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===Sasaki Ayumu Rider Kagejin===
aka singing sensation Ayumi
Ayumi is a popular singing star in some clubs-- her beauty and haunting contralto have one her many fans, not all of which are aware of one detail: Ayumi is, offstage, a man. Mysterious, clever, and charismatic, few enemies are prepared for all of Ayumu's tricks in battle!
PL 10
STR: 10 DEX: 18 CON: 16 INT: 10 WIS: 16 CHA: 20 {30}
Tou:+3/+6 Fort:+5 Ref: + 8(+12) Wil: +8 {11}
Attack: +7/+14 Defense:+7/+14 {0}
Skills: Acrobatics 8 Bluff 15 Diplomacy 15 Disguise 11 Escape Artist 8 Gather Information 12 Notice 8 Perform (Singing) 15 Sense Motive 12 Stealth 8 {23}
Feats: Fascinate (Perform) Taunt Instant Up Luck Bishonen/Bishojou 5 Contacts Distracting Looks 5 Up the Wall Uncanny Dodge (Hearing) Dodge Focus 7 Attack Focus (Melee) 7 Elusive Target Power Attack Defensive Attack Accurate Attack Move-By Attack All-Out Attack Evasion 2 Set-Up Equipment 1 {41}
Powers: Device 15 (Rider Belt) {45} Improved Initiative 1 (1) Jumping 1 (1) Speed 2 (2) Protection 3 (3) Super-Movement 1: Dimensional Movement 1(2) Enhanced Save (Reflex) +4 (4) Attack Focus (Melee) 7 (7) Dodge Focus 7 (7)
Overclocked Naginata Slash: Strike 6, Autofire 2, Penetrating, Reach 1, Improved Critical (27)
--Multiprocessing Naginata Copy Wave: Alternate Power: Strike 6, Area (Burst), Selective, Penetrating, Progression 1 (Area)
Shadow Clone 4, Horde, Interpose, (17) alternate powers:
--Impromptu Performance: (1) Emotion Control 5, Melee (-2), Full Action (-1), Sense-based (Hearing) (-1), Area (Burst) (+1), Selective (+1) Linked to Healing 5, Area (Burst) (+1), Selective (+1), Full Action (-1), Sense-based (Hearing) (-1), Progression (Area) 1 on each
--Lurker Mode(1): Concealment 8 (All sight) linked to Supermove 2 (Trackless) linked to Speed +3
--Lightcycle Mode(1): Speed+6, Supermove 4 (Wall-crawling 2, Sure-Footed 2), Superstrength 3 (Carrying passengers only -1)
--Virtual Reality: (1) Illusion 4 (Sight+Hearing) Action (+1) Progression (Area) 1
Equipment: Cell Phone/Camera(2), Commlink (1), Masterwork Disguise Tools (1), PDA (1)
===''Chris Sebastian Rider ATV''===
Chris Sebastian was a college football star who's tutor and friend convinced him to try out a new VR game at the local mall. He followed what he thought were other players through a mysterious portal and passed out. When he came to he was no longer in the mall and a middle aged Japanese man was kneeling next to him holding an odd looking belt and offering it to him. He took it and became Rider ATV; black and silver uniform, transforming quad, and all.
'''RIDE has declared you a menace to the net. It is my axe that will fell your connection. RIDER ATV, GO!'''
PL 10 150pts
STR: 16 DEX: 15 CON: 16 INT: 14 WIS: 12 CHA: 15 (18 pts)
Tou: 5 Fort: 4 Ref: 3 Wil: 2 (14 pts)
Attack: +1/5 Defense:+2/5 (6 pts)
Skills: Intimidate 5 Climb 4 Swim 4 Drive 6 Acrobatics 4 Language: Japanese, English (24 pts)
Feats: Improved Initiative 2, Jack of All Trades, Improved Overrun, Diehard, Endurance, Fearless, Stunning Attack, Equipment 1 (9pts)
Device 17 Rider Belt (51 pts =85)
Silverhawk ATV:
Speed 5 (250 mph) (5pts)
Strike 10 (10 pts) Burning Hawk: (Rider ATV's Rider Kick) Rider ATV launches off of an invisible jump as he does so the back wheels of his ATV glow with silvery flame and he enters either a spin or flip striking his enemy with these flaming back wheels.
Enhanced Attack 4 (8pts)
Enhanced Defense 2 (4 Pts)
Banish 3 (Mecha pg. 45 6pts) Sever: Rider ATV's Axe glows with silvery light and severs a Net Entity's tethers to reality forcing them back into the net.
Blast 7, area 3 cone, selective 3 combo element (21 pts)Hand Cannon: Rider ATV has a short barreled plasma shotgun that can fire a single powerful blast or a lower energy cone 30 feet wide and 30 feet long that only effects targets he chooses.
Strike Array: Blows of Justice (15 pts)
Strike 5 Mighty 3 combo element Knockback 4 (Ultimate Pg 94) Big Boot
AP: Strike 7 mighty 3 combo element Axe Strike
AP: Strike 3 mighty 3 combo element Accurate 2 Pistol Whip
Super-Movement 1 (Dimensional Movement: Internet, Limit: Must Touch Internet-connected Device)
Combo Finish 5 (mecha pg. 46 15 pts =25) Blast 10 Precise 2 Accurate 2 Homing; Axe Cannon: After wearing his opponent down Rider ATV leaps high into the air and combines his axe and hand cannon into a powerful highly accurate homing weapon.
Upgrade Disk: Device 5 (15 points= 25)
Silverhawk Drive: Rider ATV's ATV transforms into armor granting him flight and extra protection as well as the ability to shove things around and knock over foes with its powerful turbines
Protection 5 Extra: Impervious 3 Flaw Ablative (7pts)
Air Control 4 (from ultimate power pg 131 8pts)
Flight 4 (8pts)
Immunity 2 critical hits
Upgrade Disk: Device 4 (11 pts = 20)
Silverhawk High Flyer: Flight 6 (500 mph)
Immunity 3 (High Pressure; Suffocation)
Strike 5 Limited: Only usable in Internet.
The Silverhawk transforms into a small personal aircraft with a sealed cockpit and silvery energy on the leading edge of its wings.
Equipment Cell Phone. Laptop. Japanese phrasebook commlink
===''Soujirou Rider Digital''===
PL 10
Str 10
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 12 (18 in Rider Form)
(Total 6 PP)
Kombat / Derived Stats
Init +0
Defense +4 (+2 flatfooted)
Attack +2
Damage +0 (unarmed)
Grapple +2
Knockback +0
Tough: +1
Fort: +4 (+8 in Rider Form)
Ref: +5 (+8 in Rider Form)
Will: +5 (+8 in Rider Form)
(Total 25 PP)
Bluff 4 (+5)
Computers 13 (+14) (+18 in Rider Form)
Diplomacy 4 (+5) (+20 in Rider Form)
Disable Device 16 (+17, in Rider Form only)
Drive 4 (+4, +16 in Rider Form)
Gather Information 2 (+3)
Intimidate 12 (+16. in Rider Form only)
Notice 6 (+6)
Search 5 (+5)
Stealth 4 (+4)
Swim 2 (+2)
(Total 13 PP)
Beginner's Luck
Elusive Target
Equipment (laptop computer, bicycle, cell phone, schoolbag)
Fake Expert
Favored Environment 2 (inside any academic institution, urban)
Improved Defense 1
Low Profile
Luck (x7 in Rider Form)
Online Research
Perfect Timing
Quick Change
(Total 15 PP) (+2 PP)
The Rider Belt - Device 35 (105 PP)
The mysterious Rider Belt. An artifact gifted to Zetta Soujirou, a man, who until this day seemed to have no use in this world. Rise up, young one, and become a legend!
The Rider Belt grants 35x5 = 175 points worth of powers which define its first form, the Drive Form. These powers are as follow.
Spoiler: Offensive Array (55 PP)
Rider Kick! (55 PP)
Climbing Kick 15, Penetrating Extra (only applies to 7 ranks of this power) and Uncontrolled flaw (23 PP)
Power Feat: Up In The Air (1 PP)
Power Feat: Accurate x3 (3 PP)
Power Feat: Improved Critical x3 (3 PP)
Power Feat: Follow-Up Attack x6 (7 PP)
Power Feat: Alternate Power - Rider Sniping (1 PP)
Power Feat: Alternate Power - Rider Knockout (1 PP)
Power Feat: Alternate Power - Rider Impact (1 PP)
Strike 15 with the Area (explosion) extra and the Limited (Immediately after Rider Kick only) flaw (15 PP)
Note: The Rider Kick trades -5 accuracy for +5 damage. In combination with the Firewall, it is known as the Rider Inferno.
Climbing Kick is from Mecha and Manga pg. 102.
Follow-Up Attack is from Mecha and Manga pg. 98.
Rider Impact (28 PP)
The Rider's fists are strong and swift - the better to batter down evildoers who terrorize the innocent!
Strike 10 w/ Penetrating Extra (20 PP)
Power Feat: Accurate x5 (5 PP)
Power Feat: Improved Critical x3 (3 PP)
Note: In combination with the Firewall, it is known as the Rider Red Hot One Hundred.
Alternate Power: Rider Sniping (38 PP)
Evil will never be out of the reach of the Rider. Drawing upon the ancient and honorable form of the Walker Colt revolver, the Rider dispenses justice upon the villainous both near and far.
Blast 10 (20 PP)
Power Feat: Accurate x5 (5 PP)
Power Feat: Improved Critical x3 (3 PP)
Power Feat: Improved Range x2 (2 PP)
Power Feat: Precise Shot x2 (2 PP)
Super-Sense 6 (X-ray vision, Progressed Visual Range x2) (6 PP)
Alternate Power: Rider Knockout (36 PP)
The Rider's fists can lay even the mightiest evildoers low with a single blow, or send them reeling in preparation for the final strike, the Rider Kick.
Stun 10 (20 PP)
Power Feat: Accurate x5 (5 PP)
Power Feat: Improved Critical x3 (3 PP)
Paralyze 10 with Slow Flaw, Aura Extra, Limited (attack only) Flaw (10 PP)
Spoiler: Defensive Array (61 PP)
Hard Drive (60 PP)
This defensive stance focuses on denying all attacks made against the Rider. Like an iron castle, the Hard Drive stands tall against any assault thrown at it.
Protection 10 w/ Duration Flaw: Sustained and Impervious Extra (10 PP)
Deflect (all ranged attacks) 10 w/ Action Extra: Free and Automatic Extra (50 PP)
Power Feat: Alternate Power - Firewall
Firewall (60 PP)
The burning heart of the Rider sets him aglow in a mantle of flame. Once ignited by the speed of the Flash Drive, his body is surrounded by a blazing barrier that burns the evildoers whom he strikes and who dare to strike him with the fires of judgement!
Forcefield 12 with Impervious Extra, Attack Extra, Distracting Flaw (60 PP)
Note: the Attack extra for Forcefields is from Mecha and Manga pg. 48.
Spoiler: Utility Set (58 PP)
Ore Sanjou! (12 PP)
The mere presence of the Rider is enough to bring hope to the weak and strike fear into the hearts of the enemies of justice.
Emotion Control 8 with Limited (baddies only) and Limited (fear only) flaws (4 PP)
Skill: Intimidate 12 ranks (3 PP)
Enhanced Ability: Charisma 4 (4 PP)
Feat: Rousing Speech (1 PP)
Feat: Luck x2 (2 PP)
Akai Hayate (7 PP)
The Rider of the Digital Age can enter the Internet by simply touching any item with access to the Internet; but in true Rider style, he is be accompanied by his faithful steed, the Rider Bike Akai Hayate, the Crimson Wind.
Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional - Internet Access and Ride The Lightning) with Limited (can only enter Internet through Net-capable devices and can only Ride Lightning through very large electrical currents) (2 PP)
Equipment (Akai Hayate, a Kawasaki ZII with Speed 8, can be summoned) (5 PP)
Rider Hacking (15 PP)
Datalink 4 (4 PP)
Power Feat: Machine Control (1 PP)
Quickness 10 (mental actions only) (5 PP)
Skill: Disable Device 16 ranks (4 PP)
Skill: Computers 4 ranks ( 1 PP)
Skill: Ride 12 ranks (3 PP)
Rider Defenses (10 PP)
Fort save + 4 (4 PP)
Ref save +3 (3 PP)
Will save +3 (3 PP)
Rider Combat (5 PP)
Feat: Accurate Attack (1 PP)
Feat: All-Out Attack (1 PP)
Feat: Favored Environment (Internet) (1 PP)
Feat: Favored Opponent: Corrupted (1 PP)
Feat: Uncanny Dodge (1 PP)
Feat: Luck x4 (4 PP)
Note: Combo Element is from Mecha and Manga page 44.
Complications / Drawbacks
Power Loss: must call every action, very, very, very, loudly, or lose the power. (Very Common, Minor), +3 PP
Abilities 6 + Combat 12 + Skills 13 + Feats 15 + Powers 0 - Drawbacks 0 = 46/150
Abilities 0 + Combat 0 + Skills 0 + Feats 2 + Powers 105 - Drawbacks 3 = +104
Total 150/150 PP.

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