Editing Kazoth's old character sheet

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Back to [[3-5_Against_the_Giants_Campaign]] [[Category:Against The Giants]]
Back to: [[3-5_Against_the_Giants_Campaign]]
  Current XP: 184519xp
  Current XP: 192292xp
  -Next: 190000xp
  -Next: 210000xp
  Active Effects
  Active Effects
  Mass Resist Cold 30 (3rd level, CL 19 - Isaac)
  Death Ward
  True Seeing (6th level, CL 19 - Isaac)
  Protection from Energy (Fire)
Heroes' Feast (6th level, CL XX - Aukan)
  Heroes' Feast
  Protection from Cold 84 points (3rd, CL 7th - Gregor)
  Resist Fire 20 (2nd, CL 7th - Gregor)
  Protection from Evil
  Mass Death Ward (8th, CL 17 - Albard)
Greater Heroism
  Protection from Arrows 90 points (3rd, CL 9th - Marteus)
  Bless Weapon (World's Edge)
  Bless Weapon: World's Edge (1st, CL 9th - Marteus)
Death Ward (4th, CL 9th - Marteus)
Picture: [http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/dmg2_gallery/90035.jpg WotC DMG2 art gallery]
Picture: [http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/dmg2_gallery/90035.jpg WotC DMG2 art gallery]
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: Half-Orc (Humanoid [Orc])
Speed: 30ft
Level: Rogue 16/Warblade 2
Hit Dice: 16d6+2d12+36 [156hp]
Initative: +7 [+7 Dex]
Armor Class: 30 [+4 natural, +4 armour, +7 Dex, +5 deflection]
  Touch AC:      22
  Flat-footed AC: 23
DR:            5/slashing or bludgeoning
Base Attack: +14/+9/+4
Grapple: +19 [+5 Str, +14 BAB]
Attack: World's Edge +25 melee (2d6+13, 17-20/x2 plus 2d6 plus 1 Constitution
                    plus Implacable wound, plus 1d6 Maiming on critical hit; each hit
                    deals 1d6 damage to wielder)
              or Light Crossbow +23 ranged 80' (1d8+5/19-20)
              or Greatsword +23 melee (2d6+11/19-20 plus 1d6 electricity)
              or Shortsword +22 melee (1d6+8/17-20)
              or Dagger +20 melee [+21 ranged 10'] (1d4+5/19-20)
              or Club +20 melee [+21 ranged 10'] (1d6+5)
              or Sap +20 melee (1d6+5 nonlethal)
Full Attack: World's Edge +25/+20/+15 melee (2d6+13, 17-20/x2 plus 2d6 plus 1 Constitution
                    plus Implacable wound, plus 1d6 Maiming on critical hit; each hit
                    deals 1d6 damage to wielder)
              or Light Crossbow +23/+18/+13 ranged 80' (1d8+5/19-20)
              or Greatsword +23/+18/+13 melee (2d6+11/19-20 plus 1d6 electricity)
              or Shortsword +22/+17/+12 melee (1d6+8/17-20)
              or Dagger +20/+15/+10 melee [+21 ranged 10'] (1d4+5/19-20)
              or Club +20/+15/+10 melee [+21 ranged 10'] (1d6+5)
              or Sap +20/+15/+10 melee (1d6+5 nonlethal)
Fortitude: +15 [+2 Con, +5 Rogue, +3 Warblade, +4 Resistance, +1 luck]
Reflex: +22 [+7 Dex, +10 Rogue, +0 Warblade, +4 Resistance, +1 luck]*
Will: +12 [+2 Wis, +5 Rogue, +0 Warblade, +4 Resistance, +1 luck]
*+2 if not flat-footed
  Strength 20 +5 [15 Base, +2 Race, -1 age, +4 enhancement]
  Alignment: Chaotic Good
  Dexterity 25 +7 [16 Base, -1 age, +4 level, +6 enhancement]
Race: Half-Orc (Humanoid [Orc])
  Constitution 14 +2 [14 Base, -1 age, +1 inherent]
Speed: 30ft, fly 60' (good)
  Intelligence 14 +2 [15 Base, -2 Race, +1 age]
Level: Rogue 16/Warblade 4
  Wisdom 14 +2 [13 Base, +1 age]
Hit Dice: 16d6+4d12+100+20 [264hp]
  Charisma 8 -1 [9 Base, -2 Race, +1 age]
Initiative: +10 [+10 Dex]
Armor Class: 38 [+5 natural, +10 armour, +8 Dex, +5 deflection]
  Touch AC:      23 (33 vs incorporeal)
  Flat-footed AC: 30
Resistances:    Fire 30; criticals and sneak attacks 75% chance of negation
Base Attack: +16/+11/+6/+1
Grapple: +22 [+6 Str, +16 BAB]
World's Edge +28/+23/+18/+13 melee (2d6+15, 17-20/x2 plus 2d6 plus 1 Con dmg
  plus Implacable wound, plus 1d6 Maiming on critical hit; each hit
  deals 1d6 damage to wielder)
or Light Crossbow +28 ranged 80' (1d8+5/19-20)
or Greatsword +26/+21/+16/+11 melee (2d6+13/19-20 plus 1d6 electricity)
or Shortsword +25/+20/+15/+10 melee (1d6+9/17-20)
or Dagger +27/+22/+17/+12 melee [+31 ranged 10'] (1d4+11/19-20)
or Club +23/+18/+13/+8 melee [+27 ranged 10'] (1d6+6)
or Sap +23/+18/+13/+8 melee (1d6+6 nonlethal)
Gain a +5 insight bonus on any roll to confirm a critical hit.
Fortitude: +20 [+5 Con, +5 Rogue, +4 Warblade, +5 Resistance, +1 luck]
Reflex: +32 [+10 Dex, +10 Rogue, +1 Warblade, +5 Resistance, +1 luck, +5 insight*]
Will: +17 [+5 Wis, +5 Rogue, +1 Warblade, +5 Resistance, +1 luck]
*only if not flat-footed
+5 competence bonus vs mind-affecting affects, death effects and negative energy effects;
may re-roll vs one mind-affecting affect per day and vs one death effect or negative energy
effect per day, either reroll is an immediate action.
===Ability Scores===
Strength 22 +6  [15 Base, +2 Race, -1 age, +6 enhancement]
  Dexterity 31 +10 [16 Base, -1 age, +5 level, +5 inherent, +6 enhancement]
  Constitution 20 +[14 Base, -1 age, +1 inherent, +6 enhancement]
  Intelligence 20 +[15 Base, -2 Race, +1 age, +6 enhancement]
  Wisdom 20 +[13 Base, +1 age, +6 enhancement]
  Charisma 14 +2 [9 Base, -2 Race, +1 age, +6 enhancement]
Skills:            23/11.5cc
Search        +44 [23 Ranks, +10 Dex, +1 luck, +5 competence, +5 insight]
Disable Device +41 [23 Ranks, +10 Dex, +2 circumstance, +1 luck, +5 insight]*
Open Lock      +46 [23 Ranks, +10 Dex, +2 circumstance, +1 luck, +5 competence, +5 insight]
Tumble        +37 [19 Ranks, +10 Dex, +2 synergy, +1 luck, +5 insight]
Jump          +22 [8 Ranks, +6 Str, +2 synergy, +1 luck, +5 insight]
Climb          +24 [12 Ranks, +6 Str, +1 luck, +5 insight]
Balance        +23 [5 Ranks, +10 Dex, +2 synergy, +1 luck, +5 insight]
Hide          +49 [23 Ranks, +10 Dex, +1 luck, +10 competence, +5 insight]
Move Silently  +49 [23 Ranks, +10 Dex, +1 luck, +10 competence, +5 insight]
Spot          +44 [23 Ranks, +5 Wis, +10 competence, +1 luck, +5 insight]
Listen        +34 [23 Ranks, +5 Wis, +1 luck, +5 insight]
Diplomacy      +18 [8 Ranks, +2 Cha, +2 synergy, +1 luck, +5 insight]
Bluff          +13 [5 Ranks, +2 Cha, +1 luck, +5 insight]
Sense Motive  +15 [4 ranks, +5 Wis, +1 luck, +5 insight]
Escape Artist  +21 [0 Ranks, +10 Dex, +1 luck, +5 competence, +5 insight]
Swim          +12 [0 ranks, +6 Str, +1 luck, +5 insight]
All other skills: 0 Ranks, +1 luck, +5 insight
*Skill Mastery - may always Take 10 even if distracted
  Skill Tricks
  Skills:     21/10.5cc
  -Nimble Stand (no AoO when standing)
Search        +29 [20+1cc Ranks, +2 Int, +1 luck, +5 competence]
-Twisted Charge (make one 90-degree turn on a charge but only move equal to Speed  
Disable Device +26 [20+1cc Ranks, +2 Int, +2 circumstance, +1 luck]
  instead of double)
Open Lock      +34 [19 Ranks, +7 Dex, +2 circumstance, +1 luck, +5 competence]
-Acrobatic Backstab (first attack made against enemy whose space tumbled through is
Tumble        +29 [19 Ranks, +7 Dex, +2 synergy, +1 luck]
  as though foe is flat-footed).
Jump          +18 [8 Ranks, +5 Str, +2 synergy, +1 luck, +2 untyped]
-Opening Tap (can open locks without tools as a swift action at -10 penalty; use
Climb          +20 [12 Ranks, +5 Str, +1 luck, +2 untyped]
  per day until check failed)
Balance        +15 [5 Ranks, +7 Dex, +2 synergy, +1 luck]
Hide          +32 [19 Ranks, +7 Dex, +1 luck, +5 competence]
Move Silently  +32 [19 Ranks, +7 Dex, +1 luck, +5 competence]
Spot          +29 [21 Ranks, +2 Wis, +5 competence, +1 luck]
Listen        +22 [19 Ranks, +2 Wis, +1 luck]
Diplomacy      +13 [8 Ranks, -1 Cha, +2 synergy, +1 luck, +3 competence]
  Bluff          +8  [5 Ranks, -1 Cha, +1 luck, +3 competence]
Escape Artist  +23 [0 Ranks, +7 Dex, +1 luck, +15 competence]
Swim          +8  [0 ranks, +5 Str, +1 luck, +2 untyped]
All other skills: 0 Ranks, +1 luck
Skill Tricks: Nimble Stand (no AoO when standing); Twisted Charge (make one 90-degree turn
  on a charge but only move equal to Speed instead of double).
  Common, Orc, Giant, Goblin
  Common, Orc, Giant, Goblin
  1:  Point Blank Shot
  1:  Point Blank Shot
  3:  Precise Shot
  3:  Precise Shot
Line 98: Line 92:
  15: Telling Blow [PHBII]
  15: Telling Blow [PHBII]
  18: Darkstalker [LoM]
  18: Darkstalker [LoM]
20: Tactile Trapsmith [CAd] (Dalt's Blessing bonus)
  *On a sucessful Sneak Attack, target must make a Fort save DC=damage dealt or be treated as
  *On a sucessful Sneak Attack, target must make a Fort save DC=damage dealt or be treated as
  though Staggered for 1 round or until magical healing or a DC 15 Heal check is applied.
  though Staggered for 1 round or until magical healing or a DC 15 Heal check is applied.
Line 104: Line 97:
  Defensive Roll 3/day; use Opportunist any number of times per round up to normal limit of AoO
  Defensive Roll 3/day; use Opportunist any number of times per round up to normal limit of AoO
  though only once per opponent per round.
  though only once per opponent per round.
===Class/Racial Abilities===
Class Abilities:
  Sneak Attack +8d6
  Sneak Attack +8d6
Line 111: Line 104:
  Trap Sense +5
  Trap Sense +5
  Uncanny Dodge
  Uncanny Dodge
  Improved Uncanny Dodge (effective Rogue level 20)
  Improved Uncanny Dodge (effective Rogue level 18)
  Special Ability: Crippling Strike
  Special Ability: Crippling Strike
  Special Ability: Defensive Roll
  Special Ability: Defensive Roll
Line 117: Line 110:
  Battle Clarity (Reflex saves)
  Battle Clarity (Reflex saves)
  Weapon Aptitude
  Weapon Aptitude
Battle Ardor (critical confirmation)
  Initiator Level 12th
Maneuvers Known:
Maneuvers known:
  Initiator Level 10th
  -[[Wall of Blades]] (Iron Heart 2, Counter, 0 prerequisites)
  -[[Wall of Blades]] (Iron Heart 2, Counter, 0 prerequisites)
  -[[Iron Heart Surge]] (Iron Heart 3, 1 prerequisite)
  -[[Iron Heart Surge]] (Iron Heart 3, 1 prerequisite)
  -[[Emerald Razor]] (Diamond Mind 2, Strike, 0 prerequisites)
  -[[Emerald Razor]] (Diamond Mind 2, Strike, 0 prerequisites)
  -[[Rapid Counter]] (Diamond Mind 5, Counter, 0 prerequisites)
  -[[Rapid Counter]] (Diamond Mind 5, Counter, 0 prerequisites)
-[[Iron Heart Endurance]] (Iron Heart 6, Boost, 2 prerequisites)
  Stance: [[Dancing Blade Form]] (Iron Heart 5, 2 prerequisites)
  Stance: [[Dancing Blade Form]] (Iron Heart 5, 2 prerequisites)
Stance: [[Hearing the Air]] (Diamond Mind 5, 2 prerequisites)
  Maneuvers Readied (3): Rapid Counter, Emerald Razor, Wall of Blades
  Maneuvers Readied (4): Iron Heart Endurance, Iron Heart Surge, Emerald Razor,  
Rapid Counter
  Darkvision 60 feet
  Darkvision 60 feet
  Orc Blood
  Orc Blood
  Equipment by body slot
+1 hp per HD
  Head:      Hat of Persuasion
+1 skill point per level
  Eyes:      Eyes of the Eagle
Skill Mastery (Disable Device)
  Shoulders:  Tattoo of the Bat
Bonus feat (Tactile Trapsmith)
  Neck:      Amulet of Natural Armour +4
+5 inherent bonus (Dex)
  Torso:      Harness of Resistance +4
===Magic Items by body slot===
  Body:      Greater Slick Leather Duster +3 of Silent Moves
  Head:      Headband of All Skills
  Arms:      Bracers of Might
  Face:      Improved Eyes of Truth
  Hands:      Gloves of Dexterity +6
  Shoulders:  Wings of Resistance +5
  Waist:      Belt of Giant Strength +4
  Neck:      Amulet of Natural Armour +5
  Left Ring:  Ring of Protection +5
  Torso:      Plain Vest
  Right Ring: Ring of Freedom of Movement
  Body:      Leather Duster (see below)
  Feet:      Winged Boots
  Arms:      Bracers of Armour +10
  Hands:      -
  Waist:      Belt of Magnificence +6
  [[World's Edge]]: +6 Deadly Precision, Implacable, Keen, Maiming,  
  Left Ring:  Ring of Protection +5 plus Freedom of Movement
  Vicious, Wounding adamantine greatsword
  Right Ring: Ring of One Wishes
  Leather Duster +3, Spearblock, Greater Slick, Silent Moves [as Padded Armour]
  Feet:      Boots of Swift Passage
  [[World's Edge]]: Deadly Precision, Implacable, Keen, Maiming, Vicious, Wounding  
  adamantine Greatsword +6
Sacred Scabbard [for World's Edge]
  Leather Duster +3, Moderate Fortification, Slick, Improved Shadow, Improved Silent  
  Moves, Greater Fire Resistance, Etherealness, Glamoured [as Padded Armour]
Crystal of Life and Mind (attached to Leather Duster) [as Greater Armour Crystals of Mind
  Cloaking and Lifekeeping]
  Light Crossbow +2, Deadly Precision, Seeking
  Light Crossbow +2, Deadly Precision, Seeking
  Greatsword +4, Shocking Burst
  Greatsword +4, Shocking Burst
  Cold Iron Shortsword +1
  Cold Iron Shortsword +1
  Shortsword +3, Keen, Deadly Precision, Vicious
  Shortsword +3, Keen, Deadly Precision, Vicious
  Adamantine Dagger +5
  Tattoo of the Bat [as Cloak of the Bat]
Crystal of Reaving (attached to World's Edge) [as Greater Weapon Crystals of Truedeath and
  Winged Boots
Wings of Resistance +5 [as Wings of Flying and Cloak of Resistance +5]
  Plain Vest [bestows Hide in Plain Sight ability]
  Immovable Rod, 2
  Immovable Rod, 2
  Figurine of Wondrous Power: Ebony Fly
  Figurine of Wondrous Power: Ebony Fly
  Bag of Holding Type II
  Bag of Holding Type II
  Chime of Opening (6 charges)
  Chime of Opening (6 charges)
  Amulet of Natural Armour +5
  Amulet of Natural Armour +4
  Hat of Persuasion [as Circlet of Persuasion]
  Hat of Persuasion [as Circlet of Persuasion]
  Headband of All Skills (underneath Hat)
  Harness of Resistance +4 [as Vest of Resistance]
  MW Dagger
  MW Dagger
  MW Sap
  MW Sap
Line 183: Line 160:
  Ring of Sustenance [not worn]
  Ring of Sustenance [not worn]
  Ring of Lockpicking [worn only to pick locks]
  Ring of Lockpicking [worn only to pick locks]
Ring of Protection +5
  Ring of Invisibility [worn when specified]
  Ring of Invisibility [worn when specified]
  Ring of One Wishes [worn when specified]
  Ring of Freedom of Movement
Ring of Protection +5 plus Freedom of Movement
Greater Ring of Spell Storing
  Lens of Detection
  Lens of Detection
  Bracers of Might [not worn]
  Bracers of Might
  Bracers of Armour +10
  Eyes of the Eagle
Improved Eyes of Truth
  Stone of Good Luck
  Stone of Good Luck
  Efficient Quiver
  Efficient Quiver
Case of +5 adamantine Crossbow Bolts, 25
  Adamantine Crossbow Bolts, 12
  Adamantine Crossbow Bolts, 12
  Cold Iron Crossbow Bolts, 15
  Cold Iron Crossbow Bolts, 15
Line 209: Line 183:
  Air Elemental Gem
  Air Elemental Gem
  Water Elemental Gem
  Water Elemental Gem
  Belt of Magnificence +6
Gloves of Dexterity +6
  Belt of Giant Strength +4
  Potion of Neutralise Poison
  Potion of Neutralise Poison
Potion of Invisibility, 3
  Potion of Tongues
  Potion of Tongues
  Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 2
  Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 2
Line 219: Line 195:
  Oil of Keen Edge
  Oil of Keen Edge
  Iridescent Spindle Ioun Stone [sustains without air]
  Iridescent Spindle Ioun Stone [sustains without air]
  Possum Pouch [12"x 3" wide pouch; Search DC30 to find]
  Possum Pouch [12”x 3” wide pouch; Search DC30 to find]
  Rod of Revealing [1/day: Antimagic Field vs. spells from the School of Illusion only; 110'  
  Rod of Revealing [1/day: Antimagic Field vs. spells from the School of Illusion only; 110'  
  radius, for 110 minutes]
  radius, for 110 minutes]
  Contingent Consecrate ("If I take Vile damage")
  [[Alakazam the Efreeti]]'s Efreeti Bottle
  Contingent Greater Slide ("If I am about to be Disjoined")
  Shattered remains of Atadiko, wrapped in a giant's cloak
Boots of Swift Passage
  Bag: Emerald (1000gp), Fire Opal (1000gp), Sapphire (1000gp),
  Bag: Emerald (1000gp), Fire Opal (1000gp), Sapphire (1000gp),
   Ruby (1000gp), small Diamond (1000gp)
   Ruby (1000gp), small Diamond (1000gp)
  1259gp 5sp
  1259gp 5sp
Kazoth is a lean, muscular half-orc, starting to show the signs of age: a face wrinkled at the eyes with crow's feet, and greying hair on his grizzled countenance. Known as the Rake for his easygoing, casual attitude, he nevertheless has seen the group through some difficult times. He moves easily and with an oiled grace that belies his bulk, and has proven himself a useful warrior as well as a cunning and stealthy scout.
Kazoth is a lean, muscular half-orc, starting to show the signs of age: a face wrinkled at the eyes with crow's feet, and greying hair on his grizzled countenance. Known as the Rake for his easygoing, casual attitude, he nevertheless has seen the group through some difficult times. He moves easily and with an oiled grace that belies his bulk, and has proven himself a useful warrior as well as a cunning and stealthy scout.
He has enjoyed all the successes of the party as they triumphed over evil, but never had the inclination to take up the mantle of power. For the last five years, he has served as Gregor's first spy and scout, and has spent long periods in the monster-ridden mountains, trying to pry out the secrets of which menace will next rise to trouble the people. He has recently returned from the last of these trips and is spending some well-earned time at the feasthalls and amongt his friends, and to pursue another of his interests. Since Gregor gained power, and the party was gifted the key to the town, Kazoth has set about campaigning hard to make the land a place less xenophobic and more firendly toward those humanoids who only want to live peacefully, despite their bestial appearances. Having faced such prejudice repeatedly in the past, he now seeks to counter it as best he can, now that he is able - and has proven surprisingly good at it. On his travels, it was this impulse which caused him to befriend an exiled kobold warrior by the name of Soleghur. Soleghur and Kazoth do not always share the same views, but Kazoth has a great deal of patience for Soleghur's sometimes strange ways, and will defend him against those who would persecute the kobold.
He has enjoyed all the successes of the party as they triumphed over evil, but never had the inclination to take up the mantle of power. For the last five years, he has served as Gregor's first spy and scout, and has spent long periods in the monster-ridden mountains, trying to pry out the secrets of which menace will next rise to trouble the people. He has recently returned from the last of these trips and is spending some well-earned time at the feasthalls and amongt his friends, and to pursue another of his interests. Since Gregor gained power, and the party was gifted the key to the town, Kazoth has set about campaigning hard to make the land a place less xenophobic and more firendly toward those humanoids who only want to live peacefully, despite their bestial appearances. Having faced such prejudice repeatedly in the past, he now seeks to counter it as best he can, now that he is able - and has proven surprisingly good at it. On his travels, it was this impulse which caused him to befriend an exiled kobold warrior by the name of Soleghur. Soleghur and Kazoth do not always share the same views, but Kazoth has a great deal of patience for Soleghur's sometimes strange ways, and will defend him against those who would persecute the kobold.
Kazoth is rarely seen without his favourite leather coat, and is almost never seen without his hat. When armed, it is always with his trusy crossbow, which which he has felled many an enemy, and with his surprisingly large sword, capable of dealing deadly blows. A variety of magical trinkets and potions are hidden around and about his many pockets, and many more are kept stashed in a bag of holding under his coat.
Kazoth is rarely seen without his favourite leather coat, and is almost never seen without his hat. When armed, it is always with his trusy crossbow, which which he has felled many an enemy, and with his surprisingly large sword, capable of dealing deadly blows. A variety of magical trinkets and potions are hidden around and about his many pockets, and many more are kept stashed in a bag of holding under his coat. One item is a living tattoo, cut from the skin of a defeated vampire, which takes the form of bat wings spread across the shoulder blades and is able to form wings of shadow to bear Kazoth aloft, or to transmogrify him into a bat himself.  
Throughout his life, Kazoth has variously maintained attitudes of grim determination, quick-witted humour, and irreverence. He knows that in this world, one falls or stands on one's friends, and it is genuine friendship that motivates his respect for his companions, as well as the will to bring about more good in the land.
Throughout his life, Kazoth has variously maintained attitudes of grim determination, quick-witted humour, and irreverence. He knows that in this world, one falls or stands on one's friends, and it is genuine friendship that motivates his respect for his companions, as well as the will to bring about more good in the land.

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