Editing Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur: Yumi

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Yumi was a character in [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur]], played by rbingham2000
Yumi is a character in [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur]], played by rbingham2000
==Yumi Suenami (末浪由実) / Demon Hunter Yumi==
==Yumi Suenami (末浪由実) / Demon Hunter Yumi==
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* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur:NPCs#Sylvia Fan Pei Hsi, the Gunner Saint|Sylvia Fan Pei Hsi, the Gunner Saint]]: Sylvia is a magical girl who took Yumi under her wing soon after her contract with Kanzoutsukamu and taught her much of what she knows about demons and magic. She's known as the Gunner Saint because of the religious motif of her outfit and her formidable skills with the dual magical revolvers that she favors for fighting demons and rival magical girls. Sylvia most often works with Mr. Chang as a supernatural troubleshooter, with most of Yumi's early jobs having her assisting Sylvia in taking down demons, cultists and the occasional summoner who tried to make trouble for him. She has also lent aid to the Church of Violence on a number of occasions, usually involving taking out rival arms dealers, cultists, and those involved in the underground trade of tomes used to summon demons. She has a very standoffish relationship with Anton Lamonte, who she knows was once a summoner, and doesn't trust the man one bit. Sylvia is one of the only ''mahou shoujo'' who has fought Yumi's enemy, the Creeping Chaos with a Thousand Faces, and lived to tell the tale. She lost her entire team to the Awakened Demon on that horrible night -- Steel Witch Haruka, Fate Guardian Masami, Fire Invoker Ruby Heart, and her sempai, Crystal Warrior Marian, whose death bore a very troubling parallel to what happened to Yumi's sister, Yuri Suenami. Sylvia has never been the same since that night, and Yumi has sworn to avenge the deaths of Sylvia's fallen sisters-in-arms as well as her own sister's torture and the loss of her existence to the Awakened Demon.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur:NPCs#Sylvia Fan Pei Hsi, the Gunner Saint|Sylvia Fan Pei Hsi, the Gunner Saint]]: Sylvia is a magical girl who took Yumi under her wing soon after her contract with Kanzoutsukamu and taught her much of what she knows about demons and magic. She's known as the Gunner Saint because of the religious motif of her outfit and her formidable skills with the dual magical revolvers that she favors for fighting demons and rival magical girls. Sylvia most often works with Mr. Chang as a supernatural troubleshooter, with most of Yumi's early jobs having her assisting Sylvia in taking down demons, cultists and the occasional summoner who tried to make trouble for him. She has also lent aid to the Church of Violence on a number of occasions, usually involving taking out rival arms dealers, cultists, and those involved in the underground trade of tomes used to summon demons. She has a very standoffish relationship with Anton Lamonte, who she knows was once a summoner, and doesn't trust the man one bit. Sylvia is one of the only ''mahou shoujo'' who has fought Yumi's enemy, the Creeping Chaos with a Thousand Faces, and lived to tell the tale. She lost her entire team to the Awakened Demon on that horrible night -- Steel Witch Haruka, Fate Guardian Masami, Fire Invoker Ruby Heart, and her sempai, Crystal Warrior Marian, whose death bore a very troubling parallel to what happened to Yumi's sister, Yuri Suenami. Sylvia has never been the same since that night, and Yumi has sworn to avenge the deaths of Sylvia's fallen sisters-in-arms as well as her own sister's torture and the loss of her existence to the Awakened Demon.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur:NPCs#Anton Lamonte|Anton Lamonte]]: Once upon a time, Anton was a freelance demonologist who hired out to syndicates in need of supernatural firepower for jobs. But when he hired out his services for a demon cult that Yumi was hired to take down, the cult's leader recognized Anton as a former member of a powerful secret society in the occult underground, one which Anton had left after a falling out over their vile practice of torturing people to turn them into vectors for demonic possession. The leader, seeking to curry favor with the society in question, used his sorcery to turn the demon Anton summoned against him, had him beaten to within an inch of his life, and then, as a final humiliation, sought to have Anton sacrificed to the very demon he summoned. Despite Yumi's hatred for summoners (which is equal to her hatred of demons), she saved Anton's life and killed the leader and the demon that Anton helped to summon. He has since become something of a loremaster of things occult and demonic, with his extensive library containing many tomes of forgotten lore about demons, among them a certain volume by a certain mad Arab. Because many of the tomes of Anton's library are quite valuable to summoners, Anton takes their theft VERY seriously, and Yumi will often get hired to retrieve the tomes in question before they are used to unleash big bad nastiness upon the city. From time to time, Anton also feeds Yumi info on various goings-on in the occult underground, including info on demon cults and what they're up to, as well as summoners that Yumi has taken contracts on. Anton knows that he is only alive today because of Yumi, and Yumi has made it very clear what she will do to him if she finds out that he was involved in another demonic summoning, and it's ''not going to be pretty''.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur:NPCs#Anton Lamonte|Anton Lamonte]]: Once upon a time, Anton was a freelance demonologist who hired out to syndicates in need of supernatural firepower for jobs. But when he hired out his services for a demon cult that Yumi was hired to take down, the cult's leader recognized Anton as a former member of a powerful secret society in the occult underground, one which Anton had left after a falling out over their vile practice of torturing people to turn them into vectors for demonic possession. The leader, seeking to curry favor with the society in question, used his sorcery to turn the demon Anton summoned against him, had him beaten to within an inch of his life, and then, as a final humiliation, sought to have Anton sacrificed to the very demon he summoned. Despite Yumi's hatred for summoners (which is equal to her hatred of demons), she saved Anton's life and killed the leader and the demon that Anton helped to summon. He has since become something of a loremaster of things occult and demonic, with his extensive library containing many tomes of forgotten lore about demons, among them a certain volume by a certain mad Arab. Because many of the tomes of Anton's library are quite valuable to summoners, Anton takes their theft VERY seriously, and Yumi will often get hired to retrieve the tomes in question before they are used to unleash big bad nastiness upon the city. From time to time, Anton also feeds Yumi info on various goings-on in the occult underground, including info on demon cults and what they're up to, as well as summoners that Yumi has taken contracts on. Anton knows that he is only alive today because of Yumi, and Yumi has made it very clear what she will do to him if she finds out that he was involved in another demonic summoning, and it's ''not going to be pretty''.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur:NPCs#Yuri Suenami|Yuri Suenami, the Starlight Sentinel]]: For four long years, Yumi thought that her older sister was dead. One does not normally survive being eaten alive by a demon, much less an Awakened Demon, and especially not over four years. But through an accident of demonic awakening and a sheer refusal to die, Yuri has returned to Roanapur, where she was rescued from scumbags by BlackRoseWhisper and Longshot, and then reunited with Yumi. But while Yumi's older sister is alive, she is not whole. Much of her existence has been consumed by the Creeping Chaos with a Thousand Faces, and most of her memories are gone, but she has fought hard to hold on to the memories she has of her little sister. Because of the nature of her ordeal at the hands of the Creeping Chaos, Yuri appears to be the same age as she was on that horrible night while in her normal form, and she bears the distinctive scars of her torture at the Awakened Demon's hands on her back. As a newly minted and reawakened mahou shoujo, Yuri is possessed of a very strong protective instinct and a desire to save lives. She wants to help her sister how she can in this city, won't hesitate to kill if it means saving and protecting others, and will not tolerate anyone who seeks to hurt Yumi or make her suffer, physically or psychologically. However, she does not share Yumi's desire for vengeance, nor the brutality that her sister sometimes displays in dealing with especially hated enemies -- in fact, the only time she displays anything close to Yumi's level of fury is if a demon or maou shoujo tries to drain off a piece of her soul or that of Yumi or any of her friends, owing to her experience at the hands of the Thing Full of Spiders; or when dealing with abusive assholes, owing to her experience with Komura. That said, Yuri is still a bit inexperienced in the ways of the city, and still needs a bit of help dealing with some things. She does not like the dark or tight enclosed spaces, and owing to her encounter with the Weaver of Lies, she's developed a mild case of arachnophobia. The events of the Night From Hell, in which Honkukikaori used his Invocation in violation of the Pact to protect Yumi's enemy, Kukibatokubetsu, from Yumi herself, have made Yuri the only person in Roanapur to have been both a mahou shoujo and a maou shoujo. The fact that her beloved sister is only alive right now because of the bastard that hurt her in the first place is a source of bitter regret for Yumi, who regards the circumstances leading up to it as one of her biggest failures and has sworn ''never'' to fuck up this badly ever again.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur:NPCs#Yuri Suenami|Yuri Suenami, the Starlight Sentinel]]: For four long years, Yumi thought that her older sister was dead. One does not normally survive being eaten alive by a demon, much less an Awakened Demon, and especially not over four years. But through an accident of demonic awakening and a sheer refusal to die, Yuri has returned to Roanapur, where she was rescued from scumbags by BlackRoseWhisper and Longshot, and then reunited with Yumi. But while Yumi's older sister is alive, she is not whole. Much of her existence has been consumed by the Creeping Chaos with a Thousand Faces, and most of her memories are gone, but she has fought hard to hold on to the memories she has of her little sister. Because of the nature of her ordeal at the hands of the Creeping Chaos, Yuri appears to be the same age as she was on that horrible night while in her normal form, and she bears the distinctive scars of her torture at the Awakened Demon's hands on her back. As a newly minted and reawakened mahou shoujo, Yuri is possessed of a very strong protective instinct and a desire to save lives. She wants to help her sister how she can in this city, won't hesitate to kill if it means saving and protecting others, and will not tolerate anyone who seeks to hurt Yumi or make her suffer, physically or psychologically. However, she does not share Yumi's desire for vengeance, nor the brutality that her sister sometimes displays in dealing with especially hated enemies -- in fact, the only time she displays anything close to Yumi's level of fury is if a demon or maou shoujo tries to drain off a piece of her soul or that of Yumi or any of her friends, owing to her experience at the hands of the Thing Full of Spiders. That said, Yuri is still a bit inexperienced in the ways of the city, and still needs a bit of help dealing with some things. She does not like the dark or tight enclosed spaces, and owing to her encounter with the Weaver of Lies, she's developed a mild case of arachnophobia. The events of the Night From Hell, in which Honkukikaori used his Invocation in violation of the Pact to protect Yumi's enemy, Kukibatokubetsu, from Yumi herself, have made Yuri the only person in Roanapur to have been both a mahou shoujo and a maou shoujo. The fact that her beloved sister is only alive right now because of the bastard that hurt her in the first place is a source of bitter regret for Yumi, who regards the circumstances leading up to it as one of her biggest failures and has sworn ''never'' to fuck up this badly ever again.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur:NPCs#Anastasie Dupont|Anastasie Dupont]]: Manageress of La Colonial, a small restaurant that serves a mix of French and Thai cuisine. She runs the place with a firm but fair hand and doesn't suffer fools gladly. This means that she can be somewhat harsh with those who mess up, especially if she considers it a silly mistake to make. That being said she also looks out for her employees and offers good wages, advice and even a cheap place to sleep. Yuri Suenami has made the restaurant her new home following her reunion with Yumi, and Yumi has made the place a more frequent stop in order to check on her every now and then. However, Anastasie is also a bit of a ''mahou shoujo'' fangirl (her office is covered in posters and pictures) and wants nothing more than to get pictures with them -- and even better, to find out their secret identities. This aspect of Anastasie annoys Yumi to no end.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur:NPCs#Anastasie Dupont|Anastasie Dupont]]: Manageress of La Colonial, a small restaurant that serves a mix of French and Thai cuisine. She runs the place with a firm but fair hand and doesn't suffer fools gladly. This means that she can be somewhat harsh with those who mess up, especially if she considers it a silly mistake to make. That being said she also looks out for her employees and offers good wages, advice and even a cheap place to sleep. Yuri Suenami has made the restaurant her new home following her reunion with Yumi, and Yumi has made the place a more frequent stop in order to check on her every now and then. However, Anastasie is also a bit of a ''mahou shoujo'' fangirl (her office is covered in posters and pictures) and wants nothing more than to get pictures with them -- and even better, to find out their secret identities. This aspect of Anastasie annoys Yumi to no end.
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* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Megan "BlackRoseWhisper" Webster|Megan]]: (Friendly) Yumi respects Megan for her skills with the dual 1911s, similar in many ways to those of Sylvia herself. The two of them have fought together on several occasions, and often talk shop when they are at the Church of Violence, Yumi to see Sylvia and Megan to see Sister Magdalena. Yumi owes Megan a great deal for being one of the two mahou shoujo who brought her sister back to her.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Megan "BlackRoseWhisper" Webster|Megan]]: (Friendly) Yumi respects Megan for her skills with the dual 1911s, similar in many ways to those of Sylvia herself. The two of them have fought together on several occasions, and often talk shop when they are at the Church of Violence, Yumi to see Sylvia and Megan to see Sister Magdalena. Yumi owes Megan a great deal for being one of the two mahou shoujo who brought her sister back to her.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur: Riri|Riri]]: (Friendly) Riri saved Yumi's life when she was caught in an ambush by three mahou shoujo working for one of Chang's rivals in Hong Kong, and the two have worked together on several occasions since fighting demons and those they possess. She's by far the youngest of Yumi's associates, and is quite self-reliant for her age, but Yumi still feels a sense of responsibility for her and seeks to help keep her out of trouble when she's around.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur: Riri|Riri]]: (Friendly) Riri saved Yumi's life when she was caught in an ambush by three mahou shoujo working for one of Chang's rivals in Hong Kong, and the two have worked together on several occasions since fighting demons and those they possess. She's by far the youngest of Yumi's associates, and is quite self-reliant for her age, but Yumi still feels a sense of responsibility for her and seeks to help keep her out of trouble when she's around.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Noriko Netsuke|Noriko]]: (Professional) Yumi met Noriko during the battle with Zhao Jun, Huy Tran and their men, and fought alongside her against both Shub-Niggurath and Atlach-Nacha. Yumi was the one who suggested the moniker of "Blood Maiden" following the Hell-Mother battle, due to the very creepy power she developed during the battle in question. Noriko is a good girl to have at her side, though Yumi can't help but worry about her sometimes -- the Colombians seem to be after her, as well as a cop who won't leave her alone after a mission from Kitty which had her setting fires all over the city to destroy a demonic tome; and that's not even mentioning the rather unsettling nature of her new power and how she's choosing to use it.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Noriko Netsuke|Noriko]]: (Professional) Yumi met Noriko during the battle with Zhao Jun, Huy Tran and their men. The two of them have a common friend in Riri, though Yumi mainly knows Noriko as the girl who set some fires around Roanapur and led the police on a merry chase, as well as the one who stole Yumi's kill of Zhao Jun. She's not one to hold that against her though -- a dead demon's a dead demon.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Wang Xiahe|Xiahe]]: (Professional, reciprocated) Yumi and Xiahe are business partners when it comes to demonslaying. Yumi doesn't exactly trust her due to her background in the intelligence community, though she has given her good intel on demons in the past. Yumi prefers to meet face to face with Xiahe when they have to communicate with each other due to Xiahe being deaf, and Yumi has learned enough sign language to make herself understood when lip-reading isn't enough. Yumi's nickname for Xiahe, which also carries over with a different meaning to her mahou shoujo persona of Ghost Flower, is "spook chick". Yumi also has something of a soft spot for Xiahe's relationship with one Ingrid Manheim, and has become the resident "shipper on deck" in regards to the two. Stranger things have happened in Roanapur.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Wang Xiahe|Xiahe]]: (Professional, reciprocated) Yumi and Xiahe are business partners when it comes to demonslaying. Yumi doesn't exactly trust her due to her background in the intelligence community, though she has given her good intel on demons in the past. Yumi prefers to meet face to face with Xiahe when they have to communicate with each other due to Xiahe being deaf, and Yumi has learned enough sign language to make herself understood when lip-reading isn't enough. Yumi's nickname for Xiahe, which also carries over with a different meaning to her mahou shoujo persona of Ghost Flower, is "spook chick". Yumi also has something of a soft spot for Xiahe's relationship with one Ingrid Manheim, and has become the resident "shipper on deck" in regards to the two. Stranger things have happened in Roanapur.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Shizuka Otomitsu/"Shizuka the Moonlight Blade"|Shizuka]]: (Friendly, reciprocated) Despite their differences in class, Yumi helped Shizuka get accustomed to life in Roanapur, much like Sylvia did for her when she was first starting out following what happened to Yuri. Though her primary prey are demons and those that summon them, she's agreed to help Shizuka track down the assassin that got away -- she knows all too well what it feels like to lose someone you love. The two have saved each other's lives on numerous occasions, and Yumi's feelings toward Shizuka are developing into something more than just a friendship.
* [[Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur#Shizuka Otomitsu/"Shizuka the Moonlight Blade"|Shizuka]]: (Friendly, reciprocated) Despite their differences in class, Yumi helped Shizuka get accustomed to life in Roanapur, much like Sylvia did for her when she was first starting out following what happened to Yuri. Though her primary prey are demons and those that summon them, she's agreed to help Shizuka track down the assassin that got away -- she knows all too well what it feels like to lose someone you love. The two have saved each other's lives on numerous occasions, and Yumi's feelings toward Shizuka are developing into something more than just a friendship.
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* Xandria - Valentine
* Xandria - Valentine
* Xandria - Nightfall
* Xandria - Nightfall
* Hell Girl OST - Jigoku Rock
* Jigoku Rock - Hell Girl OST
* E Nomine - Schwarze Sonne
* E Nomine - Schwarze Sonne
* Immediate Music - Heart of Fury  
* Heart of Fury - Immediate Music
* Gackt - Until the Last Day
* Metal Gear Rising OST - Rules of Nature
====Character Themes====
====Character Themes====
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* Kelly Sweet - In the Air Tonight (Phil Collins cover)
* Kelly Sweet - In the Air Tonight (Phil Collins cover)
* In This Moment - Burn
* In This Moment - Burn
* Xandria - Forevermore

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