Editing MTH:Powers A-H

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Class: Alpha
Class: Alpha
Type: Bio
Cost: --
Cost: --
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Dice Pool: N/A
Dice Pool: N/A
Range: 1 yard
Range: Self
Area: N/A  
Area: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character's blood is a highly corrosive substance, and opponents who strike the character in melee risk being burned by his blood. Whenever a character comes in contact with this character's blood (such as by dealing at least one level of lethal or aggravated damage to the character), the character takes bashing damage equal to the in this power. This is not an optional effect. The attackers's Defense does not apply to this effect, but armor does. Nearby objects may also be affected.
Effect: The character's blood is a highly corrosive substance, and opponents who strike the character in melee risk being burned by his blood. Whenever a target character comes in contact with this character's blood (such as by dealing at least one level of lethal or aggravated damage to the character with a melee or point-blank ranged attack, or by attempting to perform surgery on this character), this character ''must'' make an immediate Stamina + Acid Blood roll, with each success dealing one level of lethal damage to the target. It is up to the Storyteller to determine whether or not the target's Defense applies to a given Acid Blood attack. The Stamina + Acid Blood roll should also be made for objects that pierce or cut the character's flesh, and at the Storyteller's discretion, other nearby objects or characters may also be affected.
Extras: Potent Acid - The Acid deals lethal damage. This Extra can be taken twice, making it a Gamma Power, and dealing aggravated.
Blood Spurt - The character's blood pressure spikes when damaged. The spurt deals Acid Blood + Power Level in damage.
Class: Beta
Class: Beta
Type: Mystic
Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve
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Area: N/A
Area: N/A
Duration: (Afflict - target's Stamina) turns, minimum 1
Duration: (5 + Afflict - target's Stamina) turns, minimum 1
Effect: The character is able to fundamentally weaken living things. Every 2 successes on the activation roll incurs a -1 penalty to the target's physical actions and Speed for the duration. These penalties can be removed by any effect that removes bashing damage on a 1:1 basis. Multiple uses of Afflict do not fully stack, but increase the previous affliction by 1 and reset the duration. Non-living targets are unaffected.
Effect: The character is able to fundamentally weaken living things. Each success on the activation roll incurs a -1 penalty to the target's physical actions and Speed for the duration. These penalties can be removed by any effect that removes bashing damage on a 1:1 basis. Multiple uses of Afflict do not fully stack, but increase the previous affliction by 1 and reset the duration. Non-living targets are unaffected.
Extras: Distance - The Range increment becomes (Power Level x 5) yards
Extras: None
Class: Beta
Class: Beta
Type: Tech, Mystic or Bio
Cost: N/A
Cost: N/A
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Bypass - This power does not apply to one category of damage (physical, mental, energy or magic) which must be relatively common.
Bypass - This power does not apply to one category of damage (physical, mental, energy or magic) which must be relatively common.
NOTE: In the Bloody Knuckles & Domino Masks chronicle, Armor is an Alpha class power, not Beta.
Class: Alpha
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Occult) + Banishment
Action: Instant or Extended
Range: (Power Level + Banishment) x 2 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: N/A
Effect: The character attempts to send a being not of this world back to where it belongs. To do so the character needs to achieve successes equal to the Rank of the spirit or the Summoning Rating of a corporeal being. This can be done as an instant or extended action, as needed. Any character with an occult rating equal to the target number required may participate in the ritual if it is an extended action.
Only beings which have a Summoning Rating or which are spirits may be subject to Banishment.
Creating a ritual area, with whatever trappings are appropriate to the character's mystic style, aids in extended rituals of this type. Assume each 1/2 hour of effort put in to preparation of the ritual adds one die to the roll, up to the character's Power Level.
At the STs discretion, some beings may require special materials to be obtained or situations to arise before they can be banished.
Class: Beta
Class: Beta
Type: Tech, Mystic, or Bio
Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve
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Duration: One scene
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character is able to temporarily increase one of his Attributes, selected when the power is bought. When this power is activated, the character gains one dot in the selected Attribute for every dot he has in Boost.  This is an unnatural effect, and so will not affect the character’s derived stats (such as Speed or Willpower). A character is allowed to benefit from only one use of Boost for a given Attribute at a time; for example, a character with Boost (Strength) 3 would not be able to activate it twice per scene to gain +6 Strength.
Effect: The character is able to temporarily increase one of his Attributes, selected when the power is bought. When this power is activated, the character gains one dot in the selected Attribute for every dot he has in Boost.  This is a direct increase to the Attribute in question, and as such may affect the character’s derived stats (such as Speed or Willpower). A character is allowed to benefit from only one use of Boost for a given Attribute at a time; for example, a character with Boost (Strength) 3 would not be able to activate it twice per scene to gain +6 Strength.
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Specific - The effect increases a Skill instead of an Attribute.
Specific - The effect increases a Skill instead of an Attribute.
Highly Specific - The effect increases a Specialty instead of an Attribute, but unlike other specialties, this specialty can go above 1 dot.
Highly Specific - The effect increases a Specialty instead of an Attribute, but unlike other specialties, can go above 1 dot.
Conditional Activation - The effect can only be activated when the character has a specific Condition on them (You wouldn't like me when I am angry...).
Class: Alpha
Class: Alpha
Type: Tech, Mystic, or Bio
Cost: 0 Verve
Cost: 0 Verve
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Duration: One scene
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character is able to leap a far greater distance than would normally be expected. The character can jump equally well running as not, and equally well vertically as horizontally. The character can jump 10ft on a simple success on a normal jumping roll (Strength + Athletics + equipment). For each additional 10ft the character wishes to jump, apply a -1 modifier to the roll.
Effect: The character is able to leap a far greater distance than would normally be expected. All of the character's final jumping distances are multiplied by the character's (Power Level + Bounding Leap); EG, a Size 5 character with Power Level 2 and Bounding Leap 2, who makes a running broad jump and scores three successes on the Strength + Athletics roll, would travel a grand total of [5 + (4 x 3)] x (4) = 68 feet.
For each dot in this power, after the first, the increment adds 10ft. Thus at three dots the character can jump 30ft with a simple success, or 150ft with a -5 penalty.
Extras: None.
Extras: None.
Class: Beta
Class: Gamma
Type: Mystic or Bio
Cost: 1+ Verve
Cost: 1+ Verve
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Duration: One scene
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character creates multiple copies of herself within range, up to her dots in Clone + 1 at once, at a cost of at least one Verve per clone, and taking one turn. Each clone is an almost-identical copy of the originating character, with the same Attributes, Skills, powers, clothing and equipment, etc. (The player may opt to give her clones a distinct appearance to suit the rationale for this power, but gains no mechanical benefit in exchange.)  
Effect: The character creates multiple copies of herself within range, up to her dots in Clone + 1 at once, at a cost of at least one Verve per clone, and taking one turn. Each clone is an almost-identical copy of the originating character, with the same Attributes, Skills, powers, clothing and equipment, etc. (The player may opt to give her clones a distinct appearance to suit the rationale for this power, but gains no mechanical benefit in exchange.) However, the clones are not as powerful as the original character; each clone suffers a -2 penalty to all dice pools, each clone has only half as many Health levels as the original, and clones do not possess the Clone power themselves. Clones share no mental link with each other or the originating character, and must communicate normally. A clone lasts until the end of the scene or until the originating character wills it out of existence. Clones have the amount of Verve their creator spent to activate this power - 1.
The clones are not as powerful as the original character; each clone suffers a -2 penalty to all dice pools, and possess no super powers themselves. Clones have no Health, and disappear if they take any damage. Clones share no mental link with each other or the originating character, and must communicate normally. It is assumed that the clones have the same memories and agenda as the character and thus act in accordance (unless the player says otherwise, which would indicate the character being torn on the issue in question). A clone lasts until the end of the scene or until the originating character wills it out of existence. Clones have no verve or willpower.
Clones act on the same initiative, but may not act on the turn they are created.  
The character may only have a number of clones at a time equal to twice her dots in Clone.
Clones act on the same initiative. The character may only have a number of clones at a time equal to twice her dots in Clone.
This power is similar to the Duplicate power.  Players considering Clone for their character may wish to look over the Duplicate power as well.
This power is similar to the Duplicate power.  Players considering Clone for their character may wish to look over the Duplicate power as well.
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Hive Mind - The clones share thoughts and senses with the originating character.
Hive Mind - The clones share thoughts and senses with the originating character.
Robust - Each clone has health levels equal to their Stamina.
Degradation - Clones have one less dot in all powers than the originating character. If this would cause them to lose a technique, it's always the same one.
==CONDITIONING (Condition)==
Fragile - Clones have no Health, and disappear if they take any damage.
Class: Alpha
Class: Beta
Type: Tech
Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Varies
Dice Pool: Composure + (Computer) + Cyberkinesis
Action: Instant
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Power) yards
Range: (Power Level + Cyberkinesis) x 5 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: Concentration
Effect: The character is able to manipulate computers and technology. The character can take control of any device with mechanical, or electronic parts.  A single success is all that’s required for the character to control a given piece of technology; if another character wishes to take control away from the cyberkineticist, the opponent must make an appropriate contested roll (such as Strength + Drive, Dexterity + Drive, or Intelligence + Computer) and score more successes than the character scored on her initial activation roll.
While under the character's control the piece of technology can take any action it could logically take if a person who was trained in it's use was using it to do. If the character wishes to make an attack with the item, the base pool is Wits + Cyberkinesis. The Storyteller may well want to impose penalties due to the appropriateness of the item being used (generally it would have to at least be mobile, as this power doesn't make things fly that can't under their own power). Likewise the object's damage modifier, if any, is up to the ST.
Duration: Until Resolved
If the piece of technoligy requires power to function, the system in question must be powered on to use this power effectively. An activation roll of the power can be used to power up the device if it has access to a power source though (usually meaning it's plugged in), and without a roll.
Effect: This is a catch-all power description for a power whose sole effect is to create a specific Condition in the target. Choose a Condition upon taking the power. A rational for how the Condition is created must be supplied by the player, and that rational should be used to determine the die pool. It is assumed to be a temporary Condition. The Condition cannot be use to generate beats for any given character more than once a story unless the ST says otherwise.  
Cyberkinesis has an associated [[MTH:Power_Trees|Power Tree]].
If appropriate, a variation of this power "Tilting (Tilt)" can be taken for a given Tilt.
Class: Beta
Class: Beta
Cost: 1 Verve
Type: Mystic or Bio
Cost: 2 Verve
Dice Pool: Composure + (Computer) + Cyberkinesis
Dice Pool: Dexterity + (Brawl) + Death Touch – (target’s armor + defense + Power Level)
Action: Instant
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Cyberkinesis) x 5 yards
Range: Touch
Area: N/A
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character is able to destroy living things with little effort. The activation roll is an attack that deals lethal damage. If the target takes any damage, it takes 1 lethal continuous damage until it succeeds on a reflexive Stamina roll. Non-living targets take bashing damage from the initial attack and no continuous damage.
Duration: Concentration
Effect: The character is able to manipulate computers and technology. The character can take control of any device with mechanical, or electronic parts.  A single success is all that’s required for the character to control a given piece of technology; if another character wishes to take control away from the cyberkineticist, the opponent must make an appropriate contested roll (such as Strength + Drive, Dexterity + Drive, or Intelligence + Computer) and score more successes than the character scored on her initial activation roll.
Aggravated - The attack deals aggravated damage.
While under the character's control the piece of technology can take any action it could logically take if a person who was trained in it's use was using it to do. If the character wishes to make an attack with the item, the base pool is Wits + Cyberkinesis. The Storyteller may well want to impose penalties due to the appropriateness of the item being used (generally it would have to at least be mobile, as this power doesn't make things fly that can't under their own power). Likewise the object's damage modifier, if any, is up to the ST.
Afflicting - The attack applies a Tilt to the target if it lands, chosen at the time the power is taken and appropriate to the rational for the power.
If the piece of technoligy requires power to function, the system in question must be powered on to use this power effectively. An activation roll of the power can be used to power up the device if it has access to a power source though (usually meaning it's plugged in), and without a roll.
Cyberkinesis has an associated [[MTH:Power_Trees|Power Tree]].
Non-Lethal: The attack does bashing damage.
Class: Beta
Class: Beta
Type: Tech, Mystic or Bio
Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve
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Class: Alpha
Class: Alpha
Type: Tech, Mystic or Bio
Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve
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Duel Purpose - With appropriate rational the power counts as more than one type. The second type is chosen at the same time as the first. A truly creative rational could incorporate all three types, making this a Gamma power.
Disable - Instead of the normal effect, each success on the activation roll removes one dot from one power for one turn per dot in Disrupt. It takes 2 successes to remove the last dot. Any effect that removes bashing damage can restore dots lost this way on a 1:1 basis.
Class: Beta
Class: Beta
Type: Mystic, Bio or Tech
Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve
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Class:  Alpha
Class:  Alpha
Type: Mystic
Cost:  Varies
Cost:  Varies
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Class: Omega
Class: Omega
Type: Mystic or Bio
Cost: 1 Verve  
Cost: 1 Verve  
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Class: Gamma
Class: Alpha
Type: Bio
Cost: --
Cost: --
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Effect: The character is incredibly resilient, able to take massive amounts of damage before showing signs of injury.  Every dot in Durability grants the character one additional health level.
Effect: The character is incredibly resilient, able to take massive amounts of damage before showing signs of injury.  Every dot in Durability grants the character one additional health level.
God Machine Chronicle Rules Update: If using the rules update treat this power as a beta power, due to the static nature of exp costs in the update.
Extras: None.
Extras: None.
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Class: Beta
Class: Beta
Type: Mystic or Bio
Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve
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The character may give their creation up to (Power Level) Durability.
The character may give their creation up to (Power Level) Durability.
If you are looking to have your character fling the element forward as an attack, see the Force Strike power with the Force Bolt Merit. If you want the character to be able to propel themselves along with the power, use a variant of the flight power.
If you are looking to have your character fling the element forward as an attack, see the Force Bolt power. If you want the character to be able to propel themselves along with the power, use a variant of the flight power.
Elemental Mastery has a rather large [[MTH:Power_Trees|Power Tree]] associated with it.
Elemental Mastery has a rather large [[MTH:Power_Trees|Power Tree]] associated with it.
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Empathic manipulation was removed as it essentially duplicates several Mega Skills and Mega Attributes for a cheaper cost.
Class: Beta
Type: Tech, Mystic, or Bio
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Manipulation + (Empathy) + Empathic Manipulation vs. target's Composure + Power Level
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive
Range: (Power Level + Empathic Manipulation) x 5 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character is able to manipulate the emotions of a target.  If the character wins the contested activation roll, he is able to increase or decrease the intensity of an emotion that the target is already feeling, or instill a mild version of an emotion that the current is not currently feeling: for example, on a successful activation roll, the character could turn passing interest into infatuation or burning anger into mild irritation, or instill a feeling of anxiety into a target who would otherwise have no reason to feel afraid.  On an exceptional success, the character is able to drastically alter the target's emotional state or instill a strong emotion where there was none previously: mild anxiety can turn to paralyzing terror or true love to apathy, or a previously calm and placid individual can suddenly explode into a furious rage.  Note that the character has no control over the target's behavior, only her emotional state, and it is up to the Storyteller to determine how Storyteller characters affected by this power would behave.  The emotional changes wrought by Empathic Manipulation fade at the end of the scene.
God Machine Chronicle variant: The character may spend a point of verve to add their Empathic Manipulation + Power Rating rating to a First Impressions roll or the rolls to open a Door.
Multiple Emotions - The character is able to affect multiple emotions at a time, one for every dot in Empathic Manipulation he has. If the character gains two successes above that which the
target rolls, they may impart an appropriate emotional Condition.
Single Emotion - The character can only ever affect one emotion, chosen when this power is first purchased.
Class: Alpha
Type: Tech, Bio, or Mystic
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Stamina + Energy Absorption x 2
Action: Reflexive
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character is able to draw energy from one type of damage (physical, mental, magic or energy), chosen when this power is first purchased. When this power is activated, the character ignores 1 damage per success of the chosen type, then adds 3 dice per damage ignored this way to a bonus pool. This pool can be added in whole or in part to the character's rolls in a specific way, most often boosting another power, and is expended after use as well as at the end of the scene.
Invigorating - Each 3 dice in the character's bonus pool grants a temporary Health level.
Reflect - Whenever this power reduces damage to 0, the character may reflexively roll Dexterity + (Athletics) + Energy Absorption as a ranged attack with a range of (Power Level + Energy Absorption) x 5 yards, which is treated as a firearm and deals the same type and severity of damage that was absorbed.
Single Source - The character can only absorb damage from a specific source, such as fire or metal.
Class: Beta
Class: Beta
Type: Tech, Bio or Mystic
Cost: N/A
Cost: N/A
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Class: Alpha
Class: Alpha
Type: Tech, or Bio
Cost: N/A
Cost: N/A
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Coordinated - As part of an all-out attack using Brawl, the character may add his Extra Arms dots to his dice pool.
Coordinated - As part of an all-out attack using Brawl, the character may add his Extra Arms dots to his dice pool.
Discrete - The appendages may be hidden or unmade when not in use. They may be retractable, dissipate into smoke or whatever else is appropriate for the rational supporting the power.
Indiscrete - The appendages may not be hidden or unmade when not in use. Otherwise assume they have some convenient means of being hidden.
Class: Alpha
Type: Tech, Bio, or Mystic
Class: Beta
Cost: None
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: N/A
Dice Pool: N/A
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When flying, strength isn't useful for lifting. In general, strength requires something to push against. When attempting to lift something while flying, us Flight + Athletics as opposed to Strength + Athletics. The same applies to attacks that would usually use Strength but are being done from the air. Flight + Weaponry or Brawl becomes the appropriate pool.
When flying, strength isn't useful for lifting. In general, strength requires something to push against. When attempting to lift something while flying, us Flight + Athletics as opposed to Strength + Athletics. The same applies to attacks that would usually use Strength but are being done from the air. Flight + Weaponry or Brawl becomes the appropriate pool.
The character can make a aerial attack provided they can get up to full speed before doing so, slamming their target with their body, or striking them with a limb or weapon. To get up to this speed, the character must spend one or more turns doing nothing but accelerating. This effectively works like an aiming, except that the character does not need to have a target until the turn in which they attack, and they may 'aim' this kind of attack for a number of turns up to their power's rating plus Power Level. The aerial attack isn't limited to the three bonus dice limit that aiming is, and it does not benefit from rules that further benefit aiming.
The character can make a aerial attack provided they can get up to full speed before doing so, slamming their target with their body, or striking them with a limb or weapon. To get up to this speed, the character must spend one or more turns doing nothing but accelerating. This effectively works like an aiming, except that the character does not need to have a target until the turn in which they attack, and they may 'aim' this kind of attack for a number of turns up to their power's rating plus Power Level. The aerial attack isn't limited to the three bonus dice limit that aiming is, and it does not benefit from rules that further benefit aiming.
The character's flight apparatus is visible, bulky and inconvenient, especially when not in flight. He may sport large wings, an integrated biomechanical jet-pack or be constantly wreathed in a cracking miasma of energy. This can cause difficulties in flight, requiring extra space, somewhere to run for a launch, or other conditions to be met. To avoid these issues see the Discrete extra below.
Gravitic Grounding - The character's flight method circumvents physics to some degree. They can use Strength in place of Flight for lifting or attacking.
Gravitic Grounding - The character's flight method circumvents physics to some degree. They can use Strength in place of Flight for lifting or attacking.
Discrete - The character's flight apparatus is much more convenient, possibly even invisible. The wings may disappear or retract, or the character may simply move through the air without them. The power carries no particular difficulties for use.
Indiscrete - The character's flight apparatus is visible, bulky and inconvenient, especially when not in flight. He may sport large wings, an integrated biomechanical jet-pack or be constantly wreathed in a cracking miasma of energy. This can cause difficulties in flight, requiring extra space, somewhere to run for a launch, or other conditions to be met. It typically looks a bit odd too, depending on the company, and may apply social penalties at the discretion of the ST. Characters without this weakness may have wings or other visible apparatus of flight, but they fold away neatly, disappear or otherwise aren't an issue unless this weakness is taken.
Class: Alpha
Class: Alpha
Type: Tech, Bio or Mystic
Cost: 0
Cost: 0
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The character effectively has a natural weapon which can be used at any time. It has an initiative modifier of (-3 + Force Strike), meaning that when first purchased the power has an initiative modifier of -2, and by the fifth dot it has a +2 modifier. The damage rating is equal to the character's Power Level.  
The character effectively has a natural weapon which can be used at any time. It has an initiative modifier of (-3 + Force Strike), meaning that when first purchased the power has an initiative modifier of -2, and by the fifth dot it has a +2 modifier. The damage rating is equal to the character's Power Level.  
The power should take the form of some sort of connected weapon, like fangs, claws, spiked fists, an energy discharge or anything else that seems like it would use the same rules.
The power need not manifest as literal claws, but should take the form of some sort of connected weapon, like fangs, spiked fists, a barbed tongue or anything else that seems like it would use the same rules.
Variation: Different rationals may allow for a different form of defense to be applicable. For example, if the strike is a discharge of psychic energy, it may use the lower of Resolve or Composure for the applicable armor.  
Variation: Different rationals may allow for a different form of defense to be applicable. For example, if the strike is a discharge of psychic energy, it may use the lower of Resolve or Composure for the applicable armor.  
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Class: Alpha
Class: Beta
Type: Tech or Mystic
Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve
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Area: N/A
Area: N/A
Duration: Scene
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character is able to absorb the damage from physical, mental, magic or energy-based attacks (choose two when the power is purchased).  Whenever the character takes damage from the appropriate source, she may activate this power to reduce that damage by one per dot in Force Field. 
This power can of course only be activated if the character is aware of an attack; it is therefore the perfect power to refluff as enhanced reflexes.
Effect: The character is able to absorb the damage from physical, mental, magic or energy-based attacks (choose two when the power is purchased).  Whenever the character takes damage from the appropriate source, she may activate this power reflexively. Treat the rating in this power as general and ballistic armor against the appropriate attack type while active.  
God Machine Chronicle Rules Variant: Treat the rating in this power as general armor against the appropriate attack type.  
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Versatile - The character's Force Field may absorb damage from an additional damage category.
Versatile - The character's Force Field may absorb damage from an additional damage category.
Distant Field - (cannot be taken with the Set Extra, below) The character may activate Force Field to protect someone else within Power Level + Force Field yards.
Barrier - (cannot be taken with the Set Extra, below) The character may activate Force Field to protect someone else within Power Level + Force Field yards.
Boosting - Each level of damage absorbed by this power creates a 'charge'. The charge grants a +1 bonus to some roll involving one chosen Attribute. These charges dissipate at the end of scene.
Boosting - Each level of damage absorbed by this power grants a +1 bonus to some future roll involving one chosen Attribute in the following turn.
Charging - If at least 3 damage is absorbed by this power at once, the next Verve cost paid by the character in the same scene is reduced by 1.
Charging - If at least 3 damage is absorbed by this power at once, the next Verve cost paid by the character in the same scene is reduced by 1.
Evocative - If at least 3+ damage is absorbed by this power over the course of the scene the character gains a condition chosen at the time the power is taken.
Set - The Duration for the effect becomes One Scene.
Ablative - Each level of damage absorbed by this power reduces the field's effectiveness by one until it is activated again.
Ablative - (may only be taken with Set Extra, above) Each level of damage absorbed by this power reduces the field's effectiveness by one until it is activated again.
Specialized - The character's Force Field may absorb damage from only one damage category.
Specialized - The character's Force Field may absorb damage from only one damage category.
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Class: Beta
Class: Beta
Type: Tech, Mystic or Bio
Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve
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Class: Gamma
Class: Gamma
Type: Tech, Bio or Mystic
Cost: Varies
Cost: Varies

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