Editing DjinnTheBinding:Workings:Protection

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===== Refinements =====
===== Refinements =====
(●) Active Defence: The Djinn may use Instant or Reflexive actions that increase her Defence or Armour. Dodging isn’t allowed since the purpose is to take the hit, but Brawling or Weaponry Dodge is since they’re deflective rather than evasive actions.<br>
(●) Active Defence: The Djinn may use Instant or Reflexive actions that increase her Defence or Armour. Dodging isn’t allowed since the purpose is to take the hit, but Brawling or Weaponry Dodge is since they’re deflective rather than evasive actions.<br>
(●●●) Guard to the Just: The Djinn gets free armour depending on their charge's morality: 1/1 for morality 6, 2/2 for morality 7 and so on.
(●●●) Guard to the Just: The Djinn gets free armour depending on their morality: 1/1 for morality 6, 2/2 for morality 7 and so on.
==== On Watch ====
==== On Watch ====
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Note that it is possible to flank the Djinn, and so long as this Working is in effect the Djinn cannot apply his defence to attacks that come from any other direction. Only one Djinn can hold a single line, but a staggered defence or a longer line is possible.
Note that it is possible to flank the Djinn, and so long as this Working is in effect the Djinn cannot apply his defence to attacks that come from any other direction. Only one Djinn can hold a single line, but a staggered defence or a longer line is possible.
Supercharge (Violent): The Djinn imbues the line with its Rukh, moving from a metaphorical wall towards a physical one. Ifrits create a wall of fire, Utukku grow thorns. This takes one turn of work per Rukh spent. Every two points of Rukh creates one wall die. For every person who attempts to attack across the wall roll the wall dice; every success gives them a -1 penalty to attack for that turn and one bashing damage which can be reduced by armour.
Supercharge: The Djinn imbues the line with its Rukh, moving from a metaphorical wall towards a physical one. Ifrits create a wall of fire, Utukku grow thorns. This takes one turn of work per Rukh spent. Every two points of Rukh creates one wall die. For every person who attempts to attack across the wall roll the wall dice; every success gives them a -1 penalty to attack for that turn and one bashing damage which can be reduced by armour.
===== Refinements =====  
===== Refinements =====  
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===== Refinements =====
===== Refinements =====
(●) Modern Design: The Equipment bonus for mundane security equipment built into the protected object is increased by an amount equal to the bonus durability. This working cannot increase the equipment bonus beyond +5. <br>
(●) Modern Design: Through study the Djinn has mastered the modern fortress. For any Crafts or Computer roll required to set up, install or configure modern security equipment (alarms, cameras, etc), a single point of Rukh can be used to do the work in a fifth of the time. Afterward the result is a perfectly mundane setup installed to the limits of the Djinn’s skill, and obviously they must actually have the equipment to install it.<br>
(●●) Defensive Coordination: The Djinn gains the ability to communicate with those inside its Fortress; they gain an Initiative bonus equal to the Djinn’s Wits + Composure. This does not stack with other Initiative bonuses from the building (such as a home merit); use the highest.<br>
(●●) Defensive Coordination: The Djinn gains the ability to communicate with those inside its Fortress; they gain an Initiative bonus equal to the Djinn’s Wits + Composure. This does not stack with other Initiative bonuses from the building (such as a home merit); use the highest.<br>
(●●●●) Heart of the Fortress: The Djinn’s Anchor is added to the object; it may be buried in the foundations or hidden between some walls. Perform Architect of the Fortress as normal but add the Djinn’s Stamina as extra Durability. Additonally, the object automatically recovers Structure points equal to the Djinn’s Naphsha every hour. The fortress also takes on characteristics of the Djinn -- walls become rocky with a Ghul or damp with a Marid.
(●●●●) Heart of the Fortress: The Djinn’s Anchor is added to the object; it may be buried in the foundations or hidden between some walls. Perform Architect of the Fortress as normal but add the Djinn’s Stamina as extra Durability. Additonally, the object automatically recovers Structure points equal to the Djinn’s Naphsha every hour. The fortress also takes on characteristics of the Djinn -- walls become rocky with a Ghul or damp with a Marid.
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Drawback: This Working does not distinguish between friendly and hostile influences. Anyone with a supernatural template cannot be protected by this Working.
Drawback: This Working does not distinguish between friendly and hostile influences. Anyone with a supernatural template cannot be protected by this Working.
Supercharging (Violent): The Djinn creates a guardian within the target’s subconscious. This guardian will remain dormant and fade with the Working unless its host is subject to a supernatural attack. At that point it will follow the attack back to its source, across any distance, and attack with the subtlety of a hungry shark. The guardian has a dice pool equal to the amount of Rukh the Djinn overcharged this working with, contested by the attacker’s Resolve + Supernatural Advantage. Mental shielding will protect against the guardian.
Overcharging: The Djinn creates a guardian within the target’s subconscious. This guardian will remain dormant and fade with the Working unless its host is subject to a supernatural attack. At that point it will follow the attack back to its source, across any distance, and attack with the subtlety of a hungry shark. The guardian has a dice pool equal to the amount of Rukh the Djinn overcharged this working with, contested by the attacker’s Resolve + Supernatural Advantage. Mental shielding will protect against the guardian.
Should the guardian win this contest, the attacker takes one dice of lethal damage as it rips into the portion of their mind used for mental assault. Until this damage is healed the attacker cannot attempt to mentally influence another. For example, a mage cannot cast Mind spells on another but can cast them on themselves.
Should the guardian win this contest, the attacker takes one dice of lethal damage as it rips into the portion of their mind used for mental assault. Until this damage is healed the attacker cannot attempt to mentally influence another. For example, a mage cannot cast Mind spells on another but can cast them on themselves.
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Lesser vessels have no mental or social attributes or skills, one dot in each physical attribute and 3 dots to be divided as the player wishes, and 1/3 of the Djinn’s skills in Athletics, Brawl, Firearms and Weaponry, with at least one dot if the Djinn knows that skill. They may be created with melee weaponry which makes their attacks lethal but provides no extra dice. All lesser vessels are identical.
Lesser vessels have no mental or social attributes or skills, one dot in each physical attribute and 3 dots to be divided as the player wishes, and 1/3 of the Djinn’s skills in Athletics, Brawl, Firearms and Weaponry, with at least one dot if the Djinn knows that skill. They may be created with melee weaponry which makes their attacks lethal but provides no extra dice. All lesser vessels are identical.
Creating a batch of lesser vessels requires a Dexterity + Crafts roll and takes half an hour.
Every batch of lesser vessels requires a Dexterity + Crafts roll and takes half an hour.
Supercharging: Just spend extra Rukh for more soldiers.
Supercharging: Just spend extra Rukh for more soldiers.
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==== So They Can Help Themselves ====
==== So They Can Help Themselves ====
A true hero inspires others how to become heroes themselves. With this power a Djinn can do something similar. The Djinn works hard to build defences, details a cunning stratagem for the battle or gives a rousing speech. More importantly, as they do so they let their Rukh flow free, empowering their allies. Using this Working is an extended action; every two points of Rukh allows one Presence + skill roll equal to 15 minutes of work. Every success adds to a pool of dice. Mortal allies of the Djinn may add from this pool to their rolls during the event.
A true hero inspires others how to become heroes themselves. With this power a Djinn can do something similar. The Djinn works hard to build defences, details a cunning stratagem for the battle or gives a rousing speech. More importantly, as they do so they let their Rukh flow free, empowering their allies. Using this Working is an extended action; every two points of Rukh allows one Presence + skill roll equal to 15 minuets of work. Every success adds to a pool of dice. Mortal allies of the Djinn may add from this pool to their rolls during the event.
Teamwork: This Working cannot be stacked with itself; instead use the Teamwork rules from WoD core. Secondary actors pay 2 Rukh per roll they contribute to, but must possess this Working.  
Teamwork: This working cannot be stacked with itself, instead use the Teamwork rules for WoD core. Secondary actors pay 2 Rukh per roll they contribute too but must possess this Working.  
Accepted skills are any group activity that logically increases the group’s chances of success: building fortifications, drilling the troops, creating a plan for battle, etc.. The attribute for the Working is always Presence.
Accepted skills are any group activity that logically increases the group’s chances of success: building fortifications, drilling the tropes, creating a plan for battle. The attribute for the working is always Presence.  
Cost: 2 Rukh per use.
Cost: 2 Rukh per use.  
Supercharging: Just spend extra Rukh for more rolls.
Supercharging: just spend extra Rukh for more roles.  
Notes: The Inspiring Merit has no special effect here, but players should feel free to make a roll for that too.
Notes: The inspiring merit has no special effect here, but players should feel free to make a roll for that too.  
===== Refinements =====  
===== Refinements =====  
(●●●●●) To the Last: Anyone inspired by So They Can Help Themselves will not collapse from bashing damage under any circumstances. After their health is filled with lethal damage they may spend a point of Willpower to keep fighting for another turn (but they suffer twice the bleeding out damage for that turn). Filling someone’s healthbox with aggravated damage is still fatal.
(●●●●●) To the Last Anyone inspired by So They Can Help Themselves will not collapse from bashing damage under any circumstances. After their health is filled with lethal damage they may spend a point of willpower to keep stay fighting for another turn (but they suffer twice the bleeding out damage for that turn). Filling someone’s healthbox with aggravated damage is still fatal.  
==== Outside The Battle ====
==== Outside The Battle ====
Some people just don’t belong in a fight: doctors who’ve sworn to never take a life, leaders who cannot fight but can build a better world. With this Working, a Djinn’s power to guard such people from harm approaches its peak. A Djinn nominates another and rolls Stamina + Survival. For one turn per success plus a number of turns equal to the Djinn’s Naphsha, the target gets a Durability equal the Djinn’s Naphsha + the target Morality. Targets must be “weak” in the same sense as Protect the Weak.
Some people just don’t belong in a fight. Doctors who’ve sworn to never take a life, leaders who cannot fight but can build a better world. With this Working a Djinn’s power to guard such people from harm approaches its peak. A Djinn nominates another and rolls Stamina + Survival. For one turn per success plus a number of turns equal to the Djinn’s Naphsha the target gets a Durability equal the Djinn’s Naphsha + the target Morality. Targets must be “weak” in the same sense as protect the weak.  
Drawback: The target becomes immobilised by the Djinn’s protection, the Djinn who performed this Working may carry them but anyone else who attempts to touch the target finds them immovably heavy.  
Drawback: The target becomes immobilised by the Djinn’s protection. The Djinn who performed this Working may carry them, but anyone else who attempts to touch the target finds them immovably heavy.
Cost: 3 Rukh
Cost: 3 Rukh
Supercharging: 1 Rukh for an extra turn’s duration. This may be spent as an instant action at any time the Working is in effect.  
Supercharging: 1 Rukh for an extra turn’s duration. This may be spent as an instant action at any time the Working is in effect.
Notes: This is a more expensive version of protect the weak or safe in my arms. Its primary advantage is that unlike the earlier version the Djinn is free to unleash the asskicking knowing the person he’s defending is safe.
Notes: This is a more expensive version of Protect the Weak or Safe in My Arms. Its primary advantage is that unlike the earlier version, the Djinn is free to unleash the asskicking knowing that the person he’s defending is safe.
== Five Dots ==
== Five Dots ==
==== Finest Hour ====
==== Finest Hour ====
This Working can only be used in strict conditions: the Djinn and his allies must be defending, not attacking or pre-emptively defending, and they must be against a superior force. The Djinn turns himself into an indomitable titan that can stand against armies for a battle that will be recalled in stories for thousands of years.
This working can only be used in strict conditions: the Djinn and his allies must be defending, not attacking or pre-emptively defending and they must be against a superior force. The Djinn turns himself into an indomitable titan that can stand against armies for a battle that will be recalled in stories for thousands of years.  
The Djinn gets bonus health equal to his current Rukh (calculated after spending for Supercharging), which lasts for the duration of the battle. The huge Rukh expenditure will cause massive Turbulence which will be contained by the Djinn – at the end of the Working their health box is filled entirely with Aggravated Damage, no healing is possible.
The Djinn gets bonus health equal to his current Rukh (calculated after spending for Supercharging), this lasts for the duration of the battle. The huge Rukh expenditure will cause massive Turbulence which will be contained by the Djinn – at the end of the working their health box is filled entirely with Aggravated Damage, no healing is possible.  
Cost: All Rukh.
Cost: All Rukh.
Supercharging: 3 Rukh boosts an attribute by one dot for the duration.
Supercharging: 3 Rukh boosts an attribute by one dot for the duration up to a maximum of 10.  
[Picture: A huge Djinn: ten foot tall, bare cheated and muscular is surrounded by demons, arrows and swords run through his body and fire pours from the wounds. A horrific medusa looking creature is wrapped around his chest clawing at the Djinn’s face. One of the Djinn’s hands wields an enormous halibard which is cleaving through a demon the other is pushing the Medusa from his body a jet of fire burning through his assailant. The scene takes place atop a mound of demon corpses.]
[Picture: A huge Djinn: ten foot tall, bare-chested and muscular, is surrounded by demons. Arrows and swords run through his body and fire pours from the wounds. A horrific medusa-looking creature is wrapped around his chest, clawing at the Djinn’s face. One of the Djinn’s hands wields an enormous halberd which is cleaving through a demon; the other is pushing the Medusa from his body, a jet of fire burning through his assailant. The scene takes place atop a mound of demon corpses.]
===== Refinements =====  
===== Refinements =====
(●●●●●) Martyr (Requires Finest Hour): When using Finest Hour you gain a free Willpower point after performing or receiving any attack that does five or more damage. You may reflexively transfer this point to an ally.
(●●●●●) Martyr (Requires Finest Hour): When using Finest Hour you gain a free willpower point after performing or receiving any attack that dose five or more damage. You may reflexively transfer this point to an ally.
==== Quis custodiet ipsos custodies ====
==== Quis custodiet ipsos custodies ====
A Djinn is always under observation from angels, but as a Michaelite gains the trust of his parole officers she may be pleased to discover the heavenly host is not only watching but also watching their back. With this working a Djinn can request the aid of a lesser angel in battle. Angels are not minions and can’t be made to obey orders; if there is no need no angel will turn up. Furthermore, if the Djinn attempts wicked acts, the angel will object and might possibly turn on its summoner. All this said, the angels called by this Working show professionalism and know how to work in a group.
A Djinn is always under observation from angels but as a Michaelite gains the trust of his parole officers she may be pleased to discover the heavenly host is not only watching but also watching their back. With this working a Djinn can request the aid of a lesser angel in battle. Angels are not a minion and can’t be made to obey orders, if there is no need no angel will turn up. Furthermore, if Djinn attempts wicked acts the angel will object and might possibly turn on its summoner. All this said the Angels come from Michael’s host and are solders, they do know how to work as part of a group.
Roll: Manipulation + Persuasion
Roll Manipulation + Persuasion
Cost: 5 Rukh
Costs five Rukh
Overcharging: N/A
Overcharging N/A
===== Lesser Angel =====
===== Lesser Angel =====
These stats represent a typical angel that might aid a Djinn; the Storyteller should feel free to use different stats and Numina appropriate to the situation. Though Djinn debate whether there actually is some deliberate intelligence choosing the right angel for the job, all agree that it sure seems that way.
These stats represent a typical angel that might aid a Djinn, the storyteller should feel free to use different stats and Numina appropriate to the situation. The Heavenly Host is resourceful and counts many skilled strategists as members, they are not apt to send the wrong angel for the job.  
Power 5 Finesse 4 Resistance 6
Power 5 Finesse 4 Resistance 6
Virtue: Justice Vice: Wrath
Virtue: Justice Vice: Wrath  
Rukh: 15
Rukh: 15
Appearance: The appearance of an angel is a matter of choice; Michael’s Host normally take forms designed to reassure those they are sent to protect. The winged human look is very popular as humans immediately associate it with angels and good. In this form one of Michael’s often display an androgynous mix of features that represent strength to demonstrate they are capable protectors and soft comforting features to provide reassurance that they really are here to help.
Appearance: The appearance of an angel is a matter of choice, Michael's Host normally take forms designed to reassure those they are sent to protect. The winged human look is very popular as humans immediately associate it with angels and good, in this form one of Michael's often display an androgynous mix of features that represent strength to demonstrate they are capable protectors and soft comforting features to provide reassurance that they really are here to help.
Other forms used by Michael’s Host include shapeless masses of electricity and flame and the beautiful monstrosities found in the Old Testament. These forms are more common when on the offence.
Other forms used by Michael's Host include shapeless masses of electricity and flame and the beautiful monstrosities found in the Old Testament. These forms are more common when on the offence.
Materialise: Though naturally in Twlight, for three Rukh and a Power + Finesse roll the angel can materialise on the physical plane. This lasts indefinitely until they choose to cease being material.
Materialise. For three Rukh and a Power + Finease roll the angel can materialise on the physical plane. This lasts indefinitely until they choose to cease being material.
Blessed Teamwork: An angel in Michael’s heavenly host can contribute to any Working of Protection that allows teamwork. When doing so treat the angel as though they knew the Working.
Blessed Teamwork. An angel in Michael's heavenly host can contribute to any Blessing of Protection that allows teamwork, when doing so treat the angel as though they knew the Blessing.
Angel’s Weapon: An angel may summon their own personal weapon, often but not always a flaming sword. This is a reflexive action and costs one Rukh. An angel’s weapon has a damage rating of 6 lethal and does fire, holy or normal cutting damage, whatever is most effective against the target. If an angel gives his weapon to another, it lasts until the end of the scene. At Morality 7, holding the sword does one bashing (fire) damage a turn. At Morality 8+ there is no effect, while at morality 6 or lower wielding the weapon is impossible. An angel may only summon one weapon at a time and it will fade after one scene.
Angel's Weapon. An angel may summon their own personal weapon, often but not always a flaming sword. This is a reflexive action and costs one Rukh. An angel's weapon has a damage rating of 6 lethal and dose fire, holy or normal cutting damage, whatever is more effective against the target. An angel may give his weapon to another, it lasts until the end of the scene. At morality 7 holding the sword dose one bashing (fire) damage a turn, at morality 8 there is no effect while at morality 6 or lower wielding the weapon is impossible. An angel may only summon one weapon at a time and it will fade after one scene.  
Blessed Weapons: Any weapon the angel wields does holy damage in addition to its regular type. As an instant action and for one Rukh, they may bless a weapon for the rest of the scene. For two Rukh and a Finesse roll the Angel may permanently bless a weapon. An angel in Michael’s host can bless any object, not just weapons, but if they do so the only effect is that it will do holy damage if used in combat. They are heaven’s soldiers, not its craftsmen.
Blessed Weapons: Any weapon the angel wields dose holy damage in addition to its regular type. As an instant action and one Rukh they may bless a weapon for the rest of the scene. For two Rukh and a Finesse roll the Angel may permanently bless a weapon. An Angel in Michael's host can bless any object, not just weapons, but if they do so the only effect is that it will do holy damage if used in combat. They are heaven's soldiers not its craftsmen.  
Prayer: The angel beseeches Michael for his blessing. This is an instant action and costs one Rukh.  After doing so the angel gains an additional Numina identical to any one or two dot Working of Protection. An angel can use Prayer as many times as it wants but it must "swap out" the previously acquired Working.
Prayer. The angel beseeches Michael for his blessing. This is an instant action and costs one Rukh, after doing so the angel gains an additional Numina identical to any one or two dot Blessing of Protection. An angel can use Prayer as many times as they want but they must "swap-out" the previously acquired Blessing.
===== Sidebar:  Angels are not fickle =====  
===== Sidebar:  Angels are not fickle =====  
While the angels will decide for themselves, if they respond they are reasonably predictable in their decisions. Any Djinn who knows this Working can safely be assumed to be able to competently judge how the angels will respond.
While the angels will decide for themselves if they respond they are reasonably predictable in their decisions. Any Djinn who knows this working can safely be assumed to be able to competently judge how the angels will respond.

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