll take care fo that for you! But in return...I want the best possible accomodations for me and my mate." <br />[14:49] <~Anshu> "Of course. But I'm worried that with you and Deliberator Nomoe here, they'll mount a larger attack. They hate the 'Anathema,' as they still call you." <br />[14:50] <Brazen_Sand> "They're still doing that?! I thought they stopped the Wyld Hunts. Urgh, what a pain in the ass!" <br />[14:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *On Nomoe's side after the first few days of total silence the bond has returned to the previous state, his presence ascertainable and strong peaks of emotion filtering through. Judging from those little has happened for him to feel happy about, while bad news and unpleasant thoughts have been frequent.* <br />[14:52] <Bright_Snow> "Sounds like Brazen", Xnow smirks as they enter a drinking establishment. "Always direct. I couldn't imagine having him for a mate." She shudders slightly at the thought <br />[14:52] <Brazen_Sand> "So why would the Legion attack you guys if they're watching the Lion's forces?" <br />[14:53] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen asked <br />[14:55] <wandering> "He's not all that bad, direct can be refreshing compared to the manouvring and plans within plans that the elders play or the delibertive seem to indugle in" Wandering said as she ordered a drink "What is Nomoe-san like as a mate?" she inquired "I've had little meetings with both sides of a bond pair" <br />[14:56] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *fully formed thoughts as such have no spilled over into the bond, but Nomoe's attention does seem focused on something he is looking for* <br />[15:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> The inhabitants of Jade Plum Citadel are witness to a rare sight although they know it not: Nomoe Hideaki walking the streets incognito, with neither Mon nor banner nor sword to announce his identity. <br />[15:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> No Charms enhance his presence, no servants attend him, and his clothes are merely expensive blue silks as his clothes rather than his usual attire the cost of which would need to be tallied in jade talents. <br />[15:02] <~Anshu> "What?" The Prince looks at Brazen in surprise and confusion. "Oh, no. I didn't mean that I was afraid of the Legion attacking. I was referring to the Silver-Crowned." <br />[15:03] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen thoguth for a bit about what to do next, looking severely at odds with his surroundings in front of the palace gates <br />[15:03] * Bright_Snow pauses drink half way to her lips. "Well at first he seemed intriguing, dashing and intelligent. If a little full of himself..." Shes says calmly after a moment or two's pause where it is clar that she decides to confide in her fellow Lunar. <br />[15:04] <Bright_Snow> "And in the same calm, almost emotionless tone, she continues "...and right now I'm deciding if I'm going to have to kill him." <br />[15:05] <Brazen_Sand> <Hey Wandering, do you know anything about someone called the Silver-Crowned?> Brazen asked <br />[15:06] <wandering> *Surprise* registers on the bond briefly but is quickly clamped down on it <Not really, is it important?> "Why would you want to do that?" she asks calmly "Has he hurt you?" <br />[15:07] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen noticed the surprise. <Are you okay?!> He sent *concern - fear-anger-violence> <br />[15:08] <wandering> <I'm fine Brazen, just girl talk. Don't worry, make nice with the prince> <br />[15:09] <Brazen_Sand> <I AM TOTALLY NICE!> He sent back *exasperation* <br />[15:10] <Brazen_Sand> The blank expression on his face cleared up to all those around him, and he turned back to the Prince. "So what? You just want us to do nothing!?" <br />[15:11] <Brazen_Sand> "Do you know what the Lion did to Gem just a month and a bit ago?" He demanded <br />[15:11] <Bright_Snow> "Not yet. For the moment he has... restrained himself." She blink and tales another slip, her lifeless eyes appearing to slip away and show the agony of her situation, if but for amoment <br />[15:11] <Bright_Snow> "What I am trying to decide at the moment is whether he will remain capable of such restriant." <br />[15:14] <wandering> "He did not seem to be one who would hurt those closest to him" said Wandering "But a few of the elders did say that the solars where not to be trusted that they where monsters in the end" she looked at Snow "Is that what you fear? That he will become that? Or that his true self might be showing" and what does that mean for Brazen she wondered <br />[15:19] <Brazen_Sand> He looked the Prince in the eye, refusing to blink. <br />[15:20] <~Anshu> "I had heard it was suffering from the plague, but not that the Lion was responsible," the Prince says worriedly, then winces, putting a hand to his back. Attendants bring him a chair to sit in, and he smiles apologetically. "We would offer you a seat as well, Exalted One, but we have no chairs large enough... unless you could return to human form...?" <br />[15:21] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sighed. "This is my true form." He said, saying it as if he had repeated it many many times <br />[15:22] <Brazen_Sand> "It's fine." He grumbled. <br />[15:22] <~Anshu> "My apologies if I offended. I only wished to be a good host." <br />[15:23] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen shook his head, his mane of burning light tumbling along with his movements. "No no, it's fine, don't worry about it. I get this a lot." <br />[15:23] <Brazen_Sand> "Anyway, yeah, the Lion sent a group of his flunkies to poison Gem while I was holding a festival there." <br />[15:25] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sat down beside the Prince on his chair, sitting on the ground with his legs crossed and his tail in his lap. He still towered over the prince. <br />[15:25] <Bright_Snow> "I think tose of us who play obediant dogs to them are deluded fools and have publically stated such an opinion. It is in fact the reason I am now no longer welcome in the Deliberative." She smiles with no warmth in it. <br />[15:28] <~Anshu> "I'm sorry to hear that. Disease is always difficult for a good prince to bear, even - or perhaps especially - when he himself is not afflicted." <br />[15:29] <wandering> "I'm sure that the comment was not aimed at me for I am no-ones dog" Wandering replied her voice growing slightly colder "So you fear him? what he is now as well as what will come?" she sighed and drank deeply "Do not worry we are both chosen of Luna, I will not speak with this with anyone" <br />[15:30] * Nomoe_Hideaki continues to walk the streets of the Jade Plum Citadel. He will never find Bright Snow if she does not want to be found, he knows. But he has to give her the opportunity to be found or seek him out. <br />[15:30] <Brazen_Sand> "So yeah, it could happen to anyone, if you just let him stand around and don't do anything about it. Personally, I want to make him pay." He snarled <br />[15:30] <Brazen_Sand> <The Lion has a Citadel here!> He sent. <br />[15:32] <Brazen_Sand> <In the Shadowland near here.> He continued over the bond <br />[15:32] <Brazen_Sand> *anger-anticipation-excitement* <br />[15:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He could of course employ sorcery or the bond to speak to her, but that would not be appropriate to what he has to say. And it would not be respectful either if she simply does not want to speak with him. A personal meeting is easily avoided if that is her choice. <br />[15:35] <wandering> <The Lion has troops here?> she replies *surprise and anger* <br />[15:36] <Brazen_Sand> <A citadel. Prince is worried about the Silver-Crowned One attacking cause we're 'Anathema' if we make our presence known. I don't see any other choice though.> <br />[15:38] <Brazen_Sand> *frustration-hesitation-commitment-stubbornness* <br />[15:39] <~Anshu> "I don't blame you." He sighs a bit. <br />[15:39] <Bright_Snow> "If I spoke of you Wandering you would know it." She lowers her voice even though their conversation had been fairly whispered anyway. "Clearly you do not talk much with those Chosen of the Fickle Lady who still attend the Deliberative. I called one of our estimed elders and one of the Grand Circle such on the Deliberative floor." <br />[15:40] <Brazen_Sand> "Then you know what I have to do." Brazen replied. <br />[15:42] <wandering> "You did?" Wandering laughed "I wish I had been there to see it, it seems most of our breathen take the idea of being senschals to the solars to far. We are equals but different not slaves to be ordered around" she leans back slightly "As to your earlier words I can not say that I would aid you even though you have not asked such, but I will not knowingly hinder you" <br />[15:44] <Bright_Snow> "It is my business. Mine alone, so I would not ask you to." She says kindly, somewhat touched by the Lunar's words. "As to seeing it, we'll I do have it recorded, I always thought it a good reminder of why I live under a virtual death sentence. Certainly it is a reason to be cautious." <br />[15:44] <~Anshu> "I wish we princes were permitted to raise more military force on our own," the prince sighs. "It seems we High Landers are being left on our own against the Silver Crowned... still, I do have this," he taps the tiger mask in his lap. "That will help." <br />[15:44] <Brazen_Sand> "Look, maybe I can handle the Citadel alone. I mean, how big could it possibly be? Then the Legion can deal with the Silver Crowned, whoever they are." <br />[15:45] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen looked at the Tiger mask, examining it's essence idly <br />[15:49] <wandering> "Perhaps you could show me sometime" Wandering asked "We may have to finish sooner than we intended it seems that Brazen has found out that the Lion has a citidel near by and wants to do something about it" <br />[15:51] <Brazen_Sand> "Eh, the tiger mask is okay, I guess. I don't think it'll be necessary though. I have some friends here." He added <br />[15:51] <Brazen_Sand> While he got up and stretched <br />[15:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Meanwhile a message runner has arrived and stands waiting and sweating at a distance, not wanting to interrupt the former Greenfire King's audience with the High Prince. <br />[15:53] <~Anshu> "Thank you, Exalted One. I can make a guide available to take you to their lands." <br />[16:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> The letter reads: "To Brazen Sand, from Deliberator Nomoe Hideaki, greetings. It might be of interest to you that in your absence the disease plaguing Gem has been contained and eradicated. <br />[16:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> The final count of the dead is at 15.1% of the total population, which considering the unusual letality of this particular strain is for this age a remarkable achievement as I'm sure you are aware. <br />[16:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> There are however some further concerns regarding the agents responsible for its outbreak and the forces backing them. <br />[16:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I'll be glad to discuss them with you as well as any further companions you might bring, should it please you to visit my humble winter residence on Cherry Blossom street. Regards, Nomoe Hideaki." <br />[16:07] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen snorted. "Figures Nomoe-san woudl get here before I did. A guide would probably be helpful, but are you sure that they'll be able to manage me? Everyone is always worried I'll step on them." He asked the prince <br />[16:10] <~Anshu> "I'm sure he'll be fine. He used to live in the Middle Lands, working with elephants." <br />[16:11] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen shrugged. "Well alright. I guess I'd better go meet Nomoe-San as soon as possible or he'll get on my case next time I see him." <br />[16:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> At Nomoe's house on said street (which is easily found), a middling to large villa in the local style with an nice garden behind it, Brazen Sand is obviously expected by the servants in Nomoe livery. <br />[16:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Bowing deeply they greet the Infernal, offer to wash his feet, and show him into the back garden where there is no danger of him crashing against the ceiling and damaging the expensive furniture. <br />[16:20] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sat down in the lawn and allowed them to wash his feet, getting months-worth of grime off his talons and digitigrade feet. <br />[16:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> It is likely that they are deeply uncomfortable due to the Infernals alien appearance but not one welcoming smile is out of place in their well-trained professional facades. <br />[16:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Will your friends be joining us as well, Lord Brazen Sand?" The servants inquire. "Lord Deliberator Nomoe will surely be here shortly." <br />[16:23] <Brazen_Sand> "That's good." He sat up. "Hey, why're you guys so freaked out about me? Haven't you seen teh news and stuff abotu all the awesome stuff I've done?" <br />[16:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> A table has been set up already with one seat currently and a large cushion for Brazen Sand. Tea is being prepared already and there even is something like a tea cup in Brazen Sand's size! <br />[16:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Oh, certainly, Lord Brazen Sand," they reply simply, showing not the least bit of apprehension. <br />[16:30] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen's eyes narrowed. "Dear Pasiap," He thought. "They're all like him!" <br />[16:30] <Brazen_Sand> <Having tea at Nomoe's place.> He sent to Wandering. <You want to come?> <br />[16:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Would you prefer the green tea or ..." One of the servants begins to list what's available. It's a pretty long and boring list. <br />[16:31] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen took the trough-sized cup in his talons and examined his reflection, trying to make sure there wasn't anything stuck in his teeth. <br />[16:32] <Brazen_Sand> "Uhhhh..." Brazen's eyes glazed over, including the burning Essence one. <br />[16:32] <Brazen_Sand> "Surprise me?" <br />[16:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "As you wish, Lord Brazen Sand," he nods and starts preparing Brazen's tea. <br />[16:33] <Brazen_Sand> "So yeah, if you saw all the stuff I've done, why're you uncomfortable around me?" <br />[16:35] <Bright_Snow> After a long pause, "HAs he charged off to crush it yet?" Snow continues sipping her drink. <br />[16:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Pardon me, Lord Brazen Sand, I do not understand the question ..." <br />[16:37] <wandering> "It would seem not yet" commented Wandering "he is far too calm for that to be the case" <Your not heading off to the citidel yet?" <br />[16:38] <Brazen_Sand> <Nomoe-San wanted me to meet him, and if you knew this guy, you'd know that I'd never hear the end of it if I didn't come before I kicked the Citadel down.> <br />[16:39] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen looked at the servant with narrowed eyes. Not threateningly, just that he couldn't believe they woudln't understand the question. <br />[16:39] <Brazen_Sand> "You understand what I mean. Why don't you just say it?" <br />[16:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Your tea is ready, Lord Brazen Sand. If you need anything else, please just ask," the servants bow deeply and seem to dissipate into the garden all around. <br />[16:41] <wandering> "It would seem that he is meeting with your Bondmate at the moment" Wandering said carefully <br />[16:41] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen nearly visibly seethed with frustration, but held it in check enough to taste his tea. <br />[16:45] <Brazen_Sand> He drank deeply, the scalding liquid not even able to lightly burn his tongue. <br />[16:46] * Bright_Snow does not react. "That was inevitable." She sighs, "They were sure to meet the second I noticed the airship docked with the House Mons symbol on it, as we arrived." <br />[16:49] <wandering> "Ahhh, perhaps Brazen simply wishes to inform Nomoe of the Lion's presence" Wandering suggested <br />[16:50] <Brazen_Sand> It was alright, Brazen thought. <br />[16:50] <Bright_Snow> "Possibly." She shrugs again, "possibly he seeks to help a reconsiliation between the two of us. Sometimes I think he sees us as surrogate parents. and it is terrible to see your parents fighting." <br />[16:51] <Bright_Snow> It is worse of course to see one devour the other, bit by bit. She thinks to herself. <br />[16:53] <wandering> "I suppose we should check on them" said Wandering "You know how men are, left to their own devices they will probably start a war because they are bored or something" <br />[16:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Brazen Sand can see the echoe of a Terrestrial Anima out of the corner of his demon eye tinged with the flavour of a sorcerous spell. A minute later Nomoe comes out into the garden, his usual immaculate self. <br />[16:54] <Brazen_Sand> "You wanted to meet?" <br />[16:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Ah, Brazen Sand, how good of you to come. Welcome to my humble residence." <br />[16:55] <Brazen_Sand> "Uhhh...thanks." (For not being embarrassed by being around me this time) he added mentally <br />[16:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "You chose to follow an invitation, did you not?" <br />[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> "Thanks for taking care of Gem, by the way." Brazen added. <br />[16:56] <Bright_Snow> "I have no wish to meet my mate and unless circumstances conspire to force such a confrontation I will avoid it." She says finishing the mug. "But do not keep you from making sure Brazen from doing anything foolish." <br />[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> "Well yeah, I came here when I got the message. I'm just not used to this kind of thing, you know?" <br />[16:57] * Nomoe_Hideaki makes a dismissive gesture. "What's there to say, I did give my word that I would, didn't I? The stars will rain from the sky before I keep not my word." <br />[16:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I do hope the tea is to your liking? Cloud Master's Secret Venom, a good choice." <br />[16:58] <Brazen_Sand> "Nevertheless." Brazen replied, with a nod. "Were they left in capable hands?" <br />[16:58] <Brazen_Sand> "When you left, I mean." <br />[16:58] <wandering> "Putting of the confrontation for two long may make things worse" said Wandering as she made to stand "Be wary of him if you believe he is a danger but do not let the consoul of your won fears lead you into indecison" <br />[16:58] <Brazen_Sand> "Oh yeah, the tea is good...I'm not much of a tea critic, but I like it. Probably hard to make it in my size." <br />[16:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I only employ the best," Nomoe smiles, dismissing the expense of preparing Brazen sized portions. <br />[16:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "You have been travelling, I understand?" <br />[17:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Nothing too annoying in the Wyld currents, I hope?" <br />[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen nodded. "Yeah, with Snow and Wandering. Wandering is a great lady." <br />[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen shrugged. "I roared at them and they went away." <br />[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> "Although something seems wrong with Snow." <br />[17:01] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen added <br />[17:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "A very gifted healer as well, is Deliberator Wandering Drunken Scholar. Her contribution to the continued health of Gem's populace should not be discounted." <br />[17:02] <Brazen_Sand> "Yeah, she's my mate too. Things have been really looking up since I met you guys." <br />[17:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "And yes, I do believe that the new oversight of Gem will be to its benefit." <br />[17:03] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen nodded, "Oh good! Who's going to be taking care of the place?" <br />[17:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> There is a brief cascade of essence through Nomoe's pattern as a Charm settles over him. His expression, even to Brazen Sand's unexpectedly perceptive eyes gives away nothing he doesn't want it to. <br />[17:05] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen noticed a slight change, but nothing really interesting. It was just Nomoe looking like Nomoe to him <br />[17:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "In any case, I have made a few inquiries ... the results of which are inauspicious." <br />[17:07] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen put down the tea cup, trying not to damage teh table with his claws <br />[17:07] * Nomoe_Hideaki takes the tea the servants offer him and takes a sip, then leans back in his chair. <br />[17:08] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen merely sat on the grass, his tail ended somewhere in a bush <br />[17:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Apparently there's more to those enhancements of the Abyssals we scattered across the landscape the other day. Not merely Alchemical Charms, but far more than that." <br />[17:11] <Brazen_Sand> "I noticed that, the weird arm stuff, like what Ruby had." <br />[17:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "It seems like the Lion has made contact with an Apostate group within Autochthonia. Or the other way around." <br />[17:12] <Brazen_Sand> "Wait wait, what's an Apostate?" Brazen asked, sipping from his tea again. <br />[17:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Apostates are the Autochthonian equivalent of Deathknights. Exalts twisted toward destructions aiming to kill Autochthonia as the Abyssals mean to murder Creation. The possible consequences of an alliance between the two are potentially disastrous." <br />[17:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Both for Autochthonia and, in the long run, perhaps for Creation as well:" <br />[17:15] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen's eye-ridges raised. "Well...wow...yeah...We'd better go kick both their asses then." He said, getting straight to the point. <br />[17:15] <Brazen_Sand> "Was that how they were able to poison Gem, then?" <br />[17:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "It seems likely that since there have been no unauthorized uses of the Estasia gate there must be a second breach in the Seal of Eight Divinities. Probably in the Underworld, somewhere within the Lion's territories." <br />[17:17] *** wandering has left #celestialdeliberative <br />[17:17] <Brazen_Sand> "But that makes no sense, then why didn't the Lion just do this a long time ago? I thought there was just one breach, one gate." <br />[17:17] <Brazen_Sand> "If they open one, then the other opens at the same time!" <br />[17:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "..." <br />[17:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "The experts assure me it is entirely possible." <br />[17:20] <Brazen_Sand> "And who are they?" Brazen asked. <br />[17:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Several noted scholars of such matters involved with the gate project." <br />[17:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Which, I should note, is supposed to be secret." <br />[17:22] <Brazen_Sand> "Nomoe-san..." Brazen hesitated for a second, staring into his cup. "Come on, please, they're right beside Gem. I grew up in Gem, the rest of my family is *in Gem*. I need to know!" <br />[17:24] * Nomoe_Hideaki is silent for a moment. "I can't tell you," he then says simply. "However I am already sharing the answers I have gotten from them, and should new questions occur to you, I would assuredly pass them on." <br />[17:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Do you really need to know who points you in the right direction toward the one whose 'asses you need to kick'?" He looks at Brazen Sand pointedly. <br />[17:26] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen growled deep in his throat for a moment. "Fine. So what kind of stuff can they do now? If it's just those charms...well, they didn't seem to be that much stronger." <br />[17:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "No," Nomoe agrees. "However it's the potential - which as of yet is only incompletely assessed - that might well prove problematic. Somehow they are fusing living Abyssal Exalts with a twisted version of the Alchemical Exaltation. This is quite simply unprecedented." <br />[17:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Worse, the only way an Alchemical Exaltation could be constructed in such a twisted way is for Autochthon himself, or at least significant parts of his meta-psyche, to be twisted by the Void." <br />[17:29] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen wondered..."Could they do it the other way around?" <br />[17:29] <Brazen_Sand> "Make an Alchemical into an Abyssal?" <br />[17:30] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I will make a note to ask, but from what I've seen it's not how they're currently doing it. Those Abyssals were Abyssals first and later got their 'enhancements'." <br />[17:33] <Brazen_Sand> "Okay, so we need to go to the Lion's fortress and wreck whatever is there?" <br />[17:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I am in contact with Ambassador Shadow Phoenix Ruby. She means to lead a fact finding mission into the Far Reaches of Autochthonia to investigate this in connection to increased Apostate activity. I have offered to make it a joint mission and to accompany her since this is a matter that obviously concerns Creation as well." <br />[17:34] <Brazen_Sand> "Ruby?!" Brazen asked. "We were together...you know, when I was...when I looked human." <br />[17:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I did not think you had forgotten." <br />[17:35] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen chuckled with a bit of regret. "Yeah well, she left immediately afterwards. Maybe I turned her off Creation." <br />[17:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Storming the Thousand ... I do believe I said it once already, that suicide missions are not for me." He shrugs. "In any case, as far as I understand the Estasia gate is mainly dependent on the Autochthonian side. It's likely that this holds true for the Lion's gate as well." <br />[17:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I suspect that a patropolis has fallen to the Void, this 'Engine of Extinction' the Abyssals mentioned." <br />[17:37] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen nodded. "So when do we leave for it?" <br />[17:37] <Brazen_Sand> "I can't just leave her in a bind like that, you know? Not an awesome hero like me." <br />[17:38] * Nomoe_Hideaki smiles thinly. "I thought you would say that." <br />[17:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I have not yet heard back from the Ambassador regarding the precise date, but as soon as I do ..." <br />[17:39] <Brazen_Sand> "But first we have to deal with this Citadel. I...sort of told the prince I'd deal with it." <br />[17:39] <Brazen_Sand> "If you don't wnat to deal with it, that's okay." <br />[17:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "What citadel? There are a few things I have to take care of ..." <br />[17:41] <Brazen_Sand> "There's a Citadel held by the Lion in the Shadowland around here. The City of Wilted Flowers or something." <br />[17:42] * Nomoe_Hideaki sighs. "And it's a problem because ..." <br />[17:42] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen looked at Nomoe like he was an alien <br />[17:43] <Brazen_Sand> "Because it's held by the same bastard who tried to murder my entire city!" <br />[17:43] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods sagely. "Ah, revenge. I can understand that." <br />[17:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Would you prefer to do it alone?" <br />[17:45] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen snorted. "I'm sure there's enough for everyone." <br />[17:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Revenge is a very personal matter. Sometimes you do not want others to interfere." <br />[17:47] <Brazen_Sand> "It's not just revenge, Nomoe-San. The people here shouldn't have to be afraid of the same thing happening to them. Although I won't lie, getting some payback would be extremely satisfying." <br />[17:48] <Brazen_Sand> "Anyway, I'm not sure what'll be there." <br />[17:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Mmh." Nomoe frowns. "Less purity of purpose, but two birds with one stone." He is quiet for a moment. "Do tell me before you leave. As I said there are a few matters I have to attend to that are more important, but if I'm free it might not be a bad idea to see if we can find some intelligence on the Lion's plots." <br />[17:51] <Brazen_Sand> "Sure. How do I reach you?" He asked as he got up <br />[17:51] * Nomoe_Hideaki takes another sip of his tea <br />[17:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "My office here at the mansion can reach me at any time." <br />[17:51] <Brazen_Sand> "Oh wait, Nomoe-San. Actually...I do have something new." <br />[17:52] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen weaved a strand of green essence into a small bat-winged devil-child. <br />[17:52] <Brazen_Sand> It disappeared and then instantly appeared beside the Eclipse <br />[17:52] <Brazen_Sand> "I know Sorcery now." It whispered <br />[17:53] * Nomoe_Hideaki raises an eyebrow. "Or you could cut out the middle man," he says dryly. "That works as well." <br />[17:54] <Brazen_Sand> "Yes." Brazen bowed stiffly to Nomoe, his mane almost touching the Eclipse's cup because of his huge size. <br />[17:54] <Brazen_Sand> "Thanks for the tea." <br />[17:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "You're welcome." Nomoe bows as well. <br />[17:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "It was nothing," Nomoe bows as well. <br />[17:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> (strike the previous version) <br />[18:02] *** Nomoe_Hideaki is now known as dakkareth <br />[18:10] <Brazen_Sand> "Oh, Nomoe-san!" Brazen added. "Go talk to Snow." <br />[18:12] * dakkareth becomes very still, his face a perfect unfeeling mask. <br />[18:13] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki <br />[18:14] <Brazen_Sand> "I was with her for several weeks, and she's really really upset about something. It's really worrying. But you know I can't...urgh, you know I'm no good at this stuff." <br />[18:15] <Brazen_Sand> " I really don't get it. You guys were so happy together, right? But now it's like she won't even think about you." <br />[18:15] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "No, you aren't." Nomoe tone is cold. "So I will give you a hint, tailored to your absolute lack of subtlety: Don't involve yourself in the private affairs of others." <br />[18:16] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen gaped and looked really hurt. "Nomoe-San...you're my friends." <br />[18:17] <Brazen_Sand> "How could I not try to help when I see that they're hurt?" <br />[18:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Which means that even more than common decency would demand you should respect the privacy and the face of those you say you feel friendship toward." <br />[18:21] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen laughed. "Nomoe-san, look at me! How could I possibly do that?" <br />[18:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Considering your good intentions and well-known lack of these qualities I will not take offense. This once." <br />[18:25] * Nomoe_Hideaki looks at Brazen Sand and a hint of emotion taints the perfection of his mask. "Yes, how could you ..." Just as quickly as it came it is gone again. "Thank you for your visit, Lord Brazen Sand," Nomoe says formally and bows. "The servants will see you out." <br />[18:27] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen stomped out. "I can see myself out. You can't keep doing this, Nomoe-San. You can't keep hiding away behind politeness or ettiquette or whatever whenever something happens that you don't like! Not forever!" <br />[18:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And while the servants gather to see Brazen Sand out Nomoe returns to the house wrapped in his usual aura of authority <br />[18:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He does not pause or otherwise react to Brazen Sand's words. <br />[18:28] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen angrily left ahead of the servants. Session Close (#celestialdeliberative): Fri Feb 18 18:29:03 2011 -0700
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