Editing Forgotten Freedom:79

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Clown 1: (shrugs) Good enough for me.
Clown 1: (shrugs) Good enough for me.
Three airships zoomed over the hill and closed in on the battlefield.  Below the demon hordes finished off the last of the poke-creatures only to see the new threat come plummeting down at them from the sky.  The ships crashed into the hordes, enveloping them in burning cinders and explosions.  Demon flesh burned with the wood and the fires left only scorched earth where they hit.
The moment after the burning ships hit, Sa’vor, Feal-Thas, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Tara|Tara]], [[Forgotten_Freedom:Andrea|Andrea]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]] crested the hill and watched the demons burn.  As one, they raised their weapons and let them fall, sending forth their armies from behind the hill to come down on the burning landscape of demons.  The battle was begun.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] stood on the bow of the real Forgotten Freedom and watched the battle unfold below him.  The fake airships were a stroke of brilliance, he thought.  The idea had come to him as they were passing over a shipyard, so they’d just commandeered three of the ships right there and loaded them down with explosives.  A simple illusion and a little telekinesis took care of the rest. 
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] turned his attention from the battle below to those still on the ship.  His strike teams were ready.  All those not already in battle below were gathered on deck.  He turned to address them all and spoke
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]:  This is the moment of truth.  Every other battle that you’ve had before this was mere practice.  Today we are not just avenging the death of one of our own, but defending our very world from forces that would see it either crushed or controlled. 
He paused for a moment, then turned to Jarlot.  Jarlot nodded in reply, his composure now one of righteous fury.  Godbreaker stood out on his back, the carefully crafted adamantine gleaming slightly.  Jarlot turned to the helm and looked at slip.
Jarlot:  Slip, bring us in.
Slip:  Aye’aye, captain.
The airship screamed down from the cloudbank, the elemental burning as hard as it could.  Even Earl was mad with battle-rage but did his part without fail and brought the ship over top the rear of the battlefield. 
Tony the Tiger sent out the telepathic signal showing them where to drop.  The wind rushed past nearly drowning out all sound as [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] shouted out his command.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]:  Bravo team, GO!
In unison the crew jumped over the side of the ship leaving behind only [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]’s hand-picked team.  Some flew screaming down to the battlefield, others leapt holding long ropes in one hand to slow their decent, blasting away with a gun in the other. 
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] landed first and immediately ate the brain of a Rakshasa and hurled its corpse at another.  Kanatash came to a stop just overhead and unleashed a savage series of crushing mental attacks, obliterating the mind of Balor who crumpled to the ground in the fetal position. They nodded to one another in approval then put their backs to each other to face the oncoming tide.  They saw their crew come to the ground and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] landed nearby crushing several demons beneath his many legs. 
Others landed quick and attacked relentlessly.  The Rakshasa were falling.  It was only a matter of time before they would have all the generals destroyed. 
A black dome of shimmering energy appeared overhead and they all knew that they fought this battle alone.  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] had warned them that once it was in place, only he could dismiss it, but he’d be fighting Ariajni so they’d have to fend for themselves till the battle was decided.  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]’s team would either kill Ariajni and he’d return to release them or [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]’s team would all die in the fight in which case they might be safer inside the dome till they could figure a way out.
Just then a massive explosion blasted Kilthe off his feet bringing his thoughts back to the battle once more.  He looked up to see its source and his eyes widened in fear…
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] raised his hands and focused his will, bending the arcane energies of the world to do his bidding.  They resisted at first, as they always did, but the spell was complete and a black dome of shimmering energy rose to cover the area where they had just dropped off the crew.  He’d worked long and hard to create this spell; an impenetrable shield.  No magic could pierce it, no vision could see through it.  It served only the purpose to cut off the back of the battlefield from the rest, leaving the army below without their generals.  It’s impact was seen immediately as the demons turned to look for their masters, look for some command that might aid them against the might of the devils, half-dragons and undead they faced, but they were cut off, and so they panicked, making them all the easier to cut down.
Sa’vor waded through the combat slaying any demon to cross his path.  The battlefield was home to him.  He’d been bred for battle and knew it well, but this time was different.  He saw his foes die before him as always, felt their blood run through his fingers as it always had but now there were emotions attached.  For the first time he felt that this battle meant something.  It wasn’t just a senseless exercise to occupy his time as so many others had been.  He was avenging a fallen comrade, and he was furious. 
He’d been without his soul for so long, he’d forgotten what the full weight of emotions was like, but he felt them now.  Righteous fury burned through him as he levied Soulharrow at the demons and he felt good for the first time in a long time…
Naz’roth brought the hilt of his sword down on a demon’s skull, splitting it in two.  He wanted something more challenging than these puny flesh-bags, but [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] had instructed them to only face the weaker ones in the event that they were needed against Ariajni.  The plan made sense, but it felt wrong. 
He didn’t trust [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]].  He’d done something to Sa’vor.  What, he couldn’t say, but there was a look in his companion’s eyes that he hadn’t seen before.  He even acted different, savored the battled differently, almost as if he cared about it.  It was battle.  There was not time for emotions; they’d only get in the way.  He’d seen fit to dampen Sa’vor’s long ago, hardening him to battle but now… whatever [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] had done had re awakened them.
Time for idle musings after the battle, he thought.  For now I must concern myself with destroying these foul things…
Feal-thas looked over at Sa’vor and saw the buring rage in his father’s eyes.  He was pleased. For as long as he could remember, Sa’vor’s eyes had been empty.  Now he was glad to see that the battle had awakened his burning passion, even if it was only for the moment.
Feal-thas returned his gaze to the task at hand.  A demon’s skull cracked under his armored foot and he ripped another’s throat out with his teeth.  He swung his blade around and sliced through another’s head.  It was so easy; these demons were no match for him.  Sa’vor must be bored with these things…
The battle raged below.  So many players in this little game, thought [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]].  Pirates.  Rowdy, uncontrolled and more concerned with booze and women than anything of any real importance… yet somehow they make an effective fighting force.  But still, if I hadn’t laid out the plan, they all would have died.  I’d wondered why the gods would let such a congregation of so many powerful beings exist.  Now I see.  Alone Sa’vor could crush armies.  Here, he’s so lost for direction that he’s incapable of thinking straight long enough to realize it.  So many of the others are the same; they wade through the demon armies as though they are swatting flies, but they can’t pull themselves together long enough to take over the world.  Pitiful.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] turns from the bow and looked at his chosen strike force.  Of all those concerned, these were the individuals that would defeat Ariajni.  He spoke softly, barely audible in the wind, but they knew what he was saying.  They were each ready for their part.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: It’s time.  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]], you’re up first.
Ariajni sat upon his throne of skulls at the top of his massive tower that rose like a spike out of the hellish land of the demon wastes.  Behind him the demon fire burned, crackling.  He frowned.  The battle was not going well and even his immense powers could not pierce the veil of the black dome.  His generals were the best, but still…
The battle cry came from nowhere, and he looked up in time to see a figure cloaked in burning silver flame charging at him.  He barely had time to stand before she ran her blade up to the hilt into him, burning him with the silver fire, causing untold agony.  Holy energy erupted from the blade as it sank into his gut, blasting a whole out his back.  He drew his hand back to strike at the woman and rip her throat from her body.  Her eyes widened as he brought his claws down for the killing blow… and was caught.
Ariajni whirled to see a vine wrapped around his wrist, the thorns digging into his flesh and dark energy shooting along its length.  Another woman held the end which seemed to be buried in her flesh.  The black energy burned but he ignored it and grasped the vine with his hand, intending to rip the woman off her feet toward him.
Just then a blast of unreality hit the back of his head as he stared at the vine-wielder.  It tore a whole in the fabric of the universe as it struck, drawing part of him with it.  He turned what was left of his head and saw the Breaker Prime glaring at him, white-hot hatred in her eyes, non-energy oozing from every pore in her body.  Ariajni laughed and spoke.
Ariajni: They send three women to kill me?  ME!?  This is insulting.  I’ll kill you all and watch as your bodies burn in the demon flame!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] appears behind him grasping his head, digging his claws into the flesh of his face.  His chains wrapped around Ariajni’s arms and legs and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] sank his teeth into the Rakshasa’s neck.  The bladed ends of the chains buried themselves deep into his flesh and white energy sprang up around them.  Ariajni could feel his very essence being drained.  For a moment his eyes widened in surprise and Jarlot appeared, running at full-blow, sword raised high, ready to strike.  He felt the energy from the sword and knew it would destroy him.
Every muscle in Ariajni’s body tensed then released.  A massive explosion of energy erupted from his body blasting everyone backwards.
Jarlot flew back and skidded along the floor losing his grip on Godbreaker as the sword tumbled out of reach.  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] was blasted backward and slammed into a wall, her weapon still impaled in Ariajni’s gut.  The backlash hit [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] like a ton of bricks and she lost her hold Ariajni with the vine-whip and dropped to her knees.  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] flew backwards away from Ariajni... right into the demon fire anchored only by the blades embedded in Ariajni’s flesh.  Only [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] was unaffected having raised a shield at the last possible moment.  Ariajni turned to her and his head mended itself, growing back in at an alarming and disgusting rate. 
Ariajni raised his hands in an arcane gesture preparing to blast [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] into oblivion.  Her eyes widened; not even she could take a massive blast from a demi-god.  With her last breath, she prayed to the gods that they would have mercy on her soul and closed her eyes anticipating the blast that would end her.  It never came.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] opened her eyes to see the [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]’s chains tightened, white fire shooting along them once again and the being pull himself from the flames his flesh ablaze.  A bestial rage filled his features as his skin melted away.  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] lunged.  A horrid growl erupting from his throat as his claws sank into Ariajni’s back.  She saw [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]’s fist clench and he ripped his hand out… pulling the spine from Ariajni’s back.  He fell to the ground instantly dead as everyone regained their footing. 
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] stood over the corpse still holding the spine and pulled his chains from Ariajni’s back.  His face was a mixture of anger, surprise and confusion.  The others ran over and all began talking at once.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]], Jarlot and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: How did you… I mean… what the… that was… what about my revenge... no f**king way…
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: That was far to easy… not nearly as much power as I thought…
His voice trailed off and he stared down for a moment lost in thought. Then finally he looked up.  Raw fury the only thing left on his face now.  He spoke with a forced calm, though his whole body shook with rage.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: We’ve been tricked.  This wasn’t Ariajni.  He must’ve…
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]’s eyes flew wide with shocked realization.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: No…  the others!  We’ve left them to die!
Then he turned and ran for the wall of the tower, spinning his hands in a spell that blasted a hole through it, never losing grip on the spine he’d ripped from the fake.  He dove, spreading his wings then pushing them fiercely to increase the speed of his decent beyond what gravity alone could do
The others stared after him dumbstruck.  Jarlot was the first to snap out of it.
Jarlot: Oh, F**K!
He raced for the hole [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] had made and leapt down after him, the others following close behind.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:78|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:80|Next Plot]]
[[Forgotten_Freedom:78|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:80|Next Plot]]

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