Editing E6 3.5 The Motley Crew

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[[Category:Campaign Setup]]
[[Category:Campaign Setup]]
=Campaign Setup=
This is the wiki page for the campaign setting of The Motley Crew, an odd band cast into dangerous times at the end of the world.
This is the wiki page for the campaign setting of The Motley Crew, an odd band cast into dangerous times at the end of the world.
==E6 Rules==
Mechanics wise, it'd be quite low level 3.5, along the lines of the E6 rules modifications, and stay within this framework for the length of the [forseeable] game... [for those unaware of E-6, it is basically a set of alterations to 3.5 so as to halt level progression at sixth level - further abilities learned through an expanded feats list bought from every 5k of extra xp ]. Resource poor due to setting and the general removal of high level characters and their opponents...so there's a lot less magic, but a lot less need for it. A definite need for social skills. Alchemy and healing skills become more important, and that +1 dagger becomes a handy find indeed.
==Handy links==
Feats from all the above-mentioned books are available to view at : http://realmshelps.dandello.net/datafind/feats.shtml.
Crystalkeep provides a summary of most of 3.5 at this site: http://www.crystalkeep.com/d20/index.php. Check out the variant base classes [but note only the ones from the abovementioned books will be considered], races and some of the Alternate Class Features.
==Concept== (which is, in itself, another question).
* The Motley Crew
==The Motley Crew: Campaign Background==
Welcome to Motley and Odd Arbage, a Manor town and Village port, respectively.
Welcome to Motley and Odd Arbage, a Manor town and Village port, respectively.
They are located at the end of the world in a Dark age.
They are located at the end of the world in a Dark age.
===Recent history===
When the Grand and High Powers finally fell to arrogance and insane magics in the Great Age, they took much of the Light out of the world. Whole peoples, races, outsiders, and divine beings became pieces and pawns in their elaborate, ritual wars. They bent time and space, plane and cosmos to their bidding, summoning Eldritch horrors to their own amusements, stocking and populating grand territories with their own creations, violating ancient precepts and slaughtering their avengers. They bent the very fibre of reality to accommodate their increasing perversities, and as all things do, the Wheel finally turned. So much so that the Moon, it’s mother, spun a tear from the sky to finally quell the Dark.
When the Grand and High Powers finally fell to arrogance and insane magics in the Great Age, they took much of the Light out of the world. Whole peoples, races, outsiders, and divine beings became pieces and pawns in their elaborate, ritual wars. They bent time and space, plane and cosmos to their bidding, summoning Eldritch horrors to their own amusements, stocking and populating grand territories with their own creations, violating ancient precepts and slaughtering their avengers. They bent the very fibre of reality to accommodate their increasing perversities, and as all things do, the Wheel finally turned. So much so that the Moon, it’s mother, spun a tear from the sky to finally quell the Dark.
The Grand and High Powers, in their arrogance unrepentant, were destroyed in a Light that decimated the Known lands. Only places like Motley survived at all - subject towns and cities far, far on the borders of the world, nestled in the lee of mountains that stood between them and where the Moon’s Tear touched the Earth.
The Grand and High Powers, in their arrogance unrepentant, were destroyed in a Light that decimated the Known lands. Only places like Motley survived at all - subject towns and cities far, far on the borders of the world, nestled in the lee of mountains that stood between them and where the Moon’s Tear touched the Earth.
===Even more recent history===
That was a long time ago as the Sages tell it, a generation even to an Elf. But the world still feels small this side of the mountains that saved the remnant populations of the hundreds of different types of subject peoples left behind when the Grand and High powers were consumed and used to rebalance the world.
That was a long time ago as the Sages tell it, a generation even to an Elf. But the world still feels small this side of the mountains that saved the remnant populations of the hundreds of different types of subject peoples left behind when the Grand and High powers were consumed and used to rebalance the world.
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Add the odd merchant ship that ventures into Odd Arbage from the Lesser Isles or Moonburn, and the place is fairly cosmopolitan for a village of 350 odd.
Add the odd merchant ship that ventures into Odd Arbage from the Lesser Isles or Moonburn, and the place is fairly cosmopolitan for a village of 350 odd.
===Current situation.===
Current situation.
Bandits - or worse. Thats what the knight said when he gathered all he could - men at arms, the village mage, the local priest, the woodsmen, the militia - and rode out to hold Airdsford crossing. Fully two thirds of the fighting force of the village, leaving behind the sick, the older, the ill trained and the young.
Bandits - or worse. Thats what the knight said when he gathered all he could - men at arms, the village mage, the local priest, the woodsmen, the militia - and rode out to hold Airdsford crossing. Fully two thirds of the fighting force of the Barony, leaving behind the sick, the older, the ill trained and the young.
Now it is dawn two days later and there has been no word. The local Squire, left in charge, barely has enough stubble to rub in indecision - and no word comes from the North.
Now it is dawn two days later and there has been no word. The local Squire, left in charge, barely has enough stubble to rub in indecision - and no word comes from the North.
Someone has to do something...
Someone has to do something...
=Characters and Players=
What I'm assuming is that you are the right folk in the right place at the right time.
The 36 point buy is to reflect your inner Skywalker/Galahad/Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. Part of adding gestalts to the mix was the need it creates [generally] for a range of decent Attributes rather than one or two whoppers.
36 points gets you a flat 14 in all attributes, which makes you better than average at everything, and from there you build your strengths and flaws.
I can't stress enough that the characters are supposed to be special, in the sense that they are going to be thrown in over their heads and need the capabilities to deal with it.
I think this style of game relies far less on niche protection...in fact, I'd say covering the bases as many different ways as possible would be handy. There will be sandbox elements to this game and as a GM I only 'balance' encounters in terms of availablity of avenues of retreat. If you encounter four Ogres, you need to make some quick decisions.
[[Maggie the Witch]]
[[Domik Boscage]]
[[Rufus Hillsfar]]
=House Rules=
==Basic changes==
*Rule 1: Fighters get two good saves [pick the other] and a feat every level.
*Rule 2: Forget cross class skills costs. Characters can buy any skill they like.
*Rule 2a: Gestalts get the skill points from both classes. Fighters get 4sp in this system.
*Rule 3: I'm going to use the optional Armour as DR rule from Unearthed Arcana, but on top of normal AC.
*Rule 4: It is quite legal to make a gestalt character that is the same class twice. To be effective, however, you would want a class that can trade out all of its class features for ACF's.
*Rule 5: Assume initiative is now static [not rolled] and that things that previously triggered AoO's now allow Immediate Actions outside of initiative order. This Immediate action takes the place of any standard or move action.
*Rule 5a: Assume all move and standard actions are now interchangeable. You get two a round. Note, this does not apply to spellcasting.
*Rule 5b: assume any attack, feat or special ability that requires a full round action now only requires a standard action. This does not apply to spells.
*Rule 6: Druids must trade wildshape for some form of ACF, or their animal companion drops to 1/2 level, as per a ranger.
*Rule 7: There is always a way around 'absolute' [no non-magical counter] magic spells. Each must be learned individually.
*Rule 8: I am employing a 'per rest' rather than per day rule. this means any significant break is a chance to recharge normal per day abilities. Only a few spells are still restricted to per day. While this may seem to shortchange fighters, they have gained much through increased feats and quicker actions.
And that's it rules wise.
==What does fixed initiative mean? where'd my AoO's go?==
*What does this [initiative] mean?
It means everyone gets to state what they intend to do each turn [using the standard descriptors], and higher initiative gets to play out their actions first after statements are made. Interrupts occur when actions happening would normally trigger an AoO. Everbody in this system gets one 'round' of action - there are no free attack's from AoO's.
*So if I have a lower initiative than someone who drinks a potion next to me, I can take my turn as an interrupt to their action?
Yes you could, but that is your 'attack' action for the round. You dont get to belt/trip/push/jump on them and then get an attack in later.
*Does the interrupt still have to be a melee attack? And I won't get my turn on my normal Initiative score in that case?
No and yes. You might bung a brick at them, yell abuse, fire off a quick spell or missile...but thats your attack for the round.
It might feel odd, but it simplifies combat a lot [for me] and stops ogres from backing away endlessly with longspears.
Mechanics wise, it'd be quite low level 3.5, along the lines of the E6 rules modifications, and stay within this framework for the length of the [forseeable] game... [for those unaware of E-6, it is basically a set of alterations to 3.5 so as to halt level progression at sixth level - further abilities learned through an expanded feats list bought from every 5k of extra xp ]. Resource poor due to setting and the general removal of high level characters and their opponents...so there's a lot less magic, but a lot less need for it. A definite need for social skills. Alchemy and healing skills become more important, and that +1 dagger becomes a handy find indeed.
==Experience points==
One thing...as gestalt characters, you will need +50% experience for each level increase. Experience beyond 6th level will be 7500xp per new feat. Levelling up will be pretty much instant [the first 5 minute break past your last xp earning].
==Legal sources for this game==
*Core Books+UA - SRD
Classes, Races, Spells.
*Core Book II's, the ''Complete...'' series and the ''Races Of''... series.
ACF's, Feats, Races and racial substitution levels only.
Feats from all the above-mentioned books are available to view at : http://realmshelps.dandello.net/datafind/feats.shtml.
Crystalkeep provides a summary of most of 3.5 at this site: http://www.crystalkeep.com/d20/index.php. Check out the variant base classes [but note only the ones from the abovementioned books will be considered], races and some of the Alternate Class Features.
Apart from that, there's suggestions and help here, of course...
==NPC Classes==
PC's are the only Gestalts of PC classes, apart from major villains.
Most NPC's will be single classed, though some may be PC/npc gestalts.
NPC types are expanded slightly to allow for the fact that you may actually need some [ hirelings, militia, packcarriers, etc]
Commoner -
Slave/urban/sedentary BAB 1/2, Sk2+; 1 simple wpn, one skill focus.
Rural/primitive BAB 3/4, Sk2+; Lt Arm, 3 Simple wpns. [most of the villagers]
Expert -
Sedentary BAB1/2, Sk 8+; Skill focus, 1 simple wpn. Will good [ a scribe or scholar]
Active BAB 3/4, Sk 6+; Lt arm, all simple wpns. Will good [a herbalist or Craftmaster]
Warrior -
Regular BAB 1 Sk 2+; All simple, martial wpns, all armour, all shields. Fort good [men at arms, sergeantry,]
Irregular BAB 3/4 Sk4+ All simple, martial, lt/med armour, lt/med shield. Ref good. [archers, scouts, light cavalry]
Adept -
Arcane/Divine BCB 1/2, Sk2+ Simple wpns. Adept spells, Good will [a Priest or Mage]
Witch BCB 1/2, Sk2+ Simple wpns. Witch spells. Good will. [a witch...what else?]
Aristocrat -
Leader - BCB 3/4, Sk4+ Simple, Martial wpns. All armours, shields. good will, fort [a knight type/sometimes gestalted with Paladin or Fighter]
Ruler - BCB 3/4 , Sk6+ Simple, martial, all armours, lt/med shields. good will [more a baron or entourage type; gestalted with rogue for a spymaster.]
Councillor - BCB 1/2, Sk8+ Simple. Skill focus, Bard spells. good will [somes a gestalt with cleric, wizard or sorceror. Astrologer, advisor, vizier, keeper of the keys, etc].
==The Bardic Witch or Warlock==
'Witch' is now a Bard variant, deleting the singing and playing requirements and adding spoken/chanted words for a more witchy feel. Powers and abilities remain the same as a 'normal' bard, but their source is divine. Rapier becomes the light sword used in witchcrafty type rituals, dagger becomes athame-typestuff...
The witch addition spell list.
*0 Lvl: arcane mark, cure minor wounds, dancing lights, detect poison, virtue.
*1st L: Command, doom, endure elements, speak with animal.
*2nd L: none.
==Magic vs Skill: The annoying thing about Arcane Lock.==
I'd like to impose a fiat. Anything spell like up to third level that has an absolute skill-blocking effect (see arcane lock) has a way around it that is [relatively] mundane. In arcane lock's case, cold iron lockpicks allow a rogue to suppress the spell temporarily, and a cold iron prybar can be used to open open it if need be. This information will only be available to Knowledge checks under special circumstances. Each mundane weakness normally has to be worked out individually, of course. [why do you think they call it Experience points...?
=Local Knowledge=
==A map of Motley and the EastMarch==
The Eastmarch lies in a Wet Mediterranean climate zone, with long dry Summers, stormy and wet Autums and Winters that only bring snow to mountainous areas, though they will be wet in the lowlands.
Frosts are confined to the highlands, so there are two different growing seasons for two types of produce. Local vegetable and fruit production is pretty much continuous over the seasons and the area has a diverse food base, enough so that famines are rare.
The Eastmarch produces: Exotic citrus, grapes and wines, apples and cider, olives and olive oil, 'southern' fish, pearl of shell, purple and blue dyes, inks,  high grade shale, southern hardwoods and herbs/spices. Local wheat and barley/rye only.
For a rough sense of scale, it is 50 miles [82km]as the crow flies between Motley and MiddleMount.
This will fit in nicely on the Eastern edge of the Karstfells...and Bladhame becomes the reason for Odd Arbage receiving the merchant ships that occasionally call there.
Major Features.
*'''The Burned Mounts.''' These low mountains burst into flame during the Moons Tear. Their people and places are forgotten.
*'''The Bad Lands''' Mostly desert and patches of fused sand, there are oases and patches of seasonal green in this dry land. Temperatures vary considerably on this high, wasted plateau but run to the chilly, and only the various warm blooded saurian species seem to thrive there.
*'''The Savior Mounts'''. High and jagged mountains that are impassible at all but two points, both treacherous. These mounts protected the river valley and places beyond from the direct effects of the moons tear, and have provided a barrier to the strange creatures that have grown in the Bad Lands since.
*'''The Lesser Sea''' A warm and shallow ocean protected by landforms and island chains from global currents. Home to much of the Eastmarches wealth and the trade route to the Lesser Isles [a collection of large and small island colonies] and Moonburn [the last true Citie].
*'''The KarstFells''' a former Holding of a minor Power, the KarstFells were an idealised expression of UnderEarth wonderland. After the Moon's Tear and the fading of the old powers, the place settled into a more natural ecology, both on the surface and underearth. Many of the slave creatures and exhibits have reverted to their old gods and ways, and many odd, dangerous hings haunt the Fells.
==A map of Odd Arbage==
Just a little picture of Arbage. fully brown buildings are covered longhouses. The others generally have gardens and reflect three or four odd styles from around the races/cultures settled since the Moons Tear.
There is not a lot of fine detail, but brown = mostly wood, grey = stone and black=Grand Age Architecture [read: unbreakable.] The black dots near the deepwater groyne are spikes that never move or wear.
Old Odd is the centre of the village, despite being smaller. It is here you will find the market once a week, and the few buildings devoted to anything other than living and working.
Families and clans: [on average, a family will be 5 people, a clan 10] total population is usually 375 or so. You are currently missing about 20% of the population [70 people], mostly the fighting age men and women and their leaders.
* 9 clans of Local folk [Olive skinned, brown hair and eyes. The 'average' human]
  - 5 fishing clans, devoted to various aspects of gathereing ocean harvests.
  - 3 farming clans, devoted to a mix of hillside and bottomland farming.
  - 1 Milling clan, devoted to the growth, grinding and baking of grains.
* 3 clans of mountain folk [Fairer skinned, tending to blondes and redheads] From the North and the Lee Plateaus.
  - 2 Herding clans, devoted to cattle, sheep and goats, the production of dairy, and butchering.
  - 1 Orcharding clan, devoted to the growth of cooler fruits, Olives, and oil production.
* 3 clans of wood elves. Originally from the Great Sylan Lords parklands.
  - 1 Forestry clan, devoted to the management of the local woods and creatures therein.
  - 1 Fishing clan, involved in pearl of shell and dye-making, as well as exotic sea goods.
  - 1 Farming/gathering clan, devoted to the gathering of wild growth foods, herbs and spices.
* 2 Families of High Goblins.[+2 Cha instead of -2, 0 level race]
  - 1 Ponyriders clan, Devoted to the breeding, training and use of forest ponies, donkeys and Mules.
  - 1 farming/fishing clan, devoted to subsistance living and labour for hire.
* 4 clans of Water Halflings [as per Elemental Races, SRD]
  - 1 Ponyriders/Houndbreeders clan, devoted to the breeding, raising and selling of ponies and hounds.
  - 3 Fishing clans, devoted mainly to shoreline and river/pond/lake fishing and the finding of exotic water foods.
* 1 Family of Water high Goblins [as per water halflings, but -2 str, 0 level race]
  - Fishing clan, devoted to deep sea fishing and working with Dolphins.
* 2 Families of High elves.
  - 1 Crafters family, working in Iron and Wood, leather and other, more exotic goods.
  - 1 Archers clan, devoted to the making of bows and accessories, their instruction, use and hunting skills.
* 2 clans of ManOrcs [half orcs]
  - 1 fishing clan, devoted to deep water runs and whale hunting.
  - 1 Herding clan, devoted to goats and high mountain sheep.
* 1 clan of Water ManOrcs.
  - Devoted to deep diving and pearl of shell gathering.
* 1 family of Hellas
  - Devoted to healing and herbs/spice gathering. Also, inverventions with house and evil spirits.
* 2 clans of earth Dwarves.
  - 1 shale gathering clan, devoted to the gathering, shaping and use of high quality shale and slate.
  - 1 Fishing clan, devoted to deep water and shoreline netting.
* 1 clan of Lios [Half-elves]
  - Devoted to the production of wines and ciders, the growing and grafting of grapes and apples.
* 9 'Mixed' clans - open to joining by outsiders without marriage or blood ties, unlike a normal clan or family. vitally important to the social fabric of Motley and the whole Lee Kingdoms, these 'mixed' clans gave the homeless and lost a sense of place and belonging in the days after the moons tear. 120 years of tradition have cemented them into the social fabric alongside family or 'blood' clans. [mostly human and 1/2 elf, or human and ManOrc, but with a sprinkling of gnomes, elves, Dwarves, High goblins and oddities].
  - The workers clan. a collection of small families who work mainly for others.
  - The fishers clan. a collection of small families who make their living from the sea.
  - The Landers clan. a collection of small families who make their living from the land.
  - The Inn clan. Runs the local Inn/townhouse.
  - The Militia clan. Maintains and supports the watchtowers, their gardens and foodstores, weapons and provisions.
  - The Crafters clan. An unofficial clan made up of all practicing craftmasters without immediate clan ties, and their families.
  - The Manor clan. Another unofficial clan. composed of the knight, his family and entourage, their families and hangers on.
  - The Temple. All the associated folk who run and maintain the Temple of the Rude Pantheon.
  - The Clan Marine. A local version of the Militia clans common to the kingdom.The local version requires decent boating skills.
The manor is made of logs. Here is a map of sorts.
==A map of Odd Manor==
=Nearby Places and Facts=
=Nearby Places and Facts=
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The trade in strange goods and stranger knowledge, these merchants, and none can truthfully claim to have seen their faces. But they deal honestly and well, and their occasional presence has drawn folk from great distances with the hope of learning...or acquiring...something that will give them a bit of power.
The trade in strange goods and stranger knowledge, these merchants, and none can truthfully claim to have seen their faces. But they deal honestly and well, and their occasional presence has drawn folk from great distances with the hope of learning...or acquiring...something that will give them a bit of power.
==The Older Ones==
==The Menfish==
Premise: Kuo-Toa are evil aztec fishmen from a different, older evolutionary path before Man.
Premise: Kuo-Toa are evil aztec fishmen from a different, older evolutionary path before Man.
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There is only one family of Hellas clan in Odd Arbage - Natt the healer, his wife Eleanor the Herber and their daughter Bough - who seems to have a way with spirits and such.
There is only one family of Hellas clan in Odd Arbage - Natt the healer, his wife Eleanor the Herber and their daughter Bough - who seems to have a way with spirits and such.
==The Brotherhood of the Blessed Bolt==
==The Order of the Blessed Bolts==
The Brotherhood of the Blessed Bolt
The Brotherhood of the Blessed Bolt
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They train not so much in direct combat, as in stealth and attack from a distance, using specially crafted repeating crossbows.
They train not so much in direct combat, as in stealth and attack from a distance, using specially crafted repeating crossbows.
==The Archivists Order==
They call themselves, in their clandestine meetings, the Archivists. Others call them thieves. Some few refer to them as the Bookwyrms, and regard them with a special sort of loathing.
The Archivists feel that is their divinely appointed task to accumulate as much knowledge as possible, in any and all possible form, and to cache it in hidden places to keep it from being lost forever the next time that the Moon sheds a tear.
Some, it must be admitted, take this sacred duty rather more seriously than others.....
==The Sambaqui Mounds==
Dotted along the coast of the Lesser Sea are barrow-like mounds known as Sambaquis, mostly overgrown and unnoticeable. The Church maintains that they are simply piles of refuse, shells and broken pottery, from ancient primitives who once lived here.
The common people know better, however. The Sambaqui are burial mounds for the first of the Kuo-Toa kings. Any man who sets foot on one of the mounds is blighted - he will never raise a son to take his place and his dreams will shrivel. A woman who steps on a Sambaqui will have her children taken by the Kuo-Toa but will be blessed with unnatural health.
It is said that the Barons, ignorant of common wisdom, have all stepped on Sambaqui and have even taken taken some of their wealth from the mounds. But they have paid the price.
*Characters are part of a small community who lose the majority of their defenders in a conflict - the PC's are the apprentices, squires and initiates who were left behind to provide a skeleton guard. Now they are all that is left. Using a 'points of light' [more a 'dark ages', really] background for the setting, the game becomes about dealing with the outcome of most of your workforce [and family] being dead, keeping the community alive and replacing all the lost resources that losing most of its fighting population results in. This will be hard to do in a resource poor world [if you consider population as a resource].
*Characters are part of a small community who lose the majority of their defenders in a conflict - the PC's are the apprentices, squires and initiates who were left behind to provide a skeleton guard. Now they are all that is left. Using a 'points of light' [more a 'dark ages', really] background for the setting, the game becomes about dealing with the outcome of most of your workforce [and family] being dead, keeping the community alive and replacing all the lost resources that losing most of its fighting population results in. This will be hard to do in a resource poor world [if you consider population as a resource].
*The concept is fairly different to 'normal' [in the loosest sense] D&D, in that the characters start with a vital objective [save the village] and a resource poor environment to do it in [no high levels, no magic traders]. The community itself becomes the 'treasure' and the characters need to defend it from bands of looting orcs, various baddies and other adventurers... and the replacement of people in a small community is a long term objective, inclined to tie the party to one area.
*The concept is fairly different to 'normal' [in the loosest sense] D&D, in that the characters start with a vital objective [save the village] and a resource poor environment to do it in [no high levels, no magic traders]. The community itself becomes the 'treasure' and the characters need to defend it from bands of looting orcs, various baddies and other adventurers... and the replacement of people in a small community is a long term objective, inclined to tie the party to one area.
==Gods and the Rude Pantheon==
The relationship between mortals and gods is fundamentally different in this campaign.
The Grand and High Powers planted their heels firmly on the neck of many deities, great and small, during their increasingly insane reign. Some, like Pelor, Ehlonna and Boccob, who's existence is woven into the make of the world, were supressed into little more than their earthly manifestations [Sun, woods and magic]. Others, like Lolth and Yondalla, were enslaved. Some fled and hid, some were killed. All were humbled.
When Bahamut fell and the Winds stilled, the world paused...and one of his semi divine sons took the mantle of Bahamut. The magical and philosophical implications of this are still being fought out in the hearts of mortals and Outsiders alike.
Only the primal forces of Nature and the Middle Way endured unchanged as their existence was the canvas on which the Powers made their marks. The Old Ways, woven into the interdependence of existence, were only in danger near the end, when the Powers began to claw down existence and were flattened by nudging the Wheel. As those clerics who have had [oddly frank] divine messages answered can attest to, the Moon's Tear had a number of effects across all the planes, all fatal to the powers and their ilk - and many others besides. Apparently, Hell and the Abyss are pretty much empty.
The Gods of the Rude Pantheon
This is a religion - a new approach to faith between the devout and the Deities that remain. Inspired by Caeran Twiceborn, who died and lived again after talking with the god of Death, who was a god without a name. Returning to life is not unknown, but returning after a year and a day is.
The story from there is long and involved, but the part crucial to the church is the compact it promises between gods and mortals - namely that gods will strive together to ceate a better world as mortals must. Old emnities are not part of the Church's way, and the
"Rude Pantheon" is called so with understanding of it's possible interpretations.
In practical terms, the Rude Pantheon is a collection of the remnants of the gods of another age...and the few who have arisen since the Moon's Tear.
There are many other Gods and semidivine beings, but they are generally unimportant in the area.
==The Gods and goddesses that remain.==
All deities except for Crom cruach are from the 3.5 greyhawk campaign, so theres a pile of information on them out there if you need it.
All the Gods and goddesses of the rude Pantheon are in bold. The Church is built around a combination of romanesque local god acquisition and the practicalities of both mortal and divinity surviving the age of Powers.
a note on the condition of Gods.
A [[Returning God]] is one who was suppressed during the reign of the Powers. Their influence in the world is now far more embedded in what they represent, with much less free will.
A [[Broken God]]is one who was used and abused in some manner by the Powers. most have suffered power loss and permanent disabling/crippling injuries of some sort. they cannot really be worshipped with any regular expectation of help, but provide a general amount of power for clerics of a pantheon [such as the rude Pantheon]to draw upon.
A [[Dead God]] is just that - gone from the world. you will not that no major god is truly dead - someone/thing has taken their place.
more minor deities tend not to have as well defined a portfolio for some ambitious demibeing to occupy.
Lords of Law Major
* '''Bahamut''' [G] Wind Cold (Metal Dragons). Was killed and 're embodied' in one of his sons.
* '''Heironeous''' [G] Chivalry, valor, war. A Broken God.
* '''Hextor''' [E] Tryranny, conflict, fitness to rule. A Broken God.
These brothers, while they have not set aside their viewpoints, now have a truce of compact.
* Kurtulmak [E] Traps, (Kobolds). A Silent God, unheard from since the time of Powers.
* '''Moradin''' [G] Smithing, building (Dwarves-once). A returned God. Dwarves refuse to worship him.
* Tiamat [E] Conquest, Trickery (Chromatic Dragons). A broken Goddess. Her worshippers now only gain divine aid through blood relation.
* '''Wee Jas''' [N] Death, magic, vanity. Scarred and enslaved by the powers, she is now the Goddess of Death only, and consort to the unnamed god of Afterlife.
* '''Yondalla'''[G] Protection, exploration (Halflings). A Broken Goddess. 
* Cyndor[N] Time, the infinite. Dead - the post is now filled by a league of Outsiders
* Delleb[G] Scribes, writing, study, lore. Dead, though many strive to fill this position.
* Osprem[N] Ships, sea voyages, sailors. A returned God, now considered fickle. Proprietry worship only.
* '''Pholtus'''[G] Light, Order, Stability, steadfastness. Dead. A Solar of odd heritage holds this 'post'
* '''Rao'''[G] Peace, serenity, inner knowing [monks] Dead and returned. One of he few gods to come through the time of Powers with inner honor intact.
* Wastri[N] Animals, bigotry, purification. Gave himself to the Old Ways as is now part of their 'pantheon'
Circle of Nature Major
* '''Boccob''' [N] Knowledge, Magic. A Broken god, enslaved and drained by the Powers.
* Crom Cruach [N] Darkness, earth, stealth, trickery. Something awoken by the Deepfolk during the time of Powers, a grim, silent goddess who survived by never being anywhere.
* '''Ehlonna''' [G] Nature, forests, fertility, flora/fauna.(Humans). A returned goddess.
* Fharlanghn [N] Roads, travel, trade. Dead.
* '''Garl Glitter Gold''' [G] Humor, wisdom, trickery. The other God to survive without betraying his nature, Garl played a dangerous game of high Drama cat and mouse with the Powers most decadent and most in need of amusement . He is now the prime dwarf god...
* '''Nerull''' [E] Underworld, crimes, murder. A broken God, made blind.
* Obod-Hai [N] Nature, Freedom, hunting, animals.(Humans). A formerly enslaved God, broken to the demands of the Powers to service their creations. Now a suspicious, lonely and haunted version of himself.
* '''Pelor''' [G] The Sun, Light, Healing. A returned God, whose special place as ruler is now reduced to humble tasks.
* Vecna [E] Secrets, intrigue. A Broken god, literally a twisted Shadow of its former self.
* Bralm[N] Insects and industry. Broken and twisted to many tasks. Now beyond the reach of all but a few followers of the Old Way.
* Celestian[N] Astronomy, Wanderers. Dead. His dying was cruel and long.
* Geshtai[N] rivers and lakes. Broken and enslaved, now a haunting echo confined to magic gifts over or in water.
* Incubalos[E] Plague, famine, disaster. Dead. His sphere is contested by foul things of the outer planes.
* Istus[N] Destiny, the future, foretelling. A Returned God, now considered fickle.
* Joramy[N] Volcanoes, wrath. Dead.
* Moquol[N] Trade and negotiation. Dead
* Pyremius[E] assassins, poison, fire. Dead
* Tharizdun [E] Insanity, destruction. Dead
* Xan Yae [N] shadows and stealth. Dead
* Zuoken[N] Mental power, inner strength [monks] Dead
Courts of Chaos: Major
* '''Corellon Larethian''' [G/N] Arts, Music, Magic. (Elves) A partly enslaved and broken god who survived by dissappearing into their spheres of influence. Now darker in attitude.
* Erythrul [E] War, frenzy, slaughter, panic. Broken and enslaved. This god is now near mindless and lends only the powers that bear his name.
* '''Gruumsh''' [E] War, territory, leadership. (Orc kind) Now blind, crippled and forced to depend on others.
* Kord [G] Strength, courage, fitness. [monks] Dead. A human with mighty relics of the god stands in his stead.
* Lolth [E] Darkness, spiders, deceit (Dark Elves). Broken and enslaved.
* Beltar[E] Malice, caves. Dead
* Iuz[E] Deceit Dead
* Llir[G] Poetry and the Arts. Insane.
* '''Llerg[N]''' Beasts, nature. Broken
* '''Procan'''[N] Oceans, seas, water. Broken and enslaved.
* Telchur[N] Cold, winter.
* '''Tritherion'''[G] Individuality, Liberty. Broken.
Religion, like other things, goes through cycles. The current cycle in

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