Editing Libraries of Faerie

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=Libraries of Faerie=
=Libraries of Faerie=
The libraries listed here were posts made to a thread in RPG.net's Tangency Open board titled [http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=39832 '''The Libraries of Faerie'''].  The formating of these have been kept as close to the original posts as possible, though some of them were given no names by the original poster and have been given names based from the content of the post.
==Yesterday's Shelves==
==Yesterday's Shelves==
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And who would say he was unwise to do so?
And who would say he was unwise to do so?
===The Library Beneath the Sands===
They say Genghis Khan dreamt of a world devoid of cities; where barbarian children would not perceive any boundaries, riding through the emptiness. Some say Temujin, Lord Absolute, dreamt of destroying the very mountains, of turning the world into a vast Steppe.
What they do not know is that Temujin's lover, Farrukhnaz, a Persian princess, extracted a vow from him. That if someday the children of the steppe ever wanted to return to civilization, and buld anew cities more glorious than those he razed, they would have a library ready.
This was a solemn oath. It was made by Genghis Khan at the Boundary of Heaven, and over the tomb of Khan Kaigalak. All his descendants were bound by it, world without end, even to after the Doors of Felt were forever closed and the vault of the stars fell. It forced them to build, under the sands of the Gobi desert, a great vault, vaster than any treasure-trove ever described in the thousand and one nights, and to it add everything ever written by men, and more.
The books flowed in, quick and thick as the arrow-storm of a Mongol invasion. In the first years, the cavernous walls were filled with preious ornamentation. Books inlaid with ivory and diamonds, written in fine Byzantine porphyrovellinum, comissioned from the finest calligraphers of Baghdad and Hangzhou. As the Yuan dinasty, the Golden Horde, Chagatai, all met their fates, the descendants of the Throne Absolute got poor, but they kept their vow - all books that were written were added, and more. Now common print editions were added, now note paper scribbled copies. Organization was not forgotten - the order of librarians Farruknaz created laboured on, eating of subterranean carp, drinking the waters of a still lake, serene morlocks.
A tenth of the library's shelves, steel between diorite vaults, have been filled so far.
==Today's Libraries==
==Today's Libraries==
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Scoots has made the hospital into an odd family, by virtue of this strange and bizarre secret they all share. Mrs. Goldberg secretly hopes and dreads the coming of the day she will have to show these writings to someone outside of the hospital.
Scoots has made the hospital into an odd family, by virtue of this strange and bizarre secret they all share. Mrs. Goldberg secretly hopes and dreads the coming of the day she will have to show these writings to someone outside of the hospital.
===The Hidden Library of RPG.net===
Some say it's only a rumor, others spend countless hours and days at their computer, trying in vain to find it.
It's actually not that hard to decode a thread if you know that somethings hidden in it. But where in the endless reaches of the many forums are the hidden messages? Has the last dying member of the nazi Thule Society encoded his occult secrets in a Call of Cthulhu thread, using the old enigma machine and a little phantasy?
Has the true assassin of John F. Kennedy already told the world about his legendary crime concealed in one of the boardgame reviews?
And what about the incident when a poster died in a collision with a Königstiger tank; some dare to say in hushed voices it was driven by the mysterious overlord of the boards only known as Cessna?
Has someone deciphered one thread too many?
They even say every time a post is made here, it will get copied to multiple secret facilities deep underground, to be preserved in case any gouvernment thinks an information hidden here is so dangerous that a nuclear strike against the server is the only awnser.
==Tomorrow's Vaults==
==Tomorrow's Vaults==
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The enitre library is rows upon rows of fridges that contain drinkable books.
The enitre library is rows upon rows of fridges that contain drinkable books.
===Library of the Modern World===
Charlie and I were making a quick run from the Ouurt Rim to Sunyan's Folly in Selkie, a little freighter I once owned, when we dropped out of ispace for a position and bearing check. Nothing big, just a stop-look-listen, because too long in ispace can bend you, a little, and the more bent you get, the tougher it is to get back. Plus, since space is curved, sometimes you get a little off the mark, and you have to stop and point yourself again.
Anyway, Charlie and I, we're just sitting there, minding our own business, when Charlie flips on the EM detector and not five seconds later, there's a !ping! and something, not sure what, starts recording. Now, usually in the deep-dark like that, you won't hear anything but starfire and, ocassionally, a distress signal...but we were way, way off the beaten track (it was a quick run, really, and it wasn't gonna hurt anyone if we took along some less-than-declarable items), but here Charlie is, getting some sort of stream. So he lets it spool into the recorder while he goes trying to track it down.
We should have left then.
I wanted to bug out once we got our bearings, but Charlie...he just had to know what this signal was, and where it was coming from, so we stayed...and we stayed...and I started worrying about fuel and food and air. I don't know how, but Charlie talked me into staying, little by little, three blasted weeks. Three weeks in the middle of nowhere, listening to that damnable little blip on the EM-tector.
And then, one late shift, Charlie comes sailing into the observatory, waving his datapad and perturbing his vector so bad he missed the hand-brake and bounced off the couch. "I've got it!" he yells, as if he's Archimedes, and about as well dressed.
"Got what," says I.
"I know what the signal is! Heron, it's a recording...in fact, I think it's a recording of every digital signal ever sent. At first it was all blips and bloops, but I was spooling the signal through some filters, and I swear to gods, Heron, I heard a voice! And do you know what it said?"
"What, Charlie?"
"It said 'Watson, come here, I need you'!" He stared at me, as if I was supposed to know what that meant.
Anyway, we stayed a bit longer, and every hour me looking at the clock and the food and water and air levels, and trying to figure out if we could still make planetfall. We'd blown the rendezvous to the depths of the 99 Mahen Hells, so I wasn't worried about getting paid any longer...now it was about keeping breathing. I said as much, to Charlie, too.
"Look, Heron, you have to understand...if this is every broadcast ever made, then there's some serious history here! Phone calls, TV shows...there's an archive here that's priceless! It's a Library of the Modern World!"
We came to blows over it, eventually. We were going to run out of air. As it was, the food ran out two days before planetfall, and the water a day later. But Charlie left me enough air, that's a point in his favor.
He clobbered me but good, and I woke up, strapped to the pilot's chair, already in ispace and booking for Folly at 110% of engine capacity. As it was, it was still a close thing.
Charlie had taken the skiff, loaded it with half the water, food, and about a third of the available air, and then sent me and Selkie on our way. He stayed behind, to tend to the Library of the Modern World.
I lost Selkie to an auction for Debt Repayment, less than a year later; Charlie was always the numbers man. I haven't left planet since. But I wonder, sometimes, though I know it's impossible...I wonder if he will ever hear my broadcast to him, the one I sent tight-beam, aimed at the last known position of the Skiff "Writer's Bloc":
"Charlie, I love you, and I'll come back one day for you." I'd like to think it'll make it into the library.
===The Stolen Book===
The Eldest said the ship comes but once each generation, a cursed relic from the Times of Sin, before the gods smote the earth with cleansing fire. All in the village were warned to keep away, lest its taint infect us and bring back the evil of centuries ground to dust, but T'mith and I were too curious. The craft was vast - bigger than a tree, a house, a mountain. It blotted out the sun, its fumes turned the west wind to a choking miasma, its roar shook the ground beneath our feet. While our families huddled in their huts and prayed, we took our spears and went forth. It had landed in the cursed valley a few miles from the village, a place of ancient ruins that has long been taboo to our people.
It hulked in its crater like a bird brooding upon a nest. Its skin was blackened with age, coated with streaks of rust and pitted like a spearhead left too long without its oilskins. Gaping holes in its side oozed chill vapors, exposed broken ribs and empty chambers. Only flecks of paint were left on its hull, spots of bright color scoring the darkness like the pustules of a virulent disease - we drew closer, rags wrapped around our faces to make the breathing easier. Up close, the smell was even worse - we would have turned back, if not for our pride. To have come so far, only to fail now? Unthinkable. We slunk in through one of the ancient wounds like vermin wriggling into a rotting corpse.
As we stalked through the corridors on deckplates time had turned into a nightingale floor, lights flickered about us and ancient voices, their voices creaking and squealing with disuse called to us. We clung close together with fear, our spears shaking in our hands - chamber after chamber we explored, each stranger and more fascinating than the last. Shattered vidscreens, dusty computer terminals - all the technology of the Times of Sin, dead now, struck down by age or the will of the gods. And more - room upon room filled with shelves, and each shelf crammed to overflowing the books.
I had never seen any book but the holy tomes of the Eldest before, and I wanted to stop and touch them, try to read them, try to learn some of what the ancients knew. T'mith was frightened, and insisted we go back - and we did, though I took one book with me, to mark that we had been where none ever dared to go.
The villagers stoned us for sinners, cursed us for daring venture where they never could. T'mith died at his own father's hands - I fled, tail between my legs and curses ringing in my ears.
I've learned things, since then - walked the broken cities of the ancients, made deals with devils and pacts with angels to learn the secrets time has tried to erase. And I've watched, and I've waited.
The book I stole so long ago begins to glow, at night. On the back cover a tiny message burns in runes of flame. The countdown has begun.
"Your due date is approaching! Please return this volume to the Bookmobile within six months, two weeks, and three days, or your account will be charged late fees..."
===Schroedinger's library===
If you open the door, you might find it.
Then again, you might not.
==Depositories That Never Were==
==Depositories That Never Were==
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These fact that these things did not happen torment her.
These fact that these things did not happen torment her.
===The Library of Flowers===
There is a monastery that stands in Faerie, not far from the village of Wall. Those who are cloistered there were once great criminals and sinners, guilty of the worst crimes of imagination and dreams.
The Folk punished them, sent them to the nameless monastery, and took their hands from them. Instead, they were given tools for their limbs – hoes and rakes, shovels for digging and shears for pruning. The monastic inmates spend their days in the vast gardens of their monastery, tending their crops. They grow not fruits, nor vegetables, nor roots, though.
They grow flowers. On each petal of the flowers they grow are words formed in the patterns of the flowers’ colors. The Folk have promised them that if they find the words to tell the tale of their sins, then they would be freed, their hands returned to them once more.
So the brothers and sisters of the nameless monastery toil by day in the gardens. They carefully tend their flowers, waiting for the buds to open so they might read what is writ there. Each season, they might find a petal or two of their tale, a phrase here, another there.
With their clumsy tools for hands, they carefully harvest each petal and save it for their redemption. Then they must look to the next season’s work, endlessly crossing and pollinating their flowers, seeking the words that will set them free…
===The Library of Extraordinary Gentlemen!===
Hidden, on a hidden mountaintop, on a hidden mountain, in a hidden country, on a forgotten continent, lies the Library of Extraordinary Gentlemen. At first glance it seems to be an ordinary library containing all the classical works of fiction. But when a book is opened the true nature of the library is revealed. In a puff of smoke the hero of the book will materialize in front of the opener, having, from his point of view, just been snatched from whatever he was doing on the page where the book was opened. Unfortunately, no one has yet figured out how to put a character back in his book, which is why the library is so well hidden.
===The Unfinished===
It was a section of the library I have never seen. It was unfinished. The half finished manuscripts were there lying in boxes, unpacked. Nothing here was complete. Some of the almost greatest works of the world lie here. Unfinished. Forgotten. Thrown away like discarded broken dreams. Or stopped by death. Or disease. Or poverty. Or self-doubt. Some folks just... grew up and became realists and let their world altering masterpieces fade into a distant bitter memory. Many manuscripts could have changed world history if completed, helped someone find true love, lie in long abandoned piles. Once in a lifetime insights or inspirations that could only be perfected by the author. Anyone else would just get a tantalizing glimpse of infinity or perfection. Brilliant revelations of untold importance, lost forever.
One graduate paper, if finished would have found the cure for AIDS. Another would have been the ultimate poem that could bring humanity to even the hardest serial killer. Another was an incomplete love letter to her true love, a love that would have been true and eternal, but instead was sitting all alone in a corner covered in cobwebs. Another was an unfinished patent application that could have reduced the cost of Solar Cells by 83%. There was a song that if completed could begin to heal the world. I saw a letter, that if sent, would have prevented a suicide. His own child's suicide. Why did they stop? Answers are not to be found in this section. Many do not even have names. They just sit here gathering dust and to slowly crumble away.
I could have sworn I left something there... but I can't remember what or even how to get back.

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