Editing Firefly PotR:Main Page

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*'''[[Firefly_PotR:Meizhi | Meizhi Lindquist ]] - Mechanic and Captain''' Played by Muskrat
*'''[[Firefly_PotR:Meizhi | Meizhi Lindquist ]] - Mechanic''' Played by Muskrat
*'''[[Bella Mason]]''' - '''Captain, Pilot, and part-time Ace Reporter''' Played by Xadun
*'''[[Lazarus Jones]]''' - '''Scrounger & Faceman''' Played by Jonesy64
*'''[[Firefly_PotR:_Genevieve | Genevieve Nguyen]] - PR Liason''' Played by squidheadjax
*'''[[Firefly_PotR:_Genevieve | Genevieve Nguyen]] - PR Liason''' Played by squidheadjax
*'''[[Trân Vân Olufemi]] - Reader/Information Broker''' Played by Atlictoatl
*'''[[Trân Vân Olufemi]] - Reader/Information Broker''' Played by Atlictoatl
*'''[[Kennith Karatoma]] - Former Marine and Improvisational Pilot''' Played by Aliexster
*'''[[Kennith Karatoma]] - Former Marine and Improvisational Pilot''' Played by Aliexster
*'''[[Bella Mason]]''' - '''Former Captain, Pilot, and part-time Ace Reporter''' Played by Xadun
*'''Doctor [[Firefly PotR:Dr Coppelia | Charity Coppelia]] - ''' Played by Aikireikinu
===The Ship Herself===
===The Ship Herself===
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*Banked Episode Points: 0
*Banked Episode Points: 0
===Thread Links===
==Current Episode Information==
[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?831871-Firefly-The-Path-of-the-Righteous-(Thread-2) Current IC Thread]
[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?819626-Firefly-The-Path-of-the-Righteous-Second-Thread Current OOC Thread]
[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?761980-Firefly-The-Path-of-the-Righteous-Episode-2 First IC Thread]
[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?761979-Firefly-The-Path-of-the-Righteous-Episode-2 First OOC Thread]
==Current Episode Information==
''Forged IDs (Alice Morgan of the Ariel's Shadow)'' d6 (Bella; Episode-long)<br>
''Noise Dampening Earbuds'' d6 (All; Episode-long)<br>
''Foot in the Back Door'' d6 (Jenny; Episode-long)<br>
*Warehouse d6
''Welding Strips'' d6 (Meizhi; Episode-long) <br>
*Reinforced Crates d6
''Bad-Ass Boarding Party'' d6 (Tran; Act III, Scene 3)<br>
''Sized Up'' d8 (Trân on the Security Team; Act III, Scene 3)<br>
*Smashed Gift Table d8
''Wolf in Sheep's Clothing'' d12 (All)<br>
*Wedding Crashers d6 (everybody, eventually)
''Deferred Maintenance'' d10 (All/Libertatia) <br>
*Local Cops Noticed the Cop Car d8 (Trân, Ken, and Jenny)
''There's Another Reader Here'' d12 (Everyone, but only Trân is currently aware)<br>
''Latest in Non-Lethal Riot Gear'' d10 (Tran, Charity, Meizhi, Kennith) <br>
''Batteries are Low'' d8 (Righteous)<br>
''Door to the Bridge Slams Shut''  d8 (Charity)<br>
===Plot Points and BDH Dice===
===Plot Points and BDH Dice===
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| Meizhi
| Meizhi
| 3
| 3
| d10, d12
| 4xd10
| Bella
| Bella
| 4
| d8, 2xd10, d12
| Lazarus
| 3
| Charity
| 3
| 3
| d10
| d8, d10
| Genevieve
| Genevieve
| 1
| 1
| d10, d12
| 2xd10
| Kennith
| Kennith
| 2
| 2
| 2xd12
| Trân
| Trân
| 3
| 2
| 3xd10, d12
| 2xd10, d12
| GM
| GM
| 6
| 8
===Episode Rules===
'''All Good Things''': Gain 1 PP whenever you close off a plotline or hit a character beat that's been on your to do list. You can gain up to 3 PP over the course of the Episode from this rule.
*'''Charlotte Jiāngguǒ''': underworld figure and proprietor of the tavern/inn/brothel ''Harpoon Ditch''
*'''Jed Beckham''': a spacer acquaintance of Meizhi's family; currently the captain of the bulk hauler ''Mammoth Jack'' and staying at the ''Fancy Djinn's Inn''
*'''Djinn's Bane''': failed protostar/gas giant planet on the rim of the Kalidasa System
*'''Ilat''': one of Djinn's Bane's moons; a trade hub for the planetary system
*'''Gaspar City''': a port city on Ilat
*'''Harpoon Ditch''': a tavern/inn/brothel in Gaspar City
*'''Breakers''': a spacer-friendly pool hall in Gaspar City
*'''Fancy Djinn's Inn''': a spacer-friendly hotel in Gaspar City
*[https://imgur.com/a/2EPk7 Libertatia Cargo Deck]
*[https://imgur.com/a/Q1Q01 Libertatia Command Deck]
*[https://imgur.com/a/Bj103 Libertatia Lower Deck]
===Information from the Verbena Syndicate Database===
*A Dr. Charity Coppelia has been identified as providing underground medical services in Gaspar City. She's also listed as one of the individuals trafficked by Verbena.
*There are records of Verbena Syndicate-employed ships visiting the spaceport here in Gaspar City. Two ships in particular made regular port calls: the Trenholm and the Wild Rover, both transport ships.
*The database indicates that a Cu Hsiu, a local magistrate, has received regular payments from the Syndicate. Exactly why isn't quite clear, but it's probably related to keeping the port police out of the Syndicate's hair.
*The Verbena Syndicate owns a storage locker here at the port: N-373. It's a 3m by 5m unit. Its contents aren't listed.
==Other Folks==
==Other Folks==
===Former Ship Owner===
===Ship Owner===
*'''[[Firefly_PotR:Mattie | Mattie Sullivan Ross ]]'''
*'''[[Firefly_PotR:Mattie | Mattie Sullivan Ross ]]'''
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*'''[[Zāihài Jane]]''' - '''Backwoods Sniper''' Played by Aikireikinu
*'''[[Zāihài Jane]]''' - '''Backwoods Sniper''' Played by Aikireikinu
*'''[[Firefly_PotR:_Erin_MacAran | Erin "Mac" MacAran]] - Medic // Infiltration''' Played by brahnamin
*'''[[Firefly_PotR:_Erin_MacAran | Erin "Mac" MacAran]] - Medic // Infiltration''' Played by brahnamin
*'''[[Lazarus Jones]]''' - '''Scrounger & Faceman''' Played by Jonesy64
*'''[[Firefly_PotR:Brahnamin | Kiko]] - Pool Hustler/Passenger''' Played by brahnamin
*'''Doctor [[Firefly PotR:Dr Coppelia | Charity Coppelia]] - ''' Played by Aikireikinu
*'''[[Firefly_PotR:_Dimitri_Lev | Dimitri Lev]] - Ship's Pilot // Hacker''' - Played by [https://forum.rpg.net/member.php?70442-brahnamin brahnamin]
===Friendly-ish Types===
===Friendly-ish Types===
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*''Philippe Mahlouf'': Second engineering mate on the ''Thaddeus.''  Took the picture of the three girls at the botanical gardens.<br>
*''Philippe Mahlouf'': Second engineering mate on the ''Thaddeus.''  Took the picture of the three girls at the botanical gardens.<br>
*''Beauregard Chen'': Shih's ex-brother-in-law; good for nothing gambler and grifter. <br>
*''Beauregard Chen'': Shih's ex-brother-in-law; good for nothing gambler and grifter. <br>
*''Eleanor'': Alliance navy undercover operative<br>
*''Abdul O'Shaughnessy-Ruiz'': trafficking victim of the Verbena Syndicate/stowaway rescued by the crew<br>
*''Qin'': Captain of the Ross Transport ship [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Firefly_PotR:Kairali_Data_File Kairali].
===Not Exactly Friends===
===Not Exactly Friends===
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*''Wetteland'': gigantic former cop; now works for Lynch <br>
*''Wetteland'': gigantic former cop; now works for Lynch <br>
*''Flora Qin'': Captain of the Pirate Cruiser ''Read''; the crew of the ''Righteous'' killed her sister, Captain of the ''Bonney''
*''Flora Qin'': Captain of the Pirate Cruiser ''Read''; the crew of the ''Righteous'' killed her sister, Captain of the ''Bonney''
*''Charlotte Jianguo'': Brothel owner/Human trafficker on Ilat that the crew tricked and double-crossed
*''Redfern'': suspicious type met about the 'Kairali'
*''Blue Sun'': Largest megacorp in the 'Verse; the crew busted into their research facility on Tiantan and destroyed a valuable research project
*''Caduceus Ltd.'': biomedical research company involved in some sort of shady research and organ transportation on the Rim
*''Blue Hands'': scary operative types chasing down the crew
==Previously On==
==Previously On==
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'''Episode 14''': ''Heads Up''<br>
'''Episode 14''': ''Heads Up''<br>
The crew traveled to Brunson Station to help Wiley and Philippe retrieve a server full of information related to the Verbena Syndicate's people-trafficking operation, which should allow the pair to track down Wiley's cousins.  Wetteland showed up, and is now convinced that the crew owes him one.  Chen showed up, as well.  The crew also received a gift from Shih - a small box with a human hand inside, still clad in a bright blue neoprene glove.  Kennith and Trân joined the crew.
The crew traveled to Brunson Station to help Wiley and Philippe retrieve a server full of information related to the Verbena Syndicate's people-trafficking operation, which should allow the pair to track down Wiley's cousins.  Wetteland showed up, and is now convinced that the crew owes him one.  Chen showed up, as well.  The crew also received a gift from Shih - a small box with a human hand inside, still clad in a bright blue neoprene glove.  Kennith and Trân joined the crew.
'''Episode 15''': ''Where the Game is, there will the Vermin be''<br>
The crew discovered that many of the Verbena Syndicate's human trafficking victims were being routed through Ilat to a pirate repair ship, the ''Libertatia.''  The crew infiltrated and disabled the ship, called in the Navy, and headed out.  Jane leaves the crew and Charity joins the crew. 
'''Episode 16''': ''Adrift''<br>
The crew encounters the disabled Ross Transport ship 'Kairali' and solves the mystery of who sabotaged it: it's first mate Calliope Drakewell.  They also meet a suspicious traveler named Redfern, who refused to involve the authorities despite a violent confrontation with Trân.  Laz leaves the crew.
'''Episode 17''': ''Coreporate''<br>
It must have been sweeps week.  The crew transports Kraig to the Core to stop a Blue Sun research program that would give the corporation even more power over the Rim.  The crew also gets caught up in some sort of biomedical research/organ transportation with Caduceus Ltd.  They fight with corporate security and the blue hands.  Jenny gets publicly labeled as a terrorist.  Mattie fires the crew, and the crew proceeds to steal the ''Righteous.''  Kiko sort of joins the crew and then leaves it.  Bella leaves the crew.
'''Episode 18''': ''Against the Middle''<br>
The crew gets caught up in the violent political machinations in a small town in a way that is in no way just a rip off of Yojimbo/Red Harvest/A Fistful of Dollars/Last Man Standing.
==Advancement Rules Summary==
===For Characters===
*Turn an Asset from an Episode into a d6 Signature Asset: 1 Episode
*Switch out a Distinction for a new Distinction: 1 Episode
*Add a Signature Asset trigger: 1 Episode
*Add a new specialty to a d6 or higher Skill: 1 Episode
*Step up a d6 Signature Asset to a d8: 2 Episodes
*Unlock a new Distinction trigger: 2 Episodes
*Step up a Skill from a d4 to a d6: 2 Episodes
*Step up a Skill to a d8 or higher: 3 Episodes
*Step up one Attribute and step back another: 3 Episodes
Note: No stat can be stepped up beyond d12; no Signature Asset can be stepped up higher than d8
===For the Ship===
*Turn a ship Asset from an Episode into a d6 ship Signature Asset: 2 Episodes
*Add a Signature Asset trigger: 3 Episodes
*Step up a Signature Asset from d6 to d8: 3 Episodes
*Unlock a new ship Distinction trigger: 4 Episodes

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