Editing Episode 503: Old Secrets, New Chances, Special Features

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<span style="color:#800000"> '''To celebrate our fifth season, we're offering extras with every episode: ''Dialogue to Rewind For'' and other features were applicable.  Enjoy!--Maer'''</span> <br> <br>
== '''''DIALOGUE TO REWIND FOR''''' ==
'''Part 2:'''<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' ''Hello! '''Hello?!'''''<br>
'''Beglan:''' (from the bridge) I hear ye. What’s goin’ on down there?<br>
'''Joshua:''' Our smoker didn’t quite extinguish. He wasn’t quite Smoky the Bear down here.<br>
'''Beglan:''' There’s a fire?!<br>
'''Joshua:''' No. There’s not a fire, there’s a cigarette!<br><br>
'''Nika:''' (crisp) Beggar, what just happened?<br>
'''Beglan:''' I … stopped the airlocks from opening.<br>
'''Nika:''' Did you just shut down the pulse engine?<br>
'''Beglan:''' A bit.<br><br>
'''Beglan:''' I’ll leave you here where you can see and I’ll walk down and find Rina to power—.<br>
'''Nika:''' I’ll get Rina. It’s okay. She’s in engineering.<br>
'''Beglan:''' That’s right. I guess you don’t mind the dark.<br>
'''Nika:''' (dryly) Is it dark?<br><br>
'''Passenger One:''' You know, I served once aboard a ship if you need any help with anything ...<br>
'''Nika:''' I’ll keep that in mind, thank you much.<br>
'''Passenger Two:''' Didn’t you load ammo?<br>
'''Passenger One:''' Yeah. That’s a job. More than you’d ever done.<br>
'''Nika:''' (amused, despite) Yep. That is a job. We like that man.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' Rina! ''Where'' are you?<br>
'''Rina:''' (calling back) Engine room!<br>
'''Nika:''' As if I needed to ask.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' Beggar says we can toss the primary power switch back up on the bridge, but if we do that I need to know you can move quickly enough so that whoever’s downstairs isn’t vented.<br>
'''Rina:''' The easiest way is to disconnect the servos on the cargo doors entirely, where they are.<br>
'''Nika:''' What exactly would that entail?<br>
'''Rina:''' The little motors that work the door, ''at'' the door.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' You’re gonna have to come up here and tell us when it’s done or I could stand here and listen while you shout if you want.  Just bear in mind I don’t speak Russian so when you shout, don’t shout in Russian.<br>
'''Rina:''' I’ll try not.<br>
'''Nika:''' Aside from cuss words, cuz I picked up a few of those.<br>
'''Rina:''' Okay. So [[Episode 501: Shakedown Cruise, Special Features#HOW TO SPEAK RUSSIAN|''dierma'']] means everything’s okay, [[Episode 501: Shakedown Cruise, Special Features#HOW TO SPEAK RUSSIAN|''yebat’ menya'']] means we’re screwed. Okay? All right.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' Do these stupid little manholes actually go all the way down to where they are? Why don’t we tell’em to come up?<br>
'''Rina:''' (calling up) Well the problem is, is it comes out on the cargo deck ''behind'' the airlock door.<br>
'''Nika:''' Oh.<br>
'''Rina:''' Yeah. So hopefully when I come out on this end, it’s not going to decompress on me.<br>
'''Nika:''' Please do not go floating into space. I do not want to fetch your ass.<br>
'''Rina:''' And I’d hate to have my ass fetched.<br><br>
'''Salesman:''' Well, there was this farmer back out on the Rim somewhere, he had this beautiful daughter.  Beautiful daughter … And so there I was, my mule was out of H2 and I had only half a box of seeds left.  And half of them were still.<br><br>
'''Rina:''' Fine. I’m going in.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Going in where?!<br>
'''Rina:''' The hold.<br>
'''Joshua:''' The cigarette’s taken care of.<br>
'''Rina:''' ''How do you know it’s a cigarette?''<br>
'''Joshua:''' Because we watched him ''smoke'' it.<br>
'''Rina:''' '''''So?!'''''<br><br>
'''Nika:''' What ''in the bloody hell'' is going on down here?<br>
'''Rina:''' (calling back) Fishing out the butt.<br>
'''Joshua:''' (off Nika’s squick) ''Not'' a metaphor.<br>
'''Nika:''' Thank you. (squick!) Uhnnn! … Oh, my God …<br><br>
'''Beglan:''' (nervous) Everyone’s okay? <br>
'''Joshua:''' Yes.<br>
'''Beglan:''' No one’s out the airlock? <br>
'''Joshua:''' Nope. We’re all good.<br>
'''Beglan:''' No fires?<br>
'''Rina:''' (over the comms) ''Yet''.<br><br>
'''Part 3:''' <br> <br>
'''Joshua:''' What are we calling the cat?<br>
'''Arden:''' I haven’t given it a name yet.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Okay. It’s your cat. Or you’re the one who achieved the cat, so …<br>
'''Arden:''' I have achieved catness. (pets the kitty) I have to find the cat’s personality.<br>
'''Joshua:''' That’s true.<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' Okay. So talk to me. What’s your plan?<br>
'''Kiera:''' I want to go back and see if the container’s back or if Hannibal’s back.<br>
'''Joshua:''' And then what?<br>
'''Kiera:''' See if we can talk to him and not his …<br>
'''Rina:''' His gatekeeper.<br>
'''Kiera:''' And Rina wants to go.<br>
'''Beglan:''' So we’re sending our twitchy person and the— (thinks better of it)<br>
'''Joshua:''' I’m not hearing an argument yet that suggests that this is the possible best strategy.<br>
'''Rina:''' (to Joshua) Then ''you'' go.<br>
'''Joshua:''' I’m not arguing that you go, I’m just trying to figure out why Rina is going.<br>
'''Kiera:''' ''She volunteered''.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' You know what? ''Joshua''.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Yes, Captain?<br>
'''Nika:''' (sweetly) Would you please give me five credits from the ship’s stash?<br>
'''Joshua:''' Yes, Captain.<br>
'''Nika:''' Thank you.<br>
'''Joshua:''' We’re going to need to document that.<br>
'''Nika:''' That’s fine. It can come out of my pay.<br>
'''Joshua:''' I’m joking.<br>
'''Nika:''' (to Kiera) Come on. We’ll walk down, pass the ship on the way to the pub, ''because I need a beer''.<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' Hannibal! Dammit! <br>
She pounds on the airlock door.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Is this the way you treat your friends?! ''Gāisǐ de nǐ'', is this how you treat your friends?!<br><br>
'''Chu:''' Kiera! What are you doing here?<br>
'''Kiera:''' I need your help. Who did you piss off that you’re hiding in your ship? I did everything but jump up and down and scream your name.<br>
'''Chu:''' It wasn’t me. A client. Did anyone see you?<br>
'''Kiera:''' No … Except for some guy, I kinda—<br>
'''Chu:''' (upset) So someone saw you!<br>
'''Kiera:''' There’s your guy with a gun— <br>
'''Chu:''' (more upset) ''I don’t have a guy with a gun!''<br>
'''Kiera:''' Aw, ''shi''… (sighs) Hold that thought.<br><br>
'''Part 4:'''<br> <br>
'''Kiera:''' Who have you pissed off now?<br>
'''Chu:''' I haven’t pissed off anyone.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Then why is there a guy with a gun outside?<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' (thumbs comm) Yeah.<br>
'''Rina:''' Gunman here is callin’ in reinforcements. Do what you gotta do and get out.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Is the guy with the gun staying here?<br>
'''Rina:''' I doubt he’s orderin’ pizza.<br>
'''Nika:''' Rina.  That is ''not'' helpful.<br><br>
'''Chu:''' No, no. The patient has paid extra to not have anyone know.<br>
'''Kiera:''' It doesn’t matter. I don’t need to know.<br>
'''Chu:''' No, because you—<br>
'''Kiera:''' I don’t know anything!<br>
'''Chu:''' But you will have seen the patient.<br>
'''Kiera:''' I’ll close my eyes.<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' He’s a ''lā shǐ!'' You owe me my ''tā mā de'' sunglasses! (to Li) I want my ''tā mā de'' sunglasses! '''''Sunglasses!'''''<br> <br>
'''Kiera:''' Sunglasses aren’t ready yet.<br>
'''Rina:''' I ''told'' you you should have gone to Lenscrafters. They’ll do it in about an hour.<br>
'''Kiera:''' I can’t afford freakin’ Lenscrafters!<br>
'''Rina:''' You get what you pay for. You’re ''such'' a cheapskate!<br><br>
'''Nika:''' So, the way I understand it based on the way you said it to me, he has a patient in the process of running from a bunch of assassins who are waiting for both him and his doctor to come down the stairs?<br>
'''Kiera:''' Yes.<br>
'''Nika:''' That’s kinda retarded, actually. <br> <br>
'''Kiera:''' I’m not 100% sure but I think we’re being followed.<br>
'''Rina:''' Of course. You are never alone. That’s Moscow Rule #4.<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' It doesn’t really matter to me. I’m not worried about the law.<br>
'''Nika:''' Then what are you worried about.<br>
'''Joshua:''' I’m more worried about that Mystery Person X is going to have this done and then wipe everybody clean that happens to know anything about it, versus Mystery Person Y who wants to kill Mystery Person X. Which is a whole different situation.<br><br>
'''Part 5:''' <br> <br>
'''Chu:''' And she must be blindfolded.<br>
'''Arden:''' She’s ''blind!''<br>
'''Kiera:''' (to Chu) Honey, she can’t ''see''.<br>
'''Chu:''' Oh, she actually needs eyes.<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' Okay, look. Criminals don’t tend to lay everything out and go, “Oh just lemme lay everything out and put all my cards on the table”, cuz when you do that, that’s called “I got 83 guys with guns and I’m about to screw you”.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Yeah, but when you put the one card on the table, it was clear that it was a card.  Not like, say, like a screwdriver.  That’s why I’ll never fit in with the criminal element.<br>
'''Kiera:''' That whole “Why are you not honest with them!?  Are you insane?”<br>
'''Joshua:''' It’s not that. It’s the whole clear communication part. Even your ''lies'' are unclear.<br>
'''Nika:''' My twitchy people are having conniptions. My good friends are having kittens. And my XO is … still mildly perturbed.<br>
'''Joshua:''' At what? All I—<br>
'''Nika:''' ''Yes''.<br>
'''Joshua:''' It’s your decision to make, Captain, in this regard. It’s your decision to make, Nika. <br>
'''Nika:''' Yes, it is. And I’ve already made it.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Then good. Cuz the clock is ticking. (points to Kiera) She gave me an hour.<br>
'''Kiera:''' And a half!<br>
'''Nika:''' And you’re still sittin’ here, I don’t know why.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' ''Irina''. Cease sighing in my direction.<br>
'''Rina:''' (sighs anyway) I don’t like this.<br>
'''Nika:''' (easily) I know that.<br>
'''Arden:''' I don’t like this either.<br>
'''Nika:''' I know that. (a beat) But you know what?<br>
'''Arden:''' You don’t care.<br>
'''Nika:''' ''I do care''. I don’t like being blind.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' Take care of him.<br>
'''Rina:''' (softly) Take care of yourself. I want my Captain back.<br><br>
'''Rina:''' See you on the other side.<br>
'''Nika:''' Let’s hope.<br>
'''Rina:''' All right.  Look out for pickpockets.<br>
'''Nika:''' (dryly) I’m supposed to ''see'' them?<br><br>
'''Rina:''' We need throat mikes.<br>
'''Joshua:''' We don’t have throat mikes.<br>
'''Rina:''' Yet.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Someday.<br><br>
'''Rina:''' Geez, you guys really reinforce the cover charge like aces. Damn.<br>
'''Gunman:''' Why don’t you put your hands in the air. At this range, I’m pretty sure this’ll sting a bit if I have to use it.<br>
'''Rina:''' This … isn’t about the cover charge?<br>
'''Gunman:''' That’s okay. I like it when they play dumb.<br><br>
'''Rina:''' Oh, please. I’ve had people jump me faster than this. My grandmother’s faster than you. Are you gonna rape me or not?<br>
'''Gunman:''' The night’s still young.<br>
'''Rina:''' Not from where I’m standing. My God, you’re so slow. (a beat) Oh, don’t tell me you like ''boys'' …<br><br>
'''Chu:''' Most people find it a disturbing experience.<br>
'''Nika:''' I was gonna say, am I gonna be doing a lot of screaming if I’m awake?<br>
'''Chu:''' I will give you a paralytic to prevent that. (a beat) I will give you painkillers as well.<br><br>
'''Arden:''' But under the laws of the simplest explanation, it’s the most probable they are Alliance Marshalls.<br>
'''Joshua:''' What Verse have you been living in? I don’t think I’ve ever run into anything where there’s a simplest explanation ever. (waves it off) Regardless of whether it’s Alliance Marshalls or not, what do we do?<br>
'''Kiera:''' Blow a ten on a clue-by-four?<br><br>
'''Rina:''' Hello …?<br>
'''Joshua:'''  Are you okay?<br>
'''Rina:''' … yeah … ?<br>
'''Joshua:''' All right. Stay put. Please.<br>
'''Rina:''' Put ''where?''<br>
'''Joshua:''' Don’t do anything typically Rina, please.<br>
'''Rina:''' … uhmm … but … then … who am I s’posed to be?<br>
'''Joshua:''' Rina. (louder) Okay.<br>
'''Rina:''' But you said I ''shouldn’t'' …<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' Don’t say party with groups of guys that are holding you hostage.<br>
'''Arden:''' (falsetto) I’m still waiting for someone to rape me …<br>
'''Kiera:''' (Yeah, '''that'''.) Yes.<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' Kiera.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Sir.<br>
'''Joshua:''' How long is this going to take?  ''Hannibal''.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Just a matter of two to three hours.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Two to three ''hours?''<br>
'''Kiera:''' Uh-huh.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Whoa. I keep forgetting how quickly they can do these things.<br>
'''Arden:''' But that’s not how fast we’re gonna get her back.<br><br>
== '''''HOW TO SPEAK CHINESE''''' ==
'''Part 1:''' <br><br>
'''Warning: Fire! Fire! Sealing off cargo deck. Initiating emergency fire operations'''.<br>
''Jǐnggào: Zháohuǒ le! Zháohuǒ la! Fēngsuǒ huòwù jiǎbǎn. Qǐdòng jǐnjí jiùhuǒ xíngdòng''. [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#en|zh-CN|Warning%3A%20Fire!%20Fire!%20Sealing%20off%20cargo%20deck.%20Initiating%20emergency%20fire%20operations. Sound clip]<br>
警告:着火了!着火啦!封锁货物甲板。启动紧急救火行动。(Simplified Chinese Characters)<br>
'''Part 3:'''<br><br>
'''hēimǎ''' = 黑马 = hey mah = dark horse/fig. unexpected winner  [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#zh-CN|en|%E9%BB%91%E9%A9%AC Sound clip]<br>
'''lǎo luózi''' = 老骡子 = lah’ow '''loh'''-tzih = old mule [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#en|zh-CN|Old%20mule Sound clip]<br>
'''gāisǐ de nǐ''' = 該死的你  = '''guy'''-suh deh nee = damn you [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#en|zh-TW|damn%20you Sound clip]<br><br>
'''Part 4:'''<br><br>
'''lā shǐ''' (or '''shǐ''' ) = 拉屎  =(or 屎) = '''Lah''' shih (or '''shih''') = shit [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#en|zh-TW|shit Sound clip]<br>
'''tā mā de''' =  他媽的 = tah '''mah''' duh = fucking [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#en|zh-TW|fucking Sound clip]<br>
'''dìyù''' = 地狱 = dee-yoo = hell/infernal/underworld [http://www.mdbg.net/chindict/chindict.php?page=worddict&wdrst=1&wdqb=%E5%9C%B0%E7%8B%B1 Sound clip]<br>
== '''''HOW TO SPEAK RUSSIAN''''' ==
'''Part 2:''' <br><br>
'''Diermo/Dierma''' = дерьмо = '''dyehr'''-moh/mah = Sh*t, crap, and other terms of that ilk. [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#ru|en|%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%8C%D0%BC%D0%BE Sound clip]<br>
'''Yebat' menya''' = ебать меня = '''yee'''-bahtz men-'''yah''' = F*ck me! (the expletive, not the invitation) [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#ru|en|%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8F%20 Sound clip]<br>
'''Privyet''' = привет = '''preev'''-yet = Hello (informal) [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#ru|en|%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82 Sound clip]<br>
# How did Patience get wind of our cargoDoes she have land-sats trained on the moon or soemthing?
# Was the posse who extorted us even there on Patience's ordersOr were they there on their own initiative to make money unbeknownst their boss--not quite skimming the take, since she didn't send them out the collect the take, but something like.
#Who are these guys shadowing ChuAre they Feds? Are they professional bounty hunters? Rival underworld enforcers? WhoIs their possession of Chempliant rounds significant?
# The fact that the cargo and the beef experts were even ON Whitefall suggests that there's business to be had outside of Patience's territory, if not her reach. What other ventures are operating on that moon that she doesn't own or can't directly touch?
#Who is Chu’s client? He lets slip it’s a woman but we have no name and no clue as to her whereabouts or the reason she needs Chu.
# And if she's so grabby, why hasn't anyone stomped on her for obstruction/interferance of trade already?
#Why are people after Chu’s client?
# Nika's eyesight is restored and returning to normal, albeit slowly.  Chu mentioned that there were special helmets that transplantees could wear to retrain their eyes/brains to work properly, but he did not mention where we could get or buy one.  Is it too late to get one for Nika? Is there a narrow window of opportunity before that intervention will no longer work? How much of a risk are we taking by not getting ther that helmet?
#If people aren’t after Chu’s client, are they after him?
# Joshua wakes in the middle of the night thinking he's heard our cat meowing.  Following the sound leads him to our female passenger's cabin where he hears her screaming behind her door.  When he busts in to help her, she's alone and she insists she was not screaming at all but sound asleep.  So if she was sound asleep and '''not''' screaming in a nightmare... where did the sound come from?  Was it the cat in the air ducts and did some trick of acoustics make it sound like a human woman screaming?
#Feeding Rina’s conspiracy theory beast, was Joshua's nightmare a real nightmare or a mental attack leveled against Joshua? If so, who and why?
# Joshua didn't hear inarticulate screaming either--there were words to the effect: ''No! Don’t hurt me! Nooooo!'' If our passenger did not say these words, who or what did?  And why does it seem that only Joshua heard them?
#Why was Joshua dreaming about his past in Blue Sun? Was the nightmare a real memory of something that actually happened to him or a mishmash of subconscious fears and events?  
# Questions 6 and 7 suggest that Joshua might have heard the screams with his mind and not with his ears.  He is a Reader and sensitive to psychic residues.  He has constantly said that the passenger deck makes him uncomfortable.  Is this a symptom of his discomfort? Or is this the cause?
#What was Chu about to tell Nika when the drugs put her under?
# Or is Question 8 too much like science fiction?
#Chu says he’s booked the suite for the week.  Does this mean they’re in a hotel? Or is he lying and are they in a hovel somewhere with roaches and rats crawling across the floor?
# In our continued search for the ship's cat, we find him stuck in a crawlspace sandwiched between the deck bulkheads, under the bridge off the passenger deck.  In that space we find stuff boxed up for storage by at least two previous owners of the ship: we find receipts and bills--papers and paychecks stuff--from the ''Ion'', and we find a green records book in handwritten Chinese that belonged to Jing Jing Bei.  Why was this stuff squirrelled away on the ship? Why didn't the previous owners take this stuff with them?
#And for the extra-paranoid factor: Did the mercs do anything to Rina while she was under? If so, what? And if they did, would she even remember it when the drugs wear off?
# Also found in the crawlspace were trunks of discarded clothing, mostly in the style of the Rim and of mixed genders and sizes.  Where did they come from and why were they kept here?  
# Kiera has Rina take the records book and a shirt from the trunks to Joshua to get a psychometric reading off them.  He gets nothing off the shirt.  Does this mean psychometry is not one of th talents he has? Or does this mean the shirt doesn't have a psychic residue on it to detect?
# Joshua takes the records book to translate it and it turns into an obsessive project. He finds a pattern of names linked to planets and cities/towns on the planet.  What do they mean?
# Rina takes the box of records from the ''Ion'' and organizes everything in it on the wall of the machine shop, crime-board/A Beautiful Mind style.  What does she hope to find?
# Beglan fixes the personal robot that Rina shot in a fit of twitchiness.  Though in working order, the robot is not in returnable condition and therefore Joshua is still on the hook for payments.  Is Joshua sending the payements in?  What happens if he misses one or two or three?  Can we expect repo men chasing us across the Verse or the law throwing Joshua into Debtor's Prison?
# Doing business in the Core is more difficult. Ships that do not fly a registration with the Core--going flagless, as it were--are forced to wait in a queue and are subject to boarding 'for inspection'.  Fines are levied and must be paid.  Would it be worth registering for a flag? It requires a special transponder.  Can that transponder be used to track a ship without its knowledge or consent? Or does that transponder simply ping out a signal saying the ship is one registered for expedited/favored access?
# By requiring the flags in order to avoid faintly disguised harrassment, are the Feds trying to 'reverse-engineer' everyone back into the Alliance fold? If one year they require a flag transponder to allow unobstructed travel, what will they demand next?
# We deliver our cargo on Osiris and get a line on another cargo job.  The client is a touch shady and we definitely suspect underworld connections.  But the cargo is going to Red Sun--New Melbourne--and it turns out that it's Naval Medical supplies.  How did the client get the supplies? 
# The destination of the supplies is not with the Alliance Navy, but to some other party? Who?
# There's ''tons'' of medical supplies.  Enough for an army.  Whose army?
# And since it's going to Red Sun, does it mean the 'army' is in Red Sun, too?
# In the last year, two things happened in Red Sun to get the Alliance's attention, even though Red Sun is supposed to be independent from Alliance jurisdiction:
##'''November 16th 2521:''' Terrorists exploded a chemical explosive in the First Allied Union Bank on Paquin. The Blast killed 32 people instantly, and over 100 died in the release of poison gas. No one has claimed responsibility for the blast, but attention has been focused on the independents of New Kalmar.
##'''December 24th 2521:''' Shipworks on Aesir were subject to orbital bombing from the IAV Repulse. The site was obliterated and scores were killed. The UAW claimed that the shipworks were constructing missile carriers designed to attack the Allied fleet, and that they abetted the terrorists who bombed the bank on Paquin.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Therefore: The Alliance reconfigured and redeployed the Navy in September to include a fleet to control the White Sun--Red Sun corridor, could the November incident be an &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;action made in protest to the Alliance presence?  Could the December bombing of Aesir have stepped up the efforts of the New Kalmar to organize resistance to the &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alliance?  Perhaps by slowly gathering forces for an army or a military ... and hence, an agenda of systematic caching of supplies for that army?  Did we just deliver one of &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;those supply caches?<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;23. What happens to us if we're found carrying these supplies en route to delivery?
Go back to: '''''[[Episode 503: Old Secrets, New Chances|Old Secrets, New Chances]]''''' | Go Foward to '''''[[Episode 504: Ghosts of Jing Jing Bei | Ghosts of Jing Jing Bei]]'''''<br>
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