Editing Forgotten Freedom:81

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[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - I'm so sick of rakshasa and radiant's, and .... GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH I HATE JUMPED UP FIENDS WITH GOD COMPLEXES. Too bad for the bastard I already messed with his pillar. ... Probably better fix the kid now. Dammit thats my last powerstone *time regression* your lucky i'm in a reasonable mood kid. Now how do I abuse this pillar thing... Maybe I can de-stabalize the whole set up by channeling the souls through my melds for a bit. I'd need to touch it again.
Milaji - cough
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Your up?, about time. Get me a glass of water and and some Ice I need to clear my head... OH ****, bad timing.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]'s pearl crumbles and her eyes become solid grey orbs.
Milaji -  :eek:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - This is gonna hurt.
Seeing Jarlot gain control of the Ebon Flame, Liam looks at [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]] in horror.
Liam: If I am not mistaken, we are now channeling the power of a nigh insane evil deity through the Mi-Go Cannon.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: Seems to be right.
Allen: The new gauge, the one that can actually handle Kanatash's output, just stood up and ran away screaming.
Liam: I don't think this is a good thing.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: Power reserves are quickly overloading.
Liam: Emergency short the power limiter. Rotate out the focuser, activate the multi beam. Target every demon, devil, or otherwise bad thing allied with Ariajni, including him. Set fire to continuous beam and fire on my mark.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]] and Allen rush to remove all safety power restraints as Liam belts out orders.
Liam: MARK!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] pulls the near unconscious [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] from the rubble following the explosion of the Mi-Go shots. Unable to move freely in the shackles, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] had failed to escape the blast radius around Ariajni. After quickly patching up the more severe wounds, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] manages to break the cuffs. Pulling out a Healing Potion, she coaxes [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] into drinking it, bringing her back to reality.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *hack* *cough* Ugh...what does Mickey put in those things, Aboleth mucus? *looks up at [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]* You ok?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: That is a relative term at best. I have no idea where anyone else is and it really looks like we're completely boned.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *holding her head* Why didn't we see it before? Of course he'd do something like this...
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: With the way he is, it's so easy to forget he's a Child of Khyber. Just like how we missed [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]'s pain, we misjudged what the Captain was willing to do for revenge...
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *standing up* What about Ariajni?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: No idea. The blast before didn't kill him, but it was different this time. For all we know, he's bound to the Flame as well. This whole thing has gone wrong beyond our worst fears.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] looks over the battle field. In the chaotic flow of power, she cannot tell for certain whether anyone else is ok, or even alive. The dark visage of the former Captain burns beneath the ruins of Ariajni's tower, accompanied by a dark angel. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] stands there, a look of sorrow and fear on her face.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Is this how it ends? Is Lady's world truly unavoidable?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Not yet. As you once said: If the gods themselves seem out to stop you, raise your fist and cry out in defiance to the last fiber of you being.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] smiles, happy to have [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] remind her of her own defiant nature. She was right. If she, or, as she feared far more, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] was destined to die, then nothing they did would matter. However, giving up would only assure that outcome. The only way to find a different path was to look for one themselves. She reached out and grasped [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]'s hand tightly.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: What do we do next?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: I don't know, but we'll find out together.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Gotta remember to kill Ariajni Especially brutally for pantsing me.
Grey traceries race along just under [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]'s skin, except under the tatoos. Mildly reminiscent of cumputer circuits, Only spaced farther apart and only really visible when the light hits just right. Her armor is dissolved to access its materials for the traceries and internal transformations that are just begining. Her eyes take on a faceted look, like cut gems.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]'s body is ravaged by the changes. Her mind latches onto the fight with ariajni and returning to the front. Her power responds lifting a slab of rock out of the ground with her on it and turns back toward the fight. Poor Milaji is holding on for dear life.
Thanatos: [size=4]*projects his gigantic image across all of Eberron* People of Eberron! The Last War....is over. I stand before the Ebon Flame, channeled into the power of Khyber itself. Chosen by destiny, by the powers of all creation! This inevitable moment will transpire before your eyes, even as the gods themselves bear witness to it. Now. I, Thanatos, am Master of the Universe! [/size]
*Jarlot slowly starts metamorphisizing into a glowing Demonic Version of himself with Draconic heads coming out of his backside as a glowing skull staff fills his hand like the Wand of Orcus*
[size=4]YES! Yes... I feel it, the power... fills me. Yes, I feel the universe within me! I am... I am a part of the cosmos! The power flows... Flows through me! Of what consequence are you now? This planet, these people. They are NOTHING to me! The universe is power! Real, unstoppable POWER! and I am that force! I am that power! KNEEL BEFORE YOUR MASTER! Fools! You are no longer my EQUAL! I am more than man! MORE THAN LIFE! I... am... a... GOD! Now. You... will... KNEEEEEL! KNEEEEL![/size]
*Lightning begins falling down from the sky as the Undying Court of Aerenal is struck by the dozens, earthquakes rock Argonessan, and part of Xen'drick falls into the ocean*
Dark Angel: So it is decreed by the Avatar of Khyber, Thanatos, that all Demons and mortals must pledge their undying allegiance to the Lord of all Doom.  No other religions, no other faiths, no other creeds, or Kings shall be allowed but the veneration of the Emperor.
Thanatos: YOU shall be the first to taste my revenge Arijani.
Arijani: I *GAVE* you omnipotence! This should have been MY prize!  How dare you say that I do not deserve a reward!  If not for me then that woman would have never allowed you to be able to ascend to be a god.
Thanatos: [size=4]Then recieve the reward of a quick demise[/size]
*The Demigod is tormented by a Meteor Swarm that falls down upon him followed by a dozen Delayed Blast Fireballs striking him simulatenously like Magic Missiles*
*Somehow Arijani yet lives despite Jarlots efforts*
Thanatos: [size=4]Something amuses you Demonspawn[/size]?
Kanatash: Do you honestly believe that my masters will allow you to dominate this plane? Please, you are but a small blip in their plans. BEHOLD THE FULL MIGHT OF XORIAT!
*terrible dimensional tears begin opening as Jarlot turns to see the sight of Daelkyr entering into the plane*
Thanatos: [size=4]Clearly Khyber must remind some of her slaves of their PLACE[/size]
Kanatash: My people are older than some random god of this universe! WE SHALL SEE WHOM IS STRONGER!
*Jarlot and the monsters begin battling across simulanetous planes of existence even as the results are almost enough to drive those whom look upon it insane.  Dark Angel battling at his side*
Jaela: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]! I've got to get to that Soul Sword Arijani....maybe I can draw [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]]'s spirit into me.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: What good would that do!?
Jaela: I can't kill my own father.....but I have to believe that in my heart....he wouldn't harm me.
Now free of her magical bonds, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] pulls Ariajni's sword from the shadows and hands it to Jaela.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Take it, then. I leave your father to you. Just promise me one thing.
Jaela: What?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Don't die before I do.
Jaela smiles and heads off.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Is it ok to just let her go?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I don't know. I placed a marker on her, so if she needs us, I'll know. I'm just not sure if we'd end up making it worse.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: In the meantime...Ariajni's still alive...
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Barely.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] walks out from behind one of the stone pillars. Upon seeing them, he hurries over.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Oh, good. You're still alive.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: Took me a bit to regenerate. Want to finish what we started?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Did you find the Godbreaker?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]]: Busted to hell. But [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]'s on her way back. Now that the Captain is no longer interested in revenge, she should do nicely.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: This sinking feeling...could it be what I think it is?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Too soon to tell, but it's entirely possible she's...
13: As if that position was ever unique.  Remember me, captain?  Your half-brother?  (OOC: Well, it's true, since Jarlot's a Child of Khyber.)  The one who tried this very same stunt multiple times?
Thanatos tries to swat 13, but being a Non-existant entity 13 cannot be harmed by someone with that much power.
13: Hate to break it to you, but the world sucks no matter what anyone does.  Systems of government suck.  Religion sucks.  People's personalities suck.  You can change them how you want, but in they end there is always something that sucks.  Get rid of all those things that you fear.  The world will still suck because you control it.
Thanatos: Annoying little insect!  What do I care?  I'm in this for myself.
Bunny: Well, that's a step in the right direction.  Could have been one of those "I'm doing this to help people, really, even if I have to force them to thank me" types.
13: You're just lucky, Captain.
Thanatos: Oh, and why's that?  Ha!  I have ultimate power!  Your little tricks won't harm me.
13: Okay, you're lucky in two ways:
1: I'm Non-existant, so I can't do anything to stop you.
2: Since you've beaten Ariajni, the future Lady and Thyrs came from is gone and so are they.
Thanatos: And what could that follish-hatted girl do to ME?  ALL POWERFUL THANATOS!
13: I'm confused for a second: does this stupidity just represent Jarlot's natural idiocy, or is this a manefestation of Word Being's "more power, more dumb" rule?
Bunny: Probably just a general villain thing.
13: Anyway, Captain, I wasn't talking about Lady.  I was talking about Thyrs.  Being a me that could fight you, it would have beaten you no matter how injured.
Thanatos: Okay, wait, I'm really not getting you.
13: *sigh* You're a Child of Khyber.  I'm a Child of Khyber and Siberys.  I've got all your power plus an extra progenitor dragon thrown in the mix.  Heck, if I asked I could probably get my sister Eberron on my side.
Thanatos dimisses 13 with a wave.
13: Now this Thyrs (points to itself) may not be able to stop you.
Storm clouds begin to swirl together overhead.  Rain pours down, by its very existance almost forming a sea in the air.  A shape, formed in the raindrops, emerges from the clouds, it's head a canine outline formed of water.  It issues a roar like the crash of waves.
13 (gesturing upwards): But I know of at least one other.
OOC: This is Thyrs from [[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]]'s dimension.  Please, run with this.  It makes sense.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] looked at the battle that was about to take place, how could he have been so stupid? how could he have fallen into ways he was sworen to stop? he frowned, a faliure or a mistake was a lesson in itself. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] glanced at the power Jarlot was amassing, did [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] ever want to reach that level of power? no, he had no right to be a god, like this world had no right to be under the influence of the gods. how much had being on this ship changed [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]? was he becoming less cunning? or perhaps was the random violence of his past becoming more focused?  perhaps the function of the forgotten freedom was to provide him with a background where he wasnt always right, where people could question him.
so many questions, as [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] looked into the future all he saw was blur, it was undecided. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] shrugged, no answers there. did he want to die? no. he didnot want to gain the retrebution he deserved, he glanced in slips direction. there where so many things he hadnt done... so much to do and see. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] materialised a mind blade, if Jarlot wanted the world he would have to step through [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]], yes, Jarlot could crush him like an insect, but that didnt matter, all the mattered was that he tried.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] glanced at Feal-Thas, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Naz'roth|Naz'roth]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Tara|Tara]]. they all nodded and drew or formed their weapons. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] closed his eyes, he reached within himself. he found that calm, he saw the rageing emtions and stilled them, he bent them to his will. there was no time for emotions now, there was plenty of time for that in the after life. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] reached into the time stream, his peromition senses turned on, and an image flashed before his eyes.
within this image was a great chasm, in the chasm lay the souls of those absorbed into the Ebon flame, into which he was falling. now he began to understand. he would die here if Jarlot wasnt stopped, and he would be absorbed. with the absorbestion he saw the souls of his friends, his allies. even the people he hated with a passion didnt desrve this, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] did, but not them.  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] placed Soulharrow in a pouch, in his dying day he would settle this as a warrior. his mind blade formed into a his ancestal weapon, he felt the call of his ancestor once more. Thalanthalas Xithalas, Dragonslayer, now Thanatos was the dragons. his enemy was the enemy. Thanatos was kin, he was a brother in dragonhood and he would die.

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