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'''Chapter Five'''
'''Chapter Five'''
Well rested from their brief adventure in the Shadowfell, the party headed out towards Khawr Madi. Some of the captives they freed from The RajChurab traveled with them, in hopes of returning to their normal life. After an uneventful day long journey across the high mesa, the heroes descended the winding trail from the waterfall's source to the grand crescent city below. Shortly after crossing the threshold the party met up with Tiaclyes in the Temple of Bahamut. Tiaclyes greeted the party warmly and had attendants bathe their feet while serving fresh coffee, dates and cheese curds. He offered rooms for the duration of their stay in Khawr Madi and guided them on a tour of the temple. During the tour the characters noticed a procession outside. Tiaclyes informed the party this was a gathering of the Raven Queen's worshipers. He warned them of the Raven Queen's priestess, Sameera. She is not to be trusted. A wily and nefarious adversary. Recently she had encouraged Lord Terous to fund an excavation of ruins found at the base of the waterfall. The floods wiped out the expedition and have submerged the ruins. However, Tiaclyes explained, Sameera is forceful in the court, pleading with Lord Terous to resume the excavation.
Over dinner, Nazzili revealed the purpose of the party's visit to Khawr Madi. Upon hearing the Qudssi Mass was damaged in the flood Tiaclyes grew ashen and quickly excused himself from the table. He told the group they should present their case to Lord Terous bin Sadyir the following day. The party made plans to do just that.
The intricacies of the royal court proved difficult for the heroes to navigate. Lord Terous refused service to the party. He claimed the ancient superstitions of his Grandfather's time were of lesser concern compared to the turbulent political storm that currently besieged Khawr Madi. He offered, in near jest, if the party could make but one of his problems go away he would consider their plea.
So the heroes went about exploring the royal court. Soon they discovered many parties involved in the political arena. The chief concerns they were able to nail down were as follows: King Jabar of Ruba and his son had come to Khawr Madi seeking an alliance with the crescent city. The party learned that King Jabar had asked for a large monetary sum to pledge allegiance to Lord Terous bin Sadyir. This sum he did not expect to be paid. Instead he sought a familial bond to be formed between his son and Lord Terous' daughter. His keen mind lead him to believe this bond would make a more stable alliance than any monetary arrangement. The adventurers also learned of Lord Terous' desire to expand his empire. Much of the city's wealth and coffers had been diverted into hiring an army of conscripts or mercenaries. The general of this army had standing orders to head north and claim the nearest town for Lord Terous' empire. This general was waiting only a command squad before he marched. Finally, the players heard again of the Raven Queen priestess' desire to uncover the ruins and find some hidden treasure buried there.
During the investigation, Lerissa was keen to notice the group was being followed. She outmaneuvered her pursuer and learned because of the heroes' dress some of the criminal element had been dispatched to rob them of their rare magical belongings. Lerissa sent the thief on his way with a knife wound to the rear.
After leaving the royal court the party was approached by Sameera of the Raven Queen herself. She asked that the characters take on the task of excavating the ancient ruins. In return she would provide assistance in the court with Lord Terous, and the adventurers were free to keep any treasures they discovered in the buried temple with the exception of a large box she believed was entombed in the ruins.
After much deliberation the heroes thought they would accept Sameera's offer, despite the warnings from Tiaclyes. They believed if they found anything that Sameera could use to harm the city they could present their findings to Tiaclyes first. Their other option to march with Khawr Madi's army might take far too long and each moment away from their mission of repairing the Qudssi Mass was a growing danger. However they did not feel comfortable leaving the city on the brink of war with King Jabar of Ruba. If no alliance was formed Khawr Madi would have another adversary. The party would try to approach the princess of Khawr Madi as Lord Terous was obviously unreachable. They knew King Jabar would make no mentions of his designs as he hoped Lord Terous would prefer the plan if the idea seemed to be his own. So they sought to convince the princess to approach her father with the suggestion of marriage to the Prince of Ruba.
Their work cut out for them, the party gathered on their second night in Khawr Madi and began to plan their next move.
Oh, and Mahrid watched some gladiator matches and found them most thrilling.
The following day the party decided there was something they could do about the possible conflict with the King Jabar of Ruba. Using a combination of fast talk and general athletic ability they group entered the royal gardens where the approached the princess. They reasoned with her and explained she alone could stop the aggressions between the two cities. If she were to marry the prince of Ruba an alliance would be formed that would hold at least two cities from clashing arms. At long last she agreed. She explained she was not thrilled with the idea, but she would indeed go through with the plan.
'''Chapter Six'''
Quickly the party left the royal gardens and waited for their meeting with Sameera's attendant. As the day turned to evening the group gathered supplies, enhanced gear and planned the strategy for their meeting with the Raven Queen priestess. Not a member of the party trusted the priestess, but her offer to bend Lord Terous's ear to their concerns was far to great an opportunity to pass.
They would explore the ruins of the old Raven Queen temple. If the artifacts Sameera craved were dangerous they would die before they passed them on to her. Many in the party expressed an interest in killing Sameera outright. Together they decided to hold their actions until they uncovered more of her goals.
During the meeting with Sameera they discovered the priestess held a vast quantity of contraband history books. It was from these books she produced a sketch of an ancient trunk. It was this trunk the party was to seek out and bring back to her. She claimed she did not know what was in the trunk precisely, but only that it contained items of great importance. A ritual of water breathing was performed on the party and they sank into the depths of the great lake searching for the temple.
Once inside the temple the party let a grand portion of lake in with them. They found a tunnel in the ceiling and crawled into dry crawl spaces. It wasn't long before the group was nearly defeated by the claws of the Kruthik, a reptilian tunnel digger which lay in ambush for the unaware. Shortly they found a way down into the temple proper and were confronted by mummies and skeletons. Together they bested the undead beasts and escaped a water filling room, a treacherous spinning hallway and more undead dungeon dwellers.
At long last the party came to the funeral preparation chamber, the centerpiece of which was a large statue of the Raven Queen herself. Quickly more skeletons attacked and the fight was soon joined by swarms of rot scarabs. Again the heroes survived but decided this would be an opportune resting spot. They were beat, bruised and up to this point, empty handed. The way behind the party was now blocked as the front portion of the temple had collapsed. They had no way to go but forward.
Upon waking, the group noticed the rear wall of the preparation chamber was a secret door. Beyond the door lay the Raven Queen's treasure vault. However, the vault was empty, except for the trunk Sameera had sent the party to retrieve. The back wall of the treasure chamber was smashed in, on the other side a wide natural tunnel. It seemed whatever broke through the chamber had absconded with whatever treasure was once hidden here. The trunk however remained. The party noticed the lock on the trunk had been torn asunder by massive claws. With great precaution they opened the trunk and found no ancient artifacts, but books. More books like the contraband Sameera possessed. Muzaffar created a floating disk to carry the trunk and sat atop while casually reading some of the volumes contained within. They moved on into the vast tunnel.
Soon they found the beast that left the books behind. A young green dragon had built its lair in the vast caves. He made it clear he craved the magic gear the party carried, and would not let them leave alive.
The struggle with the dragon was fierce and three of the five member party nearly died. Thanks to a very effective sleep spell from Muzaffar and vicious weapon wielding, the beast finally fell. The party helped themselves to a vast horde of treasure from the green wyrm and cleaved trophies from it's fallen hide.
It took them nearly a day to find the way out of the tunnel and return to Khawr Madi. As heroes they paraded into town with the head of the dragon riding on the floating disk. They marched up to the royal court and demanded Lord Terous take action towards mending the Qudssi Mass.
Lord Terous agreed, claiming this was indeed a time of celebration. His daughter had agreed to wed the prince of Ruba and heroes now walked the streets of Khawr Madi. He would command a feast in the honor of the impending wedding, and in honor of the Dragon Slayers.
Sameera thankfully took the trunk of books, pleading the party keep their finding secret. She claimed the books were indeed what she was after all this time. Lord Terous had banned the study of history and Sameera felt he did so to hide a vile secret. Muzaffar had kept a journal out of the trunk. This the party would take to Tiaclyes. The party joined in celebration then retreated back to the Temple of Bahamut, where they would await word from Lord Terous and his plans to restore the Qudssi Mass.
Chapter 7
A few days later a grand celebration was held in the city in honor of the wedding of the princes and Prince Abdula. The party of heroes were given positions of honor on the enormus dais set up in the palace district of Kawar mudi.The town had rairly seen such a celebration and it was evedent in the faces of the townsfolk that it was a once in a lifetime event. As Lord terous addressed the throngs of excited revelers a disturbance begain at the back of the crowd. When the crowd begain to part at the foot of the dais a disstressing sight was reveled...a tramitized young girl.
Three other terifyed young children slowly arived in front of lord terous, they were followed by a very curious looking dwarf. The crowd was silenced, and even the long winded lord terous seemed at a loss for words. After a few moments of awkward silence Lord terous finaly spoke," Azamat ....Azamat Bogatov....is that you sir ......is it?"                                                                                                                        The swarthy Dwarf slowly rased his head and with a wry smile on his face he answerd "yes lord terous it is I". " I come bearing grave news from the roads, .....savage green skins are scurring out of the mountains and are raiding your tax payers caravans,',"these 4 orphans are all that is left from a carvan that was ravaged by filthy orks just one days ride from here." The dwarf paused a moment for effect and then said in a very acusitory tone, "paying too much attention to maters of finance lately My lord......?". (Such a way to talk to Lord terous! this dwarf must be of some standing!)The crowd was stunned!Lord terous didnt look at all suprised by the brash dwarf statement and he quickly took Azamat Bogatov to the side for private councel.After a few moments of heated debate some unknown conclusion was reached and the Wedding ceremony continued. Shortly following the ceremony Lord terous decreaed that the 3 orphanded children should be placed in the care of Tiaclyes at his temple.
That night the party retired to the temple of bahamut only to be awoken from peaceful slumber in the early hours of the morning by screems of terror! The city had been overrun by unknown attackers, ones that seemed to move through the shadows and be two places at once. The heroes found that all the religous sites in town were ablaze as was the temple of bahamut! The priorty quickly became saving the people inside the temple and more specificly, the 3 orphan children. The heroes tryed vailantly to save everyone they could. The party pooled their skills together in a effort to save the orphans, but ultimatly ......they failed. The tower colapsed on to itself in spectacular fashion, injuring the elf seriously and entombing the orphaned children in an early grave.............
Outside the temple Tiaclyes was inconsolable. He sat beside the river muttering to himself. Just then a member of Lord Terous's private guard ran up to the heroes franticly searching for Tiaclyes. The guard desperatly begged Tiaclyes to come and aid lord terous at the palace , but tiaclyes was unmoved by his pleas. The warlord spoke some inspiring words into tiaclyes ear and after a moment of contimplation Tiaclyes gathered himself and led the party twords the palace.
The party (led by tiaclyes) ran at double time to the temple. In route they begain to understand the scope of what was happening around them, the town was devestated. Buldings were burning, bodys were strewn in the streets hacked to pieces, children were screaming, the city around them had desended into madness! A man grabed Tiaclyes by the arm as he ran by, demanding that he follow him to help save his family, Tiaclyes seemed torn as this man was his brother and he had to aid him above his duities to Lord Terous. Ultimatly the party ventured on to the palace with out him.
Prince Abdula of Ruba was slain, the princess Dahab of Khawr Madi was kidnapped, and the whole of Khawr Madi was in disarray if not ruin. Lord Terous pleaded with the party to chase after his beloved daughter. He pledged 20 soldiers, all that he could spare, to help them on their quest. Azamat Bogatov knew where the demonic cult would be headed and he provided a map to the location deep in the mountain range, ensuring their safe passage across the desert into the Sin Jabal Mountains.
'''Chapter Eight'''
The group from Muk Jaras was weary though. They had come to Khawr Madi to find a way to mend the sacred Qudssi Mass and up until now no efforts had been made toward their goal. Muzaffar spoke first, backed by the rogue Lerissa. If they were to travel to uncharted lands they wished to be compensated and greatly. Nazilli agreed to rescue the princess if the Lord Terous would send a runner to Muk Jaras explaining the ruler of the crescent city would be redoubling his efforts to find a fix to the magical stone. Most of the group was ready for adventure and was more than willing to be rewarded the 10,000 gold each promised by Lord Terous. To sweeten the deal, Lord Terous allowed Azamat Bogatov access to his treasure vault. Azamat was to find items of great value to give to each member of the party. All agreeing, the group set out the next morning to cross the desert.
It wasn't long before a sandstorm claimed nearly all of Lord Terous' men. The heroes too were lost in the swirling desert winds for the better part of a day. When the winds died down all that was left of their caravan was sandblasted camels and random soldiers defeated by the hot desert.
The party did not end their quest and turn back at this point. They strove forward. Soon they stumbled across an oasis. Though the oasis was a sight for sore eyes and more weary limbs its presence gave the party cause for concern. If they were at the oasis indicated on the map Azamat Bogatov had given them, they were far off course and reasoned they had lost at least 3 days time in the brutal desert. To further add to their concern, the oasis was not unguarded. More Shadri Kai as well as the high priest they had encountered earlier lay in wait for them. They party exploded into combat, besting the Shadri Kai. However, the high priest made another desperate escape, eluding the heroes' wrath.
Again they set out crossing more desert and stumbled upon a wretched hag. After attacking the party she quickly learned they were not easily defeated. Exploring her hovel the adventurers learned of a ritual of sacrifice, a prophecy clearly indicating the princess and the followers of NarlaTotepp, the demon beast behind this whole debacle.
Their speed quickened by the news of the prophecy and sacrifice the party reached the mountains. Encountering along the way more orcs and Shadri Kai. Once they reached the fabled Valley of the Camel's tow they found an ancient burial ground and a tomb. Before they could investigate the tomb they were again faced with the high priest and his minions. This time too the high priest had summoned a mighty demon to fight alongside the priest's undead soldiers. Just when the travelers thought their lives lost and their time on Alam over Azamat Bogatov leaped from the shadows and took the demon on, dwarf to abyssal monster. Azamat shouted taunts indicating he had fought this beast before and would not allow the same outcome as their last encounter. With bold sacrifice Azamat hurled himself at the demon and knocked it back into the summoning portal from whence it came. Though Azamat followed it and was not around to provide further aid, the heroes fought with renewed vigor and lashed out at the remaining aggressors.
When the fight finally ended the party investigated a lone tomb standing among the burial grounds. While much of the party deciphered some of the ancient writings found in the small crypt Lerissa secretly grabbed a magical horn from the sarcophagus. This horn would soon be revealed as the horn of desert mists. Of more immediate interest to the group was the discovery of the name of the high priest that had eluded them so far. Sekmeht, a servant of NarlaTotepp had, according to the etchings in this crypt, lived over a hundred years. Information in the tomb also revealed three pyramids surely linked to NarlaTotepp. It seemed the ritual led by Sekmeht which would sacrifice the princess Dahab would be preformed at the nearest of these pyramids. The party set out again in search of the high priest and his captive.
The journey led the travelers up an impossibly sheer cliff, the climbing of which tested all of their abilities. Along the way a cave bear was unfortunate enough to cross the heroes. It was cooked by the magic of Muzaffar and later eaten for dinner. Finally an entrance was found leading inside the mountain. The travelers were met by more orcs and a gelatinous cube. The fight nearly took the life of Nazilli and Galen, but soon the group prevailed.
Further into the compound they went until the sounds of torture were heard. The heroes ambushed the brutal orcs and found a brave halfling chained to the wall. Despite his treatment the halfling, known as Aleek, was cocky and ready to fight. He joined the party hoping to get revenge on the foul orc captors.
The group of adventurers traveled from the mountain compound through the woods and up to a high mountain temple. Here, according to Aleek was where the orcs were planning on taking him and where they were certain the sacrificial ritual would take place.
As the night fell, the group spied dozens of orcs an NarlaTotepp cultists all surrounding a lava pit. Harnessed in a contraption suspended above the lava was the good princess Dahab. Quickly the party descended into overwhelming odds (finding not a small amount of trouble navigating down the rock path to the site below). They fought bravely and fiercely. Galen the elf was tired of Sekmeht eluding his arrows and sought to end the high priest then and there. With forceful arrows the hunter drove the high priest into the gaping lava pit, meant for the princess. This started an explosive reaction and the somewhat dormant volcano burst to life, shattering the ground beneath the party's feet and sending gouts of flames into the air. Mahrid, Lerissa and Muzaffar struggled to wheel the princess up from the burning pit. In the last minutes she was saved but horribly, horribly burned.
The travelers fled the scene, carrying the barely breathing princess in their weary arms. When finally they felt the orcs would not pursue them further they tended to the wounds of each other and the princess. It quickly became clear that without some magical assistance Princess Dahab would not make it through the evening. Muzaffar revealed a potion he had hid from the rest of the party. He claimed it would revive even the dead and surely would cure the princess of her wounds. But he would not give it up easily. Each member of the group gave him 1000 gold (or gems of equal value) and he in turn gave the potion to Dahab.
Muzaffar was correct in assessing the potions effects and over the long trek back from the temple the princess began to improve.
'''Chapter Nine'''
Finally the group had made it within miles of Khawr Madi, but to their surprise waiting for them was not a heroe's welcome, but a massive army set out to seige the city. While Muzaffar and Aleek set out to investigate the waiting army's camp the rest of the group was captured by a patrolling general and his scouts. At Muzaffar, having concealed his identity with a spell, and Aleek had been brought before the invading army's generals. In the command tent the two discovered the army was comprised of the military forces of three northern cities: Al Janna, Bene Ris, and Nahr Madi. Quickly they learned Lord Terous had ordered all trade along the Zammarah Nahr just down, unless massive tariffs were paid toward the city. Perhaps more surprisingly they saw Sameera in league with these generals. Her case was made that Lord Terous had not only begun an economic war against Khawr Madi's northern neighbors, but that he had also allowed the forces of Orcus to take a foot hold in the war over the shadow fell and all of Alam. She argued convinvingly that Lord Terous had knowledge of a prophecy that fortold the coming of this great war between Orcus' undead and the scattered civilizations of Alam. He had done nothing to stop it, instead he sought to use the chaos to further his own nation building schemes.
The others of the party had been brought in to the generals tent by this time and they were made aware of the cause for the great war. The three cities had combined forces to overthrow Lord Terous and make preparations to defend against the greater threat of Orcus' undead legions. The three cities had called themselves the Northern Alliance. The party did not trust Sameera however and brought proof of their successful mission to resuce Princess Dahab. Dahab surprisingly ran to Sameera like a child to her long lost mother.
Many among the travelers had been hungry for their reward promised by Lord Terous. Sameera warned that Lord Terous had, directly upon the party's departure, blammed them for the burning of the temples and the kidnapping of Princess Dahab. He had posted a bounty on their heads, and it was made clear they would not be welcome in the city alive. After much deliberation the party sought to join forces with the Northern Alliance. Perhaps revenge against the double-crossing Lord Terous their prime motivation. Before they set out to war they were surprised to find their childhood friend, Ameen Said now made a lieutenant of the forces of Al Janna. Having thought Ameen lost to the floods, they were briefly elated to find their long lost friend well and alive. No time for celebration was to be had, for on the morning, the armies moved on to the city. Joining the group of heroes was a Paladin from Bene Ris, a dragonborn named Kyron, and Sameera's top acolyte, a half-elf warlock named Kala.
Muzaffar proved a very wise strategist and lead a smaller subset of the army as well as the heroes straight through Khawr Madi's defending armies and directly toward the north western wall of the great valley city. The party fought nearly effortlessly through the scores of opposing forces, comprised of Khawr Madi's men and to a larger part, troops from the city of Ruba. Scaling the wall to the city merely slowed the party and within short time they were within the royal palace shouting for the head of Lord Terous.
Once inside the royal hall they were stopped by Tiaclyes and a troup of Ruba's dragonborn elite. Tiaclyes began to pleed with the invaders, telling them they were on the wrong side of the conflict. He asked them to lay down their arms. However, the impulsive Aleek, having never met the Paladin from Khawr Madi, struck out and a fight began within the hall. Tiaclyes fled to a side room with one of the royal guards. Kala pursued Tiaclyes into the side room and as the fight progressed she brought down the paladin. All were surpirsed to find the paladin was not Tiaclyes after all. When the creature died his true identity was revealed as a doppleganger. This new revelation didn't slow down the invaders however and quickly they burst into the main hall and laid waste to the guards protecting Lord Terous. They didn't kill him however for Princess Dahab had pled with them to let him live. Instead they threw Lord Terous in his own dugeon.
The war was over and the party and the Northern Alliance had changed the shape of Alam with the seiging of Khawr Madi.
Much was left to be done however. The city was without a proper ruler. The populace had been made to belive the heroes were in fact their enemy and the sacred Qudssi Mass was still un-repaired. If the warnings of Sameera were to be believed the demon lord Orcus was even now building forces and gaining momentum in his planned war on all of Alam.
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