Editing LeviathanTempest:ChapterTwo

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The difficulty of not having a “moment of change” as a stepping-off point is contrasted to the relatively simplicity of Leviathan “society,” such as it is – a Leviathan does not really need to concern him or herself with his kinfolk in a structured fashion. They may approach their family as they see fit, and this approach is one of the ways in which a member of the Tribe determines his School. As such, every Trait that you select during creation can be seen as a way of defining what sort of person the character is or wishes to be – every skill that a Leviathan focuses on is, in certain ways, a part of the self-definitional process. Learning and changing and adapting are all coping mechanisms for a Leviathan, and the consideration of of traits in this light may well enhance your character's concept – even mundane things, like career choices, take on considerable significance for a member of the Tribe.  
The difficulty of not having a “moment of change” as a stepping-off point is contrasted to the relatively simplicity of Leviathan “society,” such as it is – a Leviathan does not really need to concern him or herself with his kinfolk in a structured fashion. They may approach their family as they see fit, and this approach is one of the ways in which a member of the Tribe determines his School. As such, every Trait that you select during creation can be seen as a way of defining what sort of person the character is or wishes to be – every skill that a Leviathan focuses on is, in certain ways, a part of the self-definitional process. Learning and changing and adapting are all coping mechanisms for a Leviathan, and the consideration of of traits in this light may well enhance your character's concept – even mundane things, like career choices, take on considerable significance for a member of the Tribe.  
A starting Leviathan isn't yet a walking deity, as much as the Tribe might take on the air of neglected demigods. The limitations of their powers, as well as their relative inexperience, mean that they simply haven't “grown into” their power yet. Hopefully, this won't be too frustrating – especially considering that even the eldest and most established Leviathans are secretly still at sea about their place in life. That's the nature of the game for the Tribe – no matter how much they develop and solidify their place around them, they can't return to the world that spawned them. The lack of a solid foundation is a thematic element of the hardships of change and uncertainty – hopefully a starting Leviathan's weak points will serve as fodder for his story, rather than a hardship for his player.
A starting Leviathan isn't yet a walking deity, as much as the Tribe might take on the air of neglected demigods. The limitations of their powers, as well as their relative inexperience, mean that they simply haven't “grown into” their power yet. Hopefully, this won't be too frustrating – especially considering that even the eldest and most establishes Leviathans are secretly still at sea about their place in life. That's the nature of the game for the Tribe – no matter how much they develop and solidify their place around them, they can't return to the world that spawned them. The lack of a solid foundation is a thematic element of the hardships of change and uncertainty – hopefully a starting Leviathan's weak points will serve as fodder for his story, rather than a hardship for his player.
It's advisable to consider your character alongside those being made by your fellow players, both to prevent a frustrating scenario in which the concepts of multiple characters overlap in such a way as to vex their players, and to consider your Leviathan in light of his Cohort. Members of the Tribe, subject to two sets of instinctual impulses and considerable psychological hardships, tend to have tempestuous relationships to one another, and this possibility can open up a good deal of opportunities for players that want to collaborate. A convoluted and conflict-ridden “familial” relationship is, after all, in-theme.
It's advisable to consider your character alongside those being made by your fellow players, both to prevent a frustrating scenario in which the concepts of multiple characters overlap in such a way as to vex their players, and to consider your Leviathan in light of his Cohort. Members of the Tribe, subject to two sets of instinctual impulses and considerable psychological hardships, tend to have tempestuous relationships to one another, and this possibility can open up a good deal of opportunities for players that want to collaborate. A convoluted and conflict-ridden “familial” relationship is, after all, in-theme.
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A Leviathan favors two Vestiges. One of these is set by his Strain, and the other is selected from a set that his Strain contains a predilection for. Once chosen, this selection is set in stone. A starting Leviathan then may select three channels to have knowledge of, at least one of which must be from a the Vestige set by his Strain, the second comes from either of his favoured Vestiges and the third channel may come from any Vestige. They must first grasp an Ancestor channel of a given Vestige before they can explore its Descending channels, but mastery of any Ancestor channel also grants access to that Vestige's Birthright.
A Leviathan favors two Vestiges. One of these is set by his Strain, and the other is selected from a set that his Strain contains a predilection for. Once chosen, this selection is set in stone. A starting Leviathan then may select three channels to have knowledge of, at least one of which must be from a the Vestige set by his Strain, the second comes from either of his favoured Vestiges and the third channel may come from any Vestige. They must first grasp an Ancestor channel of a given Vestige before they can explore its Descending channels, but mastery of any Ancestor channel also grants access to that Vestige's Birthright.
==== Swimming ====
Leviathans are aquatic creatures, and even in their human form they have a natural affinity for water. All leviathans have a free Athletics speciality in swimming.
=== Step Six: Select Merits ===
=== Step Six: Select Merits ===
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By now, much of the work of creating a character has been done – areas of competence highlighted and social contacts codified. This step is primarily for reflection and refining – what do these traits, taken together, suggest? What sort of person is the character, and how does he react to obstacles? Consider the Leviathan's physical appearance, especially as he transforms, and how he comports himself in public. What does the Wake do for the character? Is it a hindrance or a boon?  
By now, much of the work of creating a character has been done – areas of competence highlighted and social contacts codified. This step is primarily for reflection and refining – what do these traits, taken together, suggest? What sort of person is the character, and how does he react to obstacles? Consider the Leviathan's physical appearance, especially as he transforms, and how he comports himself in public. What does the Wake do for the character? Is it a hindrance or a boon?  
On top of important thematic concerns, little elements of characterization can be a blessing, or an unexpected source of memorability for a character. Does the Leviathan have any unusual habits or tendencies? Quirks of character? Leviathans aren't particularly stable individuals – they tend to gravitate towards routines or nervous responses to the world around them, which may be codified into an unconscious routine. These small elements can serve as low-key suggestions of the anxieties that a character is subject to, or as ways of making a character more “alive” in the shared narrative. Above all, think about how you're going to have fun “being” the character during play – it's all well and good to make a character that's interesting, but if that interest is purely academic then at least some of the fun of getting together at a table with friends to pretend to be the Gill-Man is lost.
On top of important thematic concerns, little elements of characterization can be a blessing, or an unexpected source of memorability for a character. Does the Leviathan have any unusual habits or tendencies? Quirks of character? Leviathans aren't particularly stable individuals – they tend to gravitate towards routines or nervous responses to the world around them, which may be codified into an unconscious routine. These small elements can serve as low-key suggestions of the anxieties that a character is subject to, or as ways of making a character more “alive” in the shared narrative. Above all, think about how you're going to have fun “being” the character during play – it's all well and good to make a character that's interesting, but if that interest is purely academic then at least some of the fun of getting together at a table with friends to pretend to be the Gill-Man is lost.  
==== Sidebar: Looks can Kill====
So what exactly do Leviathans look like? Do they have facial tentacles like Cthulhu or are they more of a classic sea serpent? Every leviathan is unique, but they build their apperance from the same four blocks: Strain, School, Tranquillity and Channels.
For a freshly spawned Leviathan the Strain defines the appearance. Each Strain possesses an infinite verity in it's appearances but broad themes are present. A Bahamutan will have an appearance of size and durability while an Oceanid is defined by grace and beauty. A Leviathan's Strain is in part genetic and it's contribution to his appearance can be inherited though the usual ways. It must be said that in a species where giant turtles can interbreed with jellyfish swarm-bodies the rules of inheritance are unpredictable.
As a Leviathan age's her self image, shaped by her School, comes to dominate her appearance. In some sense this is reassuring, a Leviathan can visibly see her transition from the monster fate made her into the monster she hopes to be. From another point of view, this is a horrific curse. Not because a Leviathan can visibly see her flaws, no it's far worse than that. The Tribe has no "true" or "correct" form. The tribe have so little to guide them, to say what a Leviathan should be. They can't even know if their own bodies are a hint at their true nature, or if they've taken themselves down some wrong path. Should a Leviathan acquire an Evolution it replaces the School's effects on the Leviathan's appearance, and it is even stronger.
Tranquillity does not promote a single appearance. Tranquil Leviathans don't have one head, and unTranquil have three that keep fighting each other. Rather a Tranquil leviathan looks like something, anything really. A Leviathan who's falling into the Tempest looks more like a Frankenstein of different parts.
Finally Channels are quite simply visible. It's not universal, plenty are internal changes, but on the whole you can get some idea of a Leviathan's capabilities by looking at it. A Channel like Mortal-Devouring Armory is not a mystical effect that makes the Leviathan's punches more dangerous. Those claws are physical and quite distinctive. Other Leviathans may manifest the Channel as spines or teeth, they may secrete venom or grow jellyfish like stingers but there will be something. The same is true for Adaptations. If it seems like it would change a Leviathan's physical body then it probably will.
=== Character Creation Quick Reference ===
=== Character Creation Quick Reference ===
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* Lahamin: The bloodline of Lahamu, this lineage is known for their ever watchful eyes and secretive demeanor – they master the Vestige of Awareness. Secondary Vestiges: Fecundity, Predation, Sanctity  
* Lahamin: The bloodline of Lahamu, this lineage is known for their ever watchful eyes and secretive demeanor – they master the Vestige of Awareness. Secondary Vestiges: Fecundity, Predation, Sanctity  
* Nu: The bloodline of Nunet, this strain is considered to be the most “in touch” with the liquid matter of the Primordial Seas – they are the masters of the Vestige of Elements. Secondary Vestiges: Awareness, Sanctity, Vitality  
* Nu: The bloodline of Nunet, this strain is considered to be the most “in touch” with the liquid matter of the Primordial Seas – they are the masters of the Vestige of Elements. Secondary Vestiges: Awareness, Sanctity, Vitality  
* Oceanid: The bloodline of Oceanus, graceful and dangerous this lineage is said to master the wills of others – they master the Vestige of Sanctity. Secondary Vestiges: Elements, Might, Predation  
* Oceanid: The bloodline of Oceanus, this lineage is said to master the wills of others – they master the Vestige of Sanctity. Secondary Vestiges: Elements, Might, Predation  
* Tanninim: The bloodline of Tannin, this strain is hailed as the judges of man and of the Tribe's enemies – they master the Vestige of Predation. Secondary Vestiges: Awareness, Might, Vitality
* Tanninim: The bloodline of Tannin, this strain is hailed as the judges of man and of the Tribe's enemies – they master the Vestige of Predation. Secondary Vestiges: Awareness, Might, Vitality
* Thalassans: The bloodline of Thalassa, this lineage is reputed for immeasurable strength and to thrive on both land and sea – its mastery is over the Vestige of Might. Secondary Vestiges: Elements, Fecundity, Vitality
* Thalassans: The bloodline of Thalassa, this lineage is reputed for immeasurable strength and to thrive on both land and sea – its mastery is over the Vestige of Might. Secondary Vestiges: Elements, Fecundity, Vitality
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Even in a family of titans, Bahamutans are known for their size. Even when not expressing their Leviathan natures, members of this Lineage tend towards broad shoulders and considerable height. This size has lead to the Lineage being branded as gentle, slow, or dull, but this is only a half truth - the blood of Bahamut is as forceful and energetic as any of its kin, and when roused the Strain often expresses this as explosive strength or drive. On a practical level at the very least, many Bahamutans are hyper-aware of the realities of power and force - they have to cope with such things in their daily lives, dealing with a world that is, to them, crushingly small and oppressively restricted. The Bahamutan tendency towards power expresses itself in something not unlike heroic stature - the Lineage is certain of its capabilities, faced as they are with a world in which nothing seems too big to tackle.
Even in a family of titans, Bahamutans are known for their size. Even when not expressing their Leviathan natures, members of this Lineage tend towards broad shoulders and considerable height. This size has lead to the Lineage being branded as gentle, slow, or dull, but nothing could be farther from the truth - the blood of Bahamut is as forceful and energetic as any of its kin, and the Lineage often expresses this as explosive strength or drive. On a practical level at the very least, many Bahamutans are hyper-aware of the realities of power and force - they have to cope with such things in their daily lives, dealing with a world that is, to them, crushingly small and oppressively restricted. The Bahamutan tendency towards power expresses itself in something not unlike heroic stature - the Lineage is certain of its capabilities, faced as they are with a world in which nothing seems too big to tackle.  
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The Oceanids are said to foster discord between their children - they begin with large, dynastic families which are pared down by internal conflict until very few remain. Oceanid-touched lineages are among the most likely to preserve their family history, however, hinting at the strain's aristocratic self-image. These histories can often prove an unexpected boon to an Oceanid that begins to delve into his lineage.
The Oceanids are said to foster discord between their children - they begin with large, dynastic families which are pared down by internal conflict until very few remain. Oceanid-touched lineages are among the most likely to preserve their family history, however, hinting at the strain's aristocratic self-image. These histories can often prove an unexpected boon to an Oceanid that begins to delve into his lineage.
The Oceanids call their Lahmasu the ''Pelopsids''. A Pelopsid tends to retain the physical grace of their lineage, but none of the tact. Pelopsids often simply rely on their strength or beauty to get what they want. Many are predators in the most literal sense.
The Oceanids call their Lahmasu the ''Pelopsids''. A Pelopsid tends to preserve the physical grace of their lineage but none of the tact, often Pelopsids simply rely on their strength or beauty to get what they want. Many are predators in the most literal sense.
An Oceanid's cult tends to revolve around the glorification of the Leviathan above all else. Some are simply social clubs, providing fawning admiration to its glorified deity in exchange for consideration, favors, or even simply attention. The Cults of most Oceanids are slanted towards a higher social rung than most of their fellows - they are often well at home in the houses of mortal power.
An Oceanid's cult tends to revolve around the glorification of the Leviathan above all else. Some are simply social clubs, providing fawning admiration to its glorified deity in exchange for consideration, favors, or even simply attention. The Cults of most Oceanids are slanted towards a higher social rung than most of their fellows - they are often well at home in the houses of mortal power.
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The Tanninim's focus on analysis and correction leads them to impose similar pickiness on families they lead - many such families are remarkably small, either as a result of actual interference from the family's mystical bloodline or simply as a function of tradition, but healthy. Those families that preserve these traditions are likely to strike outsiders as backwards or puritanical, and most do keep a heavy rein on their members - for their protection, they might claim, though few of the touched families recall what it is they are truly protecting themselves against. Being raised in such an environment does little to aid many Tanninim in avoiding the stereotype of inquisitorial zeal that they are painted with.
The Tanninim's focus on analysis and correction leads them to impose similar pickiness on families they lead - many such families are remarkably small, either as a result of actual interference from the family's mystical bloodline or simply as a function of tradition. Those families that preserve these traditions are likely to strike outsiders as backwards or puritanical, and most do keep a heavy rein on their members - for their protection, they might claim, though few of the touched families recall what it is they are truly protecting themselves against. Being raised in such an environment does little to aid many Tanninim in avoiding the stereotype of inquisitorial zeal that they are painted with.
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It begins with dreams of the Rift. In his dreams the Thalassan stands at the forefront of the Tempest. Call it the weight of history, the expectations of the ancestors or just the weight of billions of tons of water. It pushes him ever onwards with no regards to his wishes or direction. As his powers begin to grow dreams become hallucinations. He sees the Shallows in every drop of water. A glass teems with bizarre life, a tap flows with the fury of the Tempest. If it wasn't for milk and fruit juices dehydration would be a big, and rather ironic, threat. Finally the weight escapes from his dreams. This effect is entirely unsubtle, he simply feels as though he weighs several times more, it requires mental fortitude and physical strength to do anything but collapse onto the floor. To free himself a Thalassan must fight back. With each step against the tide his body begins to adapt, claiming the Vestige of Might. In time he will have the strength to swim against the tide, to find his own path, he must do this for the currents of the Rift lead nowhere you'd want to go.  
It begins with dreams of the Rift. In his dreams the Thalassan stands at the forefront of the Tempest. Call it the weight of history, the expectations of the ancestors or just the weight of billions of tons of water. It pushes him ever onwards with no regards to his wishes or direction. As his powers begin to grow dreams become hallucinations. He sees the Shallows in every drop of water. A glass teems with bizarre life, a tap flows with the fury of the Tempest. If it wasn't for milk and fruit juices dehydration would be a big, and rather ironic, threat. Finally the weight escapes from his dreams. This effect is entirely unsubtle, he simply feels as though he weighs several times more, it requires mental fortitude and physical strength to do anything but collapse onto the floor. To free himself a Thalassan must fight back. With each step against the tide his body begins to adapt, claiming the Vestige of Might. In time he will have the strength to swim against the tide, to find his own path, he must do this for the currents of the Rift lead nowhere you'd want to go.  
What separate the Thalassans from the other Strains is that one can actually fail to become a Leviathan. To stop the processes of changing permanently. It's not perfect, you might end up as a Hemitheos rather than a human and you're certain to have some severe mental damage, yet the option to deny godhood and instead live a full and fulfilled mortal life exists. If you swim against the tides and have the strength you'll become a Leviathan. If you get swept away by the tides you'll probably become a Ophion. But if you cling to a rock until you're raw and bloody – that is cling to another person or some other source of direction external to yourself – the waters will eventually recede. Unsurprisingly many Thalassans teach their children to be strong and self reliant encase they get the chance to become a Leviathan. Equally unsurprising is that many Thalassans try to encourage their children to be dependent on others so they won't become a Leviathan.
What separate the Thalassans from the other Strains is that one can actually fail to become a Leviathan. To stop the processes of changing permanently. It's not perfect, you might end up as a Hemitheos rather than a human and you're certain to have some sever mental damage, yet the option to deny goodhood and instead live a full and fulfilled mortal life exists. If you swim against the tides and have the strength you'll become a Leviathan. If you get swept away by the tides you'll probably become a Deep One. But if you cling to a rock until you're raw and bloody – that is cling to another person or some other source of direction external to yourself – the waters will eventually recede. Unsurprisingly many Thalassans teach their children to be strong and self reliant encase they get the chance to become a Leviathan, equally unsurprisingly many Thalassans try to encourage their children to be dependent on others so they won't become a Leviathan.
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There is a notable division in the membership of Emunah's Devotion between those that present themselves as supplicants and those that attempt to spread their faith to others. The quiet, devotional type keeps to themselves, and tend towards high Composure. The proselytizing sort favors Presence. Regardless of the divide, however, high Intelligence and Resolve are common features of both - it takes strong faith and a keen intellect to comprehend the secrets of a sundered faith.
There is a notable division in the membership of Emunah's Devotion between those that present themselves as supplicants and those that attempt to spread their faith to others. The quiet, devotional type keeps to themselves, and tend towards high Composure. The proselytizing sort favors Presence. Regardless of the divide, however, high Intelligence and Resolve are common features of both - it takes strong faith and a keen intellect to comprehend the secrets of a sundered faith.
The Celestial School favors Mental and Social Skills in roughly equal proportion, but few members are lacking some amount of knowledge of Academics and Occult - the discipline of researching and interpreting the fragmented texts that they have access to straddles the boundary between those skills. Expression and Persuasion are common Social Skills. Additional Languages are also common - usually those ancient tongues most conductive to illuminating the mysteries of dead civilizations, but not always. The Celestial School's members are among the likeliest Leviathans to have Resources and Status stemming from a role in a community - especially if they've already converted much of the populace.
The Celestial School favors Mental and Social Skills in roughly equal proportion, but few members are lacking some amount of knowledge of Academics and Occult - the discipline of researching and interpreting the fragmented texts that they have access to straddles the boundary between those skills. Expression and Persuasion are common Social Skills.  
On average, the followers of Emunah's Devotion have larger Cults than their fellows. Their direct interest in the veneration of their progenitors, and the history of structures of worship, make them naturals at initiating others. These Cults often fluctuate in size - a younger Devotee, fresh in his new faith, tends to end up with a larger Cult than they can comfortably manage, which eventually dwindles to a strong core of devout followers only to grow again with their abilities. The School of the Sun is the most involved with their Cults on a day to day level, devotees take their role as divine beings seriously. If the Tribe cannot be equals with humanity then they must find a sense of belonging and satisfaction through the Wake, so sayath The School of the Sun.
On average, the followers of Emunah's Devotion have larger Cults than their fellows. Their direct interest in the veneration of their progenitors, and the history of structures of worship, make them naturals at initiating others. These Cults often fluctuate in size - a younger Devotee, fresh in his new faith, tends to end up with a larger Cult than they can comfortably manage, which eventually dwindles to a strong core of devout followers. Additional Languages are also common - usually those ancient tongues most condusive to illuminating the mysteries of dead civilizations, but not always. The Celestial School's members are among the likeliest Leviathans to have Resources and Status stemming from a role in a community - especially if they've already converted much of the populace.
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The Tribe finds itself in the unenviable position of existing in the world of humanity without, for all intents and purposes, being human themselves. Where others despise this apparent imprisonment, the School of Clay attacks this assumption. Studying human culture and the place of Leviathans in it, they attempt to create a mode of living in this new world.  
The Tribe finds itself in the unenviable position of existing in the world of humanity without, for all intents and purposes, being human themselves. Where others despise this apparent imprisonment, the School of Clay attacks this assumption. Studying human culture and the place of Leviathans in it, they attempt to create a mode of living in this new world.  
This study turns many of the Coastal School towards studies of their personal history, following family genealogies or the legacies of communities that have produced Leviathans. They cultivate contacts in the world at large both to discern the place of the Tribe in human history and to stave off the dangers of isolation. Their historical interests come to rest in human history, then, trying to find the hidden clues to their own backgrounds inside relics of lost civilizations and yellowing photo albums.
This study turns many of the Coastal School towards studies of their personal history, following family genealogies or the legacies of communities that have produced Leviathans. They cultivate contacts in the world at large Both to discern the place of the Tribe in human history and to stave off the dangers of isolation. Their historical interests come to rest in human history, then, trying to find the hidden clues to their own backgrounds inside relics of lost civilizations and yellowing photo albums.
Malkut's Devotion believes that the only way to exist in the modern world is to adapt, and that humanity, for all of its faults, is the model to follow. They overcame the progenitors, after all, and it's not like they're going to disappear. The ability to sustain a life in human society, and easier access to Atolls, is a source of calm and security in the otherwise trying life of a Leviathan. Adaptation and integration are methods towards Tranquility.
Malkut's Devotion believes that the only way to exist in the modern world is to adapt, and that humanity, for all of its faults, is the model to follow. They overcame the progenitors, after all, and it's not like they're going to disappear. The ability to sustain a life in human society, and easier access to Atolls, is a source of calm and security in the otherwise trying life of a Leviathan. Adaptation and integration are methods towards Tranquility.
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The Cohort, in turn, checks the rage and paranoia of the Devotee. There are fights that don't need to be fought, and only an outside perspective can check that impulse in a Devotee of the Rock. He might grumble about the Cohort's cowardice, but living in a constant state of predatory excellence isn't sustainable, even for the most stalwart of Natsar's Devotion. Countless Typhons mark the eventual fate of Leviathans that lost themselves to an endless lust for destruction.  
The Cohort, in turn, checks the rage and paranoia of the Devotee. There are fights that don't need to be fought, and only an outside perspective can check that impulse in a Devotee of the Rock. He might grumble about the Cohort's cowardice, but living in a constant state of predatory excellence isn't sustainable, even for the most stalwart of Natsar's Devotion. Countless Typhons mark the eventual fate of Leviathans that lost themselves to an endless lust for destruction.  
The Blazing School is made up of warriors, first and foremost. They manifest the gifts that give them an edge in a fight, expressing the natural weapons of the Tribe and pushing themselves to the edges of power to defend themselves.
The Blazing School is made up of warriors, first and foremost. They manifest the gifts that give them an edge in a fight, expressing the natural weapons of the Tribe and pushing themselves to the edges of power to defend themselves.

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