Editing Locus Aster Logs 8-19-07

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*** Opened channel log for #Locus-Aster at 8/19/2007 7:40:24 PM
<nowiki>*** Opened channel log for #Locus-Aster at 8/19/2007 7:40:24 PM
[19:40] *** Michael-HG has joined #Locus-Aster
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[21:59] <PowerofTropes> Nothing's really leaping out at me, yet.
[21:59] <PowerofTropes> Nothing's really leaping out at me, yet.
  And on to part two -- [[Locus Aster Logs 8-19-07 pt2]]
[21:59] <Andrea> Anything leap out at anyone?  If not, we can
continue discussing general Imperial concept.
[22:00] <PowerofTropes> Here, Passionate leaps out at me.
[22:00] <PowerofTropes> Now allow me to read what that means, heh
[22:00] [Michael-HG] Careful.  It might bite.
[22:00] [Michael-HG] Those leaping things...
[22:00] <Andrea> It means that the Imperator allows us to get MPs
from his/her own Code in addition to our own.
[22:01] [Michael-HG] Does anyone know a word for the defintion of
'one thing leading to another'?
[22:01] <Andrea> Cause?
[22:02] <Andrea> Progression?
[22:02] <Revenant> causality
[22:02] <PowerofTropes> Causality, yeah
[22:02] <Andrea> Yes, that works better.
[22:02] [Michael-HG] Those are good, thanks.
[22:03] <PowerofTropes> See: theTheory of Narrative Causality
[22:03] <PowerofTropes> "Things happen because the plot says they
[22:04] <Andrea> Okay, so do people like Passionate for our
[22:05] <Andrea> We'd get MPs for exemplary service to the Wild,
though we wouldn't lose MPs for violating it.
[22:05] <Andrea> Except me, I just gain additional MPs for serving
it, and I still lsoe MPs for violating it.
[22:06] <Andrea> Personally, I liked the positive Mystery Cult
[22:07] <Andrea> Harvest is also nice to have as it means you can
bring in MPs without Nettling.  I didn't see our current concept
as particularly Harvest-y, though.
[22:08] <Revenant> *nods*
[22:08] <Andrea> The ones mentioned so far are all positive
traits...  We might want to start thinking of negative traits we
could tolerate to pay for those.
[22:08] <Liang_Yi> Some I'm looking at are Harvest, Demanding
(Greek Gods were petualant creatures), Granted Gift, Corrupted
Mystery Cult (Haimos Aphrodite Katakrino- The Condemned Blood of
[22:08] <Andrea> Any specific Granted Gift in mind?
[22:08] <Liang_Yi> Nah, I just always look at it.
[22:09] <Andrea> Mm.  What about a Granted Handicap?  That would
help in the paying-for-stuff department.
[22:10] <Liang_Yi> But what would it be?
[22:11]  * Andrea thinks.
[22:11] <PowerofTropes> What would the gift be?
[22:12] <PowerofTropes> I would gladly drop Harvest and Corrupted
Mystery Cult.  The latter seems really annoying.
[22:13] <Liang_Yi> Regardless of our choices, Imperators are going
to be very annoying
[22:14] <Revenant> yes, unless it's bland and unassuming
[22:14] <Liang_Yi> Which is annoying in a whole new category, and
the purpose of Harvest is to be able to reap DMP
[22:14] <Liang_Yi> 's faster to buy off those annoying traits
[22:15] <Andrea> We're probably dealing with the incarnation of
Vanity (among other things) here.  It's not going to be bland.
[22:16] <Liang_Yi> DP's I mean
[22:16] <Andrea> Maybe Passionate, Harvest, Demanding, Granted
Handicap?  I'm somewhat uncertain what the Handicap should be, but
even a Granted Gift comes with a Handicap, and it gives us MP, so
it seems like a less onerous negative one to take.
[22:17] <Andrea> As for the specific Handicap, when we design the
Chancel that might suggest something.
[22:17] <Andrea> Ditto for a Granted Gift.
[22:17] <Liang_Yi> It's Aphrodite, we might have "Respectful:
Unable to interfere with True Love' or something.
[22:18] <Revenant> sounds good
[22:18] <Andrea> There's a thought.  Although Respectul is an
Imperator Property, probably best to name it something else.
[22:18] <Liang_Yi> The Windflower Law suffers where we walk.. and
I've already been on trial once. *sigh*
[22:19] <Andrea> So how will this work?  We're unable to knowingly
interfere?  Or our actions have no affect against true love?
[22:19] <PowerofTropes> The former, I think.
[22:20] <Andrea> The problem with that is 1) Wildlord, not likely
to restrict choices, and 2) We can still interfere without meaning
[22:20] <Andrea> There are problems withthe latter, too, but hmm.
[22:21] <Liang_Yi> If we interefere without meaning to, we're
going to lose something. And they might not consciously limit it.
It might be a part of her being.
[22:21] <PowerofTropes> Either one raises the question of whether
Excrucian seduction is true love.
[22:21] <Andrea> Lose something?  Give me an idea of what you mean
by that.
[22:23] <Liang_Yi> This one has answers, but they are getting to
complex for 'True Love'
[22:24] <Andrea> I guess it's just tough for me to see how this
Handicap is going to give us any MPs.
[22:24] <Liang_Yi> It shouldn't
[22:24] <Andrea> Then what's the point?
[22:24] <Liang_Yi> It lets you buy a bigger Imperator power?
[22:24] <Andrea> A Handicap's a tool, the whole point is to give
[22:25] <Andrea> We could make a useless one to get the points,
but why bother?
[22:25] *** CirclMastr has joined #Locus-Aster
[22:25] <CirclMastr> Damn connection crapped out.
[22:26] <Liang_Yi> LIke I said, there are answers, but they are
getting to complex for such a narrow topic.
[22:26] [Michael-HG] WB
[22:26] <Andrea> Hm, HG, would Distrusted by Entropy work as a
Handicap?  Maybe the association with Love makes his servants
extremely suspicious and watchful of us.
[22:26] <Andrea> Or, alternately...  Aura of Romance:  Crushes,
affection, and even True Love randomly sprout up in our vicinity,
and the vicinity of our Anchors.
[22:27] <Liang_Yi> That's a gift
[22:27] <Andrea> That should cause enough problems for us to get a
good number of MPs out of it.
[22:27] <Andrea> It's not a Gift if you can't control it.
[22:27] <Andrea> There's an exemple in the book, hang on.
[22:28] <Revenant> Yeah that's /bad/ especially with the laws
[22:28] *** PowerofTropes has quit IRC [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[22:28] <Liang_Yi> Not really, the Laws are that _we_ can't fall
in Love. We are immune to powers, as are all Nobles.
[22:28] [Michael-HG] Something dealing with love would be
Appropriate as a handycap.  Perhaps the imperators act to try to
save those estates he could sealed a sort love streak in him or
[22:29] [Michael-HG] Liang is right though.  Spreading love is
[22:29] [Michael-HG] Falling in love is not.
[22:29] <Liang_Yi> Unless you want to stick penetration on it, and
then we might as well start writing up new characters :)
[22:29] <CirclMastr> Okay, I'm confused.
[22:29] [Michael-HG] About?
[22:30] <CirclMastr> I clearly missed something important, heh. 
What's our Granted Gift and Handicap?
[22:30] <Andrea> We are trying to decide.
[22:30] <Liang_Yi> None yet, it was just a discussion.
[22:31] <Liang_Yi> And honestly Love might not be our best source,
since unless our Imperator still embodies that and not some other
power, there's no reason we would manifest it.
[22:31] <Andrea> I guess I was thinking of Visible, on page 132,
for an example of how supernatural effects can happen without a
Gift... But you're right, that's rather less blatant.
[22:31] <Andrea> I've seen it in games via a Restriction, but I
guess it's not covered in the book one way or another.
[22:31] [Michael-HG] http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Locus_Aster if
anyone wants a look.
[22:32] [Michael-HG] Nothing major, but it's at least proff that I
do stuff with it :P
[22:32] <Andrea> Oh!  Here!  Page 251.
[22:32] <Andrea> Loosely Anchored in Time is an example of a
Granted Handicap.
[22:33] <Liang_Yi> Right, which is self affecting. Much different
from spreading flowers where we walk
[22:33] <Liang_Yi> Oh course spreading flowers would be a
revaltory trait
[22:34] [Michael-HG] And I will edit the typos in time.
[22:37] <Andrea> Okay, well, if people have problems with the Aura
of Romance idea it's not needed, I just thought it was a neat
[22:38] <Andrea> Any other thoughts for Handicaps?
[22:38] <Andrea> We want one we can all agree on.
[22:38] <Liang_Yi> I'm just not sure it would be more than a
special effect, not really a gift nor a a handicap.
[22:38] <CirclMastr> Shouldn't the Handicap be something related
to the Gift we get?
[22:38] <Liang_Yi> Not necessarily
[22:38] <Andrea> We don't need to get a Grante dGift along with a
[22:39] <Andrea> If we do, it should be related in some way, true,
but rationalizing can go a long way.  :)
[22:39] <Andrea> If we get a Gift + Handicap, it costs 1 point.
[22:39] <Andrea> If we get just a Handicap, we have one more point
to play around with.
[22:40] <Liang_Yi> Summonable is always a good granted handicap
[22:40] <Liang_Yi> A few ancient greek scrolls here, and poof.
[22:40] <Andrea> Possible.  Summonable together with Corrupted
Cult is asking fro trouble, though.
[22:40] <Liang_Yi> I thought cult was voted out
[22:40] <CirclMastr> I'm opposed to Cult
[22:41] <Andrea> I'm not clear on whether we've voted out anything
yet.  People have suggested things, but nothing's finaized as far
as I know.
[22:41] [Michael-HG] I'm opposed to opposition.
[22:41] <Liang_Yi> Harvest, Passionate, Demanding, Summonable
[22:41] [Michael-HG] ;)
[22:41] <Liang_Yi> Sounds pretty fickle to me
[22:42] <Revenant> we're all summonable?
[22:42] <CirclMastr> I've got a big picture of Hollywood writers
summoning Tropes for script ideas, heh.
[22:42] <Liang_Yi> We would be yes.
[22:42] <Revenant> I'd end up killing whoever summond me.
[22:42] <Revenant> ^.^
[22:42] <Revenant> I'm the genie of the dark!
[22:42] <Andrea> If we really can't think of anything better than
Summonable, and if everyone else is okay with it, I could go along
with that.  But I was hoping for something a bit more creative.
[22:43] [Michael-HG] Summonable sounds so fun.
[22:43] [Michael-HG] "Nono!  We just rolled the dice I swear!"
[22:43] <CirclMastr> "Oh powerful spirit of Tropes, please send
guidance to your loyal servant and his Spider-Man 4 script!"
[22:43] <Liang_Yi> Nothing stops us from killing them, I mean, we
aren't taking trapped in a damn circle.
[22:44] <Andrea> Course not.  It's just inconvenient to be whisked
elsewhere all the time.
[22:44] <Liang_Yi> I'd said it would take a reading from some
greek play dealing with our estate with the intent to summon
[22:44] <Revenant> Awesome! Deathklok CD!
[22:44] <CirclMastr> All greek plays have tropes in them, though.
[22:45] <CirclMastr> I'd be summoned all the damn time, heh.
[22:45] <Liang_Yi> Only if they meant to summon you and not one of
[22:45] [Michael-HG] "Incomprehensibility is interesting.
[22:45] <Revenant> I don't mind sumonable.
[22:45] <Liang_Yi> I think Metamorphosis and Chaos will have it
the worst. 'read read read.. wow I wish that would happen to me'
[22:46] <Liang_Yi> And poof it does... be careful what you wish
[22:48]  * Liang_Yi edits her character sheet with her new disad.
[22:49] <Andrea> So everyone's good with Summonable as our Granted
Handicap?  That's fine I suppose.
[22:50] <CirclMastr> I'm fine with it.
[22:51] <CirclMastr> How many Realm points have we got, all told?
[22:51] <Andrea> Okay then.  Are we decided on the four properties
Liang listed?  Harvest, Passionate, Demanding, Granted Handicap
[22:51] <CirclMastr> Let me double check them so I know what they
are, heh
[22:52] <Andrea> I have two Realm points to put into the pot. 
Tropes had five I think.  How many did Chaos have?
[22:52] <Liang_Yi> I have 1
[22:53] <Revenant> What's granted Handicap do?
[22:53] <CirclMastr> We're all Summonable
[22:53] <Revenant> oh okay
[22:54] <CirclMastr> Demanding is going to be annoying, heh.
[22:54] <Liang_Yi> Might not want to advertise that, unless you
are ready to leave a bloody trail of annoying mortals
[22:54] <Andrea> Very true.  Chestfut Law can get annoying too.
[22:54] <Liang_Yi> All the Imperator Disads are annoying :)
[22:55] <CirclMastr> Which is the Chestnut Law?
[22:55] <Andrea> After all, maiming someone isn't precisely eight
times as bad as interrputing your shower.  Now, if you can trick
them into disrespecting you...
[22:55] <Andrea> Chestnut is "You shall not harm those who have
done no harm."
[22:56] <Andrea> If someone does harm, you're allowed to visit
precisely eight times as much harm on them.
[22:56] <Liang_Yi> No, but trapping them without a shower for 8
days is perfectly reasonable
[22:56] <Andrea> Ah, true!
[22:57] <Andrea> So hmm.  How many points of Realm does Revenant
[22:57] <Andrea> We have eight Chancel points so far, plus Chaos's
and maybe Vanity's.
[22:58] <Liang_Yi> Let's see, water is a female force. I introduce
sever gynophobia into them centered on the gender of water. I give
it a expiration. I'm sure they will still eventually drink, I
mean.. that's pure survival instinct.
[22:58] [Michael-HG] Chaos has 0
[22:58] <Andrea> Okay.  Eight points then, I guess.
[22:59] <Liang_Yi> lesser creation of Gender, time to catch a bus
[22:59] <Andrea> You just spent the MP you got from the summon,
[22:59] <Liang_Yi> So? It was worth it
[22:59] <Andrea> Fair enough.  :)
[23:01] <Andrea> So now the Chancel...  Do people have suggestions
for that?  I'd say our Tempest has final say, before the HG.
[23:01] <Liang_Yi> Then I have Billy stalk them until they crack.
[23:01] <Revenant> Personally, I'd just create chaos and go "No
idea if it was a boon or not, his own fault, I warned him"
[23:01] <CirclMastr> Being inexperienced, I'm hoping to hear good
[23:02] [Michael-HG] Dont stick your finger in the light socket.
[23:02] [Michael-HG] Unless you like that sort of thing.  Then, by
all means, please do.
[23:02] <CirclMastr> I was thinking more along the lines of "What
sort of Resources are most beneficial?"
[23:02] [Michael-HG] MP's are benificial.
[23:03] [Michael-HG] You might not need to worry about defence
much since you have a tempest.
[23:03] <CirclMastr> Mana Mine?
[23:03] <CirclMastr> Defender's Blessing would be nice, given that
we generally have low Spirit.
[23:04] [Michael-HG] Though Void, who killed the imperator of
Tropes and Chaos before their absorbtion might at some point make
a move.
[23:04] [Michael-HG] You all might also consider some easy
entrances to your chancel since no one is a gate maker.
[23:04] [Michael-HG] <since>
[23:04] [Michael-HG] Inless you really like rideing Greyhound...
[23:05] <CirclMastr> Yeah, I can see us wanting Convenient for all
the times we're summoned...
[23:05] <Andrea> Okay, Conveninet is 2 points...  Defender's
Blesing is 2 per level.
[23:05] [Michael-HG] Whos the tempest?
[23:05] <Liang_Yi> Convenient, Defender's Blessing,  Mana Mine,
Faery Magic+Alchemy all good for a greek chancel built on change
[23:05] <CirclMastr> Me.
[23:06] [Michael-HG] Kay.
[23:08] <CirclMastr> I'm disinclined toward Faery Magic given that
I can do Lesser Creations at will, practically.
[23:08] <Liang_Yi> Technological rarity might give us some points,
since none of us are particularly based on any kind of modern tech
we'd need in a Chancel
[23:08] <Andrea> Maybe High Summonings, rather than Alchemy? 
After all, our Imperator made us summonable...  Maybe she did that
so that, in symmetry, her own summonings would be more powerful.
[23:09] <Liang_Yi> Alchemy, which is a powerful 'real' magic,
requires a base magic for it to attack to
[23:09] <CirclMastr> Same for High Summonings
[23:09] <CirclMastr> It's cost-prohibitive, in my mind.
[23:09] <Andrea> Technological Rarity applies to magic too, just
pointing out...  But we could still know magic, others wouldn't.
[23:09] <Liang_Yi> Gender, Metamorphosis and Chaos are all aspects
of Alchemy
[23:09] <Liang_Yi> Tech rarity keeps things from coming in, not
going out.
[23:10] <Andrea> I'm not following.  Are you thinking of a
Technology Barrier?
[23:10] <Andrea> Tech rarity is described as "Magic and modern
technology are nearly unknown in Chancel."
[23:10] <Andrea> PAge 142
[23:11] <Liang_Yi> Sorry, tech barriar
[23:12] <Andrea> Anyway, CirclMastr, what's wrong with High
Summonings?  It's not like any Noble miracle can duplicate the
powers of things summoned from the Lands Beyond.
[23:12] <Andrea> If you don't like it, that's fine, just curious.
[23:12] <Liang_Yi> Which I was reading wrong, so ignore it, it's
nota  negative. :)
[23:13] <CirclMastr> Like I said, it just seems too cost-
prohibitive to me.  Especially given that High Summoning is
described as "generally unwise" and we already have a Demanding
[23:13] <Andrea> Fair enough.
[23:13] <CirclMastr> I've got big pictures of summoning nameless
horrors and the Imperator jumping in with "Let's keep it!"
[23:13] <Andrea> What about Alchemy?  Maybe we could take it with
Normal Magic?
[23:13] <Liang_Yi> Normal magic is 3, fairy magic is 2... jsut
being thrifty
[23:13] <CirclMastr> That's even more expensive, and requires us
to devote MPs to it.
[23:14] <CirclMastr> I guess I'm still stuck on a more basic
question of "Why are we wanting magic again?"
[23:14] <Revenant> because magic allows us to do things without
expending MP's
[23:15] <Revenant> and lets our chancel people do it too
[23:15] <Liang_Yi> I'm just throwing ideas.
[23:15] <Andrea> Fair enough.  They're your Realm points.
[23:15] <CirclMastr> You're still expending MPs though.
[23:15] <CirclMastr> Just from a different attribute.
[23:15] <Andrea> You don't need to until you use quite a few
spells and then one will fully refresh you.
[23:16] <Andrea> But in any case, it was just an idea.  So hmm. 
Mana mine -- everyone good with that?  How many levels do we want?
[23:17] [Michael-HG] Who has some examples of Normal Magic in
action?  I dont see any good ones in the book that show how
effective that magic can be and what it's limit is.
[23:18] <Andrea> I'm afraid I'm not sure exactly.  It hasn't come
up yet in a game I've played in.
[23:18] <Revenant> no you don't spend MP's using magic.
[23:18] <CirclMastr> What sort of MPs does Mana Mine generate? 
Realm, or any sort?
[23:18] [Michael-HG] It sounds like it's basically low level
[23:18] <Revenant> and magic is up to the HG
[23:19] <Andrea> I believe that Mana Mine can give any sort of
Miracle Point.
[23:19] <Liang_Yi> Any kind you want to harvest it for, cost is
one point per MP per session
[23:19] <Liang_Yi> up to 5
[23:20] <CirclMastr> At this point I'm leaning toward 2 for that,
2 for Convenient entrances, and the rest for Defender's Blessing.
[23:21] <Andrea> I could go with that.  Do we want a Technology
Barrier, though?
[23:21] <Andrea> That would be an additional point.  We might be
able to pay for it with Technological Rarity.
[23:22] <CirclMastr> We don't need to worry about having tech toys
of our own?  (Like, say, vehicles to pick us up when we're
summoned instead of the Greyhound? heh)
[23:22] <Andrea> An hm.  We still need to decide on the appearance
of the Chancel.  Aster implies it's fairly diverse -- maybe each
of us designs a part of it?
[23:23] <Andrea> Well, that's a thought.  No Tech Barrier it is,
[23:24] <CirclMastr> Heh, I just had a thought.
[23:24] <Andrea> Oh?
[23:24] [Michael-HG] Thoughts are good for the brain.
[23:24] <CirclMastr> Chancel designed in such a way as to resemble
a theme park.  But instead of Tomorrowland and Fantasyland and
all, there's Chaosland, Tropesland, Metamorphosisland, etc, of
each of our owns' design.
[23:25] <CirclMastr> Each branching off the from the 'Main Street'
[23:25] [Michael-HG] At least untill Chaos does some major
remodling when everyone is out ;)
[23:25] <Liang_Yi> You'll adore Genderland, I wouldn't recommend
visiting without calling first.
[23:26] <CirclMastr> Hey, I'm a Tempest, I can fix or stop
whatever leaking might occur. ;)
[23:26] <Liang_Yi> Anyone want to set up a chancelfolk trade
program? Mine get tired so quickly.
[23:27] <CirclMastr> Sorry, my chancelfolk are specifically
designed characters in specifically designed roles.  But you can
borrow The Wesley when he gets annoying.
[23:27] [Michael-HG] Perhaps not a theme park.  Maybe city
[23:27] <Andrea> Okay, sorry to do9 this, but if there's a
Metamorphosisland we just have to take Magical Inhabitants.
[23:28] <Andrea> I don't want to be limited to the typical human
form.  ;)
[23:28] <CirclMastr> Why?  They just live there, nobody said they
had control over it.  You can have fun with them yourself, heh.
[23:28] <Andrea> Magical Inhabitants is required for Chancelfo0lk
who aren't human.
[23:29] <Andrea> For example, the plantfolk in the Treachery
campaign wer ebought that way.
[23:29] <CirclMastr> I'm not sure that "humans who got changed
into something else by a Power" count as nonhuman in that sense.
[23:29] [Michael-HG] Not quite.  You can make chancel folk look
how you want.
[23:29] [Michael-HG] Magical inhabitants give them powers.
[23:30] <CirclMastr> "Butterfly-Human hybrids live in my chancel"
is not the same as "I gave my chancelfolk butterfly wings"
[23:30] <Liang_Yi> Mine generally look miserable, so I have them
wear these little helmets that make them smile.
[23:30] <Liang_Yi> A little hook in the right cheek, a little hook
in the left cheek. HAPPY!
[23:32] <Andrea> You make decent points, but I'd really prefer for
some of them to have some magic going beyond the norm.  We don't
need the higher levels of it or anything.
[23:32] <Andrea> Is it really excessive for me to provide 2
Chancel Points and want to spend one according to how I want?
[23:33] <CirclMastr> Eh, fine, let's drop Mana Mine to 1 then.
[23:33] <Andrea> We can always pay for MAna Mine 2 with a
[23:34] <Andrea> Though...  I don't really see much that fits that
well, for disadvantages.
[23:34] <Andrea> So, dropping Mana Mine to 1 is fine.
[23:34] <Andrea> Unless someone has a different idea.
[23:35] [Michael-HG] Banes are decent disadvantages.
[23:35] <CirclMastr> I'll stick with dropping Mana Mine to 1.
[23:36] <Andrea> So, everyone good with Mana Mine 1, Defender's
Blessing 2, Convenient, Magical Inhabitants 1?
[23:36] <Liang_Yi> Or grab a Radiant or Realm's Heart as a back up
Landlord for when we're on the away missions, getting red shirts
[23:36] <Revenant> kk..
[23:37] <Andrea> I wouldn't mind a one-point Erus, but not sure if
there's a clear role for him or her, given that the place is so
[23:39] <Liang_Yi> To sit on the bridge and make sure the place
doesn't self destruct when we aren't there to keep Chaos and
Tropes from rewritting each other's borders randomly.
[23:39] <CirclMastr> You say that like I'm a troublemaker.
[23:39] <Andrea> So who's the Erus?  Maybe a Priest or Priestess
of Aphrodite?
[23:39] <Andrea> Or, what name did we settle on?  Aster?
[23:40] <Liang_Yi> They could be a remnant of the Other Chancel.
[23:40] <Andrea> Hmm, someone who helped out at a crucial point
during the Rescue, and was rewarded?
[23:40] <Andrea> That what you're thinking?
[23:40] <CirclMastr> Wait, why are we getting a disadvantage?
[23:41] <Andrea> Well, we're throwig ideas around.
[23:41] <Andrea> This way we wouldn't need to drop Mana Mine to 1.
[23:41] <Andrea> It's your call, though.
[23:41] <Revenant> I'd rather have Mana Mine higher
[23:41] <Liang_Yi> It's kind of like building a character with no
disadvantages. Possible, but ultimately boring.
[23:42] <Andrea> True.
[23:42] <CirclMastr> Could get two Banes and stick one in
Metamorphosisland and one in Chaosland. ;)
[23:43] <Liang_Yi> And we're talking an Erus here with no more
power than me, he'd only have real power when the tempest was gone
anyway. Of course you treat him bad and the excrucians would be
all over his ass corrupting him.
[23:44] <Liang_Yi> And here on the border of Chaos and
Metamorphosis you will see the Scylla and Charibdes to your right.
Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehical
[23:47] <Andrea> Banes could work for me, if you prefer them.  I'm
not that fond of them, but they do make things somewhat
[23:47] <CirclMastr> Hey, I'm fine taking no disadvantages.
[23:48] <Andrea> What do people prefer?
[23:48] <CirclMastr> I prefer what we've got now.
[23:49] <Liang_Yi> Mana mine is okay, not terribly important to
me, but I'd like to have at least one disadvantage just to make
life interesting at home
[23:49] <Andrea> Maybe we should pencil the no-disadvantage
version in for now, and wait till we know who our fifth player is
going to be for a final decision?
[23:49] <Liang_Yi> But, and here's the deal, we can choose a way
for the the HG to screw us in our Chancel and get a point or two
from it, or not choose one, and get screw anyway.
[23:50] <CirclMastr> We're already getting screwed with the
Imperator, heh.
[23:50] <Andrea> That's actually a very good point.
[23:50] <Andrea> Whatever happens, there will be drama an
[23:51] <Liang_Yi> Home is going to be a source of conflict, it
will either be conflict we expect, and can plan for, or conflict
that bites out ass.. the conflict's not going away because we
ignore it.
[23:51] <Andrea> If we pick Banes or an Erus we at least have some
direction over what those might be.
[23:51] <Andrea> Oh, thought!
[23:51] <CirclMastr> I doubt the HG will impose a cap on the
number of problems we can have at once, and we somehow come out
ahead if we create a problem ourselves.
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[23:53] *** Michael-HG has joined #Locus-Aster
[23:54] <Andrea> (Thought reposted for HG)  There is a focus with
Realm in it, that the Imperator broke into five pieces.  One piece
is hidden in each of the five corners of the Chancel.  When one
person collects all five, they become the Erus, until the
Imperator tires of them, shatters the focus, and leaves the former
Erus whith the memory of power but no power remaining.
[23:54] <CirclMastr> All I can think in reply is "Captain Planet"
[23:54] <Andrea> In practice, this woul mean that the Erus could
be bought off, then reinstituted when we needed to pay for
something, then bought off again...
[23:55] <Andrea> But it seems to fit with the theme of variety.
[23:55] <Andrea> It might be too complex, let me know if that's
the case.
[23:55] [Michael-HG] The Erus would be a permanent fixture unless
[23:55] <Andrea> Wait, so we can't buy the Erus off with Chancel
[23:56] [Michael-HG] The idea behnad a land lord is that they
become increasingly annoing as the game goes on, not less annoing.
[23:57] <CirclMastr> All the more reason to not get one.
[23:57] [Michael-HG] Not so.
[23:57] <Andrea> Well, i you want to houserule that it's fine with
me.  Page 154 says you can, but it's your game.
[23:57] <CirclMastr> I'm reasserting my desire to stick with the
no-disabilities version, at least for now.
[23:57] [Michael-HG] A mana mine becomes increasingly useful.
[23:58] [Michael-HG] If you leave the points there for a good time
you have a great
[23:58] <Revenant> I really want what we've worked on, compaired
to "no disabilities"
[23:58] [Michael-HG] 'bank' for when shit hits the fan.
[23:58] <Andrea> Well, we haven't actually picked a disability. 
Just discussed them.
[23:59] <CirclMastr> We already have a mana mine, just a smaller
[23:59] <CirclMastr> AND we have a Harvest Imperator.
[23:59] <CirclMastr> We have no shortage of points to accumulate,
[23:59] <Revenant> what about the 4 things we picked earlier?
[00:00] <Andrea> This makes sense.  If the HG isn't going to let
us buy off disadvantages wityh experience, I have to say I'm
against Eruses and/or Banes as well.
[00:00] [Michael-HG] Banes, while annoing, are mostly story hooks.
[00:00] <Revenant> Peeves from Harry Potter is a bane.
[00:00] <Revenant> not bad, just annoying.
[00:00] <Andrea> 4 things?  You mean Convenient, Magical
Inhabitants, Mana Mine, Defender's Blessing?
[00:01] <Andrea> We're definitely getting those.  We were
discussing whether to add one or more disadvantages and get
another point of mana mine.
[00:01] <CirclMastr> At any rate, I have classes in the morning
and must now to bed.  Consider my vote a 'no' on any disability
until we hear from Vanity or the like.
[00:02] <Andrea> Have a good night.
[00:02] <CirclMastr> Good night all.
[00:02] *** CirclMastr has left
The session became chat at this point.

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