Forgotten Freedom:89
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[[Forgotten_Freedom:88|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:90|Next Plot]] ---- OOKaizer: *returning from the convention* Man, that was awesome! I haven't had that much fun since - Khyber's sweatsocks! What are you two doing?! Terra: We got bored waiting for you to come back. OOKaizer: :confused: Exactly how did you achieve that position? Lisa: Don't ask me. Terra's spinning the dial. Terra: Twister™ has a way of putting you in impossible positions. OOKaizer: That's why I never play. Wait...what's that? Lisa: *faking innocent* What's what? :angelhide OOKaizer: Is this...jello? :blink: :eek: You two were jello wrestling?!!! Terra: :smirk: Not wrestling persay... OOKaizer: :bigeyes: :weep: Lisa: :rolleyes: It's not like it'll never happen again. You of all beings should know that. OOKaizer: *tsk* All right. But...what's with all the Silly Putty? Terra: :blush: Lisa: :D ---- Silver (perfectly fine, since she doesn't exist): Well, that was pointless. OOcat: Was it? Silver: :blink: How could it not be? OOcat: Got the Entities from Beyond Non-existance to come out of their little holes and participate. Silver: You never intended that! You could not have predicted that. OOcat: :bored: You remember who I am, right? Silver: The Entity of Completley Random, Totally Useless and Nonsensical, and Ultimately Just Plain Weird? OOcat: Good creation. Silver: Hey, now we're at a D&D convention. ---- Liam rushes up to ringside between rounds, holding a new gadget. Liam: Satnak! I've got something for you! Satnak: What? Liam: It's something that I was creating to defend against Pun-Pun, to go see what was going on. It uses the Weirdness and Insanity of your opponent to generate a shield that can stop almost anything. Pun-Pun's Weirdness signature is so strange that it's producing nearly as much as the ship's red-shirt's on it's own! I mean [senseless techno-babble]blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah[/senseless techno-babble]. Satnak: Ok. In summary, I use this, he can't touch me? Liam: In theory. Satnak: I'll think about it. Thanks. Satnak - Sheild generator huh? lets see. Satnak activates the device. Bwoioioioiioioioioing Pun-pun - wtf!? Satnak - hehehehehe Satnak begins swinging the generator bouncing pun-pun off the shiled repeatedly. 45 hit air combo Originally posted by Gladius_Lucix: Liam looks on as Satnak bounces Pun-Pun. Liam: Huh. Not what I intended, but, hey, whatever works. Liam cheers for Satnak while trying to analyze the exact Weir/Insan readings coming off of Pun-Pun. ---- Terra and Lisa are busy playing strip chess. With each non-Pawn piece taken, loser removes an article of clothing. Neither is trying to win. Terra: Does it feel like we're being left out of some big event? Bishop takes Pawn. Lisa: Kind of. Knight takes Bishop. Lose the skirt. Terra: I guess it's only fair. Rook takes Knight. Blouse. Lisa: We get to have our fun. Bishop takes Pawn. Terra: They get to have theirs. Knight takes Bishop. Skirt, next. Lisa: Though, I get the distinct impression that we're the ones having the most fun. Queen takes Knight. Off with the Blouse. Terra: This'd be hard to top. Pawn takes Rook. Slip. Lisa: Seem's it was a good idea to check out Lucky's book after all. Knight takes Knight. You lose the slip, too. Terra: As a woman, she's found that foreplay is just as fun as the rest of it. Queen takes Queen. Lisa: Ok. :devil: Terra: :blush: ;) *** Volrath siezes up. Nalfein: :ahem: Again? Volrath: :angel: I am in no way responsible for what she does. Nalfein: Eww. Tyranthraxus: :waits: I'm still waiting for my chance to kill you... Nalfein: Just hold your horses. My entity is taking his sweet time on finishing this up. Until then, we have to just sit here. Volrath: *siezes up again* Wow... That was a doozie. :cloud9: Nalfein: :yuck: WILL YOU STOP THAT ALREADY?! ---- OORei: BIT*H SLAP! OOKaizer: OW! WTF! OORei: Stop commenting on my lazyness! :hoppingma OOKaizer: OOUrial started it! OORei: I've already taken care of him. OOUrial: ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow:weep: :weep: OORei: :devil: ---- OoChrys: Damn it what am I going to do with this Kirby Outfit now! Layla Shut up and write That I steal all of Pun-Pun's powers before Satnak kills him and I don't get chance! OoChrys:But I wanted to do the git in my belly joke :weep: Layla I wonder If I can steal your powers... OoChrys: :help: ---- Satnak and Pun-Pun are once again locked in mortal combat in the middle of the ring. Through the everpresent cheers from both sides of the area a single voice is somehow heard. Random Redshirt: Ah, come on. Just look at that. I'm telling you wrestling is SO fake. Thanks to obscene listen checks on the part of both Satnak and Pun-Pun they both manage to hear the voice. The pause in the middle of their battle and Satnak turns to Pun-Pun. Satnak: Excuse me for a moment. Pun-Pun: Be my guest. Satnak jumps out of the ring to grab the offending redshirt. She then proceeds to drag him out of sight. No one quite sees what happens next but as the crowd has gone dead quiet they all hear it quite clearly. Satnak: (WHAM) So you (WHAM) think (WHAM) wrestling (WHAM) is fake (WHAM) do you? (WHAM) That sounded pretty fake, (WHAM) Still fake, better try again, (WHAM) Still not feeling it (WHAM) How about now? (WHAM) still fake? (WHAM) You feel that? (WHAM) I think you did (WHAM) I'm sure you felt that (WHAM) Did it feel fake? (WHAM) Is that blood fake? (WHAM) Now don't fake begging for mercy (WHAM) You're not getting mercy anyway (WHAM) Have you had enough? (WHAM) I said boy, have you had enough! (WHAM) Wrong answer! (WHAM) Only I say when you've had enough! (WHAM WHAM WHAM THUMP-ITY-THUMP) That'll do. Satnak walks back into sight, without the redshirt, and jumps back into the ring. Satnak: (facing Pun-Pun) Now where were we? Random Redshirt: (somewhere behind the bleachers) [SIZE=1]Kill me...[/SIZE] ---- Satnak is being swung around by her tail and slammed into the pylons. Satnak - (I.h.h. I. Can. Not. Lose. This. Fight. Serene...) ---- Serene - Come on Satnak you can do this. ---- Satnak - (SERENE) Die Lizard A wave of necrocarnum courses through Satnak's body, and sends Pun-Pun flying. Satnak - I'm gonna have your hide for shoes, and your soul as a chew toy for Fluffy. ---- Pun-Pun rises again, his head lolling gruesumly on one side, his neck clearly broken. He however does not seem particularly hindered, or even bothered by this. He reaches up and places his head back in place with a hideous popping noise and seems once again unharmed. Pun-Pun: A respectable hit for a lesser being. I've never yet encountered one with the power possessed by you. It is insignificant with respect to my own of course but impressive non the less. Impressive enough that if you were to surrender now I might consider taking you as my queen, (pauses for a moment) or at least my consort. Satnak: Not on your life scales for brain. Pun-Pun: If this concerns the morsel over there I might be able to be "persuaded" to spare her as well. Satnak: (low growl) Pun-Pun's corner man, a redshirt, calls out to him. Redshirt: Ugh, boss, I mean your lordshi! Ya see the thing is she's kinda playing for the other team if you know what I mean... Pun-Pun: Hmph. Is that so. Well I will still see you beg for me before I allow you release from this life. ---- Satnak: ALRIGHT! I've had enough of this, the kid gloves are off and I'm going to crush you like the bloody kobold you are! Pun-Pun: Go right ahead, I would like to see your best before I destroy you. In fact I'll even give you a free shot. Satnak only growls in response, and begins to glow as energy from all around her is drawn into her body. Suddenly she dissapears in streak of yellow energy. As the crowd stares, this energy rockets towards the nearest moon and strikes it. The entire moon suddenly glows with the same yellow energy and begins to move. The moon begins to fall from the sky, heading directly for the area. A general panic ensues as the entire crowd tries to flee with cries of, "run for your lives" and "she's killed us all!" Those unable to flee cower in fear as the moon is about to strike, looking away from their doom. Throughout it all however Pun-Pun simply stands in the center of the ring, staring at the moon, a calm look upon his face. Many eyes are closed in anticipation of the impact, but none comes. Gradually a few eyes open onto an incredible sight. Pun-Pun, still standingin the center of the ring, is holding aloft he moon above his head, with a single hand. His other hand reaches out, streaching in both size and reach far, far beyond which it should be able to go, to grasp to top of the moon like an enourmus ball. His muscle tense for a moment before his hand clenches, crushing the entire moon into little more than powder. As the dust clears Pun-Pun still stands while Satnak lies on her back on the area floor. Satnak: Well, ****. ---- Satnak is once again in her corner being put back together by Micky. It's certainly helping but even magic can only do so much, therefor, needless to say, Satnak looks like hell. Her entire body is so bruised that at first glance you would think her natural skin color was blue. Huge bags also sit under her eyes and though she tries to hide it, she flinches with pain with sudden movements. Satnak: (groans) So this must be what the meat Norbaz uses must feel like after it's been tenderizied. Terrek: (trying to psych her up) Come on champ, you can do this, think about Serene. Now here's what you're going to do is... errrr... (throwing up his hands) Yeah who am I kidding, your screwed six ways til' sunday here. Kanatash: (appearing from nowhere) I've got a plan. Satnak: I'm willing to try anything at this point. Spill it. Kanatash: Well we know that Pun-Pun's power is infinite and the amount of punishment he can take is infinite as well. Correct? Satnak: Get to the point. Kanatash: Well, since he can take an infinite abount of punishment, the only way to truely hurt him is to hit him with an infinitely powerful attack... Satnak: (sitting up suddenly, and wincing) OW... Of course, I see. I have to turn his own attack against him. But how... Kanatash: It won't be easy, the only reason you've lasted this long is because he's been holding back. Its all a game of Kithle and Pholly (AKA cat and mouse) to him. You're only going to get one shot at this and you're going to need him to use the full power on the attack. Satnak: Ok, but how are we going to do this? Kanatash: Well, as I see it we have two advantages over Pun-Pun. The first is that the entity stripped his divinity from him when entering Eberron, so he isn't omniscent and aware of what we're planning. The second is that he's cocky. Not overconfidant mind you, he can do everything he thinks he can, but we can still use that cockyness. As for how to get him to use his full power I would suggesting hitting him where it hurts. Satnak: And where exactly would that be? I threw a ****ing MOON at him and it didn't faze him. Kanatash: We're not aiming for his body, but his ego. I'll leave to you how you want to do that but I would remind you that he seems very fond of being worshiped and if that fails insulting their mother always works. Satnak: Check, but how do I actually turn his attack upon him? Kanatash: (tossing her a purple, crystal false fingernail) Use this. You'll know what to do when the time comes. Satnak: (looks at him sceptically) Out of curiousity, why didn't you do all this sooner. Kanatash: What? And miss this fight? I'm only doing this now because I'm out of popcorn. Satnak: (glare of doom) Kanatash: And that's my cue. Exit stage left. (teleports away) Satnak sighs, places the nail over one of her fingers. She then rises, once again reminded of how sore she is, to return to the fight. ---- Satnak: (back in the fight) Come on kobold boy! See if you can hit me. Do you know how many of your kin I've accidentally squished? Pun-Pun say's nothing, rather he simple draws back his hands as a ball of energy begins to grow between them. He launches a volly of blasts which Satnak, by some miracle, manages to dodge. Satnak: :D Nice shooting Tex. She points her thumb behind her at the, now decimated, redshirt section of the stands. A few survivors call out in pain. Satnak: Oh dear. All your faithful worshippers. Who's going to praise all of your three foot mightyness and wipe your *** for you now? Pun-Pun just growls and sends out another volley, which Satnak dodges as well. Satnak: Oh, nice shoot. At this rate you'll take out your next congrigation before you hit me. Pun-Pun lets out a howl along with a third volley. Though she tries, Satnak doesn't get out of the way quite in time, taking a hit on her arm. Satnak: Heh, you know what? I think last night I saw your mother with an elf. I think she liked it too. Something seems to snap within Pun-Pun at the last remark, his pupils dilate and he develops a twitch. Pun-Pun: (in a quiet but dangerous voice) That's it. I've had enough of this. I'm not holding back anymore. You. Will. Die. The crowd goes silent as Pun-Pun draws his arms back one last time. The entire world trembles with the gathering energy. Finally an animalistic roar tears from his throat. Pun-Pun: HADOKEN!!! A beam of intense light shoot towards Satnak, who is unable to dodge. Luckily Liam's shield manages to kick in just in time. However Pun-Pun's attack continues as the shield weakens and Satnak fight to keep her footing. Satnak: (looking at the nail) Now seems like the time. I sure hope the **** thing works cuz' otherwise I think I'm pretty screwed... She waves the nail around the air for a moment before suddenly a multicolored rift in space appear in front of her just as the shield fails. But rather than strike Satnak, the beam enter's the rift to exit the other end of the rift. Directly behind Pun-Pun. The energy released is beyond words and as the glare clears, Pun-Pun can be seen, still standing. His eyes are rolled back in his head and he sways dangerously from side to side. Satnak limps over to him from the other side of the ring. She stands before him for a moment before delivering a viscious kick to groin. As the kick strikes a set of popping noise echoes softly which causes every male in the audience to flinch. Pun-Pun's mouth hangs open and he collapses onto the floor. Satnak: Infinite plus one, *****. The crowd, which had been silent up until now breaks out in a roar of cheers. Igor shuffles up to Satnak and grabs her arm, causing her wince once again, and holds it up in the air, causing her to wince even more. Igor: Theth winnerth anth thill championth, SATNAK! Another cheer shoots up and Serene, whos cage has faded with Pun-Pun's defeat, rushes the stage and embraces Satnak in a bear hug. Satnak: (eyes rolling back in their sockets) Sore... Pain... Serene: (letting up) Oh. Sorry... Satnak: Rest now... With that she slips into unconsciousness in Serene's arms. ---- Silence: Hey, Silver. We've got to talk. Silver: Oh, it's you, Silence. What's up? Are you finally going to :pile: with Devon? Silence: :rolleyes: What, :pile: with that loser? Surely, you, like, jest. Maybe with V, if he still existed... Silver: But I thought you liked Devon... Silence: I like his poetry. Not him. He's just, like, a pathetic little geek. Silver: So... why do I need to be here, then? Terra and Lisa are in... Silence: *grabs Silver by the throat* Look, the important thing is, like, can I bind to you? Silver: Err... how can you touch me? I mean, I don't exist... Silence: Neither do I. I'm, like, a ficticious narrative element that is capable of whatever the plot requires. OOHelix: *Jedi Mind Trick* DO NOT LOOK AT THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN! Silence: Silver, ANSWER MY BLOODY QUESTION OR I'LL, like, VESTIGEWRACK YOU! Silver: Errr... Maybe? ---- In the aftermath of the battle, the crowd has gathered around the ring, Satnak has been carried off to rest by Micky and Serene. Most of the crew however is still staring at the ring, or more precisely, Pun-Pun, who lies in the center of it. Norbaz: ...is he dead? Sa'vor: No, I believe he is mearly unconscious. Norbaz: So what do we do with him now? (turns to the crowd) Any suggestions? About a dozen hands shoot into the air, including Terrek's and Layla's. Kanatash: (floating through the arena floor) Alright, I'm here by order of my entity. (glancing at the raised hands) Let's see here... Liam, further experiments correct? Liam nod's silently. Kanatash: Kithle, you want his brain correct? Kithle wiggles his tentacles in a guesture of agreement. Kanatash: Terrek, you want his soul. Terrek bows his head slightly. Kanatash: Klaz, you want... Wait a sec, what would YOU want with him? Klaz: Well criky mate, I mean he's just my type. I wanna- Kanatash: I'm stopping you there. I get it. Scales, extremely dangerous, sure to rip you limb from limb. Has to be irrestable for you. Anyway I assume the rest of you want to steal his power in some way. There is a general murmer of ascension. Kanatash: Well then. My entity figured this would happen so he has decided to make this into a little game. I'm going to send Pun-Pun someplace "special" and the first one of you to reach him can have him for whatever purposes you like. (opens a dimensional rift directly below Pun-Pun and he falls through it) ---- Pun-Pun slowly awakens in severe pain. Glancing around he finds himself in a strange world. One full of happy faced clouds and bright rainbows. Pun-Pun: (holding his head) Ugh, where am I? And why do we feel like I've had a moon dropped on me? Suddenly on the horizons several figures appear. As they aproch Pun-Pun can see they resemble Teddy bears in a variety of bright colors, each with some sort of symbol on their stomachs. The walk right up to where Pun-Pun lies. Pink Bear: (giggle) Do you want to be our friend? Pun-Pun: No, I do not want to be your ****ing friend. I am Pun-Pun! I am almightly! I am infinite! You will kneel before your new god! The pink creature turns to face its companions. Pink Bear: (looking sad) :( He doesn't want to be our friend... Bear Creatures: Awwwwww... Pink Bear: :lightbulb ...maybe he can be our new inside friend! Bear Creatures: :w00t: YEAH! Inside friend, inside friend! Pun-Pun: I already told you I will not be your friend! I am your god- Wait a sec, what do you mean "inside friend?" The bear creatures turn on Pun-Pun in unison, a strange and disturbing gleem in their eyes. Suddenly out of each a veritable medusa head of tentacles snake from the mouths of each creature. They reach out and grapple Pun-Pun, with many of them impaling him as well. You can almost sense his life essence being drained by these tentacles as he screems in torment. ---- As Pun-Pun's screams still echo, Kanatash closes the scrying window. Kanatash: And THAT, is where Pun-Pun is. If you chose to enter you should be able to get there while there's still something left. Crew: :mymy: Kithle: You know those creature's look rather familiar... Kanatash: I believe you would be refering to the soulsnuggles, correct? Kithle: Yeah, you just stole them here didn't you? Kanatash: Actually no. The soulsnuggles are in fact general, and in fact far weaker, recreations of these creatures. You see the entities deemed these creatures too evil to ever be allowed into our universe so they placed a ban on interplanar travel to or from their existance. Terrek: Then how did you send Pun-Pun there? Kanatash: My entity has been kind enough to temporarily lift the ban. I can also transport any of you there if you wish. Returning, and more importantly returning alive, is another matter completely. :devil: Any takers? ---- Terrek: I'm in. (Lifts eyebrow.) Honestly, did you think I'd be scared by something that eats souls? What do you think I do? It also helps that because I eat souls I'm immune to having mine eaten, but that's besides the point. Now open the portal before I pull out my ghost-touch weapons. Kanatash: Meh. Your funeral. The portal opens and Terrek begins to walk through it. At the last moment his chains whip out and grab several of the remaining redshirts and pulls them in screaming. Terrek approaches the Bear things slowly and sets the redshirts down in front of him while turning himself invisible. The Redshirts whimper and cower in fear for a moment before the Bears notice them. Bear Creatures: Yay! More friends!! The redshirts open their mouths to speak, intending to offer their friendship, hoping it will spare their lives but all find themselves mute. Terrek then speaks, disguising his voice with spells to mimic the voices of the redshirsts. Terrek: We don't wanna be your friends! Bear Creatures: Yay! More inside friends!! The Redshirts scream in horror as the Bear Creatures descend upon them, momentarily forgetting Pun-Pun. Terrek sweeps in and grabs the small kobold who can only lie still writhing in pain. He then swiftly returns to his own dimension, Pun-Pun in tow. ---- Satnak awakes in the Infirmary, Serene is there holding her hand, the other is tightly bandaged. Satnak - Serene!? Serene - Oh thank goodness your awake. Satnak - Goodness got nothing to do with it, I'm just ornery. -tries to sit up- ok maybe not quite that ornery Serene - Its just you and me here you don't need to act tough. Satnak - heh, alright you asked for it... BLOODY MOL THAT HURTS. Serene - -looks at Satnak's face- Even after that beating you should be fealing better than this after all the healing mickey pumped into you. Satnak - sssshhhhhhhhhh ahhh, and you didn't skimp on the spells either, i know what a depleted bard looks like. Serene - :embarrass :( I'm sorry I couldn't help more. Satnak - Its not the injuries from the fight, that are hurting me... well the hand needs some work. Otherwise its just- SERENE GET BACK NOW. Serene - What? Satnak shoves Serene into a chair. Serene - Satnak why:confused: :( Satnak - RRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH Satnak's med-cot is dissolved and absorbed. As she rolls onto her hands and knees, two grey lines appear on her back about 9cm wide and 3/4 of a meter long. Streams of essentia and ectoplasm form a pillar of energy that rips out through the ship and into the sky. As the surge recedes a set of cyrstal wings grow in along the lines. Serene - Satnak? are you ok? Satnak - *pant* Yeah thats it for now. Serene - Whats happening? Satnak - Its the next step, in my change. Serene - They're lovely but why aren't the like your tail, and why is that white? Satnak - They are temporary after the surge wears off -wings dissapate in a cloud of ectoplasm- they dissapear untill i want to use them. The grey stripes on my back are the foci of a direct link to a resevior of compressed ectoplasm inside my body. My tail is flesh and bone, said flesh needs to get some sun so it stops looking like fish belly, although... Satnak brings her tail up to her face and places her hand under a growing bulge, the flesh parts and The Genesis Stone drops into her hand. Satnak - The flesh of my tail is significantly more changeable. Serene - Thats amazing and all, but you do realize you've been standing there the whole time in a ripped hospital gown, not that I'm complaining. ( i.h.h. :love: :w00t: :drool: ) Satnak - :blush: :doh: Serene tosses Satnak some bedding from another cot. Satnak - Thanks :embarrass Um...I want you to keep this. Satnak, now wrapped in bedsheets, hands Serene the Genesis stone. Serene - It's lovely, but its a powerstone, a strong one, you can use this I can't. Satnak - Precisely, It belonged to my sister Ketty, she was going to use it to make her perfect ideal world. When I tried to tell her I didn't want to live there with her and that .. that monster she called her husband... She attacked me :weep: That scumwad had been brainwashing her for years. It was making her irrational. I had to fight her.. to kill...her:weep:. Then I went after that filthy worm. I ripped him to pieces one joint at time. Thats about when i got zapped here. -sniffle- There I go again unloading my problems on you. ---- A large robed figure appears in front of Terrek. figure: Give back Pun-Pun. Terrek: Who are you to order me around? figure: I am Ao lord overdiety of Pun-Pun's homke plane, Forgotten Realms. His soul must be returned to its rightful plane. Terrek: Why? Ao: Because when creatures hop from one campaign setting to another the barriers between them crack. The longer a creature stays in aa campaign setting not of its own the larger the cracks become, therefore making travel between the two worlds easier. IF they become two large the campaign settings collide. When that happens something very bad or very wierd happens. Terrek: How bad could it be? Ao: Last time it happened four campaign settings were destoryed, several others damaged beyond repair, and third edition was created. Is you quest for power so important that you would risk thousands of deaths? Terrek: ... ---- Terrek: Only thousands? Is that all? I have devoured a million souls, what is a thousand deaths to me? Pun-pun is not a native of Ebberon and hence the destruction of his soul here shouldn't affect our realm. As for the Forgotten Realms; they may burn for all I care. And I think that the denizens of the FF would be more than capable of dealing with whatever weirdness results from a collision of settings. Besides, if I destroy Pun-Pun, then he's no longer in our setting. Now begone from my plane. You have no power here. Terrek waves his hand and banishes the Figure then turns and devours what's left of Pun-Pun's soul. He feels the new energies seep through him, and then obliterates all remnants of Pun-Pun's existence, down to the very soul he'd trapped within himself. The being's power remained with him, though in time the others would forget Pun-Pun, so much that they would not know that he'd ever existed... Terrek: D*mn entities sending "figures" to do their dirty work. They hold no sway here. Terrek tests the new energies that he has acquired, and finds them lacking. Terrek: D*mm*t! I gained almost nothing from that! Those bear creatures had almost sucked him dry! I got more from the demi-god after it was filtered through Terra than I did from that whelp! Perhaps I should have let the "figure" take him back Bah. What a waste; still, he did have some useful abilities left... (Thinks to himself for a moment) I need to get back to the ship. Have to make sure Serene is alright. I'm sure she is, but I wonder how she's getting along with Satnak... Terrek slips quietly into the shadows of his lab and returns to his room aboard the FF. ---- Serene - Silly girl, when I said i'm always there for anything you need I meant it. Actually it means alot that you trust me this much. Satnak - heh yeah... Um Serene I know we haven't known each other that long but... I was wondering if you were ever interested in possibly interested in girls... you know uh... romantically. Serene - Girls no, a girl yes. Satnak - Oh...Well then, (I.h.h. :weep: :banghead: ) who's the lucky girl? Serene - She's brutally strong, incredibly brave, inhumanly beautiful, and really a silly girl.;) Satnak - HUh? wha- Serene cuts off further conversation, by kissing Satnak full on the lips. Almost minute or so later. Serene - *pant* That was amazing, but breathing is important. Satnak - *pant* I say we test that *pant* the..o..ry.......... *thud* *snore* Serene - Silly girl you've pushed yourself too far already today. Serene wraps Satnak in some more bedding, and Casts a small spell. Serene - I get the feeling that I'm gonna I owe ol'tenser big for this disk spell. Come on Satnak we gotta get you back to your bed. ---- Terra: Bored, bored, bored, boredboredboredboredboredbored...BORED!!! Lisa: He said it would be soon. Just be patient. Terra: I just want to know what else our entity has in store. Look at him! You just know he's plotting something big... ---- Ao appears before the assembly of gods. Ao: He wouldn't give it back. You know what that means right? one of the numerous FF gods: Cancel all but the two most profitable campaign settings, release another Die Venca Die type module, cancel third edition, and start reprinting 3rd edition books in 4th edition. Ao: Correct. *a letter from Wizards of the Coast appears in his hands.* Apparently we're being canceled and replaced with Ravenloft. However we will not be cancelled until we complete the module. assembled gods: :schemes: ---- On the Astral Plane: Terra: Hmmm...I guess he's not ready. I can't get in. Lisa: How about we check out Satnak's world, first? Terra: Sure. I've been wanting to meet Forbes for a while now. ---- After a very bumby ride. Levy - Hey ladies Satnak said you'd be stopping by, sorry 'bout the jump, but these cross multiversal portals do that. Lisa - I'l be ok, but Terra needs a barf bag. Terra - :yuck: Levy - Here,... I gotta head out, Old Lady Stonechewer says her Grandson is a right nasty soulknife and wants to study here. Gotta do an interview on the little troll tyke. Kes will be doing the tour. Kes, a short shifter wearing blue mage's robes and carrying a mithral buckler, drops his invisibiliy. Kes - Hi LIsa - Hello Terra - Hi *ralph* Kes - Take a minute to settle then join me at the ridge. When Terra gets over her rough ride, She and Lisa catch up to Kes midway up the hill. Kes - We like to do all the portaling here because once you get up you have a great view of the campus. Terra - You register heavily for magic, I didn't think that was taught here. Kes - It is, but the emphasis is martial arts and psionics. Now Me I never attended more than a couple classes here, you get to interview full-time students once the tour begins, I'm whats known as a free-range psi-user. I was born and raised on the streets, hiding my power and masking it behind my sorcery. Don't wanna get snapped up by Scavengers or recruiters for less pleasant employers. Oh here we go. A grand visat is laid out before the trio. A great city composed of great living crystal trees erupts forth from the lush grounds. In the center a great mountain provides the base for a massive tower, smaller buildings grow out down the sides with chutes of water weaving through them. In dry chutes specks can be seen flitting about. Kes - The chutes provide water and transpotation, skife carts can use the resonant energies of the crystal in the chutes to maneuver based on a simple series of thought commands. Now hold on the sigil beneath you is a port pad to the edge of Open Eye City. ---- OOcat: Too much…running through head……need time……to write very funny scene………Well at least I can mess around with stuff at this D&D convention—:confused:—Where did Silver go? Silver: You call this a Book of Erotic Fantasy? I've seen nuns get it on better. (pulls out personal notebook) Now this stuff… OOcat: :mymy: Oh dear…… ---- Beryl: Wait... I've been pulling stuff from from Greyhawlk's Abyss... and we haven't had any problems. I just Think Ao is a whinny b*tch. Layla: Does that mean I can go steal spell from The Chosen? :D Beryl: No I have a speacial Mission for you later... and if you start Eating the weave you'll not stop in time. P/Y/R: It better be damn well after my plot... OOChrys Yeah if will not be until Lisa gets back and meets her sisters... even though I don't care about linda. ---- Sa'vor shed Vortis's form and manifested as a corporeal being once more. he stretched, and flexed his normal form. He sighed. it was so much better to be in his original form. Sa'vor reached out with his mind, the thoughts of those around him swirled, emtions stood out like Neon signs. there was no trace of any followers of this so called "Dream Weaver", Sa'vor could feel that there was a threat on the horizon. somwhere there where dark plots abound, the crew was beggining to bicker like children again. now the danger was gone many of them where becoming complacent and assured in their arrogance. Sa'vors mind dwelled on the world Satnak had come from, she had once said that the Hobo's of said world would eat the ogre's of this world for breakfast. seeing Satnak's power made Sa'vor think, what would he be like in that universe. if the last war hadnt ended he and Naz'roth would still be sharing the same form. there would have been no forgotten freedom. Sa'vor smiled, he would have probably been killed off. Sa'vor reached out and touched slips mind, Slip: you could of told me where you where! its bad enough that you took a holiday without me. but then you go into deep cover and dont even bother to tell me Sa'vor: if i had told you it would have blown my cover. your mind may be well shielded but there are entity's out there that could penetrate that barrier. you must of at least guessed that i wasnt dead. everone of the ubers seemed to know. Slip: It was obvious. you didnt reform, you couldnt be dead. Sa'vor: unfourtunatly there are things out there that can kill me permenetly.perhaps if someone destroyed my mind, i couldnt reform then Slip: you had a Daemon Lord in your mind for over fourty years. i think that if anyone tried to destroy your mind they would be destroyed themselves. i've seen the dark things within.... sometimes seeing whats really inside you scares me.... all those entities clammering for attention. Sa'vor: Things are different now. i have my soul again. they're gone forever. Slip: did you miss me when you decided to go wandering? Sa'vor: i missed you more then i could possibly express. Slip: *smiles* thats good to know. perhaps we could call in sick tomorrow? Sa'vor: :smirk: i like the sound of that... ---- 13: So Pun-Pun's been beaten. Wasn't much of a being. Bunny: That's power for you. It's like Word Being said "Power=Stupidity". 13:……Um……………I think I should ask this on behalf of all the crew………How does that take into account that Knowledge is Power? Bunny: Knowledge and smarts aren't the same thing. Knowledge is what you know, smarts is how you use it. The problem is that so many people try to gain power and/or knowledge without first thinking about what they are going to do with it. 13: So could you lack knowledge and still be……okay, we're going to have to use a word other than smart here. OOcat: Insightful. 13: Thank you. Bunny: Exactly what Mr. Dim Bulb just said: smarts/insight is the ability to understand things in new ways, to think something new. Take your standard villain: 1: Get crazy power. 2: ???? 3: World Domination! How often does that work? 13: Never in the timeline of the campaign setting. Bunny: Exactly. All your really good villains have been ones who at most had pretty good kung-fu moves but plans like multiple layers of safety glass, 13: :confused: Bunny: Okay, safety glass—it's used in car windshields—has that sticky layer in the middle so that the glass doesn't fly everywhere when it's hit. Good villains have plans like that: you break one bit and the flexible part of the plan keeps everything from being completely ruined. 13: Waaaaaayyyyyyyy to complicated an answer. Bunny: They can't all be winners. 13: So why do villains like Ariajni fail? Bunny: Same problem: complex plan, no flexibility. I mean a quality villain would hav used subtle manipulation the whole time rather than going and killing Aerith. All they really need to do is put the crew at each others' throats and the FF would go down in flames. 13: By now I highly doubt anything could beat this crew. It takes something like Pun-Pun for them to take it seriously. Bunny: That's only because we haven't had much in the way of truely competant villains. Each of the most powerful people on this ship has a weakness, however on the micro scale it is. The proper trigger at the proper time and they'd be useless. It's impossible to be perfect. Besides, what would you do if you were perfect? :D ---- [[Forgotten_Freedom:88|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:90|Next Plot]]
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