Editing Genius The Transgression/Chapter One: The Cosmos

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===Favored Axiom:===
===Favored Axiom:===
Metaptropi, the Axiom of Transformation. Principalities are masters of changing the physical world, bending it to conform to what they want to see.
Metaptropi, the Axiom of Transformation. Principalities are masters of changing the  
physical world, bending it to conform to what they want to see.
Narcissism. Even the kindest Hoffnung, deep down, believes that he is entirely right and correct, making him dangerous to those who cross him.
Narcissism. Even the kindest Hoffnung, deep down, believes that he is entirely right and  
correct, making him dangerous to those who cross him.
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Grimm: Punching the broken computer does not fix the broken computer. Repairing the broken computer fixes the broken computer.
Grimm: Punching the broken computer does not fix the broken computer. Repairing the broken computer fixes the broken computer.
Klagen: It doesn't do to feel sorry over this death or that atrocity; you must feel sorrow over the entire structure that allows such horrors to unfold.
Klagen: It doesn't do to feel sorry over this death or that atrocity; you must feel sorrow over the entire structure that allows such horrors to unfold.
Neid: There's a reason that everyone thinks you're crazy. It's because you haven't yet shown them how right you are.
Neid: There's a reason that everyone thinks you're crazy. It's because you haven't yet shown them how right you are.
Staunen: Stop staring slack-jawed and get to work; Utopia isn't going to achieve itself.
Staunen: Stop staring slack-jawed and get to work; Utopia isn't going to achieve itself.
'''The Catalyst of Loss'''
'''Nickname: Cassandras'''
'''Traditional Planet: Venus'''
''No, you fools! You'll doom us all!''
Mad scientists, like many other people in the World of Darkness, have often lost something dear to them: a loved one, a family, a childhood dream. This loss can result in a sorrow so deep that it transforms the scientist utterly, leading to a Breakthrough in pain and regret. Whether the genius then wants to reclaim what he has lost (resurrecting his dead wife, restoring the toppled government of his homeland) or merely works to prevent such tragedies from happening again, he has become a Klagen.
Creatures of sorrow and compassion, Klagens resemble Buddhas more than angels, walking through a world so defiled that the only answer is to weep. They are also harbingers and doom-sayers, seeking to avert whatever catastrophe drove them to catalyze. Different Klagens warn humanity about everything from global warming to the Malthusian population bomb to the shadow-stealing AIs from the future, with varying degrees of success. For this trait, other geniuses have referred to them as prophets, oracles, Jonahs, and harbingers, but today their most common nickname acknowledges the Klagen's often frightening prophetic accuracy, while recognizing the frequent failure of their warnings to be heeded. They are the Cassandras, moved by a godlike awareness to speak out against the common doom rushing toward humanity.
Klagens are the least likely of all geniuses to bear seeds of their catalyst before the tragedy that defines them. They may be sad, thoughtful people, but others are equally likely to be exuberant, full of life, and passionate―though rarely is a pre-Klagen abstractly disinterested in human affairs. But despite this common thread of being connected to humanity, Klagens come from all walks of life. They don't start off angry like Grimms or cultivate jealousy like Neids.
Mad doctors are more often Klagens than any other catalyst, since there is so much potential for tragedy in the healing arts. Even Klagens who begin in other fields can experience a desire to study medicine after their Breakthrough. But people who will become Cassandras come from nearly any walk of life, since tragedy can strike anywhere. Some are construction workers and machinists who lose friends to accidents, mismanagement and plant closings (often caused by their own failures; catalyzing mortals who can blame someone else more often become Grimms or Neids). Others are researchers who watch friends grow obsessed with studies that eventually destroy them―some Klagens almost seem like echoes of another would-be genius, annihilated during their Breakthroughs―while others grow obsessed with their own studies, only to wake up one day and realize that everyone has left them, and all that remains is their work. Comparatively few Klagens come from outside the scientific community, however; most regular people faced with tragedy move on, or fall to despair; few see a solution or a way to stop those tragedies from happening again.
Cassandras are born in sorrow. This might be either a personal loss or general sorrow at the state of the world, but most often it is a combination of the two: a terrible loss that the burgeoning genius suffers that sheds light on one of the greater tragedies eating away at the World of Darkness. This loss is sometimes the genius' own fault. It is not often violent―violent tragedy leads more often to the creation of Grimms―but it is often sad, often pointless, a tragedy that reveals the underlying cruelty of the world.
Klagens are in fact slightly rarer than other catalysts, since the quiet contemplation necessary to catalyze as a Klagen matches poorly with the frantic Mania coursing through a new genius' brain. A Klagen's tragedy and her transformation must align just right: an aerospace engineer whose secret love gets dragged screaming into an air intake might instead catalyze as a Grimm (someone else is at fault), a Hoffnung (I can make sure this sort of thing never happens again), a Neid (someone planned this to ruin me), or, in all likelihood, not catalyze at all. The genius' tragedy must occur at the very cusp of a conceptual breakthrough. Perhaps the secret love feared the Klagen's growing obsession with the new technology, and foolishly snuck in to run her own tests. Betrayed, but not vengeful, the aerospace engineer catalyzes in sorrow and regret, but also sudden understanding: a way to perfect the engine, to give the tragedy meaning.
The nature of a Klagen's loss determines her subsequent behavior. Some work to reverse the tragedy that befell them, while others try to prevent their fate from befalling others―possibly against their will. Other Klagens begin their Inspired careers peculiarly directionless, even fatalistic. Faced with strange new abilities, many retreat into bewilderment, wondering what to do with their ruined lives.
But Mania doesn't let them rest. The visions always come: plans to undo the damage they've caused, dreams of how to take away pain and sorrow and despair, and most of all, an overwhelming urge to warn others about the doom that rushes toward them. This prophetic, often futile doom-saying―a Cassandra complex―defines Klagens, who are haunted by the failures of their past and nightmare images of the future. This constant dread and despair can drive a Klagen insane if she is not careful, goading her into irrational, hysterical behavior.
A Klagen can provide grounding and stability for a collaborative. This isn't to say that the Klagen's job is always to say, "I don't think that's a very good idea," but once a room has three or more mad scientists in it, there are a lot of bad ideas that get thrown around. Someone whose sorrow grounds her Mania can be invaluable in preventing horrible ideas from turning into horrible misadventures. Klagens are also the most adept of any catalyst at analyzing the perspective of individual humans. Where a Hoffnung can focus on society, a Klagen can study the behavior of people in all their ugly uniqueness, giving a collaborative alienated
from humanity a glimpse into the soul of the sane world. A collaborative, by contrast, keeps a Klagen active. Too many Klagens sink into despair and inactivity, drowning in regret or paralyzed by dreadful apocalyptic fantasies; a dynamic, energized collaborative can give a sorrowing genius purpose, direction, and motivation.
===Favored Axiom:===
Exelixi, the Axiom of Restoration. Many Cassandras work to prevent the horror that befell them from ever happening again, or if it does come, to reverse those effects.
Depression. Klagens are naturally prone to misery and all-consuming despair.
Klagens come from backgrounds that see great suffering. Many are ex-military or former doctors, with the Skills to back up those origins. They are often gifted, possessing high Intelligence or some other Attribute, but prone to moral failings that imply a feeble Resolve. Cassandras that come from technical or blue-collar positions, such as auto-mechanics and construction workers, often have excellent Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wits, while those who saw their political dreams destroyed can be highly influential speakers when they find the motivation.
With so many Klagens coming from the medical world, Medicine is a common Skill. Others see the world of the metanormal and supernatural as the quickest route to healing the damage they've caused, and become masters of the Occult, while others try to escape humanity entirely for a time, and learn self-sufficient Skills like Survival and Animal Ken. Those that fall out of society completely become the wandering mad, their street-level experiences reflected in Skills like Brawl, Larceny, and Streetwise―though few Klagens remain in this state for long.
Disgraced software engineer, geneticist who made a fatal error, unwitting creator of monsters,
shack-dwelling crazy person, prophetic ecoterrorist, fallen trophy wife, nihilistic politico, scholar of genocide, hollowed-out social worker.
''When I was in high school my teacher told me that there are more people alive today than have ever lived. Don't worry: she lied, then got cancer. (Not my fault.) We live atop a mountain of corpses. The Earth is swimming in humans, above and below the ground, so when I see you trying to raise the dead, I'm torn. On the one hand, I recognize your despair. On the other hand, do you really want to spend the rest of the week fending off a zombie apocalypse as the Earth vomits up her dead? AGAIN? Come on, man, think this through: every time you try this, we end up fighting zombies. I hate zombies. Just put the syringe down.''
Grimm: Rage just makes more hurt. Reflect on what has hurt you; that will stop it from happening again.
Hoffnung: We can hope for small victories, maybe. Revolutionary change is beyond the reach even of Inspiration in this awful world.
Neid: The terrible truth is that no one cares about you enough to hate you.
Staunen: What childish whimsy, to pretend to see "beyond" the horrors of this world. In truth you just ignore them.
'''The Catalyst of Banishment'''
'''Nickname: Wyrms'''
'''Traditional Planet: Saturn'''
''Scoff at me, will you? I'll show them! I'll show them all!''
When some genius is ranting about how they made him a laughingstock, but soon she'll have her revenge, chances are she's a Neid. Breaking through in shame and to the scornful laughter of others, the Neids maintain their ties to humanity by burning with spite and jealousy. This choke-chain nonetheless binds them to their fellows: as long as a Neid desperately craves the approval of her peers (even in their final moments), she remains sane.
Neids are probably the most common mad scientists; they certainly make up a large percentage of Lemurians, and even among the Peerage, there is an irresistible lure to embrace jealousy, spite, and hate. By many standards, especially those that concern the Inspired, geniuses really are better than regular mortals. They're smarter, more gifted, more capable of pushing themselves. And mere mortals often do hate, resent, and fear the Inspired and their creations. But being a Neid is more than reacting to the scorn of one's peers. Neids seem almost like magnets for scorn and derisions, and their entire personalities are defined by jealousy
toward those who have what they want, and hatred for those who would attempt to tear them down. Some geniuses view Neids as the most insane of all, but Neids often surprise others with their lucidity. Look at humanity, they say, hungry for blood, twisted with hate, wanting to destroy more than to build up. Neids don't fear that people hate them; they know people hate them, and they have the sense to protect themselves.
In previous centuries, Neids were strongly associated with the demons of selfishness and envy. They were Satan the Dragon, and also linked with reinterpreted Norse myths of Loki or the drakes who guarded treasures. Catholic theologians classifying Leviathan as the demon of envy sealed the connections between Neids and Satanic, draconic forces, and Neids have ever since been referred to as Wyrms―behind their backs, of course.
Neids are the most likely of all geniuses to have been part of the traditional breeding pool. Many belonged to cutting-edge research groups and saw something none of their peers could see; others were trapped in safe but mediocre scientific careers until one day Inspiration hit. All, of course, suffered during their Breakthrough, usually leaving trails of broken friendships and destroyed reputations. Despite their origin, almost no Neids remain in science after their Breakthroughs; while some geniuses can fake legitimate research, the Banished are often too bitter and resentful to remain amidst the consensus.
Of all geniuses, Neids are also the most likely to go crazy well before their catalysts. This madness is subtle, at first, and usually begins either as skewed reasoning or paranoia. Skewed reasoning quickly results in a decline in the pre-Neid's job performance; this, especially if it's coupled with claims of "miraculous" results (caused by stray Mania as the genius begins his Breakthrough), results in resentment and pity from the budding genius' peers. Those Neids that catalyze first through paranoia often do excellent work, but they become increasingly afraid of sabotage or theft, that someone is trying to destroy or steal their research. Even
if this is the case, as a pre-Neid grows more paranoid, his behavior becomes increasingly erratic and dangerous.
A Neid's Breakthrough often begins with a scientific marvel: a cold fusion generator, a cloned human, a car that runs for days on a teaspoon of gas. They're not quite wonders, but they're incredible. Of course, they're also held together with Mania, which is notoriously unstable, and the inevitable collapse is often enough to bring a proto-Neid right over the edge into screaming, cackling Inspiration.
Even those Neids who do not arise from the breeding pool often create something new and extraordinary, which might be anything from a get-rich-quick scheme to a perfect plan for reinvigorating the parish. But madness comes just as quickly, followed by jealousy, suspicion, and the scorn of others. It's the alienation, not the technology, that makes a Wyrm: the realization that people will take what the genius has created for their own selfish ends, or worse, that they'll laugh and call the genius a fool for what she's done. The device, the creation, is not a true wonder―usually. It's merely a prop around which a Neid spins a narrative of deceit and contempt that will bind her, forever, to the rest of humanity in a sick, abusive relationship based on exploitation and betrayal.
More than anything, Neids want to demonstrate the truth and worth of their convictions. Whether this desire is directed at their old colleagues or to their new peers, Neids need to demonstrate their capability and vision. Those who were mediocre scientists before their Breakthrough are especially eager to show how Inspiration has transformed them. For some Neids, this motivation is based on simple jealousy or insecurity, and an urge to gloat after proving everyone else wrong. But not all Neids are so small-minded and insecure: others want to raise their former peers up to their level, to spread Inspiration as far as they can, to show their old colleagues what a gift, and what a curse, genius can be.
Neids are also intrinsically suspicious. They hide secrets from all but their closest friends (if they have any), use ciphers and riddles to conceal the true meaning of their words, and plan to be treated as horribly as one human being might possibly treat another. When their survival is at stake, the desire to share and to justify falls away, replaced by an overwhelming, almost atavistic need to avoid theft, betrayal, and victimization.
Wyrms have a bad reputation, but it's important for other geniuses in the collaborative to realize that Neids aren't any crazier than anyone else hanging around the water cooler at the laboratory. A Neid suspects the worst from everyone, and while this can be dangerous if she can't drop her guard at home, it's invaluable when vetting an external agency. Is the crazy cat lady down the road a threat? A potential ally? A Lemurian spy? An Illuminated cannibal? Or just a crazy cat lady? The Neid can find out; they're paranoid, but their paranoia gets directed more often at real than imagined threats. Neids are also fiercely loyal to those they can trust. That, coupled with their suspicion of outsiders, can cement a group together like nothing else, especially one in hostile territory or with few other friends or contacts.
===Favored Axiom:===
Epikrato, the Axiom of Control. At the end of the day, if they will not listen, the Neid will
make them listen.
Suspicion. Neids are prone to paranoia, jealousy, and constant fear.
Wyrms are often the most security-minded of the Inspired, focusing on acts of subtle retribution: Computer, Investigation, Stealth, and Larceny are areas of particular focus, and most Neids favor Subterfuge over other Social skills. Generally, Neids prefer the oblique approach.
Many Neids are brilliant, and even those that were mediocre scholars before their Breakthrough feel their intellects transformed by Mania upon becoming Inspired, meaning that most favor Mental Attributes. Many Neids make poor Social specimens, though, with arrogance, suspicion, and sheer orneriness limiting their ability to make friends and influence people. A few Neids, though, keep their bitterness well-hidden, and are often masters of Manipulation, but few of the Banished have much Composure; the slightest hint of rudeness can send one careening into an insane rant. Whether a Neid is physically-oriented varies greatly; most come from academic or technical fields, which makes it unlikely, but the few non-scientific Neids who appear are
often tough and physically capable, and others see fitness of body as an important adjunct to fitness of mind.
Despite their frequently limited Social abilities, many Neids have old contacts and favors owed that give them an impressive collection of Social Merits: Allies might be rare, but Contacts, Resources, and especially Status are all very common, and even Fame is not unheard-of; at least one infamous Neid even has a late-night radio show where her rants about the government destroying her research have made her a local celebrity.
Paranoid hacker, pyramid scam victim, tale-telling Ufologist, neurotic security consultant,
calculating mastermind, betrayed researcher, ex-CEO holed up in the woods, jittery cat burglar
''First let me tell you that human beings without mathematical souls are transparent to God and thus mean nothing to Him. So you ask, why does God (who is the Equation) care about window-souls? He doesn't, but the Devil, whom I define as our negative thoughts, does, and directs window-soul humans at us to destroy us. These humans think they think and feel, but they are without the highest Number and their feelings are only our self-doubt. Destroy your self-doubt, be free of their hatred. Or destroy them, and be free of your self-doubt. Vengeance is time- and space-symmetrical, like any good equation.''
Grimm: Anger is good, but ask yourself, what right do you have to be angry? That's right: you deserve to be angry because they hate you, and they've taken away what you love.
Hoffnung: Alright, "make it better." I can get behind that. But you need to know who wants to make it worse first.
Klagen: Other people get hurt all the time. Why can't you see the pattern in it?
Staunen: Yes, it's a candy-coated wonderland, isn't it? The cosmos has its boot on your throat, and you're admiring the shoelaces.
'''The Catalyst of Curiosity'''
'''Nickname: Grigori'''
'''Traditional Planet: Mercury'''
''Oh, the things I have seen...''
There are rays of light even in the World of Darkness. The Staunens have found them and want to share them with the world. Their Breakthrough involved a moment of superlative wonder and near-religious awe at the cosmos or some aspect of it, and that starry-eyed amazement never truly left them. This does not make all Staunens decent people, of course―what fills a genius with wonder may fill a normal person with horror and disgust―but they nonetheless carry a spark of amazement with them wherever they go.
Quintessential explorers, Staunens work to tear down the veils that hide the truth from our eyes. This makes them both terrifying and magnificent: their curiosity itself is an affront to the established order, an enemy of tranquility and decorum. In their hunger to know, Staunens most epitomize the mad scientist, ripping away falsehoods to reveal the hideous truth behind the lies we tell ourselves.
Before the rise of modern psychology, popular conception linked geniuses of this cast with the Grigori, the watching-angels of Cabbalistic mythology. This mythological designation reflects an element of the Staunens that is not clear from the simple German term: psychologically, many Staunens seem fit only to watch, to analyze, and to record; their attempts to interact with the worlds they see can birth nightmares and chaos.
The Staunens saw something before their Breakthrough and it consumed them. Most Staunens were
hobbyists: not full scientists, but not rank amateurs either; they were explorers, tinkers, and investigators. Seeing something new and strange, whether in the flicker of a telescope or the scrolling lines of computer code, they grew hungry for more. Staunens not drawn from the breeding pool are often investigative journalists or private investigators who stumble upon something too weird to dismiss but not quite horrifying enough to bury behind fugues and night-terrors. They might never even see what they hunt, whether it's an immortal Ophidian who controls the town's mayor or a secret spawning-ground of electronic manes. Instead, the fascination itself is what drives these amateur sleuths and mystery-seekers.
Of all the catalysts, the Staunens often experience the least traumatic Breakthrough: any horror they experience is often postponed until they gain sufficient talent and insight to answer the questions they've unwisely raised. Proto-Staunens in the scientific community may operate on either the cutting edge of their fields or in the historical trenches, uncovering forgotten twists and turns that could have utterly transformed a field of knowledge. Whether forging ahead or digging into unexplored crevices, they fall deeper and deeper into mystification and bewilderment. Eventually the fascination reaches a critical mass, turns into obsession, and results in the genius' Breakthrough.
Not all Staunens drift leisurely into a broader world. Others are dragged there in a flash, exposed to things beyond their ken or comprehension, then left abandoned in the cold light of mundanity. Whether they're astronomers or farm hands, geneticists who watch secret words appear in DNA or kids who realize the neighbor's dog talks to Jupiter at night, they've seen too much and now they can't go back. Some just blunder into enlightenment, while a few get introduced by other geniuses, eager to crack open a fresh new mind, but for these Staunens, their breakthrough and the time afterward can be traumatic and confusing as they work to see again what opened their minds.
Consumed by curiosity, Staunens spend most of their time looking for new ways to sate it. They plunge from one project to the next, seeking answers at almost any cost. This can make them dangerous, but also useful: other geniuses can hitch their own work to a Staunen's frantic investigations. Some Grigori focus on a single question for years, or perhaps even their whole lives: What is the nature of death? What is the origin of the universe? Just what the hell is in this puzzle-box I got for my eighteenth birthday? Others leap from project to project, letting Inspiration push them along like a muse as they explore one mystery after the next, often leaving chaos and turmoil in their wake.
Staunens are prone to obsession, which can be dangerous and isolating. A few have been found rotting in their seats beneath the observatory's telescope or dessicated and decayed in front of still-glowing computer screens. Collaboratives are a great way to avoid dying alone and forgotten, and they are also sources of new perspectives. Too many Staunens find themselves staring at the same patch of space or time, day after day; other points of view are vital to give the genius a new perspective and allow him to escape the doldrums of repetitive analysis.
The Grigori are also useful to the rest of the collaborative insofar as they provide a distraction from the mundane. Most other catalysts are focused on the human condition; Staunens, by contrast, focus entirely on the extraordinary. This can make them cold, strange, and alien, but it can also give other geniuses in the collaborative the lofty perspective they sometimes need. When a Hoffnung's plans to change the world fall apart or a Neid chokes on bitterness and spite, the collaborative's Staunen can help them escape the disappointment of the human world for a time.
===Favored Axiom:===
Apokalypsi, the Axiom of Discovery. The Staunens are often desperate to see more of what
they first glimpsed, and Apokalypsi grants them that.
Fixation. Grigori are prone to minute obsession with things no reasonable person would find engrossing.
Staunens are often more like "pure scientists" than other catalysts, exploring the world for its own sake. They often study Computer and Science more than Crafts, and they are the most likely to study the Occult. Those that seek out the weird and extraordinary have a variety of Physical Skills like Larceny and Survival, while Staunens who began their careers as journalists or investigators usually possess Investigation, Politics, and Subterfuge.
Catalysts of curiosity often result in a more stable personality than with other mad scientists, granting higher Composure. Those Staunens able to articulate their amazement at the world often possess blazing Presence. Staunens without Social Attributes are also common, though; these often possess staggering Intelligence and Wits to record and make sense of observations, as well as high Resolve to survive weeks or months of repetitive study for little reward.
Many Staunens let their previous social engagements melt away upon their catalyst, meaning that Social Merits like Allies and Fame are comparatively rare. In contrast, Staunens often have excellent senses and memories, making Merits like Eidetic Memory common.
Forgotten stargazer, cryptid-hunter, bright-eyed theologian, cartographer of mysterious places,
obsessed genealogist, manipulative social engineer, lucid dreamer
''I'm afraid I don't see things like you do. I mean it: I'm afraid. What if the things I find beautiful drive you mad? What if they hollow you out like clever little squirrels getting nuts for the winter, except the nuts are your eyes, and winter is, I don't know, maybe the Rapture or something? And I'm just smiling while your face gets ripped apart because I think it's beautiful? These things worry me sometimes, when I'm not not looking at the night sky. So I
spend a lot of time looking at the night sky, and not looking at your face and thinking about squirrels.''
Grimm: Some people mistake blind fury for a sense of true justice. There is justice in the world, but beating up polluters like you're Captain fucking Planet isn't what it looks like.
Hoffnung: The world is magnificent as it is, not just as you want it to be.
Klagen: Sorrow is a local and ultimately futile feeling before the majesty of the cosmos.
Neid: There is more to Heaven and Earth than your endless, insufferable whining. I have heard the song of the universe, and it's telling you to shut up.
==Other Catalysts:==
There are rumors of other catalysts based on other kinds of societies. One catalyst, said to have existed in China before Lemuria's eradication of their Inspired society, focused on a sort of enlightened embracing of the universe-as-it-is. Another concentrated on an Inspired mastery of one's place and position in the complicated social strata of those societies. The catalyst of "Enthusiasm," triggered by a genius touching the Godhead during his Breakthrough, shows up in rumors and legends. Nonetheless, almost all known geniuses belong to one of the five catalysts listed above.
==The Core Axioms:==
Those Axioms tied to the catalysts―Apokalypsi, Epikrato, Exelixi, Katastrofi, and Metaptropi―are sometimes called the "core" Axioms, and are considered easier to learn at their basic levels than the others, since they are tied directly to states of mind.
How come catalysts are in German, Axioms are in some first approximation of Ancient Greek, and foundations are English, while terms like "genius" and "manes" are very bad Latin, and other words are drawn from Buddhist and Hindu philosophy and languages like Pali and Sanskrit? Because the lexicon of mad science was standardized at different times. The most general terms are the oldest: The Inspired of ancient Rome were referring to themselves as "genii" and speaking of manes, penates and lares (beholden), and other terms as early as the 2nd century BC. These terms, still used by Lemuria, indicates that Lemuria held influence over the Eternal City, though the Lemurians themselves insist that they arose in India many centuries earlier. Most of the Indian terms are in fact more recent additions, appearing in the 19th century. While there is some evidence that Lemuria originated in India, those records were wiped out centuries ago; a new Indian tradition was "rediscovered" during the Victorian era.
Axioms were standardized in France during the late 18th century. The original versions were, in fact, in French (Découverie, Domination, Métamorphose, Nous, Progrès, Ravage, Sanctuaire, Vaisseau), but some argument with English geniuses, coupled with the accidental resurrection of Pythagoras, led to the Peerage adopting a Greek standard. The French names are often still used on some official documents in the Peerage and by French-speaking geniuses.
German scientists fleeing the Nazis helped standardize the philosophies of the Inspired, which they labeled catalysts. Using FREUDIAC, a primitive cogitator built to replicate the personality of you-can-guess-who, they deciphered the philosophies and motivations behind several leading Nazi geniuses, either convincing them to defect or laying the groundwork for their destruction. After the war, Inspired all over the world used FREUDIAC's A Guide to the Psychology of the Exceptionally Gifted as their model for understanding catalysts, making the German terms household names.
The foundations popped up in different times throughout history, though the standard organization of five groups, each with specific names and "brand identities", arose in the days before the Great War, at which time the term "the Peerage" was officially adopted. (It had seen unofficial use for over a century.)
Language among the Inspired is loose. Sometimes it's the Peerage, sometimes the peers. The singular for terms like "manes" is a little wonky, but who studies Latin anymore? Since most geniuses can't even agree that "genii" is an acceptable plural, these arguments will never be resolved. Geniuses with nothing better to do still argue about names now, and the arguments are as heated as any argument you might find on the Internet about, basically, nothing of consequence.
Marquadt stared at the man for a long time. The man wore a flannel shirt and was wearing two big Timberland boots, and was carrying a third, and he was looking real hard at a Christmas display. His breath frosted the glass, he was so close.
I laughed, because Marquadt had been so grim for so long, and said, "So, what do you think? Time traveler, or escaped mental patient?"
I had never met either, so I was eager.
"No," Marquadt said. "He's not from here. He's learned to fake it, though. He's learned to make sense of the patterns of color and light that his eyes say he sees, to process the vibrations we call sound into a rude model of an external reality. He's even learned the hardest trick: he can pretend that effects follow causes, that things happen for a reason, that there's some kind of sense to this world."
"What is he?" I asked, feeling tense, "and how do you know?"
"A visitor from some other type of reality, some place where things don't work like they work here. And he's been here for a long time."
"How can you tell?"
"Because after a while, I got that good at...pretending." Marquadt sighed and rubbed his gloved hands. "I was trapped, somewhere. There were things like lights and colors, some other sensations that my brain processed as well as it could. Enough trial-and-error and I understood it was real. Poor bastard...It was so hard, pretending that any of it was real, rather than just a bunch of impressions in my dying mind. I'm still not sure it was real, though I made friends there...I think. And when I came back, I realized that I couldn't tell the difference between things that once mattered to me."
He looked through me. He wasn't seeing me, I realized. He was seeing a collection of sense-impressions: the gray oval of my face in the dim light, the way my hair formed a halo between me and the neon sign at my back. He was seeing a bunch of shapes and colors, and forcing himself to put them together. It tired him, I knew, always having to view me as a person.
"Don't worry," he said then, looking at my furrowed brow. "I'm pretty sure you're real. And if you're not, well, there's no reason to be rude. Let's talk to this guy."
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