Forgotten Freedom:70
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[[Forgotten_Freedom:69|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:71|Next Plot]] ---- Lily - On a more serious note, I must bring up my concerns about [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - What aabout [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]? she's wierd, but aside from that? Feralyn - We are concerned about your safety living on a ship with someone so... [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - Unpredictable. Feralyn - I was gonna say dangerous. The way I see it either she has monstrous power previously unseen upon our realm, or she is a trickster of the grandest scale. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - Again I don't get the problem. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - You can't read her very well, and you fear her potencial. Feralyn - ... Yes Lily - Even my best magic reveals nothing about her. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - She was born, raised, and trained in alternate eberron, one from what description she has given us, is much more reliant upon psionic disciplines, fiercely competitive, and still in the THroes of war. She belongs to the most powerful faction lead by immensely powerful individuals known as the Serpent of Forbidden Wrath, and the Dreadknaught of Heaven's Tears. She herself is on her way to becoming a third such titan under the title of the Breaker Prime. Her power is immense and focused around breaking and inverting the energy of others. She has access to techniques and secrets that would shatter the souls of most denizens of this realm. She is quite probably the greatest single force in this multiverse. Feralyn - :eek: Lily - All the more reason to be concerned! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - Oh... Your worried she might hurt us. Feralyn - WELL DUH!!! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - :rofl: She's one of our best friends, I can't even count the number of times she has saved our hides. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] and I got off to a rough start, so I can understand why your concerned. She is scary beyond all reason. She is a slightly unstable young woman (barely more than a girl) with more power and training at her command that any army, and no problems what-so-ever with causing death and destruction on an epic scale. Feralyn - Yes what happens when someone breaks up with her or something? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - :eek: Bad timing. Lily - :confused: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - She just got turned down by someone she had been harboring feelings for for almost a decade. Lily - Ollian's Beard we're all gonna die! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - Actually she's been rather mature about the whole thing. We really ought to make sure shes not just internalizing it. Make sure she doesn't do anything drastic. Dun dun daaaaa Lily - What was that? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - Devon, where can i get a brick. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] is in the kitchen chopping up Redshirts. Nalfien walks in only to be sprayed with blood. Nalfien: What are you doing? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: Making "white pork". [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] said I could as long as I left out the sauce. Nalfien: Why would you want the "sauce". [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: It adds quite a bit of sweetness. Nalfien: *shudder* ---- (on a tour of the ship, the betrothed intoduce their guests to some of the more interesting members of the crew) [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Lilly. Feralyn. I'd like you to meet [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]: Hi. Lilly: You know, anywhere else I'd be quite surprised to see an Illithid. But, for some reason, I didn't expect any less here. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]: I guess I'll take that as a compliment... Feralyn: We don't mean to be rude. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]'s most likely the smartest being you'll ever meet. He's also a bastard. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]: :D That's what they call me. Lilly: You're not offended? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: By now, calling him a bastard is more a term of endearment than an insult. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Because he really is one. And he enjoys being one WAY too much. *** [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: This one's Kanatash. Resident incorporial psychopath from the bowels of Xor'iat. Lilly & Feralyn: :eek: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: He's not going to do anything to you. Kanatash: On purpose. :devil: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Stop that. Kanatash: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]'s essentially my nephew. And, by proxy, I try not to bother [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]. So, as her guests, you'll be fine. Feralyn: Seems a rather flimsy protection to me. *** [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: This is [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]]. The creepily cheerful Solar Deva. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]]: :D HI! *rainbows, flowers, and unicorns appear behind her* Lilly & Feralyn: *anime sweat drop* [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: She's in charge of protecting Captain Jarlot's soul. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: As well as being Sakura/Jaela's mother. Lilly: The Keeper of the Silver Flame is the child of a Deva?! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]]: Not really. Her real mother is Brianna. (OOC: This is how I understand it at least) Brianna: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]] inhabits my body in order to guide me during her mission. Lilly & Feralyn: :twitch: ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]] make me one of these. Tosses the artificer a schema. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]] - :eek: !!! Your not seriou- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - 2million + expenses and your fee for silence. Up front. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]] - Yes ma'am ------------------------- Lily - There it goes again. Feralyn - The feeling of impending doom? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - Thats pretty much background noise. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - I dunno... Lucky seems especially twitchy recently. Said diviner is currently negotiating with Allen, Roosevelt, and Greyfeline for a shadowy reinforced barrel of protection. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]: You need something? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Just a quick tour for our guests. Lilly: This place is amazing! All this exists on the ship? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]: Technically, no. This is a dimensional pocket I created. It exists with, yet independantly of, the ship. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] is a bit of a unique character. A brilliant warrior, tactician, and leader, those half-dragons you see down there are his creations. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]: *smiling* We are no longer a mere half-breed. We are now our own race. Feralyn: Unbelieveable... [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: He's kind of like [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] in that if he's not on your side, start praying for a quick death. Lilly & Feralyn: :eek: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: His girlfriend is Slip, the ship's pilot over there. Slip: *uncloaks* :mad: I thought I'm not supposed to exist. Lilly & Feralyn: :confused: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Long story. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]]: *walking up with [[Forgotten_Freedom:Tara|Tara]]* Who are they? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Tara|Tara]]: New recruits? Lilly & Feralyn: :mymy: :blink: :help: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Oh, they're not joining. They're here for the wedding. They're my old friends, Lilly and Feralyn. *turns to them* This is [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]], one of the old Daemon Lords, and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Tara|Tara]], [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]'s cousin. Lilly & Feralyn: :eek: :ghosted: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Uh-oh. I think we over did it. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]]: I tend to have that effect on people. :D [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Let's get them back to their rooms. I keep forgetting how intimidating this crew is for the unaccustomed. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: After that, we should go check on [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]. I'm starting to think Lilly may be right. This excess impending doom could have something to do with her. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] *knock-Knock* [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - I don't think she can hear you. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - Or maybe she's moping? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - Not like her to... Whats this? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] picks up a piece of paper that had partially Slid out from under the door. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - Oh F*CK [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - Later honey this looks serious. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Should I... Its a major change many are never the same... Isn't that the point... On the one hand there is the power... There is also the risk... Forbes survived it... His lyncanthropy put him halfway there to begin with he had an edge... That isn't the issue... It would make it even harder to find someone... I can't have [[Forgotten_Freedom:Levy|Levy]] do I care? ---- Silver: I wonder about Lily and Feralyn… Crow: Please do not go there. Silver: Well what else can I do? All of us are completely useless these days. Lucky: Here here. Mr. T: Ah pidy me. NJ26: :( Unless it involves [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]…(shudder). Saberiel: Exactly. Jam: I concurr. Lucky: Hey, you got to be in "Dumb Wars". Jam: I had ONE scene, which doesn't make up for pages and pages of disuse. Jaela Jarlot: Maybe I can get [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] to introduce me to her friends. Crow: :confused: Oooooookay, what was that for? JJ: I was just thinking that Lily and Feralyn have excellent body structure. :schemes: Silver: Preemtively I had nothing to do with this. It's all your fault. Crow: I keep telling you I messed with this timeline's Jaela. I just don't understand why there aren't any symptoms. You would think after breaking Tira—why do you have that weird look on your face? Silver: :devil: I just realized we have never introduced [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]] and Saberiel's baby. And don't you think it would be fun to show it to Lily and Feralyn? Crow: :confused: ……………Oh yeah. :plotting: ---- Cardinal Krozen sits brooding in his chambers late at night. The wedding invitation sits smoldering in the trash. Krozen: Such audacity. As if I would participate in such a travesty, let alone associate with those pirate scum. He simply couldn't shake the feeling he was being watched. Already extremely paranoid, the invitation had brought back fears of exposing his most obvious indescretions. He had privately disowned her, publicly defamed her, he had even...he shook his head. No need to bring up that. She still wished for him to come? Impossible. It was no doubt a trap. At this time, a voice floats out from the shadows. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Cardinal... Revealing herself, she is wreathed in darkness, much like during the attack on the FF in the Plane of Shadow. He cannot see her very well, but he gets the impression that she is silently mocking him. Krozen: Who are you?! How did you get in here?! GUARDS!! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: They can't hear you, Cardinal. Krozen: What have you done to them?! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Nothing. They're outside the door, but your vioce can't reach them. I have twisted the dimensions around this room. Even if they decide to come through your door, they'll end up in the courtyard. :devil: Krozen: *a look of fear crossing his face* What do you want? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: First things first. I'm [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], the woman your daughter is marrying in a couple days. Krozen: :mymy: :blink: :OMG! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: :devil: I'm here to make sure you accept our invitation. My love really does want you there, despite what you've done to her. And believe me, I know exactly what it is you've done. Krozen: *acting innocent* Whatever do you mean? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]:*stares at him coldly* You are a worse monster than I could ever be. Krozen: *smiles evilly* You can't prove anything. Besides, it's impossible for me to be associated with filth such as yourselves. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I don't think you realize the gravity of the situation... The shadows reach up and ensnare Krozen, lifting his startled form into the air. Approaching him, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] places her hand on his head and begins hacking into his mind. She shatters his mental defenses, exposing his darkest secrets. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: So you see, Cardinal, you have little choice not to come. I could make you not only confess to any one of these things, but willingly produce evidence to prove it. Krozen: *strained* You b*tch,...how...are you...doing this...? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: The shadow thing? Special ability. Let me show you. Consider this a chance to get to know your future daughter-in-law. Releasing him, she forms a shadow sword. It cannot be seen clearly except out of the corner of the eye, but it is ornately designed and seemingly top quality. Handing it over too him, he finds it is light as a feather, yet completely real. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Impressive, no? That which by it's very nature is deemed untouchable, I can mold like clay. Picking up a pen, Krozen tests its edge. Tossing it into the air, the sword slices it so cleanly that the pen doesn't split till it hits the floor. An evil sneer crosses his face and he swings for [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]'s head. She doesn't even flinch as the blade approaches her. Mere inches from her neck, it stops despite his efforts and splits into five blades. Each blade tip bears the head of a shadow hydra. They turn on his startled form, biting and ripping at him. He instinctively lets go of the sword and closes his eyes. His shrieks of pain echo in the room as [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] stand there, smiling. The pain disappears suddenly. Opening his eyes again, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] is gone. So is the sword. He bears no injury, and the only sign of anything happening are his memory and sweat soaked robes (with possibly some other things added in). [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *from the shadows* So you see, Cardinal, you are coming. You are going to acknowledge her. You are going to be happy for her. This was merely child's play compared to what I will do to you should you hurt her more than you already have... Krozen stands there shaking in fear, knowing he's trapped between a rock and a hard place. He makes a mental note to have his wedding attire prepared in the morning. Kanatash: Say [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], if the cardinal proves to still be uncooperative can I have him? :plotting: ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], Krozen can stay in my room. :schemes: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: No, he needs to be whole for the wedding and has to be sane enough to govern Thrane afterward. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: I promise he will be physically whole, and if he will still be able to function in society. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Maybe, I'll think about it. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] walks away. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] (telepathically) : P/Y/R, sweety, did you pick "it" up. P/Y/R: Yeah, the Butcher, a minor demon prince, gave up his cleaver really easily. :smirk: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] pulls a ring from his pocket. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: Excellent. :evillaugh Hope to see you soon, baby. ---- Slip sluggishly walks over to the airship controls, just as she has done everday for several years. Slip: Let's get this thing in the air Earl. There is a pause. The ship doesn't start. Earl doesn't come back with a witty retort. Nothing happens. Slip looks out the cockpit window. She see the elemental ring completely empty and no sign of Earl. Slip: Where is he? Meanwhile in the bar, practice for the battle of the bands is well under way. Well atleast for one band. Muradin is seated at a adamantite drum set. He twirls a hammer in each hand, like drum-stick. With that the first preformance of Muradin Smash! begins. Squinty uses his eye rays to play a circular keyboard. Earl is playing an enormous lead guitar. While Steve plays on an equally large bass. *insert mind blowing music, that I am to lazy and unskilled to actually make, here* After they stop playing Lucky, the only person watching, gives them a standing ovation. Lucky: You guys have only one weakness. You need a lead singer... ---- Crow: Did I just misinterpret that, or is everyone getting married around here? Silver: Meh. Hey, you want to mess with Krozen? Crow: By doing what? What could we possibly come up with that would……………………oooooooohhhhhhhh, yyyyyyyyeeeeeeesssssssssss. :evillaugh: Silver: Huh? What is it? Crow: You don't live inside the Silver Flame for centuries without learning every one of a worshipper's special secrets. Silver: You mean like what he did to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]. 13: :raincloud Let's not mention that. Crow: Oooooooohhhhhhhh, no. I'm talking about the "fun" secret. Silver: What could be………… :OMG! That is the most twisted thing ever. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] would never forgive us. Crow: Oh, she would.…………She woud indeed.……………… ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Listen Krozen I have even less patience for you then she does. Krozen - What the ? :confused: ? who are you? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - I am pretty much the overlord of this world. I am that which makes your puny gods tremble. I am the one who will decide whether to destroy or save this Plane when its time comes. I am the Breaker, I am the Mortal Spirit, and I am very protective of my friends. Krozen - Show your face then if you are so great I was much more intimidated by the shadow power of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - I'm not here to intimidate, I'm just warning you that [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] wont get a chance to hurt you because I have much more useful ideas for our enemies. You wish your soul to join the flame upon your death? I can trap it and torment it for eternity to fuel my power. I am The Breaker Prime the Next Mortal Beast. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]'s form is briefly revealed somehing is different her melds are tainted with dark tormented power, and her tatoo is thrashing as if alive. ---- A robed man materializes in [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]'s room. He would look Egyptian, if Egyptian were an Eberronian nationality. He seems to give off an almost tangible aura of superiority. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] looks anxiously at the man as he begins to speak. man: Hello, my son. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: That's a rather modest avatar for you isn't it. With it being a marriage between two women and all, I have expected you to come as the African Pimp. Nyarlathotep: That was cold, even for you. Why can't we just act like father and son, just for this one night. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: Alright, I'll try. I'm sure Clarice will be gland to see you. Nyarlathotep: It will be lovely to see your sister again. What with [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], Squishy, Kanatash, this will damn near be a family reunion. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: Mom isn't here. Nyarlathotep: I know, :weep: but there's nothing we can do about that now. All we can do is enjoy what we have, and try to lose ourselves in the carnage of destroying a few villages. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: That helps. :( Nyarlathotep: Come on, it'll be fun. You can kill the first paladin. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: Thanks :) ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Something is seriously wrong with [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: No kidding. I think she's taking [[Forgotten_Freedom:Levy|Levy]]'s decision harder than we thought. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: That's a strong possibility. She's one of the few people I have difficulty keeping tabs on. I guess our only choice is to wait and see if there's anything we can do. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: *nods* On a lighter note, I got a response from my mom. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Positive, I hope. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: :D Uh-huh! She'll be here in the next day or so. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Anyone else? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Well, since they're in charge of protecting the kingdom, my Paladin friends from my graduating class won't be coming before the wedding. They send their congratulations and look forward to meeting you. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I just hope it goes well. Neither of us are particularly popular in Thrane. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: You worry too much. Like you said before; between our infamy and Sakura/Jaela's blessing, we shouldn't have any problems. Other than our normal one's at least... ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - What was that paper about, most of it was in psychobabble. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - Well it was part of a treatsie on using necrocarnum with psionics to create a new version of the dragon of Tyr Ritual. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - :confused: Ok you lost me at dragon? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - Not quite sure what that means myself, but considering where [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] gets her data... Jarlot might. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] arrive at Jarlot's quarters. A knock on the door causes several disappointed and somewhat unhappy voices to emit from the room. Jarlot opens the door slightly. Jarlot: *annoyed* Can I help you? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: We need to borrow those 'D&D' or whatever books you've got. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: We have a bit of a situation. It likely involves [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] with lovers angst. Jarlot: OH, SWEET KHYBER! I'll be right back. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Can't we just come in and get them? Jarlot: Well, uh... [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]]: *from inside* We're a bit...um...busy in here... Tifa: :plotting: They could join in... [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: :rolleyes: :blush: I think we'll pass, Captain. Jarlot: *whispering* Thank gods. They're killing me in here. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: :blush: Too much info, not enough books. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - I found something! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - What? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - Well apparently there is an Arcane/Psionic process through which one can reshape their body into that of a great dragon. It requires a massive ritual that is expensive in both gold and lives. As many as a thousand must die depending upon the power of the individuals sacrificed. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] lacks the Arcane power to perform this though. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - Of course the paper was about how to modify the process for an incarnum/psi-user. It mentioned changing the foci, the ritual gets modified somehow and the incarnum energies are used to replace the flow of arcane energy. Necrocarnum must get involved during the sacrifice because thats the only way a psycarnum warrior like [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] could manipulate the life force of others like that. Fascinating. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - FLAME THAT WHAT IS SHE THINKING?!?! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - Probably damned near the same thing I would be if you had turned me down. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: A possibility just occured to me. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: What? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Do you think it's possible that she could use the souls bound to her as part of the ritual? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: She doesn't have that arm anymore... [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: No, but it's power remains with her. I'm not completely familiar with Incarnum energies, so I don't know if the conversion would allow it. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Either that, we somehow talk her out of it, or lots of people are going to die for this... ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Thank you [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]], now be gone. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]] hands over a Black Pearl, and skats. ------------------------- Spear Redshirt 1 - I totally broke the little weasels leg. Spear Redshirt 2 - Haha what then? Spear Redshirt 1 - Then I finished beating the snot out of his loudmouthed little brother and HRRRRk Spear Redshirt 2 - Hrrk [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - This so much more convinient then trying to find a thousand at once. The black pearl draws in the life force of the Redshirts and binds into [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]'s melds. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] shuddered. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] was going to do somthing very very bad. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] flexed an armoured arm. He, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]], [[Forgotten_Freedom:Tara|Tara]], Slip and Feal-Thas where fully tooled up. if [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] was going to come after them (because each of them now possesses huge amounts of HD. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]] possessing the most our of any of them) she'd have a lot of trouble, recently [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] had been experimenting with emulating his draconic side. his entrance into the Hide-Carved orders and becoming a Dragon Ascendant had been most intresting. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] had even decided to become a Dragon stalker and Dragon slayer to enhance his abilities at fighting his full blooded counterparts. he'd also discovered information about the diciples of Ashardalon. but he was still no match for [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]], this troubled him. being weaker had always troubled him. now she had over stepped her bound. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] admired some of the symbiots he'd recently acquired with the help of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]. A Soul tick, A shadow Sibling and a mind leech. most intresting they where. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] began to pefrom the martial poses of the Dance of Shadows to prepare his mind. *** Anger festered in [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]]s heart. Demon lords no longer respected the power he weilded. they needed to learn some humility. it burned in him that the couatal had defeated him all those years ago, now the diecide wished to become a dragon. is she wished to harvest his esscense she'd have a lot of trouble doing so, he was [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]] of legion. His power shook the very foundations of the earth. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]] had never become a god like entity. he'd prefered to stay normal, allowing him to reap the benifits of not requireing followers to expand his power base. in the back of his mind the wonders and Dark speech clammered to be used, thousands of wonders raged, their ury making the power of his epic magic and psionics cower in the corner. he smiled, only he knew how to really control the wonders. only he possessed more than half of them. only he could wield them with ease. such power was never ment for mortals. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]] felt the reassuring touch of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Tara|Tara]]'s hand. he stemmed the rage, and readied it. the time would come soon enough for battle, even if there wasnt a battle, he needed to teach the Fiendish lords a lesson. they where far too impudent from his long absence... ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - I wonder if there any crystals left? ------------------------ [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] shudered, this was the day he feared above all others. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] had become unstable, since she had decieved them about her dependence on the arm for power all hope of control was lost. The only option was to hide, and hope her friends could help. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] - Here I am one of the 10 most powerful people in this world and a single child has me and many of my allies cowering. I hate being the one who has to run and hide. ------------ Kanatash - [SIZE=1]she's coming for me[/SIZE] [[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]] - ... ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Slip could you phase the ship in to the plane of Law please. Slip: Why? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]] The souls of the red shirts are mine No one going to mess with them but ME! Now I'm going to go try and talk to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]], before things get worse. Silver: Sorry, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]], but you need a PLOT DEVICE (incidental music, lightning, horses neighing) for getting to other planes. After Slip could not move the ship, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]] has all the Remaining red shirts on the deck. With three copies of the statment Jarlot signed, the Demon lord are on a speical mission just in case she failed. The air cracked and a Few perfect symbols draws them self on the on the Hull. John: Hey whats going on up there. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Calling forth the Inevitables. Random Red shirt: But aren't you Chaoctic? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Out of Choas come order and Out of Order Chaos :embarrass ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: What do you think? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Frankly, I think we're boned. But we need to find her. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I was afraid you'd say that. You do know that, according to these (motions to the D&D manuals), we're some of the higher HD members of the crew, and possibly the world, right? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Yeah, we may just be feeding the fire. But who else is going to have a chance at getting her to listen? Besides, if she really wanted to find us, it's not like we could avoid her for any length of time... [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Point and point. All right, let's go. ---- Crow: Is there anything we can do? Silver: No. Remember, when you were Sutekh I couldn't stop you. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]'s always been more powerful than that. 13: She didn't get me. Crow: Well that's because the suffering of this world sustained you. Unless you want to go back to that— 13: :headexplo NO!……Ugh, I know what [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]'s about to become. You would think she would have learned by now. Word Being: I agree. Fighting you, and then her alt, you'd think she'd see that power isn't always the best choice. In fact its always the worst choice. (it gestures into the Player's Handbook) Look at this! It's got so much combat focus that people just go around complaining about builds that add only to charcter concept. (OOC: I'm guilty of this.) 13: Why can't you stop [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]? Word Being: *sigh* If this were my multiverse it would be a fair fight: I'd just outsmart her when her power drained her brain. But here there's no such possibility. Crow: What's with the power accumulation among all these people, huh? Silver: Same sort of thing you get in anime: "Oh, I have to get more powerful to beat this next opponent." How often do you see a good tactic these days? 13: Yeah. I had power. What did it get me? Word Being: I have some power. I hope to create a world one day. But do you see me obsessing over it? Crow: Suppose that's the problem with mortal beings: they want something, and then they don't do anything with it once they have it. 13: What about…? Silver: He'd beat her in an instant. Not good for plot. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - Before we try to talk to her I think we need to try to understand what's going through her head. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - She's whacked because [[Forgotten_Freedom:Levy|Levy]] wont be her lover. Seems pretty simple. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - Even [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] wouldn't take a simple rejection this far. She acquired power to impress [[Forgotten_Freedom:Levy|Levy]], remember her story. I think she used her devotion to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Levy|Levy]] to define herself a little too much and now without a purpose she's just giving in to the desire power for its own sake. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - ... Love your amazing. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - :blush: ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]]s head buzzed with thoughts and plans. all brilliant. but unfourtunatly half of them would be of no use or took too long. ( in [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]]s mind) [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]]: if [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] dont Talk [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] out of this im going to have to defeat [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]. *turns to the Wonders and Dark speech* okay boys we need a plan. she'll probably be powerful enough to win this. that and she's smart. so we need to be smarter. brute force will not work here. Tempest wonder: [COLOR=DimGray]Well. we could always use some of the more powerful spells in your repetoire to wear her down.[/COLOR] Dark Speech word *Death*: That wouldnt work. once she hits a certain amount of scarifices out magical ability will run off her like water [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]]: your right, we need a plan that would cause her to calm down, or imobolise her. Dark Speech word *Curse*: [COLOR=DarkRed]we could blight her so her powers are restricted[/COLOR]. Dark Speech word *Darkness*: [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]if that doesnt work we could always restrict her vision and make it difficult for her to fight us. bring her into an area where we have an advantage.[/COLOR] Lightning storm wonder: [COLOR=Cyan]yes... that could work. then we need to weaken her, perhaps with a storm of energy attacks. with a few defensive spells on us.[/COLOR] Dark Speech word * Death*: what we need is a Trojan horse. somthing that she wouldnt expect. somthing that seems ireleveant but would in fact once we have the situation right incapasitate her. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]]: your right... but what? Binding Wonder and Dark Speech word *binding*: *ahem* [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]by using our powers matched together we could bind her into that recepticle Allen created. that way she wouldnt be able to do anything to us, and we could all talk her out of this and bring her away from the brink of this madness.[/COLOR] [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]]: *evil grin* that is excellent. we could put it as a contingency spell. she wouldnt be able to detect it. ---- As the lightning storm and summoning stops Five thing stand on the deck... '''Varahut''': For what purpose have we all been called. No one on this ship claims to be a god and isn't '''Zerekhut''': Non- are wanted for ... Wait yes there is Damn I'm going to be here all day. '''Kolyarut''': Me too, so many broken deals. '''Marut''': Undead ... Rah Hulk Smash... to many undead to think straight '''Quarut''': There are so many holes in time and space here I'm shocked poeple haven't meet a double. RRS [Random Red shirt] 1: What you mean Like all the alts? RRS 2: Shhh the rules don't talk about them. '''Varahut''': Rules that seems like a good place to start. Five second after they all read the rules the Law keepers blow up. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]] You know the Rules are messed up when they can destroy the thingy that are made to inforce them. Well that leaves me with Going and talking to her or hope the Demon lord Find what I sent them to get... in other word you all Boned. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:69|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:71|Next Plot]]
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