Editing Dragons Wake (SWADE PbP)

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[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/interest-recruitment-swade-ww2-supers-vs-mythos-in-the-pacific.895607 RPG.net Recruitment Thread]
=Game Links=
[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/interest-recruitment-swade-ww2-supers-vs-mythos-in-the-pacific.895607// RPG.net Recruitment Thread]
[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/swade-dragons-wake.895872 RPG.net OOC Thread]
=Game Rules=
The game will be played using [https://peginc.com/store/savage-worlds-adventure-edition-core-rules-pdf-swade/ Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] along with the [https://peginc.com/campaign/spc_swade/ Super Powers Companion for that game].
[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/swade-dragons-wake.895913/ RPG.net IC Thread]
===Setting Rules===
::*rules go here
== Characters ==
===Veils & Lines===
::The following are <B>Lines</b> for this game:
::*line goes here
'''[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Ashton_Eldridge Ashton Eldridge, the Night Haunt]''' (played by Max)
::The following are <b>Veils</b> for this game:
::*Veil goes here
'''[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Olivia_Gray Olivia 'Liv' Gray, a.k.a. Agent Iris]''' (played by IMGoose)
=Setting Brief=
Setting stuff goes here
'''[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Milton_Moreira Milton Moreira, Velvet]''' (played by Fred)
=Character Links=
Character Links go here
'''[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Max_Macht Max Macht]''' (played by CKirby)
=Mission Objectives=
Mission objectives and background go here.
'''[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Eric_Andrews Private First Class Eric "Rocky" Andrews]''' (played by 8Bit)
== Setting Brief ==
The world is broken, and we can’t even be sure who did it.
The years after the Great War — the War to End All Wars, the explosion of all the illusions of the ''Belle Époque'' - were thick with race-hate, aggression, hypocrisy, greed and wounded pride. All that was worst in humankind seemed to fester at the core of Europe and flow outward, like a boil on the world bursting and spreading its infection.
The world responded in kind. Or, perhaps, the war was a manifestation of a deeper madness in the world. Abominations arose from the sea, crept from the dark holes in the earth, slithered down from the sky between rain drops and made the war of nations into a battle of humanity against something inextricably Other... and against those humans who would ally themselves with anything, no matter how evil or alien, in order to overcome those peoples they understood enough to despise.
But even as Earth’s mortal inhabitants learned, to their sorrow, that they were not alone, the weird entities arrayed against them found that they did not possess sole dominion over the laws of time and space. A few women and men, very few, saw the impossible and became impossible themselves. Faced with alien gods, they became, themselves, godlike.
All the nations of the world put these godlike superhumans, these Talents, to work in their war efforts. The Allied powers formed a Talent Operations Group as a military arm equivalent to their Navies, Air-Forces, and Armies.
Around the world and throughout the war, Talent commandos use their amazing abilities to confront superpowered Nazi "Übermenschen", Japanese "Thousand Dragon Sons" (roughly translated from ''Watatsumi No Sen-Ri No Musuko'') and the secret, awful Mythos creatures the Fascists attempt to release and control to win the war.
=== Things You Need to Know ===
Superhuman individuals - '''Talents''' - have occurred at a very low percentage for a long time. A huge increase in Talents manifesting happened during World War I, though scientists and academics do not know why, or how, or in response to what stimulus this explosion of Talents occurred.
By 1935, Allied Intelligence agencies become aware that a secret occult research organization called '''Black Sun''' has begun working for the highest echelons of the Nazi government. Black Sun operatives scour the earth for occult writings and occult artifacts. Allied Intelligence finds no similar occult preoccupation among Italian nor Japanese forces up to the start of the game in mid-1942.
Even after WWI, the existence of Talents wasn't fully accepted by scientists, experts, or the general public. That changes in 1936, when Hitler has a crew of '''Übermenschen''' demonstrate their awesome abilities at the opening of the 1936 Olympics.
In 1939, Allied Intelligence learns that a new occult military unit called '''Nachtwölfe''' has been created. By early 1940, they are putting occult based weapons into the field for use against the Allies.
In July 1940, at the beginning of what becomes known as The Battle of Britain, Black Sun and Nachtwölfe operatives summon a massive tentacled Mythos horror in the English Channel, hoping to direct it towards the British coast. It is defeated by a brave group of Allied Talents who utterly obliterate the thing.
In the fall of 1940, Japan claims to be able to manufacture Talents. These claims are downplayed by Allied Intelligence at first.
By April, 1941, it's clear that Japan is fielding "Fire Teams" of Talents who all have remarkably identical elemental superpowers. Surrounded by a nimbus of energy that resembles a ghostly Japanese dragon, these individuals have control over Air, Earth, Fire, Water or Darkness. Japan calls these manufactured Talents the '''Thousand Dragon Sons'''. They continue to field the more idiosyncratic "natural" Talents in the field as well.
After the US enters the war in late 1941, the Allies combine their '''Talent Operations Groups''' and assign these superhuman troops as needed to critical operations and missions where the Axis powers are believed to be deploying their own Talents or utilizing Mythos derived technology.
== Game Notes ==
=== Intelligence And Mission Brief, TOG Team "Dragon Slayer", 12 July 1942, Pearl Harbor ===
Subjects Agent Iris, Macht, Night Haunt, Rocky, Velvet to report after briefing to U.S.
Brigadier General Rupertus aboard USS Neville marshaling Operation Watchtower forces near
Fiji by no later than 21 July 1942. Attached to 1st Raider Battalion, Marines, on or about
7 August 1942, commence invasion of Tulagi. Secure target location designated HOTEL (see
below). Destroy Talent manufacturing facility located in or near designate HOTEL, Tulagi
island. Secure Axis Talent and Occult Scientists designated KAGUTSUCHI (see below) and
SEIOMENN (see below) alive and return to Pearl Harbor for questioning. Secure scientific
notes, experimental notes, research plans, blueprints, et. al. produced by same to Pearl
Harbor for analysis. If unable to secure targets or documentation, destroy same.
<u>December 1941</u>
Matsumi Tomio (designate KAGUTSUCHI), mastermind of Watatsumi No Sen-Ri No Musuko
("Thousand Dragon Sons"), arrived Tulagi island, Pacific. He arrived with five IJN
uniformed Talents, capabilities unknown.
Subsequent aerial recon showed construction of large two story concrete bunker (designate
HOTEL) near Tulagi IJN anchorage. Analysis of material shipping manifests and equipment
noted on site suggest possibility of subterranean levels beneath HOTEL.
<u>February 1942</u>
Designate KAGUTSUCHI makes direct contact with Reichsführer-SS Himmler. Code breaking
designate Bletchley indicates message requested urgent Black Sun consult.
<u>March 1942</u>
Designate KAGUTSUCHI contacts IJN Pacific Command. Designate Bletchley indicates message
confirms operational status of new Thousand Dragon Sons manufacturing facility, located
Tulagi island.
<u>April 1942</u>
Krafft Heimburg (designate SEIOMENN), Black Sun occultist and Nachtwölfe chief occult
scientist sets sail aboard U-113 from La Pallice accompanied by Übermenschen designates
Gungnir and Grabstein as bodyguards. Arrives Tulagi Island July 1942.
<u>July 1942</u>
Office of Reichsführer-SS Himmler contacts designate KAGUTSUCHI directly. Designate
Bletchley indicates message urgently requesting status U113 and SEIOMENN. KAGUTSUCHI reply
indicates U113 and SEIOMENN departed Tulagi as scheduled, no further updates.
Aerial and submarine reconnaissance indicates U113 still anchored Tulagi island. Listing
to port indicates severe battle damage. Unknown source.
=== USS Neville (Underway) Briefing Room, 0600 Local, 6 August 1942 ===
U.S. Brigadier General Rupertus approaches the podium. The mission commanders stand and salute as he enters the room. General Rupertus returns the salute as he's walks, "At ease!" he barks.
He settles in behind the podium.
"Gentlemen. And lady." He says, nodding to Agent Iris.
"You've all been given tactical maps, with objectives marked for your units."
He checks to see head nods from a few folks in the crowd.
"Here's the overall strategic situation. Our intel tells us our ground forces will outnumber IJA forces two to one. Our current submarine and aerial recon suggest no INJ naval forces within striking distance of our objective, importantly including aircraft carrier groups. We have been given 48 hours to achieve our goals of capturing Tulagi and Gavutu.
At 0330, three ad-hoc under water demolition platoons will insert into our two landing areas. These teams have been drawn, as we've been doing, from volunteers out of Navy Construction Battalions. Teams Seabee Alpha and Seabee Beta will set explosives on coral formations blocking clear access to our primary landing site. They will recon the site, and report back to USS Neville by 0500.
Seabee Charlie will insert with Dragon Slayers, our Talent Operations Group team, near target location Hotel. Seabee Charlie will set explosive charges on the fuel depot and ammo depot in the IJA camp while Dragon Slayers take up hidden positions in the jungle.
At 0600, carrier flight operations from the USS Wasp will commence. Bombing runs on noted defensive hard points, especially the numerous pillboxes located along the main ridge line of the island from our primary landing site to the IJA HQ to the southeast.
Our landing will be timed to hit the beach at 0800 hours. We will attempt to draw out the two known Thousand Dragon Son fire teams on the island - and as many IJA assets from their primary HQ and Hotel as possible
At 0830, Seabee Charlie and the Dragon Slayers will set off their explosives, and draw out and defeat the remaining IJA defenders still on site at HQ and Hotel.
From there, Second Battalion of the 5th will proceed to capture the northwest portion of the Tulagi, while First Raiders Battalion will proceed along four avenues of attack, to meet at IJA HQ and Hotel within our operational window.
USS Wasp carrier air support will then turn their attention to Gavutu. At 1100 hours, they will being flying sorties to attack hard point defenses of the IJN seaplane base contained there. At 1200 hours 1st Parachute Battalion will drop onto the island at begin their capture of it.
The USS Neville battlegroup, after dropping of the 2/5 and the 1st Raiders, will move to a position near Gavutu to provide direct fire support.
Your unit commanders can provide additional details, and answer any remaining questions you have. Good morning, and good hunting!"
As he leaves the podium, all in the room stand and salute him. He returns the salute, and exits the room.
A young man with a round face and a beaming ready smile approaches the Talents in the room. He holds out his hand, and says, "Hello. I'm Ensign Lewis F. Luehrs - I'll be commanding the underwater demo team taking you into the lions' den tomorrow."
=== Marine Gear Issued to Characters ===
Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife
Bowie knife
Two Mk II "Pineapple" fragmentation grenades
Your choice of:
* M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle and bayonet, and an M1923 Cartridge Belt with 88 rounds of .30-06 ammo in eleven 8-round clips (1 in gun, 10 on belt), ''or''
* M3 "Grease Gun" submachine gun, and an M1923 Cartridge Belt with 180 rounds of .45 ACP ammo in six 30-round magazines (1 in gun, 5 on belt)
Boondocker suede “low top” boots
US Army reversible brown/green herringbone twill camo two-piece uniform
US Army M1 helmet with jungle camo cloth cover
US Army rucksack containing:
* Lightweight jungle hammock and mosquito netting
* Rain poncho
* Jungle first aid kit
* Canteen
{| cellpadding="10"
|- style="background-color:#dddddd;"
! Weapon || Range || Damage || AP || RoF || Shots || Min. Str || Weight || Special
|- style="background-color:#eeeeee;"
| Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife || 3/6/12 || Str+d4 || 1 || - || - || d4 || 1 || -
|- style="background-color:#dddddd;"
| Bowie knife || - || Str+d6 || - || - || - || d6 || 2 || -
|- style="background-color:#eeeeee;"
| Mk II grenade || 4/8/16 || 3d6 || - || - || - || - || 1 || Medium Blast
|-  style="background-color:#dddddd;"
| M3 "Grease Gun" SMG || 12/24/48 || 2d6+1 || 1 || 3 || 30 || d6 || 8 || Auto
|-  style="background-color:#eeeeee;"
| M1 Garand rifle || 24/48/96 || 2d8 || 2 || 1 || 8 || d6 || 10 || Semi-Auto
== Game Rules ==
The game will be played using [https://peginc.com/store/savage-worlds-adventure-edition-core-rules-pdf-swade Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] along with the [https://peginc.com/campaign/spc_swade Super Powers Companion for that game].
=== Setting Rules ===
The following setting rules are in effect for this game:
From ''SWADE Core''
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#Born_a_Hero Born a Hero]
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#Conviction Conviction]
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#Creative_Combat Creative Combat]
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#Fanatics Fanatics]
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#Fast_Healing Fast Healing]
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#High_Adventure High Adventure]
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#More_Skill_Points More Skill Points]
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#Unarmored_Hero Unarmored Hero]
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#Wound_Cap Wound Cap]
From ''Super Powers Companion''
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#Comic_Book_Combat Comic Book Combat]
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#Death_and_Defeat Death and Defeat]
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#Larger_than_Life Larger than Life]
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#Never_Surrender Never Surrender]
* [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Dragons_Wake_(SWADE_PbP)/Setting_Rules#Throwdown Throwdown]
=== Veils & Lines ===
The following are '''Lines''' for this game:
* No harm to kids described or alluded to at all in the game
* No torture described or alluded to at all in the game
* No attempts by ''players'' or ''players' characters'' to excuse or justify real life horrors (e.g. Fascism) unless coming from obvious, explicitly immoral antagonists
* No sexual coercion or violence described or alluded to at all in the game
The following are '''Veils''' for this game:
* Romance is fine, but any displays of affection are limited to hand holding or a chaste kiss "on screen"; anything else should be a "fade to black" moment
* This is a WW2 game, but I do not want graphic descriptions of violence / the impacts of violence described in great detail
== Current Map ==
===HOTEL Top Floor===
Note: This map is my edit of a map originally for Shadowrun - I cannot find the original artist's name.
===HOTEL Ground Floor Warehouse===
Note: This is an edit I've done of a map by Kidney Boy - who does excellent 'modern' battle maps.
===HOTEL Basement Lab===
Note: My slight edits to one of Miska's Maps - a fantastic map maker!
===Tulagi Beaach===
Note: Map is a composite of maps and tokens drawn by [https://2minutetabletop.com 2 Minute Tabletop] - whose maps are fantastic. All aside from the U-boat, which is from a iStock Photo whose artist is unknown to me.
:A - HOTEL / concrete two story building
:B - Outdoor Prison, recently constructed, with three story watchtower
:C - Mostly submerged U-Boat, listing heavily to port, leaking diesel, conning tower above water
:D - Comms / Command hut, wood/bamboo construction, one story, nearby radio antenna ~4 stories tall
:E - Barracks huts, wood/bamboo construction, one story
:F - Fuel oil, stored inside barbed wire fencing
:G - Camp generator
:H - Start of anchorage docs, wooden construction, 3 more docks north by northwest (not shown on map)
:JA - Japanese Army soldier
:JA - OUTLINED IN GREEN = surrendered
:GP - Escaping / threatening German POWs
:UA - US Marine - member of Seabee Charlie Squad
:Da - Thousand Dragon Son - air (KIA)
:De - Thousand Dragon Son - earth (KIA)
:Df - Thousand Dragon Son - fire (KIA)
:Dv - Thousand Dragon Son - void (on roof of HOTEL, not shown)
:Dw - Thousand Dragon Son - water (KIA)
:Mi - Milton
:NH - Night Haunt
:MM - Max Macht
:AI - Agent Iris
:RO - Rocky

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