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'''[[Zine Version-General artifacts]]'''
'''[[Dufirosm Revision]]'''
=='''<span style=color:green><big>Jeweled Amber and the War of Balance</big></span>'''==
'''This was a campaign run in 3 sections'''
'''[[Ludus Vexas Avaxala]]'''
*'''Call to the Kin''': The first campaign  was from 1997 to 2003
*'''Azcala Rising''': The second campaign was 2013
'''[[Ludus Daltus]]'''
*'''The Red Sword Calls''': The third and current campaign began in December 2018
'''[[Privy Council of Amber]]'''
'''[[Jeweled Amber Trump Decks.]]'''
'''[[Heirs and spares]]'''
'''[[Running Sheet A-JA]]'''
'''[[Diners of Amber]]'''
'''[[Ang Ri]]
'''[[Timeline of Jeweled Amber]]'''
'''[[Costs & Powers-Jeweled Amber]]'''
'''[[Come whisper in my ear]]'''
'''[[Choan Riders World View]]'''
'''[[Regor]], [[Azcala]], [[Trasidy]], [[Alamond]], [[Pócaí]], [[Atlantis]]'''
'''[[Adagalasck]], [[Talwas]], [[Bursain]],[[Subterra]]'''
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:i_amberfront.gif]]</div>
==<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''<span style=color:green><Font Face="Tw Cen MT"><Font Size ="4"><big>Jeweled Amber and the War of Balance</big></span>'''</div>==
'''This is a campaign with four ''Arcs''.'''
*'''Call to the Kin''': Closed. The first campaign  was from 1997 to 2003
*'''Azcala Rising''': Closed. The second campaign was 2013
*'''The Red Sword Calls''': Active: The third and current campaign began in December 2018
*'''Red Sword Triumphant''': In Development.
By Michael J. Watson, in Southern California.
By Michael J. Watson, in Southern California.
There is a lot of the information found in this Wiki concerning the [[Jeweled Amber]] game that is information available before the game. If however you come to play in the JR&WoB game consider this information the <span style=color:green> word on the street </span>, <span style=color:green> the skinny </span>, the <span style=color:green> whispers in the dark </span>, the <span style=color:green> word around the campfire </span>, the <span style=color:green> rumor I heard [[Dame Margot]]  tell [[Dart of Hale]] in the kitchen </span>, and bold faced lies.  Just saying.
There is a lot of the information found in this Wiki concerning the [[Jeweled Amber]] game is the information available before the game. If however you play in the JR&WoB game consider this information the <span style=color:green>''word on the street''</span>, <span style=color:green>''the skinny''</span>, the <span style=color:green>''whispers in the dark''</span>, the <span style=color:green>''word around the campfire''</span>, the <span style=color:green>''rumor i heard Dame Margot tell the Little King Michael in the kitchen''</span>, and the same as bold faced lies.  Just sayin.
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
==Colored Fonts in the work below==
The reason this snip is here is to support the [[Diners of Amber]] article.
*<span style=color:green>Green lettering note major section of this work.</span>
*<span style=color:darkblue>Dark blue lettering are usually links to other pages </span>
*<span style=color:Red> Red Lettered sections are usually meant to point out important elements for players in the Jeweled Amber universe</span>
=='''Quick References'''==
=='''Quick References'''==
*<span style=color:red>'''<big>[[Diners of Amber]]'''</big>  The basic guide to all places strange and wonderful.  But don't be mistaken to think they are all safe. This is the main article that kept '''''Jeweled Amber''''' alive so long. Read, explore, & enjoy.</span>
*[[Heirs and spares]]
*'''[[Heirs and spares]]''': ''A lexicon of '''Who is Who''' in the House Bariman.''
*[[Diners of Amber]]
*'''[[Timeline of Jeweled Amber]]''' : ''Whats happened, when it happened, when people entered history.''
*[[Timeline of Jeweled Amber]]
*'''[[Precedence of Powers]]''' : ''A general over view of whats more powerful then what and a bit about them.''
*[[Amber Star Fleet]]
*'''[[Jeweled Amber Skill Points]]''' : ''A system for ADRPG for developing character's interests.''
*[[Precedence of Powers]]
*'''[[CHAD]]''' : ''Clean Halls and Dens-A Mercenary Guild''
*[[Jeweled Amber Skill Points]]
*'''[[The Jeweled Road]]''' : ''The game's namesake and the road from east to west. The '''''Jeweled Road''''' is a single road that starts at the foot of Mount Kolvir and the gates to castle Amber and stretches along paths once taken by the Black Road all the way to the Abyss of Chaos.  Along the way roads, trails, paths, highways and great roads were annexed by the magic of the Jeweled Road. ''
*'''[[Jeweled Amber Trump Decks.]]''' : ''The telephone books of Jeweled Amber.''
*[[The Jeweled Road]]
*'''[[Treasure Chest]]'''
*[[Jeweled Amber Trump Decks.]]
==='''[[Jeweled Amber House Rules]]'''===
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
==<span style=color:Lime Green>'''Convention Quick Links'''==
This is for players in convention games.  Since the majority of history isn't needed for limited play games take a look at these in general.
*'''[[Heirs and spares]]''': ''A lexicon of '''Who is Who''' in the House Bariman.'' 
Find a parent here for your convention characters. 
*'''[[Jeweled Amber Skill Points]]''' : ''A system for ADRPG for developing character's interests.''
For Convention Characters skills are very important.  They give the player and the GM a general idea of the things a character might have spent years of their lives doing in shadow.
*'''[[Running Sheet Blank for Convention Play]]''':  A blank sheet for players to use a copy of.  It includes character suggestions and comments.
=='''<span style=color:green><big>Campaign Particulars of Note</big></span>'''==
=='''<span style=color:green><big>Campaign Particulars</big></span>'''==
==='''[[Diners of Amber]]'''===
The seminal work of the Jeweled Amber multiverse.  What began as the snarky Article of Submission for Prince Bleys became a "Tour Guide's Book" of the universe for travelers allowed to find their way among the multiverse by the creation of the Jeweled Road.
At Random's request and Dworkin's demand Prince Bleys continually revises the article and makes explorations and commentary on cards of newly arrived card as the deck continues to Expand.  This annoys Prince Bleys but he has come to accept his role as the unwilling '''''[[Docent of Amber]]'''''.
==='''Diners of Amber-Bleys at his best'''===
<span style=color:red>'''<big>[[Diners of Amber]]''' The basic guide to all places strange and wonderful.  But don't be mistaken to think they are all safe.</big></span>
The [[King Random's Deck]] has become an ubiquitous part of many people's lives as they frequently check to see if the deck has grown. This also annoys Prince Bleys and delights his siblings.
===[[Heirs and spares]]===
==='''[[Timeline of Jeweled Amber]]'''===
==='''Articles of Submission'''===
==='''Articles of Submission'''===
[[Jeweled Amber-Articles of Submission]] : Random required them of his kith and kin.  They are in the tome called '''''King Random's Reign''''' available at all the stylish book stores and most the disreputable taverns.
[[Jeweled Amber-Articles of Submission]]
==='''Who's Who?  PCs'''===
''Players are welcome to comment on Who's Who citations.  If the NPC is not listed feel free to create a listing.''
*[[Jeweled Amber PCs]]
*[[Jeweled Amber NPCs]]
*People and Beings section. [[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Jeweled_Amber#People_and_Beings]]
*[[Silvana's Royal Rights Class]]
*Court and Royal Staff[[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Jeweled_Amber#Court_of_Amber_.26_Royal_Staff]]
*Heirs and Spares
*[[Military of Amber]]
==='''Stories of the Realm'''===
==='''Stories of the Realm'''===
*also available in '''''King Random' Reign'''''
[[Jeweled Amber-Stories]]
These stories wer originally made for the [[Jeweled Amber]] game and may be part of the upcoming [[Jeweled Road and the War of Balance]] game
Jurt and [[Thin Whip's Place]]
==='''The Jeweled Road-A Powerful Construct'''===
[[The Jeweled Road]]
The Jeweled Road is a single road that starts in the foot of Mount Kolvir and stretches along path once taken by the Black Road all the way to the Abyss of Chaos.
*[[Random and Benedict]]
===''Call to the Kin of Bariman-First Campaign''-Closed===
''[[Call to the Kin of Bariman]] (get date)''
*[[The Pad of Little Puppy Dog Feet-Tale of Fleece]]
===''Azcala Unleashed-Second Campaign''-Closed===
[[Facebook Blurbs]] 
''Facebook posts in an earlier game. ''
*''Opening of Azcala related. ''
*''Arrival of [[CHAD]]''
*[[Giovanni of Amber-The Jack of Amber]]
=== '''Red Sword Calls-Third Campaign'''-Ongoing===
*[[As it Begins in the Short Game]]  The state of amber as the third game begins.   
*[[Thin Whip-Jurt's Tale]]
====[[Red Sword Calls-FB Posts]]====
Story Posts in the Red Sword FB Group.
*[[Borlak-Mine is Rage]]
*[[Dalt at the Gates of Dawn]]
*[[Galvar's Run]]
*[[Maylon and Flora at sunrise]]
*[[Celebration of King Random's 70th]]
*[[Tombs-Bleys & Caine]]
*[[Many Lives]]
*[[Mark of Creation-Manadaly]]
*[[In the Shadow of Red Wine]] Warwick of Avalon
*[[Conference in the Tower]]
*[[Occurrences Concerning Azcala]]
*[[Random, Benedict, Bleys, & Vance at the Oracle of Night]]
*[[Random and Flora in the Music room]]
*[[Jeweled Amber-Stories]]
*Jurt and [[Thin Whip's Place]]
*[[Facebook Blurbs]] 
**''Facebook posts in an earlier game. ''
**''Opening of  Azcala related. ''
**''Arrival of [[CHAD]]''
*[[Nu Yark Kadal Tower Journal]]  Desri's Story
==='''<big>[[Heirs and spares]]</big>'''===
This document is comprised of the most accurate accounting of the family line of Dworkin Bariman, a rebel Lord of Chaos.
This is a compilation list created from multiple sources. 
*<big>*<span style=color:darkgreen>''The Amber College of Heralds''</big>: </span> The most detailed original listing of the royalty and nobility of Amber and the keeper of their bloodlines and their heraldry.  While they had the publicly known list of the children of Oberon the vast majority of their work concerned noble houses, royal letters patent, and royal and noble charters.
*'''''*<span style=color:darkgreen><big>The Heirs and Spares document</big>''''': </span></big> Received from the Courts of Chaos, created and maintained by Duchess Maylon Hendrake. This work was delivered to King Random by Maylon Hendrke when she served her first term as Ambassador to Amber from Chaos.  It was something of a threat and revealed the depths of knowledge concerning the members of the royal family as well as revealing the lines of Amberites created by Lord Darnuthas rasaka afuras that were  in the [[Benedict/Hendrake breeding program]].  This collection included the names of the First Brood as well but nothing else on them.
*''*<span style=color:darkgreen><big>The Researches of King Finndo</big>:'' </span>  This collection of cards and descriptions came from research done by King Finndo, initially during his reign but continuing long after, only made public after the delivery of Maylon Hendrakes ''Heirs and Spares'' document.  These detailed the First Brood of Oberon up to and including Princes Osric, Finndo,Benedict, Elfwine, Borlak, and Finndo, and princesses Cymnea, Orsolla, and Evelyn.
*<span style=color:darkgreen><big>''Dworkin's admissions''</big>: </span>Dworkin has admitted to fathering two other lines of Amberites.  The Verna Line and the Vincent Line. 
*<span style=color:darkgreen><big>''The Admissions of Fisk''</big>: </span> Fisk is a son of Osric  who has had little connection to amber despite living in the City of Amber itself all along.  His criminal empire is a source of concern for some but he has an understanding with King Random. He submitted a closely held article of submission as well as a listing of his progeny. These include his daughter Jade, grandson Quin, and grandson Abelvi.
==='''<big>[[Timeline of Jeweled Amber]]</big>'''===
A general list of things that have happened over the course of history
==='''[[Zen Paint Images]]'''===
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
==<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''Campaigns'''</div>==
==='''"Call to the Kin"'''-First  Arc-1997 to 2003 -Closed===
''[[Call to the Kin of Bariman]] ''
==='''"Azcala Unleashed"'''-Second Arc- 2013-Closed===
==='''"Red Sword Calls"'''-Third Arc 2018 to present-Ongoing===
*[[As it Begins in the Short Game]]   
**The state of amber as the third game begins.   
**[[Red Sword Calls-FB Posts]]
***Story Posts in the Red Sword FB Group.
==='''"Red Sword Triumphant"'''-Fourth Arc- In development===
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Places'''</big></span>==
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Places'''</big></span>==
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><Font Face=Tw Cen MT"><Font Size ="4">'''[[Diners of Amber]]'''
[[Diners of Amber]]
A must read resource to Jeweled Amber
<Font Face="Tw Cen MT"><Font Size ="4">''' Places in the King Random's Trump Deck.
===<div style="text-align: center;"><Font Face="Tw Cen MT"><Font Size ="6"><big>'''[[Amber and the Golden Circle Kingdoms]]</big>'''</div style>===
==='''[[Amber and the Golden Circle Kingdoms]]'''===
<div style="text-align: center;">[[Image:Ambermap.gif|300 px]][[File:Amber world map2.gif|300 px]]</div style>
*[[Rebma:]]: A Crown Jewel of the Golden Circle-The Second Kingdom
*[[Thelusia:]] :A Crown Jewel of the Golden Circle-The Third Kingdom
[[Great Houses of Amber]]
*[[Dreana:]] :A Crown Jewel of the Golden Circle-The Fourth Kingdom
*[[Diega:]] : Crown Jewel of the Golden Circle-The Fifth Kingdom. Master of Waters.
*[[Acadia]] : The Western Isle.
*[[Begma:]] :Breadbasket to Amber
*[[Kashfa:]] :Barbarian Splendor
*[[Calrabon:]] :Big and Meaty grillmasters to Amber
====<span style=color:green><font size = "4"><div style="text-align: center;"><big>'''Empire of Amber'''</big></div style></span>====
==='''[[Places in Shadow]]'''===
{| class="wikitable"
A major pattern in a fallen shade realm. The Origin realms of the Forces of the Korag Empire and [[CHAD]]
|'''[[Kingdom of Vulsara]]'''
**Crowned Bards.  [[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Tosa/York#Crowned_Bards]]
Originally Vulsar Base or Vulsara which was the headquarters of the Amber Star Fleet
**[[Fairhand's Folly]]
An autonomous Kingdom under the auspices of the Empire of Amber
An autonomous Grand Duchy under the auspices of the Empire of Amber.
A series of warlike shadows with a rotating collection of kings, queens, dukes and warlords who constantly fight among each other but all are fiercely loyal to Amber.
|'''[[Demesne of Tragal]]'''
|'''[[The Protectorate of Adasona]]'''
|'''[[Far Isle]]'''
An unincorporated region of the Kingdom of Amber
====<span style=color:green><div style="text-align: center;"><big>'''Golden Circle Kingdoms'''</big></div style="text-align: center;"></span>====
{| class="wikitable"
A Crown Jewel of the Golden Circle-The Second Kingdom
A Crown Jewel of the Golden Circle-The Third Kingdom
A Crown Jewel of the Golden Circle-The Fourth Kingdom
Crown Jewel of the Golden Circle-The Fifth Kingdom. Master of Waters.
The Western Isle.  
|'''[[The Protectorate of Adasona]]'''
Breadbasket to Amber
Barbarian Splendor
Big and Meaty grill-masters to Amber
a minor realm known for its wine and olive exports.
|'''[[Alagulpa Riesa]]'''
A victim of the Jeweled Road, a realm not connected to the interstate highway.
|'''[[Sagalina's Downside]]'''
===<span style=color:green><div style="text-align: center;"><big>'''[[Primal Realms]]'''</big></span>===
*Fully Realized Primal Realms. 
====[[Amber]], [[Mandalay]], [[Avalon]], [[Courts of Chaos]], [[Calmir]], [[Paragon]]====
{| class="wikitable"
==='''[[Primal Realms]]'''===
|[[Amber]]: Pattern of Amber
|[[Mandalay]]: Mark of Mandalay
|[[Avalon]]: Pattern of Avalon
*[[Courts of Chaos]]
|[[Courts of Chaos]]: Logrus of Chaos
*[[Calmir]] Fallen
*[[Paragon]] Fallen
|[[Calmir]]: Kangular of Calmir
|[[Paragon]]: Sigil of Paragon
</div style="text-align: center;">
*[[A conversation on Squiggles with Random and Dworkin]]
High Order Constructs-Primal Realms
====[[Regor]], [[Azcala]], [[Trasidy]], [[Alamond]], [[Pócaí]], [[Atlantis]]====
*[[Azcala]] The Realm of Tonacat
====[[Adagalasck]], [[Talwas]], [[Bursain]],[[Subterra]] ====
*[[Alamond]]-Its an Amusement Park
High Order Constructs-Primal Realms of a Lesser Nature.
*[[Pócaí]] Pocket Realms
{| class="wikitable"
Realm of Czar Nicholas and Czarina Clarissa.  Roughly Russian in character.
*[[Bursain]] :A squiggle of note.  A burr in the waves of shadow.
The Realm of Tonacat.  Roughly Aztec in character
Secret Rulers of Trasidy.  Roughly Persian in Character
An Amusement Park.  No, Really. Its an Amusement park.  Nothing sinister about it at all. Really, nothing. Don't believe me?  Go see for yourself.
A tiny Pocket Realm.  Vaugally Tibetan and Swiss
A great realm sealed off from visitors.
The realm of King Julian & Queen Nina, with Duke Caine and Duchess Emile. Duke Relmapator of Verna,& Dean Fortunadus Enrite.
A squiggle of note.  A burr in the waves of shadow. An unfinished project with  sword on the loose.  
A realm sealed from most visitors recently cracked a slight bit open.
==='''[[The Jeweled Road]]'''===
==='''Waymets''' Rest-stops on the Jeweled Road===
The Jeweled Road is the cross-shadow road connecting Amber to Chaos.  It has side roads connections to many different places.
*[[Rue Katal]]
===='''[[Waymet]]s''' Rest-stops on the Jeweled Road====
*[[Diego Raks]]
*[[Rue Katal]] The Headquarters for the Jeweled Road Universal.
*[[Diega Raks]] The first Waymet out of Amber.
*[[Trudana Felik]]
*[[Sir Candle's Crossing]]
*[[Green View]]
*[[Sir Roony's Station]]
*[[Saint Gile's]]  [[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Giles%27_Fair]]
==='''[[Places in Shadow]]'''===
A major pattern in a fallen shade realm.  The Origin realms of the Forces of the Korag Empire and [[CHAD]]
*Crowned Bards[[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Tosa/York#Crowned_Bards]]
*[[Fairhand's Folly]]
*[[Pente Plains]]  Oh my....the joy to be had.
*[[Rose Temple Caravans]]
*[[Plymouth(T/Y)]] A squiggle in the York Shade
*[[Mac's Bar]]
The Realm of Prince Hamilton [[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Heirs_and_spares#Hamilton_Son_of_Oberon]]
===='''[[Randal in the Vulsara Galaxy]]'''====
*A somewhat seedy world popular with race enthusiasts and high adventure camping & hiking sportsman.
===='''[[Ang Ri]]'''====
*A Realm close to Chaos.
A fine place to go fishing.  The card is in the deck.
A high tech shadow.
[[Prometheus Project:Main Page]]
''This is a page on RPGWIKI that has been inactive since 2013 and in other places 2008.  It links to sources on Geocities.  I may use the world in my game since the game its from is clearly inactive.  If I do it will be a shadow of their game and I''ll modify things in game play.  Its a nice setting and its a pity it didn't go further.  Of course for all I know its a world wide gaming sensation setting i just haven't seen.  We'll see as time goes by.  If the creators ever run across its use in Jeweled Amber, lets chat.''
===<span style=color:green><font size = "6"><div style="text-align: center;"><big>'''Chaos'''</big></div style></span>===
<font size = "4">The far western realm of mostly boundless Chaos
====[[Courts of Chaos]]====
The Ruling hub and the populations of much of Chaos
===<span style=color:green><font size = "6"><div style="text-align: center;"><big>'''The Great Abyss'''</big></div style></span>===
[[The Abyss]] <font size = "4">is the vast dividing line between Chaos and the Shadowlands and their Primal Realms.
=='''Kingdom of Amber and the Planet of Amber'''==
==='''[[Seasons and the Calendar of Amber]]'''===
In Short:
*'''Seasons''': The planet that the kingdom of Amber is on has the one major body of land.  There are several small Island chains.
It has has 4 seasons: ''Spring, Summer, Autumn,'' and ''Winter''.  The winter tends to be mild except in the arctic regions which has a permanent ice cap.  The Antarctic region has an occasionally occurring ice block that lasts a decade then melts.
*'''Day Night Time''':  Amber has a 25 hour day.  There are two 30 minute breaks between two 12 hour sets.  A '''''Nightbreak''''' after the 12 pm and before 1 am.  A '''''Daybreak''''' after 12 am and before 1 pm. 
**The standard calendar of the Kingdom of Amber has 12 months of 30 days.  
Large structural habitations.
**Each Month has 5 weeks of 6 days. 
There are 4 Festival Holidays throughout the year. 
===Miscellaneous Places of Note===
*'''New Years''': A 5 day one at New Year. 
**The 4th day of New Years is called Tax Day. It is the day taxes are due to the kingdom. Fief holders are due their yearly dues on the first day of New Years, giving them three days to reconcile their debts to the kingdom.  Most fief holders manage yearly fees in quarterly payments.
*'''King's Day''':A 1 day holiday after the third month.  "
*'''Sunbright''':A 3 day Summer holiday after the 6th month. 
*'''Queen's Day''':A 1 day holiday after the 9th month.
====[[Randal in the Vulsara Galaxy]]====
*A somewhat seedy world popular with race enthusiasts and high adventure camping & Hiking sportsman.
**The [[CCC]] holds its main 3 day event, the '''''CCC Sunbright Festival''''', over the yearly Sunbright holiday.
===='''Ang Ri'''====
**Many organizations hold activities over the New Year's and Sunbright holidays.
==='''[[City of Amber]]'''===
=='''Kingdom of Amber-City'''==
*'''[[North Riding]] ''' : a large residential area of the city on the north side.
==='''[[Castle Amber]]'''===
*'''[[The Foundry]]''' :Industrial District
*'''[[Throne Room]]'''
**'''[[Thin Whip's Place]]''' : A dive bar of epic proportions.
*'''[[Hall of Mirrors]] '''
*'''[[Harbor District of Amber]]'''
*'''[[Great Library of Amber]]'''
*'''[[Theater District of the City of Amber]]''' : Theater District.
*'''[[Castle Amber]] '''
*'''[[Rue Fanasal]]''' : Baker's District.
*'''[[Dungeon & Prison of Amber]]'''
*'''[[Jeweled Tenderloin]]''' :a recreational district
*'''[[Active Royal Apartments]]'''
*'''[[Green Water Coves]]''' :An elite residential district
*'''[[Street of Spires]]''' : a collection of streets, residences, and services supporting major religious facilities of many different religions.
*'''[[Bloody Angle]]''' : Slaughterhouses and livestock
==='''Regions of Amber'''===
==='''Regions of Amber'''===
*'''[[Ganarth]]''' The Breadbasket of Amber, the path of both the Black Road and [[the Jeweled Road]]
**'''[[Garn]]''' Southern most city in the Vale of Ganarth
**'''[[Yaj]]''' Northern most city in the Vale of Ganarth.
**'''[[Riven Road]]''' A inland city against the western edge of Arden and the Vale of Ganarth
*'''[[Green Vale]]'''
*'''[[Green Vale]]'''
**'''[[Port Tosa]]''' A region of Harbor granted to the Forces of Tosa, York, & [[CHAD]]
*'''[[North Vale]]'''
**'''[[Far Wall]]'''
*'''[[Great Shoals]]'''
*'''[[North Vale]]'''  Northern Mot The Great City of Ober
*'''[[Great Shoals]]''' The Ice region on the northern most part of
*'''[[Green Water Coves]]'''
*'''[[Far Isle]]''' : An unincorporated regions of the Amber South seas.  Not officially a part of Amber due the the reluctance of the royals to make an issue of it.
*'''[[Far Wall]]'''
===[[City of Amber]]'''===
*'''[[North Riding]] '''
*'''[[Thin Whip's Place]]'''
*'''[[Harbor District of Amber]]'''
==='''Groups in Amber'''===
==Groups in Amber==
====[[Official groups in Amber]]====
===[[Official groups in Amber]]===
*[[Constabulary of Amber]]- The Police.
*[[Constabulary of Amber]]
*[[Rangers of Arden]]- protesters of Arden and the road into and out of Amber
*[[Rangers of Arden]]
*[[Amber Elite Guard]]
*[[Amber Elite Guard]]
*[[Amber Military Aide Society]] A civilian group supporting veterans of the Amber military.
*[[Amber Military Aide Society]]
*[[Amber Life Guard]]  
*[[Amber Life Guard]]
*[[Council of Commentary]] An advisory body of citizens elected yearly.
*[[Non-Partisan Anti-Agolith Association]]
*[[Kolvir Musketeers]]- ,Paramilitary group with police authority.
*[[Council of Commentary]]
====[[Unofficial Groups in Amber]]====
===[[Unofficial Groups in Amber]]===
From mercantile organizations, fraternal groups, secret societies and the Under-culture.
From mercantile organizations, fraternal groups, secret societies and the Underculture.
*[[Civilian City Cohorts]] The Military aspirations of non-military citizenry.  A very large martial community unconnected to the military of Amber.
*[[Non-Partisan Anti-Agolith Association]] A weird secret society that isn't so secret.
*[[The Green Hand]]  A criminal organization.
*[[House Clemens]]  A family heavily involved in the management of the Harbors of Amber as well as heavily involved in it criminal element.
*[[Fish Hall]]. A social group on the docks
*[[Calico Free Company]] Gunmen based in Diago Raks
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
[[Civilian City Cohorts]]
=='''Court & Castle of Amber :Grounds and Royal Staff Royal Staff'''==
==Military of Amber==
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><big>'''[[File:Castle amber1.jpg|400px]]'''</big></div>
===[[Military of Amber]]===
====Amber Elite Guardsman Standard Panoply====
===<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><big>'''[[Castle Amber]]'''</big></div>===
[Amber Standard Kit]]
====[[Throne Room of Amber]]====
===[[Amber Star Fleet]]===
====[[Hall of Mirrors]]====
====[[Great Library of Amber]]====
====[[Dungeon & Prison of Amber]]====
===='''[[Active Royal Apartments]]'''====
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
===<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><big>'''Royal Groups'''</big></div>===
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Player Characters and Character Information'''</big></span>==
====[[Grand Court of Amber]]====
===[[Carissa]] Daughter of Gerard===
====[[Extensive list of the people known in Amber]]====
====[[People of Note]]====
*Those who can walk into King Random's bedchamber any hour of the day or night.
====[[Privy Council of Amber]]====
====[[Drum Room Council]]====
====[[The Ladies]]====
===<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><big>'''Castle Staff and Significant Groups'''</big></div>===
====[[Elites]] ====
====[[Kolvir Musketeers]]====
====[[Guards, Maids, Kitchen Staff]]====
====[[Dame Margot's People]]====
===<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><big>'''Important Servents'''</big></div>===
=====[[Lord Hymal Urien]]=====
*'''Steward of Amber'''-
=====[[Dame Margot]]=====
*Châtelaine-Chief Servant. Amber Mistress of Festivities.
=====[[Dart of Hale]]=====
*Dame Margot's Assistant.  Concierge of Amber
=====[[Birdie of the Tower]]=====
*Friend of abandoned family pets.
=====[[William Roth]]=====
*Chief Counsel of Amber
===<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><big>'''Noble Houses of Amber'''</big></div>===
====[[House Charenton]]====
====[[House Charlton]]====
====[[House Feldane]] ====
====[[House Urien at Red Dawn]]====
====[[House Kesht]]====
====[[House Norwolf]]====
====[[House Breakwithe-Smythe]]====
====[[House Hale]]==== 
===[[Vander]] Son of Eric===
====[[House G'athara]]====
====[[House Mal at Reiss]]  ====
====[[House Tranton]] ====
====[[House Roseque]]====
====[[House Anarala ]]  ====
====[[House Du Motier]] ==== 
====[[House Cavandish]]==== 
====[[House Mikhale & House Venway]]==== 
====[[House Tulanti]]====
====<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><big>'''Notable Houses and large Corporations in the Amber Sway'''</big></div>====
===[[Macsen]] Son of Dalt===
*[[House Cabaseala]]: A Noble House of Diaga 
*[[House Gandle]]  A Noble House of Diaga
*[[House Fesdiraw]]  A Noble House of Diaga
*[[House Clemens]] The controlling family of the docks of Amber.
*[[Team Hanik]] Leave no cut untasted 
*[[Jasua's Apples]]  A realm of produce that frequently finds its way to Amber's tables.
*[[The Family Sly]] A family of carters and delivery people in Amber known for reliable services.
*[[Lundle Been Alcohols]] Its amazing what Shadow has to drink!
*[[Korm'fes'Tenik]] Weaponeers
*[[Matterson Horse Messengers]] Not Everyone has access to working trumps!
*[[The Bards of Kashfra]]  Suppliers of musical Instruments from all over shadow. 
*[[Trable Hous]]  Books, papers, writing supplies.
===[[Relmopator]] Son of Satura===
===[[Laravella]] Daughter of Brand===
===<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><big>'''Military and Military Matters of Amber'''</big></div>===
===[[Arloxedra]] Son of Eric===
===='''[[Military of Amber]]''': Standing and reserve military of Amber====
*[[Amber Standard Kit]]: Amber Elite Guardsman Standard Panoply
=====[[Military Academies]]=====
===='''[[Elites]]''': Amber's Elite Guard-Castle Guards, Royal Protective Service, Diplomatic Messengers====
===[[Truman, son of Gerard]]===
===='''[[Kolvir Musketeers]]'''====
===[[Vance, son of Delwin]]===
===='''The Accolade-[[Knighthood in Amber]]'''====
===[[Vek Hendrake]] The Line of Benedict===
===='''[[Amber Star Fleet]]'''====
Character development.  This is where i will be putting a lot of disjointed information as i put together the game.''
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
===[[King Random's Deck-KRD]]===
==<span style=color:green><big>'''People and Beings'''</big></span>==
==<span style=color:green><big>'''People and Beings'''</big></span>==
===<span style=color:red><big>'''[[Names and Notables in Jeweled Amber]]'''</big></span>===
A running game log of people and places.  Players should feel free to add names and places that get mentioned in play.
===<span style=color:red><big>'''[[Ambassador s to Amber and Beyond]]'''</big></span>===
==='''[[People of Shadow]]'''===
===[[Heirs and spares]]===
These are people that can be found in shadow that are not necessarily affiliated with any of the great realms or their circle.
This is a running list of names of people, scenarios, regions, and other oodles of people I might mention in game play.  Players are encouraged to edit this page for content.
==='''[[Races in Jeweled Amber]]'''===
A Collection of races known in the Shadows of Amber.
==='''[[Heirs and spares]]'''===
An accounting of the House Bariman and its genealogy.
An accounting of the House Bariman and its genealogy.
==='''The Adask'''===
==='''[[Primal Creature]]'''===
===[[Primal Creature]]===
Creatures of prime powers claiming great power generated by the power of wide variety of creatures of their type.
Creatures of prime powers claiming great power generated by the power of wide variety of creatures of their type.
===[[People of Shadow]]===
These are people that can be found in shadow that are not necessarily affiliated with any of the great realms or their circle.
====Character Interaction====
===[[Court of Amber]] and People of Amber===
[[Court of Amber]] : [[People of Note]] : [["No_Knock_List"]] : [[Servants of Amber]] [[Elites]] Guards, Maids, Kitchen Staff,
==='''[[Queens of Amber]]'''===
===[[Queens of Amber]]===
===Knightly Orders in Jeweled Amber===
===Knightly Orders in Jeweled Amber===
*[[Knightly Orders in Jeweled Amber]]
===<span style=color:green><big>'''CHAD-Clean Halls And Dens guild'''</big></span>===
*[[CHAD]] : Mercenary Guild Extraordinaire of the [[Tosa/York]]
*Sir Dolki [[Fairhand]]
*Archmage Jeremy [[Fairhand]]
*Sir Venki [[Fairhand]]
*Lord [[Digan]] the Ruby Mage
*King [[Alexandir_Kos_Korag_III]]
*Dukes [[Jake and Kirgor]]
*[[Ascorbic and Ox]]
==='''Wanderers and Far Travelers Table'''===
{| class="wikitable"
| [[Hazarda and Timothy Elhue]]: two hoopy froods. || [[Slow Running]]-An H&TE story. || [[Things Happen Fast]] -An H&TE story.
| [[Things Happen for a Reason]] -An H&TE story. || [[Conf of Shadows]] -The voice in shades || [[Nur al Din El musifar]] -The Misplaced High Lord of Chaos
| [[Tolknor]]Primal King of York & Lord Protector of Plymouth || [[Lik-e]] Elven Hero || [[[[Vangarious Vanshingor]] A wanderer
| [[Total Warrior]] || [[Various Tosians]] || [[z]]
==='''The Bookmobile'''===
===[[Fort Garland Adventurers' Society]]===
==='''The Mana Merchant'''===
[[Mana Merchant]]
[[Arcology]]  A conversation about Urban Planning
==='''Treasure Chest'''===
[[Treasure Chest]]
==='''[[Calico Free Company]]'''===
==='''Warrior Core and Lord  Gladiator Association'''===
===='''[[Ludus Vexas Avaxala]]'''====
A gladiatorial school in the city of Xazeax, Ang Ri.
Founded Lord Vek Hendrake and Lady Alvah Chambers
==='''Named Dufiro'''===
*[[Known Dufiro]]
==='''[[People of Chaos]]'''===
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Player Characters and Character Information'''</big></span>==
*PCs by Player
===='''Jill''':Carissa, Donovan====
*[[Donovan]] Son of Julian & Cyrene .  ''Inactive''
*[[Carissa]] Daughter of Gerard . ''Inactive''
===='''Daniel''':Vander, Relmapator, Rafeal====
*[[Rafeal]] Shadow Walker.  ''Active''
*[[Vander]] Son of Eric. ''Inactive''
*[[Relmopator]] Son of Satura. ''Inactive''
*[[Fort Garland Adventurers' Society]]
===='''Amber''':Alvah, Alexandra====
*[[Alvah]] Daughter of Delwin.  ''inactive''
*[[Alexandra Mira .]] Daughter of Brand and Fres Mira.  ''Active''
[[Knightly Orders in Jeweled Amber]]
*[[Silvana]] Daughter of Martin and Yavanna.  ''Active''
*[[Macsen]] Son of Dalt .  ''Inactive''
==Trumps and Other Decks==
*[[Skadi]] Daughter of Dashel''Inactive''
*[[King Random's Deck]]
The Deck given by King Random to his kinContains Contact Trumps and Place Trumps
*[[Henry Sawall]] Son of Mandor & Fiona . ''Inactive''
*[[Chriss]] Son of Caine. ''Inactive''
===='''Michael Y''':Laravella====
=='''CHAD-Clean halls and Dens Guild'''-==
*[[Laravella]] Daughter of Brand ''Really Inactive''
*[[CHAD]] : Mercenary guild extrodinare of the [[Tosa/York]] shadows now in the employ ofAmber.
**[[Lop]]:  Founder of CHAD-Director of the
**Sir Dolki [[Fairhand]]
**Jeremy [[Fairhand]]
**Venki [[Fairhand]]
**[[Digan]] the Ruby Mage
**[[Jake and Kirgor]].Military Guildmaster of CHAD is Jake Whitetail
===='''Gulliver''':Vance, Vek, Zeek====
=='''Wanderers and Far Travelers'''==
*[[Zeek]] Son of Untara & Jurt
*[[Vek Hendrake]] The Line of Benedict''Active''
*Hazarda and Timothy Elhue
*[[Vance, son of Delwin]] .  ''Inactive''
**[[Slow Running]]-An H&TE story.  A conversation after a road rage incident.
**[[Things Happen Fast]] -An H&TW storyRoad racers with bad manners and bad hygiene.
*[[Truman, son of Gerard]] . ''Inactive''
*My first PC.  He wanders Amber shadow at will.
===[[Ascorbic and Ox]] ===
*A pair of boon companionsPCs of old.
===[[Conf of Shadows]] ===
*The voice in shades
===[[Nur al Din El musifar]]===
*The Misplaced High Lord of Chaos
*Primal King of York & Lord Protector of Plymouth
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Powers'''</big></span>==
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Powers and Game Mechanics'''</big></span>==
==='''Powers & Points'''===
==='''Skill System In Amber DRPG'''===
*[[Costs & Powers-Jeweled Amber]] High Order Constructs
[[Jeweled Amber Skill Points]]: This system allows Players & Game Master to gain insight into Pc's interest.
==='''Special Knowledge'''RP improvements for starting characters.===
[[Special Knowledge]] is an opportunity to add RP elements to a character's background or experiences, either at character creation or during game play.
===='''[[Zero Point Character-Jeweled Amber]]'''====
==='''Powers & Points'''. Powers and Character costs===
*'''[[Precedence of Powers]]''' : ''A general over view of whats more powerful then what and a bit about them.''
*'''[[Costs & Powers-Jeweled Amber]]''': High Order Constructs. All costs found here. ''Sort it out, Mike''
These are the Powers and point costs associated with the Patterns of Amber & Avalon, the Logrus, and other High Order Constructs.
These are the Powers and point costs associated with the Patterns of Amber & Avalon, the Logrus, and other High Order Constructs.
*[[Trumps in Jeweled Amber]] How Trump functions in Jeweled Amber. A system for manipulating High order Constructs.
*[[Trumps in Jeweled Amber]] How Trump functions in Jeweled Amber
*[[Shapechange in Jeweled Amber]] How shapechange works.
*[[Shapechange in Jeweled Amber]]
*[[Sorcery in Jeweled Amber]] High Order Sorcery
*[[Sorcery in Jeweled Amber]]
*[[Conjuration in Jeweled Amber]] High Order Conjuration
*[[Conjuration in Jeweled Amber]]
==='''Flavors of the Pattern'''.  Esoteric differences in Pattern Imprints.===
===[[Shadow Magic]]===
*[[Flavors of the Pattern]]: Esoteric differences in Pattern Imprints. WildCalm.
These refer to mostly Low Order magics
*'''[[Precedence of Powers]]''' refers to the various levels of power and importance levels.
*[[Cantrip]]s:Low Order simple magics. Easy to learn.
*[[Warlock Magery]] A low Order Magical System
*[[Illusionism]] A Low Order Magical System
*[[Warlock Clericals]]
**[[Savior/Slayer]]  A clerical subgroup related to the World Stone
*[[Jeweled Amber Wizardry]] a low Order Magical System
*[[Listry]] A Low Order Magical System
==='''Flavors of the Pattern'''===
*[[Flavors of the Pattern]]
Esoteric differences in Pattern Imprints.  Wild.  Calm.
*'''[[Precedence of Powers]]'''
[[Precedence of Powers]] refers to the various levels of power and importance levels.
==='''[[Primal Constructs]]'''===
==='''[[Primal Constructs]]'''===
==='''Non-Realm Based High Order Constructs'''===
*[[Mal at Riess]]: A High Order Construct
====[[Mal at Riess]]====
A High Order Construct
====[[Arden Stone]]====
A High Order construct
===<span style=color:green><big>'''Antiques and Artifacts'''</big></span>===
=='''Concepts and Priorities'''==
====[[Pattern Artifacts]]====
*[[Jeweled amber sway]]
Artifacts known or assumed to have been created using High Order powers.
Realms effected by proximity to Amber though not necessarily signatories of the [[Golde circle defenese treaty]]
====[[Scala Blades]]====
*[[Shade Realms]]
Near shadow reflections of High Order Inscriptions such as Amber.
====[[General and Known Pointed Artifact Descriptions]]====
*[[Aging in Amber]]
A collection of known items.
Effects of High Order Constructs on the Aging process of mortals.  
====[[Jeweled Amber Trump Decks.]]====
*[[If I'd died without hope of grace clause]]
====[[The Blades Of Red Gale]]====
The dangers of taking mortals to Amber.
Vulcan created, Brand improved.
====[[Personal Cutlery in Amber]]====
===='''Potent Potables and Various Enhancements'''====
====='''[[Alcohols of Amber]]'''=====
===='''[[Animals of Amber]]''' General animals like the Stable Horse to PC's pets and animals ====
====='''Specific Creatures'''=====
Shapechanging Race
Split Race and Ghosts
The Dufirosm
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
=='''Items and Artifacts'''==
This section is a collection of various item and artifact descriptions.  
==='''High Order Magical Systems'''===
[[Pattern Artifacts]]
===='''[[Sorcery in Jeweled Amber]]'''====
===='''[[Conjuration in Jeweled Amber]]'''====
===='''[[Trump in Jeweled Amber]]'''====
===='''[[Ritualism in Jeweled Amber]]'''====
===='''[[Cantripy in Jeweled Amber]]'''====
==='''Low Order [[Shadow Magic]]'''===
Low Order magic systems
====[[Warlock Magery]]====
[[Known Artifacts]]
A low Order Magical System based on the game Warlock
=====Artisian Systems=====
A collection of spells taught to perform artistic endevours
*[[Glass Suite Magics]]:A limited magical system for artiusian glass creations.
=='''Specific Creatures'''==
*[[Leather Suite Magics]]:A system for creating leather products of natural leather or plant based leathers.
[[Ushfa]] Shapechanging Race
A Low Order Magical System based on the game Warlock
====[[Warlock Clericals]]====
Clerical systems based on the game Warlock.
**[[Savior/Slayer]]  A clerical subgroup related to the World Stone
**[[Armored Cleric Order]] A Militant Clerical order related to the World Stone though not exclusively.
====[[Jeweled Amber Wizardry]]====
A low Order Magical System based on AD&D [[http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Sorcerer/Wizard_Spell_List]]
A Low Order Magical System based on Role Master & Spell Law
Low Order magic for the creation of temporary magical items.
A low order system of natural magic use expressed in "knacks" and hexes/
[[Krasig]] Split Race and Ghosts
Low Order simple magics. Easy to learn.
==='''[[Warlock Thievish Skills]]'''===
[[Dufiro]] The Dufirosm
==<span style=color:green><big>'''History, Contemplation, and Conversations of Note'''</big></span>==
==<span style=color:green><big>'''History, Contemplation, and Conversations'''</big></span>==
===Structural Items===
===[[Contemplations on the Nature of Benedict]]===
===[[Races in Jeweled Amber]]===
*[[Arcology]] structures
===[[Interregnum and the Repair]]===
*Major Works
===Historical Topics===
====[[Interregnum and the Repair]]====
*Eric's Death and Corwin's Regency
*Eric's Death and Corwin's Regency
*Oberon's Last Court
*Oberon's Last Court
*The Wave of the Repair
*The Wave of the Repair
*[[The Court of Queen Margot]]
*the Court of Queen margot
====[[Benedict/Hendrake breeding program]]====
*The program of House Hendrake creating a line of Chaosians able to use the pattern of Amber.
===[[Commentary of Cosmology]]===
*A commentary on a term in common usage.
*The universe is tricky.
====[[Commentary of Cosmology]]====
===[[Benedict/Hendrake breeding program]]===
====[[Question of Infinity]]====
====[[Red Sword Calls-FB Posts]]====
*Benedict reports on the [[Battle of Trudana Felik]]: CHAD vs Azcala. [[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Red_Sword_Calls-FB_Posts#5247-CHAD_vs_Azcala-Battle_of_Trudana_Felik]]
====[[Contemplations on the Nature of Benedict]]====
====[[Jeweled Amber-Articles of Submission]]====
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Things'''</big></span>==
===[[Brand and Dalt and the Deep Blue Sea]]===
*A conversation on the ramparts.
*[[General Artifacts]]:  A collection of known items.
====[[A Conversation on the Fey in Amber]]====
*[[The Blades Of Red Gale]]:Vulcan created, Brand improved.
Vek & Kibar discuss the Fea.
===The Universe is Tricky===
====[[A conversation on Squiggles with Random and Dworkin]]====
====[[Conference in the Tower]] The King is told about Vance and Agrom====
Random, Benedict, Bleys, Brand, Arloxedra discuss Agrom, Vance, and King Random's Progress
===<big>'''Various Stories'''</big>===
[[Alcohols of Amber]]
====[[Vance and Nearly headless Borlak]]====
[[Old Mink]]: A particularly potent potable.
====[[Tales of the East Tower]]====
*[[Brand and Dalt and the Deep Blue Sea]]: A conversation between Prince Dalt and Prince Brand
*[[Random and Brand and conversations on Flat Top]]: A conversation between King Random and Prince Brand
*[[Random and advisors worry about CHAD]]
====[[Random and Benedict]]====
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Game Mechanic Topics'''</big></span>==
====[[The Pad of Little Puppy Dog Feet-Tale of Fleece]]====
==='''Skill System In Amber DRPG'''===
Fleece and friends
[[Jeweled Amber Skill Points]]: This system allows Players & Game Master to gain insight into Pc's interest.
====[[Giovanni of Amber-The Jack of Amber]]====
==='''Special Knowledge'''===
====[[Thin Whip-Jurt's Tale]]====
[[Special Knowledge]] is an opportunity to add RP elements to a character's background or experiences, either at character creation or during game play.
====[[Galvar's Run]]====
====[[Alvah's Journals]]====
====[[Relmapator Running Journal]]====
====[[Tombs-Bleys & Caine]]====
====[[Many Lives]]====
====[[Vek's Journal on Randal]]====
====[[Mark of Creation-Manadaly]]====
====[[In the Shadow of Red Wine]]====
====[[Hibbit-the Boggie]]====
Warwick of Avalon
====[[Birdie of the Tower]]====
====[[Things Happen for a Reason]]====
*An H&TE story from the POV of Raphael; an Adventurer new The Game.
====[[Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mr. Hepplewhite?]]====
*A Story about Zachary Hepplewhite's most fabulous Auto Car!
====<span style=color:green><big>Quotes</big></span>====
*[[Quotes Page]]  Every one should have them.
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
==='''Concepts and Priorities'''===
====[[Jeweled amber sway]]====
Realms effected by proximity to Amber though not necessarily part of the [[Golden Circle Signatory Treaty]]
====[[Shade Realms]]====
Near shadow reflections of High Order Inscriptions such as Amber.
====[[Aging in Amber]]====
Effects of High Order Constructs on the Aging process of mortals.
====[[If I'd died without hope of grace clause]]====
The dangers of taking mortals to Amber.
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Current Games & Past Games'''</big></span>==
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Other Games'''</big></span>==
===[[Bodie]]  A Boothill Game in development===
==='''The Black Road Less Traveled'''===
==='''The Black Road Less Traveled'''===
*[[Vek Hendrake]]
*[[Ongoing consideration]]
*[[Vek'osho du Hendrake]]
==='''[[Chaos Rising]]'''===
[[Vek Hendrake]]
*[[Running Sheet Chance Vandalia]]
[[Ongoing consideration]]
[[Vek'osho du Hendrake]]
==<span style=color:green>'''Convention Games'''</span>==
===Azcala Unleashed-Second Campaign===
*'''Current Con'''
[[Player Page]]  While these PCs were part of the Second game it is uncertain if they remain in the active game as NPCs as yet.  Some may be included if needed or some may be members of a Shade of Amber.
**[[Tir Con June 2022]]
[[Dinner in the Green Room]]
===Past Cons===
[[New News]]
*[[Tir Con June 2022]]
*[[Ambercon Northwest 2020]]
**Main Games
[[Quotes Page]]
*[[Tiny Amber]]  
**Ambercon  side game.
*ACNW 2021
Every one should have them.
**[[Taziliwere-For Wine and Oil]]
***An Ambercon campaign
*** Running Page [[Taziliwere-For Wine and Oil]]
*A conversation with Arlo on the Call of the Kin [[Tazilwere-Call to Kin]]
*[[Ambercon Northern Ireland]]
*[[Siege of Bunny Free]]
*[[Tir Con June 2023]]
=='''Past Jeweled Amber Arcs'''==
==<span style=color:green><big>Other Topics</big></span>==  
Since the First Arc was originally face to face and ended online, there is little remaining of those games and those characters. 
===Second Arc-Azcala Unleashed===
===[[The Little Game]]===
[[Player Page]]  While these PCs were part of the Second game it is uncertain if they remain in the active game as NPCs as yet.  Some may be included if needed or some may be members of a Shade of Amber.
*[[Dinner in the Green Room]]
*[[New News]]
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
A game unrelated to Amber. An exercise in minimalism.
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Maps'''</big></span>==
<div style="text-align: center;">[[File:Ambermap3.jpg|800 px]]</div style>
<div style="text-align: center;"> [[File:Amber world map2.gif|800 px]]</div style>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
==<span style=color:green><big>Other Topics</big></span>==
===[[The Little Game]]===
A game unrelated to Amber.  An exercise in minimalism.
==='''Available Characters'''===
==='''Available Characters'''===
==='''The Black Road-A Fanzine'''===
These are articles i submitted to the fanzine. They are separate works and may not represent how these are run in my game.
*[[Woven Logrus-Zine]]
*[[Off the Road-Intro]]
*[[Off the Road-Adzikis]]
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Various Veks'''</big></span>==
==<span style=color:green><big>'''Various Veks'''</big></span>==
The various shadows of Vek
The various shadows of Vek
*[[Vek-Amber Mush]]
*[[Vek-Amber Mush]]
*[[Vek Hendrake]]: [[Jeweled Amber]]
===Vek Hendrake in Jeweled Amber===
===Vek Hendrake in Jeweled Amber===
*[[Vek Hendrake]] a story place.  
*[[Vek Hendrake]] a story place.  
*[[Dark is the Rat]]  A Vek Story.
*[[Dark is the Rat]]  A Vek Story.
*[[Vek's Journal on Randal]]  A place to make music.
*[[Vek's Journal on Randal]]  A place to make music.
*[[The Journal of Veksvale]] A place and time in the wilderness.
*[[The Journal of Veksvale]] A place and time in the wilderness.
*Vek in Heirs and Spares[[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Heirs_and_spares#Vek_Son_of_Gaolous-Breeder]]
*Vek in Heirs and Spares[[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Heirs_and_spares#Vek_Son_of_Gaolous-Breeder]]
*[[Benedict/Hendrake breeding program]]
*[[Benedict/Hendrake breeding program]]
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
==<span style=color:purple><big>'''Non Sequiturs'''</big></span>==
==<span style=color:purple><big>'''Non Sequitur'''</big></span>==
===Many Colours, All of them Amber===
===Many Colours, All of them Amber===
A personal Amber page with interesting stuff [[http://www.clockworksky.net/rp_amber_top.html]]
A personal Amber page with interesting stuff [[http://www.clockworksky.net/rp_amber_top.html]]
Line 896: Line 395:
Because its funny what you run across.
Because its funny what you run across.
Baubling-Gambling for fun and tiny profits.  On the Caid Wiki- [[https://caidwiki.org/index.php?title=Baubling]]
<big> Zine</big>
[[Mixed Content Storage]]
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
==End Comments==
*Images used on this site are found online and modified.  I do not own the copyright to any of them.  They are being used recreationally and are in no way be used in a commercial manner.  If you hold the copyright to any image and wish it removed put a moment in the discussion section and the image will be removed immediately.
==<big> Zine-The Black Road</big>==
[[Mixed Content Storage]]
If the Fishing is Good, the Living is Good-Raksir-Blake Fisher and the World of Raksir[[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Raksir]]
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[File:Greenwhitedrapedsword.gif]]</div>
==End Comments==
*Images used on this site are found online and modified.  I do not own the copyright to any of them.  They are being used recreationally and are in no way  used in a commercial manner.  If you hold the copyright to any image and wish it removed put a comment in the discussion section and the image will be removed immediately.
*If you want to use any of the elements you find in the Jeweled Amber Pages you have my permission.  I had hoped to find seeds for future books but if there is something you like feel free to make use of it.
*If you want to use any of the elements you find in the Jeweled Amber Pages you have my permission.  I had hoped to find seeds for future books but if there is something you like feel free to make use of it.
===[[Last Bit]]===

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