Editing Forgotten Freedom:74

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somwhere in the depths of the forgotten freedom an abnormaly large geletenus cube takes up a blast proof cell. within this geletenus cube float the figures of the Pholly twins. their mouths open in silent screams.
somwhere in the depths of the forgotten freedom an abnormaly large geletenus cube takes up a blast proof cell. within this geletenus cube float the figures of the Pholly twins. their mouths open in silent screams.
Crow: Does Micahel count as the person who always crys at weddings?
Silver: Nah.  It turned out to be Jarlot.
Crow: That is………totally believable.
Silver: *sigh* Well it's too bad we had to use up our fun to force Krozen into this.
Crow: Oh, I don't know.  Now [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] knows.  That's probably good enough.
Silver: Well at least I got them a gift.
Crow: You're just lucky no one can return those. :nonono:
Silver (lean back): So I guess Krozen's little "prediliction" isn't going to have any effect—
Silver: :blink: It didn't.
Crow: It did.
A few bricks fall out of the wall of a nearby non-descript building.  A white-furred form crawls out.  It stops to pant, but only for a moment.  Though most of its brain is consumed by animal fear a small part still remains that can think rationally.  It's ears pick up the noise of the wedding.  *Yes, that's it!  Go there!*  The form races off in that direction.
Lucky has just checked with Erk about the food—and checked with Erk, Mr. T, and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] about the cash bar (hoping to discourage too much drinking it's not free)—and then hurries back to catch a good seat.  Erk wouldn't be coming to the ceremony: Erk the minortaur didn't really understand "marriage", and Word Being felt that a wedding was the least engaging part of romance to watch.  Besides, being a god of weird tricks it could just rewind time perspective to attend if it felt like later.  Tony would also not be attending, but that was more to do with a slightly nervous feeling he had around so many Silver Flame people.
But as Lucky was just leaving the food tent, she thought she saw something white streak between a corpse of trees and one of the massive floral decorations that [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] had grown.  Lucky approached cautiously.  Focusing her concentration, she activated a new ability that she had learned: a detection spell that could tell her if a certain type of creature was in its area.  She concentrated on animals.  There were of course many fractional readings on the flowers, but there was one, fading in and out.  Lcuky didn't know what that meant.  She'd heard about the poisoning ninja devils and angels.  Could this be another hazard?
Roosevelt: Yo, Luck, you okay?
Lucky turned…and saw Roosevelt wearing a dark suit and sunglasses.  Instantly any thought of other danger were driven from her mind as she tried not to laugh.
There was a flash from in front of them.  Lucky was momentarily blinded.  When she could see again she found that it was JJ taking coptious pictures of Roosevelt.
JJ: Beautiful, beautiful.  That's it.  Give me a little more brow movement—that's it.  Lucky, work that transformed bod.
Saberiel extricated Lucky from the photo-shoot before anything happened.  Lucky furiously tried to remember why she had been so intent on the floral arrangments, but she was distracted by the sight of Saberiel's dress.  Or lack thereof.
Behind all of them a white blur dashed into a corner of the food tent.
[SIZE=4]The following wedding has been brought to you by Dragonmeat Den. 50% off if you kill it yourself.[/SIZE]
The sky glows reddish orange as the sun sinks below the horizon. A light breeze wafts across the grassy plains stretched out before The Face of Tira as the guests take their seats. In front sit the guests of honor. On the left are [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]’s. Muradin and Garr sit unusually quiet, knowing that this is important to their friend. Urial, still in her black dress, sits brooding next to Red Cloak. Lilly and Feralyn take their place next to her in their brown and off-white dresses (respectively).
On the right sits Supreme Commander Jarlot in formal dress fitting his new station. Queen Diani is next to him in flowing royal robes, clinging to his arm. Dzarro and Malik sit beside them in their Silver Flame uniforms. Behind them are several Paladins and Clerics of the Silver Flame. Spread throughout the seats behind them are various members of the crew.
The guests fall silent as soft music begins playing. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Doog|Doog]] skips up the isle, happily spreading flower petals as they look on in horror. A little ways behind him walks Pontiff Jaela in her complete Pope’s regalia.
After she reaches the altar, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] (flanked by P/Y/R and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]]) makes his way up the isle as well. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] walk a short distance behind them with John already at his place near the altar (This was to avoid injury, as the FF is rather large and unwieldy. Removing John from it was deemed unfeasible). Throughout this time, Jaela Jarlot is snapping photographs madly, appearing and disappearing in random locations seemingly instantaneously.
When they all take their place, the music grows somewhat louder. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] stands at the beginning of the isle in a beautifully flowing sky blue dress and veil. On her back are two angel wings, one jet black, the other pure white. In her arms she carries a bouquet of long-stemmed red roses. Kanatash goes corporeal, takes [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]’s arm and leads her down the isle. He can feel her shaking slightly as they walk.
Kanatash: You ok?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *nods* Mmm-hmm.
Kanatash: *smiles* Even after all you’ve seen, something as simple as this makes you nervous. I can’t wait for my turn.
As they reach the altar, Kanatash lets go and heads for his seat. Again, the guests turn. There they see [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] in a snow white dress and veil. On her back are pair of silver angel wings that seem to shimmer in the fading light. In her arms she carries a bouquet of pink tulips.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]:  :inlove:  :pumpkin:
Krozen takes her arm and heads down the isle. They remain silent until they reach the altar.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: *turning to him, whispering* Thank you.
He simply nods and releases her arm as [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] takes her hand. They lift each others veils, smiling from ear to ear as he walks back to his seat. A look of relief crosses his face, combined with what seemed to be a twinge of guilt. Jaela approaches the altar and reaches for the book that sits upon it.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: *nervously, in a seat near the back* Come on…come on…
Before she touches it, Admiral Murphy Jarlot steps in the way.
Jaela: Grandpa! What are you doing?!
Admiral Jarlot: Hush now dear. This wedding can only be performed by one person. Me! The high priest of the Church of Dol Dorn, god of drinking, war, and women marrying other women!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] & [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]:  :fight!:
Before anyone can react, he goes for the book on the altar, meaning to replace it with his own.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
When he touches it, the altar transforms into a mech (complete with old-school Transformers™ sound) and grabs the Admiral.
Admiral Jarlot: What in the name of-!
The mech opens a chest cavity designed for someone about half Admiral Jarlot’s size, stuffs him in there, and flies off. At this time, Feal-Thas and some Half-Dragons arrive with Allen and Roosevelt in tow, as well as another altar.
Allen: Sorry about that. SOMEONE decided to nail my coffin closed this evening. *glares at [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]*
Roosevelt: Not to mention sticking me in the Crystal dimension… *gives [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]] a stare that promises eternal vengeance*
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]:  :eek:
Two Half-Dragons pick up [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]] and cart him off to be keelhauled at a later date as Feal-Thas sets up the real altar.
Feal-Thas: All taken care of. Carry on.
The music resumes as everyone struggles not to laugh and Jaela pulls out a new book from her robes.
Jaela: Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Ms. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] Branford and Ms. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] Hopeforge in holy matrimony. I have known both of them for some time now, and I can only say I can hardly imagine a stranger, yet more perfect match. They have endured much for this day, and their love has only deepened with each trial. As I watched them grow closer, I could only hope that such deep and profound understanding and love would someday find each and every one you.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] stand there, blushing yet beaming as they turn to each other.
Jaela: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], you may now speak your vow.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *smiling, her lip shaking* [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]], my love, I never thought I could ever be as happy as I am now. Being with you is the single greatest treasure I could ever ask for. You have renewed my reason to hope. That is a gift beyond anything else this world has to offer. I love you with all my heart and soul, and will continue to love you always and forever.
Jaela: *nods* [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]…
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: *also smiling, her eyes watering* [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], my love, I can no longer imagine life without you. The things you have shown me, and the things you have taught me, have opened my eyes to the beauty of the people and the world around me. But I have found no place more beautiful than in your arms. You have brought peace to my heart, and the only gift I have to give in return is my undying love. From now until the end of all things…
Jaela: With these words, I ask: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], do you take [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and hold, till death do you part?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *trembling* I do.
Jaela: And you [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]. Do you take [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and hold, till death do you part?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: *also trembling* I do.
Jaela: Take out the rings you have chosen. *they do so* These rings symbolize the unbroken bond of love and commitment you share. See them not as locks that bind, but keys that open your heart to the other. You may place them on each others’ fingers.
As they do this, they barely manage to restrain themselves from bursting into tears of joy.
Jaela: Should anyone here have reason that these two should not be joined, let them speak now, or forever hold their peace.
Jaela: Then, by the power vested in me by the light of the Silver Flame, I pronounce you married. You may kiss each other.
As they embrace, thunderous applause and cheering (as well as a few cat calls) erupt from the congregation. Breaking off, the two begin simultaneously laughing and crying, staring into each others eyes. After a moment, the celebration music plays and the two of them head back down the isle, hand in hand as Jaela Jarlot continues on her 10th Dragonshard. At the end of the congregation, the Paladins of the Silver Flame and Warriors of the Squirrel Civilization raise their swords above their heads for the honor guard as confetti rains down upon the newlyweds. Hopping into the waiting carriage, they head off towards the reception and their new life together.
Throughout all of this, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]] continues to stand in the back, bawling his eyes out in rivers of anime tears.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - I was kind of hoping someone would have said something during the bit before "forever hold your piece"
NJ26 - Are you saing you have reservations about thir union?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - No, but I spent a week practicing brutal ways to kill people without staining my clothes and i want to show off.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: Y'know [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]], for someone who started out as one of the few good people on the ship, you seem to have turned into quite the bloodthirsty killer.  It's kinda cute actually. I'll see you at the reception...
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] steps back into the shadows of one of the tents and disappears.
*overlooking a minature of Jarlotopolis in the war room*
Supreme Commander Jarlot: The Dhakaani Temples below us were the wonder of the ancient world. Jarlotopolis shall be the wonder of my world. But I think the food court should be larger. All the big franchises will want in.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: Uhh...Jarlot.
Supreme Commander Jarlot: I hoped to face King Boranal face-to-face on the battlefield, where we could engage each other in respectful combat. Then I would snap his spine. But why? Why do they still call me a warlord? And mad? All I want to do is to create the perfect genetic soldier. Not for power, not for evil, but for good. Stupid will be the first of thousands. They will march out of my laboratory and crush every adversary, every creed, every nation! Until the world is in the loving grip of the Pax Jarlotica. And peace will reign and all humanity will bow to me in humble gratitude.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: Uh...huh.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]]: That was beautiful man.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: Jarlot?
Supreme Commander Jarlot: I shall accept a ransom of 20 billion Gold Pieces in exchange for not nuking Sarlona off the map.  All of Khovaire is MINE!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: Uhhh boss...
Supreme Commander Jarlot: What?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: There's a problem.
Supreme Commander Jarlot: Not with the Jarlotopolis death ray?!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: No, its uhh...well some jerk sent a Mirror of Opposition for the wedding.
Supreme Commander Jarlot:Dare you say!?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: They caught the lovely bride and...err bride.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]]: The hell!?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: OHHHHH [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]]! You're so big and STRONGGGGGGG! *nuzzle*
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] - Oh ****. (paths the ubers)
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - WHAT!?! When I find the bastard I'm gonna rip its spine out while still leaving it attached to the head then twist each vertabrea off.  :headexplo  :hoppingma  :rant:  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] restrain your spouse for a moment. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] get her harmless.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] - HMMMM Pulls out a big capacitor *microcosm*Microcosm*MICROCOSM*
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]'s will save : succeed, succeed, Fail
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] - It took me a month to chare that thing :weep: .
Micheal - No don't stop her!!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - (stabs micheal's knee with the sword of sutehk) Hands of my wife.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Find lucky get her to tell us where this came from? How do we fix it?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] isn't an arcanist, she's mixing it up with a helm of opposite alinment. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]'s going along until she calms down because he fears her, and beause keeping the copies busy is a good idea.
Silver (non-existential FTAnything communication): Okay, Erk, you can take the gag off now.
Erk is standing next to Greyfeline, who has been vibrating under a heavy layer of fatigue ropes to keep him from drowning the wedding ceremony in laughter.  (Greyfeline considers all great romantic moments to be inherantly funny.)  Erk pulls on one of the ropes and the cat is released.
Crow: Besides, we've got a Mirror of Opposition problem to deal with.
Erk: I thought you weren't allowed to be useful.
Crow: This is more important than maintaining style.  It's about maintaining style.
Silver: We're all for funny, but this is not funny.  :mad:
Greyfeline:  :cool:
Erk: I think someone's about to take care of it.
Greyfeline arrives on the scene.  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] is still glomping [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]].  Greyfeline examines the situation for a moment, then pulls an odd wide-brimmed hat with a big feather it out of nowhere, and places it on [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]]'s head.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]] goes stiff.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Oh, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]], you're so manly, I need you.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]] (overacting voice): Nay, good [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], I cannot.  I know that thou art under a spell that compells thee to love one such as me.  So too am I compelled, but by my honor.
Everyone stand by as [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]] have an overacted scene together.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]: What in the name of all that is abberrant is going on here?
Silver: Greyfeline used his "Hat of Dramatic Realization".  Causes the wearer to have an insight into the nature of true reality.  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]] sees that to make [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] truely happy is to let her go.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]: Does it have to be so hamish?
Crow: Keeps everyone from going sane.
Greyfeline: :rofl:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]: Who is this guy?
Crow: And the helm of opposition's power should be breaking—
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: WTF is going on?  Why am I crushing on [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]]?………And why was I overacting?
Greyfeline whips the hat off [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]]'s head.  The blackguard just stands there, blinking.
Erk: Come on.  Let's go drown your sorrows.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Let's get this back on track people.  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]]!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]]: Yeth, mith [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I want you to go through the gifts carefully when we get back to the FF.  I'm not taking another chance like that.
Lilly: What in Lammania was all that about?!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Someone sent a custom Mirror of Opposition as a gift, which [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] and I looked into before we realized what it was. It created duplicates that were less interested with killing us than messing with us. Mine stuck a Helm of Opposite Alignment on my head, then both disappeared in a PLOT DEVICE.
Feralyn: There's not supposed to be any storms for miles...
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: After that, Greyfeline stuck a "Hat of Dramatic Realization" on [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]] in order to break the Helm of Opposite Alignment, and here we are.
Urial: What about your doubles?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: They may yet come back in another PLOT DEVICE...
Feralyn: When was there a horse stable outside...?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: ...but they should be out of the picture for the moment.
Supreme Commander Jarlot: Good, because one pair of you is bad enough. I was about ready to turn Jarlotopolis's Death Ray on the lot of you. *stands on a table and strikes a dramatic leadership pose* I hereby decree that this reception is now begun!
Diani: *swoon* Oh, your so MANLY when you decree!
SC Jarlot: *knowing, self serving grin with a reflective point in the corner that makes a "shing" noise*
Dzarro & Malik:  :nonono: & :weep: (respectively)

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