Editing Forgotten Freedom:76

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Jarlot: *chugging* Mmmmmm...beer...
Jarlot: *chugging* Mmmmmm...beer...
Meanwhile on [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]'s plane (I really should give it a name...)
(On [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]’s plane, time is morphic, so this is all happening while [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] is at the party hitting on some hot paladin chicks.  Sa’vor might also be around doing other stuff as well, but all of this takes place before anything they might be doing on/around the ship relative to them.  To everyone else, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] was gone about five minutes and then showed back up.)
Sa’vor awakens slowly.  The first thing he feels is the burning pain in his chest where the open wound lies bleeding his life’s-blood from him.  He tries to move his hand and finds he can’t.  He can’t move at all.  Slowly, fighting against falling back into unconsciousness, he opens his eyes and lifts his head to peer at his surroundings. 
He’s lying on an obsidian slab, his hands and feet shackled by thick black chains.  He flexes his arms, trying to be free, but the pain in his chest forces him to stop.  Suddenly the silence is broken by the sound of faint footsteps.
He turns to look at his captor, wondering why he’s not dead yet, weak as he is, and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] steps up to the table.  A bemused smile plays across his face as he speaks.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: Oh good, you’re awake.
Sa’vor: What the… you.  Where am I?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: You’re in my lab.  You took a nasty couple of blows, tore right through your armor incidentally.  I’m having it repaired.
Sa’vor: Why am I tied down?  What are you planning?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: Calm down.  It’s nothing like that.  You just kept clawing at the wound in your sleep so I had to tie your hands down.
Sa’vor: And my feet?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: You kicked me in the face when I was tying down your hands.  Now then, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, your vampiric healing isn’t working.  Actually, most of your powers aren’t going to work for the time being.  It’s one of the effects of being on my plane; prevents any of the denizens of my realm from becoming too powerful.  They’re mostly peaceful, but every once in a while… but I digress.  I brought you here for a reason.  I’ve been watching the ship for some time now, you in particular. 
Sa’vor: Why me?  And are you going to untie me?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: Hmm? Oh, yes.  (Waves his hand and the chains disappear.)  I wouldn’t recommend getting up though.  You’re too weak still.
Sa’vor: Couldn’t you just heal me?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: That would entirely defeat the purpose.  (Cuts Sa’vor off as he’s about to speak) As to why I’ve been keeping an eye on you in particular, well let’s just say we’re something of kindred souls.  That is, if you still had yours…
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]: *Chuckles* many people dont notice that i dont have a soul. i can still feel emotion. i can still love... but its as if its from far away. its like a dream. but the advantages are easy to see, i cant die very easily. i ignore most pain. i dont feel thirst or hunger... other than for blood. i dont feel remorse for the crimes i've committed or guilt. i dont really whant a soul, it never did me anygood when i had one. i dont dream either. it stops many of my enemies having an advantage over me. how are we kindred spirits you and i? explain
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Phollie and Pholly - WHAT!!? :mad:  (drip goo)
Phollie and Pholly - WHAT!!? :mad:  (drip goo)
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: We’re immortals.  We shall live forever on this world though so many will pass onto the next.  This leaves us with more time than many minds could conceive of.  Have you ever heard that there are wizards who spend their whole lives striving to find a way to let themselves live forever only to realize afterward they have no idea what to do with eternity once they find it?  The veil of time has less meaning to us than to the dragons, who in all their arrogance believe themselves to be supreme.  They are fools.  Though the greatest among them may live a thousand years or more, even they eventually succumb to the cold grip of death when their time comes. 
So I ask you, what do you live for?  What makes you continue to go on?  You know in the cold depths of your heart that you have all of forever to live.  You know that you shall not succumb to disease, plague or pestilence.  The mortals are constantly fighting for every ounce of time that they have on this plane, but you have all the time in existence.  What do you intend to do with it?
A few minutes ago you tried to kill yourself.  Not directly of course, but you knew you couldn’t win that battle.  It was lost from the start because you didn't care enough about it.  Have you even lost the urge to kill, to destroy?  You say that you still hunger for blood, but is it the blood running free from a gutted corpse that you crave, or is it only the blood needed to satiate your thirst? 
([[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] pauses for a moment to let Sa’vor consider his reply.  Just as he’s about to speak, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] draws a small red orb from inside his cloak.  It pulsates with a red glow and black swirls intermingle with the red.  Sa’vor stares at it as though it is a long lost friend, one that he had nearly forgotten about but turned up unexpectedly.  He stared and as he stared wondered if this lost friend returning was a blessing… or a curse.)
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: What if I told you that I could give you purpose again?  What if I told you that without your soul, you are so much less than you could be?  And what if I told you that I could give it back to you, and make you so much more…
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[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - That was a hammering not a brawl.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - That was a hammering not a brawl.
Kaizer_Ryu: *steps up to the mic* Hi there. I felt that, at such an important occasion, I should say a few words. So here they are: [COLOR=Green]Foible shindig gabardine spatula galoshes macadamia.[/COLOR]
Crew:  :confused:
Kaizer_Ryu: Ok, now that that's out on my system, here's my toast. When I first brought [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] aboard, she was barely more than a one dimensional character in my head. I have watched you grow tremendously since them, far beyond my wildest expectations. Even when you first expressed interest in [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]], I figured it would only be another of the multitude of unrequited loves aboard this ship.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] & [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]:  :mad: Hey!
Kaizer_Ryu: But, fortunately, it didn't. It became something I have enjoyed participating in immensely. Seeing what comes next in your story has become one of my great joys in life. I think this is akin to how a parent feels when their child succeeds, or when a teacher is surpassed by their student. Though I may be the one typing your story, you two are the ones writing it.
The entity raises it's glass, swirls into a ball, which folds in on itself before disappearing. Left behind on the stage are two hair ribbons with a note attached. It reads: To my girls. May you never fade from my mind.
Chrys: Yo I'd just like to say after [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]] and P/Y/R; [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] is my favorite person on the ship...
Rest of the crew :  :ahem:  :hoppingma
Chrys:: So I hope you lead a happy life... As much as a fictional person who lives here can. Also I have to say I really thought FF 6 was a crap load better the 7
Neo- Tifa  :rant:
Chrys: Then again I like 9 the best so far... any way I have to go back to have [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]] and the demon lords break [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] evil Twin out of jail.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: WHAT?!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I'm glad you could come. I'll miss you both.
Lilly: It was beautiful. I wish you two the best.
Feralyn: I'm honored to have experienced it. The little troublemaker is all grown up.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]:  :D  :blush:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: It was a pleasure to meet you.
Lilly: Oh! There's something we wanted to give you before we left.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: You didn't have to get us anything...
Lilly: *pulls out a box* Gaia wanted me to give you these on your wedding day.
Stunned, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] slowly reaches out and takes the box. Opening it, they see two large folded pieces of cloth, one black and one grey. The two of them can feel the magical energy eminating from them.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: What are they?
Lilly: The black one is a Robe of the Archmagi for [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], the other is a Cloak of Resistance for you, dear. She entrusted them to me for safe keeping.
Feralyn: Gaia could see certain things. Though she couldn't control her power, she did have a vision of you two.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Really?
Questions raced through [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]'s head as they pulled out the gifts. If Gaia had seen this day, what about her own death? If so, why didn't she stop it? What about all the things she had done since Gaia's death? This cloak...it was designed for an arcane caster of evil alignment. But she hadn't gone evil, or even become a Sorceress, until after...
Feralyn: There's one more thing in there.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: A note?
Unfolding the yellow paper, the note reads as follows:
"I give these to you, my daughter, on this most joyous of occasions. I do not know why, but I will not be there with you. I love you with all my heart, and no matter why you chose this path you travel, that will never change. I am proud to be the one you call mother. I know you will give your new wife all the happiness you gave me, and then some.
-With love eternal,
                  Gaia Branford
P.S.: I expect grandchildren!"
Unsure of whether to laugh or cry, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] stands there as [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] holds her tightly.
Lilly: We'll leave you two alone now. Make sure to visit us once in a while.
Lilly shifts to bird form and flies off. Feralyn smiles, nods, and grasps the gem around her neck. It glows brightly for a moment, and she too transforms into a bird. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] watches them fly into the distance as [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] cries tears of relief into her shoulder.
Meanwhile on [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]'s plane (I really should give it a name...)
(On [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]’s plane, time is morphic, so this is all happening while [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] is at the party hitting on some hot paladin chicks.  Sa’vor might also be around doing other stuff as well, but all of this takes place before anything they might be doing on/around the ship relative to them.  To everyone else, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] was gone about five minutes and then showed back up.)
Sa’vor awakens slowly.  The first thing he feels is the burning pain in his chest where the open wound lies bleeding his life’s-blood from him.  He tries to move his hand and finds he can’t.  He can’t move at all.  Slowly, fighting against falling back into unconsciousness, he opens his eyes and lifts his head to peer at his surroundings. 
He’s lying on an obsidian slab, his hands and feet shackled by thick black chains.  He flexes his arms, trying to be free, but the pain in his chest forces him to stop.  Suddenly the silence is broken by the sound of faint footsteps.
He turns to look at his captor, wondering why he’s not dead yet, weak as he is, and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] steps up to the table.  A bemused smile plays across his face as he speaks.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: Oh good, you’re awake.
Sa’vor: What the… you.  Where am I?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: You’re in my lab.  You took a nasty couple of blows, tore right through your armor incidentally.  I’m having it repaired.
Sa’vor: Why am I tied down?  What are you planning?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: Calm down.  It’s nothing like that.  You just kept clawing at the wound in your sleep so I had to tie your hands down.
Sa’vor: And my feet?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: You kicked me in the face when I was tying down your hands.  Now then, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, your vampiric healing isn’t working.  Actually, most of your powers aren’t going to work for the time being.  It’s one of the effects of being on my plane; prevents any of the denizens of my realm from becoming too powerful.  They’re mostly peaceful, but every once in a while… but I digress.  I brought you here for a reason.  I’ve been watching the ship for some time now, you in particular. 
Sa’vor: Why me?  And are you going to untie me?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: Hmm? Oh, yes.  (Waves his hand and the chains disappear.)  I wouldn’t recommend getting up though.  You’re too weak still.
Sa’vor: Couldn’t you just heal me?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: That would entirely defeat the purpose.  (Cuts Sa’vor off as he’s about to speak) As to why I’ve been keeping an eye on you in particular, well let’s just say we’re something of kindred souls.  That is, if you still had yours…
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]: *Chuckles* many people dont notice that i dont have a soul. i can still feel emotion. i can still love... but its as if its from far away. its like a dream. but the advantages are easy to see, i cant die very easily. i ignore most pain. i dont feel thirst or hunger... other than for blood. i dont feel remorse for the crimes i've committed or guilt. i dont really whant a soul, it never did me anygood when i had one. i dont dream either. it stops many of my enemies having an advantage over me. how are we kindred spirits you and i? explain
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: We’re immortals.  We shall live forever on this world though so many will pass onto the next.  This leaves us with more time than many minds could conceive of.  Have you ever heard that there are wizards who spend their whole lives striving to find a way to let themselves live forever only to realize afterward they have no idea what to do with eternity once they find it?  The veil of time has less meaning to us than to the dragons, who in all their arrogance believe themselves to be supreme.  They are fools.  Though the greatest among them may live a thousand years or more, even they eventually succumb to the cold grip of death when their time comes. 
So I ask you, what do you live for?  What makes you continue to go on?  You know in the cold depths of your heart that you have all of forever to live.  You know that you shall not succumb to disease, plague or pestilence.  The mortals are constantly fighting for every ounce of time that they have on this plane, but you have all the time in existence.  What do you intend to do with it?
A few minutes ago you tried to kill yourself.  Not directly of course, but you knew you couldn’t win that battle.  It was lost from the start because you didn't care enough about it.  Have you even lost the urge to kill, to destroy?  You say that you still hunger for blood, but is it the blood running free from a gutted corpse that you crave, or is it only the blood needed to satiate your thirst? 
([[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] pauses for a moment to let Sa’vor consider his reply.  Just as he’s about to speak, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] draws a small red orb from inside his cloak.  It pulsates with a red glow and black swirls intermingle with the red.  Sa’vor stares at it as though it is a long lost friend, one that he had nearly forgotten about but turned up unexpectedly.  He stared and as he stared wondered if this lost friend returning was a blessing… or a curse.)
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: What if I told you that I could give you purpose again?  What if I told you that without your soul, you are so much less than you could be?  And what if I told you that I could give it back to you, and make you so much more…
( a raging argument begins in [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]s mind as the different persona's put forwards their side of the argument)
The Daemon: we dont need a soul! all i we need is destruction and bloodbaths!
The Paladin: we need a soul, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] needs a purpose. if he dosent have one he'll just end up fading away
The Dark: for once paladin boy is right. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] needs a focus. he can't just keep going through the motions like this
The Vampire ( a version of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] with blood red pupils, dressed all in black with a gentlemen like air and a charismatic aura): lets look at the facts people, even standard vampires have souls, they need a soul to bring a purpose to their existance other than drinking blood. so far, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] hasnt had a purpose in a very long time. BUT we need to think, what does [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] whant in exchange? nothing is for free.
The Reaper: * a cloaked and hooded version of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] with eyes like the void, carries a Scythe.* we need not a soul. the feast of death will bring us all the souls we need
The Killing Machine: we are here to do the Derranged lords work. wreath destruction and desolation. we need not of a soul or any other purpose.
The Nightmare: Who needs a soul? we should be doing the wishes of Dal Qour! 
( many hours of talking in [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]s head lasts about a milisecond of real-time)
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]: (out loud, to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]) i'll accept my soul back. i've wieghed all the advantages and disadvantages. and in light of the eternity that is lain before me i belive i'll be needing it.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:75|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:77|Next Plot]]
[[Forgotten_Freedom:75|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:77|Next Plot]]

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