Forgotten Freedom:84
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[[Forgotten_Freedom:83|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:85|Next Plot]] ---- OOC: Errr... rampant... umm I think Milaji had her heart ripped out. By [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]. I don't think she'd be walking around much. Well... Actually... Hold that thought... --- The noises from Kanatash's room are a little more interesting than usual today. You can hear a sort of scratching, like a pen to paper, a strange grunting sound occasionally followed by dripping, and Kanatash going "Mmmhmmm... Interesting...". In the rest of the crew's mind it's a respite from the screaming that often can be heard, eminating from behind that door. Three redshirts try to listen and hear whats going on. They hear an "Excuse me for a moment" from Kanatash, and suddenly the ethereal being of madness himself walks out of the closed door. Kanatash shakes his head and turns all three errant redshirts ethereal and pulls them through the door. Screaming ensues. The crew sighs and gets back to its normal duties. Sometime later Kanatash dumped three skeletons off the side of the ship. --- Silence: Alright people let's focus! We, like, totally have a new waitress in Erk's place. Her name's, like, Milaji and she's Sarlonan. Milaji: Urgruk. Silence: She's a zombie if you didn't, like, notice. Random Waitress: So we have to work with her? Silence: Yep. Random Waitress: Like actually with her? Silence: Yep. Random Waiter: Like actuall in the same room? Silence: Yep. Random Waitress: Errg. Silence: What? Random Waitress: She smells like someone took rotted fish and rotted flesh and singed them. Silence: I don't why you're all like, so recalcitrant and stuff. I mean, our chef, like, doesn't exist, our food is our primary security system, and our primary entrance is on the Forgotten Freedom. Oh, and our owner is a subset of the progenator dragon Eberron and doesn't exist. So, you're going to let a little thing like someone's smell get in the way of them being, like a wonderful person. Milaji: Gurtruk. Shaaplop. Silence: Oh, and she'll eat your brains if you don't cooperate. Lucky: Silence, I think you have that wrong. Our chef is a rakshasa, so he exists. Our ownder is Erk, who is minotaur, in conjunction with word being, who has no connection to this dimension whatsoever. Jarlot only rents the door, not the entire space. But you are right about one thing: the food is our primary security system. OOKaizer: Actually, Endless_Helix, she did, but [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] fixed her when she realized Milaji wasn't an enemy, so... *PUFF OF LOGIC* Milaji: I'm alive again! [SIZE=1]Oh, wait, that's not a good thing around here...[/SIZE] [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: I thought I told you people that's MY trick! OOKaizer: Ahhh!!! Run away!!! ---- OOcat: And who's this random waitress? Random Waitress: Hi! I'll be filling in for Saberiel until she gets back. OOcat: Erk's Place may not have random waitresses. All waitresses must have a name. Random Waitress: Why? OOcat: Because waitresses are never killed. If we're going to keep you around you need to have a name. Even if it's only one word. Random Waitress: Will that really do any good? OOcat: Just look at Tony. He had one line as a replacement cook for [[Forgotten_Freedom:Norbaz|Norbaz]], and now he's a fixture of the bar. You have a name, you make it big. You don't have a name, the crew uses you as cannon fodder, ammunition, shields, experimental components— Random Waitress: All right, all right. Give me a name. OOcat: Mendova. You're a female human/half-titan with 10 levels in the Kicka** Barmaid class. Mendova: Is there such a class? OOcat: Do we really care? OOC: No random employees at Erk's Place. Think of it like Cheers: you know all people who work or visit regularly, but you don't have to know the patrons. Mendova: Oh, no, you did not just pinch me. OOC: Especially the dead ones. ---- Random Patron: C'mon, honey, you know you like it. *does it again* Step 1: Improvised Weaponry - beer bottle Step 2: 3 natural 20's Step 3: Instant death Other patrons: :eek: Mendova: Hmmm. Seems the Barmaid class is proficient in improvised weaponry... ---- OORei: Just to let you know Kaizer, that PC that the barmaid killed was epic. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: In a barren field covered in bodies and broken obliskes, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Nalfein|Nalfein]] sees [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] sitting on a dead body with his ribbon-sword in its head. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Nalfein|Nalfein]]: Final count: 5,877. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: Not bad for a pointy-eared elf. I myself am sitting on 5,878. :P [[Forgotten_Freedom:Nalfein|Nalfein]] looks at the dead body then throws a fireball at it, making it explode. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Nalfein|Nalfein]]: 5,878. :P [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: He was already dead! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Nalfein|Nalfein]]: He was twitching. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: He was twitching, because he had [SIZE=3]my[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]sword[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]lodged in his [/SIZE] [SIZE=6]NERVOUS SYSTEM!!![/SIZE] :mad: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Nalfein|Nalfein]]: :D OORei: A :cookie: and :twocents: to anyone who gets this reference. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] walks through the country side his hood pulled far over his face, he move's effortlessly through the underbrush even while clad in his armour. his silent footsteps make no sound, he was now on the Valenar border (teleported there) his Bow in hand he scanned the horizon. a scream pierced the air as a corpse fell to the ground in front of him. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] turned his head up into the sky, above him two airships battled, one a standard pirate ship, the other, the forgotten freedom. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] grinned, for the past two week's he'd been on vacation. spending his time practising his already impressive combat skills and earning a little extra money here and there, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] raised a gauntleted hand to the sky's and made an arcane gesture. instantly he appeared on the enemy vessels deck, his Mindblade in the form of a Valenar doublebladed scimitar. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] took on a defensive stance, an arrow wistled through the air towards him [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] blocked it easyily, then he struck his blades making fluid motions through the air as they scythed through foes. this deadly dance of destruction was well known to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]], he smiled as he parried attempted attacks with ease before slaying the attacker in the next strike, the poetry of combat flowed through [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]'s soul. very soon all within reach where dead. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] lowered his hood. it was good to be back. ---- Lead Warden: Status Report! Are have all the New prisoners been turn to stone? Wizard Warden: I canna doo it! I caane beat her spell resistance. Lead Warden: Why are you talking like that? Wizard Warden: * blinks * I don’t know…Anyway None of use can hit HER with any of our spell! Lead Warden: What about the others … Wizard Warden: Well every time we try to cast a spell on them… SHE eats the spell! And that’s not the worse of it she is stealing the spells form our own head! And now she wants to talk to you! Lead Warden :surrender … Right let’s go The Two wardens walk in to stone ward one to see their jailers huddling in fear at the far end of the Ward. Then they see the Demon Lords… Move all of the stoned prisoners in to one big mound in the center. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]] then speaks the words of a Dark speech spell… the stone prisoners Melt in to a mounds of raw and liquid Stone, then they the stone reforms in to large stone throne the faces of all the prisoners decorating the throne. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]] then sits on the throne in a very lady like fashion. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Ah gentlemen, Come here. Lead Warden: :uh-huh: :mymy: :OMG! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Well it seems to me that you dwarfs have failed in your duties, there for I am taking over… Lead Warden: What! We have never failed! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Until to day! You have allowed all of your charges here to come to harm… no not harm you have sent them all to a stony oblivion! Lead Warden: [COLOR=Red]BUT YOU JUST DID THAT! HOW IS OUR FAULT![/COLOR] [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: You brought me here and then fail to stop me. Now them I will give you one chance to leave… * About a Week and a half later * The Throne is now a Tower made for stoned Dwarfs and other people who worked there… The Prisoners that were turned to stone are the only ones that have been harmed. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]] sits inside the towers on her throne and stares down at the Head Warden, her army of Demon Lords and spent the lasted week hunting down all the people who refused to bow before her. [COLOR=DarkRed]Zuggtmoy:[/COLOR] Shall I have him tuned to stone as well, My Queen? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Hmm, Does he have any spells we don’t know yet? [COLOR=DarkRed]Zuggtmoy:[/COLOR]No mistress, at lest none that my Spores have been able to fine inside his mind. I have yet to search the Gold ward where they made there last stand for any spell books or scrolls. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: In that case, open a portal to the Dwarfs seat of power. Strip him naked and Scribe this message on his back ‘I am now In power here; if you send more troops or try to take it back in any way I will Infect the same horrors on them and all of you That I did to all those here.’ [COLOR=DarkRed]Zuggtmoy:[/COLOR] Yes My Queen. Also In the Gold ward I found a prisoner that might interest you here is are the notes on her. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Yes I will later Read it later, Send Juiblex and Demogorgon in to report on there missions. [COLOR=DarkRed]Juiblex:[/COLOR] sloooo shhup blub blub [I have talked with the Lord of Madness Know as Thumper Thane of Fluffy Bunnies in exchange for Zuggtmoy recalling her Fungal demons… he will give us the Khyber shard we Need for our evil plan. [COLOR=DarkRed]Demogorgon [head one]: [/COLOR] Ah Well I have talked to a few of the other demon lords and most agree to swear there loyalties to you. [COLOR=DarkRed]Demogorgon [head Two]:[/COLOR] Before you ask we did Bring Pazuzu with us, Do you want use to Take him to his room and have him starting to summon the Demon Elementals? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Yes. * Later After [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]] has read through the reports * [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Well this Interesting, Could you bring her here please. [COLOR=DarkRed]Juiblex:[/COLOR] Hurp [Sure] Juiblex then bring a woman who looks like a thinner and Sickly version of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: So Layla Hope forge… Layla: I like what you did to the Dwarfs… but I think you should of let the Demons eat out there livers and then healed them and … [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Yes like that guy who how was chained to the rock that’s more of a devil thing… any way according to these reports you have been here since you where Five… On the Charges of Being the Evil Twin and not being potty trained. Layla: Yes… But They said I could come back when I could go to the Bathroom by my self! All I want is to be free and see my sister again. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Funny you should mention that I was arrest and sent here, try to get [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] a Wedding gift… Layla: Wedding… I’ve been here this [[COLOR=DarkRed]B]WHOLE TIME AND SHE IS OFF HAVING FUN![/B][/COLOR] [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: No the way I under stand it she was sent to a nunnery and then Paladin school and then your father… who is a complete and utter bastard sent her to the Pirate Air Ship called the Forgotten Freedom Layla: Oh… yes he was the one who sent me here and did that other stuff to… I want Revenge! I’ll Do what ever you want and serve you just as well as any of the Demons, if you give me the power to get revenge. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Well To be honest, Most of the Crew had enacted revenge for what he did to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]… Take My Daughter for instance got a Solar to case him around in a bunny suit… Layla: Is he dead… [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: No, that would miss the point; If you just kill him you’ll never be gloat. You need to leave them Alive and in fear always looking over there shoulder all way thinking about what they have done… All was know that the only reason they live is because you let them. I could help you terrorize him though. Layla: [COLOR=DarkRed]YES! [/COLOR] [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Good I’ll start training you right way. ---- OOHelix: I was under the impression that Greyfeline was the primary chef, but I went back and checked, and I was wrong :( ... Also, where else is an entrance to Erk's place? I mean, besides the Forgotten Freedom... --- Random Waiter: Hey, What about me? I was in that post too... Mendova: What about you? Random Waiter: They told me that I'd make it big if I could get a scene in this one; I even had a line! Mendova: Okay, now honey, why should I care? Random Waiter: Because I'm your love interest, possibly? Maybe? Mendova: Umm... No. You look like a sack of potatoes. Random Waiter: Hmm... Howabouts... I'm secretly a part of the platinum concord of the Aurum and am next in line to take over the world? Mendova: Ummm... Are you? Random Waiter: No... :weep: Mendova: Well, who are you then? Random Waiter: My real name's Paul... I usually work in my dad's grocery store in Sharn. Some nights I wait tables at local cafes. I always wanted to be an adventurer, but I never really had the big break or anything... and I probably never will. I guess I'm just too pathetic. Kanatash: Yup. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] - (in vaudeville hat, and carrying cane) and now a little number from the south bronx. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] does a quick tap dance and listens to the crickets when he's done. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] - :P ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] - Two hours or Devon starts miming ...badly Devon - Great I've go this routine I've been working on for the last month!! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] - :eek: What have I done? ---- OOCrystalforged: Yo, Kanatash. Kanatash: Yes, oh, creator? OOCrystalforged: How about we try that again, and this time you lay off the sarcasm. Kanatash: Let me think about it for a moment... Nah. OOCrystalforged: Fine, fine. Let me get to the point here. I think you know what I'm here to talk about. I did give you plot sense after all. Kanatash: Maybe you want to talk about how you never seem to be posting lately and I'm getting less screen time than Kelter gets action? OOCrystalforged: Ok, one, I've been busy lately. I can't devote my entire life to this thread. Two, that is a massive exageration. Kanatash: Granted, maybe you want to talk about how its been weeks since you've come up with anything really crazy for me to be involved in? OOCrystalforged: Like I already said, I've been busy, lay off me. Also it's not like coming up with that stuff is easy anyways. Kanatash: Then perhaps you wanted to- OOCrystalforged: Ok, I'm going to cut you off right there before you can go off on another tangent. I'm here to talk about the gun, the DM-Breaker 1.0 I believe you call it. Kanatash: [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkRed]GUN, WHAT GUN?[/COLOR][/FONT] Ominous rumbling in the background OOCrystalforged: Bit of advice, if you want to sound innocent, I would lay off the caps, the colored letters, and stick to times new roman. The ominous rumbling was good though. Kanatash: Hey, you're the one typing this, remember? OOCrystalforged: Touché. Kanatash: :D OOCrystalforged: Fine, enjoy your little victory. I'm going to blunt about this. I want you to turn the DM-Breaker over to me, now. Kanatash: (cluching the weapon to his chest) NO! Not my baby! OOCrystalforged: Look, Kanatash, I know you're not good at it, but try to be reasonable here. If you keep using that thing sooner or later you're going to **** off one of the other entities and then THEY'RE going to take it away. Oh, and if precedence tells me anything they're going to make the process a lot less pleasant than I will. Kanatash: I don't think you understand what this thing means to me. You created me as a being that comprehended the incomprehensible, that could do the impossible, that was not limited by reality or what is technically possible for that matter. It is my nature to defy limits but there is one thing left that limits me, namely what you can imagine. This weapon is the only thing that lets me escape that final limit to what I am. OOCrystalforged: Stirring speach, but I still can't let you run around with a weapon that you can turn on your creators. Kanatash: You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers. OOCrystalforged: Fine then, I didn't want to do this but you forced me... Just as the entity moves to act Kanatash fires the DM-Breaker. OOCrystalforged: (groan) Oh, not again... (collapses on the floor) Kanatash: Hm, what now? (glancing at the entity's unconscious form) Well I allways wondered what went on in his mind... Kanatash smile's evilly as his incorpereal form disipears into the entity's head. ---- During her recovery, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] had come to a decision. She prepares to leave for a bit after talking it over with [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: You're serious about this? Your not just doing this because of me? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: It's something I have to do. Ever since I found out what it's true purpose was, it has lost all meaning. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: How long will you be? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: An hour or two at most. I'm just getting the ball rolling. It took years to get in, it'll take years to get out. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Just be careful. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Don't worry, hon. They have no idea what I intend to do. We can finish packing when I get back. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] gives her a soft kiss before stepping back. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Love you. *warps out* *** [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] stands before a familiar plant creature. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Well, my little one, it's time. I'm trying to make a fresh start of things, so I figure I should give you the same chance. Genevive sits still as [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] places her hand on its 'head'. A soft glow surrounds it and it begins to shrink. Eventually, only a seed remains. Picking it up, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] heads back, carrying several bags of holding. Within are the bulk of her information network's collected knowledge. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: (i.h.h.) Now I just need to figure out how to end my tenure without causing chaos. Easier said than done... My operatives deserve an explaination as well. So much left to do, but it can wait. ---- Jarlot: Well, all's well that ends well. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: You call transforming the Demon Wastes into a jungle, splitting Aerenal in half, and causing ghosts to run amock across Khovaire to be WELL? Jarlot: Better them than us. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: Fair enough. Jarlot: In any case, Arijani won't be reincarnating any time soon. Even if he did, he'd be just a newborn Rakashasa. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: I suppose we can thank the universe for small miracles. What about Khyber? Jarlot: That wasn't Khyber but just one of her avatars. If Tia'mat had really been released then the planet would have been truly boned. She was still entering the world when we released it...otherwise we would have been ended. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: But what do we do about the fact that half the crew is dead...AGAIN? Jarlot: We're on the reserves list now. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: The what now? Jarlot: It's a massive list of adventurers spread across the world. In any case, we picked up one of the reserves right now by raiding that Thranish galleon. *A woman identical to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] walks onboard in chains* [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: Who the hell.... Jarlot: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]], meet Linda. This is [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]'s identical twin sister and the other heir to the throne. She's a paladin of Dol Arrah but a militant and hateful variant of the sect. She's lost her connection to her god and desperate to recover it...specifically because she butchered an entire legion of Eldeen Reaches druids. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: Why? Jarlot: They captured her and did unspeakable things to her. The hatred that dwells in her heart is especially pointed towards her sister though due to the fact that [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] was expected to join her in the war against the monsters of Droam when she got a bit sidetracked by us. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: Wow....this is going to destroy [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]. Jarlot: It gets better. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]]s never been one to get off on the suffering of others...why he was a craptacular Blackguard but he was the one who destroyed her unit. He just handed her over for the bag of gold they promised him. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: That would explain the look of mind numbing fury on her face at us. Jarlot: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Andrea|Andrea]] has bound her in every geas and quest spell known to man but she wants us all dead. AND SHE'S THE FIRST OF THE NEW CREW! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: Oh boy. *** [[Forgotten_Freedom:Andrea|Andrea]]: I'm your only friend here Linda. Linda: I HAVE NO FRIENDS! NOT THE LEAST A NECROMANCER! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Andrea|Andrea]]: I cannot describe to you what it was like to have my soul bonded with that THING. The attempt to make me, someone whom honestly did love the man Jarlot was, into a cheap copy of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]]. I will have my revenge on him for it and I will break him for it. Linda: I'm...listening. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Andrea|Andrea]]: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]] is being tormented with dreams I've asked the Quori to send. He's been a shadow of his former self since he lost the blackguard's certainty anyway. His guilt will allow you to manipulate him. Use him as a weapon against [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]. Linda: Yes. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Hey [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] If you stop by my realm while your out plane hopping, this will get you into my place. Hands [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] a steel key while sidestepping between her and the hallway linda is using. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - Thanks, but its not on the iternerary. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] steers [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] down another corridor. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Just a precaution, when a new connection gets rolling it can screw with travel for a while. Linda passes by without noticing her sister, and vise versa. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - ok :confused: ---- Finally free for the first time since the wedding, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] get down to opening the rest of the wedding presents. At last they get to the Greyfeline group. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] (sarcastically nervous): Maybe we should just save them till after the honeymoon. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Come on, not all of them are bad. Even the ones that mess with people aren’t killer. Look, here’s one from [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]]. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] opens the package, and draws out a nightrobe of white silk that appears quite dull. But [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] issues a low whistle. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Vampire’s Victim. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: What? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]]’s clothing line. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]] has a clothing line? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: “For thothe timeth when the young lady you have invited in hath nothing thuitable to wear.” He originally intended to sell it just to vampires, but once I saw one I persuaded him to sell on the open market. These, though, were definitely made by the master himself. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Ah…that’s nice…but they don’t look— With a snap of her fingers [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] turned out the everbright lantern, and then produced a small flickering fire. The dress almost seemed to glow in some places, yet in others the folds were highlight by deep shadows. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: *drool* [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] (turning the lantern back on): It’s meant for dark castles and moonlit balconies. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: But…why is there only one? :confused: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Oh, you never need more than one of these. :devil: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: :blush: The next was Roosevelt’s present. Unfortunately this turned out to be a crude wood carving inscribed with various geometric shapes that corresponded to those found on architectural diagrams. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] ventured that it was a bear holding a big hammer, but neither was sure. Next came Lucky’s. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: “An Insider’s Guide to :dancin: :pile: :w00t: :cloud9: Between Women.” by Lucky d’Medani. Well, it’s the thought that counts. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Well look at this one from Saberiel. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] held out the paper for [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] to read. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] had to read it twice to be sure it wasn’t a trick. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: “I, Saberiel, being of sound mind (as sound as you can get on this ship, anyway) do hereby state that any time [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] ask me to baby-sit I shall not deny them.” Even notarized by Reman Weascal. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] bit her lip. Then she snatched the paper from [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]’s hands and quickly stuffed it inside one of her ornate scabbards that hung along the wall of their quarters. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: What? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: After [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]]…do you really think…? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] looked at [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]], then at the scabbard, then back at [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *sigh* Okay. Until we can be sure. They moved on without another word on the subject. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: What was that warning Crow gave us? “Don’t open Silver’s present unless you think your life can’t get any worse.”? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: “And even then, don’t open it.” [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Right. (puts Silver’s present safely away in a magical chest) [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Then I suppose we might as well open Crow’s present. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Crow, who’s now Bunny. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: He said not to think too hard about it. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] open the small box, and a mechanical bird flies out. It is about the size, shape, and coloration of a small parrot. It lands on [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]’s shoulder and begins speaking in a genuine fake pirate-parrot accent. Parrot: Arrrr me mateys, I be the Narrative Element Explanation Bird. If ye find yerselves in need o’ explanin’ of an odd event and there be no Non-existant Entities around, I can assist ye. *parrot whistle* [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Wow. :mymy: You’re actually less creepy than I would have thought Crow had in him. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: What were you expecting? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Something with a bone theme. So it could be worse. Parrot: Arrr, it be worse, lassy. My name be terrible t’ hear. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Can’t be all that bad. Parrot: I was dubbed by Greyfeline itself. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: He seems like a nice enough guy. Parrot: We are talkin’ about the thing that created Silver and Bunny? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: :blink: Good point. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]’s eye is then caught by a wooden box, taller than it is wide or long. She reads the tag. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: This is [[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]]’s……so it’s probably going to involve very weird things. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Dangerous? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]] smart enough not to give us anything I can’t handle. I’m more worried that it’s something……appropriate to her unique sense of the world. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: I guess we won’t know until we open it. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] steps back and opens the box using a tentacle. Inside is an immobile squirrel, sitting upright. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] drew it out of the box. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] let out a giggle. Then she noticed the piece of paper inside the box. She took it out and read it. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: “I’m not too familiar with weddings, so I asked Silver what was a traditional gift. She said ‘A waffle-iron’. It’s apparently a non-magical device used to make waffles. I think its silly that anyone would want something that can only make one kind of food. So I whipped up this little guy. I’m not sure if he’s a plant or a construct, so be careful. All you have to do is command him to awaken and then tell him what you want. He can only do breakfast foods right now. I made him in the shape of a squirrel because after you’ve had an exhausting night I figure you’ll want to give a breakfast order to something cute. :D” [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Huh. :blink: Well, I admit I was wrong. Apparently [[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]] can make things that aren’t freaky and destructive. Next [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] picked up a crude bag made from sail canvas…ironic, because the ship didn’t use sails. There was no card, just a string tying the bag shut, with one dangling end with many knots on it. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] counted them. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: 13. She looked at [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]], who shrugged. They opened the bag. Inside were two pocket watches, both inscribed on the back with this: “Look inside to see the time you have spent in love.” [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Who needs to measure. But why iron? The thing’s’ll just rust shut. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]:………Mmmmmaybe that’s the point. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Hmmm……if we never open them…why would we care if they rust shut. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Exactly. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: That’s very cerebral of 13. I guess it’s a better Non-existant Entity than I thought. They seem to do that a lot. Mr. T’s gift was similarly sentimental: Two half-medallions, when put together read “Ah pidy the foo’ who don’t know love like this.” Then they opened JJ’s next. Inside was a camera. But when [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] went to pick it up it began whirring, and soon rose into the air to hover around the two. It somewhat resembled the top part of Jaela’s Batman cowl. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I feel no shame in saying I’m relived that at least one of these things is weird. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: I think there’s a card in the box. There are some times when your hands are too occupied to hold a camera. ;)—JJ [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: :rofl: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: It’s so good to see you catching on. It was no down to the last two. One was a book, bound the opposite way from most book in Khorvaire (OOC: i.e. our books keep the spine to the left of the title, this one keeps it to the right), tied up with a black mirror using only a simple grass cord. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] cut the cord and took a closer look at the items. The mirror had a folded card stuck to it which had “for [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]], only, to see”. The book had a similar card addressed to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]. Nodding in agreement, they each took their card and item, and read silently. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]’s Card: Remember that the more power one has, the greater the temptation to use power to solve problems rather than use thought. I give you this book of puzzles, which cannot be solved with power. Keep them always in mind.—Word Being [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]’s Card: You have managed to align your religion with your personal convictions. But religion is a puzzle trapped beyond all others. Therefore I give you a clue: this mirror, which reflects what one most fears. Keep that in mind should you see yourself in it.—Word Being Both are silent for several minutes as their ponder their gifts. Finally [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] breaks the silence by slipping her card into the book. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Well, one to go. The last gift is merely an envelope, with only a grey cat’s pawprint on the back. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] opens the envelope and pulls out the card inside. It looks like some kind of slightly large business card, with a picture of a black kitten on the front keeping batting 12 moons of Eberron into the air. Done highly stylized are the word MOONPAW CREATIONS. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I get the feeling this is from Geryfeline. She turns it over. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: :OMG! [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: What is it? (stares at the card over [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]’s shoulder.) :OMG! Card: Good for one free complete demi-world of sphere diameter 1 mile or an equivalent area in an already created world. ---- [COLOR=DarkRed]Zuggtmoy:[/COLOR] My Queen are you sure this is wise I mean, Remember to the mortals who where in your cult… those chibi things. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Well they ****** off OOChrys; you know that crappy writer guy, who thinks he controls us. [COLOR=DarkRed]Zuggtmoy:[/COLOR] Yes but what he did to them was just evil… I mean Selling them to those anime freaks. * shutter * How Do you know the same thing isn’t going to happen to Layla? OCChrys: Because I like that song, and I think spell thief class in makes for a 'good' person on the ship… and any way your just ****** off because the Thrall of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]] is a better then the Thrall of Zuggtmoy PRC. [COLOR=DarkRed]Zuggtmoy:[/COLOR] no I’m not. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Just shut up, before he decides to put back in the Temple of Elemental Evil. [COLOR=DarkRed]Zuggtmoy:[/COLOR] :shifty: :twitch: :blink: :gah: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Now then Let go get this thing Off the ground. ---- Meanwhile in the rehab clinic. P/Y/R: Phollie you have to give it up. Phollie: No underpants are big business. P/Y/R: People on this ship are going to kill you if you don't stop stealing their underwear. Besides your plan isn't even logical. Phollie: Yes it is you see collecting underpants is only phase one. Phase one: collect underpants. Phase two: ... Phase three: profit! P/Y/R: You have to stop. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] is bound to find you out eventually and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] will eventually catch on that this isn't a game I'm playing with him. Phollie: I'll try. ---- 13: Okay, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]], I'm off to get [[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]]. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]]: Try not to take thith the wrong way, but no one will mith getting to mail. Jarlot ith planning thomething BIG to get thith thip back on the pirate ratingth. 13: No worries. Well, OOcat'll probably make it take until the end of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]'s honeymoon. 13 heads deep into the ship, to a door off the colossal magical engine. (of course the ship has an engine. where do you expect the dramatic finalley of a major villain boarding?) This is the door to Erk's Place. Bunny: Hold up. No need. 13: Hmm? Bunny: OOcat sent Silver. 13: Why? Bunny: She knows the way. And so she has no way of poping in on [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]. ****** Silver is standing in the middle of a Star Trek convention. People keep thinking she's a Vulcan. Silver: I hate you so much. OOcat: :D ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] was keeping an eye on Jarlot, whenever Jarlot decided to recruit new crewmembers otherthan redshirts somthing really bad was going to happen. possibly involving one of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]'s sisters. the atmosphere on ship had a deffinite plotting feel, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] tasted the air, yes. revenge was coming, swift and silent. manipulation was going on. it had taken hours to scrub the pink off his feet, Chalky was definitly behind this, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] smirked, he'd find a way of getting revenge someway. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] glanced at the recepticle in his hands, the kyber shard hummed slightly at his gaze.... yeessss... a deffinite plan was forming in his head now. of course that would have to wait. the plotting would have to be resolved first, probably with extreme amounts of violence. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] had heard whispers that [[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]] was experiencing nightmares recently, most of the Scum never told [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] anything so he'd had to "persuade" them. It had taken age's to get the blood of his boots. nightmares amungst the scum wherent uncommon, often what the crew experienced had some psycological side affects. but frequent ones where rare at that, even Ubers expereinced nightmares, though often these carried protence of the future or smatterings of the past. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] had also experienced nightmares recently. in these there had been shade's of the past, shade's of the years he spent being tourtured on Dal Qour. the hatred of the children that had beaten him when he was young, all these emotions burned within him, getting used to having a soul was difficult. a question had recently been burning at the back of his mind, what would [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] demand as his repayment. what would [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] have to sacrifice? what service would be asked? and even more prevelant what concequences would this repayment bring? [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] shook his head, the time would come when it would come. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] would like to know more about the mysterious [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] with which he was inextricably tied, but [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] knew better than to go seeking answers from another Uber, when the information would reveal itself was somthing only the prophecy would reveal. another problem was the fate of Mia, she had recently dissappeared, probably carted off back to her supiriors with mental trauma. but [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] suspected that Rakashas hand, somthing about her vanishing and quite probable death didnot bode well. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] felt a pang of hunger. he ignored it, and reached out with his mind into the minds of those around him, he felt a familiar and reassuring mental signature in the background; slips. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] moved onwards saccning the minds of many red-shirts, the usualy stuff floated from their weak and perfetic minds; whant for boo's, whant for women, whant for gold. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] ignored most of these ineffectual and weak thoughts. most of them where unintresting, until he hit a mental barrier. like the shield in which [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] protected his mind. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] smiled, at last he had a challange. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] disappeared into the shadows. time to investigate further. ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:83|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:85|Next Plot]]
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