Editing DnD5 DragonStar

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[[File:DragonStar5E.logo.jpg | 700px]]
This conversion are the rules for playing a fantasy D&D5th edition game is a modified version of the '''Dragon Star''' setting.
These are the conversion rules for playing a fantasy D&D5th edition game is a modified version of the '''Dragon Star''' setting. The setting can be found '''[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/DragonStar5E.Setting HERE]'''
'''Character Classes and Basic Rules''': classes and races from the '''''Player’s Handbook''''' 5th ed. (PHB) along with '''''Xanathar's Guide to Everything''''' (XGE), '''''Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes''''' (MTF), '''''Volo’s Guide to Monsters''''' (VGM) the '''''Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron''''' (WGE) and '''''Eberron: Rising from the Ashes''''' (ERA).
'''Character Classes and Basic Rules''': classes and races from the '''''Player’s Handbook''''' 5th ed. (PHB) along with '''''Xanathar's Guide to Everything''''' (XGE), '''''Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes''''' (MTF), '''''Volo’s Guide to Monsters''''' (VGM) and the '''''Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron''''' (WGE).
'''Resolve Points''': as Hero Points in the DMG pg. 264 but with a few new extra uses.
'''Resolve Points''': as Hero Points in the DMG pg. 264 but with a few new extra uses.
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'''Ability Score Increase''' and '''Shapechanger''' per WGE pg. 60 and ERA pg. 18</br>
'''Ability Score Increase, Change Appearance, Changeling Instinct'''s and '''Unsettling Visage''' per WGE pg. 60</br>
'''Changeling Instinces''' (updated) gain two of the following proficiencies – Capital Ship Pilot, Computer Use, Culture, Drive, Gambling, Mechanic, Medicine, Nature, Performance, Physical Science, Pilot, Technology or Thievery. </br>
'''Divergent Persona''' (changed) instead gain one of the following proficiencies – Capital Ship Pilot, Computer Use, Culture, Drive, Gambling, Mechanic, Medicine, Nature, Performance, Physical Science, Pilot, Technology or Thievery. </br>
'''Polyglot''': You pick up new languages in 30 days (instead of 90).</br>
'''Polyglot''': You pick up new languages in 30 days (instead of 90).</br>
'''Slippery Mind''': You have advantage saving throws against the charmed condition.</br>
'''Slippery Mind''': You have advantage saving throws against the charmed condition.</br>
'''Unnerving Vingate''': You can flash a quick vistage of horror over your face. As a bonus action you gain advantage with Intimidation.</br>
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'''Ability Score Increase, Darkvision, Dwarf Resilience''' and '''Stonecunning''' per PHB</br>
'''Ability Score Increase, Darkvision, Dwarf Resilience''' and '''Stonecunning''' per PHB</br>
'''G-Adaption''': don’t suffer disadvantage to actions in high-g, gain advantage on saves verse high-g maneuver (see the Environment) and advantage on any check to recognize gravity fluctuations.</br>
'''G-Adaption''': don’t suffer disadvantage to actions in high-g, gain advantage on saves verse high-g maneuver (Environment, pg. 13-4) and advantage on any check to recognize gravity fluctuations.</br>
'''Tool User''': gain proficiency in either Mechanics or Technology skill for free.</br>
'''Tool User''': gain proficiency in either Mechanics or Technology skill for free.</br>
''Subraces'': '''Hill''' and '''Mountain Dwarf''' per PHB and</br>
''Subraces'': '''Hill''' and '''Mountain Dwarf''' per PHB and</br>
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'''Ability Score Increase, Darkvision, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry''' and '''Trace''' per PHB</br>
'''Ability Score Increase, Darkvision, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry''' and '''Trace''' per PHB</br>
'''Nature’s Way''': start with proficiency in either Nature or Physical Science skill for free.</br>
'''Nature’s Way''': start with proficiency in either Nature or Physical Science skill for free.</br>
'''Zero G Adaptive''': Zero-g is not difficult terrain for them nor does it cause disadvantage on ability checks or attack rolls. They also recover from tumbling with a normal ability check instead of at disadvantage (see the Environments).</br>
'''Zero G Adaptive''': Zero-g is not difficult terrain for them nor does it cause disadvantage on ability checks or attack rolls. They also recover from tumbling with a normal ability check instead of at disadvantage (see Environments).</br>
''Subraces'': '''High, Wood''' and '''Drow''' elves as PHB and</br>
''Subraces'': '''High, Wood''' and '''Drow''' elves as PHB and</br>
'''''Avariel''''' (Winged Elves)
'''''Avariel''''' (Winged Elves)
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:'''Languages''': you also speak, read and write in Aquan.
:'''Languages''': you also speak, read and write in Aquan.
'''GITHZERAI''' (only subrace of Gith allowed)[https://www.artstation.com/artwork/kDQDnK]</br>
'''GITHZERAI''' (only subrace of Gith allowed)[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/40462096642325916/]</br>
'''Ability Score Increase, Monastic Training''' and '''Githzerai Psionics''' per MTF pg. 96</br>
'''Ability Score Increase, Monastic Training''' and '''Githzerai Psionics''' per MTF pg. 96</br>
'''Limited Telepathy''': the Gith can mentally communicate with any creatures within 30 feet with whom they share a language. Conversing telepathically with multiple creatures simultaneously is just as difficult as listening to multiple people speaking. This costs no action or concentration. The mental link must be established while the target creature is within sight of the Gith but afterwards they can maintain it without sighting the target creature (so long as they are within the 30ft area).
'''Limited Telepathy''': the Gith can mentally communicate with any creatures within 30 feet with whom they share a language. Conversing telepathically with multiple creatures simultaneously is just as difficult as listening to multiple people speaking. This costs no action or concentration. The mental link must be established while the target creature is within sight of the Gith but afterwards they can maintain it without sighting the target creature (so long as they are within the 30ft area).
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'''Ability Score Increase, Darkvision, Fey Ancestry''' and '''Skill Versatility''' per PHB</br>
Per the PHB, no changes</br>  
'''Mixed Bloodline''': you have inherited some aspect of your ancient ancestors and start with either the Perception or Persuasion skill for free. </br>  
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'''Darkvision''' and '''Shifting''' per WGE pg. 64-66 and ERA pg. 36</br>
'''Ability Score Increase, Darkvision, Keen Senses''' and '''Shifting''' per WGE pg. 64-66</br>
'''Keen Senses''': Shifters have heighened senses then most and gain proficiency in the Perception skill.</br>
'''Shifting''' (change): you can now use this trait a number of times before requiring a short or long rest equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1 time per rest).</br>
'''Shifting''' (updated): you can now use this trait a number of times before requiring a short or long rest equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1 time per rest).</br>
'''Survivors''': Shifters were born on the frontier and gain proficiency in the Survival skill.</br>
''Subraces'': '''Beasthide, Longtooth, Swiftstride''' and '''Wildhunt''' from WGE pg. 66 or ERA pg. 37</br>
''Subraces'': '''Beasthide, Longtooth, Swiftstride''' and '''Wildhunt''' from WGE pg. 66</br>
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'''Ability Score Increase, Darkvision, Hellish Resistance''' and '''Infernal Legacy''' per PHB</br>
'''Ability Score Increase, Darkvision, Hellish Resistance''' and '''Infernal Legacy''' per PHB</br>
'''Infernal Study''': gain proficiency in the Arcana skill for free.</br>
'''Infernal Study''': gain proficiency in the Arcana skill for free.</br>
''Possible other Bloodlines (Subspecies)'' I may allow any of the bloodlines from various books but please ask first. Just want to check</br>
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'''Ability Score Increase, Construction Resilience, Sentry’s Rest, Intergrated Prptectiom''' and '''Specialized Design.''' per WGE pg. 67-70 or ERA pg 36. ''Note'' that your Integrated Protection armor count as advanced armor again advanced weapons.</br>
'''Ability Score Increase, Warforged Resilience, Sentry’s Rest''' and '''Integrated Protection''' per WGE pg. 67-70. ''Note'' that your Integrated Protection armor count as advanced armor vs. advanced weapons.</br>
'''Fixed Origin''': You don’t select a background. Instead you gain any three Skill proficiencies at first level</br>
'''Subraces''': Envoy, Juggernaut and Skirmisher from WGE pg. 69-70. ''Note'' that Envoy’s Specialty Design grants them two Skill proficiencies (instead of Tool Proficiency).
'''Fixed Origin''': You don’t select a background. Instead gain any two Skill proficiencies</br>
'''Full-Body Prosthesis''': As a completely artificial body, you use the better of your Constitution or Charisma for the maximum amount of strain that you can have from Spellware (see Gear).</br>
'''Full-Body Prosthesis''': As a completely artificial body, you use the better of your Constitution or Charisma for the maximum amount of strain that you can have from Spellware (see Gear).</br>
'''Hard to Read''': Warforge’s faces don’t move much and as such others have disadvantage on any Wisdom (Insight) checks made against them.</br>
'''Hard to Read''': Warforge’s faces don’t move much and as such others have disadvantage on any Wisdom (Insight) checks made against them.</br>
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'''Size''': Most Wolfen are taller than humans, average 6’6” and around 200lbs. You are Medium sized.</br>
'''Size''': Most Wolfen are taller than humans, average 6’6” and around 200lbs. You are Medium sized.</br>
'''Speed''': Your base walking speed is 35 feet.</br>
'''Speed''': Your base walking speed is 35 feet.</br>
'''Bite Attack''': You can use your fangs or claws to make an unarmed strike as a bonus action. If you hit with your fangs, you can deal piercing damage equal to ld4 + your Strength modifier,
'''Bite Attack''': Whenever you hit an enemy with a melee attack on your turn, as a bonus action you can make a melee attack against the same enemy. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 + Strength modifier as piercing damage. You are always considered proficient with this bonus attack. </br>
instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. </br>
'''Scent''': Wolfen have the Scent ability. Within 30 feet, a creature with scent has the equivalent of Blindsense (PHB pg. 183). But note that the species must be able to use its sense of smell (so if they are wearing a filter mask or in a void suit, etc. they cannot benefit from scent). Strong winds or overpowering smells can also lower or eliminate this ability. This also grants them advantage on Wisdom (survival) checks to follow trails, when hunting, etc.</br>
'''Scent''': Wolfen have the Scent ability. Within 30 feet creatures do not gain advanced against you unless you are incapitabed. You can also 'guess' squares where invisible creatures are hiding within that range. But note that you must be able to use its sense of smell (so if they are wearing a filter mask or in a void suit, etc. they cannot benefit from scent). Strong winds or overpowering smells can also lower or eliminate this ability. This also grants them advantage on Wisdom (survival) checks to follow trails, when hunting, etc.</br>
'''Shifting Stance''': If the Wolfen has nothing in its hands it can shift onto a quadrupedal stance and increase its base Speed to 45ft. At the end of its movement it can automatically shift back to bipedal.</br>
'''Shifting Stance''': If the Wolfen has nothing in its hands it can shift onto a quadrupedal stance and increase its base Speed to 45ft. At the end of its movement it can automatically shift back to bipedal.</br>
'''Survivalist''': Wolfen gain proficiency in the Survival skill.</br>
'''Survivalist''': Wolfen gain proficiency in the Survival skill.</br>
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Equipment: One set of common clothes, a Dagger, 200 credits worth of ill-gotten goods, either a Disguise kit, Forgery kit, Security kit or Thieves tools, credstik with 100 credits on it.</br>
Equipment: One set of common clothes, a Dagger, 200 credits worth of ill-gotten goods, either a Disguise kit, Forgery kit, Security kit or Thieves tools, credstik with 100 credits on it.</br>
'''Disciple'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/699465385873530646/]: A large chunk of your early life was spent in prayer, surrounded by others that validated your devoutness. Companions could have been family members or unrelated followers. Maybe you escaped a cult; maybe you are still a loyal member of a massive society. Were you raised in loving family or the victim of fanaticism? Perhaps you were given to a monastery where you learned a variety of skills from martial arts or wine making. Your opinion on faith or religion is unrelated to the selection of this background, though you would be required to select a faith, real or not.</br>
'''Disciple''': A large chunk of your early life was spent in prayer, surrounded by others that validated your devoutness. Companions could have been family members or unrelated followers. Maybe you escaped a cult; maybe you are still a loyal member of a massive society. Were you raised in loving family or the victim of fanaticism? Perhaps you were given to a monastery where you learned a variety of skills from martial arts or wine making. Your opinion on faith or religion is unrelated to the selection of this background, though you would be required to select a faith, real or not.</br>
Skill Proficiencies: Insight and Religion, plus one of Culture, Medicine, Nature or Persuasion.
Skill Proficiencies: Insight and Religion, plus one of Culture, Medicine, Nature or Persuasion.
Languages: One language of your choice.</br>
Languages: One language of your choice.</br>
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Equipment: One set of artisan tools or repair kit, two sets of common clothing, a set of work coveralls with environmental-seal upgrade, credstik with 50 credits on it.</br>
Equipment: One set of artisan tools or repair kit, two sets of common clothing, a set of work coveralls with environmental-seal upgrade, credstik with 50 credits on it.</br>
'''Merchant'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/370491506856503271/]: You were raised in the markets and bazaars of many stations and worlds, carrying out the vial commerce that fuels the empire’s expansion into the stars. You might have grown up on a tramp freighters, working the Outer Rim of the Colonies, or been a part of one of the great AristoCorps.</br>
'''Merchant''': You were raised in the markets and bazaars of many stations and worlds, carrying out the vial commerce that fuels the empire’s expansion into the stars. You might have grown up on a tramp freighters, working the Outer Rim of the Colonies, or been a part of one of the great AristoCorps.</br>
Skill Proficiencies: Deception and Persuasion, plus one of Insight, Perception or Technology.</br>
Skill Proficiencies: Deception and Persuasion, plus one of Insight, Perception or Technology.</br>
Languages: Two Languages of your choice.</br>
Languages: Two Languages of your choice.</br>
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Magical School Type Mod: '''Technomagic'''</br>
Magical School Type Mod: '''Technomagic'''</br>
Certain of the spells in this section have a special tag: technomagic. Such spells are cast normally, but the technomagic tag indicates that their magic specifically references and interacts with computer systems and electronic devices.</br></br>
Certain of the spells in this section have a special tag: technomagic. Such spells are cast normally, but the technomagic tag indicates that their magic specifically references and interacts with computer systems and electronic devices.</br></br>
'''ARCANE GRAFFTI'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/128282289377042244/]</br>
Conjuration cantrip</br>
Conjuration cantrip</br>
Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
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You create a magical area around you, suppressing all mechanical or electronic intrusion alarms and alarms sensors in the area. Burglar alarms or other intrusion alarms within the affected area simply fail to function; sensors for intrusion alarm systems (such as motion detectors, IR detectors, pressure sensors, electric eyes, laser tripwire and so forth) also fail to function, sending no signal to monitoring stations. Video surveillance devices stop sending whatever the image they were photographing the moment when the spell was cast.</br>
You create a magical area around you, suppressing all mechanical or electronic intrusion alarms and alarms sensors in the area. Burglar alarms or other intrusion alarms within the affected area simply fail to function; sensors for intrusion alarm systems (such as motion detectors, IR detectors, pressure sensors, electric eyes, laser tripwire and so forth) also fail to function, sending no signal to monitoring stations. Video surveillance devices stop sending whatever the image they were photographing the moment when the spell was cast.</br>
'''CALL VEHICLE''''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/199636195972851646/]</br>
'''CALL VEHICLE'''</br>
3rd-level conjuration</br>
3rd-level conjuration</br>
Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
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'''''At Higher Levels'''''. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can conjure a Huge sized nonmilitary watercraft or Gargantuan landcraft or hovercraft. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can conjure a Huge sized nonmilitary aerocraft, helicopter or anti-grav vehicle. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, you can conjure any atmospheric vehicle, including military one or you can conjure a Gargantuan size Starship.</br>
'''''At Higher Levels'''''. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can conjure a Huge sized nonmilitary watercraft or Gargantuan landcraft or hovercraft. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can conjure a Huge sized nonmilitary aerocraft, helicopter or anti-grav vehicle. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, you can conjure any atmospheric vehicle, including military one or you can conjure a Gargantuan size Starship.</br>
'''COMMUNE WITH THE CITY'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2392606039560412/]</br>
5th level divination (ritual)</br>
5th level divination (ritual)</br>
Bards, Clerics (Knowledge, Nature), Druids, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
Bards, Clerics (Knowledge, Nature), Druids, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
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'''''At Higher Levels'''''. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the spell’s duration increases to 1 hour. Additionally, your telepathic bond with the knowbot is effective out to a range of 1.000 feet, and if you leave the range of the bond, the knowbot continues performing its last directed task until the spell expires.</br>
'''''At Higher Levels'''''. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the spell’s duration increases to 1 hour. Additionally, your telepathic bond with the knowbot is effective out to a range of 1.000 feet, and if you leave the range of the bond, the knowbot continues performing its last directed task until the spell expires.</br>
'''CONTROL GRAVITY'''[[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4996249572319624/]]</br>
6th level transmutation</br>
6th level transmutation</br>
Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
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This spell works to actively hide your presence within a computer system. For the spell’s duration, you and any other users you choose on your local network gain a +10 bonus to Intelligence checks to avoid detection by the system A.I., administrators, knowbots, tracking software, and the like. Whenever you and your chosen users leave any computer system you are working in while this spell is in effect, all trace of your previous presence in that system is erased.</br>
This spell works to actively hide your presence within a computer system. For the spell’s duration, you and any other users you choose on your local network gain a +10 bonus to Intelligence checks to avoid detection by the system A.I., administrators, knowbots, tracking software, and the like. Whenever you and your chosen users leave any computer system you are working in while this spell is in effect, all trace of your previous presence in that system is erased.</br>
3rd level abjuration</br>
3rd level abjuration</br>
Bards, Clerics, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
Bards, Clerics, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
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When cast as area, a single casting of remove radioactivity removes radiation from a 20 foot radius area around the point you touch. This spell has no power to negate naturally radioactive materials, and as long as such materials remain in an area, the radiation that was removed may return.</br>
When cast as area, a single casting of remove radioactivity removes radiation from a 20 foot radius area around the point you touch. This spell has no power to negate naturally radioactive materials, and as long as such materials remain in an area, the radiation that was removed may return.</br>
Bards, Clerics, Druids, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
Bards, Clerics, Druids, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
4th level enchantment</br>
4th level enchantment</br>
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In the event that two or more creatures under the effect of synchronicity are attempting to avoid being inconvenienced by each other, compare the spell attack bonus of the casters who have launched synchronicity on them, the one that has the best bonus has the priority. In case of a tie, the creatures engage in a contest of Charisma each time the effects of the spells would oppose each other.</br>
In the event that two or more creatures under the effect of synchronicity are attempting to avoid being inconvenienced by each other, compare the spell attack bonus of the casters who have launched synchronicity on them, the one that has the best bonus has the priority. In case of a tie, the creatures engage in a contest of Charisma each time the effects of the spells would oppose each other.</br>
'''WIRE WALK'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1266706136197635/]</br>
'''WIRE WALK'''</br>
4th level conjuration (technomagic)</br>
4th level conjuration (technomagic)</br>
Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards</br>
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'''Expanded Magazine'''*: slug throwers only. Double the shots available for weapons with magazine. This also doubles the weight of the clip. Doubles the reload Move cost. Triple clip cost (not available for revolvers or their speed loaders).</br>
'''Expanded Magazine'''*: slug throwers only. Double the shots available for weapons with magazine. This also doubles the weight of the clip. Doubles the reload Move cost. Triple clip cost (not available for revolvers or their speed loaders).</br>
'''FOF Limiter''': a smartgun upgrade is capable of avoiding friendly targets. When making autofire area of affect attacks exclude any squares that contain friendly creatures. The allies must be programmed into the system. Takes 5 minutes and a '''DC10''' Computer Use Skill for each ally added. Wt. +2lbs, Cost 1,500 credits, Powercell 2A/8hrs.</br>
'''FOF Limiter''': a smartgun upgrade is capable of avoiding friendly targets. When making autofire area of affect attacks exclude any squares that contain friendly creatures. The allies must be programmed into the system. Takes 5 minutes and a '''DC10''' Computer Use Skill for each ally added. Wt. +2lbs, Cost 1,500 credits, Powercell 2A/8hrs.</br>
'''Forearm Weapon Mount'''*: a hands-free attachment allowing the use of one light one-handed weapon (melee or firearm). Wt. +2lbs, Cost 200 credits.</br>
''Forearm Weapon Mount'''*: a hands-free attachment allowing the use of one light one-handed weapon (melee or firearm). Wt. +2lbs, Cost 200 credits.</br>
'''Hidden Arm Sling'''*: Auto-draw sling for a light pistol or knife. Does not count as an item manipulation to draw and hidden under sleeve (+4 equipment bonus to Stealth to hide from others seeing it when not employed). Wt. ½lb, Cost 150 credits.</br>
'''Hidden Arm Sling'''*: Auto-draw sling for a light pistol or knife. Does not count as an item manipulation to draw and hidden under sleeve (+4 equipment bonus to Stealth to hide from others seeing it when not employed). Wt. ½lb, Cost 150 credits.</br>
'''Hotshot''': blasters, laser and plasma weapons only. Supercharges the weapon, causing it to burn through more charges to increase the damage. Adds +1d8 to base damage (i.e. and laser carbine would deal base 1d10+1d8 damage) using 5 charges each attack. Wt. +1lb, triple the base weapons cost. To add a selector (allowing normal damage/charges and hotshot, changing between the two requires 15ft of movement), the cost is instead times ten (Military).</br>
'''Hotshot''': blasters, laser and plasma weapons only. Supercharges the weapon, causing it to burn through more charges to increase the damage. Adds +1d8 to base damage (i.e. and laser carbine would deal base 1d10+1d8 damage) using 5 charges each attack. Wt. +1lb, triple the base weapons cost. To add a selector (allowing normal damage/charges and hotshot, changing between the two requires 15ft of movement), the cost is instead times ten (Military).</br>
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=== ARMOR ===
=== ARMOR ===
'''Synthetic Weave'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/16325617390344081/visual-search/?imageSignature=234cd0e940fd8057fd5d8a0bb4b3da52]: through the predecessor to advanced aromatic polyamides this full body armor provides light protection.</br>
'''Synthetic Weave''': through the predecessor to advanced aromatic polyamides this full body armor provides light protection.</br>
'''Armored Longcoat''': an armored dusker or trenchcoat worn by cheap gangers and anyone wanted to look a little shady.</br>
'''Armored Longcoat''': an armored dusker or trenchcoat worn by cheap gangers and anyone wanted to look a little shady.</br>
'''Light Flak Vest'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/108156828539153670/]: a light but resistant compressed ballistic cloth flak that protects the user’s chest area. </br>
'''Light Flak Vest'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/108156828539153670/]: a light but resistant compressed ballistic cloth flak that protects the user’s chest area. </br>
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'''Force Body Vest''': a rigid hardened force chest and back plate.</br>
'''Force Body Vest''': a rigid hardened force chest and back plate.</br>
'''Blinder-Mail''': this resembles a lightened version of the mithril carbide armor. It incorporates a holographic camouflage net that can alter the physical properties of the suit to resemble nearly any terrain it is using. When the unit is activated the wearer has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can attempt to hide even without cover or breaking line-of-sight (but doing so negates the advantage on stealth, just a normal roll). The stealth feature lasts up to one hour of continuous use on a C powercell. When not in use the wearer does not suffer disadvantage with stealth.</br>
'''Blinder-Mail''': this resembles a lightened version of the mithril carbide armor. It incorporates a holographic camouflage net that can alter the physical properties of the suit to resemble nearly any terrain it is using. When the unit is activated the wearer has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can attempt to hide even without cover or breaking line-of-sight (but doing so negates the advantage on stealth, just a normal roll). The stealth feature lasts up to one hour of continuous use on a C powercell. When not in use the wearer does not suffer disadvantage with stealth.</br>
'''Aramid Combat Suit'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/65161525850493816/]: the combat suit employs and blends harder materials, rigid plates and flexible aramids. Additional layers of nylon separate staggered sheets of thin polymer plastic.</br>
'''Aramid Combat Suit''': the combat suit employs and blends harder materials, rigid plates and flexible aramids. Additional layers of nylon separate staggered sheets of thin polymer plastic.</br>
'''Aramid Survival Suit'''[https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cf/2d/ba/cf2dbaab189111158e6606ee963cafcd.jpg]: as the combat suit but includes sealed environmental protection. The helmet provides the wearer advantage on Dexterity saves vs. visual effects (blindness, color spray, etc.). The Environmental systems adds +4 equipment bonus to saving throws against radiation, hot and cold, thin, dense and hazardous atmosphere conditions and inhaled hazardous toxins and poisons. The helm includes Ether-Eyes visors (see below) and a basic comlink.</br>
'''Aramid Survival Suit''': as the combat suit but includes sealed environmental protection. The helmet provides the wearer advantage on Dexterity saves vs. visual effects (blindness, color spray, etc.). The Environmental systems adds +4 equipment bonus to saving throws against radiation, hot and cold, thin, dense and hazardous atmosphere conditions and inhaled hazardous toxins and poisons. The helm includes Ether-Eyes visors (see below) and a basic comlink.</br>
'''Combat Void Armor'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/914862414922508/]: this is an armored void suit and incorporates all of the features of one with the added benefit of rigid armor plating and superior ballistic cloth blends. Includes the same environmental features as a Void suit.</br>
'''Combat Void Armor'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/914862414922508/]: this is an armored void suit and incorporates all of the features of one with the added benefit of rigid armor plating and superior ballistic cloth blends. Includes the same environmental features as a Void suit.</br>
'''Nanotech Armor'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/193725221458212678/]: this suit uses molecule-sized machines to alter the composition of the armored suit at the instant of impact. Usually, the combat suit remains elastic and comfortable. Anytime any impact occurs, the micromachines react with a response time of less than 0.035 seconds. The impact point becomes immediately inflexible and solid, deflecting the attack. The suit offers resistance to fire and cold damage along with bludgeoning and slashing damage from nonmagical (and AP) weapons. The suits nanobits also have the effect of negating critical hits causes by any of the damage types listed above (even magical and AP version).</br>
'''Nanotech Armor'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/193725221458212678/]: this suit uses molecule-sized machines to alter the composition of the armored suit at the instant of impact. Usually, the combat suit remains elastic and comfortable. Anytime any impact occurs, the micromachines react with a response time of less than 0.035 seconds. The impact point becomes immediately inflexible and solid, deflecting the attack. The suit offers resistance to fire and cold damage along with bludgeoning and slashing damage from nonmagical (and AP) weapons. The suits nanobits also have the effect of negating critical hits causes by any of the damage types listed above (even magical and AP version).</br>
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'''Flak Longcoat''': this heavy but stylish piece of subtle outerwear contains a thick inner layer of flexible aramid patches able to resist cutting and piercing. It comes available in most colors but brown and black are standard. It leaves the head vulnerable, even with the collar up. Most importantly, it flaps dramatically in the wind. It counts as Winter Clothing (see Clothing and Protective Gear) when button up tight</br>
'''Flak Longcoat''': this heavy but stylish piece of subtle outerwear contains a thick inner layer of flexible aramid patches able to resist cutting and piercing. It comes available in most colors but brown and black are standard. It leaves the head vulnerable, even with the collar up. Most importantly, it flaps dramatically in the wind. It counts as Winter Clothing (see Clothing and Protective Gear) when button up tight</br>
'''Carbide Armor'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2111131068424499/]: Super-strong plates of tungsten carbide are strapped inside a flexible nylon suit to offer remarkable stopping power. However, these plates are heavy and significantly reduce the user’s flexibility.</br>
'''Carbide Armor''': Super-strong plates of tungsten carbide are strapped inside a flexible nylon suit to offer remarkable stopping power. However, these plates are heavy and significantly reduce the user’s flexibility.</br>
'''Tactical Body Armor'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/184647653461960681/]: This is a slightly less advantaged version of the full combat plate armor. It offers similar protection in a lighter package. It sacrifices several of its carbide/adamantine plates to make the suit less expensive for those on a budget, and does not have the advanced systems.</br>
'''Tactical Body Armor'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/184647653461960681/]: This is a slightly less advantaged version of the full combat plate armor. It offers similar protection in a lighter package. It sacrifices several of its carbide/adamantine plates to make the suit less expensive for those on a budget, and does not have the advanced systems.</br>
'''Advanced Wastelander''': this armor is enhanced tactical body armor that provides additional environmental protection. The helmet provides the wearer advantage on Dexterity saves vs. visual effects (blindness, color spray, etc.). Environmental systems adds +4 equipment bonus to saving throws against radiation, hot and cold, thin, dense and hazardous atmosphere conditions and inhaled hazardous toxins and poisons. The suit also offers Resistance to fire and cold damage.</br>
'''Advanced Wastelander''': this armor is enhanced tactical body armor that provides additional environmental protection. The helmet provides the wearer advantage on Dexterity saves vs. visual effects (blindness, color spray, etc.). Environmental systems adds +4 equipment bonus to saving throws against radiation, hot and cold, thin, dense and hazardous atmosphere conditions and inhaled hazardous toxins and poisons. The suit also offers Resistance to fire and cold damage.</br>
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'''Hazmat Suit'''[https://no.pinterest.com/pin/3237030973818628/]: Full body suit with filtration system to provide +4 equipment bonus and advantage to saving throws against radiation, hot and cold, thin, dense and hazardous atmosphere conditions and inhaled hazardous toxins and poisons. Powercell 2A/8hrs, Wt. 8lbs, Cost 500 credits.</br>
'''Hazmat Suit'''[https://no.pinterest.com/pin/3237030973818628/]: Full body suit with filtration system to provide +4 equipment bonus and advantage to saving throws against radiation, hot and cold, thin, dense and hazardous atmosphere conditions and inhaled hazardous toxins and poisons. Powercell 2A/8hrs, Wt. 8lbs, Cost 500 credits.</br>
'''Wet Suit''': skintight wetsuit and air tank for up to eight hours underwater, advantage with saving throws vs. cold and advantage with Strength (Athletics) skill checks when swimming. Powercell B/4hrs, Wt. 10lbs, Cost 300 credits.</br>
'''Wet Suit''': skintight wetsuit and air tank for up to eight hours underwater, advantage with saving throws vs. cold and advantage with Strength (Athletics) skill checks when swimming. Powercell B/4hrs, Wt. 10lbs, Cost 300 credits.</br>
'''Skinsuit'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/146296687886469600/]: are extremely advanced void suits, using elastic pressure of the suit’s material to protect the wearer from the void (see Environmental rules). They are common throughout the Known Worlds in come in all shapes and sizes for the various species, but must be custome fit for their specifics. The suits contain thermal conductors and heat radiators to protect them from the extreme temperatures of space and the dangerous radiation (while powered ignores deadly radiation levels and grants advantage on saves vs. Extreme levels). Suits include a clear, flexible polymer head-covering bubble that automatically activates if the suit’s dataslate detects vacuum conditions. Other integrated systems include a squawker, a basic dataslate and HUD that can project standard data onto wear’s visor cover. The suits run on two B powercells that provide protection from the void of space for 18 hours. Skinsuits can be worn underneath armor to provide benefits. Wt. 8lbs, Cost 100 credits.</br>
'''Skinsuit''': are extremely advanced void suits, using elastic pressure of the suit’s material to protect the wearer from the void (see Environmental rules). They are common throughout the Known Worlds in come in all shapes and sizes for the various species, but must be custome fit for their specifics. The suits contain thermal conductors and heat radiators to protect them from the extreme temperatures of space and the dangerous radiation (while powered ignores deadly radiation levels and grants advantage on saves vs. Extreme levels). Suits include a clear, flexible polymer head-covering bubble that automatically activates if the suit’s dataslate detects vacuum conditions. Other integrated systems include a squawker, a basic dataslate and HUD that can project standard data onto wear’s visor cover. The suits run on two B powercells that provide protection from the void of space for 18 hours. Skinsuits can be worn underneath armor to provide benefits. Wt. 8lbs, Cost 100 credits.</br>
All of the following pieces of equipment includes voice recognition, photo & video recorder, chorno-time piece, datafiles & memory storage, etc.</br>
All of the following pieces of equipment includes voice recognition, photo & video recorder, chorno-time piece, datafiles & memory storage, etc.</br>
'''Comlink/Squawker''': a basic hand-held radio mik, 10 miles range under perfect conditions. Powercells AA/24hrs, Wt. 1lb, Cost 25 credits. Upgrades: '''''Whisper Pin''''' ads hand-free and subtle when speaking for +50 credits. '''''Image Projector'''''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/Ab_a-d2o-CyWq6BpUNcyxNVivnAuCzWeMTgAwtu98Il6qg-P_1SyOUU/] adds a small holo-project or whom you are speaking with for +100 credits</br>
'''Comlink/Squawker''': a basic hand-held radio mik, 10 miles range under perfect conditions. Powercells AA/24hrs, Wt. 1lb, Cost 25 credits (Whisper Pin upgrade ads hand-free and subtle for +50 credits)</br>
'''Voice Caster''': backpack or shoulder pad style-comlink with satellite uplink unit, otherwise have an effective 500 miles range. Powercells 2B/24hrs, Wt. 10lbs, Cost 500 credits</br>
'''Voice Caster''': backpack or shoulder pad style-comlink with satellite uplink unit, otherwise have an effective 500 miles range. Powercells 2B/24hrs, Wt. 10lbs, Cost 500 credits
'''Image Lantern''': heavier holographic com-projector. Range 50 miles with a satellite uplink. Powercells 2A/2hrs, Wt. 6lbs, Cost 2,000 credits</br>
'''Image Lantern''': holographic com-projector. Range 50 miles with a satellite uplink. Powercells 2A/2hrs, Wt. 6lbs, Cost 2,000 credits</br>
'''Dataslate'''[https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/58335757656821553/]: a standard wrist or hand-held ‘smart’ computer with comlink. Base A.I. Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Proficiency bonus +2; Skills (it takes an action to use a dataslate skill): Computers Use, Culture, Investigation, Perception and Technology. Powercell A/48hrs, Wt. 2lbs, Cost 150 credits</br>
'''Dataslate'''[https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/58335757656821553/]: a standard wrist or hand-held ‘smart’ computer with comlink. Base A.I. Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Proficiency bonus +2; Skills (it takes an action to use a dataslate skill): Computers Use, Culture, Investigation, Perception and Technology. Powercell A/48hrs, Wt. 2lbs, Cost 150 credits</br>
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In DragonStar, bio- and cyber-ware are called Spellware[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/13229392646640950/] due to its magical nature. It includes magically enhanced implanted glands or tissue graphs, golem (cyber-limb)-replacements, runic bone etching, crystal enhancer implants, mythical tattoo graphs, embedded rune-stones, etc.
In DragonStar, bio- and cyber-ware are called Spellware due to its magical nature. It includes magically enhanced implanted glands or tissue graphs, golem (cyber-limb)-replacements, runic bone etching, crystal enhancer implants, mythical tattoo graphs, embedded rune-stones, etc.
Living creatures can only handle so much ware within their bodies before it starts having an inverse effect on them. Each piece or level of ware has a '''Strain''' count. Creatures can have a maximum amount of Strain equal to the '''''lower''''' of their Constitution or Charisma score. For every 2 points of Strain over (round up) the creature suffers 1 level of persistent Exhaustions. They cannot recover from this exhaustion until ware is removed or their Constitution and/or Charisma increases (or the New Feat Cyborg).</br>
Living creatures can only handle so much ware within their bodies before it starts having an inverse effect on them. Each piece or level of ware has a Strain count. Creatures can have a maximum amount of strain equal to the lower of their Constitution or Charisma score. For every 2 points of Strain over (round up) the creature suffers 1 level of persistent Exhaustions. They cannot recover from this exhaustion until ware is removed or their Constitution and/or Charisma increases.</br>
A cloned replacement hand or foot or minor organ (a kidney) cost 500 credits and takes about a week to grow and surgically reattach or implant into the user. A replacement arm or leg or major organ (a lung or heart) is 1,500 credits and takes about one month to grow and surgically reattach or implant to the user. These have no in game affects but prices include surgery cost.</br>
A cloned replacement hand or foot or minor organ (a kidney) cost 500 credits and takes about a week to grow and surgically reattach or implant into the user. A replacement arm or leg or major organ (a lung or heart) is 1,500 credits and takes about one month to grow and surgically reattach or implant to the user. These have no in game affects but prices include surgery cost.</br>
A simple golem prosthetic replacement (cybernetic) hand or foot or minor organ costs 750 credits and takes an hour surgical operation. A complex golem prosthetic replacement for an arm or leg or heart (but could also include replacing the bone of the skull or the skeletal frame of the chest area) costs 2,500 credits and a four hour surgical operation. Basic Golem prosthetics count as 1 Strain add +2 to the characters maximum HP each, while complex replacements count as 2 Strain add +5 to the characters maximum HP each. These extra hit points can’t heal naturally, instead requiring a 30 minutes of work with a Wisdom (Medicine) check with a Surgery kit or Intelligence (Repair kit) skill check and Repair kit DC15 to restore 1d8 + Wisdom or Intelligence modifier.</br>
A simple golem prosthetic replacement (cybernetic) hand or foot or minor organ costs 750 credits and takes an hour surgical operation. A complex golem prosthetic replacement for an arm or leg or heart (but could also include replacing the bone of the skull or the skeletal frame of the chest area) costs 2,500 credits and a four hour surgical operation. Basic Golem prosthetics count as 1 Strain add +2 to the characters maximum HP each, while complex replacements count as 2 Strain add +5 to the characters maximum HP each. These extra hit points can’t heal naturally, instead requiring a 30 minutes of work with a Wisdom (Medicine) check with a Surgery kit or Intelligence (Repair kit) skill check and Repair kit DC15 to restore 1d8 + Wisdom or Intelligence modifier.</br>
All spellware requires one hour surgery[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/8303580548514725/] per Strain to install. Most surgeons will charge 500 credits per hour of ‘work’ at a major hospitals.</br>
All spellware requires one hour surgery per Strain to install. Most surgeons will charge 500 credits per hour of ‘work’ at a major hospitals.</br>
Dispel can affect any one piece of spellware at a time, just as advanced gear, as if it had a B powercell (see Gear), but the subject always has advantage on these save.</br></br>
Dispel can affect any one piece of spellware at a time, just as advanced gear, as if it had a B powercell (see Gear), but the subject always has advantage on these save.</br></br>
'''Adrenal Gland Rune-Enhancement''' (1 level): this rune is implanted into the base of the subject’s spine and replaces part of their adrenal gland. It takes a bonus action to active this rune. Once activated, for 10 rounds afterwards (1 minute), the subject can take one extra action, bonus action and reaction a round. At the end of the duration the subject takes one level of exhaustion. The subject must complete a short or long rest to regain (and recharge) the rune to use it again. Cost 50,000 credits, Strain 4.</br>
'''Adrenal Gland Rune-Enhancement''' (1 level): this rune is implanted into the base of the subject’s spine and replaces part of their adrenal gland. It takes a bonus action to active this rune. Once activated, for 10 rounds afterwards (1 minute), the subject can take one extra action, bonus action and reaction a round. At the end of the duration the subject takes one level of exhaustion. The subject must complete a short or long rest to regain (and recharge) the rune to use it again. Cost 50,000 credits, Strain 4.</br>
'''Agility Crystal Implant''' (3 level): a set of bio-crystals are implanted along the subject’s spinal cord that greatly enhances the user’s hand-eye-coordination and dexterity. A level I crystal implants grants the subject 19 Dexterity. It does not have any affect if the subject has a Dexterity of 19 or higher. Cost 25,000 credits, Strain 4. Level II crystal implants grant the subject 21 Dexterity, but again have no affect if the subject has a higher score. Cost 150,000 credits and Strain 8. Level III crystal implants grant the subject a 23 Dexterity. Cost 500,000 credits and Strain 12.</br>
Agility Crystal Implant (3 level): a set of bio-crystals are implanted along the subject’s spinal cord that greatly enhances the user’s hand-eye-coordination and dexterity. A level I crystal implants grants the subject 19 Dexterity. It does not have any affect if the subject has a Dexterity of 19 or higher. Cost 25,000 credits, Strain 4. Level II crystal implants grant the subject 21 Dexterity, but again have no affect if the subject has a higher score. Cost 150,000 credits and Strain 8. Level III crystal implants grant the subject a 23 Dexterity. Cost 500,000 credits and Strain 12.
'''Aquatic Gill Graft''' (1 level): these grafts are added to each side of the subject’s neck and allow them to breathe underwater as if they were a fish. The subject cannot drowned and gains a Swim speed of its base speed in feet a round and advantage on Athletic checks to swim. Cost 750 credits, Strain 1.</br>
Aquatic Gill Grafts (1 level): this grafts are added to each side of the subject’s neck and allow them to breathe underwater as if they were a fish. The subject cannot drowned and gains a Swim speed of its base speed in feet a round and advantage on Athletic checks to swim. Cost 750 credits, Strain 1.
'''Auspex Gland Implant''' (1 level): a specialized vat-grown gland implanted in an arm that acts like a hand scanner auspex suite (see Hand Scanner) but is powered by the subject’s essence for up to one hour of use before it must be recharge for one hour of nonuse. Cost 15,000 credits, Strain 3.</br>
Auspex Gland Implant (1 level): a specialized vat-grown gland implanted in an arm that acts like a hand scanner auspex suite (see Hand Scanner pg. 75) but is powered by the subject’s essence for up to one hour of use before it must be recharge for one hour of nonuse. Cost 15,000 credits, Strain 3.
'''Breathe Bio-Gland Implant''' (1 level): this gland is implanted in the base of both lungs and allows the subject to breath without air for one hour (this only includes breathing, no other environmental protection is provided). Subject requires a rest to recharge the implant. Cost 750 credits, Strain 2.</br>
Breathe Bio-Gland Implant (1 level): this gland is implanted in the base of both lungs and allows the subject to breath without air for one hour (this only includes breathing, no other environmental protection is provided). Subject requires a rest to recharge the implant. Cost 750 credits, Strain 2.
'''Combat Rune Implant'' (1 level): this rune is implanted behind one of the subject’s eyes and allows for better striking ability in both ranged and melee combat. It adds +2 damage to all of the subject’s attack checks (both melee and ranged). Does not stack with laser sights. Cost 1,500 credits, Strain 2.</br>
Combat Rune Implant (1 level): this rune is implanted behind one of the subject’s eyes and allows for better striking ability in both ranged and melee combat. It adds +2 damage to all of the subject’s attack checks (both melee and ranged). Does not stack with laser sights. Cost 1,500 credits, Strain 2.
'''Dermal Rune-Armor Plating''' (6 levels): this is obvious, liquid metal and bio-plastic runic armor that has been grafted onto and replacements part of the subject’s dermal and subdermal layers of skin and grants natural armor class (that does not stack with normal armor). Level I grants a base AC 12 + your dexterity modifier. It costs 1,000 credits, 5lbs of encumbrance and has a Strain of 2. Level II grants a base AC 13 + your dexterity modifier, costs 2,000 credits, 10lbs of encumbrance and has a Strain of 3. Level I and II are considered Light armor and do not affect your stealth. Level III grants an AC of 15 + your dexterity modifier (max +2) and costs 4,000 credits, 15lbs of encumbrance and has a Strain of 4. It does not affect you stealth checks. Level IV grants AC 16 + your dexterity modifier (max +2), costs 6,000 credits, 20lbs of encumbrance and has a Strain of 5. It imposes disadvantage on your stealth checks. Both III and IV are considered medium armor. Level V grants a base AC of 18, costs 10,000 credits, 25lbs of encumbrance and has a Strain of 7. Level VI grants a base AC of 20, 30lbs of encumbrance and costs 18,000 credits with a Strain of 9. Both V and IV are considered heavy armor and impose disadvantage on stealth.</br>
Dermal Rune-Armor Plating (6 levels): this is obvious, liquid metal and bio-plastic runic armor that has been grafted onto and replacements part of the subject’s dermal and subdermal layers of skin and grants natural armor class (that does not stack with normal armor). Level I grants a base AC 12 + your dexterity modifier. It costs 1,000 credits, 5lbs of encumbrance and has a Strain of 2. Level II grants a base AC 13 + your dexterity modifier, costs 2,000 credits, 10lbs of encumbrance and has a Strain of 3. Level I and II are considered Light armor and do not affect your stealth. Level III grants an AC of 15 + your dexterity modifier (max +2) and costs 4,000 credits, 15lbs of encumbrance and has a Strain of 4. It does not affect you stealth checks. Level IV grants AC 16 + your dexterity modifier (max +2), costs 6,000 credits, 20lbs of encumbrance and has a Strain of 5. It imposes disadvantage on your stealth checks. Both III and IV are considered medium armor. Level V grants a base AC of 18, costs 10,000 credits, 25lbs of encumbrance and has a Strain of 7. Level VI grants a base AC of 20, 30lbs of encumbrance and costs 18,000 credits with a Strain of 9. Both V and IV are considered heavy armor and impose disadvantage on stealth.
'''Doppelganger Gland Implant''' (1 level): this specialized gland is implanted near the top of the subject’s skull and grants it the Polymorph spell but only onto itself (can’t cast it onto another subject) and only into a small, medium or large humanoid creature that it has seen. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment that subject is wearing or carrying are not transformed (and so if changing size will no longer fit). The subject reverts to its true form if knocked to 0 Hit Points or if it dies. There is no duration for maintaining this form, although it requires some minor concentration and the subject cannot maintain the form during a long rest. Cost 50,000 credits, Strain 3.</br>
Doppelganger Gland Implant (1 level): this specialized gland is implanted near the top of the subject’s skull and grants it the Polymorph spell but only onto itself (can’t cast it onto another subject) and only into a small, medium or large humanoid creature that it has seen. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment that subject is wearing or carrying are not transformed (and so if changing size will no longer fit). The subject reverts to its true form if knocked to 0 Hit Points or if it dies. There is no duration for maintaining this form, although it requires some minor concentration and the subject cannot maintain the form during a long rest. Cost 50,000 credits, Strain 3.
'''Dragon’s Breath Gland''' (4 levels): this gland is installed in the subject’s throat granting the user a breath attack. The ‘color’ of the gland produce different damage types and the age inflict greater damage. All grant saves for ½ damage against a DC8 + subject’s proficiency bonus + subject’s Charisma modifier. Black Glands deals acid damage with a Charisma save, Blue Glands deal lightning damage with an Intelligence save, Green Glands deal poison damage with Constitution save, Red Glands deal fire damage with Dexterity save, and White Glands produce cold damage with Constitution save. Level I is a Wyrmling gland that deals 2d8 damage in a 15 foot cone, Cost 3,000 credits, Strain 2. Level II is a Young gland that deals 3d8 damage in a 20 foot cone, Cost 15,000 credits and Strain 4. Level III is an Adult gland that deals 4d8 damage in a 30 foot cone, Cost 75,000 credits and Strain 6. Level IV is an Ancient gland that deals 5d8 damage in a 40 foot cone, Cost 250, 000 credits and Strain 8. Each gland can be used three times and then require the subject to take a short or long rest to recharge it. Subject must be able to ‘breath’ in order to use these glands (i.e. you can’t be in the void).</br>
Dragon’s Breath Gland (4 levels): this gland is installed in the subject’s throat granting the user a breath attack. The ‘color’ of the gland produce different damage types and the age inflict greater damage. All grant saves for ½ damage against a DC8 + subject’s proficiency bonus + subject’s Charisma modifier. Black Glands deals acid damage with a Charisma save, Blue Glands deal lightning damage with an Intelligence save, Green Glands deal poison damage with Constitution save, Red Glands deal fire damage with Dexterity save, and White Glands produce cold damage with Constitution save. Level I is a Wyrmling gland that deals 2d8 damage in a 15 foot cone, Cost 3,000 credits, Strain 2. Level II is a Young gland that deals 3d8 damage in a 20 foot cone, Cost 15,000 credits and Strain 4. Level III is an Adult gland that deals 4d8 damage in a 30 foot cone, Cost 75,000 credits and Strain 6. Level IV is an Ancient gland that deals 5d8 damage in a 40 foot cone, Cost 250, 000 credits and Strain 8. Each gland can be used three times and then require the subject to take a short or long rest to recharge it. Subject must be able to ‘breath’ in order to use these glands (i.e. you can’t be in the void).
'''Ether-Eye Runic Implants''' (1 level)[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/101471797845198896/]: these specialized transparent rune plates are implanted into the subject’s eyes. The grant the subject the same features as Ether-Eye goggles (see gear) but requires no powercell, instead running on the subject’s essence. Drow and other sunlight sensitive species with such an implant also ignore the penalties due to sunlight and brightness. Cost 30,000 credits, Strain 2.</br>
Ether-Eye Runic Implants (1 level): these specialized transparent rune plates are implanted into the subject’s eyes. The grant the subject the same features as Ether-Eye goggles (see gear) but requires no powercell, instead running on the subject’s essence. Drow and other sunlight sensitive species with such an implant also ignore the penalties due to sunlight and brightness. Cost 30,000 credits, Strain 2.
'''Excortex Implant''' (3 levels): this implant is grafted to the subject’s brain steam acts as a Golem Control Rig within a 5 mile range. Level II, as a Bonus action each round on your turn you designate one target that you can see. Your excortex processor feeds you telemetry, vulnerabilities, and combat tactics granting you advantage on your next attack rolls against the target (but only first attack if you have multiple attacks in a round). Level III allows you to share this feature with one drone you are in communication with and control of (it can pick its own separate target each round). Level I: Cost 10,000 credits, Strain 2; Level II: Cost 45,000 credits, Strain 5; Level III Cost 75,000: credits, Strain 7.</br>
Excortex Implant (3 levels): this implant is grafted to the subject’s brain steam acts as a Golem Control Rig within a 5 mile range. Level II, as a Bonus action each round on your turn you designate one target that you can see. Your excortex processor feeds you telemetry, vulnerabilities, and combat tactics granting you advantage on your next attack rolls against the target (but only first attack if you have multiple attacks in a round). Level III allows you to share this feature with one drone you are in communication with and control of (it can pick its own separate target each round). Level I: Cost 10,000 credits, Strain 2; Level II: Cost 45,000 credits, Strain 5, Level III Cost 75,000: credits, Strain 7.
'''Frame Reinforcement Tattoos''' (2 level): these runic tattoos enhanced the subject’s ability to carry additional weight. For level I treat the subject’s size by one higher for determine encumbrance, pushing, pulling weights. For level II treat it as two sized greater. Level I: Cost 500 credits, Strain 1l; Level II: Cost 1,000cr, Strain 2.</br>
Frame Reinforcement Tattoos (1 level): these runic tattoos enhanced the subject’s ability to carry additional weight. Treat the subject’s size by one higher for determine encumbrance, pushing, pulling weights. Cost 500 credits, Strain 1.
'''Flesh Pockets''' (3 or 5 levels; depending on subject's Size): specialized voids are opened within the subject’s body cavities allowing small (4-5lbs) items to hidden within. Items placed within are hard to detect (disadvantage with Hand scanner). Advanced version incorporate the same magical process for the creation of bags of holding, that hold up to 500 pounds (15lbs encumbrance) but not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet. Basic models Cost 500 credits and Strain 1; Advanced models Cost 10,000 credits and Strain 4. A medium sized creature can have up to 5 pockets while small sized creatures can only fit 3.</br>
Flesh Pockets (3-5 levels): specialized voids are opened within the subject’s body cavities allowing small (4-5lbs) items to hidden within. Items placed within are hard to detect (disadvantage with Hand scanner). Advanced version incorporate the same magical process for the creation of bags of holding, that hold up to 500 pounds (15lbs encumbrance) but not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet. Basic models Cost 500 credits and Strain 1; Advanced models Cost 10,000 credits and Strain 4. A medium sized creature can have up to 5 pockets while small sized creatures can only fit 3.
'''Flight Gland''' (1 level): this specialized gland is implanted under the skin of the subject’s back and legs. When activated (which takes an action to active or deactivate) it grants the user a Fly speed of 60 feet a round. This gland will maintain a subject in the air for 30 rounds before it battery runs dry. These rounds don’t have to be consecutive. The subject regains all rounds (no matter how many where used) after a long rest. Cost 75,000 credits, Strain 4.</br>
Flight Gland (1 level): this specialized gland is implanted under the skin of the subject’s back and legs. When activated (which takes an action to active or deactivate) it grants the user a Fly speed of 60 feet a round. This gland will maintain a subject in the air for 30 rounds before it battery runs dry. These rounds don’t have to be consecutive. The subject regains all rounds (no matter how many where used) after a long rest. Cost 75,000 credits, Strain 4.
'''Healer’s Graft''' (1 level): this graft replaces part of the subject’s kidneys and works to supercharge the blood cells ability to naturally heal. The subject regains all of its Hit Dice after a long rest and gains its level/challenge rating as bonus Hit Points healed back during a short or long rest. Finally when reduced to 0 hit points the subject is instead set to 1 HP. The subject must complete a long rest to regain (and recharge the graft) the use this last ability again. Cost 10,000 credits, Strain 2.</br>
Healer’s Graft (1 level): this graft replaces part of the subject’s kidneys and works to supercharge the blood cells ability to naturally heal. The subject regains all of its Hit Dice after a long rest and gains its level/challenge rating as bonus Hit Points healed back during a short or long rest. Finally when reduced to 0 hit points the subject is instead set to 1 HP. The subject must complete a long rest to regain (and recharge the graft) the use this last ability again. Cost 10,000 credits, Strain 2.
'''Implant Comlink''' (1 level): a small rune is place under the skin and behind the subject’s ear. Allows the subject to communicate via a radio up to ten miles. The subject can text messages and sub-vocally ‘talk’ for private conversions with no powercell required. Cost 500 credits, Strain 1.</br>
Implant Comlink (1 level): a small rune is place under the skin and behind the subject’s ear. Allows the subject to communicate via a radio up to ten miles. The subject can text messages and sub-vocally ‘talk’ for private conversions with no powercell required. Cost 500 credits, Strain 1.
'''Implant Dataslate''' (varies): a magical gland implanted into the hosts brain and acts as a standard dataslate running off the target’s essence instead of a powercell. Each additional level will add one level of Advisor attribute boost and/or Library skill proficiency. Cost 1,000 credits per level, base Strain 1; +1 Strain for each additional level past 1.</br>
Implant Dataslate (varies): a magical gland implanted into the hosts brain and acts as a standard dataslate running off the target’s essence instead of a powercell. Each additional level will add one level of Advisor attribute boost and/or Library skill proficiency. Cost 1,000 credits per level, base Strain 1; +1 Strain for each additional level past 1.
'''Golem Arm Graft''' (2 levels): a third arm made of metal and bioplastics is placed along the chest cavity of the subject just below one of their normal arms. At level two adds another arm on the opposite side of the body for four arms total. You may interact with one additional object or feature of the environment for free during your turn. You can carry an additional one-handed weapon using each of these extra arms, and you can use the Versatile property of weapons carried in these extra arms. Or you could use these extra arms to initiate grapples. These hands can be used for other tasks, such as opening doors, carrying torches, using tools, or performing the somatic components of spells, without difficulty when they are not holding weapons. Add +5 HP to subject total (as golem limb replacements, see above). Cost 15,000 credits each level, Strain 4 each.</br>
Golem Arm Graft (2 levels): a third arm made of metal and bioplastics is placed along the chest cavity of the subject just below one of their normal arms. At level two adds another arm on the opposite side of the body for four arms total. You may interact with one additional object or feature of the environment for free during your turn. You can carry an additional one-handed weapon using each of these extra arms, and you can use the Versatile property of weapons carried in these extra arms. Or you could use these extra arms to initiate grapples. These hands can be used for other tasks, such as opening doors, carrying torches, using tools, or performing the somatic components of spells, without difficulty when they are not holding weapons. Add +5 HP to subject total (as golem limb replacements, see above). Cost 15,000 credits each level, Strain 4 each.
'''Muscle Crystal Implant''' (3 levels): a set of bio-crystals are grafted along the subject’s muscle groups and greatly enhances overall strength. A level I crystal implants grants the subject 19 Strength. It does not have any affect if the subject has a Strength of 19 or higher. Cost 15,000 credits, Strain 2. Level II crystal implants grant the subject 21 Strength, but again have no affect if the subject has a higher score. Cost 100,000 credits and Strain 4. Level III crystal implants grant the subject a 23 Strength. Cost 250,000 credits and Strain 6.</br>
Muscle Crystal Implant (3 levels): a set of bio-crystals are implanted along the subject’s muscle groups and greatly enhances overall strength. A level I crystal implants grants the subject 19 Strength. It does not have any affect if the subject has a Strength of 19 or higher. Cost 15,000 credits, Strain 2. Level II crystal implants grant the subject 21 Strength, but again have no affect if the subject has a higher score. Cost 100,000 credits and Strain 4. Level III crystal implants grant the subject a 23 Strength. Cost 250,000 credits and Strain 6.
'''Polyhand Graft''' (3 levels): these grafts require at least a golem hand-limb replacement. They act as any one type of the following gears – any one type of Hand Scanner (except the Auspex Scanner), Forgery Kit, Fusion Lantern, Hackers Kit, Hypospray Syringe (takes an action to reload the syringe), Repair Kit, Security Kit or Thieves Tools. Each level is a separate tool or hand scanner implant and no matter how many the subject has it can only access one at a time. It takes an action to unlock the tool kit and another to hide it back within the golem limb. Cost 10,000 credits each, Strain 2 each.</br>
Polyhand Graft (3 levels): these grafts require at least a golem hand-limb replacement. They act as any one type of hand scanner or one of the following gears – Forgery Kit, Fusion Lantern, Hackers Kit, Hypospray Syringe (takes an action to reload the syringe), Repair Kit, Security Kit or Thieves Tools. Each level is a separate tool or hand scanner implant and no matter how many the subject has it can only access one at a time. It takes an action to unlock the tool kit and another to hide it back within the golem limb. Cost 10,000 credits each, Strain 2 each.
'''Skill Port''' (3 levels): This ports are implanted into the subject’s brain. Cost 5,000 credits, Strain 2 each level. Each port can handle one skill or language-soft rune crystal. These special rune-etched crystals grant the subject proficiency with one Skill or Language (they have no affect if the subject already has proficiency with said skill or language). Each crystal cost 8,000 credits for a Skill and 1,000 credits for each Language. It takes an action to change a skill crystal and an action to activate one. If the subject has more than one skill port it can access all of them at the same time.</br>
Skill Port (3 levels): This ports are implanted into the subject’s brain. Cost 5,000 credits, Strain 2 each level. Each port can handle one skill or language-soft rune crystal. These special rune-etched crystals grant the subject proficiency with one Skill or Language (they have no affect if the subject already has proficiency with said skill or language). Each crystal cost 8,000 credits for a Skill and 1,000 credits for each Language. It takes an action to change a skill crystal and an action to activate one. If the subject has more than one skill port it can access all of them at the same time.
'''Speed Tattoos''' (3 levels): silver laced tattoos are ‘etched’ onto the subject’s legs and lower spine, greatly enhanced their ground speed. Each level adds +10 feet to base speed of the creature. The subject can also take a Dash action as a bonus action. Level I Cost 5,000 credits, Strain 2; level II Cost 15,000 credits, Strain 4; level III Cost 30,000 credits, Strain 6.
Speed Tattoos (3 levels): silver laced tattoos are ‘etched’ onto the subject’s legs and lower spine, greatly enhanced their ground speed. Each level adds +10 feet to base speed of the creature. The subject can also take a Dash action as a bonus action. Level I Cost 5,000 credits, Strain 2; level II Cost 15,000 credits, Strain 4; level III Cost 30,000 credits, Strain 6.
Spider Gland Implant (1 level): a generically grown gland is implanted into the subject spin near the shoulder blades on its back. When activated as a bonus action, the subject has a Climb speed of its normal movement. Cost 8,000 credits, Strain 2.</br>
Spider Gland Implant (1 level): a generically grown gland is implanted into the subject spin near the shoulder blades on its back. When activated as a bonus action, the subject has a Climb speed of its normal movement. Cost 8,000 credits, Strain 2.
'''Subdermal Mithril Skeletal Etching '''(3 levels): a complex system of mithril laced runes are etched onto the subject’s entire skeletal structure to enhance its ability to absorb damage. There are three basic etchings available, each grants the subject Resistance to one type of nonmagical (or AP) weapon damage – bludgeoning, piercing or slashing. Each level costs 10,000 credits and Strain of 3.</br>
Subdermal Mithril Skeletal Etching (3 levels): a complex system of mithril laced runes are etched onto the subject’s entire skeletal structure to enhance its ability to absorb damage. There are three basic etchings available, each grants the subject Resistance to one type of nonmagical (or AP) weapon damage – bludgeoning, piercing or slashing. Each level costs 10,000 credits and Strain of 3.
'''Synergizing Symbiote''' (1 level): one of the oldest forms of spellware, these tiny, biovat grown tadpole like creatures wrap themselves around the spinal cord near the base of the brain. They greatly enhance the body’s and spirit’s ability to absorb damage, increasing the subject’s maximum Hit Point total by +20. These hit points heal as normal. Cost 10,000 credits, Strain 1.</br>
Synergizing Symbiote (1 level): one of the oldest forms of spellware, these tiny, biovat grown tadpole like creatures wrap themselves around the spinal cord near the base of the brain. They greatly enhance the body’s and spirit’s ability to absorb damage, increasing the subject’s maximum Hit Point total by +20. These hit points heal as normal. Cost 10,000 credits, Strain 1.
'''Targeting Eye Implant''' (1 level): this implant replaces one of the target’s eyes. While still allowing full visual range, this implant allows the user to ignore disadvantage due to long range with any attack when he takes the Aim maneuver. Cost 1,500 credits, Strain 2.</br>
Targeting Eye Implant (1 level): this implant replaces one of the target’s eyes. While still allowing full visual range, this implant allows the user to ignore disadvantage due to long range with any attack when he takes the Aim maneuver. Cost 1,500 credits, Strain 2.
'''Touch Rune''' (1 level): these specialized runes are implanted into the subject’s hands. They allow the subject to control any advanced device or computer, etc. by touch alone. This could speed up some tasks, like typing commands on a computer, etc. but does not remove the need for a tool kit. Cost 5,000 credits, Strain 2.</br>
Touch Rune (1 level): these specialized runes are implanted into the subject’s hands. They allow the subject to control any advanced device or computer, etc. by touch alone. This could speed up some tasks, like typing commands on a computer, etc. but does not remove the need for a tool kit. Cost 5,000 credits, Strain 2.
'''Troll Gland Implant''' (3 level): a specialized grand replaces one of the subject’s kidneys that produces synthetized troll blood greatly enhancing its ability to heal from damage. This process also “fixes” the trolls vulnerabilities to fire and acid. They are rated by ‘age’ of the troll. Level I (Juvenile) allows the subject to regain 1d6 Hit Points every four hours so long as you have at least 1 Hit Point. If the subject loses a body part, it will regrow and return to full function in 3d6+3 day if you have at least 1 Hit Point the whole time. Cost 10,000 credits and Strain 2. Level II (Adult) allows the subject to regain 1d6 Hit Points every 15 minutes, provided that they have at least 1 Hit Point. If the subject loses a body part, it will regrow and return to full function in 1d6+1 day if you have at least 1 Hit Point the whole time. Cost 75,000 credits, Strain 4. Level III (Bull) grants the subject true regeneration, healing it 1d6 Hit Points at the start of its turn so long as it has at least 1 Hit Point. If the subject loses a body part, it will regrow and return to full function in 1d6+1 hours if you have at least 1 Hit Point the whole time. Cost 500,000 credits, Strain 8.</br>
Troll Gland Implant (3 level): a specialized grand replaces one of the subject’s kidneys that produces synthetized troll blood greatly enhancing its ability to heal from damage. This process also “fixes” the trolls vulnerabilities to fire and acid. They are rated by ‘age’ of the troll. Level I (Juvenile) allows the subject to regain 1d6 Hit Points every four hours so long as you have at least 1 Hit Point. If the subject loses a body part, it will regrow and return to full function in 3d6+3 day if you have at least 1 Hit Point the whole time. Cost 10,000 credits and Strain 2. Level II (Adult) allows the subject to regain 1d6 Hit Points every 15 minutes, provided that they have at least 1 Hit Point. If the subject loses a body part, it will regrow and return to full function in 1d6+1 day if you have at least 1 Hit Point the whole time. Cost 75,000 credits, Strain 4. Level III (Bull) grants the subject true regeneration, healing it 1d6 Hit Points at the start of its turn so long as it has at least 1 Hit Point. If the subject loses a body part, it will regrow and return to full function in 1d6+1 hours if you have at least 1 Hit Point the whole time. Cost 500,000 credits, Strain 8.
'''Vehicle Enhanced Control-Etching''' (10 levels): these specialized runic etchings are drawn on the subjects’ hand bones along them greater control with a specific type of vehicle. They grant a +3 bonus to skill checks and to that vehicle’s saving throws when controlling it. This etching can be taken multiple levels, each level it applies to a different Vehicle and Skill type (they do not stack). Types – Aerocraft, Coppers, Filtters, Landcraft, Skimmer, Tracked, Walkers, Watercraft, Starship and Capital Starships. Cost 6,000 level, Strain 2 a level.</br>
Vehicle Enhanced Control-Etching (10 levels): these specialized runic etchings are drawn on the subjects’ hand bones along them greater control with a specific type of vehicle. They grant a +2 bonus to skill checks and to that vehicle’s saving throws when controlling it. This etching can be taken multiple levels, each level it applies to a different Vehicle and Skill type (they do not stack). Types – Aerocraft, Coppers, Filtters, Landcraft, Skimmer, Tracked, Walkers, Watercraft, Starship and Capital Starships. Cost 6,000 level, Strain 2 a level.
'''Venom Bite''' (1 level): Implanted fang teeth and a venom sack in the throat. Whenever you hit an enemy with a melee attack on your turn, as a bonus action you can make a melee attack against the same enemy. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 + Strength modifier as piercing damage and they must make a DC15 Constitution save or gained the Poisoned condition. At the end of the target gets a new Constitution save. Success ends the condition. You are always considered proficient with this bonus attack. The venom sack has enough for six bites before it is empty (you can still make bite attacks but it does not impose the poisoned continue). It requires a long rest to recharge the venom. Cost 10,000 credits, Strain 3.</br>
Venom Bite (1 level): Implanted fang teeth and a venom sack in the throat. Whenever you hit an enemy with a melee attack on your turn, as a bonus action you can make a melee attack against the same enemy. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 + Strength modifier as piercing damage and they must make a DC15 Constitution save or gained the Poisoned condition. At the end of the target gets a new Constitution save. Success ends the condition. You are always considered proficient with this bonus attack. The venom sack has enough for six bites before it is empty (you can still make bite attacks but it does not impose the poisoned continue). It requires a long rest to recharge the venom. Cost 10,000 credits, Strain 3.
'''Vigor Crystal Implant''' (3 levels): a set of bio-crystals are implanted along the subject’s skeletal frame that greatly enhances the user’s health and overall toughness. A level I crystal implants grants the subject 19 Constitution. It does not have any affect if the subject has a Constitution of 19 or higher. Cost 20,000 credits, Strain 4. Level II crystal implants grant the subject 21 Constitution, but again have no affect if the subject has a higher score. Cost 125,000 credits and Strain 8. Level III crystal implants grant the subject a 23 Constitution. Cost 350,000 credits and Strain 12. This spellware implant increase does not affect the subject’s maximum Strain level for additional implants.</br>
Vigor Crystal Implant (3 levels): a set of bio-crystals are implanted along the subject’s skeletal frame that greatly enhances the user’s health and overall toughness. A level I crystal implants grants the subject 19 Constitution. It does not have any affect if the subject has a Constitution of 19 or higher. Cost 20,000 credits, Strain 4. Level II crystal implants grant the subject 21 Constitution, but again have no affect if the subject has a higher score. Cost 125,000 credits and Strain 8. Level III crystal implants grant the subject a 23 Constitution. Cost 350,000 credits and Strain 12. This spellware implant increase does not affect the subject’s maximum Strain level for additional implants.
'''Void Symbiote''' (1 level): these microscopic ‘virus’-like creatures live within the subject’s blood system and throughout the entire body and allow the user to survive in the vacuum conditions for up to one hour without need of a skinsuit (they provide the same benefits as a skinsuit). After that the symobiotes require the subject to take a short or long rest to recharge. Cost 10,000 credits, Strain 3.</br>
Void Symbiote (1 level): these microscopic ‘virus’-like creatures live within the subject’s blood system and throughout the entire body and allow the user to survive in the vacuum conditions for up to one hour without need of a skinsuit (they provide the same benefits as a skinsuit). After that the symobiotes require the subject to take a short or long rest to recharge. Cost 10,000 credits, Strain 3.
'''Weapon Implant''' (2 levels): a small, hand-held weapon is implanted into the subject’s body or golem limb replacement. Something the size of a dagger or autoloader pistol Costs 5,000 credits and Strain 2 to be placed within a limb (or 2,000 credits and no strain within a golem limb replacement). Something the size of a shortsword or handcannon would Cost 10,000 credits and Strain 4 to be placed within a limb (or 5,000 credits and Strain 1 within a golem limb replacement). A longsword or Submachinegun would Cost 15,000 credits and Strain 6 (or 7,000 credits and Strain 3 within a golem arm replacement). These weapons are totally hidden within the subject body when not in use and are ‘drawn’ as a normal weapon would be drawn and readied for use. The weapon must be ‘out’ in order to reload it if it requires a powercell or ammunition. Generally a subject cannot have more than two weapons implanted in this way.
Weapon Implant (2 levels): a small, hand-held weapon is implanted into the subject’s body or golem limb replacement. Something the size of a dagger or autoloader pistol Costs 5,000 credits and Strain 2 to be placed within a limb (or 2,000 credits and no strain within a golem limb replacement). Something the size of a shortsword or handcannon would Cost 10,000 credits and Strain 4 to be placed within a limb (or 5,000 credits and Strain 1 within a golem limb replacement). A longsword or Submachinegun would Cost 15,000 credits and Strain 6 (or 7,000 credits and Strain 3 within a golem arm replacement). These weapons are totally hidden within the subject body when not in use and are ‘drawn’ as a normal weapon would be drawn and readied for use. The weapon must be ‘out’ in order to reload it if it requires a powercell or ammunition. Generally a subject cannot have more than two weapons implanted in this way.
Wildwise (1 level): implanted enhanced fungus that attaches to subject’s spin. Grants the subject proficiency with Animal Handling and Survival skills. If the subject already has these skills, double the proficiency bonus with them. The subject gains advantage with passive perception in rural or wilderness settings and a special type of animal empathy with wild beasts. When dealing with normal domesticated animals and beasts the user has advantage on its’ Animal Handling skill checks. Cost 15,000 credits, Strain 3.
'''Wildwise''' (1 level): implanted enhanced fungus that attaches to subject’s spin. Grants the subject proficiency with Animal Handling and Survival skills. If the subject already has these skills, double the proficiency bonus with them. The subject gains advantage with passive perception in rural or wilderness settings and a special type of animal empathy with wild beasts. When dealing with normal domesticated animals and beasts the user has advantage on its’ Animal Handling skill checks. Cost 15,000 credits, Strain 3.
=== GOLEM (ROBOTS) ===
=== GOLEM (ROBOTS) ===
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Drones are specialized model of golems that include the Golem Control upgrade, and are controlled through a Golem Control Rig or an Excortex Implant and Comlink (see issuing commands above).
Drones are specialized model of golems that include the Golem Control upgrade, and are controlled through a Golem Control Rig or an Excortex Implant and Comlink (see issuing commands above).
'''Combat Drone'''[https://ro.pinterest.com/pin/572942383838242457/?amp_client_id=CLIENT_ID(_)&mweb_unauth_id=&simplified=true]: medium drones specially built for fighting and combat. They have heavier frames and additional weapon mounts. Cost 49,500 credits (Restricted); Attributes: Strength 14, Dexterity 14, Constitution N/A, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 10, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +3; Save: Strength; Speed 40ft (80 MPH); AC 18 (+2); SZ: Medium; HD: 4; HP: 40; Skills: Athletics +5, Computer Use +1; Special Qualities: Walker Model. Construct, Hardness 4, Powercell D/48hrs, Unarmed 1d6. Armor Upgrade II, Weapon Mount (2 rifle, 1 heavy), Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial, Pistols, Rifles, Heavy).
'''Combat Drone''': medium drones specially built for fighting and combat. They have heavier frames and additional weapon mounts. Cost 49,500 credits (Restricted); Attributes: Strength 14, Dexterity 14, Constitution N/A, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 10, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +3; Save: Strength; Speed 40ft (80 MPH); AC 18 (+2); SZ: Medium; HD: 4; HP: 40; Skills: Athletics +5, Computer Use +1; Special Qualities: Walker Model. Construct, Hardness 4, Powercell D/48hrs, Unarmed 1d6. Armor Upgrade II, Weapon Mount (2 rifle, 1 heavy), Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial, Pistols, Rifles, Heavy).
'''Recon Drone''': this is a tiny (about a foot across) anti-grav drone. Cost 23,000 credits (Licensed); Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 20, Constitution N/A, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 12, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity; Speed 120ft fly (360 MPH), walking 0; AC 17; SZ: Tiny; HD: 1; HP: 10; Skills: Acrobatics +7, Computer Use +2, Perception +6, Stealth +7; Special Qualities: Anti-Grav, Construct, Hardness 0, Powercell 2C/72hrs, Unarmed 1d3. Built-In Tool (Ether-Eyes, darkvision 120ft, +2 vision based perception), Expertise (Perception), Skill Proficiency (Perception, Stealth), Weapon Mount (Pistol, no heavy), Weapon Proficiency (Pistol).
'''Recon Drone''': this is a tiny (about a foot across) anti-grav drone. Cost 23,000 credits (Licensed); Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 20, Constitution N/A, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 12, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity; Speed 120ft fly (360 MPH), walking 0; AC 17; SZ: Tiny; HD: 1; HP: 10; Skills: Acrobatics +7, Computer Use +2, Perception +6, Stealth +7; Special Qualities: Anti-Grav, Construct, Hardness 0, Powercell 2C/72hrs, Unarmed 1d3. Built-In Tool (Ether-Eyes, darkvision 120ft, +2 vision based perception), Expertise (Perception), Skill Proficiency (Perception, Stealth), Weapon Mount (Pistol, no heavy), Weapon Proficiency (Pistol).
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'''Private Jet''': a civilian jet for use within the civilized areas with good modern airports and landing stripes. Cost: 175,000; Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Passengers: 18; Cargo: 8,000lbs; Maneuver: +0; Speed: 90ft (360 MPH), stall 60ft; Cover: Full; Powercell: 4G - 12hrs; AC: 12 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 35; (Save: +1); Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 18; Grab +19. Note: Jet Aerocraft (runway 2,000ft). A.I. (Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Notice +4).</br>
'''Private Jet''': a civilian jet for use within the civilized areas with good modern airports and landing stripes. Cost: 175,000; Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Passengers: 18; Cargo: 8,000lbs; Maneuver: +0; Speed: 90ft (360 MPH), stall 60ft; Cover: Full; Powercell: 4G - 12hrs; AC: 12 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 35; (Save: +1); Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 18; Grab +19. Note: Jet Aerocraft (runway 2,000ft). A.I. (Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Notice +4).</br>
'''Transcontinental Hopper''': extremely large super-sonic air transporter. Cost: 7,900,000 (Restricted); Size: Titan (10); Crew: 8; Passengers: 300; Cargo: 100,000lbs; Maneuver: -5; Speed: 105ft (1,050 MPH), stall 90ft; Cover: Full; Powercell: 8H - 24hrs; AC: 12; HD: 13; HP: 130; Hardness: 5; Threshold: 65; Save: +6; Abilities: Strength 60, Dexterity 20; Grab +35. Notes: Turbo-Sonic Jet Aerocraft VSTL (runway 1,000ft). A.I. & Automation (Prof +4, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14; Notice +6, Pilot +9), Environmental Seal, Radar (Blindsense aerial 10 miles, noncombat)</br>
'''Transcontinental Hopper''': extremely large super-sonic air transporter. Cost: 7,900,000 (Restricted); Size: Titan (10); Crew: 8; Passengers: 300; Cargo: 100,000lbs; Maneuver: -5; Speed: 105ft (1,050 MPH), stall 90ft; Cover: Full; Powercell: 8H - 24hrs; AC: 12; HD: 13; HP: 130; Hardness: 5; Threshold: 65; Save: +6; Abilities: Strength 60, Dexterity 20; Grab +35. Notes: Turbo-Sonic Jet Aerocraft VSTL (runway 1,000ft). A.I. & Automation (Prof +4, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14; Notice +6, Pilot +9), Environmental Seal, Radar (Blindsense aerial 10 miles, noncombat)</br>
'''Aerocraft Fighter'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4574037109337435/]: planetary defense Aerocraft fighters are cheap to produces. Cost: 850,000 (Military); Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Cargo: 100lbs; Maneuver: +2 (+1); Speed: 160ft (640 MPH), stall 80ft; Cover: Full; Powercell: 3H - 8hrs; AC: 12 + Dex/Int; HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 4; Threshold: 35; Save: +1; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 22; Grab +19. Notes: Afterburners Jet Aerocraft (runway 2,000ft). ACMC, A.I. & Automation (Prof +3, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 14; Notice +5, Pilot +6; attack +8), Combat Radar (Blind-sense 500ft base, 10 miles extended), Environmental Seal, Hardened Powercell. Fixed quad-link Auto-Cannons (damage 6d12), Two Fixed 2 mounts with Missile Launchers (can store 18 light missiles or 6 medium).</br>
'''Aerocraft Fighter''': planetary defense Aerocraft fighters are cheap to produces. Cost: 850,000 (Military); Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Cargo: 100lbs; Maneuver: +2 (+1); Speed: 160ft (640 MPH), stall 80ft; Cover: Full; Powercell: 3H - 8hrs; AC: 12 + Dex/Int; HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 4; Threshold: 35; Save: +1; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 22; Grab +19. Notes: Afterburners Jet Aerocraft (runway 2,000ft). ACMC, A.I. & Automation (Prof +3, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 14; Notice +5, Pilot +6; attack +8), Combat Radar (Blind-sense 500ft base, 10 miles extended), Environmental Seal, Hardened Powercell. Fixed quad-link Auto-Cannons (damage 6d12), Two Fixed 2 mounts with Missile Launchers (can store 18 light missiles or 6 medium).</br>
'''Passenger Chopper'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/3588874691626051/]: this light helicopter is relatively a cheap air transport. Cost: 80,000; Size: Huge (2); Crew: 1; Passengers: 3; Cargo: 2,000lbs; Maneuver: +1; Speed: 80ft (160MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 2G -10hrs; AC: 11 + Dex/Int; HD: 7; HP: 70; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 27; (Save: +0); Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 16; Grab +12. Notes: Rotor Aerocraft.</br>
'''Passenger Chopper'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/3588874691626051/]: this light helicopter is relatively a cheap air transport. Cost: 80,000; Size: Huge (2); Crew: 1; Passengers: 3; Cargo: 2,000lbs; Maneuver: +1; Speed: 80ft (160MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 2G -10hrs; AC: 11 + Dex/Int; HD: 7; HP: 70; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 27; (Save: +0); Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 16; Grab +12. Notes: Rotor Aerocraft.</br>
'''Attack Chopper'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/41165784079546722/]: a lightly armored attack coppers. Cost: 136,000 (Military); Size: Huge (2); Crew: 2; Cargo: 500lbs; Maneuver: +2 (+1); Speed: 80ft (160MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 3G -10hrs; AC: 14 + Dex/Int; HD: 8; HP: 80; Hardness: 8; Threshold: 30; Save; +4; Abilities: Strength 36, Dexterity 18; Grab +12. Notes: Rotor Aerocraft. ACMC, A.I. & Automation (Intelligence 16, Wisdom 14; Notice +4, Pilot +6; attack +5), Combat Radar (Blindsense 500ft base, 10 miles extended), Electromagnetic shielding II. Fixed forward duel-link Auto-Cannons (damage 5d12), Two Fixed mounts with Missile Launchers (stores 12 light missiles).</br>
'''Attack Chopper''': a lightly armored attack coppers. Cost: 136,000 (Military); Size: Huge (2); Crew: 2; Cargo: 500lbs; Maneuver: +2 (+1); Speed: 80ft (160MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 3G -10hrs; AC: 14 + Dex/Int; HD: 8; HP: 80; Hardness: 8; Threshold: 30; Save; +4; Abilities: Strength 36, Dexterity 18; Grab +12. Notes: Rotor Aerocraft. ACMC, A.I. & Automation (Intelligence 16, Wisdom 14; Notice +4, Pilot +6; attack +5), Combat Radar (Blindsense 500ft base, 10 miles extended), Electromagnetic shielding II. Fixed forward duel-link Auto-Cannons (damage 5d12), Two Fixed mounts with Missile Launchers (stores 12 light missiles).</br>
'''Transport Chopper''': a heavy duty cargo chopper. Cost: 175,000; Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Passengers: 6; Cargo: 8,000lbs; Maneuver: -1; Speed: 60ft (120MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 4G -8hrs; AC: 11 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 8; HP: 80; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 35; (Save: +1); Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 16; Grab +19. Notes: Rotor Aerocraft, Cargo-sling (2,000 credits) carry +20,000 lbs.
'''Transport Chopper''': a heavy duty cargo chopper. Cost: 175,000; Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Passengers: 6; Cargo: 8,000lbs; Maneuver: -1; Speed: 60ft (120MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 4G -8hrs; AC: 11 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 8; HP: 80; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 35; (Save: +1); Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 16; Grab +19. Notes: Rotor Aerocraft, Cargo-sling (2,000 credits) carry +20,000 lbs.
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'''Flitter-Bike'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/100838479139441416/]: a luxury item these anti-grav bikes make getting around fast and in style. They are rugged enough to be used out on the frontier for those that can afford them. Cost: 25,000; Size: Medium (0); Crew: 1; Passengers: 1; Cargo: 40lbs; Maneuver: +5; Speed: 200ft (600 MPH); Cover: Half; Powercell: 2F -24hr; AC: 11 + Dex/Int; HD: 3; HP: 30; Hardness: 2; Save: -2; Threshold: 18; Abilities: Strength 16, Dexterity 20; Grab +3. Note: Anti-Grav. A.I. (Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Notice +4).</br>
'''Flitter-Bike'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/100838479139441416/]: a luxury item these anti-grav bikes make getting around fast and in style. They are rugged enough to be used out on the frontier for those that can afford them. Cost: 25,000; Size: Medium (0); Crew: 1; Passengers: 1; Cargo: 40lbs; Maneuver: +5; Speed: 200ft (600 MPH); Cover: Half; Powercell: 2F -24hr; AC: 11 + Dex/Int; HD: 3; HP: 30; Hardness: 2; Save: -2; Threshold: 18; Abilities: Strength 16, Dexterity 20; Grab +3. Note: Anti-Grav. A.I. (Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Notice +4).</br>
'''Filtter Car'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2251868554374755/]: an advance anti-grav flying car, common in the mega-cities of the Core worlds. Cost: 85,000; Size: Huge (2); Crew: 1; Passengers: 4; Cargo: 1,000lbs; Maneuver: +2; Speed: 160ft (480 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 2G-10hrs; AC: 12 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 3; Threshold: 35; Save: -1; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 18; Grab +12. Note: Anti-Grav. A.I. & Automation (Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10; Notice +2, Pilot +6).</br>
'''Filtter Car'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2251868554374755/]: an advance anti-grav flying car, common in the mega-cities of the Core worlds. Cost: 85,000; Size: Huge (2); Crew: 1; Passengers: 4; Cargo: 1,000lbs; Maneuver: +2; Speed: 160ft (480 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 2G-10hrs; AC: 12 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 3; Threshold: 35; Save: -1; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 18; Grab +12. Note: Anti-Grav. A.I. & Automation (Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10; Notice +2, Pilot +6).</br>
'''Flitter Tank'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/113927065554602969/]: front line battle tanks of the Imperial army! Cost: 1,250,000 (Military); Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 5; Cargo: 4,000lbs; Maneuver: +0 (+1); Speed: 120ft (360 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell 2H-8hrs; AC: 17; HD: 15; HP: 150; Hardness: 20; Threshold: 49; Save: +6; Abilities: Strength 48, Dexterity 18; Grab +23. Note: Anti-Grav. ACMC, A.I. & Automation (Prof +4, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 14; Notice +6, Pilot +10; attack +9), Combat Radar (Blindsense 500ft base, 10 miles extended), Electromagnetic Shielding II, Environmental Seal, Ether-Scope Screen (Darkvision 1,000ft), Force Field 10/100, Hardened Powercell. Fixed 2 turret with Heavy Cannon and Super-Heavy Laser Cannon. Four Fixed turret mounts with Heavy Machineguns.</br>
'''Flitter Tank''': front line battle tanks of the Imperial army! Cost: 1,250,000 (Military); Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 5; Cargo: 4,000lbs; Maneuver: +0 (+1); Speed: 120ft (360 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell 2H-8hrs; AC: 17; HD: 15; HP: 150; Hardness: 20; Threshold: 49; Save: +6; Abilities: Strength 48, Dexterity 18; Grab +23. Note: Anti-Grav. ACMC, A.I. & Automation (Prof +4, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 14; Notice +6, Pilot +10; attack +9), Combat Radar (Blindsense 500ft base, 10 miles extended), Electromagnetic Shielding II, Environmental Seal, Ether-Scope Screen (Darkvision 1,000ft), Force Field 10/100, Hardened Powercell. Fixed 2 turret with Heavy Cannon and Super-Heavy Laser Cannon. Four Fixed turret mounts with Heavy Machineguns.</br>
'''Floater Bike''': these are relatively cheap and rugged small two person hovercraft. Popular on the frontier and many advanced urban areas. Cost: 7,400; Size: Medium (0); Crew: 1; Passengers: 1; Cargo: 80lbs; Maneuver: +3; Speed: 60ft (120 MPH); Cover: Half; Powercell: 1F-12hr; AC: 12 + Dex/Int; HD: 3; HP: 30; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 19; Save: -2; Abilities: Strength 18, Dexterity 16; Grab +4. Note: Hover craft. A.I. (Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14; Notice +4).
'''Floater Bike''': these are relatively cheap and rugged small two person hovercraft. Popular on the frontier and many advanced urban areas. Cost: 7,400; Size: Medium (0); Crew: 1; Passengers: 1; Cargo: 80lbs; Maneuver: +3; Speed: 60ft (120 MPH); Cover: Half; Powercell: 1F-12hr; AC: 12 + Dex/Int; HD: 3; HP: 30; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 19; Save: -2; Abilities: Strength 18, Dexterity 16; Grab +4. Note: Hover craft. A.I. (Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14; Notice +4).
'''Skimmer Transport''': a family hover car and light transport, popular on the frontier. Cost: 45,000; Size: Huge (2); Crew: 1; Passengers: 8; Cargo: 2,000lbs; Maneuver: +1; Speed: 40ft (60 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell 1G-10hrs; AC: 12 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 3; Threshold: 35; Save: +0; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 16; Grab +12. Note: Hover craft. A.I. (Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14; Notice +4).</br>
'''Skimmer Transport''': a family hover car and light transport, popular on the frontier. Cost: 45,000; Size: Huge (2); Crew: 1; Passengers: 8; Cargo: 2,000lbs; Maneuver: +1; Speed: 40ft (60 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell 1G-10hrs; AC: 12 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 3; Threshold: 35; Save: +0; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 16; Grab +12. Note: Hover craft. A.I. (Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14; Notice +4).</br>
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'''Tracked Explorer'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/546624473530798432/]: these are extremely rugged and tough tracked vehicles of with environmental sealed standard. Can be upgraded to Life Support for +5,000 credits. Runs on a seperate D powercells for up to 20 hours for up to 20 crew. Cost: 90,000; Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Passengers: 18; Cargo: 9,000lbs; Maneuver: +4; Speed: 25ft (50 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 4G-8hrs; AC: 16; HD: 14; HP: 140; Hardness: 10; Threshold: 54; Save: +1; Abilities: Strength 48, Dexterity 10; Grab +23. Note: Tracked. A.I. (Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14; Notice +4), Environmental sealed, Multi-Speck Sensor (asauspex hand scanner but range 5miles +5DC +1mile).</br>
'''Tracked Explorer'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/546624473530798432/]: these are extremely rugged and tough tracked vehicles of with environmental sealed standard. Can be upgraded to Life Support for +5,000 credits. Runs on a seperate D powercells for up to 20 hours for up to 20 crew. Cost: 90,000; Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Passengers: 18; Cargo: 9,000lbs; Maneuver: +4; Speed: 25ft (50 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 4G-8hrs; AC: 16; HD: 14; HP: 140; Hardness: 10; Threshold: 54; Save: +1; Abilities: Strength 48, Dexterity 10; Grab +23. Note: Tracked. A.I. (Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14; Notice +4), Environmental sealed, Multi-Speck Sensor (asauspex hand scanner but range 5miles +5DC +1mile).</br>
'''Battle Tank''': an older low-cost but reliable battle tank. Cost: 475,000 (Military); Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 5; Cargo: 5,000lbs; Maneuver: +5 (+0); Speed: 40ft (80 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 5G-8hrs; AC: 19; HD: 28; HP: 280; Hardness: 25; Threshold: 57; (Save: +6); Abilities: Strength 54, Dexterity 12; Grab +26. Note: Tracked. A.I. & Automation (Intelligence 18, Wisdom 12; Drive +3, Notice +3; attack +6), Environmental Seal, Ether-Scope (Darkvision 1,000ft), (Electromagnetic Shielding II). Fixed 2 turret with Heavy Cannon and Heavy Machinegun; Two Fixed turrets with Heavy Machineguns.</br>
'''Battle Tank''': an older low-cost but reliable battle tank. Cost: 475,000 (Military); Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 5; Cargo: 5,000lbs; Maneuver: +5 (+0); Speed: 40ft (80 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 5G-8hrs; AC: 19; HD: 28; HP: 280; Hardness: 25; Threshold: 57; (Save: +6); Abilities: Strength 54, Dexterity 12; Grab +26. Note: Tracked. A.I. & Automation (Intelligence 18, Wisdom 12; Drive +3, Notice +3; attack +6), Environmental Seal, Ether-Scope (Darkvision 1,000ft), (Electromagnetic Shielding II). Fixed 2 turret with Heavy Cannon and Heavy Machinegun; Two Fixed turrets with Heavy Machineguns.</br>
'''Super Transport'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4433299619928137/]: an extremely large tracked long distance haulers. Cost: 550,000 (Restricted); Size: Colossal (6); Crew: 10; Passengers: 30; Cargo: 80,000lbs; Maneuver: -1; Speed: 20ft (40 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 8H-24hrs; AC: 15; HD: 20; HP: 200; Hardness: 10; Threshold: 70; (Save: +2); Abilities: Strength 60, Dexterity 12; Grab +31. Note: Tracked. A.I. (Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14; Notice +4), Multi-Speck Sensor (as auspex hand scanner but range 5miles +5DC +1mile).
'''Super Transport''': an extremely large tracked long distance haulers. Cost: 550,000 (Restricted); Size: Colossal (6); Crew: 10; Passengers: 30; Cargo: 80,000lbs; Maneuver: -1; Speed: 20ft (40 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 8H-24hrs; AC: 15; HD: 20; HP: 200; Hardness: 10; Threshold: 70; (Save: +2); Abilities: Strength 60, Dexterity 12; Grab +31. Note: Tracked. A.I. (Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14; Notice +4), Multi-Speck Sensor (as auspex hand scanner but range 5miles +5DC +1mile).
==== Walkers ====
==== Walkers ====
Walkers are two to six legged vehicles that have speed and maneuverability advantages over many vehicles but whose height can be a hindrance in battle.</br>
Walkers are two to six legged vehicles that have speed and maneuverability advantages over many vehicles but whose height can be a hindrance in battle.</br>
'''Explorer Walker'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/445715694362384493/]: these four legged transports are used to explore and scout, even on airless moons. Cost: 300,000; Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Passengers: 16; Cargo: 5,000lbs; Maneuver: +6; Speed: 60ft (120 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 8G-12hrs; AC: 14 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 12; HP: 120; Hardness: 8; Threshold: 45; Save: +1; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 16; Grab +19. Note: Walker (4-leg). A.I. & Automation (Intelligence 12, Wisdom 18; Drive +5, Notice/expertise +8; attack +3), Environmental Seal, Ether-Scope Screen (Darkvision 1,000ft), Gyrostablization, Life Support for 18 (2D battery 44hrs), Multi-Speck Sensor (as auspex hand scanner but range 5miles +5DC +1mile), Planetary Survey Kit (see Hand Scanners).</br>
'''Explorer Walker''': these four legged transports are used to explore and scout, even on airless moons. Cost: 300,000; Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Passengers: 16; Cargo: 5,000lbs; Maneuver: +6; Speed: 60ft (120 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 8G-12hrs; AC: 14 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 12; HP: 120; Hardness: 8; Threshold: 45; Save: +1; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 16; Grab +19. Note: Walker (4-leg). A.I. & Automation (Intelligence 12, Wisdom 18; Drive +5, Notice/expertise +8; attack +3), Environmental Seal, Ether-Scope Screen (Darkvision 1,000ft), Gyrostablization, Life Support for 18 (2D battery 44hrs), Multi-Speck Sensor (as auspex hand scanner but range 5miles +5DC +1mile), Planetary Survey Kit (see Hand Scanners).</br>
'''Combat Walkers'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/27514247714085559/]: these are heavy attack two-legged walkers manned by one pilot and a gunner. Cost: 880,000 (Military); Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Cargo: 500lbs; Maneuver: +4 (+2); Speed: 40ft (80 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 6H-18hrs; AC: 16 +Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 18; HP: 180; Hardness: 18; Threshold: 50; Save: +7; Abilities: Strength 50, Dexterity 18; Grab +24. Notes: Walker. ACMC, A.I. & Automation (Prof +4, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 14; Drive +8, Notice +6; attack +9), Electromagnetic Shieling III, Environmental Seal, Ether-Scope Screen (Darkvision 1,000ft), Gyrostabilization, Hardened Powercell. Two Fixed 2 turret Heavy Laser Cannons (one in each arm), one Fixed turret Heavy Mass Cannon (right arm), one Fixed turret Partial Cannon (left arm), two Fixed Missile Launcher (each shoulder; stores 16 light or 8 medium missiles).
'''Combat Walkers'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/27514247714085559/]: these are heavy attack two-legged walkers manned by one pilot and a gunner. Cost: 880,000 (Military); Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Cargo: 500lbs; Maneuver: +4 (+2); Speed: 40ft (80 MPH); Cover: Full; Powercell: 6H-18hrs; AC: 16 +Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 18; HP: 180; Hardness: 18; Threshold: 50; Save: +7; Abilities: Strength 50, Dexterity 18; Grab +24. Notes: Walker. ACMC, A.I. & Automation (Prof +4, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 14; Drive +8, Notice +6; attack +9), Electromagnetic Shieling III, Environmental Seal, Ether-Scope Screen (Darkvision 1,000ft), Gyrostabilization, Hardened Powercell. Two Fixed 2 turret Heavy Laser Cannons (one in each arm), one Fixed turret Heavy Mass Cannon (right arm), one Fixed turret Partial Cannon (left arm), two Fixed Missile Launcher (each shoulder; stores 16 light or 8 medium missiles).
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Another variant instead ads a forward Fixed 2 Tractor Beam (restrained +19, Range 500/5,000ft, or Space 10/50, powered) +75,000 credits</br>
Another variant instead ads a forward Fixed 2 Tractor Beam (restrained +19, Range 500/5,000ft, or Space 10/50, powered) +75,000 credits</br>
'''''Raptor'' Light Attack Fighter'''[https://www.artstation.com/artwork/jaguar-9e1bcdb3-f854-4c55-884d-aa0706e4b3ad]: his is a fast and affordable attack starfighter used by both the Empire and many mercenary companies. It’s too small to carry a StarCaster of its own and must rely on larger carries to be transported between the stars. Cost: 945,000 (Military); Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 1; Cargo: 400lbs; Maneuver: +4 (+1); Speed: 110ft (1,100 MPH, Space 11); Energy: 5; AC: 12 + Dex/Int; Life Support: 2 days; HD: 18; HP: 180; Hardness: 15; Save: +5; Threshold: 45; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 26; Grab +19. Notes: Advanced Sensor Suite, ACMC, A.I. (Prof +3, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 16; Notice +6, Pilot +11; attack +8), Atmospheric, Electromagnetic Shielding II.</br>
'''''Raptor'' Light Attack Fighter'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1970393575042452/]: his is a fast and affordable attack starfighter used by both the Empire and many mercenary companies. It’s too small to carry a StarCaster of its own and must rely on larger carries to be transported between the stars. Cost: 945,000 (Military); Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 1; Cargo: 400lbs; Maneuver: +4 (+1); Speed: 110ft (1,100 MPH, Space 11); Energy: 5; AC: 12 + Dex/Int; Life Support: 2 days; HD: 18; HP: 180; Hardness: 15; Save: +5; Threshold: 45; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 26; Grab +19. Notes: Advanced Sensor Suite, ACMC, A.I. (Prof +3, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 16; Notice +6, Pilot +11; attack +8), Atmospheric, Electromagnetic Shielding II.</br>
Weapons: one forward Fixed Quad linked Lascannons (Damage 6d10 x2 fire, Range 15/50, AP, powered, lasers +1 to hit).</br>
Weapons: one forward Fixed Quad linked Lascannons (Damage 6d10 x2 fire, Range 15/50, AP, powered, lasers +1 to hit).</br>
'''Imperial ''Katana'' Gun-Ship'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/9992430411725046/]: A staple of the Empires heavy interceptor fighter/bombers. These ships are not as fast as many others of their class to maximum their ruggedness. Cost: 1,025,000 (Military); Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Cargo: 600lbs; Maneuver: +1 (+1); Speed: 80ft (800 MPH, Space 8); Energy: 5; AC: 14 + Dex/Int (max +2); Life Support: 2 days; HD: 20; HP: 200; Hardness: 25; Save: +5; Threshold: 52; Abilities: Strength 44, Dexterity 20; Grab +21. Notes: Advanced Sensor Suite, ACMC, A.I. (Prof +3, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 18; Notice +7, Pilot +8; attack +8), Atmospheric, Electromagnetic Shielding II, Hardened Frame I.</br>
'''Imperial ''Katana'' Gun-Ship'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1970393575042452/]: A staple of the Empires heavy interceptor fighter/bombers. These ships are not as fast as many others of their class to maximum their ruggedness. Cost: 1,025,000 (Military); Size: Gargantuan (4); Crew: 2; Cargo: 600lbs; Maneuver: +1 (+1); Speed: 80ft (800 MPH, Space 8); Energy: 5; AC: 14 + Dex/Int (max +2); Life Support: 2 days; HD: 20; HP: 200; Hardness: 25; Save: +5; Threshold: 52; Abilities: Strength 44, Dexterity 20; Grab +21. Notes: Advanced Sensor Suite, ACMC, A.I. (Prof +3, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 18; Notice +7, Pilot +8; attack +8), Atmospheric, Electromagnetic Shielding II, Hardened Frame I.</br>
Weapons: one forward Fixed Quad linked Lascannons (Damage 6d10 x2 fire, Range 15/50, AP, powered, lasers +1 to hit).</br>
Weapons: one forward Fixed Quad linked Lascannons (Damage 6d10 x2 fire, Range 15/50, AP, powered, lasers +1 to hit).</br>
One forward Fixed Photon Torpedo Launcher (Damage 4d10 x8 plasma, Range 10/50, AP, AOE space 2, locking. Can carry 6 torpedoes internally).</br>
One forward Fixed Photon Torpedo Launcher (Damage 4d10 x8 plasma, Range 10/50, AP, AOE space 2, locking. Can carry 6 torpedoes internally).</br>
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==== Starship Navigation ====
==== Starship Navigation ====
In order to successfully plot a course between two points and engage a StarCaster requires a Computer Use skill check. The StarCaster engine rips a pair of holes or points between realspace and the Umbral Shadow (these tears are referred to as ‘Fissures’) that instantly teleports the ship from one present tears locations to the new one within real space. To plot a basic course requires a '''DC15''' Computer Use and 2d6 minutes of time. If the plotter wants to rush this, it could try to plot a course as an Action but the '''DC''' increases to 20. If the plotter wanted to take its time it could instead take one hour to plot its course and lower to '''DC10'''.
In order to successfully plot a course between two points and engage a StarCaster requires a Computer Use skill check. The StarCaster engine rips a pair of holes or points between realspace and the Umbral Shadow (these tears are referred to as ‘Fissures’) that instantly teleports the ship from one present tears locations to the new one within real space. To plot a basic course requires a DC15 Computer Use and 2d6 minutes of time. If the plotter wants to rush this, it could try to plot a course as an Action but the DC increases to 20. If the plotter wanted to take its time it could instead take one hour to plot its course and lower to DC10.
Distance also have a factor on the plotting '''DC'''. Use the base '''DC''' if plotting a course within the same starship (say teleporting from the main habitable planet to its asteroid belt in the outer system), and for every 10 light years distance increase the '''DC''' by +3 out to 50 light years (for +15 to the '''DC''') maximum. A starship A.I. can hold a number of course plots within its memory banks equal to its Intelligence modifier. Additional ones could be stored in external memory but it takes an hour to upload and replace one. If the A.I. has the plot data for a jump, it can plot the course itself or it can grant advantage to the plotter check.
Distance also have a factor on the plotting DC. Use the base DC if plotting a course within the same starship (say teleporting from the main habitable planet to its asteroid belt in the outer system), and for every 10 light years distance increase the DC by +3 out to 50 light years (for +15 to the DC) maximum. A starship A.I. can hold a number of course plots within its memory banks equal to its Intelligence modifier. Additional ones could be stored in external memory but it takes an hour to upload and replace one. If the A.I. has the plot data for a jump, it can plot the course itself or it can grant advantage to the plotter check.
Failure of this check can have a number of results. Most will damage the StarCaster, meaning that it is no longer operational and will require repair (generally 1d6 x10% of the base cost of the StarCaster itself and 1d6 x Mods days to fix). GM has the final say but other common occurrences are ending up in a random location or lost in space maybe even within the Umbral Shadow!!
Failure of this check can have a number of results. Most will damage the StarCaster, meaning that it is no longer operational and will require repair (generally 1d6 x10% of the base cost of the StarCaster itself and 1d6 x Mods days to fix). GM has the final say but other common occurrences are ending up in a random location or lost in space maybe even within the Umbral Shadow!!
After a starship has reemerged from the Umbral Shadow it takes 2d6 hours +1d6 hour per 10 light years teleported for the engines to recharge before another teleport can be made. One can shortened this by increasing the plotting '''DC''' by +2 per one less hour. However failure results in 1d6 damage per HD of the ship (ignores hardness and resistance) and the StarCaster is damaged as above.
After a starship has reemerged from the Umbral Shadow it takes 2d6 hours +1d6 hour per 10 light years teleported for the engines to recharge before another teleport can be made. One can shortened this by increasing the plotting DC by +2 per one less hour. However failure results in 1d6 damage per HD of the ship (ignores hardness and resistance) and the StarCaster is damaged as above.
What is the '''''Umbral Shadow'''''? It is this universes cross between the Shadowfells and Astral Space. It is almost pitch black but there are shapes and living creatures that can be found here. It allows the vessels to teleport over vast distances with StarCaster engine.
What is the Umbral Shadow? It is this universes cross between the Shadowfells and Astral Space. It is almost pitch black but there are shapes and living creatures that can be found here. It allows the vessels to teleport over vast distances with StarCaster engine.
==== Starship Maintenance and Resupply ====
==== Starship Maintenance and Resupply ====
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Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1, maximum of 20. You can use the better of your Charisma or Constitution score for the maximum Stain of Spellware (increaase of lowest) and you can hold an additional points +2 points in Stain over the better of the two.
Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1, maximum of 20. You can use the better of your Charisma or Constitution score for the maximum Stain of Spellware you can hold in your body +2 additional points over that.
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'''Advanced Controls''' (cannot be added to Tracked or Watercraft vehicles): Cost is the base vehicle cost, including propulsion type modifier to cost. Increase the basic AC bonus by one step (AC only to AC +Dex/Int, max +2 or AC +Dex/Int, max +2 to AC +Dex/Int). Can be taken twice by those vehicles that start with AC but the price for the four times as much.</br>
Advanced Control (cannot be added to Tracked and Watercraft): Cost is the base vehicle cost, including propulsion type modifier to cost. Increase the basic AC bonus by one step (AC only to AC +Dex/Int, max +2 or AC +Dex/Int, max +2 to AC +Dex/Int). Can be taken twice by those vehicles that start with AC but the price for the four times as much.</br>
'''Advanced Crash systems''': Can be added to any vehicle for ¼ its base cost. For ‘Bikes’, with crash system engaged, passengers take ¾ damage from crashes. Ground vehicles, with crash system engaged, passengers take ¼ damage from the crash. Aerocraft and Spacecraft, with the crash system engaged, passengers take ½ damage from crash.</br>
Advanced Crash systems: Can be added to any vehicle for ¼ its base cost. For ‘Bikes’, with crash system engaged, passengers take ¾ damage from crashes. Ground vehicles, with crash system engaged, passengers take ¼ damage from the crash. Aerocraft and Spacecraft, with the crash system engaged, passengers take ½ damage from crash.</br>
'''AMCM''': Cost ¼ base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. The ship imposes disadvantage on Computer Use check to gain missile locks and gains advantage against the tractor beam Grapple check.</br>
AMCM: Cost ¼ base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. The ship imposes disadvantage on Computer Use check to gain missile locks and gains advantage against the tractor beam Grapple check.</br>
'''Armor Upgrade''': Cost is the base vehicle cost, for a +1 AC and Hardness (half this cost for Tracked vehicles and Starships). Maximum of 6 times, for same cost and benefit, except Aerocraft which can only take this upgrade twice.</br>
Armor Upgrade: Cost is the base vehicle cost, for a +1 AC and Hardness (half this cost for Tracked vehicles and Starships). Maximum of 6 times, for same cost and benefit, except Aerocraft which can only take this upgrade twice.</br>
'''Artificial Intelligence''' (A.I.): Cost 1,000 credits times vehicle Mods, minimum 1. A basic A.I. can run passive systems (scanners, open doors, regulate interior temperature). For full A.I. can operate active systems – takeoff, landing, and flying, fire all weapons, to opening and closing hatches. Has a Proficiency bonus of +2 and Intelligence 12 and Wisdom 10. To increase the proficiency bonus to +3 costs 10,000 credits. Proficiency bonus of +4 (max) costs an additional +25,000 credits (must still pay the+3 cost). Either Intelligence or Wisdom can be increased separately at a cost 500 times the vehicles Mods per +2 max score 30.</br>
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): Cost 1,000 credits times vehicle Mods, minimum 1. A basic A.I. can run passive systems (scanners, open doors, regulate interior temperature). For full A.I. can operate active systems – takeoff, landing, and flying, fire all weapons, to opening and closing hatches, requires Automation (see below). Has a Proficiency bonus of +2 and Intelligence 12 and Wisdom 10. To increase the proficiency bonus to +3 costs 10,000 credits. Proficiency bonus of +4 (max) costs an additional +25,000 credits (must still pay the+3 cost). Either Intelligence or Wisdom can be increased separately at a cost 500 times the vehicles Mods per +2 max score 30.</br>
'''Atmospheric''' (Spacecraft only): Cost base vehicle cost x5. This allows a starship to enter and leave a planetary atmospheres. Includes heat shielding and additional work to handle the stress and strain of entry. All starships with this modification include vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capacities.</br>
Atmospheric (Spacecraft only): Cost base vehicle cost x5. This allows a starship to enter and leave a planetary atmospheres. Includes heat shielding and additional work to handle the stress and strain of entry. All starships with this modification include vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capacities.</br>
'''Attribute Boost''': Increase the vehicle’s Strength or Dexterity. Each level adds +2 to one attribute and costs ¼ the base vehicle cost. Dexterity can be taken 8 times (max 26 Dexterity), while Strength maybe increase up to double base level (i.e. a large vehicles’ base Strength is 24, can increase to 48).</br>
Attribute Boost: Increase the vehicle’s Strength or Dexterity. Each level adds +2 to one attribute and costs ¼ the base vehicle cost. Dexterity can be taken 8 times (max 26 Dexterity), while Strength maybe increase up to double base level (i.e. a large vehicles’ base Strength is 24, can increase to 48).</br>
'''Automation''' (Requires an A.I.): Cost is ½ the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. This vehicle can drive itself and preform any normal vehicle function or actions (see A.I. Vehicle Actions). Counts as the operator, crew and/or gunner. Hover and Wheeled Bikes type vehicles must also have the Gyrostabilization upgrade.</br>
Automation (Requires an A.I.): Cost is ½ the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. This vehicle can drive itself and preform any normal vehicle function or actions (see A.I. Vehicle Actions). Counts as the operator, crew and/or gunner. Hover and Wheeled Bikes type vehicles must also have the Gyrostabilization upgrade.</br>
'''Bomb Bay''' (Minimum size Huge or larger and only Aerocraft or Spacecraft vehicles): Cost 5,000 credits each. Each bomb bay may drop one bomb a round. All use the same attack roll (see Vehicle Combat). Require 150% the bomb’s weight in storage (cargo) space for each bomb carried.</br>
Bomb Bay (Minimum size Huge or larger and only Aerocraft or Spacecraft vehicles): Cost 5,000 credits each. Each bomb bay may drop one bomb a round. All use the same attack roll (see Vehicle Combat). Require 150% the bomb’s weight in storage (cargo) space for each bomb carried.</br>
'''Cargo''': increases the basic cargo load by 50%, costs one-tenth vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Can be taken up to the vehicles Mods number of times.</br>
Cargo: increases the basic cargo load by 50%, costs one-tenth vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Can be taken up to the vehicles Mods number of times.</br>
'''Electromagnetic Shielding''': Cost ½ vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Each level adds +2 to a vehicle’s save against EMP, Ion and Pincher affects.</br>
Electromagnetic Shielding: Cost ½ vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Each level adds +2 to a vehicle’s save against EMP, Ion and Pincher affects.</br>
'''Enhanced Powercells''': Cost base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Increases the battery duration of a vehicle by +2 hours but also ads +½hr to recharge. Can be taken up to the vehicles Mods times.</br>
Enhanced Powercells: Cost base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Increases the battery duration of a vehicle by +2 hours but also ads +½hr to recharge. Can be taken multiple times depending on the vehicle.</br>
'''Environmentally Sealed''' (Atmosphere vehicles only): Costs 500 credits per passengers. Sealed vs. hostile environments.</br>
Environmentally Sealed: Costs 500 credits per passengers. Sealed vs. hostile environments.
Extra Batteries (Powercell only): Cost double base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Doubles the basic battery number the vehicles has and operating duration is also doubles along with recharge time.</br>
Extra Batteries (Powercell only): Cost double base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Doubles the basic battery number the vehicles has and operating duration is also doubles.</br>
'''FTL StarCaster''' (Starships only): Minimum size of ship Colossal. Cost base vehicle cost x10. Includes both the StarCaster engine and astrogation computer plotting systems requirements.</br>
FTL StarCaster (Starships only): Minimum size of ship Colossal. Cost base vehicle cost x10. Includes both the StarCaster engine and astrogation computer plotting systems requirements.</br>
'''Fuel Pods''' (Starship only): Cost base vehicle cost for each ‘pod’. Each pod increases energy capacity by +20%. Can be take up to the vehicle’s Mod times.</br>
Fuel Pods (Starship only): Cost base vehicle cost for each ‘pod’. Each pod increases energy capacity by 20%. Can be take up to the vehicle’s Mod times.</br>
'''Fine/Luxury-Class Features''': Costs the same price as the basic vehicle cost. The exterior and interior of the vehicle have enhanced features to appeal to those who desire style. Can be taken twice as Luxury features. Passenger fees can be increased over 100% standard rates for each level.</br>
Fine/Luxury Features: Costs the same price as the basic vehicle cost. The exterior and interior of the vehicle have enhanced features to appeal to those who desire style. Can be taken twice as Luxury features. Passenger fees can be increased over 100% standard rates for each level.</br>
'''Hardened Frame''': Costs ¼ the basic vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost (Spacecraft and Tracked vehicles do not count the vehicle propulsion for this cost). Each level adds +5 to the vehicle’s Damage Threshold. Can be taken a number of times equal to the vehicle’s Mod.</br>
Hardened Frame: Costs ¼ the basic vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost (Spacecraft and Tracked vehicles do not count the vehicle propulsion for cost). Each level adds +5 to the vehicle’s Damage Threshold. Can be taken a number of times equal to the vehicle’s Mod.</br>
'''Hardening''': Costs ¼ the basic vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost (Spacecraft and Tracked vehicles do not count these increase for this cost). Increase the vehicles Hardness rating. Each level adds +2 to the base Hardness (stacks with Armor Upgrade). Can be taken vehicle Mod times, except by Aerocraft which can take it a maximum of 3 times (if Mods are higher).</br>
Hardening: Costs ¼ the basic vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost (Spacecraft and Tracked vehicles do not count these increase into the cost). Increase the vehicles Hardness rating. Each level adds +2 to the base Hardness (stacks with Armor Upgrade). Can be taken vehicle Mod times, except by Aerocraft which can take it a maximum of 3 times (if Mods are higher).</br>
'''Hauler''' (Atmospheric vehicles only): Costs ¼ the basic vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. The vehicle has some external cargo capacity not included within the vehicle. For example a trailer for a ground vehicle or sling for a helicopter or anti-grav craft. Most vehicles can haul ten times the base vehicles Cargo load. Rotorcraft are the only type of Aerocraft that can have this upgrade and halve the weight (i.e. x5). Watercraft increased this cargo weight by four times.</br>
Hauler (Atmospheric vehicles only): Costs ¼ the basic vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. The vehicle has some external cargo capacity not included within the vehicle. For example a trailer for a ground vehicle or sling for a helicopter or anti-grav craft. Most vehicles can haul ten times the base vehicles Cargo load. Rotorcraft are the only type of Aerocraft that can have this upgrade and halve the weight (i.e. x5). Watercraft increased this cargo weight by four times.</br>
'''Inferior Controls''': Cost reduction -20% off the base vehicle cost, including propulsion, each level. Reduces AC bonuses by one step (AC +Dex/Int is reduced to AC + Dex/Int (max +2) and the vehicle’s Maneuver by -2 each level. Can be taken twice down to AC for smaller vehicles.</br>
Inferior Controls: Cost reduction -20% off the base vehicle cost, including propulsion, each level. Reduces AC bonuses by one step (AC +Dex/Int is reduced to AC + Dex/Int (max +2) and the vehicle’s Maneuver by -2 each level. Can be taken twice down to AC for smaller vehicles.</br>
'''Ion Hardening''': Cost is base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifier. Advantage again Ion and Pincher saving throws and don’t double damage to impose affects.</br>
Ion Hardening: Cost is base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifier. Advantage again Ion and Pincher saving throws and don’t double damage to impose affects.</br>
'''Ion Vulnerability''': Reduces cost -20% off base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers. Vehicle suffers double damage against Ion and Pincher damage (don’t double again to impose affects).</br>
Ion Vulnerability: Reduces cost -10% off base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers. Vehicle suffers double damage against Ion and Pincher damage (don’t double again to impose affects).</br>
'''Garage/Hanger''' (Titan or larger only): Cost 100,000 credits. A hangar (or garage) can carry up twenty-four Medium, twelve Large, six Huge or three Gargantuan sized vehicles.
Garage/Hanger, Large (Titan or larger only): Cost 100,000 credits. A hangar (or garage) can carry up twenty-four Medium, twelve Large, six Huge or three Gargantuan sized vehicles.
Garage/Hanger (Colossal or larger only): Cost 25,000 credits. A small hanger (or garage) that can carry up to five Medium, four Large or one Huge sized vehicle.</br>
Garage/Hanger (Colossal or larger only): Cost 25,000 credits. A small hanger (or garage) that can carry up to five Medium, four Large or one Huge sized vehicle.</br>
'''Gyrostabilization''' (Atmsphere vehicles only): Cost is base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Adds +4 to Maneuver and allows for self-driving/automation checks for bikes and hovercraft.</br>
Gyrostabilization: Cost is base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Adds +4 to Maneuver and allows for self-driving/automation checks for bikes and hovercraft.</br>
'''Life Support''' (Non-Spacecraft. Requires Environmentally Sealed): Cost ½ base vehicle cost. For vacuum environments. Requires a separate B powercell per passenger for 18 hours of air, each. A separate C powercell will instead provide the same air for 4 passengers, while a D powercell will provide the same air for 20 passengers.</br>
Life Support (Non-Spacecraft. Requires Environmentally Sealed): Cost ½ base vehicle cost. For vacuum environments. Requires a separate B powercell per passenger for 18 hours of air, each. A separate C powercell will instead provide the same air for 4 passengers, while a D powercell will provide the same air for 20 passengers.</br>
'''Mercantile''' (Minimum size Behemoth or larger): Cost 80,000 credits each. Each generates vehicle’s Mods x 1d4K credits a month for the ship. Each has roughly 300 square feet of space. Each addition add unit roughly 150 square feet and +1d4K revenue a month. Most be open to public, etc.</br>
Mercantile (Minimum size Behemoth or larger): Cost 80,000 credits each. Each generates vehicle’s Mods x 1d4K credits a month for the ship. Each has roughly 300 square feet of space. Each addition add unit roughly 150 square feet and +1d4K revenue a month. Most be open to public, etc.</br>
'''Missile Launcher''': Cost 5,000 credits each. Allows up to four Light or two Medium or one Heavy missiles to be fired at once each round. Requires twice the storage (cargo) space equal to the weight of each missile carried.</br>
Missile Launcher: Cost 5,000 credits each. Allows up to four Light or two Medium or one Heavy missiles to be fired at once each round. Requires twice the storage (cargo) space equal to the weight of each missile carried.</br>
'''Passenger Compartment''': Costs is ½ the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. +50% the base Crew number as passengers. Can be taken a number of times equal to vehicle mod.</br>
Passenger Compartment: Costs is ½ the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. +50% the base Crew number as passengers. Can be taken a number of times equal to vehicle mod.</br>
'''Off-Road''' (Wheeled vehicles only; Tracked vehicles already include this mod automtically): Cost is base vehicle cost. This allows a vehicle to ignore off-road and difficult terrain penalties. If taken a second time at base vehicle cost, add Resistance against maneuver damage for the same cost again.</br>
Off-Road (Wheeled vehicles only): Cost is base vehicle cost. This allows a vehicle to ignore off-road and difficult terrain penalties. If taken a second time at base vehicle cost, add Resistance against maneuver damage for the same cost again.</br>
'''Ram''': Cost is base vehicle cost. The vessels has a reinforced port and superstructure allowing it to ram other vehicle without destroying itself (at least in theory). It has resistance on any ramming damage that it would suffer when it rams another vessel (but not when rammed by another).</br>
Ram: Cost is base vehicle cost. The vessels has a reinforced port and superstructure allowing it to ram other vehicle without destroying itself (at least in theory). It has resistance on any ramming damage that it would suffer when it rams another vessel (but not when rammed by another).</br>
'''Reinforced Chassis''': Cost is ½ the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost, for +1 HD and +10 Hit Points. Can be take a maximum number of times up to double the basic HD level (i.e. a Large vehicle has a base of HD6, so this modifier can be take a maximum of 6 times). When adding to tracked and space vehicles instead add +2 HD and +20 Hit Points for each level.</br>
Reinforced Chassis: Cost is ½ the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost, for +1 HD and +10 Hit Points. Can be take a maximum number of times up to double the basic HD level (i.e. a Large vehicle has a base of HD6, so this modifier can be take a maximum of 6 times). When adding to tracked and space vehicles instead add +2 HD and +20 Hit Points for each level.
'''Sensor Suites, Basic''' (Spacecraft only and all require at least this level). Cost 50,000 credits. Requires Intelligence (Computer Use) to operate properly. Include light, chemical, motion and other active sensors allow detection of target up to 100 AU away with a DC20 Computer Use skill check. Within 5 AU (optimal) this drops to DC15. Illumination and cover are ignored. Targets don’t have to be in line of sight but asteroids, small moons or powerful energy fields may cause inaccurate or false readings, counting as obscure to hide, etc.</br>
Sensor Suites, Basic (Spacecraft only and all require at least this level). Cost 50,000 credits. Requires Intelligence (Computer Use) to operate properly. Include light, chemical, motion and other active sensors allow detection of target up to 100 AU away with a DC20 Computer Use skill check. Within 5 AU (optimal) this drops to DC15. Illumination and cover are ignored. Targets don’t have to be in line of sight but asteroids, small moons or powerful energy fields may cause inaccurate or false readings, counting as obscure to hide, etc.</br>
'''Sensor Suits, Advanced''': Cost 500,000 credits. As basic sensor suite but superior tech extends detection of maximum range to 500 AU (base DC20). Within 25 AU it drops to DC15. All other factors as Basic Sensor Suite.</br>
Sensor Suits, Advanced: Cost 500,000 credits. Superior tech extends detection of maximum range to 500 AU (base DC20). Within 25 AU it drops to DC15. All other factors as Basic Sensor Suite.
'''Sensor Systems''' (Atmospheric only): Variable cost. Advanced sensors to aid operators and crew. All requires Intelligence (Computer Use) to operate properly. Without proficiency all checks are at disadvantage. Include: Radar (Blindsense aerial 10 miles, however not for attacks) for 4,000 credits, Combat Radar (Blindsense 500ft base, 10 mile extended) for 8,000 credits. Sonar works the same for the same cost but only on and underwater. Multi-Spec Sensor as Auspex Hand Scanner, but range is five miles (+5DC for every additional mile) 5,000 credits. Ether-Scope Screen (Darkvision 1,000ft base) 2,000 credits.</br>
Sensor Systems (Atmospheric only): Variable cost. Advanced sensors to aid operators and crew. All requires Intelligence (Computer Use) to operate properly. Without proficiency all checks are at disadvantage. Include: Radar (Blindsense aerial 10 miles, however not for attacks) for 4,000 credits, Combat Radar (Blindsense 500ft base, 10 mile extended) for 8,000 credits. Sonar works the same for the same cost but only on and underwater. Multi-Spec Sensor as Auspex Hand Scanner, but range is five miles (+5DC for every additional mile) 5,000 credits. Ether-Scope Screen (Darkvision 1,000ft base) 2,000 credits.</br>
'''Shields''': Cost is ½ the base vehicle cost, including the propulsion types increases, per level. Acting like Temporary Hit Points and a Threshold, the amount of damage that it will stop from each attack. Active shields also detonate missiles and torpedoes before they strike, giving the ship Resistance to these attacks (and canceling any AP affect). Level I rating 5/50 (threshold/temporary hit points); Level II rating 10/100, requires a minimum vehicle size of Huge; Level III grants 20/200 requires minimum size of Gargantuan. Level IV grants 30/300 and requires minimum size of Colossal; Level V grants 40/400 and requires a minimum size of Behemoth. Enhanced Shields increase cost by 25% and increase the total temporary HP by +50% (i.e. 100 becomes 150, etc.). This enhancement can be taken twice for same cost each time.</br>
Shields: Cost is ½ the base vehicle cost, including the propulsion types increases, per level. Acting like Temporary Hit Points and a Threshold, the amount of damage that it will stop from each attack. Active shields also detonate missiles and torpedoes before they strike, giving the ship Resistance to these attacks (and canceling any AP affect). Level I rating 5/50 (threshold/temporary hit points); Level II rating 10/100, requires a minimum vehicle size of Huge; Level III grants 20/200 requires minimum size of Gargantuan. Level IV grants 30/300 and requires minimum size of Colossal; Level V grants 40/400 and requires a minimum size of Behemoth. Enhanced Shields increase cost by 25% and increase the total temporary HP by +50% (i.e. 100 becomes 150, etc.). This enhancement can be taken twice for same cost each time.</br>
'''Speed''': Cost is ¼ the base vehicle cost, including the propulsion types increases, per level. Each level adds +5ft to the base speed times the propulsion types. Max levels double base speed.</br>
Speed: Cost is ¼ the base vehicle cost, including the propulsion types increases, per level. Each level adds +5ft to the base speed times the propulsion types. Max levels double base speed.
'''Speed Reduction''': Cost reduction -5% off the base vehicle cost. Each time this is taken, reduce base speed by -5ft (then calculate vehicle speed by propulsion). Minimum speed of 10ft.</br>
Speed Reduction: Cost reduction -5% off the base vehicle cost. Each time this is taken, reduce base speed by -5ft (then calculate vehicle speed by propulsion). Minimum speed of 10ft.</br>
'''Stealth System''': Cost is the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Radar absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers and other tech make this ship difficult to detect. Those trying to located, attack, lock-on, etc. are at a disadvantage against this ship. The effect is negated any round in which the ship fires a weapon or emits some other non-cloak signal such as radio signals or active sensor searches. The vehicle can also attempt to Hide without cover but at a basic check. Cover gain advantage on check. Use operator’s Intelligence modifier instead of Dexterity.</br>
Stealth System: Cost is the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Radar absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers and other tech make this ship difficult to detect. Those trying to located, attack, lock-on, etc. are at a disadvantage against this ship. The effect is negated any round in which the ship fires a weapon or emits some other non-cloak signal such as radio signals or active sensor searches. The vehicle can also attempt to Hide without cover but at a basic check. Cover gain advantage on check. Use operator’s Intelligence modifier instead of Dexterity.</br>
'''Submersible''' (Watercraft only): Cost is double the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Base Watercraft feature to the vehicle when running on the surface. When running underwater halve speed. Increase speed cost as Watercraft but the numbers are halved when the vehicle is running underwater. Powercell battery life includes basic life support features. </br>
Submersible (Watercraft only): Cost is double the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Base Watercraft feature to the vehicle when running on the surface. When running underwater halve speed. Increase speed cost as Watercraft but the numbers are halved when the vehicle is running underwater. Powercell battery life includes basic life support features. </br>
'''Superstructure''' (Leviathan sized vehicles or larger only): Cost 500,000 credits each. Superstructures are massive extensions that add a great amount of space to a ships. Typically to accommodate more passengers or cargo. Each superstructure uses +1 more Energy per day and reduces HD/HP base by -1d/-10HP x the vehicles Mods as they reduces the overall structural integrity.
Superstructure (Leviathan sized vehicles or larger): Cost 500,000 credits each. Superstructures are massive extensions that add a great amount of space to a ships. Typically to accommodate more passengers or cargo. Each superstructure uses +1 more Energy per day and reduces HD/HP base by -1d/-10HP x the vehicles Mods as they reduces the overall structural integrity.
*'''''Bulk Cargo''''': These massive hulls that can handle 800,000 cubic feet of cargo (20,000 tons or 5,000 tons if the ship enters is to enter the atmosphere). Halve cost if the area is not sealed verses vacuum/environment but then it cannot enter an atmosphere.
*Bulk Cargo: These massive hulls that can handle 800,000 cubic feet of cargo (20,000 tons or 5,000 tons if the ship enters is to enter the atmosphere). Halve cost if the area is not sealed verses vacuum/environment but then it cannot enter an atmosphere.
*'''''Factory''''': These units can process raw material into manufactured goods. Adds 100 crew. Each factory requires one shuttle to take in raw goods. Each factory can generate 2d6 x 5,000 credits in goods, supplies, etc. a week in an average mineral rich environment (asteroid field, etc.).
*Factory: These units can process raw material into manufactured goods. Adds 100 crew. Each factory requires one shuttle to take in raw goods. Each factory can generate 2d6 x 5,000 credits in goods, supplies, etc. a week in an average mineral rich environment (asteroid field, etc.).
*'''''Hanger''''': Large dedicated flight bay that holds up to 20 gargantuan sized vehicles or 10 colossal sized one. Includes additional fuel storage, maintenance bays, training and briefing rooms and ads 50 additional crew members (not counting flight crew).
*Hanger: Large dedicated flight bay that holds up to 20 gargantuan sized vehicles or 10 colossal sized one. Includes additional fuel storage, maintenance bays, training and briefing rooms and ads 50 additional crew members (not counting flight crew).
*'''''Passenger, Civilian''''': Accommodations for long-term comfortable travel, includes hydroponic gardens, theaters, gyms, malls, restaurants, shopping and logging for 700 passengers and 50 additional crew. Generates 2d4 x 5,000 credits each month in revenue.
*Passenger, Civilian: Accommodations for long-term comfortable travel, includes hydroponic gardens, theaters, gyms, malls, restaurants, shopping and logging for 700 passengers and 50 additional crew. Generates 2d4 x 5,000 credits each month in revenue.
*'''''Passenger, Military''''': Spartan barracks, training facilities, armories, and a few multi-purpose recreations areas for 500 troopers and 50 additional crew (cooks, techs, etc.)
*Passenger, Military: Spartan barracks, training facilities, armories, and a few multi-purpose recreations areas for 500 troopers and 50 additional crew (cooks, techs, etc.)
'''Teleporter''' (Minimum size Colossal): Cost 500,000 credits each. Teleporters can transport up to six Medium size creatures at a time, or 1,000lbs of cargo up to 100 miles distance, or up to 1,000 miles if linked with a transmitter beacon at the destination.</br>
Teleporter (Minimum size Colossal): Cost 500,000 credits each. Teleporters can transport up to six Medium size creatures at a time, or 1,000lbs of cargo up to 100 miles distance, or up to 1,000 miles if linked with a transmitter beacon at the destination.</br>
'''Torpedo Tubes''' (Starships only): Cost 10,000 credits each. Each tube allows one torpedo to be fired a round. Requires twice each torpedo’s weight of in storage (cargo) space.</br>
Torpedo Tubes (Starships only): Cost 10,000 credits each. Each tube allows one torpedo to be fired a round. Requires twice each torpedo’s weight of in storage (cargo) space.</br>
'''Tractor Beams''': Cost ¼ base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost, each. Tractor beams are designed to hold enemy vessel in place and to pull them to the attacker. Vehicles can only affect vessels of similar size or smaller Size. Their range is 500/5,000 (10/50 in space). This works just like a Grapple check adding a reverse of the vehicle’s size modifier plus its Strength bonus. If the attacker wins, the target ship is Restrained. The attack can also move the target towards itself up to 1 space a round (1,000 feet).</br>
Tractor Beams: Cost ¼ base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost, each. Tractor beams are designed to hold enemy vessel in place and to pull them to the attacker. Vehicles can only affect vessels of similar size or smaller Size. Their range is 500/5,000 (10/50 in space). This works just like a Grapple check adding a reverse of the vehicle’s size modifier plus its Strength bonus. If the attacker wins, the target ship is Restrained. The attack can also move the target towards itself up to 1 space a round (1,000 feet).</br>
'''Workspace''' (Minimum sized Colossal): Cost 5,000 credits each. The vehicle has a scientific laboratory, a small medical bay (up to 2 people), a machine room, etc. The properties of these stations vary but most grants advantage with a limited set of skills.</br>
Workspace (Minimum sized Colossal): Cost 5,000 credits each. The vehicle has a scientific laboratory, a small medical bay (up to 2 people), a machine room, etc. The properties of these stations vary but most grants advantage with a limited set of skills.</br>
'''Weapon Mount''': Cost for fixed Heavy Weapon mounts cost 1,000 credits each. Super-heavy mount (minimum size Large vehicle) cost 2,000 credits each. Weapons with Super-Heavy Fixed weapon properties (minimum size Huge vehicle) cost 4,000 credits each. Fixed 2 weapon properties (minimum size Gargantuan vehicle) cost 8,000 credits each. Fixed 3 weapon properties (minimum size Behemoth vehicle) cost 12,000 credits each. Fixed 4 weapon properties (minimum size Leviathan vehicle) cost 20,000 credits each. Turrets triple these prices.</br>
Weapon Mount: Cost for fixed Heavy Weapon mounts cost 1,000 credits each. Super-heavy mount (minimum size Large vehicle) cost 2,000 credits each. Weapons with Super-Heavy Fixed weapon properties (minimum size Huge vehicle) cost 4,000 credits each. Fixed 2 weapon properties (minimum size Gargantuan vehicle) cost 8,000 credits each. Fixed 3 weapon properties (minimum size Behemoth vehicle) cost 12,000 credits each. Fixed 4 weapon properties (minimum size Leviathan vehicle) cost 20,000 credits each. Turrets triple these prices.</br>
''Note – duel linked weapons add an additional +1d to the weapon dice total (3d8 becomes 4d8) while quad linked weapons add an additional +2d to the weapon dice total''.</br>
''Note'' – duel linked weapons add an additional +1d to the weapon dice total (3d8 becomes 4d8) while quad linked weapons add an additional +2d to the weapon dice total.</br>
==== Golem Creation ====
==== Golem Creation ====

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